// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. goog.provide('goog.editor.nodeTest'); goog.setTestOnly('goog.editor.nodeTest'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.dom.NodeType'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.editor.node'); goog.require('goog.style'); goog.require('goog.testing.ExpectedFailures'); goog.require('goog.testing.dom'); goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); var expectedFailures; var parentNode; var childNode1; var childNode2; var childNode3; var gChildWsNode1 = null; var gChildTextNode1 = null; var gChildNbspNode1 = null; var gChildMixedNode1 = null; var gChildWsNode2a = null; var gChildWsNode2b = null; var gChildTextNode3a = null; var gChildWsNode3 = null; var gChildTextNode3b = null; function setUpPage() { expectedFailures = new goog.testing.ExpectedFailures(); parentNode = document.getElementById('parentNode'); childNode1 = parentNode.childNodes[0]; childNode2 = parentNode.childNodes[1]; childNode3 = parentNode.childNodes[2]; } function tearDown() { expectedFailures.handleTearDown(); } function setUpDomTree() { gChildWsNode1 = document.createTextNode(' \t\r\n'); gChildTextNode1 = document.createTextNode('Child node'); gChildNbspNode1 = document.createTextNode('\u00a0'); gChildMixedNode1 = document.createTextNode('Text\n plus\u00a0'); gChildWsNode2a = document.createTextNode(''); gChildWsNode2b = document.createTextNode(' '); gChildTextNode3a = document.createTextNode('I am a grand child'); gChildWsNode3 = document.createTextNode(' \t \r \n'); gChildTextNode3b = document.createTextNode('I am also a grand child'); childNode3.appendChild(gChildTextNode3a); childNode3.appendChild(gChildWsNode3); childNode3.appendChild(gChildTextNode3b); childNode1.appendChild(gChildMixedNode1); childNode1.appendChild(gChildWsNode1); childNode1.appendChild(gChildNbspNode1); childNode1.appendChild(gChildTextNode1); childNode2.appendChild(gChildWsNode2a); childNode2.appendChild(gChildWsNode2b); document.body.appendChild(parentNode); } function tearDownDomTree() { goog.dom.removeChildren(childNode1); goog.dom.removeChildren(childNode2); goog.dom.removeChildren(childNode3); gChildWsNode1 = null; gChildTextNode1 = null; gChildNbspNode1 = null; gChildMixedNode1 = null; gChildWsNode2a = null; gChildWsNode2b = null; gChildTextNode3a = null; gChildWsNode3 = null; gChildTextNode3b = null; } function testGetCompatModeQuirks() { var quirksIfr = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.IFRAME); document.body.appendChild(quirksIfr); // Webkit used to default to standards mode, but fixed this in // Safari 4/Chrome 2, aka, WebKit 530. // Also IE10 fails here. // TODO(johnlenz): IE10+ inherit quirks mode from the owner document // according to: // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff955402(v=vs.85).aspx // but this test shows different behavior for IE10 and 11. If we discover // that we care about quirks mode documents we should investigate // this failure. expectedFailures.expectFailureFor( (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('530')) || (goog.userAgent.IE && goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('10') && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('11'))); expectedFailures.run(function() { assertFalse( 'Empty sourceless iframe is quirks mode, not standards mode', goog.editor.node.isStandardsMode( goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(quirksIfr))); }); document.body.removeChild(quirksIfr); } function testGetCompatModeStandards() { var standardsIfr = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.IFRAME); document.body.appendChild(standardsIfr); var doc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(standardsIfr); doc.open(); doc.write(' '); doc.close(); assertTrue( 'Iframe with DOCTYPE written in is standards mode', goog.editor.node.isStandardsMode(doc)); document.body.removeChild(standardsIfr); } /** * Creates a DOM tree and tests that getLeftMostLeaf returns proper node */ function testGetLeftMostLeaf() { setUpDomTree(); assertEquals( 'Should skip ws node', gChildMixedNode1, goog.editor.node.getLeftMostLeaf(parentNode)); assertEquals( 'Should skip ws node', gChildMixedNode1, goog.editor.node.getLeftMostLeaf(childNode1)); assertEquals( 'Has no non ws leaves', childNode2, goog.editor.node.getLeftMostLeaf(childNode2)); assertEquals( 'Should return first child', gChildTextNode3a, goog.editor.node.getLeftMostLeaf(childNode3)); assertEquals( 'Has no