// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Cross domain RPC library using the XD2 approach. * *
* Client sends a request across domain via a form submission. Server * receives these parameters: "xdpe:request-id", "xdpe:dummy-uri" ("xdpe" for * "cross domain parameter to echo back") and other user parameters prefixed * with "xdp" (for "cross domain parameter"). Headers are passed as parameters * prefixed with "xdh" (for "cross domain header"). Only strings are supported * for parameters and headers. A GET method is mapped to a form GET. All * other methods are mapped to a POST. Server is expected to produce a * HTML response such as the following: *
 * <body>
 * <script type="text/javascript"
 *     src="path-to-crossdomainrpc.js"></script>
 * var currentDirectory = location.href.substring(
 *     0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/')
 * );
 * // echo all parameters prefixed with "xdpe:"
 * var echo = {};
 * echo[goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO_REQUEST_ID] =
 *     <value of parameter "xdpe:request-id">;
 * echo[goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO_DUMMY_URI] =
 *     <value of parameter "xdpe:dummy-uri">;
 * goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.sendResponse(
 *     '({"result":"<responseInJSON"})',
 *     true,    // is JSON
 *     echo,    // parameters to echo back
 *     status,  // response status code
 *     headers  // response headers
 * );
 * </script>
 * </body>
* *
Server Side
* For an example of the server side, refer to the following files: * * *
System Requirements
* Tested on IE6, IE7, Firefox 2.0 and Safari nightly r23841. * */ goog.provide('goog.net.CrossDomainRpc'); goog.require('goog.Uri'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.dom.safe'); goog.require('goog.events'); goog.require('goog.events.EventTarget'); goog.require('goog.events.EventType'); goog.require('goog.html.SafeHtml'); goog.require('goog.log'); goog.require('goog.net.EventType'); goog.require('goog.net.HttpStatus'); goog.require('goog.string'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); /** * Creates a new instance of cross domain RPC. * * @extends {goog.events.EventTarget} * @constructor * @final */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc = function() { goog.events.EventTarget.call(this); }; goog.inherits(goog.net.CrossDomainRpc, goog.events.EventTarget); /** * Cross-domain response iframe marker. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_MARKER_ = 'xdrp'; /** * Use a fallback dummy resource if none specified or detected. * @type {boolean} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.useFallBackDummyResource_ = true; /** @type {Object} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.responseHeaders; /** @type {string} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.responseText; /** @type {number} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.status; /** @type {number} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.timeWaitedAfterResponseReady_; /** @private {boolean} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.responseTextIsJson_; /** @private {boolean} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.responseReady_; /** @private {!HTMLIFrameElement} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.requestFrame_; /** @private {goog.events.Key} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.loadListenerKey_; /** * Checks to see if we are executing inside a response iframe. This is the * case when this page is used as a dummy resource to gain caller's domain. * @return {*} True if we are executing inside a response iframe; false * otherwise. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.isInResponseIframe_ = function() { return window.location && (window.location.hash.indexOf(goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_MARKER_) == 1 || window.location.search.indexOf( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_MARKER_) == 1); }; /** * Stops execution of the rest of the page if this page is loaded inside a * response iframe. */ if (goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.isInResponseIframe_()) { if (goog.userAgent.EDGE_OR_IE) { document.execCommand('Stop'); } else if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) { window.stop(); } else { throw Error('stopped'); } } /** * Sets the URI for a dummy resource on caller's domain. This function is * used for specifying a particular resource to use rather than relying on * auto detection. * @param {string} dummyResourceUri URI to dummy resource on the same domain * of caller's page. */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.setDummyResourceUri = function(dummyResourceUri) { goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.dummyResourceUri_ = dummyResourceUri; }; /** * Sets whether a fallback dummy resource ("/robots.txt" on Firefox and Safari * and current page on IE) should be used when a suitable dummy resource is * not available. * @param {boolean} useFallBack Whether to use fallback or not. */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.setUseFallBackDummyResource = function(useFallBack) { goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.useFallBackDummyResource_ = useFallBack; }; /** * Sends a request across domain. * @param {string} uri Uri to make request to. * @param {Function=} opt_continuation Continuation function to be called * when request is completed. Takes one argument of an event object * whose target has the following properties: "status" is the HTTP * response status code, "responseText" is the response text, * and "headers" is an object with all response