// Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Wrapper for an IndexedDB object store. * */ goog.provide('goog.db.ObjectStore'); goog.require('goog.async.Deferred'); goog.require('goog.db.Cursor'); goog.require('goog.db.Error'); goog.require('goog.db.Index'); goog.require('goog.db.KeyRange'); goog.require('goog.debug'); goog.require('goog.events'); /** * Creates an IDBObjectStore wrapper object. Object stores have methods for * storing and retrieving records, and are accessed through a transaction * object. They also have methods for creating indexes associated with the * object store. They can only be created when setting the version of the * database. Should not be created directly, access object stores through * transactions. * @see goog.db.UpgradeNeededCallback * @see goog.db.Transaction#objectStore * * @param {!IDBObjectStore} store The backing IndexedDb object. * @constructor * @final * * TODO(arthurhsu): revisit msg in exception and errors in this class. In newer * Chrome (v22+) the error/request come with a DOM error string that is * already very descriptive. */ goog.db.ObjectStore = function(store) { /** * Underlying IndexedDB object store object. * * @type {!IDBObjectStore} * @private */ this.store_ = store; }; /** * @return {string} The name of the object store. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.getName = function() { return this.store_.name; }; /** * Helper function for put and add. * * @param {string} fn Function name to call on the object store. * @param {string} msg Message to give to the error. * @param {*} value Value to insert into the object store. * @param {IDBKeyType=} opt_key The key to use. * @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The resulting deferred request. * @private */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.insert_ = function(fn, msg, value, opt_key) { // TODO(user): refactor wrapping an IndexedDB request in a Deferred by // creating a higher-level abstraction for it (mostly affects here and // goog.db.Index) var d = new goog.async.Deferred(); var request; try { // put or add with (value, undefined) throws an error, so we need to check // for undefined ourselves if (opt_key) { request = this.store_[fn](value, opt_key); } else { request = this.store_[fn](value); } } catch (ex) { msg += goog.debug.deepExpose(value); if (opt_key) { msg += ', with key ' + goog.debug.deepExpose(opt_key); } d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromException(ex, msg)); return d; } request.onsuccess = function(ev) { d.callback(ev.target.result); }; request.onerror = function(ev) { msg += goog.debug.deepExpose(value); if (opt_key) { msg += ', with key ' + goog.debug.deepExpose(opt_key); } d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromRequest(ev.target, msg)); }; return d; }; /** * Adds an object to the object store. Replaces existing objects with the * same key. * * @param {*} value The value to put. * @param {IDBKeyType=} opt_key The key to use. Cannot be used if the * keyPath was specified for the object store. If the keyPath was not * specified but autoIncrement was not enabled, it must be used. * @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The deferred put request. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.put = function(value, opt_key) { return this.insert_( 'put', 'putting into ' + this.getName() + ' with value', value, opt_key); }; /** * Adds an object to the object store. Requires that there is no object with * the same key already present. * * @param {*} value The value to add. * @param {IDBKeyType=} opt_key The key to use. Cannot be used if the * keyPath was specified for the object store. If the keyPath was not * specified but autoIncrement was not enabled, it must be used. * @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The deferred add request. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.add = function(value, opt_key) { return this.insert_( 'add', 'adding into ' + this.getName() + ' with value ', value, opt_key); }; /** * Removes an object from the store. No-op if there is no object present with * the given key. * * @param {IDBKeyType|!goog.db.KeyRange} keyOrRange The key or range to remove * objects under. * @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The deferred remove request. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.remove = function(keyOrRange) { var d = new goog.async.Deferred(); var request; try { request = this.store_['delete']( keyOrRange instanceof goog.db.KeyRange ? keyOrRange.range() : keyOrRange); } catch (err) { var msg = 'removing from ' + this.getName() + ' with key ' + goog.debug.deepExpose(keyOrRange); d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromException(err, msg)); return d; } request.onsuccess = function(ev) { d.callback(); }; var self = this; request.onerror = function(ev) { var msg = 'removing from ' + self.getName() + ' with key ' + goog.debug.deepExpose(keyOrRange); d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromRequest(ev.target, msg)); }; return d; }; /** * Gets an object from the store. If no object is present with that key * the result is {@code undefined}. * * @param {IDBKeyType} key The key to look up. * @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The deferred get request. