Blockly > Demos > Blockly Developer Tools

Block Factory
Block Exporter
Workspace Factory

First, select blocks from your block library by clicking on them. Then, use the Export Settings form to download starter code for selected blocks.

Block Selector

Export Settings

Currently Selected:

Export Preview

Block Definitions:


Generator Stubs:



Drag blocks into the workspace to configure the toolbox in your custom workspace.

Toolbox Workspace


Block Definition:


Generator stub:

20 65 120 160 210 230 260 290 330 10 1 10 1 1 1 9 45 0 3.1 64 10 50 1 100 1 100 abc text abc text text abc abc abc abc 5 list list list list , 100 50 0 #ff0000 #3333ff 0.5