// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Class to encapsulate an editable field that blends in with * the style of the page. The field can be fixed height, grow with its * contents, or have a min height after which it grows to its contents. * This is a goog.editor.Field, but with blending and sizing capabilities, * and avoids using an iframe whenever possible. * * @author nicksantos@google.com (Nick Santos) * @see ../demos/editor/seamlessfield.html */ goog.provide('goog.editor.SeamlessField'); goog.require('goog.cssom.iframe.style'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.dom.Range'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.dom.safe'); goog.require('goog.editor.BrowserFeature'); goog.require('goog.editor.Field'); goog.require('goog.editor.icontent'); goog.require('goog.editor.icontent.FieldFormatInfo'); goog.require('goog.editor.icontent.FieldStyleInfo'); goog.require('goog.editor.node'); goog.require('goog.events'); goog.require('goog.events.EventType'); goog.require('goog.html.legacyconversions'); goog.require('goog.html.uncheckedconversions'); goog.require('goog.log'); goog.require('goog.string.Const'); goog.require('goog.style'); /** * This class encapsulates an editable field that blends in with the * surrounding page. * To see events fired by this object, please see the base class. * * @param {string} id An identifer for the field. This is used to find the * field and the element associated with this field. * @param {Document=} opt_doc The document that the element with the given * id can be found it. * @constructor * @extends {goog.editor.Field} */ goog.editor.SeamlessField = function(id, opt_doc) { goog.editor.Field.call(this, id, opt_doc); }; goog.inherits(goog.editor.SeamlessField, goog.editor.Field); /** * @override */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.logger = goog.log.getLogger('goog.editor.SeamlessField'); // Functions dealing with field sizing. /** * The key used for listening for the "dragover" event. * @type {goog.events.Key} * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.listenForDragOverEventKey_; /** * The key used for listening for the iframe "load" event. * @type {goog.events.Key} * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.listenForIframeLoadEventKey_; /** * Sets the min height of this editable field's iframe. Only used in growing * mode when an iframe is used. This will cause an immediate field sizing to * update the field if necessary based on the new min height. * @param {number} height The min height specified as a number of pixels, * e.g., 75. */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.setMinHeight = function(height) { if (height == this.minHeight_) { // Do nothing if the min height isn't changing. return; } this.minHeight_ = height; if (this.usesIframe()) { this.doFieldSizingGecko(); } }; /** * Whether the field should be rendered with a fixed height, or should expand * to fit its contents. * @type {boolean} * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.isFixedHeight_ = false; /** * Whether the fixed-height handling has been overridden manually. * @type {boolean} * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.isFixedHeightOverridden_ = false; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the field should be rendered with a fixed * height, or should expand to fit its contents. * @override */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.isFixedHeight = function() { return this.isFixedHeight_; }; /** * @param {boolean} newVal Explicitly set whether the field should be * of a fixed-height. This overrides auto-detection. */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.overrideFixedHeight = function(newVal) { this.isFixedHeight_ = newVal; this.isFixedHeightOverridden_ = true; }; /** * Auto-detect whether the current field should have a fixed height. * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.autoDetectFixedHeight_ = function() { if (!this.isFixedHeightOverridden_) { var originalElement = this.getOriginalElement(); if (originalElement) { this.isFixedHeight_ = goog.style.getComputedOverflowY(originalElement) == 'auto'; } } }; /** * Resize the iframe in response to the wrapper div changing size. * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.handleOuterDocChange_ = function() { if (this.isEventStopped(goog.editor.Field.EventType.CHANGE)) { return; } this.sizeIframeToWrapperGecko_(); }; /** * Sizes the iframe to its body's height. * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.sizeIframeToBodyHeightGecko_ = function() { if (this.acquireSizeIframeLockGecko_()) { var resized = false; var ifr = this.getEditableIframe(); if (ifr) { var fieldHeight = this.getIframeBodyHeightGecko_(); if (this.minHeight_) { fieldHeight = Math.max(fieldHeight, this.minHeight_); } if (parseInt(goog.style.getStyle(ifr, 'height'), 10) != fieldHeight) { ifr.style.height = fieldHeight + 'px'; resized = true; } } this.releaseSizeIframeLockGecko_(); if (resized) { this.dispatchEvent(goog.editor.Field.EventType.IFRAME_RESIZED); } } }; /** * @return {number} The height of the editable iframe's body. * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.getIframeBodyHeightGecko_ = function() { var ifr = this.getEditableIframe(); var body = ifr.contentDocument.body; var htmlElement = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (body.parentNode); // If the iframe's height is 0, then the offsetHeight/scrollHeight of the // HTML element in the iframe can be totally wack (i.e. too large // by 50-500px). Also, in standard's mode the clientHeight is 0. if (parseInt(goog.style.getStyle(ifr, 'height'), 10) === 0) { goog.style.setStyle(ifr, 'height', 1 + 'px'); } var fieldHeight; if (goog.editor.node.isStandardsMode(body)) { // If in standards-mode, // grab the HTML element as it will contain all the field's // contents. The body's height, for example, will not include that of // floated images at the bottom in standards mode. // Note that this value include all scrollbars *except* for scrollbars // on the HTML element itself. fieldHeight = htmlElement.offsetHeight; } else { // In quirks-mode, the