// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. goog.provide('goog.ui.ComponentTest'); goog.setTestOnly('goog.ui.ComponentTest'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.dom.DomHelper'); goog.require('goog.dom.NodeType'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.events.EventTarget'); goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer'); goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit'); goog.require('goog.ui.Component'); var component; var propertyReplacer = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer(); var sandbox; function setUp() { sandbox = goog.dom.getElement('sandbox'); component = new goog.ui.Component(); } function tearDown() { component.dispose(); goog.dom.removeChildren(sandbox); propertyReplacer.reset(); } function testConstructor() { assertTrue( 'Instance must be non-null and have the expected class', component instanceof goog.ui.Component); assertTrue( 'DOM helper must be non-null and have the expected class', component.dom_ instanceof goog.dom.DomHelper); var fakeDom = {}; var otherComponent = new goog.ui.Component(fakeDom); assertEquals( 'DOM helper must refer to expected object', fakeDom, otherComponent.dom_); otherComponent.dispose(); } function testGetId() { assertNull('Component ID should be initialized to null', component.id_); var id = component.getId(); assertNotNull('Component ID should be generated on demand', id); assertEquals( 'Subsequent calls to getId() must return same value', id, component.getId()); } function testSetId() { component.setId('myId'); assertEquals( 'getId() must return explicitly set ID', 'myId', component.getId()); var child = new goog.ui.Component(); var childId = child.getId(); component.addChild(child); assertEquals( 'Parent component must find child by ID', child, component.getChild(childId)); child.setId('someNewId'); assertEquals( 'Parent component must find child by new ID', child, component.getChild('someNewId')); child.dispose(); } function testGetSetElement() { assertNull('Element must be null by default', component.getElement()); var element = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); component.setElementInternal(element); assertEquals( 'getElement() must return expected element', element, component.getElement()); } function testGetSetParent() { assertNull('Parent must be null by default', component.getParent()); var parent = new goog.ui.Component(); component.setParent(parent); assertEquals( 'getParent() must return expected component', parent, component.getParent()); component.setParent(null); assertNull('Parent must be null', component.getParent()); assertThrows( 'Setting a component\'s parent to itself must throw error', function() { component.setParent(component); }); parent.addChild(component); assertEquals( 'getParent() must return expected component', parent, component.getParent()); assertThrows( 'Changing a child component\'s parent must throw error', function() { component.setParent(new goog.ui.Component()); }); parent.dispose(); } function testGetParentEventTarget() { assertNull( 'Parent event target must be null by default', component.getParentEventTarget()); var parent = new goog.ui.Component(); component.setParent(parent); assertEquals( 'Parent event target must be the parent component', parent, component.getParentEventTarget()); assertThrows( 'Directly setting the parent event target to other than ' + 'the parent component when the parent component is set must throw ' + 'error', function() { component.setParentEventTarget(new goog.ui.Component()); }); parent.dispose(); } function testSetParentEventTarget() { var parentEventTarget = new goog.events.EventTarget(); component.setParentEventTarget(parentEventTarget); assertEquals('Parent component must be null', null, component.getParent()); parentEventTarget.dispose(); } function testGetDomHelper() { var domHelper = new goog.dom.DomHelper(); var component = new goog.ui.Component(domHelper); assertEquals( 'Component must return the same DomHelper passed', domHelper, component.getDomHelper()); } function testIsInDocument() { assertFalse( 'Component must not be in the document by default', component.isInDocument()); component.enterDocument(); assertTrue('Component must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); } function testCreateDom() { assertNull('Component must not have DOM by default', component.getElement()); component.createDom(); assertEquals( 'Component\'s DOM must be an element node', goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT, component.getElement().nodeType); } function testRender() { assertFalse( 'Component must not be in the document by default', component.isInDocument()); assertNull('Component must not have DOM by default', component.getElement()); assertFalse( 'wasDecorated() must be false before component is rendered', component.wasDecorated()); component.render(sandbox); assertTrue( 'Rendered component must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'Component\'s element must be a child of the parent element', sandbox, component.getElement().parentNode); assertFalse( 'wasDecorated() must still be false for rendered component', component.wasDecorated()); assertThrows('Trying to re-render component must throw error', function() { component.render(); }); } function testRender_NoParent() { component.render(); assertTrue( 