// Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. goog.provide('goog.editor.TableTest'); goog.setTestOnly('goog.editor.TableTest'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.editor.Table'); goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit'); function setUp() { var inputTables = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TABLE); testElements = {}; testObjects = {}; for (var i = 0; i < inputTables.length; i++) { var originalTable = inputTables[i]; if (originalTable.id.substring(0, 5) == 'test-') { var tableName = originalTable.id.substring(5); var testTable = originalTable.cloneNode(true); testTable.id = tableName; testElements[tableName] = testTable; document.body.appendChild(testTable); testObjects[tableName] = new goog.editor.Table(testTable); } } } function tearDown() { for (var tableName in testElements) { document.body.removeChild(testElements[tableName]); delete testElements[tableName]; delete testObjects[tableName]; } testElements = null; testObjects = null; } function tableSanityCheck(editableTable, rowCount, colCount) { assertEquals( 'Table has expected number of rows', rowCount, editableTable.rows.length); for (var i = 0, row; row = editableTable.rows[i]; i++) { assertEquals( 'Row ' + i + ' has expected number of columns', colCount, row.columns.length); } } function testBasicTable() { // Do some basic sanity checking on the editable table structure tableSanityCheck(testObjects.basic, 4, 3); var originalRows = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic); assertEquals( 'Basic table row count, compared to source', originalRows.length, testObjects.basic.rows.length); assertEquals( 'Basic table row count, known value', 4, testObjects.basic.rows.length); assertEquals( 'Basic table first row element', originalRows[0], testObjects.basic.rows[0].element); assertEquals( 'Basic table last row element', originalRows[3], testObjects.basic.rows[3].element); assertEquals( 'Basic table first row length', 3, testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns.length); assertEquals( 'Basic table last row length', 3, testObjects.basic.rows[3].columns.length); } function testTortureTable() { // Do basic sanity checking on torture table structure tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 3); var originalRows = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture); assertEquals( 'Torture table row count, compared to source', originalRows.length, testObjects.torture.rows.length); assertEquals( 'Torture table row count, known value', 9, testObjects.torture.rows.length); } function _testInsertRowResult(element, editableTable, newTr, index) { var originalRowCount; if (element == testElements.basic) { originalRowCount = 4; } else if (element == testElements.torture) { originalRowCount = 9; } assertEquals( 'Row was added to table', originalRowCount + 1, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, element).length); assertEquals( 'Row was added at position ' + index, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, element)[index], newTr); assertEquals( 'Row knows its own position', index, editableTable.rows[index].index); assertEquals( 'EditableTable shows row at position ' + index, newTr, editableTable.rows[index].element); assertEquals( 'New row has correct number of TDs', 3, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TD, newTr).length); } function testInsertRowAtBeginning() { var tr = testObjects.basic.insertRow(0); _testInsertRowResult(testElements.basic, testObjects.basic, tr, 0); } function testInsertRowInMiddle() { var tr = testObjects.basic.insertRow(2); _testInsertRowResult(testElements.basic, testObjects.basic, tr, 2); } function testInsertRowAtEnd() { assertEquals( 'Table has expected number of existing rows', 4, testObjects.basic.rows.length); var tr = testObjects.basic.insertRow(4); _testInsertRowResult(testElements.basic, testObjects.basic, tr, 4); } function testInsertRowAtEndNoIndexArgument() { assertEquals( 'Table has expected number of existing rows', 4, testObjects.basic.rows.length); var tr = testObjects.basic.insertRow(); _testInsertRowResult(testElements.basic, testObjects.basic, tr, 4); } function testInsertRowAtBeginningRowspan() { // Test inserting a row when the existing DOM row at that index has // a cell with a rowspan. This should be just like a regular insert - // the rowspan shouldn't have any effect. assertEquals( 'Cell has starting rowspan', 2, goog.dom .getFirstElementChild(goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture)[0]) .rowSpan); var tr = testObjects.torture.insertRow(0); // Among other things this verifies that the new row has 3 child TDs. _testInsertRowResult(testElements.torture, testObjects.torture, tr, 0); } function testInsertRowAtEndingRowspan() { // Test inserting a row when there's a cell in a previous DOM row // with a rowspan that extends into the row with the given index // and ends there. This should be just like a regular insert - // the rowspan shouldn't have any effect. assertEquals( 'Cell has ending rowspan', 4, goog.dom .getLastElementChild(goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture)[5]) .rowSpan); var tr = testObjects.torture.insertRow(); // Among other things this verifies that the new row has 3 child TDs. _testInsertRowResult(testElements.torture, testObjects.torture, tr, 9); } function testInsertRowAtSpanningRowspan() { // Test inserting a row at an index where there's a cell with a rowspan // that begins in a previous row and continues into the next row. In this // case the existing cell's rowspan should be extended, and the new // tr should have one less child element. var rowSpannedCell = testObjects.torture.rows[7].columns[2]; assertTrue( 'Existing cell has overlapping rowspan', rowSpannedCell.startRow == 5 && rowSpannedCell.endRow == 8); var tr = testObjects.torture.insertRow(7); assertEquals( 'New DOM row has one less cell', 2, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TD, tr).length); assertEquals( 'Rowspanned cell listed in new EditableRow\'s