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.get = function(key) { var d = new goog.async.Deferred(); var request; try { request = this.store_.get(key); } catch (err) { var msg = 'getting from ' + this.getName() + ' with key ' + goog.debug.deepExpose(key); d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromException(err, msg)); return d; } request.onsuccess = function(ev) { d.callback(ev.target.result); }; var self = this; request.onerror = function(ev) { var msg = 'getting from ' + self.getName() + ' with key ' + goog.debug.deepExpose(key); d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromRequest(ev.target, msg)); }; return d; }; /** * Gets all objects from the store and returns them as an array. * * @param {!goog.db.KeyRange=} opt_range The key range. If undefined iterates * over the whole object store. * @param {!goog.db.Cursor.Direction=} opt_direction The direction. If undefined * moves in a forward direction with duplicates. * @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The deferred getAll request. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.getAll = function(opt_range, opt_direction) { var d = new goog.async.Deferred(); var cursor; try { cursor = this.openCursor(opt_range, opt_direction); } catch (err) { d.errback(err); return d; } var result = []; goog.events.listen(cursor, goog.db.Cursor.EventType.NEW_DATA, function() { result.push(cursor.getValue()); cursor.next(); }); goog.events.listenOnce( cursor, [goog.db.Cursor.EventType.ERROR, goog.db.Cursor.EventType.COMPLETE], function(evt) { cursor.dispose(); if (evt.type == goog.db.Cursor.EventType.COMPLETE) { d.callback(result); } else { d.errback(); } }); return d; }; /** * Opens a cursor over the specified key range. Returns a cursor object which is * able to iterate over the given range. * * Example usage: * * * var cursor = objectStore.openCursor(goog.db.Range.bound('a', 'c')); * * var key = goog.events.listen( * cursor, goog.db.Cursor.EventType.NEW_DATA, function() { * // Do something with data. * cursor.next(); * }); * * goog.events.listenOnce( * cursor, goog.db.Cursor.EventType.COMPLETE, function() { * // Clean up listener, and perform a finishing operation on the data. * goog.events.unlistenByKey(key); * }); * * * @param {!goog.db.KeyRange=} opt_range The key range. If undefined iterates * over the whole object store. * @param {!goog.db.Cursor.Direction=} opt_direction The direction. If undefined * moves in a forward direction with duplicates. * @return {!goog.db.Cursor} The cursor. * @throws {goog.db.Error} If there was a problem opening the cursor. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.openCursor = function(opt_range, opt_direction) { return goog.db.Cursor.openCursor(this.store_, opt_range, opt_direction); }; /** * Deletes all objects from the store. * * @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The deferred clear request. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.clear = function() { var msg = 'clearing store ' + this.getName(); var d = new goog.async.Deferred(); var request; try { request = this.store_.clear(); } catch (err) { d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromException(err, msg)); return d; } request.onsuccess = function(ev) { d.callback(); }; request.onerror = function(ev) { d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromRequest(ev.target, msg)); }; return d; }; /** * Creates an index in this object store. Can only be called inside a * {@link goog.db.UpgradeNeededCallback}. * * @param {string} name Name of the index to create. * @param {string|!Array} keyPath Attribute or array of attributes to * index on. * @param {!Object=} opt_parameters Optional parameters object. The only * available option is unique, which defaults to false. If unique is true, * the index will enforce that there is only ever one object in the object * store for each unique value it indexes on. * @return {!goog.db.Index} The newly created, wrapped index. * @throws {goog.db.Error} In case of an error creating the index. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.createIndex = function( name, keyPath, opt_parameters) { try { return new goog.db.Index( this.store_.createIndex(name, keyPath, opt_parameters)); } catch (ex) { var msg = 'creating new index ' + name + ' with key path ' + keyPath; throw goog.db.Error.fromException(ex, msg); } }; /** * Gets an index. * * @param {string} name Name of the index to fetch. * @return {!goog.db.Index} The requested wrapped index. * @throws {goog.db.Error} In case of an error getting the index. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.getIndex = function(name) { try { return new goog.db.Index(this.store_.index(name)); } catch (ex) { var msg = 'getting index ' + name; throw goog.db.Error.fromException(ex, msg); } }; /** * Deletes an index from the object store. Can only be called inside a * {@link goog.db.UpgradeNeededCallback}. * * @param {string} name Name of the index to delete. * @throws {goog.db.Error} In case of an error deleting the index. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.deleteIndex = function(name) { try { this.store_.deleteIndex(name); } catch (ex) { var msg = 'deleting index ' + name; throw goog.db.Error.fromException(ex, msg); } }; /** * Gets number of records within a key range. * * @param {!goog.db.KeyRange=} opt_range The key range. If undefined, this will * count all records in the object store. * @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The deferred number of records. */ goog.db.ObjectStore.prototype.count = function(opt_range) { var d = new goog.async.Deferred(); try { var range = opt_range ? opt_range.range() : null; var request = this.store_.count(range); request.onsuccess = function(ev) { d.callback(ev.target.result); }; var self = this; request.onerror = function(ev) { d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromRequest(ev.target, self.getName())); }; } catch (ex) { d.errback(goog.db.Error.fromException(ex, this.getName())); } return d; };