// Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview A utility class for making layout assertions. This is a port * of http://go/layoutbot.java * See {@link http://go/layouttesting}. */ goog.setTestOnly('goog.testing.style.layoutasserts'); goog.provide('goog.testing.style.layoutasserts'); goog.require('goog.style'); goog.require('goog.testing.asserts'); goog.require('goog.testing.style'); /** * Asserts that an element has: * 1 - a CSS rendering the makes the element visible. * 2 - a non-zero width and height. * @param {Element|string} a The element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element=} opt_b The element when a comment string is present. */ var assertIsVisible = function(a, opt_b) { _validateArguments(1, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 1, arguments); _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), goog.testing.style.isVisible(element) && goog.testing.style.hasVisibleDimensions(element), 'Specified element should be visible.'); }; /** * The counter assertion of assertIsVisible(). * @param {Element|string} a The element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element=} opt_b The element when a comment string is present. */ var assertNotVisible = function(a, opt_b) { _validateArguments(1, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 1, arguments); if (!element) { return; } _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), !goog.testing.style.isVisible(element) || !goog.testing.style.hasVisibleDimensions(element), 'Specified element should not be visible.'); }; /** * Asserts that the two specified elements intersect. * @param {Element|string} a The first element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element} b The second element or the first element if comment string * is present. * @param {Element=} opt_c The second element if comment string is present. */ var assertIntersect = function(a, b, opt_c) { _validateArguments(2, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 2, arguments); var otherElement = nonCommentArg(2, 2, arguments); _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), goog.testing.style.intersects(element, otherElement), 'Elements should intersect.'); }; /** * Asserts that the two specified elements do not intersect. * @param {Element|string} a The first element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element} b The second element or the first element if comment string * is present. * @param {Element=} opt_c The second element if comment string is present. */ var assertNoIntersect = function(a, b, opt_c) { _validateArguments(2, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 2, arguments); var otherElement = nonCommentArg(2, 2, arguments); _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), !goog.testing.style.intersects(element, otherElement), 'Elements should not intersect.'); }; /** * Asserts that the element must have the specified width. * @param {Element|string} a The first element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element} b The second element or the first element if comment string * is present. * @param {Element=} opt_c The second element if comment string is present. */ var assertWidth = function(a, b, opt_c) { _validateArguments(2, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 2, arguments); var width = nonCommentArg(2, 2, arguments); var size = goog.style.getSize(element); var elementWidth = size.width; _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), goog.testing.style.layoutasserts.isWithinThreshold_( width, elementWidth, 0 /* tolerance */), 'Element should have width ' + width + ' but was ' + elementWidth + '.'); }; /** * Asserts that the element must have the specified width within the specified * tolerance. * @param {Element|string} a The element or optionally the comment string. * @param {number|Element} b The height or the element if comment string is * present. * @param {number} c The tolerance or the height if comment string is * present. * @param {number=} opt_d The tolerance if comment string is present. */ var assertWidthWithinTolerance = function(a, b, c, opt_d) { _validateArguments(3, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 3, arguments); var width = nonCommentArg(2, 3, arguments); var tolerance = nonCommentArg(3, 3, arguments); var size = goog.style.getSize(element); var elementWidth = size.width; _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), goog.testing.style.layoutasserts.isWithinThreshold_( width, elementWidth, tolerance), 'Element width(' + elementWidth + ') should be within given width(' + width + ') with tolerance value of ' + tolerance + '.'); }; /** * Asserts that the element must have the specified height. * @param {Element|string} a The first element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element} b The second element or the first element if comment string * is present. * @param {Element=} opt_c The second element if comment string is present. */ var assertHeight = function(a, b, opt_c) { _validateArguments(2, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 2, arguments); var height = nonCommentArg(2, 2, arguments); var size = goog.style.getSize(element); var elementHeight = size.height; _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), goog.testing.style.layoutasserts.isWithinThreshold_( height, elementHeight, 0 /* tolerance */), 'Element