// Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the Licensegg at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Shared unit tests for styles. */ goog.provide('goog.style_test'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.color'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.events.BrowserEvent'); goog.require('goog.html.testing'); goog.require('goog.labs.userAgent.util'); goog.require('goog.math.Box'); goog.require('goog.math.Coordinate'); goog.require('goog.math.Rect'); goog.require('goog.math.Size'); goog.require('goog.object'); goog.require('goog.style'); goog.require('goog.testing.ExpectedFailures'); goog.require('goog.testing.MockUserAgent'); goog.require('goog.testing.TestCase'); goog.require('goog.testing.asserts'); goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); goog.require('goog.userAgentTestUtil'); goog.require('goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents'); goog.setTestOnly('goog.style_test'); // IE before version 6 will always be border box in compat mode. var isBorderBox = goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode() ? (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('6')) : true; var EPSILON = 2; var expectedFailures = new goog.testing.ExpectedFailures(); var $ = goog.dom.getElement; var mockUserAgent; function setUpPage() { // TODO(b/25875505): Fix unreported assertions (go/failonunreportedasserts). goog.testing.TestCase.getActiveTestCase().failOnUnreportedAsserts = false; var viewportSize = goog.dom.getViewportSize(); // When the window is too short or not wide enough, some tests, especially // those for off-screen elements, fail. Oddly, the most reliable // indicator is a width of zero (which is of course erroneous), since // height sometimes includes a scroll bar. We can make no assumptions on // window size on the Selenium farm. if (goog.userAgent.IE && viewportSize.width < 300) { // Move to origin, since IE won't resize outside the screen. window.moveTo(0, 0); window.resizeTo(640, 480); } } function setUp() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); goog.userAgentTestUtil.reinitializeUserAgent(); mockUserAgent = new goog.testing.MockUserAgent(); mockUserAgent.install(); } function tearDown() { expectedFailures.handleTearDown(); var testVisibleDiv2 = goog.dom.getElement('test-visible2'); testVisibleDiv2.setAttribute('style', ''); goog.dom.removeChildren(testVisibleDiv2); var testViewport = goog.dom.getElement('test-viewport'); testViewport.setAttribute('style', ''); goog.dom.removeChildren(testViewport); goog.dispose(mockUserAgent); // Prevent multiple vendor prefixed mock elements from poisoning the cache. goog.style.styleNameCache_ = {}; } function testSetStyle() { var el = $('span1'); goog.style.setStyle(el, 'textDecoration', 'underline'); assertEquals('Should be underline', 'underline', el.style.textDecoration); } function testSetStyleMap() { var el = $('span6'); var styles = {'background-color': 'blue', 'font-size': '100px', textAlign: 'center'}; goog.style.setStyle(el, styles); var answers = { backgroundColor: 'blue', fontSize: '100px', textAlign: 'center' }; goog.object.forEach(answers, function(value, style) { assertEquals('Should be ' + value, value, el.style[style]); }); } function testSetStyleWithNonCamelizedString() { var el = $('span5'); goog.style.setStyle(el, 'text-decoration', 'underline'); assertEquals('Should be underline', 'underline', el.style.textDecoration); } function testGetStyle() { var el = goog.dom.getElement('styleTest3'); goog.style.setStyle(el, 'width', '80px'); goog.style.setStyle(el, 'textDecoration', 'underline'); assertEquals('80px', goog.style.getStyle(el, 'width')); assertEquals('underline', goog.style.getStyle(el, 'textDecoration')); assertEquals('underline', goog.style.getStyle(el, 'text-decoration')); // Non set properties are always empty strings. assertEquals('', goog.style.getStyle(el, 'border')); } function testGetStyleMsFilter() { // Element with -ms-filter style set. var e = goog.dom.getElement('msFilter'); if (goog.userAgent.IE && goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(8) && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(10)) { // Only IE8/9 supports -ms-filter and returns it as value for the "filter" // property. When in compatibility mode, -ms-filter is not supported // and IE8 behaves as IE7 so the other case will apply. assertEquals('alpha(opacity=0)', goog.style.getStyle(e, 'filter')); } else { // Any other browser does not support ms-filter so it returns empty string. assertEquals('', goog.style.getStyle(e, 'filter')); } } function testGetStyleFilter() { // Element with filter style set. var e = goog.dom.getElement('filter'); if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(10)) { // Filter supported. assertEquals('alpha(opacity=0)', goog.style.getStyle(e, 'filter')); } else { assertEquals('', goog.style.getStyle(e, 'filter')); } } function testGetComputedStyleMsFilter() { // Element with -ms-filter style set. var e = goog.dom.getElement('msFilter'); if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(10)) { if (goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(9)) { // IE 9 returns the value. assertEquals( 'alpha(opacity=0)', goog.style.getComputedStyle(e, 'filter')); } else { // Older IE always returns empty string for computed styles. assertEquals('', goog.style.getComputedStyle(e, 'filter')); } } else { // Non IE returns 'none' for filter as it is an SVG property assertEquals('none', goog.style.getComputedStyle(e, 'filter')); } } function testGetComputedStyleFilter() { // Element with filter style set. var e = goog.dom.getElement('filter'); if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(10)) { if (goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(9)) { // IE 9 returns the value. assertEquals( 'alpha(opacity=0)', goog.style.getComputedStyle(e, 'filter')); } else { // Older IE always returns empty string for computed styles. assertEquals('', goog.style.getComputedStyle(e, 'filter')); } } else { // Non IE returns 'none' for filter as it is an SVG property assertEquals('none', goog.style.getComputedStyle(e, 'filter')); } } function testGetComputedBoxSizing() { if (!goog.userAgent.IE || goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(8)) { var defaultBoxSizing = goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode() ? 'content-box' : 'border-box'; var el = goog.dom.getElement('box-sizing-unset'); assertEquals(defaultBoxSizing, goog.style.getComputedBoxSizing(el)); el = goog.dom.getElement('box-sizing-border-box'); assertEquals('border-box', goog.style.getComputedBoxSizing(el)); } else { // IE7 and below don't support box-sizing. assertNull( goog.style.getComputedBoxSizing( goog.dom.getElement('box-sizing-border-box'))); } } function testGetComputedPosition() { assertEquals( 'position not set', 'static', goog.style.getComputedPosition($('position-unset'))); assertEquals( 'position:relative in style attribute', 'relative', goog.style.getComputedPosition($('style-position-relative'))); if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode() && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(10)) { assertEquals( 'position:fixed in style attribute', 'static', goog.style.getComputedPosition($('style-position-fixed'))); } else { assertEquals( 'position:fixed in style attribute', 'fixed', goog.style.getComputedPosition($('style-position-fixed'))); } assertEquals( 'position:absolute in css', 'absolute', goog.style.getComputedPosition($('css-position-absolute'))); } function testGetComputedOverflowXAndY() { assertEquals( 'overflow-x:scroll in style attribute', 'scroll', goog.style.getComputedOverflowX($('style-overflow-scroll'))); assertEquals( 'overflow-y:scroll in style attribute', 'scroll', goog.style.getComputedOverflowY($('style-overflow-scroll'))); assertEquals( 'overflow-x:hidden in css', 'hidden', goog.style.getComputedOverflowX($('css-overflow-hidden'))); assertEquals( 'overflow-y:hidden in css', 'hidden', goog.style.getComputedOverflowY($('css-overflow-hidden'))); } function testGetComputedZIndex() { assertEquals( 'z-index:200 in style