'Rendered component must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'Component\'s element must be a child of the document body', document.body, component.getElement().parentNode); } function testRender_ParentNotInDocument() { var parent = new goog.ui.Component(); component.setParent(parent); assertFalse( 'Parent component must not be in the document', parent.isInDocument()); assertFalse( 'Child component must not be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertNull('Child component must not have DOM', component.getElement()); component.render(); assertFalse( 'Parent component must not be in the document', parent.isInDocument()); assertFalse( 'Child component must not be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertNotNull('Child component must have DOM', component.getElement()); parent.dispose(); } function testRenderBefore() { var sibling = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); sandbox.appendChild(sibling); component.renderBefore(sibling); assertTrue( 'Rendered component must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'Component\'s element must be a child of the parent element', sandbox, component.getElement().parentNode); assertEquals( 'Component\'s element must have expected nextSibling', sibling, component.getElement().nextSibling); } function testRenderChild() { var parent = new goog.ui.Component(); parent.createDom(); assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document', parent.isInDocument()); assertNotNull('Parent must have a DOM', parent.getElement()); parent.addChild(component); assertFalse('Child must not be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertNull('Child must not have a DOM', component.getElement()); component.render(parent.getElement()); assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document', parent.isInDocument()); assertFalse( 'Child must not be in the document if the parent isn\'t', component.isInDocument()); assertNotNull('Child must have a DOM', component.getElement()); assertEquals( 'Child\'s element must be a child of the parent\'s element', parent.getElement(), component.getElement().parentNode); parent.render(sandbox); assertTrue('Parent must be in the document', parent.isInDocument()); assertTrue('Child must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); parent.dispose(); } function testDecorate() { sandbox.innerHTML = '
'; var foo = goog.dom.getElement('foo'); assertFalse( 'wasDecorated() must be false by default', component.wasDecorated()); component.decorate(foo); assertTrue('Component must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'Component\'s element must be the decorated element', foo, component.getElement()); assertTrue( 'wasDecorated() must be true for decorated component', component.wasDecorated()); assertThrows( 'Trying to decorate with a control already in the document' + ' must throw error', function() { component.decorate(foo); }); } function testDecorate_AllowDetached_NotInDocument() { goog.ui.Component.ALLOW_DETACHED_DECORATION = true; var element = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); component.decorate(element); assertFalse( 'Component should not call enterDocument when decorated ' + 'with an element that is not in the document.', component.isInDocument()); goog.ui.Component.ALLOW_DETACHED_DECORATION = false; } function testDecorate_AllowDetached_InDocument() { goog.ui.Component.ALLOW_DETACHED_DECORATION = true; var element = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); sandbox.appendChild(element); component.decorate(element); assertTrue( 'Component should call enterDocument when decorated ' + 'with an element that is in the document.', component.isInDocument()); goog.ui.Component.ALLOW_DETACHED_DECORATION = false; } function testCannotDecorate() { sandbox.innerHTML = '
'; var foo = goog.dom.getElement('foo'); // Have canDecorate() return false. propertyReplacer.set(component, 'canDecorate', function() { return false; }); assertThrows( 'Trying to decorate an element for which canDecorate()' + ' returns false must throw error', function() { component.decorate(foo); }); } function testCanDecorate() { assertTrue( 'canDecorate() must return true by default', component.canDecorate(sandbox)); } function testWasDecorated() { assertFalse( 'wasDecorated() must return false by default', component.wasDecorated()); } function testDecorateInternal() { assertNull('Element must be null by default', component.getElement()); var element = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); component.decorateInternal(element); assertEquals( 'Element must have expected value', element, component.getElement()); } function testGetElementAndGetElementsByClass() { sandbox.innerHTML = '' + '' + assertNull('Should be nothing to return before the component has a DOM', component.getElementByClass('task')); assertEquals( 'Should return an empty list before the component has a DOM', 0, component.getElementsByClass('task').length); component.decorate(goog.dom.getElement('completed-tasks')); assertEquals( 'getElementByClass() should return the first completed task', 'groceries', component.getElementByClass('task').id); assertEquals( 'getElementsByClass() should return only the completed tasks', 3, component.getElementsByClass('task').length); } function