Send Data
import json from maix import mjpg from maix import utils import base64 import time import os import sys sys.path.append("/root/") import http.client import smbus2 from CocoPi import singleRgb singleRgb=singleRgb() import requests from CocoPi import multiFuncGpio import _coco_mfcc from maix import camera from maix import display from maix import image from maix import nn from import face from import FaceRecognize from maix.nn import decoder class Face_Recognizer: def __init__(self, threshold = 0.5, nms = 0.3, max_face_num = 1): model = "/root/preset/model/retinaface.mud" model_fe = "/root/preset/model/fe_resnet.mud" self.input_size = (224, 224, 3) input_size_fe = (128, 128, 3) self.feature_len = 256 self.features = [] print("-- load model:", model) m = nn.load(model) print("-- load ok") print("-- load model:", model_fe) m_fe = nn.load(model_fe) print("-- load ok") self.recognizer = FaceRecognize(m, m_fe, self.feature_len, self.input_size, threshold, nms, max_face_num) print("-- init end") def get_faces(self, img, std_img = False): faces = self.recognizer.get_faces(img, std_img) return faces def __len__(self): return len(self.features) def add_user(self, name, feature): self.features.append([name, feature]) return True def remove_user(self, name_del): rm = None for name, feature in self.features: if name_del == name: rm = [name, feature] if rm: self.features.remove(rm) return True return False def recognize(self, feature): max_score = 0 uid = -1 for i, user in enumerate(self.features): score =[1], feature) if score > max_score: max_score = score uid = i if uid >= 0: return self.features[uid][0], max_score return None, 0 def get_input_size(self): return self.input_size def get_feature_len(self): return self.feature_len def darw_info(self, img, box, points, disp_str, bg_color=(255, 0, 0, 255), font_color=(255, 255, 255, 255), font_size=32): font_wh = image.get_string_size(disp_str) for p in points: img.draw_rectangle(p[0] - 1, p[1] -1, p[0] + 1, p[1] + 1, color=bg_color) img.draw_rectangle(box[0], box[1], box[0] + box[2], box[1] + box[3], color=bg_color, thickness=2) if disp_str: img.draw_rectangle(box[0], box[1] - font_wh[1], box[0] + font_wh[0], box[1], color=bg_color, thickness = -1) img.draw_string(box[0], box[1] - font_wh[1], disp_str, color=font_color) def map_face(self,box,points,IMAGEFACESHOW): # print(box,points) for p in points: IMAGEFACESHOW.draw_rectangle(p[0] - 1, p[1] -1, p[0] + 1, p[1] + 1, color=(255,200,255)) #return box,points def darw_title(self, img, dis_size ,key_l = None, key_r =None): if key_C: key_l = "| "+ key_l img.draw_string( 1, 2 ,key_l , scale = 1, color = (255, 255, 255), thickness = 2) if key_D: key_r = key_r+" |" w = int(dis_size[0] - 4 - image.get_string_size(key_r)[0] * 1) img.draw_string( w, 2 ,key_r , scale = 1, color = (255, 255, 255), thickness = 2) FACERECGNIZER = Face_Recognizer(0.5, 0.3, max_face_num = 4) try: with open("/root/user/model/", "r") as file: FACERECGNIZER.features = json.loads( except: pass def v831_display_show_img_recognized(displayShow): global _img_recognized_y,_img_recognized_x,ScreenOrientation,cameraSize CANVASSHOWIMGAGE = "" if ScreenOrientation: displayShowCanvas = = (240, 320)) displayShowCanvas.draw_rectangle(0,0,240,320, color=(0,0,0), thickness=-1) displayShowCanvas.draw_image(displayShow,_img_recognized_x,_img_recognized_y,alpha=1) displayShowVER = displayShowCanvas.crop(0,0,240,320) displayShowVER = displayShowVER.rotate(-90, adjust=1) else: displayShowCanvas = = (320, 