attribute', '200', '' + goog.style.getComputedZIndex($('style-z-index-200'))); assertEquals( 'z-index:200 in css', '200', '' + goog.style.getComputedZIndex($('css-z-index-200'))); } function testGetComputedTextAlign() { assertEquals( 'text-align:right in style attribute', 'right', goog.style.getComputedTextAlign($('style-text-align-right'))); assertEquals( 'text-align:right inherited from parent', 'right', goog.style.getComputedTextAlign($('style-text-align-right-inner'))); assertEquals( 'text-align:center in css', 'center', goog.style.getComputedTextAlign($('css-text-align-center'))); } function testGetComputedCursor() { assertEquals( 'cursor:move in style attribute', 'move', goog.style.getComputedCursor($('style-cursor-move'))); assertEquals( 'cursor:move inherited from parent', 'move', goog.style.getComputedCursor($('style-cursor-move-inner'))); assertEquals( 'cursor:poiner in css', 'pointer', goog.style.getComputedCursor($('css-cursor-pointer'))); } function testGetBackgroundColor() { var dest = $('bgcolorDest'); for (var i = 0; $('bgcolorTest' + i); i++) { var src = $('bgcolorTest' + i); var bgColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(src); dest.style.backgroundColor = bgColor; assertEquals( 'Background colors should be equal', goog.style.getBackgroundColor(src), goog.style.getBackgroundColor(dest)); try { // goog.color.parse throws a generic exception if handed input it // doesn't understand. var c = goog.color.parse(bgColor); assertEquals('rgb(255,0,0)', goog.color.hexToRgbStyle(c.hex)); } catch (e) { // Internet Explorer is unable to parse colors correctly after test 4. // Other browsers may vary, but all should be able to handle straight // hex input. assertFalse('Should be able to parse color "' + bgColor + '"', i < 5); } } } function testSetPosition() { var el = $('testEl'); goog.style.setPosition(el, 100, 100); assertEquals('100px', el.style.left); assertEquals('100px', el.style.top); goog.style.setPosition(el, '50px', '25px'); assertEquals('50px', el.style.left); assertEquals('25px', el.style.top); goog.style.setPosition(el, '10ex', '25px'); assertEquals('10ex', el.style.left); assertEquals('25px', el.style.top); goog.style.setPosition(el, '10%', '25%'); assertEquals('10%', el.style.left); assertEquals('25%', el.style.top); // ignores stupid units goog.style.setPosition(el, 0, 0); // TODO(user): IE errors if you set these values. Should we make setStyle // catch these? Or leave it up to the app. Fixing the tests for now. // goog.style.setPosition(el, '10rainbows', '25rainbows'); assertEquals('0px', el.style.left); assertEquals('0px', el.style.top); goog.style.setPosition(el, new goog.math.Coordinate(20, 40)); assertEquals('20px', el.style.left); assertEquals('40px', el.style.top); } function testGetClientPositionAbsPositionElement() { var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = '100px'; div.style.top = '200px'; document.body.appendChild(div); var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(div); assertEquals(100, pos.x); assertEquals(200, pos.y); } function testGetClientPositionNestedElements() { var innerDiv = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); innerDiv.style.position = 'relative'; innerDiv.style.left = '-10px'; innerDiv.style.top = '-10px'; var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = '150px'; div.style.top = '250px'; div.appendChild(innerDiv); document.body.appendChild(div); var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(innerDiv); assertEquals(140, pos.x); assertEquals(240, pos.y); } function testGetClientPositionOfOffscreenElement() { var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = '2000px'; div.style.top = '2000px'; div.style.width = '10px'; div.style.height = '10px'; document.body.appendChild(div); try { window.scroll(0, 0); var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(div); assertEquals(2000, pos.x); assertEquals(2000, pos.y); // The following tests do not work in Gecko 1.8 and below, due to an // obscure off-by-one bug in goog.style.getPageOffset. Same for IE. if (!goog.userAgent.IE && !(goog.userAgent.GECKO && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('1.9'))) { window.scroll(1, 1); var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(div); assertEquals(1999, pos.x); assertRoughlyEquals(1999, pos.y, 0.5); window.scroll(2, 2); pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(div); assertEquals(1998, pos.x); assertRoughlyEquals(1998, pos.y, 0.5); window.scroll(100, 100); pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(div); assertEquals(1900, pos.x); assertRoughlyEquals(1900, pos.y, 0.5); } } finally { window.scroll(0, 0); document.body.removeChild(div); } } function testGetClientPositionOfOrphanElement() { var orphanElem = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(orphanElem); assertEquals(0, pos.x); assertEquals(0, pos.y); } function testGetClientPositionEvent() { var mockEvent = {}; mockEvent.clientX = 100; mockEvent.clientY = 200; var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(mockEvent); assertEquals(100, pos.x); assertEquals(200, pos.y); } function testGetClientPositionTouchEvent() { var mockTouchEvent = {}; mockTouchEvent.changedTouches = [{}]; mockTouchEvent.changedTouches[0].clientX = 100; mockTouchEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY = 200; var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(mockTouchEvent); assertEquals(100, pos.x); assertEquals(200, pos.y); } function testGetClientPositionEmptyTouchList() { var mockTouchEvent = {}; mockTouchEvent.touches = []; mockTouchEvent.changedTouches = [{}]; mockTouchEvent.changedTouches[0].clientX = 100; mockTouchEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY = 200; var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(mockTouchEvent); assertEquals(100, pos.x); assertEquals(200, pos.y); } function testGetClientPositionAbstractedTouchEvent() { var mockTouchEvent = {}; mockTouchEvent.changedTouches = [{}]; mockTouchEvent.changedTouches[0].clientX = 100; mockTouchEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY = 200; var e = new goog.events.BrowserEvent(mockTouchEvent); var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(e); assertEquals(100, pos.x); assertEquals(200, pos.y); } function testGetPageOffsetAbsPositionedElement() { var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = '100px'; div.style.top = '200px'; document.body.appendChild(div); var pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(div); assertEquals(100, pos.x); assertEquals(200, pos.y); } function testGetPageOffsetNestedElements() { var innerDiv = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); innerDiv.style.position = 'relative'; innerDiv.style.left = '-10px'; innerDiv.style.top = '-10px'; var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = '150px'; div.style.top = '250px'; div.appendChild(innerDiv); document.body.appendChild(div); var pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(innerDiv); assertRoughlyEquals(140, pos.x, 0.1); assertRoughlyEquals(240, pos.y, 0.1); } function testGetPageOffsetWithBodyPadding() { document.body.style.margin = '40px'; document.body.style.padding = '60px'; document.body.style.borderWidth = '70px'; try { var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = '100px'; div.style.top = '200px'; // Margin will affect position, but padding and borders should not. div.style.margin = '1px'; div.style.padding = '2px'; div.style.borderWidth = '3px'; document.body.appendChild(div); var pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(div); assertRoughlyEquals(101, pos.x, 0.1); assertRoughlyEquals(201, pos.y, 0.1); } finally { document.body.removeChild(div); document.body.style.margin = ''; document.body.style.padding = ''; document.body.style.borderWidth = ''; } } function testGetPageOffsetWithDocumentElementPadding() { document.documentElement.style.margin = '40px'; document.documentElement.style.padding = '60px'; document.documentElement.style.borderWidth = '70px'; try { var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = '100px'; div.style.top = '200px'; // Margin will affect