// Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview A basic statistics tracker. * */ goog.provide('goog.stats.BasicStat'); goog.require('goog.asserts'); goog.require('goog.log'); goog.require('goog.string.format'); goog.require('goog.structs.CircularBuffer'); /** * Tracks basic statistics over a specified time interval. * * Statistics are kept in a fixed number of slots, each representing * an equal portion of the time interval. * * Most methods optionally allow passing in the current time, so that * higher level stats can synchronize operations on multiple child * objects. Under normal usage, the default of goog.now() should be * sufficient. * * @param {number} interval The stat interval, in milliseconds. * @constructor * @final */ goog.stats.BasicStat = function(interval) { goog.asserts.assert(interval > 50); /** * The time interval that this statistic aggregates over. * @type {number} * @private */ this.interval_ = interval; /** * The number of milliseconds in each slot. * @type {number} * @private */ this.slotInterval_ = Math.floor(interval / goog.stats.BasicStat.NUM_SLOTS_); /** * The array of slots. * @type {goog.structs.CircularBuffer} * @private */ this.slots_ = new goog.structs.CircularBuffer(goog.stats.BasicStat.NUM_SLOTS_); }; /** * The number of slots. This value limits the accuracy of the get() * method to (this.interval_ / NUM_SLOTS). A 1-minute statistic would * be accurate to within 2 seconds. * @type {number} * @private */ goog.stats.BasicStat.NUM_SLOTS_ = 50; /** * @type {goog.log.Logger} * @private */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.logger_ = goog.log.getLogger('goog.stats.BasicStat'); /** * @return {number} The interval which over statistics are being * accumulated, in milliseconds. */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.getInterval = function() { return this.interval_; }; /** * Increments the count of this statistic by the specified amount. * * @param {number} amt The amount to increase the count by. * @param {number=} opt_now The time, in milliseconds, to be treated * as the "current" time. The current time must always be greater * than or equal to the last time recorded by this stat tracker. */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.incBy = function(amt, opt_now) { var now = opt_now ? opt_now : goog.now(); this.checkForTimeTravel_(now); var slot = /** @type {goog.stats.BasicStat.Slot_} */ (this.slots_.getLast()); if (!slot || now >= slot.end) { slot = new goog.stats.BasicStat.Slot_(this.getSlotBoundary_(now)); this.slots_.add(slot); } slot.count += amt; slot.min = Math.min(amt, slot.min); slot.max = Math.max(amt, slot.max); }; /** * Returns the count of the statistic over its configured time * interval. * @param {number=} opt_now The time, in milliseconds, to be treated * as the "current" time. The current time must always be greater * than or equal to the last time recorded by this stat tracker. * @return {number} The total count over the tracked interval. */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.get = function(opt_now) { return this.reduceSlots_( opt_now, function(sum, slot) { return sum + slot.count; }, 0); }; /** * Returns the magnitute of the largest atomic increment that occurred * during the watched time interval. * @param {number=} opt_now The time, in milliseconds, to be treated * as the "current" time. The current time must always be greater * than or equal to the last time recorded by this stat tracker. * @return {number} The maximum count of this statistic. */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.getMax = function(opt_now) { return this.reduceSlots_(opt_now, function(max, slot) { return Math.max(max, slot.max); }, Number.MIN_VALUE); }; /** * Returns the magnitute of the smallest atomic increment that * occurred during the watched time interval. * @param {number=} opt_now The time, in milliseconds, to be treated * as the "current" time. The current time must always be greater * than or equal to the last time recorded by this stat tracker. * @return {number} The minimum count of this statistic. */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.getMin = function(opt_now) { return this.reduceSlots_(opt_now, function(min, slot) { return Math.min(min, slot.min); }, Number.MAX_VALUE); }; /** * Passes each active slot into a function and accumulates the result. * * @param {number|undefined} now The current time, in milliseconds. * @param {function(number, goog.stats.BasicStat.Slot_): number} func * The function to call for every active slot. This function * takes two arguments: the previous result and the new slot to * include in the reduction. * @param {number} val The initial value for the reduction. * @return {number} The result of the reduction. * @private */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.reduceSlots_ = function(now, func, val) { now = now || goog.now(); this.checkForTimeTravel_(now); var rval = val; var start = this.getSlotBoundary_(now) - this.interval_; for (var i = this.slots_.getCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var slot = /** @type {goog.stats.BasicStat.Slot_} */ (this.slots_.get(i)); if (slot.end <= start) { break; } rval = func(rval, slot); } return rval; }; /** * Computes the end time for the slot that should contain the count * around the given time. This method ensures that every bucket is * aligned on a "this.slotInterval_" millisecond boundary. * @param {number} time The time to compute a boundary for. * @return {number} The computed boundary. * @private */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.getSlotBoundary_ = function(time) { return this.slotInterval_ * (Math.floor(time / this.slotInterval_) + 1); }; /** * Checks that time never goes backwards. If it does (for example, * the user changes their system clock), the object state is cleared. * @param {number} now The current time, in milliseconds. * @private */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.checkForTimeTravel_ = function(now) { var slot = /** @type {goog.stats.BasicStat.Slot_} */ (this.slots_.getLast()); if (slot) { var slotStart = slot.end - this.slotInterval_; if (now < slotStart) { goog.log.warning( this.logger_, goog.string.format( 'Went backwards in time: now=%d, slotStart=%d. Resetting state.', now, slotStart)); this.reset_(); } } }; /** * Clears any statistics tracked by this object, as though it were * freshly created. * @private */ goog.stats.BasicStat.prototype.reset_ = function() { this.slots_.clear(); }; /** * A struct containing information for each sub-interval. * @param {number} end The end time for this slot, in milliseconds. * @constructor * @private */ goog.stats.BasicStat.Slot_ = function(end) { /** * End time of this slot, exclusive. * @type {number} */ this.end = end; }; /** * Aggregated count within this slot. * @type {number} */ goog.stats.BasicStat.Slot_.prototype.count = 0; /** * The smallest atomic increment of the count within this slot. * @type {number} */ goog.stats.BasicStat.Slot_.prototype.min = Number.MAX_VALUE; /** * The largest atomic increment of the count within this slot. * @type {number} */ goog.stats.BasicStat.Slot_.prototype.max = Number.MIN_VALUE;