240)) displayShowCanvas.draw_rectangle(0,0,320,240, color=(0,0,0), thickness=-1) displayShowCanvas.draw_image(displayShow,_img_recognized_x,_img_recognized_y,alpha=1) def _E4_BA_BA_E8_87_89_E8_AD_98_E5_88_A5(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST FACESRECOGNITONRESULT = FACERECGNIZER.get_faces(img_recognized) if len(FACESRECOGNITONRESULT): for i in FACESRECOGNITONRESULT: FACERECGNIZER.map_face(i[1],i[2],img_recognized) if FACERECGNIZER.recognize(i[3])[1] > 70: img_recognized.draw_string(0,0, FACERECGNIZER.recognize(i[3])[0], scale = 1, color = (51,204,0) , thickness = 1) img_recognized.draw_rectangle(i[1][0],i[1][1], i[1][0]+i[1][2],i[1][1]+ i[1][3], color=(51,204,0), thickness=1) state = "歡迎語" else: img_recognized.draw_rectangle(i[1][0],i[1][1], i[1][0]+i[1][2],i[1][1]+ i[1][3], color=(255,255,255), thickness=1) v831_display_show_img_recognized(img_recognized) def getNetworkDate_noexit(): global getDateNum try: coon = http.client.HTTPConnection("") coon.request("GET","/") r = coon.getresponse() ts = r.getheader("date") GMT_time = time.strptime(ts[5:25],"%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") BeiJing_time = time.localtime(time.mktime(GMT_time) + 8*60*60) format_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",BeiJing_time) command = "date -s "+"\"{}\"".format(format_time) os.system(command) getDateNum = 1 # sys.exit() except: pass def wifi_is_content(): global getDateNum cmd = "ping -c 4" res = os.popen(cmd).read() data = False if res: data = True return data def Wi_Fi_E9_80_A3_E6_8E_A5(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST WiFiSSID = "CocoRobo_SZ" WiFiPSD = "cocorobo2019" os.system("wifi_disconnect_ap_test") os.system("wifi_connect_chinese_ap_test "+WiFiSSID+" "+WiFiPSD+"") #CLIENT = ntplib.NTPClient() #RESPONSE = CLIENT.request('') getNetworkDate_noexit() while not (wifi_is_content()): singleRgb.setBrightness(5) singleRgb.setColor(255,0,0) time.sleep(0.05) singleRgb.setBrightness(5) singleRgb.setColor(0,255,0) time.sleep(0.05) def v831_display_show_canvas(displayShow): global _canvas_y,_canvas_x,ScreenOrientation,cameraSize CANVASSHOWIMGAGE = "" if ScreenOrientation: displayShowCanvas = = (240, 320)) displayShowCanvas.draw_rectangle(0,0,240,320, color=(0,0,0), thickness=-1) displayShowCanvas.draw_image(displayShow,_canvas_x,_canvas_y,alpha=1) displayShowVER = displayShowCanvas.crop(0,0,240,320) displayShowVER = displayShowVER.rotate(-90, adjust=1) else: displayShowCanvas = = (320, 240)) displayShowCanvas.draw_rectangle(0,0,320,240, color=(0,0,0), thickness=-1) displayShowCanvas.draw_image(displayShow,_canvas_x,_canvas_y,alpha=1) def _E8_AA_9E_E9_9F_B3_E8_AD_98_E5_88_A5(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST if RecordState == 0: mfcc.recognize() recordResultData = None time.sleep(1) RecordState = 1 if RecordState == 1: recordData = mfcc.state() if recordData == mfcc._mfcc_result: recordResultData = mfcc.result() time.sleep(1) RecordState = 0 canvas.clear() if recordResultData == 0: canvas.draw_string(0,30, "I want to borrow a ball.", scale = 1, color = (51,204,0) , thickness = 1) v831_display_show_canvas(canvas) state = "借球提示語" elif recordResultData == 1: canvas.draw_string(0,30, "Here's the ball back!", scale = 1, color = (51,204,0) , thickness = 1) v831_display_show_canvas(canvas) time.sleep(1) _E9_82_84_E7_90_83_E6_8F_90_E7_A4_BA_E8_AA_9E() time.sleep(2) state = "體育用品識別" elif recordResultData == 2: canvas.draw_string(0,30, "Basketball", scale = 1, color = (51,204,0) , thickness = 