position, but padding and borders should not. div.style.margin = '1px'; div.style.padding = '2px'; div.style.borderWidth = '3px'; document.body.appendChild(div); var pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(div); // FF3 (but not beyond) gets confused by document margins. if (goog.userAgent.GECKO && goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('1.9') && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('1.9.1')) { assertEquals(141, pos.x); assertEquals(241, pos.y); } else { assertRoughlyEquals(101, pos.x, 0.1); assertRoughlyEquals(201, pos.y, 0.1); } } finally { document.body.removeChild(div); document.documentElement.style.margin = ''; document.documentElement.style.padding = ''; document.documentElement.style.borderWidth = ''; } } function testGetPageOffsetElementOffscreen() { var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = '10000px'; div.style.top = '20000px'; document.body.appendChild(div); window.scroll(0, 0); try { var pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(div); assertEquals(10000, pos.x); assertEquals(20000, pos.y); // The following tests do not work in Gecko 1.8 and below, due to an // obscure off-by-one bug in goog.style.getPageOffset. Same for IE. if (!(goog.userAgent.IE) && !(goog.userAgent.GECKO && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('1.9'))) { window.scroll(1, 1); pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(div); assertEquals(10000, pos.x); assertRoughlyEquals(20000, pos.y, 0.5); window.scroll(1000, 2000); pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(div); assertEquals(10000, pos.x); assertRoughlyEquals(20000, pos.y, 1); window.scroll(10000, 20000); pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(div); assertEquals(10000, pos.x); assertRoughlyEquals(20000, pos.y, 1); } } // Undo changes. finally { document.body.removeChild(div); window.scroll(0, 0); } } function testGetPageOffsetFixedPositionElements() { // Skip these tests in certain browsers. // position:fixed is not supported in IE before version 7 if (!goog.userAgent.IE || !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('6')) { // Test with a position fixed element var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'fixed'; div.style.top = '10px'; div.style.left = '10px'; document.body.appendChild(div); var pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(div); assertEquals(10, pos.x); assertEquals(10, pos.y); // Test with a position fixed element as parent var innerDiv = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'fixed'; div.style.top = '10px'; div.style.left = '10px'; div.style.padding = '5px'; div.appendChild(innerDiv); document.body.appendChild(div); pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(innerDiv); assertEquals(15, pos.x); assertEquals(15, pos.y); } } function testGetPositionTolerantToNoDocumentElementBorder() { // In IE, removing the border on the document element undoes the normal // 2-pixel offset. Ensure that we're correctly compensating for both cases. try { document.documentElement.style.borderWidth = '0'; var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.left = '100px'; div.style.top = '200px'; document.body.appendChild(div); // Test all major positioning methods. // Disabled for IE9 and below - IE8 returns dimensions multiplied by 100. // IE9 is flaky. See b/22873770. expectedFailures.expectFailureFor( goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(10)); try { // Test all major positioning methods. var pos = goog.style.getClientPosition(div); assertEquals(100, pos.x); assertRoughlyEquals(200, pos.y, .1); var offset = goog.style.getPageOffset(div); assertEquals(100, offset.x); assertRoughlyEquals(200, offset.y, .1); } catch (e) { expectedFailures.handleException(e); } } finally { document.documentElement.style.borderWidth = ''; } } function testSetSize() { var el = $('testEl'); goog.style.setSize(el, 100, 100); assertEquals('100px', el.style.width); assertEquals('100px', el.style.height); goog.style.setSize(el, '50px', '25px'); assertEquals('should be "50px"', '50px', el.style.width); assertEquals('should be "25px"', '25px', el.style.height); goog.style.setSize(el, '10ex', '25px'); assertEquals('10ex', el.style.width); assertEquals('25px', el.style.height); goog.style.setSize(el, '10%', '25%'); assertEquals('10%', el.style.width); assertEquals('25%', el.style.height); // ignores stupid units goog.style.setSize(el, 0, 0); // TODO(user): IE errors if you set these values. Should we make setStyle // catch these? Or leave it up to the app. Fixing the tests for now. // goog.style.setSize(el, '10rainbows', '25rainbows'); assertEquals('0px', el.style.width); assertEquals('0px', el.style.height); goog.style.setSize(el, new goog.math.Size(20, 40)); assertEquals('20px', el.style.width); assertEquals('40px', el.style.height); } function testSetWidthAndHeight() { var el = $('testEl'); // Replicate all of the setSize tests above. goog.style.setWidth(el, 100); goog.style.setHeight(el, 100); assertEquals('100px', el.style.width); assertEquals('100px', el.style.height); goog.style.setWidth(el, '50px'); goog.style.setHeight(el, '25px'); assertEquals('should be "50px"', '50px', el.style.width); assertEquals('should be "25px"', '25px', el.style.height); goog.style.setWidth(el, '10ex'); goog.style.setHeight(el, '25px'); assertEquals('10ex', el.style.width); assertEquals('25px', el.style.height); goog.style.setWidth(el, '10%'); goog.style.setHeight(el, '25%'); assertEquals('10%', el.style.width); assertEquals('25%', el.style.height); goog.style.setWidth(el, 0); goog.style.setHeight(el, 0); assertEquals('0px', el.style.width); assertEquals('0px', el.style.height); goog.style.setWidth(el, 20); goog.style.setHeight(el, 40); assertEquals('20px', el.style.width); assertEquals('40px', el.style.height); // Additional tests testing each separately. goog.style.setWidth(el, ''); goog.style.setHeight(el, ''); assertEquals('', el.style.width); assertEquals('', el.style.height); goog.style.setHeight(el, 20); assertEquals('', el.style.width); assertEquals('20px', el.style.height); goog.style.setWidth(el, 40); assertEquals('40px', el.style.width); assertEquals('20px', el.style.height); } function testGetSize() { var el = $('testEl'); goog.style.setSize(el, 100, 100); var dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertEquals(100, dims.width); assertEquals(100, dims.height); goog.style.setStyle(el, 'display', 'none'); dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertEquals(100, dims.width); assertEquals(100, dims.height); el = $('testEl5'); goog.style.setSize(el, 100, 100); dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertEquals(100, dims.width); assertEquals(100, dims.height); el = $('span0'); dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertNotEquals(0, dims.width); assertNotEquals(0, dims.height); el = $('table1'); dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertNotEquals(0, dims.width); assertNotEquals(0, dims.height); el = $('td1'); dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertNotEquals(0, dims.width); assertNotEquals(0, dims.height); el = $('li1'); dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertNotEquals(0, dims.width); assertNotEquals(0, dims.height); el = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass(goog.dom.TagName.HTML)[0]; dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertNotEquals(0, dims.width); assertNotEquals(0, dims.height); el = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass(goog.dom.TagName.BODY)[0]; dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertNotEquals(0, dims.width); assertNotEquals(0, dims.height); } function testGetSizeSvgElements() { var svgEl = document.createElementNS && document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'); if (!svgEl || svgEl.getAttribute('transform') == '' || (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(534.8))) { // SVG not supported, or getBoundingClientRect not supported on SVG // elements. return; } document.body.appendChild(svgEl); var el = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect'); el.setAttribute('x', 10); el.setAttribute('y', 10); el.setAttribute('width', 32); el.setAttribute('height', 21); el.setAttribute('fill', '#000'); svgEl.appendChild(el); // The bounding size in 1 larger than the SVG element in IE. var expectedWidth = (goog.userAgent.EDGE_OR_IE) ? 