/** * @license * Visual Blocks Editor * * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Library for creating scrollbars. * @author fraser@google.com (Neil Fraser) */ 'use strict'; goog.provide('Blockly.Scrollbar'); goog.provide('Blockly.ScrollbarPair'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.events'); /** * Class for a pair of scrollbars. Horizontal and vertical. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Workspace to bind the scrollbars to. * @constructor */ Blockly.ScrollbarPair = function(workspace) { this.workspace_ = workspace; this.hScroll = new Blockly.Scrollbar(workspace, true, true); this.vScroll = new Blockly.Scrollbar(workspace, false, true); this.corner_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('rect', {'height': Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness, 'width': Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness, 'class': 'blocklyScrollbarBackground'}, null); Blockly.Scrollbar.insertAfter_(this.corner_, workspace.getBubbleCanvas()); }; /** * Previously recorded metrics from the workspace. * @type {Object} * @private */ Blockly.ScrollbarPair.prototype.oldHostMetrics_ = null; /** * Dispose of this pair of scrollbars. * Unlink from all DOM elements to prevent memory leaks. */ Blockly.ScrollbarPair.prototype.dispose = function() { goog.dom.removeNode(this.corner_); this.corner_ = null; this.workspace_ = null; this.oldHostMetrics_ = null; this.hScroll.dispose(); this.hScroll = null; this.vScroll.dispose(); this.vScroll = null; }; /** * Recalculate both of the scrollbars' locations and lengths. * Also reposition the corner rectangle. */ Blockly.ScrollbarPair.prototype.resize = function() { // Look up the host metrics once, and use for both scrollbars. var hostMetrics = this.workspace_.getMetrics(); if (!hostMetrics) { // Host element is likely not visible. return; } // Only change the scrollbars if there has been a change in metrics. var resizeH = false; var resizeV = false; if (!this.oldHostMetrics_ || this.oldHostMetrics_.viewWidth != hostMetrics.viewWidth || this.oldHostMetrics_.viewHeight != hostMetrics.viewHeight || this.oldHostMetrics_.absoluteTop != hostMetrics.absoluteTop || this.oldHostMetrics_.absoluteLeft != hostMetrics.absoluteLeft) { // The window has been resized or repositioned. resizeH = true; resizeV = true; } else { // Has the content been resized or moved? if (!this.oldHostMetrics_ || this.oldHostMetrics_.contentWidth != hostMetrics.contentWidth || this.oldHostMetrics_.viewLeft != hostMetrics.viewLeft || this.oldHostMetrics_.contentLeft != hostMetrics.contentLeft) { resizeH = true; } if (!this.oldHostMetrics_ || this.oldHostMetrics_.contentHeight != hostMetrics.contentHeight || this.oldHostMetrics_.viewTop != hostMetrics.viewTop || this.oldHostMetrics_.contentTop != hostMetrics.contentTop) { resizeV = true; } } if (resizeH) { this.hScroll.resize(hostMetrics); } if (resizeV) { this.vScroll.resize(hostMetrics); } // Reposition the corner square. if (!this.oldHostMetrics_ || this.oldHostMetrics_.viewWidth != hostMetrics.viewWidth || this.oldHostMetrics_.absoluteLeft != hostMetrics.absoluteLeft) { this.corner_.setAttribute('x', this.vScroll.position_.x); } if (!this.oldHostMetrics_ || this.oldHostMetrics_.viewHeight != hostMetrics.viewHeight || this.oldHostMetrics_.absoluteTop != hostMetrics.absoluteTop) { this.corner_.setAttribute('y', this.hScroll.position_.y); } // Cache the current metrics to potentially short-cut the next resize event. this.oldHostMetrics_ = hostMetrics; }; /** * Set the sliders of both scrollbars to be at a certain position. * @param {number} x Horizontal scroll value. * @param {number} y Vertical scroll value. */ Blockly.ScrollbarPair.prototype.set = function(x, y) { // This function is equivalent to: // this.hScroll.set(x); // this.vScroll.set(y); // However, that calls setMetrics twice which causes a chain of // getAttribute->setAttribute->getAttribute resulting in an extra layout pass. // Combining them speeds up rendering. var xyRatio = {}; var hHandlePosition = x * this.hScroll.ratio_; var vHandlePosition = y * this.vScroll.ratio_; var hBarLength = this.hScroll.scrollViewSize_; var vBarLength = this.vScroll.scrollViewSize_; xyRatio.x = this.getRatio_(hHandlePosition, hBarLength); xyRatio.y = this.getRatio_(vHandlePosition, vBarLength); this.workspace_.setMetrics(xyRatio); this.hScroll.setHandlePosition(hHandlePosition); this.vScroll.setHandlePosition(vHandlePosition); }; /** * Helper to calculate the ratio of handle position to scrollbar view size. * @param {number} handlePosition The value of the handle. * @param {number} viewSize The total size of the scrollbar's view. * @return {number} Ratio. * @private */ Blockly.ScrollbarPair.prototype.getRatio_ = function(handlePosition, viewSize) { var ratio = handlePosition / viewSize; if (isNaN(ratio)) { return 0; } return ratio; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Class for a pure SVG scrollbar. * This technique offers a scrollbar that is guaranteed to work, but may not * look or behave like the system's scrollbars. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Workspace to bind the scrollbar to. * @param {boolean} horizontal True if horizontal, false if vertical. * @param {boolean=} opt_pair True if scrollbar is part of a horiz/vert pair. * @constructor */ Blockly.Scrollbar = function(workspace, horizontal, opt_pair) { this.workspace_ = workspace; this.pair_ = opt_pair || false; this.horizontal_ = horizontal; this.oldHostMetrics_ = null; this.createDom_(); /** * The upper left corner of the scrollbar's svg group. * @type {goog.math.Coordinate} * @private */ this.position_ = new goog.math.Coordinate(0, 0); if (horizontal) { this.svgBackground_.setAttribute('height', Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness); this.svgHandle_.setAttribute('height', Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness - 5); this.svgHandle_.setAttribute('y', 2.5); this.lengthAttribute_ = 'width'; this.positionAttribute_ = 'x'; } else { this.svgBackground_.setAttribute('width', Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness); this.svgHandle_.setAttribute('width', Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness - 5); this.svgHandle_.setAttribute('x', 2.5); this.lengthAttribute_ = 'height'; this.positionAttribute_ = 'y'; } var scrollbar = this; this.onMouseDownBarWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_( this.svgBackground_, 'mousedown', scrollbar, scrollbar.onMouseDownBar_); this.onMouseDownHandleWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(this.svgHandle_, 'mousedown', scrollbar, scrollbar.onMouseDownHandle_); }; /** * The size of the area within which the scrollbar handle can move. * @type {number} * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.scrollViewSize_ = 0; /** * The length of the scrollbar handle. * @type {number} * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.handleLength_ = 0; /** * The offset of the start of the handle from the start of the scrollbar range. * @type {number} * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.handlePosition_ = 0; /** * Whether the scrollbar handle is visible. * @type {boolean} * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.isVisible_ = true; /** * Width of vertical scrollbar or height of horizontal scrollbar. * Increase the size of scrollbars on touch devices. * Don't define if there is no document object (e.g. node.js). */ Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness = 15; if (goog.events.BrowserFeature.TOUCH_ENABLED) { Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness = 25; } /** * @param {!Object} first An object containing computed measurements of a * workspace. * @param {!Object} second Another object containing computed measurements of a * workspace. * @return {boolean} Whether the two sets of metrics are equivalent. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.metricsAreEquivalent_ = function(first, second) { if (!(first && second)) { return false; } if (first.viewWidth != second.viewWidth || first.viewHeight != second.viewHeight || first.viewLeft != second.viewLeft || first.viewTop != second.viewTop || first.absoluteTop != second.absoluteTop || first.absoluteLeft != second.absoluteLeft || first.contentWidth != second.contentWidth || first.contentHeight != second.contentHeight || first.contentLeft != second.contentLeft || first.contentTop != second.contentTop) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Dispose of this scrollbar. * Unlink from all DOM elements to prevent memory leaks. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.dispose = function() { this.cleanUp_(); Blockly.unbindEvent_(this.onMouseDownBarWrapper_); this.onMouseDownBarWrapper_ = null; Blockly.unbindEvent_(this.onMouseDownHandleWrapper_); this.onMouseDownHandleWrapper_ = null; goog.dom.removeNode(this.svgGroup_); this.svgGroup_ = null; this.svgBackground_ = null; this.svgHandle_ = null; this.workspace_ = null; }; /** * Set the length of the scrollbar's handle and change the SVG attribute * accordingly. * @param {number} newLength The new scrollbar handle length. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.setHandleLength_ = function(newLength) { this.handleLength_ = newLength; this.svgHandle_.setAttribute(this.lengthAttribute_, this.handleLength_); }; /** * Set the offset of the scrollbar's handle and change the SVG attribute * accordingly. * @param {number} newPosition The new scrollbar handle offset. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.setHandlePosition = function(newPosition) { this.handlePosition_ = newPosition; this.svgHandle_.setAttribute(this.positionAttribute_, this.handlePosition_); }; /** * Set the size of the scrollbar's background and change the SVG attribute * accordingly. * @param {number} newSize The new scrollbar background length. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.setScrollViewSize_ = function(newSize) { this.scrollViewSize_ = newSize; this.svgBackground_.setAttribute(this.lengthAttribute_, this.scrollViewSize_); }; /** * Set the position of the scrollbar's svg group. * @param {number} x The new x coordinate. * @param {number} y The new y coordinate. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y) { this.position_.x = x; this.position_.y = y; this.svgGroup_.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + this.position_.x + ',' + this.position_.y + ')'); }; /** * Recalculate the scrollbar's location and its length. * @param {Object=} opt_metrics A data structure of from the describing all the * required dimensions. If not provided, it will be fetched from the host * object. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.resize = function(opt_metrics) { // Determine the location, height and width of the host element. var hostMetrics = opt_metrics; if (!hostMetrics) { hostMetrics = this.workspace_.getMetrics(); if (!hostMetrics) { // Host element is likely not visible. return; } } if (Blockly.Scrollbar.metricsAreEquivalent_(hostMetrics, this.oldHostMetrics_)) { return; } this.oldHostMetrics_ = hostMetrics; /* hostMetrics is an object with the following properties. * .viewHeight: Height of the visible rectangle, * .viewWidth: Width of the visible rectangle, * .contentHeight: Height of the contents, * .contentWidth: Width of the content, * .viewTop: Offset of top edge of visible rectangle from parent, * .viewLeft: Offset of left edge of visible rectangle from parent, * .contentTop: Offset of the top-most content from the y=0 coordinate, * .contentLeft: Offset of the left-most content from the x=0 coordinate, * .absoluteTop: Top-edge of view. * .absoluteLeft: Left-edge of view. */ if (this.horizontal_) { this.resizeHorizontal_(hostMetrics); } else { this.resizeVertical_(hostMetrics); } // Resizing may have caused some scrolling. this.onScroll_(); }; /** * Recalculate a horizontal scrollbar's location and length. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.resizeHorizontal_ = function(hostMetrics) { // TODO: Inspect metrics to determine if we can get away with just a content // resize. this.resizeViewHorizontal(hostMetrics); }; /** * Recalculate a horizontal scrollbar's location on the screen and path length. * This should be called when the layout or size of the window has changed. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.resizeViewHorizontal = function(hostMetrics) { var viewSize = hostMetrics.viewWidth - 1; if (this.pair_) { // Shorten the scrollbar to make room for the corner square. viewSize -= Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness; } this.setScrollViewSize_(Math.max(0, viewSize)); var xCoordinate = hostMetrics.absoluteLeft + 0.5; if (this.pair_ && this.workspace_.RTL) { xCoordinate += Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness; } // Horizontal toolbar should always be just above the bottom of the workspace. var yCoordinate = hostMetrics.absoluteTop + hostMetrics.viewHeight - Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness - 0.5; this.setPosition(xCoordinate, yCoordinate); // If the view has been resized, a content resize will also be necessary. The // reverse is not true. this.resizeContentHorizontal(hostMetrics); }; /** * Recalculate a horizontal scrollbar's location within its path and length. * This should be called when the contents of the workspace have changed. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.resizeContentHorizontal = function(hostMetrics) { if (!this.pair_) { // Only show the scrollbar if needed. // Ideally this would also apply to scrollbar pairs, but that's a bigger // headache (due to interactions with the corner square). this.setVisible(this.scrollViewSize_ < hostMetrics.contentWidth); } this.ratio_ = this.scrollViewSize_ / hostMetrics.contentWidth; if (this.ratio_ == -Infinity || this.ratio_ == Infinity || isNaN(this.ratio_)) { this.ratio_ = 0; } var handleLength = hostMetrics.viewWidth * this.ratio_; this.setHandleLength_(Math.max(0, handleLength)); var handlePosition = (hostMetrics.viewLeft - hostMetrics.contentLeft) * this.ratio_; this.setHandlePosition(this.constrainHandle_(handlePosition)); }; /** * Recalculate a vertical scrollbar's location and length. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.resizeVertical_ = function(hostMetrics) { // TODO: Inspect metrics to determine if we can get away with just a content // resize. this.resizeViewVertical(hostMetrics); }; /** * Recalculate a vertical scrollbar's location on the screen and path length. * This should be called when the layout or size of the window has changed. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.resizeViewVertical = function(hostMetrics) { var viewSize = hostMetrics.viewHeight - 1; if (this.pair_) { // Shorten the scrollbar to make room for the corner square. viewSize -= Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness; } this.setScrollViewSize_(Math.max(0, viewSize)); var xCoordinate = hostMetrics.absoluteLeft + 0.5; if (!this.workspace_.RTL) { xCoordinate += hostMetrics.viewWidth - Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness - 1; } var yCoordinate = hostMetrics.absoluteTop + 0.5; this.setPosition(xCoordinate, yCoordinate); // If the view has been resized, a content resize will also be necessary. The // reverse is not true. this.resizeContentVertical(hostMetrics); }; /** * Recalculate a vertical scrollbar's location within its path and length. * This should be called when the contents of the workspace have changed. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.resizeContentVertical = function(hostMetrics) { if (!this.pair_) { // Only show the scrollbar if needed. this.setVisible(this.scrollViewSize_ < hostMetrics.contentHeight); } this.ratio_ = this.scrollViewSize_ / hostMetrics.contentHeight; if (this.ratio_ == -Infinity || this.ratio_ == Infinity || isNaN(this.ratio_)) { this.ratio_ = 0; } var handleLength = hostMetrics.viewHeight * this.ratio_; this.setHandleLength_(Math.max(0, handleLength)); var handlePosition = (hostMetrics.viewTop - hostMetrics.contentTop) * this.ratio_; this.setHandlePosition(this.constrainHandle_(handlePosition)); }; /** * Create all the DOM elements required for a scrollbar. * The resulting widget is not sized. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.createDom_ = function() { /* Create the following DOM: */ var className = 'blocklyScrollbar' + (this.horizontal_ ? 'Horizontal' : 'Vertical'); this.svgGroup_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('g', {'class': className}, null); this.svgBackground_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('rect', {'class': 'blocklyScrollbarBackground'}, this.svgGroup_); var radius = Math.floor((Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness - 5) / 2); this.svgHandle_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('rect', {'class': 'blocklyScrollbarHandle', 'rx': radius, 'ry': radius}, this.svgGroup_); Blockly.Scrollbar.insertAfter_(this.svgGroup_, this.workspace_.getBubbleCanvas()); }; /** * Is the scrollbar visible. Non-paired scrollbars disappear when they aren't * needed. * @return {boolean} True if visible. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.isVisible = function() { return this.isVisible_; }; /** * Set whether the scrollbar is visible. * Only applies to non-paired scrollbars. * @param {boolean} visible True if visible. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) { if (visible == this.isVisible()) { return; } // Ideally this would also apply to scrollbar pairs, but that's a bigger // headache (due to interactions with the corner square). if (this.pair_) { throw 'Unable to toggle visibility of paired scrollbars.'; } this.isVisible_ = visible; if (visible) { this.svgGroup_.setAttribute('display', 'block'); } else { // Hide the scrollbar. this.workspace_.setMetrics({x: 0, y: 0}); this.svgGroup_.setAttribute('display', 'none'); } }; /** * Scroll by one pageful. * Called when scrollbar background is clicked. * @param {!Event} e Mouse down event. