Rows: %1 行:%1 seats = 座位= An airplane has two seats in the flight deck (for the pilot and co-pilot), and a number of rows of 1st class and 2nd class passenger seats. Each 1st class row contains four seats. Each 2nd class row contains five seats. 一架飞机除了有两个座位供正副驾驶员,还有一定量行数的头等及经济乘客座位。头等每行共四座,经济每行共五座。 ? Build a formula (below) that calculates the total number of seats on the airplane as the rows are changed (above). 于下方写出一条公式以计算飞机上的座位总数。 An airplane has two seats in the flight deck (for the pilot and co-pilot), and a number of rows of passenger seats. Each row contains four seats. 一架飞机除了有两个座位供正副驾驶员,还有一定量行数的乘客座位。每行共四座。 1st class rows (%1) 头等行(%1) 2nd class rows: %1 经济等行:%1 Seats: %1 座位:%1 Plane Seat Calculator 飞机座位计算器 rows (%1) 行 (%1) 1st class rows: %1 头等行:%1 An airplane has a number of rows of passenger seats. Each row contains four seats. 一架飞机有一定量行数的乘客座位,每行共四座。 2nd class rows (%1) 经济等行(%1)