33 : 32; var expectedHeight = (goog.userAgent.EDGE_OR_IE) ? 22 : 21; var dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertEquals(expectedWidth, dims.width); assertRoughlyEquals(expectedHeight, dims.height, 0.01); dims = goog.style.getSize(svgEl); // The size of the will be the viewport size on all browsers. This used // to not be true for Firefox, but they fixed the glitch in Firefox 33. // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=530985 assertTrue(dims.width >= expectedWidth); assertTrue(dims.height >= expectedHeight); el.style.visibility = 'none'; dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertEquals(expectedWidth, dims.width); assertRoughlyEquals(expectedHeight, dims.height, 0.01); dims = goog.style.getSize(svgEl); assertTrue(dims.width >= expectedWidth); assertTrue(dims.height >= expectedHeight); } function testGetSizeSvgDocument() { var svgEl = document.createElementNS && document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'); if (!svgEl || svgEl.getAttribute('transform') == '' || (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(534.8))) { // SVG not supported, or getBoundingClientRect not supported on SVG // elements. return; } var frame = goog.dom.getElement('svg-frame'); var doc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(frame); var rect = doc.getElementById('rect'); var dims = goog.style.getSize(rect); if (goog.userAgent.GECKO && goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(53)) { // Firefox >= 53 auto-scales iframe SVG content to fit the frame // b/38432885 | https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1366126 assertEquals(75, dims.width); assertEquals(75, dims.height); } else if (!goog.userAgent.EDGE_OR_IE) { assertEquals(50, dims.width); assertEquals(50, dims.height); } else { assertEquals(51, dims.width); assertEquals(51, dims.height); } } function testGetSizeInlineBlock() { var el = $('height-test-inner'); var dims = goog.style.getSize(el); assertNotEquals(0, dims.height); } function testGetSizeTransformedRotated() { if (!hasWebkitTransform()) return; var el = $('rotated'); goog.style.setSize(el, 300, 200); var noRotateDims = goog.style.getTransformedSize(el); assertEquals(300, noRotateDims.width); assertEquals(200, noRotateDims.height); el.style.webkitTransform = 'rotate(180deg)'; var rotate180Dims = goog.style.getTransformedSize(el); assertEquals(300, rotate180Dims.width); assertEquals(200, rotate180Dims.height); el.style.webkitTransform = 'rotate(90deg)'; var rotate90ClockwiseDims = goog.style.getTransformedSize(el); assertEquals(200, rotate90ClockwiseDims.width); assertEquals(300, rotate90ClockwiseDims.height); el.style.webkitTransform = 'rotate(-90deg)'; var rotate90CounterClockwiseDims = goog.style.getTransformedSize(el); assertEquals(200, rotate90CounterClockwiseDims.width); assertEquals(300, rotate90CounterClockwiseDims.height); } function testGetSizeTransformedScaled() { if (!hasWebkitTransform()) return; var el = $('scaled'); goog.style.setSize(el, 300, 200); var noScaleDims = goog.style.getTransformedSize(el); assertEquals(300, noScaleDims.width); assertEquals(200, noScaleDims.height); el.style.webkitTransform = 'scale(2, 0.5)'; var scaledDims = goog.style.getTransformedSize(el); assertEquals(600, scaledDims.width); assertEquals(100, scaledDims.height); } function hasWebkitTransform() { return 'webkitTransform' in document.body.style; } function testGetSizeOfOrphanElement() { var orphanElem = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); var size = goog.style.getSize(orphanElem); assertEquals(0, size.width); assertEquals(0, size.height); } function testGetBounds() { var el = $('testEl'); var dims = goog.style.getSize(el); var pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(el); var rect = goog.style.getBounds(el); // Relies on getSize and getPageOffset being correct. assertEquals(dims.width, rect.width); assertEquals(dims.height, rect.height); assertEquals(pos.x, rect.left); assertEquals(pos.y, rect.top); } function testInstallStyles() { var el = $('installTest0'); var originalBackground = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el); // Uses background-color because it's easy to get the computed value var result = goog.style.installStyles( '#installTest0 { background-color: rgb(255, 192, 203); }'); assertColorRgbEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el)); goog.style.uninstallStyles(result); assertEquals(originalBackground, goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el)); } function testInstallSafeStyleSheet() { var el = $('installTest0'); var originalBackground = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el); // Uses background-color because it's easy to get the computed value var result = goog.style.installSafeStyleSheet( goog.html.testing.newSafeStyleSheetForTest( '#installTest0 { background-color: rgb(255, 192, 203); }')); assertColorRgbEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el)); goog.style.uninstallStyles(result); assertEquals(originalBackground, goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el)); } function testSetStyles() { var el = $('installTest1'); // Change to pink var ss = goog.style.installStyles( '#installTest1 { background-color: rgb(255, 192, 203); }'); assertColorRgbEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el)); // Now change to orange goog.style.setStyles( ss, '#installTest1 { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0); }'); assertColorRgbEquals('rgb(255,255,0)', goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el)); } function testSetSafeStyleSheet() { var el = $('installTest1'); // Change to pink var ss = goog.style.installSafeStyleSheet( goog.html.testing.newSafeStyleSheetForTest( '#installTest1 { background-color: rgb(255, 192, 203); }')); assertColorRgbEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el)); // Now change to orange goog.style.setSafeStyleSheet(ss, goog.html.testing.newSafeStyleSheetForTest( '#installTest1 { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0); }')); assertColorRgbEquals('rgb(255,255,0)', goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el)); } function assertColorRgbEquals(expected, actual) { assertEquals( expected, goog.color.hexToRgbStyle(goog.color.parse(actual).hex)); } function testIsRightToLeft() { assertFalse(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl1'))); assertTrue(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl2'))); assertFalse(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl3'))); assertFalse(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl4'))); assertTrue(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl5'))); assertFalse(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl6'))); assertTrue(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl7'))); assertFalse(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl8'))); assertTrue(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl9'))); assertFalse(goog.style.isRightToLeft($('rtl10'))); } function testIsUnselectable() { assertEquals( goog.userAgent.GECKO, goog.style.isUnselectable($('unselectable-gecko'))); assertEquals( goog.userAgent.IE || goog.userAgent.OPERA, goog.style.isUnselectable($('unselectable-ie'))); // Note: Firefox can go either way here - newer versions see -webkit-* // properties and automatically add Moz* to the style object. if (!goog.userAgent.GECKO) { assertEquals( goog.userAgent.WEBKIT || goog.userAgent.EDGE, goog.style.isUnselectable($('unselectable-webkit'))); } } function testSetUnselectable() { var el = $('make-unselectable'); assertFalse(goog.style.isUnselectable(el)); function assertDescendantsUnselectable(unselectable) { goog.array.forEach(el.getElementsByTagName('*'), function(descendant) { // Skip MathML or any other elements that do not have a style property. if (descendant.style) { assertEquals(unselectable, goog.style.isUnselectable(descendant)); } }); } goog.style.setUnselectable(el, true); assertTrue(goog.style.isUnselectable(el)); assertDescendantsUnselectable(true); goog.style.setUnselectable(el, false); assertFalse(goog.style.isUnselectable(el)); assertDescendantsUnselectable(false); goog.style.setUnselectable(el, true, true); assertTrue(goog.style.isUnselectable(el)); assertDescendantsUnselectable(false); goog.style.setUnselectable(el, false, true); assertFalse(goog.style.isUnselectable(el)); assertDescendantsUnselectable(false); } function testPosWithAbsoluteAndScroll() { var el = $('pos-scroll-abs'); var el1 = $('pos-scroll-abs-1'); var el2 = $('pos-scroll-abs-2'); el1.scrollTop = 200; var pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(el2); assertEquals(200, pos.x); // Don't bother with IE in quirks mode if (!goog.userAgent.IE || document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') { assertRoughlyEquals(300, pos.y, .1); } } function testPosWithAbsoluteAndWindowScroll() { window.scrollBy(0, 200); var el = $('abs-upper-left'); var pos = goog.style.getPageOffset(el); assertRoughlyEquals('Top should be about 0', 0, pos.y, 0.1); } function testGetBorderBoxSize() { // Strict mode var getBorderBoxSize = goog.style.getBorderBoxSize; var el = $('size-a'); var rect = getBorderBoxSize(el); assertEquals('width:100px', 100, rect.width); assertEquals('height:100px', 100, rect.height); // with border: 10px el = $('size-b'); rect = getBorderBoxSize(el); assertEquals('width:100px;border:10px', isBorderBox ? 100 : 120, rect.width); assertEquals( 'height:100px;border:10px', isBorderBox ? 100 : 120, rect.height); // with border: 10px; padding: 10px el = $('size-c'); rect = getBorderBoxSize(el); assertEquals( 'width:100px;border:10px;padding:10px', isBorderBox ? 100 : 140, rect.width); assertEquals( 'height:100px;border:10px;padding:10px', isBorderBox ? 100 : 140, rect.height); // size, padding and borders are all in non pixel units // all we test here is that we get a number out el = $('size-d'); rect = getBorderBoxSize(el); assertEquals('number', typeof rect.width); assertEquals('number', typeof rect.height); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.width)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.height)); } function testGetContentBoxSize() { // Strict mode var getContentBoxSize = goog.style.getContentBoxSize; var el = $('size-a'); var rect = getContentBoxSize(el); assertEquals('width:100px', 100, rect.width); assertEquals('height:100px', 100, rect.height); // with border: 10px el = $('size-b'); rect = getContentBoxSize(el); assertEquals('width:100px;border:10px', isBorderBox ? 80 : 100, rect.width); assertEquals('height:100px;border:10px', isBorderBox ? 80 : 100, rect.height); // with border: 10px; padding: 10px el = $('size-c'); rect = getContentBoxSize(el); assertEquals( 'width:100px;border:10px;padding:10px', isBorderBox ? 60 : 100, rect.width); assertEquals( 'height:100px;border:10px;padding:10px', isBorderBox ? 60 : 100, rect.height); // size, padding and borders are all in non pixel units // all we test here is that we get a number out el = $('size-d'); rect = getContentBoxSize(el); assertEquals('number', typeof rect.width); assertEquals('number', typeof rect.height); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.width)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.height)); // test whether getContentBoxSize works when width and height // aren't explicitly set, but the default of 'auto'. // 'size-f' has no margin, border, or padding, so offsetWidth/Height // should match the content box size el = $('size-f'); rect = getContentBoxSize(el); assertEquals(el.offsetWidth, rect.width); assertEquals(el.offsetHeight, rect.height); } function testSetBorderBoxSize() { // Strict mode var el = $('size-e'); var Size = goog.math.Size; var setBorderBoxSize = goog.style.setBorderBoxSize; // Clean up // style element has 100x100, no border and no padding el.style.padding = ''; el.style.margin = ''; el.style.borderWidth = ''; el.style.width = ''; el.style.height = ''; setBorderBoxSize(el, new Size(100, 100)); assertEquals(100, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals(100, el.offsetHeight); el.style.borderWidth = '10px'; setBorderBoxSize(el, new Size(100, 100)); assertEquals('width:100px;border:10px', 100, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals('height:100px;border:10px', 100, el.offsetHeight); el.style.padding = '10px'; setBorderBoxSize(el, new Size(100, 100)); assertEquals(100, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals(100, el.offsetHeight); el.style.borderWidth = '0'; setBorderBoxSize(el, new Size(100, 100)); assertEquals(100, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals(100, el.offsetHeight); if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) { assertEquals('border-box', el.style.MozBoxSizing); } else if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) { assertEquals('border-box', el.style.WebkitBoxSizing); } else if ( goog.userAgent.OPERA || goog.userAgent.IE && goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(8)) { assertEquals('border-box', el.style.boxSizing); } // Try a negative width/height. setBorderBoxSize(el, new Size(-10, -10)); // Setting the border box smaller than the borders will just give you // a content box of size 0. // NOTE(nicksantos): I'm not really sure why IE7 is special here. var isIeLt8Quirks = goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(8) && !goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode(); assertEquals(20, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals(isIeLt8Quirks ? 39 : 20, el.offsetHeight); } function testSetContentBoxSize() { // Strict mode var el = $('size-e'); var Size = goog.math.Size; var setContentBoxSize = goog.style.setContentBoxSize; // Clean up // style element has 100x100, no border and no padding el.style.padding = ''; el.style.margin = ''; el.style.borderWidth = ''; el.style.width = ''; el.style.height = ''; setContentBoxSize(el, new Size(100, 100)); assertEquals(100, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals(100, el.offsetHeight); el.style.borderWidth = '10px'; setContentBoxSize(el, new Size(100, 100)); assertEquals('width:100px;border-width:10px', 120, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals('height:100px;border-width:10px', 120, el.offsetHeight); el.style.padding = '10px'; setContentBoxSize(el, new Size(100, 100)); assertEquals( 'width:100px;border-width:10px;padding:10px', 140, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals( 'height:100px;border-width:10px;padding:10px', 140, el.offsetHeight); el.style.borderWidth = '0'; setContentBoxSize(el, new Size(100, 100)); assertEquals('width:100px;padding:10px', 120, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals('height:100px;padding:10px', 120, el.offsetHeight); if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) { assertEquals('content-box', el.style.MozBoxSizing); } else if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) { assertEquals('content-box', el.style.WebkitBoxSizing); } else if ( goog.userAgent.OPERA || goog.userAgent.IE && goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(8)) { assertEquals('content-box', el.style.boxSizing); } // Try a negative width/height. setContentBoxSize(el, new Size(-10, -10)); // NOTE(nicksantos): I'm not really sure why IE7 is special here. var isIeLt8Quirks = goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher('8') && !goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode(); assertEquals(20, el.offsetWidth); assertEquals(isIeLt8Quirks ? 