columns', testObjects.torture.rows[6].columns[2].element, testObjects.torture.rows[7].columns[2].element); } function _testInsertColumnResult(newCells, element, editableTable, index) { for (var rowNo = 0, row; row = editableTable.rows[rowNo]; rowNo++) { assertEquals('Row includes new column', 4, row.columns.length); } assertEquals( 'New cell in correct position', newCells[0], editableTable.rows[0].columns[index].element); } function testInsertColumnAtBeginning() { var startColCount = testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns.length; var newCells = testObjects.basic.insertColumn(0); assertEquals( 'New cell added for each row', testObjects.basic.rows.length, newCells.length); assertEquals( 'Insert column incremented column length', startColCount + 1, testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns.length); _testInsertColumnResult(newCells, testElements.basic, testObjects.basic, 0); } function testInsertColumnAtEnd() { var startColCount = testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns.length; var newCells = testObjects.basic.insertColumn(3); assertEquals( 'New cell added for each row', testObjects.basic.rows.length, newCells.length); assertEquals( 'Insert column incremented column length', startColCount + 1, testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns.length); _testInsertColumnResult(newCells, testElements.basic, testObjects.basic, 3); } function testInsertColumnAtEndNoIndexArgument() { var startColCount = testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns.length; var newCells = testObjects.basic.insertColumn(); assertEquals( 'New cell added for each row', testObjects.basic.rows.length, newCells.length); assertEquals( 'Insert column incremented column length', startColCount + 1, testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns.length); _testInsertColumnResult(newCells, testElements.basic, testObjects.basic, 3); } function testInsertColumnInMiddle() { var startColCount = testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns.length; var newCells = testObjects.basic.insertColumn(2); assertEquals( 'New cell added for each row', testObjects.basic.rows.length, newCells.length); assertEquals( 'Insert column incremented column length', startColCount + 1, testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns.length); _testInsertColumnResult(newCells, testElements.basic, testObjects.basic, 2); } function testInsertColumnAtBeginningColSpan() { var cells = testObjects.torture.insertColumn(0); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 4); assertEquals( 'New cell was added before colspanned cell', 1, testObjects.torture.rows[3].columns[0].colSpan); assertEquals( 'New cell was added and returned', testObjects.torture.rows[3].columns[0].element, cells[3]); } function testInsertColumnAtEndingColSpan() { var cells = testObjects.torture.insertColumn(); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 4); assertEquals( 'New cell was added after colspanned cell', 1, testObjects.torture.rows[0].columns[3].colSpan); assertEquals( 'New cell was added and returned', testObjects.torture.rows[0].columns[3].element, cells[0]); } function testInsertColumnAtSpanningColSpan() { assertEquals( 'Existing cell has expected colspan', 3, testObjects.torture.rows[4].columns[1].colSpan); var cells = testObjects.torture.insertColumn(1); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 4); assertEquals( 'Existing cell increased colspan', 4, testObjects.torture.rows[4].columns[1].colSpan); assertEquals( '3 cells weren\'t created due to existing colspans', 6, cells.length); } function testRemoveFirstRow() { var originalRow = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[0]; testObjects.basic.removeRow(0); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.basic, 3, 3); assertNotEquals( 'Row was removed from table element', originalRow, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[0]); } function testRemoveLastRow() { var originalRow = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[3]; testObjects.basic.removeRow(3); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.basic, 3, 3); assertNotEquals( 'Row was removed from table element', originalRow, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[3]); } function testRemoveMiddleRow() { var originalRow = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[2]; testObjects.basic.removeRow(2); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.basic, 3, 3); assertNotEquals( 'Row was removed from table element', originalRow, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[2]); } function testRemoveRowAtBeginingRowSpan() { var originalRow = testObjects.torture.removeRow(0); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 8, 3); assertNotEquals( 'Row was removed from table element', originalRow, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[0]); assertEquals( 'Rowspan correctly adjusted', 1, testObjects.torture.rows[0].columns[0].rowSpan); } function testRemoveRowAtEndingRowSpan() { var originalRow = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture)[8]; testObjects.torture.removeRow(8); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 8, 3); assertNotEquals( 'Row was removed from table element', originalRow, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[8]); assertEquals( 'Rowspan correctly adjusted', 3, testObjects.torture.rows[7].columns[2].rowSpan); } function testRemoveRowAtSpanningRowSpan() { var originalRow = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture)[7]; testObjects.torture.removeRow(7); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 8, 3); assertNotEquals( 'Row was removed from table element', originalRow, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[7]); assertEquals( 'Rowspan correctly adjusted', 3, testObjects.torture.rows[6].columns[2].rowSpan); } function _testRemoveColumn(index) { var tr = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[0]; var sampleCell = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, tr)[index]; testObjects.basic.removeColumn(index); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.basic, 