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# Connection
In native ADB architecture, once ADB **server** detects a new device, it initiates a connection by sending a `CNXN` [packet](./packet.md).
After optional [authentication](./authentication.md), the **daemon** responses with a `CNXN` packet to indicate success.
## `CNXN` Packet
| Field | Value | Description |
| --------- | ----------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| `command` | `0x4e584e43` | `CNXN` in UTF-8 encoding |
| `arg0` | See [Protocol Version](#protocol-version) | Highest supported version number |
| `arg1` | See [Protocol Version](#protocol-version) | Maximum supported payload size |
| `payload` | See [Device Banner](#device-banner) | Device banner |
## Protocol Version
ADB now has two versions, here are the differences:
| Version number | 0x01000000 | 0x01000001 |
| -------------------------------------- | -------------- | ------------------ |
| Android version | <9 | >=9 |
| Max payload size in each packet | 4 * 1024 bytes | 1024 * 1024 bytes |
| Does not validate the `checksum` field | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: |
In the first upstream (**server** to **daemon**) `CNXN` packet:
* `arg0` field SHOULD contains this **server**'s version (it can be lower, just will be slower).
* `arg1` MUST NOT exceed the max payload size for that version in above table.
* `checksum` MUST NOT be omitted. The version of **daemon** is not yet to know. When connecting to an older version, it may still validate the `checksum` can reject the connection.
In the response (**daemon** to **server**) `CNXN` packet:
* `arg0` field SHOULD contains this **daemon**'s version.
* `arg1` MUST NOT exceed the max payload size for that version in above table.
* `checksum` can be omitted if the **server**'s version is at least `0x01000001`. "Omit" means filling with anything, not removing the field entirely.
After exchanging `CNXN` packets, both sides pick the lowest version (whether can omit `checksum`) and lowest max payload size to use in further packets.
## Device Banner
Device banners describe device information and capabilities. It has the following format:
*DeviceBanner* **:**
*DeviceIdentifier* **::** *ParameterList* **\0**
*DeviceIdentifier* **:**
*ParameterList* **:**
*ParameterList* *Parameter*
*Parameter* **:**
*ParameterName* **=** *ParameterValue* **;**
*ParameterName* **:**
any character except **=** **,** **;**
*ParameterValue* **:**
*ParameterStringValue* **:**
any character except **=** **,** **;**
*ParameterListValue* **:**
*ParameterListValue* **,** *ParameterStringValue*
A device banner sent by **server** may look like this:
:::tip NULL Termination
The trailing `;` and `\0` are required in Android <9.
A device banner sent by **daemon** may look like this:
## Sequence Diagram
participant Client
participant Daemon
Client -> Daemon: CNXN (host::)
...Optional Authentication...
Daemon -> Client: CNXN (device::)