// Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. goog.provide('goog.net.WebSocketTest'); goog.setTestOnly('goog.net.WebSocketTest'); goog.require('goog.debug.EntryPointMonitor'); goog.require('goog.debug.ErrorHandler'); goog.require('goog.debug.entryPointRegistry'); goog.require('goog.events'); goog.require('goog.functions'); goog.require('goog.net.WebSocket'); goog.require('goog.testing.MockClock'); goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer'); goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit'); goog.require('goog.testing.recordFunction'); var webSocket; var mockClock; var pr; var testUrl; var originalOnOpen = goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onOpen_; var originalOnClose = goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onClose_; var originalOnMessage = goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onMessage_; var originalOnError = goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onError_; function setUp() { pr = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer(); pr.set(goog.global, 'WebSocket', MockWebSocket); mockClock = new goog.testing.MockClock(true); testUrl = 'ws://'; testProtocol = 'xmpp'; } function tearDown() { pr.reset(); goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onOpen_ = originalOnOpen; goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onClose_ = originalOnClose; goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onMessage_ = originalOnMessage; goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onError_ = originalOnError; goog.dispose(mockClock); goog.dispose(webSocket); } function testOpenInUnsupportingBrowserThrowsException() { // Null out WebSocket to simulate lack of support. if (goog.global.WebSocket) { goog.global.WebSocket = null; } webSocket = new goog.net.WebSocket(); assertThrows('Open should fail if WebSocket is not defined.', function() { webSocket.open(testUrl); }); } function testOpenTwiceThrowsException() { webSocket = new goog.net.WebSocket(); webSocket.open(testUrl); simulateOpenEvent(webSocket.webSocket_); assertThrows('Attempting to open a second time should fail.', function() { webSocket.open(testUrl); }); } function testSendWithoutOpeningThrowsException() { webSocket = new goog.net.WebSocket(); assertThrows( 'Send should fail if the web socket was not first opened.', function() { webSocket.send('test message'); }); } function testOpenWithProtocol() { webSocket = new goog.net.WebSocket(); webSocket.open(testUrl, testProtocol); var ws = webSocket.webSocket_; simulateOpenEvent(ws); assertEquals(testUrl, ws.url); assertEquals(testProtocol, ws.protocol); } function testOpenAndClose() { webSocket = new goog.net.WebSocket(); assertFalse(webSocket.isOpen()); webSocket.open(testUrl); var ws = webSocket.webSocket_; simulateOpenEvent(ws); assertTrue(webSocket.isOpen()); assertEquals(testUrl, ws.url); webSocket.close(); simulateCloseEvent(ws); assertFalse(webSocket.isOpen()); } function testReconnectionDisabled() { // Construct the web socket and disable reconnection. webSocket = new goog.net.WebSocket(false); // Record how many times open is called. pr.set(webSocket, 'open', goog.testing.recordFunction(webSocket.open)); // Open the web socket. webSocket.open(testUrl); assertEquals(0, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); assertFalse(webSocket.isOpen()); // Simulate failure. var ws = webSocket.webSocket_; simulateCloseEvent(ws); assertFalse(webSocket.isOpen()); assertEquals(0, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Make sure a reconnection doesn't happen. mockClock.tick(100000); assertEquals(0, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); } function testReconnectionWithFailureOnFirstOpen() { // Construct the web socket with a linear back-off. webSocket = new goog.net.WebSocket(true, linearBackOff); // Record how many times open is called. pr.set(webSocket, 'open', goog.testing.recordFunction(webSocket.open)); // Open the web socket. webSocket.open(testUrl, testProtocol); assertEquals(0, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); assertFalse(webSocket.isOpen()); // Simulate failure. var ws = webSocket.webSocket_; simulateCloseEvent(ws); assertFalse(webSocket.isOpen()); assertEquals(1, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Make sure the reconnect doesn't happen before it should. mockClock.tick(linearBackOff(0) - 1); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); mockClock.tick(1); assertEquals(2, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Simulate another failure. simulateCloseEvent(ws); assertFalse(webSocket.isOpen()); assertEquals(2, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(2, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Make sure the reconnect doesn't happen before it should. mockClock.tick(linearBackOff(1) - 1); assertEquals(2, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); mockClock.tick(1); assertEquals(3, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Simulate connection success. simulateOpenEvent(ws); assertEquals(0, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(3, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Make sure the reconnection has the same url and protocol. assertEquals(testUrl, ws.url); assertEquals(testProtocol, ws.protocol); // Ensure no further