1) v831_display_show_canvas(canvas) _E7_B1_83_E7_90_83_E6_AB_83_E9_96_80_E6_8E_A7_E5_88_B6() _COCOCLOUD_SEND_ENDPOINT = "" _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA = {"Basketball":0} try: _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST =, json = _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA , headers = { "Content-type": "application/json" }, timeout = 60) print(str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.status_code)+", "+str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.content)) except BaseException as e: print(e) pass state = "人臉識別" elif recordResultData == 3: canvas.draw_string(0,30, "Volleyball", scale = 1, color = (51,204,0) , thickness = 1) v831_display_show_canvas(canvas) _E6_8E_92_E7_90_83_E6_AB_83_E9_96_80_E6_8E_A7_E5_88_B6() _COCOCLOUD_SEND_ENDPOINT = "" _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA = {"Volleyball":0} try: _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST =, json = _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA , headers = { "Content-type": "application/json" }, timeout = 60) print(str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.status_code)+", "+str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.content)) except BaseException as e: print(e) pass state = "人臉識別" def _E9_82_84_E7_90_83_E6_8F_90_E7_A4_BA_E8_AA_9E(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST canvas.clear() if ScreenOrientation: canvas = = (240, 320), color = (255,255,255), mode = "RGB") else: canvas = = (320, 240), color = (255,255,255), mode = "RGB") canvas.draw_string(2,60, "請將體育用品", scale = 2.8, color = (102,0,204) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(2,140, "放在鏡頭前面", scale = 2.8, color = (102,51,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(2,220, "進行識別", scale = 2.8, color = (102,51,255) , thickness = 1) v831_display_show_canvas(canvas) def _E6_AD_A1_E8_BF_8E_E8_AA_9E(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST canvas.draw_string(0,0, str("Hi,") + str(FACERECGNIZER.recognize(i[3])[0]), scale = 3, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(5,50, "歡迎使用CocoPi", scale = 2, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(5,90, "體育用品共享櫃", scale = 2, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_rectangle(0,140, 0+240,140+ 180, color=(255,255,255), thickness=-1) canvas.draw_string(0,150, "請說出", scale = 2, color = (51,102,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(0,200, "I want to borrow a ball.", scale = 1.4, color = (51,102,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(120,240, "或", scale = 1.5, color = (51,102,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(0,280, "Here's the ball back!", scale = 1.4, color = (51,102,255) , thickness = 1) v831_display_show_canvas(canvas) S1= multiFuncGpio(0,1) S2= multiFuncGpio(1,1) mfcc = _coco_mfcc.MFCC(is_reply=False) cameraSize = True def CAMERATYPE(): global cameraSize if os.path.exists("/etc/cameraSize.cfg"): cameraSize = True else: cameraSize = False CAMERATYPE() image.load_freetype("/root/preset/fonts/simhei.ttf") max_face_num = 4 detect_threshold = 0.5 detect_nms = 0.3 #score_threshold = 70 FEATURES = [] def lcdRotation(inputImg): global SETVFLIP,SETHMIRROT,cameraSize,ScreenOrientation imageRotationBuffer = inputImg.crop(0, 0, 240, 320) if ScreenOrientation: imgRotationAim = = (240, 320)) rotationAngle = 180 else: imgRotationAim = = (320, 240)) rotationAngle = 90 GETROTATION = imageRotationBuffer.rotate(+rotationAngle, adjust=1) GETROTATION = imgRotationAim.draw_image(GETROTATION,0,0,alpha=1) if