39 : 20, el.offsetHeight); } function testGetPaddingBox() { // Strict mode var el = $('size-e'); var Size = goog.math.Size; var getPaddingBox = goog.style.getPaddingBox; // Clean up // style element has 100x100, no border and no padding el.style.padding = ''; el.style.margin = ''; el.style.borderWidth = ''; el.style.width = ''; el.style.height = ''; el.style.padding = '10px'; var rect = getPaddingBox(el); assertEquals(10, rect.left); assertEquals(10, rect.right); assertEquals(10, rect.top); assertEquals(10, rect.bottom); el.style.padding = '0'; rect = getPaddingBox(el); assertEquals(0, rect.left); assertEquals(0, rect.right); assertEquals(0, rect.top); assertEquals(0, rect.bottom); el.style.padding = '1px 2px 3px 4px'; rect = getPaddingBox(el); assertEquals(1, rect.top); assertEquals(2, rect.right); assertEquals(3, rect.bottom); assertEquals(4, rect.left); el.style.padding = '1mm 2em 3ex 4%'; rect = getPaddingBox(el); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.top)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.right)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.bottom)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.left)); assertTrue(rect.top >= 0); assertTrue(rect.right >= 0); assertTrue(rect.bottom >= 0); assertTrue(rect.left >= 0); } function testGetPaddingBoxUnattached() { var el = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); var box = goog.style.getPaddingBox(el); if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) { assertTrue(isNaN(box.top)); assertTrue(isNaN(box.right)); assertTrue(isNaN(box.bottom)); assertTrue(isNaN(box.left)); } else { assertObjectEquals(new goog.math.Box(0, 0, 0, 0), box); } } function testGetMarginBox() { // Strict mode var el = $('size-e'); var Size = goog.math.Size; var getMarginBox = goog.style.getMarginBox; // Clean up // style element has 100x100, no border and no padding el.style.padding = ''; el.style.margin = ''; el.style.borderWidth = ''; el.style.width = ''; el.style.height = ''; el.style.margin = '10px'; var rect = getMarginBox(el); assertEquals(10, rect.left); // In webkit the right margin is the calculated distance from right edge and // not the computed right margin so it is not reliable. // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19828 if (!goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) { assertEquals(10, rect.right); } assertEquals(10, rect.top); assertEquals(10, rect.bottom); el.style.margin = '0'; rect = getMarginBox(el); assertEquals(0, rect.left); // In webkit the right margin is the calculated distance from right edge and // not the computed right margin so it is not reliable. // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19828 if (!goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) { assertEquals(0, rect.right); } assertEquals(0, rect.top); assertEquals(0, rect.bottom); el.style.margin = '1px 2px 3px 4px'; rect = getMarginBox(el); assertEquals(1, rect.top); // In webkit the right margin is the calculated distance from right edge and // not the computed right margin so it is not reliable. // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19828 if (!goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) { assertEquals(2, rect.right); } assertEquals(3, rect.bottom); assertEquals(4, rect.left); el.style.margin = '1mm 2em 3ex 4%'; rect = getMarginBox(el); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.top)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.right)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.bottom)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.left)); assertTrue(rect.top >= 0); // In webkit the right margin is the calculated distance from right edge and // not the computed right margin so it is not reliable. // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19828 if (!goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) { assertTrue(rect.right >= 0); } assertTrue(rect.bottom >= 0); assertTrue(rect.left >= 0); } function testGetBorderBox() { // Strict mode var el = $('size-e'); var Size = goog.math.Size; var getBorderBox = goog.style.getBorderBox; // Clean up // style element has 100x100, no border and no padding el.style.padding = ''; el.style.margin = ''; el.style.borderWidth = ''; el.style.width = ''; el.style.height = ''; el.style.borderWidth = '10px'; var rect = getBorderBox(el); assertEquals(10, rect.left); assertEquals(10, rect.right); assertEquals(10, rect.top); assertEquals(10, rect.bottom); el.style.borderWidth = '0'; rect = getBorderBox(el); assertEquals(0, rect.left); assertEquals(0, rect.right); assertEquals(0, rect.top); assertEquals(0, rect.bottom); el.style.borderWidth = '1px 2px 3px 4px'; rect = getBorderBox(el); assertEquals(1, rect.top); assertEquals(2, rect.right); assertEquals(3, rect.bottom); assertEquals(4, rect.left); // % does not work for border widths in IE el.style.borderWidth = '1mm 2em 3ex 4pt'; rect = getBorderBox(el); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.top)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.right)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.bottom)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.left)); assertTrue(rect.top >= 0); assertTrue(rect.right >= 0); assertTrue(rect.bottom >= 0); assertTrue(rect.left >= 0); el.style.borderWidth = 'thin medium thick 1px'; rect = getBorderBox(el); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.top)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.right)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.bottom)); assertFalse(isNaN(rect.left)); assertTrue(rect.top >= 0); assertTrue(rect.right >= 0); assertTrue(rect.bottom >= 0); assertTrue(rect.left >= 0); } function testGetFontFamily() { // I tried to use common fonts for these tests. It's possible the test fails // because the testing platform doesn't have one of these fonts installed: // Comic Sans MS or Century Schoolbook L // Times // Helvetica var tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('font-tag')); assertTrue( 'FontFamily should be detectable when set via ', 'Times' == tmpFont || 'Times New Roman' == tmpFont); tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('small-text')); assertTrue( 'Multiword fonts should be reported with quotes stripped.', 'Comic Sans MS' == tmpFont || 'Century Schoolbook L' == tmpFont); // Firefox fails this test & retuns a generic 'monospace' instead of the // actually displayed font (e.g., "Times New"). // tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('pre-font')); // assertEquals('
 tags should use a fixed-width font',
  //             'Times New',
  //             tmpFont);
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('inherit-font'));
      'Explicitly inherited fonts should be detectable', 'Helvetica', tmpFont);
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('times-font-family'));
      'Font-family set via style attribute should be detected', 'Times',
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('bold-font'));
      'Implicitly inherited font should be detected', 'Helvetica', tmpFont);
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('css-html-tag-redefinition'));
  assertEquals('HTML tag CSS rewrites should be detected', 'Times', tmpFont);
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('no-text-font-styles'));
      'Font family should exist even with no text', 'Helvetica', tmpFont);
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('icon-font'));
      'icon is a special font-family value', 'icon', tmpFont.toLowerCase());
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('font-style-badfont'));
  // Firefox fails this test and reports the specified "badFont", which is
  // obviously not displayed.
  // assertEquals('Invalid fonts should not be returned',
  //             'Helvetica',
  //             tmpFont);
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('img-font-test'));
      'Even img tags should inherit the document body\'s font', tmpFont != '');
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily($('nested-font'));
      'An element with nested content should be unaffected.', 'Arial', tmpFont);
  // IE raises an 'Invalid Argument' error when using the moveToElementText
  // method from the TextRange object with an element that is not attached to
  // a document.
  var element = goog.dom.createDom(
      goog.dom.TagName.SPAN, {style: 'font-family:Times,sans-serif;'},
      'some text');
  tmpFont = goog.style.getFontFamily(element);
      'Font should be correctly retrieved for element not attached' +
          ' to a document',
      'Times', tmpFont);

