/** * An automatically generated file, based on interface.html. * An interesting problem in web development is managing HTML * code in JS files. Rather than embedding string literals and * concatenating them, or some other hackish soluion, * we simply convert an HTML file to a JS string. Therefore, * relevant edits should be in interface.html instead. * * The BlockPyInterface global can be seen as a constant * representation of the default interface. */ BlockPyInterface = "
Python Source Code
  • 检测不到连接端口

Run on AIY

This feature gives you the ability to run your AIY python code directly to the AIY Vision Kit or Voice Kit, follow the instruction below:

Step 1
Run the AIY Helper, Download the python code to local,
make sure you are in the same network with the Google AIY Vision Kit.
Step 2
Enter the IP Address of your Google AIY Kit:
Run Stop