headers. The event * target's getResponseJson() method returns a JavaScript object evaluated * from the JSON response or undefined if response is not JSON. * @param {string=} opt_method Method of request. Default is POST. * @param {Object=} opt_params Parameters. Each property is turned into a * request parameter. * @param {Object=} opt_headers Map of headers of the request. */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.send = function( uri, opt_continuation, opt_method, opt_params, opt_headers) { var xdrpc = new goog.net.CrossDomainRpc(); if (opt_continuation) { goog.events.listen(xdrpc, goog.net.EventType.COMPLETE, opt_continuation); } goog.events.listen(xdrpc, goog.net.EventType.READY, xdrpc.reset); xdrpc.sendRequest(uri, opt_method, opt_params, opt_headers); }; /** * Sets debug mode to true or false. When debug mode is on, response iframes * are visible and left behind after their use is finished. * @param {boolean} flag Flag to indicate intention to turn debug model on * (true) or off (false). */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.setDebugMode = function(flag) { goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.debugMode_ = flag; }; /** * Logger for goog.net.CrossDomainRpc * @type {goog.log.Logger} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.logger_ = goog.log.getLogger('goog.net.CrossDomainRpc'); /** * Creates the HTML of an input element * @param {string} name Name of input element. * @param {*} value Value of input element. * @return {!goog.html.SafeHtml} HTML of input element with that name and value. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.createInputHtml_ = function(name, value) { return goog.html.SafeHtml.create('textarea', {'name': name}, String(value)); }; /** * Finds a dummy resource that can be used by response to gain domain of * requester's page. * @return {string} URI of the resource to use. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getDummyResourceUri_ = function() { if (goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.dummyResourceUri_) { return goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.dummyResourceUri_; } // find a style sheet if not on IE, which will attempt to save style sheet if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) { var links = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.LINK); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; // find a link which is on the same domain as this page // cannot use one with '?' or '#' in its URL as it will confuse // goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getFramePayload_() if (link.rel == 'stylesheet' && goog.Uri.haveSameDomain(link.href, window.location.href) && link.href.indexOf('?') < 0) { return goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.removeHash_(link.href); } } } var images = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.IMG); for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { var image = images[i]; // find a link which is on the same domain as this page // cannot use one with '?' or '#' in its URL as it will confuse // goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getFramePayload_() if (goog.Uri.haveSameDomain(image.src, window.location.href) && image.src.indexOf('?') < 0) { return goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.removeHash_(image.src); } } if (!goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.useFallBackDummyResource_) { throw Error( 'No suitable dummy resource specified or detected for this page'); } if (goog.userAgent.EDGE_OR_IE) { // use this page as the dummy resource; remove hash from URL if any return goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.removeHash_(window.location.href); } else { /** * Try to use "http:///robots.txt" which may exist. Even if * it does not, an error page is returned and is a good dummy resource to * use on Firefox and Safari. An existing resource is faster because it * is cached. */ var locationHref = window.location.href; var rootSlash = locationHref.indexOf('/', locationHref.indexOf('//') + 2); var rootHref = locationHref.substring(0, rootSlash); return rootHref + '/robots.txt'; } }; /** * Removes everything at and after hash from URI * @param {string} uri Uri to to remove hash. * @return {string} Uri with its hash and all characters after removed. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.removeHash_ = function(uri) { return uri.split('#')[0]; }; // ------------ // request side /** * next request id used to support multiple XD requests at the same time * @type {number} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.nextRequestId_ = 0; /** * Header prefix. * @type {string} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.HEADER = 'xdh:'; /** * Parameter prefix. * @type {string} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM = 'xdp:'; /** * Parameter to echo prefix. * @type {string} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO = 'xdpe:'; /** * Parameter to echo: request id * @type {string} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO_REQUEST_ID = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO + 'request-id'; /** * Parameter to echo: dummy resource URI * @type {string} */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO_DUMMY_URI = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO + 'dummy-uri'; /** * Cross-domain request marker. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.REQUEST_MARKER_ = 'xdrq'; /** * Sends a request across domain. * @param {string} uri Uri to make request to. * @param {string=} opt_method Method of request, 'GET' or 'POST' (uppercase). * Default is 'POST'. * @param {Object=} opt_params Parameters. Each property is turned into a * request parameter. * @param {Object=} opt_headers Map of headers of the request. */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.sendRequest = function( uri, opt_method, opt_params, opt_headers) { // create request frame var requestFrame = this.requestFrame_ = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.IFRAME); var requestId = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.nextRequestId_++; requestFrame.id = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.REQUEST_MARKER_ + '-' + requestId; if (!goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.debugMode_) { requestFrame.style.position = 'absolute'; requestFrame.style.top = '-5000px'; requestFrame.style.left = '-5000px'; } document.body.appendChild(requestFrame); // build inputs var inputs = []; // add request id inputs.push( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.createInputHtml_( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO_REQUEST_ID, requestId)); // add dummy resource uri var dummyUri = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getDummyResourceUri_(); goog.log.fine(goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.logger_, 'dummyUri: ' + dummyUri); inputs.push( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.createInputHtml_( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO_DUMMY_URI, dummyUri)); // add parameters if (opt_params) { for (var name in opt_params) { var value = opt_params[name]; inputs.push( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.createInputHtml_( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM + name, value)); } } // add headers if (opt_headers) { for (var name in opt_headers) { var value = opt_headers[name]; inputs.push( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.createInputHtml_( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.HEADER + name, value)); } } var requestFrameContentHtml = goog.html.SafeHtml.create( 'body', {}, goog.html.SafeHtml.create( 'form', {'method': opt_method == 'GET' ? 'GET' : 'POST', 'action': uri}, inputs)); var requestFrameDoc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(requestFrame); requestFrameDoc.open(); goog.dom.safe.documentWrite(requestFrameDoc, requestFrameContentHtml); requestFrameDoc.close(); requestFrameDoc.forms[0].submit(); requestFrameDoc = null; this.loadListenerKey_ = goog.events.listen(requestFrame, goog.events.EventType.LOAD, function() { goog.log.fine(goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.logger_, 'response ready'); this.responseReady_ = true; }, false, this); this.receiveResponse_(); }; /** * period of response polling (ms) * @type {number} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_POLLING_PERIOD_ = 50; /** * timeout from response comes back to sendResponse is called (ms) * @type {number} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.SEND_RESPONSE_TIME_OUT_ = 500; /** * Receives response by polling to check readiness of response and then * reads response frames and assembles response data * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.receiveResponse_ = function() { this.timeWaitedAfterResponseReady_ = 0; var responseDetectorHandle = window.setInterval(goog.bind(function() { this.detectResponse_(responseDetectorHandle); }, this), goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_POLLING_PERIOD_); }; /** * Detects response inside request frame * @param {number} responseDetectorHandle Handle of detector. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.detectResponse_ = function( responseDetectorHandle) { var requestFrameWindow = this.requestFrame_.contentWindow; var grandChildrenLength = requestFrameWindow.frames.length; var responseInfoFrame = null; if (grandChildrenLength > 0 && goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.isResponseInfoFrame_( responseInfoFrame = requestFrameWindow.frames[grandChildrenLength - 1])) { goog.log.fine(goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.logger_, 'xd response ready'); var responseInfoPayload = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getFramePayload_(responseInfoFrame) .substring(1); var params = new goog.Uri.QueryData(responseInfoPayload); var chunks = []; var numChunks = Number(params.get('n')); goog.log.fine( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.logger_, 'xd response number of chunks: ' + numChunks); for (var i = 0; i < numChunks; i++) { var responseFrame = requestFrameWindow.frames[i]; if (!responseFrame || !responseFrame.location || !responseFrame.location.href) { // On Safari 3.0, it is sometimes the case that the // iframe exists but doesn't have a same domain href yet. goog.log.fine( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.logger_, 'xd response iframe not ready'); return; } var responseChunkPayload = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getFramePayload_(responseFrame); // go past "chunk=" var chunkIndex = responseChunkPayload.indexOf(goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_CHUNK_) + goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_CHUNK_.length + 1; var chunk = responseChunkPayload.substring(chunkIndex); chunks.push(chunk); } window.clearInterval(responseDetectorHandle); var responseData = chunks.join(''); // Payload is not encoded to begin with on IE. Decode in other cases only. if (!goog.userAgent.EDGE_OR_IE) { responseData = decodeURIComponent(responseData); } this.status = Number(params.get('status')); this.responseText = responseData; this.responseTextIsJson_ = params.get('isDataJson') == 'true'; this.responseHeaders = /** @type {?Object} */ (JSON.parse( /** @type {string} */ (params.get('headers')))); this.dispatchEvent(goog.net.EventType.READY); this.dispatchEvent(goog.net.EventType.COMPLETE); } else { if (this.responseReady_) { /* The response has come back. But the first response iframe has not * been created yet. If this lasts long enough, it is an error. */ this.timeWaitedAfterResponseReady_ += goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_POLLING_PERIOD_; if (this.timeWaitedAfterResponseReady_ > goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.SEND_RESPONSE_TIME_OUT_) { goog.log.fine(goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.logger_, 'xd response timed out'); window.clearInterval(responseDetectorHandle); this.status = goog.net.HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; this.responseText = 'response timed out'; this.dispatchEvent(goog.net.EventType.READY); this.dispatchEvent(goog.net.EventType.ERROR); this.dispatchEvent(goog.net.EventType.COMPLETE); } } } }; /** * Checks whether a frame is response info frame. * @param {Object} frame Frame to check. * @return {boolean} True if frame is a response info frame; false otherwise. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.isResponseInfoFrame_ = function(frame) { try { return goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getFramePayload_(frame).indexOf( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_INFO_MARKER_) == 1; } catch (e) { // frame not ready for same-domain access yet return false; } }; /** * Returns the payload of a frame (value after # or ? on the URL). This value * is URL encoded except IE, where the value is not encoded to begin with. * @param {Object} frame Frame. * @return {string} Payload of that frame. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getFramePayload_ = function(frame) { var href = frame.location.href; var question = href.indexOf('?'); var hash = href.indexOf('#'); // On IE, beucase the URL is not encoded, we can have a case where ? // is the delimiter before payload and # in payload or # as the delimiter // and ? in payload. So here we treat whoever is the first as the delimiter. var delimiter = question < 0 ? hash : hash < 0 ? question : Math.min(question, hash); return href.substring(delimiter); }; /** * If response is JSON, evaluates it to a JavaScript object and * returns it; otherwise returns undefined. * @return {Object|undefined} JavaScript object if response is in JSON * or undefined. */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.getResponseJson = function() { return this.responseTextIsJson_ ? /** @type {?Object} */ (JSON.parse(this.responseText)) : undefined; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the request completed with a success. */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.isSuccess = function() { // Definition similar to goog.net.XhrIo.prototype.isSuccess. switch (this.status) { case goog.net.HttpStatus.OK: case goog.net.HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED: return true; default: return false; } }; /** * Removes request iframe used. */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.reset = function() { if (!goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.debugMode_) { goog.log.fine( goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.logger_, 'request frame removed: ' + this.requestFrame_.id); goog.events.unlistenByKey(this.loadListenerKey_); this.requestFrame_.parentNode.removeChild(this.requestFrame_); } delete this.requestFrame_; }; // ------------- // response side /** * Name of response info iframe. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_INFO_MARKER_ = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_MARKER_ + '-info'; /** * Maximal chunk size. IE can only handle 4095 bytes on its URL. * 16MB has been tested on Firefox. But 1MB is a practical size. * @type {number} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_ = goog.userAgent.EDGE_OR_IE ? 4095 : 1024 * 1024; /** * Query parameter 'chunk'. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_CHUNK_ = 'chunk'; /** * Prefix before data chunk for passing other parameters. * type String * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.CHUNK_PREFIX_ = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_MARKER_ + '=1&' + goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_CHUNK_ + '='; /** * Makes response available for grandparent (requester)'s receiveResponse * call to pick up by creating a series of iframes pointed to the dummy URI * with a payload (value after either ? or #) carrying a chunk of response * data and a response info iframe that tells the grandparent (requester) the * readiness of response. * @param {string} data Response data (string or JSON string). * @param {boolean} isDataJson true if data is a JSON string; false if just a * string. * @param {Object} echo Parameters to echo back * "xdpe:request-id": Server that produces the response needs to * copy it here to support multiple current XD requests on the same page. * "xdpe:dummy-uri": URI to a dummy resource that response * iframes point to to gain the domain of the client. This can be an * image (IE) or a CSS file (FF) found on the requester's page. * Server should copy value from request parameter "xdpe:dummy-uri". * @param {number} status HTTP response status code. * @param {string} headers Response headers in JSON format. */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.sendResponse = function( data, isDataJson, echo, status, headers) { var dummyUri = echo[goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.PARAM_ECHO_DUMMY_URI]; // since the dummy-uri can be specified by the user, verify that it doesn't // use any other protocols. (Specifically