function testGetFontSize() {
      'Font size should be determined even without any text', 30,
      'A 5em font should be 5x larger than its parent.', 150,
      'Setting font size=-1 should result in a positive font size.',
      goog.style.getFontSize($('font-tag')) > 0);
      'Inheriting a 50% font-size should have no additional effect',
      'In pretty much any display, 3in should be > 8px',
      goog.style.getFontSize($('times-font-family')) >
      'With no applied styles, font-size should still be defined.',
      goog.style.getFontSize($('no-font-style')) > 0);
      '50% of 30px is 15', 15, goog.style.getFontSize($('font-style-badfont')));
      'x-small text should be smaller than small text',
      goog.style.getFontSize($('x-small-text')) <
  // IE fails this test, the decimal portion of px lengths isn't reported
  // by getCascadedStyle. Firefox passes, but only because it ignores the
  // decimals altogether.
  // assertEquals('12.5px should be the same as 0.5em nested in a 25px node.',
  //             goog.style.getFontSize($('font-size-12-point-5-px')),
  //             goog.style.getFontSize($('font-size-50-pct-of-25-px')));

      'Font size should not doubly count em values', 2,

function testGetLengthUnits() {
  assertEquals('px', goog.style.getLengthUnits('15px'));
  assertEquals('%', goog.style.getLengthUnits('99%'));

function testParseStyleAttribute() {
  var css = 'left: 0px; text-align: center';
  var expected = {'left': '0px', 'textAlign': 'center'};

  assertObjectEquals(expected, goog.style.parseStyleAttribute(css));

function testToStyleAttribute() {
  var object = {'left': '0px', 'textAlign': 'center'};
  var expected = 'left:0px;text-align:center;';

  assertEquals(expected, goog.style.toStyleAttribute(object));

function testStyleAttributePassthrough() {
  var object = {'left': '0px', 'textAlign': 'center'};


function testGetFloat() {
  assertEquals('', goog.style.getFloat($('no-float')));
  assertEquals('none', goog.style.getFloat($('float-none')));
  assertEquals('left', goog.style.getFloat($('float-left')));

function testSetFloat() {
  var el = $('float-test');

  goog.style.setFloat(el, 'left');
  assertEquals('left', goog.style.getFloat(el));

  goog.style.setFloat(el, 'right');
  assertEquals('right', goog.style.getFloat(el));

  goog.style.setFloat(el, 'none');
  assertEquals('none', goog.style.getFloat(el));

  goog.style.setFloat(el, '');
  assertEquals('', goog.style.getFloat(el));

function testIsElementShown() {
  var el = $('testEl');

  goog.style.setElementShown(el, false);

  goog.style.setElementShown(el, true);

function testGetOpacity() {
  var el1 = {style: {opacity: '0.3'}};

  var el2 = {style: {MozOpacity: '0.1'}};

  var el3 = {
    style: {filter: 'some:other,filter;alpha(opacity=25.5);alpha(more=100);'}

  assertEquals(0.3, goog.style.getOpacity(el1));
  assertEquals(0.1, goog.style.getOpacity(el2));
  assertEquals(0.255, goog.style.getOpacity(el3));

  el1.style.opacity = '0';
  el2.style.MozOpacity = '0';
  el3.style.filter = 'some:other,filter;alpha(opacity=0);alpha(more=100);';

  assertEquals(0, goog.style.getOpacity(el1));
  assertEquals(0, goog.style.getOpacity(el2));
  assertEquals(0, goog.style.getOpacity(el3));

  el1.style.opacity = '';
  el2.style.MozOpacity = '';
  el3.style.filter = '';

  assertEquals('', goog.style.getOpacity(el1));
  assertEquals('', goog.style.getOpacity(el2));
  assertEquals('', goog.style.getOpacity(el3));

  var el4 = {style: {}};

  assertEquals('', goog.style.getOpacity(el4));
  assertEquals('', goog.style.getOpacity($('test-opacity')));

function testSetOpacity() {
  var el1 = {style: {opacity: '0.3'}};
  goog.style.setOpacity(el1, 0.8);

  var el2 = {style: {MozOpacity: '0.1'}};
  goog.style.setOpacity(el2, 0.5);