calls to open are made. mockClock.tick(linearBackOff(10)); assertEquals(3, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); } function testReconnectionWithFailureAfterOpen() { // Construct the web socket with a linear back-off. webSocket = new goog.net.WebSocket(true, fibonacciBackOff); // Record how many times open is called. pr.set(webSocket, 'open', goog.testing.recordFunction(webSocket.open)); // Open the web socket. webSocket.open(testUrl); assertEquals(0, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); assertFalse(webSocket.isOpen()); // Simulate connection success. var ws = webSocket.webSocket_; simulateOpenEvent(ws); assertEquals(0, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Let some time pass, then fail the connection. mockClock.tick(100000); simulateCloseEvent(ws); assertFalse(webSocket.isOpen()); assertEquals(1, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Make sure the reconnect doesn't happen before it should. mockClock.tick(fibonacciBackOff(0) - 1); assertEquals(1, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); mockClock.tick(1); assertEquals(2, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Simulate connection success. ws = webSocket.webSocket_; simulateOpenEvent(ws); assertEquals(0, webSocket.reconnectAttempt_); assertEquals(2, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); // Ensure no further calls to open are made. mockClock.tick(fibonacciBackOff(10)); assertEquals(2, webSocket.open.getCallCount()); } function testExponentialBackOff() { assertEquals(1000, goog.net.WebSocket.EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_(0)); assertEquals(2000, goog.net.WebSocket.EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_(1)); assertEquals(4000, goog.net.WebSocket.EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_(2)); assertEquals(60000, goog.net.WebSocket.EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_(6)); assertEquals(60000, goog.net.WebSocket.EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_(7)); } function testEntryPointRegistry() { var monitor = new goog.debug.EntryPointMonitor(); var replacement = function() {}; monitor.wrap = goog.testing.recordFunction(goog.functions.constant(replacement)); goog.debug.entryPointRegistry.monitorAll(monitor); assertTrue(monitor.wrap.getCallCount() >= 1); assertEquals(replacement, goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onOpen_); assertEquals(replacement, goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onClose_); assertEquals(replacement, goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onMessage_); assertEquals(replacement, goog.net.WebSocket.prototype.onError_); } function testErrorHandlerCalled() { var errorHandlerCalled = false; var errorHandler = new goog.debug.ErrorHandler(function() { errorHandlerCalled = true; }); goog.net.WebSocket.protectEntryPoints(errorHandler); webSocket = new goog.net.WebSocket(); goog.events.listenOnce( webSocket, goog.net.WebSocket.EventType.OPENED, function() { throw Error(); }); webSocket.open(testUrl); var ws = webSocket.webSocket_; assertThrows(function() { simulateOpenEvent(ws); }); assertTrue( 'Error handler callback should be called when registered as ' + 'protecting the entry points.', errorHandlerCalled); } /** * Simulates the browser firing the open event for the given web socket. * @param {MockWebSocket} ws The mock web socket. */ function simulateOpenEvent(ws) { ws.readyState = goog.net.WebSocket.ReadyState_.OPEN; ws.onopen(); } /** * Simulates the browser firing the close event for the given web socket. * @param {MockWebSocket} ws The mock web socket. */ function simulateCloseEvent(ws) { ws.readyState = goog.net.WebSocket.ReadyState_.CLOSED; ws.onclose({data: 'mock close event'}); } /** * Strategy for reconnection that backs off linearly with a 1 second offset. * @param {number} attempt The number of reconnects since the last connection. * @return {number} The amount of time to the next reconnect, in milliseconds. */ function linearBackOff(attempt) { return (attempt * 1000) + 1000; } /** * Strategy for reconnection that backs off with the fibonacci pattern. It is * offset by 5 seconds so the first attempt will happen after 5 seconds. * @param {number} attempt The number of reconnects since the last connection. * @return {number} The amount of time to the next reconnect, in milliseconds. */ function fibonacciBackOff(attempt) { return (fibonacci(attempt) * 1000) + 5000; } /** * Computes the desired fibonacci number. * @param {number} n The nth desired fibonacci number. * @return {number} The nth fibonacci number. */ function fibonacci(n) { if (n == 0) { return 0; } else if (n == 1) { return 1; } else { return fibonacci(n - 2) + fibonacci(n - 1); } } /** * Mock WebSocket constructor. * @param {string} url The url to the web socket server. * @param {string} protocol The protocol to use. * @constructor */ MockWebSocket = function(url, protocol) { this.url = url; this.protocol = protocol; this.readyState = goog.net.WebSocket.ReadyState_.CONNECTING; }; /** * Mocks out the close method of the WebSocket. */ MockWebSocket.prototype.close = function() { this.readyState = goog.net.WebSocket.ReadyState_.CLOSING; }; /** * Mocks out the send method of the WebSocket. */ MockWebSocket.prototype.send = function() { // Nothing to do here. };