children', gChildTextNode1, goog.editor.node.getLeftMostLeaf(gChildTextNode1)); tearDownDomTree(); } /** * Creates a DOM tree and tests that getRightMostLeaf returns proper node */ function testGetRightMostLeaf() { setUpDomTree(); assertEquals( "Should return child3's rightmost child", gChildTextNode3b, goog.editor.node.getRightMostLeaf(parentNode)); assertEquals( 'Should skip ws node', gChildTextNode1, goog.editor.node.getRightMostLeaf(childNode1)); assertEquals( 'Has no non ws leaves', childNode2, goog.editor.node.getRightMostLeaf(childNode2)); assertEquals( 'Should return last child', gChildTextNode3b, goog.editor.node.getRightMostLeaf(childNode3)); assertEquals( 'Has no children', gChildTextNode1, goog.editor.node.getRightMostLeaf(gChildTextNode1)); tearDownDomTree(); } /** * Creates a DOM tree and tests that getFirstChild properly ignores * ignorable nodes */ function testGetFirstChild() { setUpDomTree(); assertNull( 'Has no none ws children', goog.editor.node.getFirstChild(childNode2)); assertEquals( 'Should skip first child, as it is ws', gChildMixedNode1, goog.editor.node.getFirstChild(childNode1)); assertEquals( 'Should just return first child', gChildTextNode3a, goog.editor.node.getFirstChild(childNode3)); assertEquals( 'Should return first child', childNode1, goog.editor.node.getFirstChild(parentNode)); assertNull( 'First child of a text node should return null', goog.editor.node.getFirstChild(gChildTextNode1)); assertNull( 'First child of null should return null', goog.editor.node.getFirstChild(null)); tearDownDomTree(); } /** * Create a DOM tree and test that getLastChild properly ignores * ignorable nodes */ function testGetLastChild() { setUpDomTree(); assertNull( 'Has no none ws children', goog.editor.node.getLastChild(childNode2)); assertEquals( 'Should skip last child, as it is ws', gChildTextNode1, goog.editor.node.getLastChild(childNode1)); assertEquals( 'Should just return last child', gChildTextNode3b, goog.editor.node.getLastChild(childNode3)); assertEquals( 'Should return last child', childNode3, goog.editor.node.getLastChild(parentNode)); assertNull( 'Last child of a text node should return null', goog.editor.node.getLastChild(gChildTextNode1)); assertNull( 'Last child of null should return null', goog.editor.node.getLastChild(gChildTextNode1)); tearDownDomTree(); } /** * Test if nodes that should be ignorable return false and nodes that should * not be ignored return true. */ function testIsImportant() { var wsNode = document.createTextNode(' \t\r\n'); assertFalse( 'White space node is ignorable', goog.editor.node.isImportant(wsNode)); var textNode = document.createTextNode('Hello'); assertTrue('Text node is important', goog.editor.node.isImportant(textNode)); var nbspNode = document.createTextNode('\u00a0'); assertTrue( 'Node with nbsp is important', goog.editor.node.isImportant(nbspNode)); var imageNode = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.IMG); assertTrue( 'Image node is important', goog.editor.node.isImportant(imageNode)); } /** * Test that isAllNonNbspWhiteSpace returns true if node contains only * whitespace that is not nbsp and false otherwise */ function testIsAllNonNbspWhiteSpace() { var wsNode = document.createTextNode(' \t\r\n'); assertTrue( 'String is all non nbsp', goog.editor.node.isAllNonNbspWhiteSpace(wsNode)); var textNode = document.createTextNode('Hello'); assertFalse( 'String should not be whitespace', goog.editor.node.isAllNonNbspWhiteSpace(textNode)); var nbspNode = document.createTextNode('\u00a0'); assertFalse( 'String has nbsp', goog.editor.node.isAllNonNbspWhiteSpace(nbspNode)); } /** * Creates a DOM tree and Test that getPreviousSibling properly ignores * ignorable nodes */ function testGetPreviousSibling() { setUpDomTree(); assertNull( 'No previous sibling', goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(gChildTextNode3a)); assertEquals( 'Should have text sibling', gChildTextNode3a, goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(gChildWsNode3)); assertEquals( 'Should skip over white space sibling', gChildTextNode3a, goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(gChildTextNode3b)); assertNull( 'No previous sibling', goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(gChildMixedNode1)); assertEquals( 'Should have mixed text sibling', gChildMixedNode1, goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(gChildWsNode1)); assertEquals( 'Should skip over white space sibling', gChildMixedNode1, goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(gChildNbspNode1)); assertNotEquals( 