body-element always seems // to size to the containing window. The html-element however, // sizes to the content, and can thus end up with a value smaller // than its child body-element if the content is shrinking. // We want to make the iframe shrink too when the content shrinks, // so rather than size the iframe to the body-element, size it to // the html-element. fieldHeight = htmlElement.scrollHeight; // If there is a horizontal scroll, add in the thickness of the // scrollbar. if (htmlElement.clientHeight != htmlElement.offsetHeight) { fieldHeight += goog.editor.SeamlessField.getScrollbarWidth_(); } } return fieldHeight; }; /** * Grabs the width of a scrollbar from the browser and caches the result. * @return {number} The scrollbar width in pixels. * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.getScrollbarWidth_ = function() { return goog.editor.SeamlessField.scrollbarWidth_ || (goog.editor.SeamlessField.scrollbarWidth_ = goog.style.getScrollbarWidth()); }; /** * Sizes the iframe to its container div's width. The width of the div * is controlled by its containing context, not by its contents. * if it extends outside of it's contents, then it gets a horizontal scroll. * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.sizeIframeToWrapperGecko_ = function() { if (this.acquireSizeIframeLockGecko_()) { var ifr = this.getEditableIframe(); var field = this.getElement(); var resized = false; if (ifr && field) { var fieldPaddingBox; var widthDiv = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (ifr.parentNode); var width = widthDiv.offsetWidth; if (parseInt(goog.style.getStyle(ifr, 'width'), 10) != width) { fieldPaddingBox = goog.style.getPaddingBox(field); ifr.style.width = width + 'px'; field.style.width = width - fieldPaddingBox.left - fieldPaddingBox.right + 'px'; resized = true; } var height = widthDiv.offsetHeight; if (this.isFixedHeight() && parseInt(goog.style.getStyle(ifr, 'height'), 10) != height) { if (!fieldPaddingBox) { fieldPaddingBox = goog.style.getPaddingBox(field); } ifr.style.height = height + 'px'; field.style.height = height - fieldPaddingBox.top - fieldPaddingBox.bottom + 'px'; resized = true; } } this.releaseSizeIframeLockGecko_(); if (resized) { this.dispatchEvent(goog.editor.Field.EventType.IFRAME_RESIZED); } } }; /** * Perform all the sizing immediately. */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.doFieldSizingGecko = function() { // Because doFieldSizingGecko can be called after a setTimeout // it is possible that the field has been destroyed before this call // to do the sizing is executed. Check for field existence and do nothing // if it has already been destroyed. if (this.getElement()) { // The order of operations is important here. Sizing the iframe to the // wrapper could cause the width to change, which could change the line // wrapping, which could change the body height. So we need to do that // first, then size the iframe to fit the body height. this.sizeIframeToWrapperGecko_(); if (!this.isFixedHeight()) { this.sizeIframeToBodyHeightGecko_(); } } }; /** * Acquires a lock on resizing the field iframe. This is used to ensure that * modifications we make while in a mutation event handler don't cause * infinite loops. * @return {boolean} False if the lock is already acquired. * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.acquireSizeIframeLockGecko_ = function() { if (this.sizeIframeLock_) { return false; } return this.sizeIframeLock_ = true; }; /** * Releases a lock on resizing the field iframe. This is used to ensure that * modifications we make while in a mutation event handler don't cause * infinite loops. * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.releaseSizeIframeLockGecko_ = function() { this.sizeIframeLock_ = false; }; // Functions dealing with blending in with the surrounding page. /** * String containing the css rules that, if applied to a document's body, * would style that body as if it were the original element we made editable. * See goog.cssom.iframe.style.getElementContext for more details. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.iframeableCss_ = ''; /** * Gets the css rules that should be used to style an iframe's body as if it * were the original element that we made editable. * @param {boolean=} opt_forceRegeneration Set to true to not read the cached * copy and instead completely regenerate the css rules. * @return {string} The string containing the css rules to use. */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.getIframeableCss = function( opt_forceRegeneration) { if (!this.iframeableCss_ || opt_forceRegeneration) { var originalElement = this.getOriginalElement(); if (originalElement) { this.iframeableCss_ = goog.cssom.iframe.style.getElementContext( originalElement, opt_forceRegeneration); } } return this.iframeableCss_; }; /** * Sets the css rules that should be used inside the editable iframe. * Note: to clear the css cache between makeNotEditable/makeEditable, * call this with "" as iframeableCss. * TODO(user): Unify all these css setting methods + Nick's open * CL. This is getting ridiculous. * @param {string} iframeableCss String containing the css rules to use. */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.setIframeableCss = function(iframeableCss) { this.iframeableCss_ = iframeableCss; }; /** * Used to ensure that CSS stylings are only installed once for none * iframe seamless mode. * TODO(user): Make it a formal part of the API that you can only * set one set of styles globally. * In seamless, non-iframe mode, all the stylings would go in the * same document and conflict. * @type {boolean} * @private */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.haveInstalledCss_ = false; /** * Applies CSS from the wrapper-div to the field iframe. */ goog.editor.SeamlessField.prototype.inheritBlendedCSS = function() { // No-op if the field isn't using an iframe. if (!this.usesIframe()) { return; } var field = this.getElement(); var head = goog.dom.getDomHelper(field).getElementsByTagNameAndClass( goog.dom.TagName.HEAD)[0]; if (head) { // We created this , and we know the only thing we put in there // is a