should have height ' + height + '.'); }; /** * Asserts that the element must have the specified height within the specified * tolerance. * @param {Element|string} a The element or optionally the comment string. * @param {number|Element} b The height or the element if comment string is * present. * @param {number} c The tolerance or the height if comment string is * present. * @param {number=} opt_d The tolerance if comment string is present. */ var assertHeightWithinTolerance = function(a, b, c, opt_d) { _validateArguments(3, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 3, arguments); var height = nonCommentArg(2, 3, arguments); var tolerance = nonCommentArg(3, 3, arguments); var size = goog.style.getSize(element); var elementHeight = size.height; _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), goog.testing.style.layoutasserts.isWithinThreshold_( height, elementHeight, tolerance), 'Element width(' + elementHeight + ') should be within given width(' + height + ') with tolerance value of ' + tolerance + '.'); }; /** * Asserts that the first element is to the left of the second element. * @param {Element|string} a The first element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element} b The second element or the first element if comment string * is present. * @param {Element=} opt_c The second element if comment string is present. */ var assertIsLeftOf = function(a, b, opt_c) { _validateArguments(2, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 2, arguments); var otherElement = nonCommentArg(2, 2, arguments); var elementRect = goog.style.getBounds(element); var otherElementRect = goog.style.getBounds(otherElement); _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), elementRect.left < otherElementRect.left, 'Elements should be left to right.'); }; /** * Asserts that the first element is strictly left of the second element. * @param {Element|string} a The first element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element} b The second element or the first element if comment string * is present. * @param {Element=} opt_c The second element if comment string is present. */ var assertIsStrictlyLeftOf = function(a, b, opt_c) { _validateArguments(2, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 2, arguments); var otherElement = nonCommentArg(2, 2, arguments); var elementRect = goog.style.getBounds(element); var otherElementRect = goog.style.getBounds(otherElement); _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), elementRect.left + elementRect.width < otherElementRect.left, 'Elements should be strictly left to right.'); }; /** * Asserts that the first element is higher than the second element. * @param {Element|string} a The first element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element} b The second element or the first element if comment string * is present. * @param {Element=} opt_c The second element if comment string is present. */ var assertIsAbove = function(a, b, opt_c) { _validateArguments(2, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 2, arguments); var otherElement = nonCommentArg(2, 2, arguments); var elementRect = goog.style.getBounds(element); var otherElementRect = goog.style.getBounds(otherElement); _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), elementRect.top < otherElementRect.top, 'Elements should be top to bottom.'); }; /** * Asserts that the first element is strictly higher than the second element. * @param {Element|string} a The first element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element} b The second element or the first element if comment string * is present. * @param {Element=} opt_c The second element if comment string is present. */ var assertIsStrictlyAbove = function(a, b, opt_c) { _validateArguments(2, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 2, arguments); var otherElement = nonCommentArg(2, 2, arguments); var elementRect = goog.style.getBounds(element); var otherElementRect = goog.style.getBounds(otherElement); _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), elementRect.top + elementRect.height < otherElementRect.top, 'Elements should be strictly top to bottom.'); }; /** * Asserts that the first element's bounds contain the bounds of the second * element. * @param {Element|string} a The first element or optionally the comment string. * @param {Element} b The second element or the first element if comment string * is present. * @param {Element=} opt_c The second element if comment string is present. */ var assertContained = function(a, b, opt_c) { _validateArguments(2, arguments); var element = nonCommentArg(1, 2, arguments); var otherElement = nonCommentArg(2, 2, arguments); var elementRect = goog.style.getBounds(element); var otherElementRect = goog.style.getBounds(otherElement); _assert( commentArg(1, arguments), elementRect.contains(otherElementRect), 'Element should be contained within the other element.'); }; /** * Returns true if the difference between val1 and val2 is less than or equal to * the threashold. * @param {number} val1 The first value. * @param {number} val2 The second value. * @param {number} threshold The threshold value. * @return {boolean} Whether or not the the values are within the threshold. * @private */ goog.testing.style.layoutasserts.isWithinThreshold_ = function( val1, val2, threshold) { return Math.abs(val1 - val2) <= threshold; };