// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Performance timer. * * {@see goog.testing.benchmark} for an easy way to use this functionality. * * @author attila@google.com (Attila Bodis) */ goog.setTestOnly('goog.testing.PerformanceTimer'); goog.provide('goog.testing.PerformanceTimer'); goog.provide('goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.async.Deferred'); goog.require('goog.math'); /** * Creates a performance timer that runs test functions a number of times to * generate timing samples, and provides performance statistics (minimum, * maximum, average, and standard deviation). * @param {number=} opt_numSamples Number of times to run the test function; * defaults to 10. * @param {number=} opt_timeoutInterval Number of milliseconds after which the * test is to be aborted; defaults to 5 seconds (5,000ms). * @constructor */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer = function(opt_numSamples, opt_timeoutInterval) { /** * Number of times the test function is to be run; defaults to 10. * @private {number} */ this.numSamples_ = opt_numSamples || 10; /** * Number of milliseconds after which the test is to be aborted; defaults to * 5,000ms. * @private {number} */ this.timeoutInterval_ = opt_timeoutInterval || 5000; /** * Whether to discard outliers (i.e. the smallest and the largest values) * from the sample set before computing statistics. Defaults to false. * @private {boolean} */ this.discardOutliers_ = false; }; /** * A function whose subsequent calls differ in milliseconds. Used to calculate * the start and stop checkpoint times for runs. Note that high performance * timers do not necessarily return the current time in milliseconds. * @return {number} * @private */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.now_ = function() { // goog.now is used in DEBUG mode to make the class easier to test. return !goog.DEBUG && window.performance && window.performance.now ? window.performance.now() : goog.now(); }; /** * @return {number} The number of times the test function will be run. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.getNumSamples = function() { return this.numSamples_; }; /** * Sets the number of times the test function will be run. * @param {number} numSamples Number of times to run the test function. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.setNumSamples = function(numSamples) { this.numSamples_ = numSamples; }; /** * @return {number} The number of milliseconds after which the test times out. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.getTimeoutInterval = function() { return this.timeoutInterval_; }; /** * Sets the number of milliseconds after which the test times out. * @param {number} timeoutInterval Timeout interval in ms. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.setTimeoutInterval = function( timeoutInterval) { this.timeoutInterval_ = timeoutInterval; }; /** * Sets whether to ignore the smallest and the largest values when computing * stats. * @param {boolean} discard Whether to discard outlier values. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.setDiscardOutliers = function(discard) { this.discardOutliers_ = discard; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether outlier values are discarded prior to computing * stats. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.isDiscardOutliers = function() { return this.discardOutliers_; }; /** * Executes the test function the required number of times (or until the * test run exceeds the timeout interval, whichever comes first). Returns * an object containing the following: *
 *   {
 *     'average': average execution time (ms)
 *     'count': number of executions (may be fewer than expected due to timeout)
 *     'maximum': longest execution time (ms)
 *     'minimum': shortest execution time (ms)
 *     'standardDeviation': sample standard deviation (ms)
 *     'total': total execution time (ms)
 *   }
* * @param {Function} testFn Test function whose performance is to * be measured. * @return {!Object} Object containing performance stats. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.run = function(testFn) { return this.runTask( new goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task( /** @type {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} */ (testFn))); }; /** * Executes the test function of the specified task as described in * {@code run}. In addition, if specified, the set up and tear down functions of * the task are invoked before and after each invocation of the test function. * @see goog.testing.PerformanceTimer#run * @param {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task} task A task describing the test * function to invoke. * @return {!Object} Object containing performance stats. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.runTask = function(task) { var samples = []; var testStart = goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.now_(); var totalRunTime = 0; var testFn = task.getTest(); var setUpFn = task.getSetUp(); var tearDownFn = task.getTearDown(); for (var i = 0; i < this.numSamples_ && totalRunTime <= this.timeoutInterval_; i++) { setUpFn(); var sampleStart = goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.now_(); testFn(); var sampleEnd = goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.now_(); tearDownFn(); samples[i] = sampleEnd - sampleStart; totalRunTime = sampleEnd - testStart; } return this.finishTask_(samples); }; /** * Finishes the run of a task by creating a result object from samples, in the * format described in {@code run}. * @see goog.testing.PerformanceTimer#run * @param {!Array} samples The samples to analyze. * @return {!Object} Object containing performance stats. * @private */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.finishTask_ = function(samples) { if (this.discardOutliers_ && samples.length > 2) { goog.array.remove(samples, Math.min.apply(null, samples)); goog.array.remove(samples, Math.max.apply(null, samples)); } return goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.createResults(samples); }; /** * Executes the test function of the specified task asynchronously. The test * function is expected to take a callback as input and has to call it to signal * that it's done. In addition, if specified, the setUp and tearDown functions * of the task are invoked before and after each invocation of the test * function. Note that setUp/tearDown functions take a callback as input and * must call this callback when they are done. * @see goog.testing.PerformanceTimer#run * @param {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task} task A task describing the test * function to invoke. * @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The deferred result, eventually an object * containing performance stats. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.runAsyncTask = function(task) { var samples = []; var testStart = goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.now_(); var testFn = task.getTest(); var setUpFn = task.getSetUp(); var tearDownFn = task.getTearDown(); // Note that this uses a separate code path from runTask() because // implementing runTask() in terms of runAsyncTask() could easily cause // a stack overflow if there are many iterations. var result = new goog.async.Deferred(); this.runAsyncTaskSample_( testFn, setUpFn, tearDownFn, result, samples, testStart); return result; }; /** * Runs a task once, waits for the test function to complete asynchronously * and starts another run if not enough samples have been collected. Otherwise * finishes this task. * @param {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} testFn The test function. * @param {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} setUpFn The set up * function that will be called once before the test function is run. * @param {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} tearDownFn The set up * function that will be called once after the test function completed. * @param {!goog.async.Deferred} result The deferred result, eventually an * object containing performance stats. * @param {!Array} samples The time samples from all runs of the test * function so far. * @param {number} testStart The timestamp when the first sample was started. * @private */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.runAsyncTaskSample_ = function( testFn, setUpFn, tearDownFn, result, samples, testStart) { var timer = this; timer.handleOptionalDeferred_(setUpFn, function() { var sampleStart = goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.now_(); timer.handleOptionalDeferred_(testFn, function() { var sampleEnd = goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.now_(); timer.handleOptionalDeferred_(tearDownFn, function() { samples.push(sampleEnd - sampleStart); var totalRunTime = sampleEnd - testStart; if (samples.length < timer.numSamples_ && totalRunTime <= timer.timeoutInterval_) { timer.runAsyncTaskSample_( testFn, setUpFn, tearDownFn, result, samples, testStart); } else { result.callback(timer.finishTask_(samples)); } }); }); }); }; /** * Execute a function that optionally returns a deferred object and continue * with the given continuation function only once the deferred object has a * result. * @param {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} deferredFactory The * function that optionally returns a deferred object. * @param {function()} continuationFunction The function that should be called * after the optional deferred has a result. * @private */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.prototype.handleOptionalDeferred_ = function( deferredFactory, continuationFunction) { var deferred = deferredFactory(); if (deferred) { deferred.addCallback(continuationFunction); } else { continuationFunction(); } }; /** * Creates a performance timer results object by analyzing a given array of * sample timings. * @param {!Array} samples The samples to analyze. * @return {!Object} Object containing performance stats. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.createResults = function(samples) { return { 'average': goog.math.average.apply(null, samples), 'count': samples.length, 'maximum': Math.max.apply(null, samples), 'minimum': Math.min.apply(null, samples), 'standardDeviation': goog.math.standardDeviation.apply(null, samples), 'total': goog.math.sum.apply(null, samples) }; }; /** * A test function whose performance should be measured or a setUp/tearDown * function. It may optionally return a deferred object. If it does so, the * test harness will assume the function is asynchronous and it must signal * that it's done by setting an (empty) result on the deferred object. If the * function doesn't return anything, the test harness will assume it's * synchronous. * @typedef {function():(goog.async.Deferred|undefined)} */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction; /** * A task for the performance timer to measure. Callers can specify optional * setUp and tearDown methods to control state before and after each run of the * test function. * @param {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} test Test function whose * performance is to be measured. * @constructor * @final */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task = function(test) { /** * The test function to time. * @type {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} * @private */ this.test_ = test; }; /** * An optional set up function to run before each invocation of the test * function. * @type {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} * @private */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task.prototype.setUp_ = goog.nullFunction; /** * An optional tear down function to run after each invocation of the test * function. * @type {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} * @private */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task.prototype.tearDown_ = goog.nullFunction; /** * @return {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} The test function to * time. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task.prototype.getTest = function() { return this.test_; }; /** * Specifies a set up function to be invoked before each invocation of the test * function. * @param {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} setUp The set up * function. * @return {!goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task} This task. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task.prototype.withSetUp = function(setUp) { this.setUp_ = setUp; return this; }; /** * @return {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} The set up function or * the default no-op function if none was specified. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task.prototype.getSetUp = function() { return this.setUp_; }; /** * Specifies a tear down function to be invoked after each invocation of the * test function. * @param {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} tearDown The tear down * function. * @return {!goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task} This task. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task.prototype.withTearDown = function(tearDown) { this.tearDown_ = tearDown; return this; }; /** * @return {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.TestFunction} The tear down function * or the default no-op function if none was specified. */ goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task.prototype.getTearDown = function() { return this.tearDown_; };