testGetRequiredElementByClass() { sandbox.innerHTML = '' + ''; component.decorate(goog.dom.getElement('completed-tasks')); assertEquals( 'getRequiredElementByClass() should return the first completed task', 'groceries', component.getRequiredElementByClass('task').id); assertThrows( 'Attempting to retrieve a required element that does not' + 'exist should fail', function() { component.getRequiredElementByClass('undefinedClass'); }); } function testEnterExitDocument() { var c1 = new goog.ui.Component(); var c2 = new goog.ui.Component(); component.addChild(c1); component.addChild(c2); component.createDom(); c1.createDom(); c2.createDom(); assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertFalse( 'Neither child must be in the document', c1.isInDocument() || c2.isInDocument()); component.enterDocument(); assertTrue('Parent must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertTrue( 'Both children must be in the document', c1.isInDocument() && c2.isInDocument()); component.exitDocument(); assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertFalse( 'Neither child must be in the document', c1.isInDocument() || c2.isInDocument()); c1.dispose(); c2.dispose(); } function testDispose() { var c1, c2; component.createDom(); component.addChild((c1 = new goog.ui.Component()), true); component.addChild((c2 = new goog.ui.Component()), true); var element = component.getElement(); var c1Element = c1.getElement(); var c2Element = c2.getElement(); component.render(sandbox); assertTrue('Parent must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'Parent\'s element must be a child of the sandbox element', sandbox, element.parentNode); assertTrue( 'Both children must be in the document', c1.isInDocument() && c2.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'First child\'s element must be a child of the parent\'s' + ' element', element, c1Element.parentNode); assertEquals( 'Second child\'s element must be a child of the parent\'s' + ' element', element, c2Element.parentNode); assertFalse('Parent must not have been disposed of', component.isDisposed()); assertFalse( 'Neither child must have been disposed of', c1.isDisposed() || c2.isDisposed()); component.dispose(); assertTrue('Parent must have been disposed of', component.isDisposed()); assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertNotEquals( 'Parent\'s element must no longer be a child of the' + ' sandbox element', sandbox, element.parentNode); assertTrue( 'Both children must have been disposed of', c1.isDisposed() && c2.isDisposed()); assertFalse( 'Neither child must be in the document', c1.isInDocument() || c2.isInDocument()); assertNotEquals( 'First child\'s element must no longer be a child of' + ' the parent\'s element', element, c1Element.parentNode); assertNotEquals( 'Second child\'s element must no longer be a child of' + ' the parent\'s element', element, c2Element.parentNode); } function testDispose_Decorated() { sandbox.innerHTML = '
'; var foo = goog.dom.getElement('foo'); component.decorate(foo); assertTrue('Component must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertFalse( 'Component must not have been disposed of', component.isDisposed()); assertEquals( 'Component\'s element must have expected value', foo, component.getElement()); assertEquals( 'Decorated element must be a child of the sandbox', sandbox, foo.parentNode); component.dispose(); assertFalse( 'Component must not be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertTrue('Component must have been disposed of', component.isDisposed()); assertNull('Component\'s element must be null', component.getElement()); assertEquals( 'Previously decorated element must still be a child of the' + ' sandbox', sandbox, foo.parentNode); } function testMakeIdAndGetFragmentFromId() { assertEquals( 'Unique id must have expected value', component.getId() + '.foo', component.makeId('foo')); assertEquals( 'Fragment must have expected value', 'foo', component.getFragmentFromId(component.makeId('foo'))); } function testMakeIdsWithObject() { var EnumDef = {ENUM_1: 'enum 1', ENUM_2: 'enum 2', ENUM_3: 'enum 3'}; var ids = component.makeIds(EnumDef); assertEquals(component.makeId(EnumDef.ENUM_1), ids.ENUM_1); assertEquals(component.makeId(EnumDef.ENUM_2), ids.ENUM_2); assertEquals(component.makeId(EnumDef.ENUM_3), ids.ENUM_3); } function testGetElementByFragment() { component.render(sandbox); var element = component.dom_.createDom( goog.dom.TagName.DIV, {id: component.makeId('foo')}, 'Hello'); sandbox.appendChild(element); assertEquals( 'Element must have expected value', element, component.getElementByFragment('foo')); } function testGetSetModel() { assertNull('Model must be null by default', component.getModel()); var model = 'someModel'; component.setModel(model); assertEquals('Model must have expected value', model, component.getModel()); component.setModel(null); assertNull('Model must be null', component.getModel()); } function testAddChild() { var child = new goog.ui.Component(); child.setId('child'); assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document', component.isInDocument()); component.addChild(child); assertTrue('Parent must have children.', component.hasChildren()); assertEquals('Child must have expected parent', component, child.getParent()); assertEquals( 'Parent must find child by ID', child, component.getChild('child')); } function testAddChild_Render() { var child = new goog.ui.Component(); component.render(sandbox); assertTrue('Parent must be in the document', component.