4, 2); tr = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic)[0]; assertNotEquals( 'Test cell removed from column', sampleCell, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, tr)[index]); } function testRemoveFirstColumn() { _testRemoveColumn(0); } function testRemoveMiddleColumn() { _testRemoveColumn(1); } function testRemoveLastColumn() { _testRemoveColumn(2); } function testRemoveColumnAtStartingColSpan() { testObjects.torture.removeColumn(0); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 2); var tr = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture)[5] assertEquals( 'Colspan was decremented correctly', 1, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, tr)[0].colSpan); } function testRemoveColumnAtEndingColSpan() { testObjects.torture.removeColumn(2); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 2); var tr = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture)[1]; assertEquals( 'Colspan was decremented correctly', 1, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TD, tr)[0].colSpan); } function testRemoveColumnAtSpanningColSpan() { testObjects.torture.removeColumn(2); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 2); var tr = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture)[4] assertEquals( 'Colspan was decremented correctly', 2, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, tr)[0].colSpan); } function testMergeCellsInRow() { testObjects.basic.mergeCells(0, 0, 0, 2); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.basic, 4, 3); var trs = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic); assertEquals( 'Cells merged', 1, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, trs[0]).length); assertEquals( 'Merged cell has correct colspan', 3, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, trs[0])[0].colSpan); assertEquals( 'Merged cell has correct rowspan', 1, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, trs[0])[0].rowSpan); } function testMergeCellsInColumn() { testObjects.basic.mergeCells(0, 0, 2, 0); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.basic, 4, 3); var trs = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic); assertEquals( 'Other cells still in row', 3, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, trs[0]).length); assertEquals( 'Merged cell has correct colspan', 1, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, trs[0])[0].colSpan); assertEquals( 'Merged cell has correct rowspan', 3, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, trs[0])[0].rowSpan); assert( 'Cell appears in multiple rows after merge', testObjects.basic.rows[0].columns[0] == testObjects.basic.rows[2].columns[0]); } function testMergeCellsInRowAndColumn() { testObjects.basic.mergeCells(1, 1, 3, 2); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.basic, 4, 3); var trs = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.basic); var mergedCell = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TD, trs[1])[1]; assertEquals('Merged cell has correct rowspan', 3, mergedCell.rowSpan); assertEquals('Merged cell has correct colspan', 2, mergedCell.colSpan); } function testMergeCellsAlreadyMerged() { testObjects.torture.mergeCells(5, 0, 8, 2); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 3); var trs = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture); var mergedCell = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TH, trs[5])[0]; assertEquals('Merged cell has correct rowspan', 4, mergedCell.rowSpan); assertEquals('Merged cell has correct colspan', 3, mergedCell.colSpan); } function testIllegalMergeNonRectangular() { // This should fail because it involves trying to merge two parts // of a 3-colspan cell with other cells var mergeSucceeded = testObjects.torture.mergeCells(3, 1, 5, 2); if (mergeSucceeded) { throw 'EditableTable allowed impossible merge!'; } tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 3); } function testIllegalMergeSingleCell() { // This should fail because it involves merging a single cell var mergeSucceeded = testObjects.torture.mergeCells(0, 1, 0, 1); if (mergeSucceeded) { throw 'EditableTable allowed impossible merge!'; } tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 3); } function testSplitCell() { testObjects.torture.splitCell(1, 1); tableSanityCheck(testObjects.torture, 9, 3); var trs = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.TR, testElements.torture); assertEquals( 'Cell was split into multiple columns in row 1', 3, trs[1].getElementsByTagName('*').length); assertEquals( 'Cell was split into multiple columns in row 2', 3, trs[2].getElementsByTagName('*').length); } function testChildTableRowsNotCountedInParentTable() { tableSanityCheck(testObjects.nested, 2, 3); for (var i = 0; i < testObjects.nested.rows.length; i++) { var tr = testObjects.nested.rows[i].element; // A tr's parent is tbody, parent of that is table - check to // make sure the ancestor table is as expected. This means // that none of the child table's rows have been erroneously // loaded into the EditableTable. assertEquals( 'Row is child of parent table', testElements.nested, tr.parentNode.parentNode); } } /* // TODO(user): write more unit tests for selection stuff. // The following code is left in here for reference in implementing // this TODO. var tds = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.TD, goog.dom.getElement('test1')); var range = goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(tds[7], tds[9]); range.select(); var cellSelection = new goog.editor.Table.CellSelection(range); assertEquals(0, cellSelection.getFirstColumnIndex()); assertEquals(2, cellSelection.getLastColumnIndex()); assertEquals(2, cellSelection.getFirstRowIndex()); assertEquals(2, cellSelection.getLastRowIndex()); assertTrue(cellSelection.isRectangle()); range = goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(tds[7], tds[12]); range.select(); var cellSelection2 = new goog.editor.Table.CellSelection(range); assertFalse(cellSelection2.isRectangle()); */