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.onMouseDownBar_ = function(e) { this.workspace_.markFocused(); Blockly.Touch.clearTouchIdentifier(); // This is really a click. this.cleanUp_(); if (Blockly.isRightButton(e)) { // Right-click. // Scrollbars have no context menu. e.stopPropagation(); return; } var mouseXY = Blockly.mouseToSvg(e, this.workspace_.getParentSvg(), this.workspace_.getInverseScreenCTM()); var mouseLocation = this.horizontal_ ? mouseXY.x : mouseXY.y; var handleXY = Blockly.getSvgXY_(this.svgHandle_, this.workspace_); var handleStart = this.horizontal_ ? handleXY.x : handleXY.y; var handlePosition = this.handlePosition_; var pageLength = this.handleLength_ * 0.95; if (mouseLocation <= handleStart) { // Decrease the scrollbar's value by a page. handlePosition -= pageLength; } else if (mouseLocation >= handleStart + this.handleLength_) { // Increase the scrollbar's value by a page. handlePosition += pageLength; } this.setHandlePosition(this.constrainHandle_(handlePosition)); this.onScroll_(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; /** * Start a dragging operation. * Called when scrollbar handle is clicked. * @param {!Event} e Mouse down event. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.onMouseDownHandle_ = function(e) { this.workspace_.markFocused(); this.cleanUp_(); if (Blockly.isRightButton(e)) { // Right-click. // Scrollbars have no context menu. e.stopPropagation(); return; } // Look up the current translation and record it. this.startDragHandle = this.handlePosition_; // Record the current mouse position. this.startDragMouse = this.horizontal_ ? e.clientX : e.clientY; Blockly.Scrollbar.onMouseUpWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(document, 'mouseup', this, this.onMouseUpHandle_); Blockly.Scrollbar.onMouseMoveWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(document, 'mousemove', this, this.onMouseMoveHandle_); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; /** * Drag the scrollbar's handle. * @param {!Event} e Mouse up event. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.onMouseMoveHandle_ = function(e) { var currentMouse = this.horizontal_ ? e.clientX : e.clientY; var mouseDelta = currentMouse - this.startDragMouse; var handlePosition = this.startDragHandle + mouseDelta; // Position the bar. this.setHandlePosition(this.constrainHandle_(handlePosition)); this.onScroll_(); }; /** * Release the scrollbar handle and reset state accordingly. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.onMouseUpHandle_ = function() { Blockly.Touch.clearTouchIdentifier(); this.cleanUp_(); }; /** * Hide chaff and stop binding to mouseup and mousemove events. Call this to * wrap up lose ends associated with the scrollbar. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.cleanUp_ = function() { Blockly.hideChaff(true); if (Blockly.Scrollbar.onMouseUpWrapper_) { Blockly.unbindEvent_(Blockly.Scrollbar.onMouseUpWrapper_); Blockly.Scrollbar.onMouseUpWrapper_ = null; } if (Blockly.Scrollbar.onMouseMoveWrapper_) { Blockly.unbindEvent_(Blockly.Scrollbar.onMouseMoveWrapper_); Blockly.Scrollbar.onMouseMoveWrapper_ = null; } }; /** * Constrain the handle's position within the minimum (0) and maximum * (length of scrollbar) values allowed for the scrollbar. * @param {number} value Value that is potentially out of bounds. * @return {number} Constrained value. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.constrainHandle_ = function(value) { if (value <= 0 || isNaN(value) || this.scrollViewSize_ < this.handleLength_) { value = 0; } else { value = Math.min(value, this.scrollViewSize_ - this.handleLength_); } return value; }; /** * Called when scrollbar is moved. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.onScroll_ = function() { var ratio = this.handlePosition_ / this.scrollViewSize_; if (isNaN(ratio)) { ratio = 0; } var xyRatio = {}; if (this.horizontal_) { xyRatio.x = ratio; } else { xyRatio.y = ratio; } this.workspace_.setMetrics(xyRatio); }; /** * Set the scrollbar slider's position. * @param {number} value The distance from the top/left end of the bar. */ Blockly.Scrollbar.prototype.set = function(value) { this.setHandlePosition(this.constrainHandle_(value * this.ratio_)); this.onScroll_(); }; /** * Insert a node after a reference node. * Contrast with node.insertBefore function. * @param {!Element} newNode New element to insert. * @param {!Element} refNode Existing element to precede new node. * @private */ Blockly.Scrollbar.insertAfter_ = function(newNode, refNode) { var siblingNode = refNode.nextSibling; var parentNode = refNode.parentNode; if (!parentNode) { throw 'Reference node has no parent.'; } if (siblingNode) { parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, siblingNode); } else { parentNode.appendChild(newNode); } };