'Should not move past ws and nbsp', gChildMixedNode1, goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(gChildTextNode1)); assertEquals( 'Should go to child 2', childNode2, goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(childNode3)); assertEquals( 'Should go to child 1', childNode1, goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(childNode2)); assertNull( 'Only has white space siblings', goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(gChildWsNode2b)); tearDownDomTree(); } /** * Creates a DOM tree and tests that getNextSibling properly ignores igrnorable * nodes when determining the next sibling */ function testGetNextSibling() { setUpDomTree(); assertEquals( 'Child 1 should have Child 2', childNode2, goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(childNode1)); assertEquals( 'Child 2 should have child 3', childNode3, goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(childNode2)); assertNull( 'Child 3 has no next sibling', goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(childNode3)); assertNotEquals( 'Should not skip ws and nbsp nodes', gChildTextNode1, goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(gChildMixedNode1)); assertNotEquals( 'Should not skip nbsp node', gChildTextNode1, goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(gChildWsNode1)); assertEquals( 'Should have sibling', gChildTextNode1, goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(gChildNbspNode1)); assertNull( 'Should have no next sibling', goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(gChildTextNode1)); assertNull( 'Only has ws sibling', goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(gChildWsNode2a)); assertNull( 'Has no next sibling', goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(gChildWsNode2b)); assertEquals( 'Should skip ws node', gChildTextNode3b, goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(gChildTextNode3a)); tearDownDomTree(); } function testIsEmpty() { var textNode = document.createTextNode(''); assertTrue( 'Text node with no content should be empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(textNode)); textNode.data = '\xa0'; assertTrue( 'Text node with nbsp should be empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(textNode)); assertFalse( 'Text node with nbsp should not be empty when prohibited', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(textNode, true)); textNode.data = ' '; assertTrue( 'Text node with whitespace should be empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(textNode)); textNode.data = 'notEmpty'; assertFalse( 'Text node with text should not be empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(textNode)); var div = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); assertTrue('Empty div should be empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(div)); div.innerHTML = ''; assertFalse( 'Div containing an iframe is not empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(div)); div.innerHTML = ''; assertFalse( 'Div containing an image is not empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(div)); div.innerHTML = ''; assertFalse( 'Div containing an embed is not empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(div)); div.innerHTML = '
'; assertTrue( 'Div containing other empty tags is empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(div)); div.innerHTML = '
'; assertTrue( 'Div containing other empty tags and whitespace is empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(div)); div.innerHTML = '
Not empty
'; assertFalse( 'Div containing tags and text is not empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(div)); var img = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.IMG); assertFalse('Empty img should not be empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(img)); var iframe = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.IFRAME); assertFalse( 'Empty iframe should not be empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(iframe)); var embed = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.EMBED); assertFalse( 'Empty embed should not be empty', goog.editor.node.isEmpty(embed)); } /** * Test that getLength returns 0 if the node has no length and no children, * the # of children if the node has no length but does have children, * and the length of the node if the node does have length */ function testGetLength() { var parentNode = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.P); assertEquals( 