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'Parent must be in the sandbox', sandbox, component.getElement().parentNode); component.addChild(child, true); assertTrue('Child must be in the document', child.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'Child element must be a child of the parent element', component.getElement(), child.getElement().parentNode); } function testAddChild_DomOnly() { var child = new goog.ui.Component(); component.createDom(); assertNotNull('Parent must have a DOM', component.getElement()); assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document', component.isInDocument()); component.addChild(child, true); assertNotNull('Child must have a DOM', child.getElement()); assertEquals( 'Child element must be a child of the parent element', component.getElement(), child.getElement().parentNode); assertFalse('Child must not be in the document', child.isInDocument()); } function testAddChildAt() { var a = new goog.ui.Component(); var b = new goog.ui.Component(); var c = new goog.ui.Component(); var d = new goog.ui.Component(); a.setId('a'); b.setId('b'); c.setId('c'); d.setId('d'); component.addChildAt(b, 0); assertEquals('b', component.getChildIds().join('')); component.addChildAt(d, 1); assertEquals('bd', component.getChildIds().join('')); component.addChildAt(a, 0); assertEquals('abd', component.getChildIds().join('')); component.addChildAt(c, 2); assertEquals('abcd', component.getChildIds().join('')); assertEquals(a, component.getChildAt(0)); assertEquals(b, component.getChildAt(1)); assertEquals(c, component.getChildAt(2)); assertEquals(d, component.getChildAt(3)); assertThrows( 'Adding child at out-of-bounds index must throw error', function() { component.addChildAt(new goog.ui.Component(), 5); }); } function testAddChildAtThrowsIfNull() { assertThrows('Adding a null child must throw an error', function() { component.addChildAt(null, 0); }); } function testHasChildren() { assertFalse('Component must not have children', component.hasChildren()); component.addChildAt(new goog.ui.Component(), 0); assertTrue('Component must have children', component.hasChildren()); component.removeChildAt(0); assertFalse('Component must not have children', component.hasChildren()); } function testGetChildCount() { assertEquals('Component must have 0 children', 0, component.getChildCount()); component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component()); assertEquals('Component must have 1 child', 1, component.getChildCount()); component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component()); assertEquals('Component must have 2 children', 2, component.getChildCount()); component.removeChildAt(1); assertEquals('Component must have 1 child', 1, component.getChildCount()); component.removeChildAt(0); assertEquals('Component must have 0 children', 0, component.getChildCount()); } function testGetChildIds() { var a = new goog.ui.Component(); var b = new goog.ui.Component(); a.setId('a'); b.setId('b'); component.addChild(a); assertEquals('a', component.getChildIds().join('')); component.addChild(b); assertEquals('ab', component.getChildIds().join('')); var ids = component.getChildIds(); ids.push('c'); assertEquals( 'Changes to the array returned by getChildIds() must not' + ' affect the component', 'ab', component.getChildIds().join('')); } function testGetChild() { assertNull('Parent must have no children', component.getChild('myId')); var c = new goog.ui.Component(); c.setId('myId'); component.addChild(c); assertEquals('Parent must find child by ID', c, component.getChild('myId')); c.setId('newId'); assertNull( 'Parent must not find child by old ID', component.getChild('myId')); assertEquals( 'Parent must find child by new ID', c, component.getChild('newId')); } function testGetChildAt() { var a = new goog.ui.Component(); var b = new goog.ui.Component(); a.setId('a'); b.setId('b'); component.addChildAt(a, 0); assertEquals('Parent must find child by index', a, component.getChildAt(0)); component.addChildAt(b, 1); assertEquals('Parent must find child by index', b, component.getChildAt(1)); assertNull( 'Parent must return null for out-of-bounds index', component.getChildAt(3)); } function testForEachChild() { var invoked = false; component.forEachChild(function(child) { assertNotNull('Child must never be null', child); invoked = true; }); assertFalse( 'forEachChild must not call its argument if the parent has ' + 'no children', invoked); component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component()); component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component()); component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component()); var callCount = 0; component.forEachChild(function(child, index) { assertEquals(component, this); callCount++; }, component); assertEquals(3, callCount); } function testIndexOfChild() { var a = new goog.ui.Component(); var b = new goog.ui.Component(); var c = new goog.ui.Component(); a.setId('a'); b.setId('b'); c.setId('c'); component.addChild(a); assertEquals(0, component.indexOfChild(a)); component.addChild(b); assertEquals(1, component.indexOfChild(b)); component.addChild(c); assertEquals(2, component.indexOfChild(c)); assertEquals( 