SETVFLIP and not SETHMIRROT: GETROTATIONs = GETROTATION.flip(0) if SETHMIRROT and not SETVFLIP: GETROTATIONs = GETROTATION.flip(1) if SETVFLIP and SETHMIRROT: GETROTATION1 = GETROTATION.flip(0) GETROTATION = GETROTATION1.flip(1) return GETROTATION def lcdRotationNew(inputImg): global SETVFLIP,SETHMIRROT,cameraSize,ScreenOrientation imageRotationBuffer = inputImg.crop(0, 0, 320, 240) if ScreenOrientation: imgRotationAim = = (240, 320)) rotationAngle = 90 GETROTATION = imageRotationBuffer.rotate(+rotationAngle, adjust=1) else: imgRotationAim = = (320, 240)) GETROTATION = imageRotationBuffer GETROTATION = imgRotationAim.draw_image(GETROTATION,0,0,alpha=1) if SETVFLIP and not SETHMIRROT: GETROTATIONs = GETROTATION.flip(0) elif SETHMIRROT and not SETVFLIP: GETROTATIONs = GETROTATION.flip(1) elif SETVFLIP and SETHMIRROT: GETROTATION1 = GETROTATION.flip(0) GETROTATION = GETROTATION1.flip(1) return GETROTATION def getLcdRotation(cameraCapture): global cameraSize if cameraSize: return lcdRotationNew(cameraCapture) else: return lcdRotation(cameraCapture) def _E9_AB_94_E8_82_B2_E7_94_A8_E5_93_81_E8_AD_98_E5_88_A5(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST out = Yolo.model.forward(img_recognized, quantize=True, layout="hwc") boxes, probs =, nms=0.3, threshold=0.5, img_size=(224, 224)) if len(boxes): for boxesi, box in enumerate(boxes): boxes[boxesi].append(probs[boxesi]) if len(boxes): for i in (boxes): img_recognized.draw_string((i[0]),(i[1]), (Yolo.labels[i[4][0]]), scale = 1, color = (255,0,0) , thickness = 1) img_recognized.draw_rectangle((i[0]),(i[1]),(i[0]+i[2]),(i[1]+i[3]), color=(255,0,0), thickness=1) if (Yolo.labels[i[4][0]]) == "lanqiu": _E7_B1_83_E7_90_83_E6_AD_B8_E9_82_84() _E7_B1_83_E7_90_83_E6_AB_83_E9_96_80_E6_8E_A7_E5_88_B6() _COCOCLOUD_SEND_ENDPOINT = "" _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA = {"Basketball":1} try: _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST =, json = _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA , headers = { "Content-type": "application/json" }, timeout = 60) print(str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.status_code)+", "+str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.content)) except BaseException as e: print(e) pass canvas.clear() state = "人臉識別" elif (Yolo.labels[i[4][0]]) == "paiqiu": _E6_8E_92_E7_90_83_E6_AD_B8_E9_82_84() _E6_8E_92_E7_90_83_E6_AB_83_E9_96_80_E6_8E_A7_E5_88_B6() _COCOCLOUD_SEND_ENDPOINT = "" _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA = {"Volleyball":1} try: _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST =, json = _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA , headers = { "Content-type": "application/json" }, timeout = 60) print(str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.status_code)+", "+str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.content)) except BaseException as e: print(e) pass canvas.clear() state = "人臉識別" v831_display_show_img_recognized(img_recognized) def _E7_B1_83_E7_90_83_E6_AB_83_E9_96_80_E6_8E_A7_E5_88_B6(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST S1.servoCtrl(180) time.sleep(2) S1.servoCtrl(75) def _E6_8E_92_E7_90_83_E6_AB_83_E9_96_80_E6_8E_A7_E5_88_B6(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST S2.servoCtrl(180) time.sleep(2) S2.servoCtrl(70) def _E5_80_9F_E7_90_83_E6_8F_90_E7_A4_BA_E8_AA_9E(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST if ScreenOrientation: canvas = = (240, 320), color = (255,255,255), mode = "RGB") else: canvas = = (320, 240), color = (255,255,255), mode = "RGB") canvas.draw_string(10,50, "請說出", scale = 3, color = (102,0,204) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(10,120, "你要借的體", scale = 3, color = (102,51,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(10,190, "育用品英文", scale = 3, color = (102,51,255) , thickness = 1) v831_display_show_canvas(canvas) def _E6_8E_92_E7_90_83_E6_AD_B8_E9_82_84(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST if ScreenOrientation: canvas = = (240, 320), color = (0,100,0), mode = "RGB") else: canvas = = (320, 240), color = (0,100,0), mode = "RGB") canvas.draw_image(("/root/user/img/paiqiu.png")),20,0,alpha=1) canvas.draw_string(10,200, "排球已歸還", scale = 3, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(5,260, "歡迎下次使用", scale = 2.8, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1) v831_display_show_canvas(canvas) def _E7_B1_83_E7_90_83_E6_AD_B8_E9_82_84(): global img_recognized, i, state, canvas, people_name_list, _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y, _canvas_x, _canvas_y, _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST, RecordState, recordFrequency, recordResultData, SETVFLIP, SETHMIRROT, ScreenOrientation, score_threshold, CLASSNAMEFACELIST canvas.clear() if ScreenOrientation: canvas = = (240, 320), color = (0,100,0), mode = "RGB") else: canvas = = (320, 240), color = (0,100,0), mode = "RGB") canvas.draw_image(("/root/user/img/lanqiu.png")),20,0,alpha=1) canvas.draw_string(10,200, "籃球已歸還", scale = 3, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(5,260, "歡迎下次使用", scale = 2.8, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1) v831_display_show_canvas(canvas) _img_recognized_x = 0 _img_recognized_y = 0 _canvas_x = 0 _canvas_y = 0 _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST = None RecordState = 0 recordFrequency = 0 recordResultData = None SETVFLIP = False SETHMIRROT = False ScreenOrientation = True score_threshold = 70 Wi_Fi_E9_80_A3_E6_8E_A5() S1.servoCtrl(75) S2.servoCtrl(70) SETVFLIP = True if cameraSize==True:,240)) else:,320)) canvas = = (240, 320)) img_recognized = = (240, 320)) _img_recognized_x, _img_recognized_y = 8,48 people_name_list = ["張三", "李四", "王五"] CLASSNAMEFACELIST = people_name_list class Yolo: labels = ["ganlanqiu", "lanqiu", "paiqiu", "wangqiu", "yumaoqiu", "zuqiu"] anchors = [1.19, 1.98, 2.79, 4.59, 4.53, 8.92, 8.06, 5.29, 10.32, 10.65] m = { "param": "/root/user/model/ball.param", "bin": "/root/user/model/ball.bin" } options = { "model_type": "awnn", "inputs": { "input0": (224, 224, 3) }, "outputs": { "output0": (7, 7, (1+4+len(labels))*5) }, "mean": [127.5, 127.5, 127.5], "norm": [0.0078125, 0.0078125, 0.0078125], } def __init__(self): from maix import nn from maix.nn import decoder self.model = nn.load(self.m, opt=self.options) self.decoder = decoder.Yolo2(len(self.labels), self.anchors, net_in_size=(224, 224), net_out_size=(7, 7)) def __del__(self): del self.model del self.decoder Yolo = Yolo() state = "人臉識別" while True: img_recognized = getLcdRotation(camera.capture()) img_recognized = img_recognized.crop(0, 0,224, 224) if state == "人臉識別": _E4_BA_BA_E8_87_89_E8_AD_98_E5_88_A5() elif state == "歡迎語": _E6_AD_A1_E8_BF_8E_E8_AA_9E() _E8_AA_9E_E9_9F_B3_E8_AD_98_E5_88_A5() elif state == "借球提示語": _E5_80_9F_E7_90_83_E6_8F_90_E7_A4_BA_E8_AA_9E() _E8_AA_9E_E9_9F_B3_E8_AD_98_E5_88_A5() elif state == "體育用品識別": _E9_AB_94_E8_82_B2_E7_94_A8_E5_93_81_E8_AD_98_E5_88_A5()
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