'Length 0 and no children', 0, goog.editor.node.getLength(parentNode)); var childNode1 = document.createTextNode('node 1'); var childNode2 = document.createTextNode('node number 2'); var childNode3 = document.createTextNode(''); parentNode.appendChild(childNode1); parentNode.appendChild(childNode2); parentNode.appendChild(childNode3); assertEquals( 'Length 0 and 3 children', 3, goog.editor.node.getLength(parentNode)); assertEquals( 'Text node, length 6', 6, goog.editor.node.getLength(childNode1)); assertEquals( 'Text node, length 0', 0, goog.editor.node.getLength(childNode3)); } function testFindInChildrenSuccess() { var parentNode = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); parentNode.innerHTML = '
foo2'; var index = goog.editor.node.findInChildren(parentNode, function(node) { return node.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.B; }); assertEquals('Should find second child', index, 1); } function testFindInChildrenFailure() { var parentNode = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); parentNode.innerHTML = '
foo2'; var index = goog.editor.node.findInChildren( parentNode, function(node) { return false; }); assertNull("Shouldn't find a child", index); } function testFindHighestMatchingAncestor() { setUpDomTree(); var predicateFunc = function(node) { return node.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.DIV; }; var node = goog.editor.node.findHighestMatchingAncestor( gChildTextNode3a, predicateFunc); assertNotNull('Should return an ancestor', node); assertEquals( 'Should have found "parentNode" as the last ' + 'ancestor matching the predicate', parentNode, node); predicateFunc = function(node) { return node.childNodes.length == 1; }; node = goog.editor.node.findHighestMatchingAncestor( gChildTextNode3a, predicateFunc); assertNull("Shouldn't return an ancestor", node); tearDownDomTree(); } function testIsBlock() { var blockDisplays = [ 'block', 'list-item', 'table', 'table-caption', 'table-cell', 'table-column', 'table-column-group', 'table-footer', 'table-footer-group', 'table-header-group', 'table-row', 'table-row-group' ]; var structuralTags = [ goog.dom.TagName.BODY, goog.dom.TagName.FRAME, goog.dom.TagName.FRAMESET, goog.dom.TagName.HEAD, goog.dom.TagName.HTML ]; // The following tags are considered inline in IE, except LEGEND which is // only a block element in WEBKIT. var ambiguousTags = [ goog.dom.TagName.DETAILS, goog.dom.TagName.HR, goog.dom.TagName.ISINDEX, goog.dom.TagName.LEGEND, goog.dom.TagName.MAP, goog.dom.TagName.NOFRAMES, goog.dom.TagName.OPTGROUP, goog.dom.TagName.OPTION, goog.dom.TagName.SUMMARY ]; // Older versions of IE and Gecko consider the following elements to be // inline, but IE9+ and Gecko 2.0+ recognize the new elements. var legacyAmbiguousTags = [ goog.dom.TagName.ARTICLE, goog.dom.TagName.ASIDE, goog.dom.TagName.FIGCAPTION, goog.dom.TagName.FIGURE, goog.dom.TagName.FOOTER, goog.dom.TagName.HEADER, goog.dom.TagName.HGROUP, goog.dom.TagName.NAV, goog.dom.TagName.SECTION ]; var tagsToIgnore = goog.array.flatten(structuralTags, ambiguousTags); if ((goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(9)) || (goog.userAgent.GECKO && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('2'))) { goog.array.extend(tagsToIgnore, legacyAmbiguousTags); } // Appending an applet tag can cause the test to hang if Java is blocked on // the system. tagsToIgnore.push(goog.dom.TagName.APPLET); // Appending an embed tag to the page in IE brings up a warning dialog about // loading Java content. if (goog.userAgent.IE) { tagsToIgnore.push(goog.dom.TagName.EMBED); } for (var tag in goog.dom.TagName) { if (goog.array.contains(tagsToIgnore, goog.dom.TagName[tag])) { continue; } var el = goog.dom.createElement(tag); document.body.appendChild(el); var display = goog.style.getCascadedStyle(el, 'display') || goog.style.getComputedStyle(el, 'display'); goog.dom.removeNode(el); if (goog.editor.node.isBlockTag(el)) { assertContains( 'Display for ' + tag + ' should be block-like', display, blockDisplays); } else { assertNotContains( 'Display for ' + tag + ' should not be block-like', display, blockDisplays); } } } function createDivWithTextNodes(var_args) { var dom = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { goog.dom.appendChild(dom, goog.dom.createTextNode(arguments[i])); } return dom; } function testSkipEmptyTextNodes() { assertNull( 'skipEmptyTextNodes should gracefully handle null', goog.editor.node.skipEmptyTextNodes(null)); var dom1 = createDivWithTextNodes('abc', '', 