we don't want users to use a // dummy-uri beginning with "javascript:"). if (!goog.string.caseInsensitiveStartsWith(dummyUri, 'http://') && !goog.string.caseInsensitiveStartsWith(dummyUri, 'https://')) { dummyUri = 'http://' + dummyUri; } // usable chunk size is max less dummy URI less chunk prefix length // TODO(user): Figure out why we need to do "- 1" below var chunkSize = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_ - dummyUri.length - 1 - // payload delimiter ('#' or '?') goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.CHUNK_PREFIX_.length - 1; /* * Here we used to do URI encoding of data before we divide it into chunks * and decode on the receiving end. We don't do this any more on IE for the * following reasons. * * 1) On IE, calling decodeURIComponent on a relatively large string is * extremely slow (~22s for 160KB). So even a moderate amount of data * makes this library pretty much useless. Fortunately, we can actually * put unencoded data on IE's URL and get it back reliably. So we are * completely skipping encoding and decoding on IE. When we call * getFrameHash_ to get it back, the value is still intact(*) and unencoded. * 2) On Firefox, we have to call decodeURIComponent because location.hash * does decoding by itself. Fortunately, decodeURIComponent is not slow * on Firefox. * 3) Safari automatically encodes everything you put on URL and it does not * automatically decode when you access it via location.hash or * location.href. So we encode it here and decode it in detectResponse_(). * * Note(*): IE actually does encode only space to %20 and decodes that * automatically when you do location.href or location.hash. */ if (!goog.userAgent.EDGE_OR_IE) { data = encodeURIComponent(data); } var numChunksToSend = Math.ceil(data.length / chunkSize); if (numChunksToSend == 0) { goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.createResponseInfo_( dummyUri, numChunksToSend, isDataJson, status, headers); } else { var numChunksSent = 0; var checkToCreateResponseInfo_ = function() { if (++numChunksSent == numChunksToSend) { goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.createResponseInfo_( dummyUri, numChunksToSend, isDataJson, status, headers); } }; for (var i = 0; i < numChunksToSend; i++) { var chunkStart = i * chunkSize; var chunkEnd = chunkStart + chunkSize; var chunk = chunkEnd > data.length ? data.substring(chunkStart) : data.substring(chunkStart, chunkEnd); var responseFrame = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.IFRAME); responseFrame.src = dummyUri + goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getPayloadDelimiter_(dummyUri) + goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.CHUNK_PREFIX_ + chunk; document.body.appendChild(responseFrame); // We used to call the function below when handling load event of // responseFrame. But that event does not fire on IE when current // page is used as the dummy resource (because its loading is stopped?). // It also does not fire sometimes on Firefox. So now we call it // directly. checkToCreateResponseInfo_(); } } }; /** * Creates a response info iframe to indicate completion of sendResponse * @param {string} dummyUri URI to a dummy resource. * @param {number} numChunks Total number of chunks. * @param {boolean} isDataJson Whether response is a JSON string or just string. * @param {number} status HTTP response status code. * @param {string} headers Response headers in JSON format. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.createResponseInfo_ = function( dummyUri, numChunks, isDataJson, status, headers) { var responseInfoFrame = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.IFRAME); document.body.appendChild(responseInfoFrame); responseInfoFrame.src = dummyUri + goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getPayloadDelimiter_(dummyUri) + goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.RESPONSE_INFO_MARKER_ + '=1&n=' + numChunks + '&isDataJson=' + isDataJson + '&status=' + status + '&headers=' + encodeURIComponent(headers); }; /** * Returns payload delimiter, either "#" when caller's page is not used as * the dummy resource or "?" when it is, in which case caching issues prevent * response frames to gain the caller's domain. * @param {string} dummyUri URI to resource being used as dummy resource. * @return {string} Either "?" when caller's page is used as dummy resource or * "#" if it is not. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.getPayloadDelimiter_ = function(dummyUri) { return goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.REFERRER_ == dummyUri ? '?' : '#'; }; /** * Removes all parameters (after ? or #) from URI. * @param {string} uri URI to remove parameters from. * @return {string} URI with all parameters removed. * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.removeUriParams_ = function(uri) { // remove everything after question mark var question = uri.indexOf('?'); if (question > 0) { uri = uri.substring(0, question); } // remove everything after hash mark var hash = uri.indexOf('#'); if (hash > 0) { uri = uri.substring(0, hash); } return uri; }; /** * Gets a response header. * @param {string} name Name of response header. * @return {string|undefined} Value of response header; undefined if not found. */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.prototype.getResponseHeader = function(name) { return goog.isObject(this.responseHeaders) ? this.responseHeaders[name] : undefined; }; /** * Referrer of current document with all parameters after "?" and "#" stripped. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.REFERRER_ = goog.net.CrossDomainRpc.removeUriParams_(document.referrer);