'indexOfChild must return -1 for nonexistent child', -1, component.indexOfChild(new goog.ui.Component())); } function testRemoveChild() { var a = new goog.ui.Component(); var b = new goog.ui.Component(); var c = new goog.ui.Component(); a.setId('a'); b.setId('b'); c.setId('c'); component.addChild(a); component.addChild(b); component.addChild(c); assertEquals( 'Parent must remove and return child', c, component.removeChild(c)); assertNull( 'Parent must no longer contain this child', component.getChild('c')); assertEquals( 'Parent must remove and return child by ID', b, component.removeChild('b')); assertNull( 'Parent must no longer contain this child', component.getChild('b')); assertEquals( 'Parent must remove and return child by index', a, component.removeChildAt(0)); assertNull( 'Parent must no longer contain this child', component.getChild('a')); } function testMovingChildrenUsingAddChildAt() { component.render(sandbox); var a = new goog.ui.Component(); var b = new goog.ui.Component(); var c = new goog.ui.Component(); var d = new goog.ui.Component(); a.setElementInternal(goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.A)); b.setElementInternal(goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.B)); c.setElementInternal(goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.C)); d.setElementInternal(goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.D)); a.setId('a'); b.setId('b'); c.setId('c'); d.setId('d'); component.addChild(a, true); component.addChild(b, true); component.addChild(c, true); component.addChild(d, true); assertEquals('abcd', component.getChildIds().join('')); assertEquals(a, component.getChildAt(0)); assertEquals(b, component.getChildAt(1)); assertEquals(c, component.getChildAt(2)); assertEquals(d, component.getChildAt(3)); // Move child d to the top and b to the bottom. component.addChildAt(d, 0); component.addChildAt(b, 3); assertEquals('dacb', component.getChildIds().join('')); assertEquals(d, component.getChildAt(0)); assertEquals(a, component.getChildAt(1)); assertEquals(c, component.getChildAt(2)); assertEquals(b, component.getChildAt(3)); // Move child a to the top, and check that DOM nodes are in correct order. component.addChildAt(a, 0); assertEquals('adcb', component.getChildIds().join('')); assertEquals(a, component.getChildAt(0)); assertEquals(a.getElement(), component.getElement().childNodes[0]); } function testAddChildAfterDomCreatedDoesNotEnterDocument() { var parent = new goog.ui.Component(); var child = new goog.ui.Component(); var nestedDiv = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); parent.setElementInternal( goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, undefined, nestedDiv)); parent.render(); // Now add a child, whose DOM already exists. This happens, for example, // if the child itself performs an addChild(x, true). child.createDom(); parent.addChild(child, false); // The parent shouldn't call enterDocument on the child, since the child // actually isn't in the document yet. assertFalse(child.isInDocument()); // Now, actually render the child; it should be in the document. child.render(nestedDiv); assertTrue(child.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'Child should be rendered in the expected div', nestedDiv, child.getElement().parentNode); } function testAddChildAfterDomManuallyInserted() { var parent = new goog.ui.Component(); var child = new goog.ui.Component(); var nestedDiv = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); parent.setElementInternal( goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, undefined, nestedDiv)); parent.render(); // This sequence is weird, but some people do it instead of just manually // doing render. The addChild will detect that the child is in the DOM // and call enterDocument. child.createDom(); nestedDiv.appendChild(child.getElement()); parent.addChild(child, false); assertTrue(child.isInDocument()); assertEquals( 'Child should be rendered in the expected div', nestedDiv, child.getElement().parentNode); } function testRemoveChildren() { var a = new goog.ui.Component(); var b = new goog.ui.Component(); var c = new goog.ui.Component(); component.addChild(a); component.addChild(b); component.addChild(c); a.setId('a'); b.setId('b'); c.setId('c'); assertArrayEquals( 'Parent must remove and return children.', [a, b, c], component.removeChildren()); assertNull( 'Parent must no longer contain this child', component.getChild('a')); assertNull( 'Parent must no longer contain this child', component.getChild('b')); assertNull( 'Parent must no longer contain this child', component.getChild('c')); } function testRemoveChildren_Unrender() { var a = new goog.ui.Component(); var b = new goog.ui.Component(); component.render(sandbox); component.addChild(a); component.addChild(b); assertArrayEquals( 'Prent must remove and return children.', [a, b], component.removeChildren(true)); assertNull( 'Parent must no longer contain this child', component.getChild('a')); assertFalse('Child must no longer be in the document.', a.isInDocument()); assertNull( 'Parent must no longer contain this child', component.getChild('b')); assertFalse('Child must no longer be in the document.', b.isInDocument()); }