'xyz', '', ''); assertEquals( 'expected not to skip first child', dom1.firstChild, goog.editor.node.skipEmptyTextNodes(dom1.firstChild)); assertEquals( 'expected to skip second child', dom1.childNodes[2], goog.editor.node.skipEmptyTextNodes(dom1.childNodes[1])); assertNull( 'expected to skip all the rest of the children', goog.editor.node.skipEmptyTextNodes(dom1.childNodes[3])); } function testIsEditableContainer() { var editableContainerElement = document.getElementById('editableTest'); assertTrue( 'Container element should be considered editable container', goog.editor.node.isEditableContainer(editableContainerElement)); var nonEditableContainerElement = document.getElementById('parentNode'); assertFalse( 'Other element should not be considered editable container', goog.editor.node.isEditableContainer(nonEditableContainerElement)); } function testIsEditable() { var editableContainerElement = document.getElementById('editableTest'); var childNode = editableContainerElement.firstChild; var childElement = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName( goog.dom.TagName.SPAN, editableContainerElement)[0]; assertFalse( 'Container element should not be considered editable', goog.editor.node.isEditable(editableContainerElement)); assertTrue( 'Child text node should be considered editable', goog.editor.node.isEditable(childNode)); assertTrue( 'Child element should be considered editable', goog.editor.node.isEditable(childElement)); assertTrue( 'Grandchild node should be considered editable', goog.editor.node.isEditable(childElement.firstChild)); assertFalse( 'Other element should not be considered editable', goog.editor.node.isEditable(document.getElementById('parentNode'))); } function testFindTopMostEditableAncestor() { var root = document.getElementById('editableTest'); var span = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.SPAN, root)[0]; var textNode = span.firstChild; assertEquals( 'Should return self if self is matched.', textNode, goog.editor.node.findTopMostEditableAncestor(textNode, function(node) { return node.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT; })); assertEquals( 'Should not walk out of editable node.', null, goog.editor.node.findTopMostEditableAncestor(textNode, function(node) { return node.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BODY; })); assertEquals( 'Should not match editable container.', null, goog.editor.node.findTopMostEditableAncestor(textNode, function(node) { return node.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.DIV; })); assertEquals( 'Should find node in editable container.', span, goog.editor.node.findTopMostEditableAncestor(textNode, function(node) { return node.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.SPAN; })); } function testSplitDomTreeAt() { var innerHTML = '


'; var root = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); root.innerHTML = innerHTML; var result = goog.editor.node.splitDomTreeAt( goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.B, root)[0], null, root); goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlContentsMatch('


', root); goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlContentsMatch('


', result); root.innerHTML = innerHTML; result = goog.editor.node.splitDomTreeAt( goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.B, root)[0], goog.dom.createTextNode('and'), root); goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlContentsMatch('


', root); goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlContentsMatch('


', result); } function testTransferChildren() { var prefix = 'Bold 1'; var innerHTML = 'Bold'; var root1 = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); root1.innerHTML = innerHTML; var root2 = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.P); root2.innerHTML = prefix; var b = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.B, root1)[0]; // Transfer the children. goog.editor.node.transferChildren(root2, root1); assertEquals(0, root1.childNodes.length); goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlContentsMatch(prefix + innerHTML, root2); assertEquals(b, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.B, root2)[1]); // Transfer them back. goog.editor.node.transferChildren(root1, root2); assertEquals(0, root2.childNodes.length); goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlContentsMatch(prefix + innerHTML, root1); assertEquals(b, goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.B, root1)[1]); }