  var el3 = {style: {filter: 'alpha(opacity=25)'}};
  goog.style.setOpacity(el3, 0.1);

  assertEquals(0.8, Number(el1.style.opacity));
  assertEquals(0.5, Number(el2.style.MozOpacity));
  assertEquals('alpha(opacity=10)', el3.style.filter);

  goog.style.setOpacity(el1, 0);
  goog.style.setOpacity(el2, 0);
  goog.style.setOpacity(el3, 0);

  assertEquals(0, Number(el1.style.opacity));
  assertEquals(0, Number(el2.style.MozOpacity));
  assertEquals('alpha(opacity=0)', el3.style.filter);

  goog.style.setOpacity(el1, '');
  goog.style.setOpacity(el2, '');
  goog.style.setOpacity(el3, '');

  assertEquals('', el1.style.opacity);
  assertEquals('', el2.style.MozOpacity);
  assertEquals('', el3.style.filter);

function testFramedPageOffset() {
  // Set up a complicated iframe ancestor chain.
  var iframe = goog.dom.getElement('test-frame-offset');
  var iframeDoc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(iframe);
  var iframeWindow = goog.dom.getWindow(iframeDoc);

  var iframePos = 'style="display:block;position:absolute;' +
      '' +
hi mom!
'); iframeDoc.close(); var iframe2 = iframeDoc.getElementById('test-frame-offset-2'); var testElement2 = iframeDoc.getElementById('test-element-2'); var iframeDoc2 = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(iframe2); var iframeWindow2 = goog.dom.getWindow(iframeDoc2); iframeDoc2.write( '
hi mom!
'); iframeDoc2.close(); var testElement3 = iframeDoc2.getElementById('test-element-3'); assertCoordinateApprox(300, 300, 0, goog.style.getPageOffset(testElement2)); assertCoordinateApprox(500, 500, 0, goog.style.getPageOffset(testElement3)); assertCoordinateApprox( 350, 350, 0, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement2, window)); assertCoordinateApprox( 300, 300, 0, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement2, iframeWindow)); assertCoordinateApprox( 600, 600, 0, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement3, window)); assertCoordinateApprox( 550, 550, 0, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement3, iframeWindow)); assertCoordinateApprox( 500, 500, 0, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement3, iframeWindow2)); // Scroll the iframes a bit. window.scrollBy(0, 5); iframeWindow.scrollBy(0, 11); iframeWindow2.scrollBy(0, 18); // On Firefox 2, scrolling inner iframes causes off by one errors // in the page position, because we're using screen coords to compute them. assertCoordinateApprox(300, 300, 2, goog.style.getPageOffset(testElement2)); assertCoordinateApprox(500, 500, 2, goog.style.getPageOffset(testElement3)); assertCoordinateApprox( 350, 350 - 11, 2, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement2, window)); assertCoordinateApprox( 300, 300, 2, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement2, iframeWindow)); assertCoordinateApprox( 600, 600 - 18 - 11, 2, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement3, window)); assertCoordinateApprox( 550, 550 - 18, 2, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement3, iframeWindow)); assertCoordinateApprox( 500, 500, 2, goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement3, iframeWindow2)); // In IE, if the element is in a frame that's been removed from the DOM and // relativeWin is not that frame's contentWindow, the contentWindow's parent // reference points to itself. We want to guarantee that we don't fall into // an infinite loop. var iframeParent = iframe.parentElement; iframeParent.removeChild(iframe); // We don't check the value returned as it differs by browser. 0,0 for Chrome // and FF. IE returns 30000 or 30198 for x in IE8-9 and 300 in IE10-11 goog.style.getFramedPageOffset(testElement2, window); } /** * Asserts that the coordinate is approximately equal to the given * x and y coordinates, give or take delta. */ function assertCoordinateApprox(x, y, delta, coord) { assertTrue( 'Expected x: ' + x + ', actual x: ' + coord.x, coord.x >= x - delta && coord.x <= x + delta); assertTrue( 'Expected y: ' + y + ', actual y: ' + coord.y, coord.y >= y - delta && coord.y <= y + delta); } function testTranslateRectForAnotherFrame() { var rect = new goog.math.Rect(1, 2, 3, 4); var thisDom = goog.dom.getDomHelper(); goog.style.translateRectForAnotherFrame(rect, thisDom, thisDom); assertEquals(1, rect.left); assertEquals(2, rect.top); assertEquals(3, rect.width); assertEquals(4, rect.height); var iframe = $('test-translate-frame-standard'); var iframeDoc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(iframe); var iframeDom = goog.dom.getDomHelper(iframeDoc); // Cannot rely on iframe starting at origin. iframeDom.getWindow().scrollTo(0, 0); // iframe is at (100, 150) and its body is not scrolled. rect = new goog.math.Rect(1, 2, 3, 4); goog.style.translateRectForAnotherFrame(rect, iframeDom, thisDom); assertEquals(1 + 100, rect.left); assertRoughlyEquals(2 + 150, rect.top, .1); assertEquals(3, rect.width); assertEquals(4, rect.height); iframeDom.getWindow().scrollTo(11, 13); rect = new goog.math.Rect(1, 2, 3, 4); goog.style.translateRectForAnotherFrame(rect, iframeDom, thisDom); assertEquals(1 + 100 - 11, rect.left); assertRoughlyEquals(2 + 150 - 13, rect.top, .1); assertEquals(3, rect.width); assertEquals(4, rect.height); iframe = $('test-translate-frame-quirk'); iframeDoc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(iframe); iframeDom = goog.dom.getDomHelper(iframeDoc); // Cannot rely on iframe starting at origin. iframeDom.getWindow().scrollTo(0, 0); // iframe is at (100, 350) and its body is not scrolled. rect = new goog.math.Rect(1, 2, 3, 4); goog.style.translateRectForAnotherFrame(rect, iframeDom, thisDom); assertEquals(1 + 100, rect.left); assertRoughlyEquals(2 + 350, rect.top, .1); assertEquals(3, rect.width); assertEquals(4, rect.height); iframeDom.getWindow().scrollTo(11, 13); rect = new goog.math.Rect(1, 2, 3, 4); goog.style.translateRectForAnotherFrame(rect, iframeDom, thisDom); assertEquals(1 + 100 - 11, rect.left); assertRoughlyEquals(2 + 350 - 13, rect.top, .1); assertEquals(3, rect.width); assertEquals(4, rect.height); } function testGetVisibleRectForElement() { var container = goog.dom.getElement('test-visible'); var el = goog.dom.getElement('test-visible-el'); var dom = goog.dom.getDomHelper(el); var winScroll = dom.getDocumentScroll(); var winSize = dom.getViewportSize(); // Skip this test if the window size is small. Firefox3/Linux in Selenium // sometimes fails without this check. if (winSize.width < 20 || winSize.height < 20) { return; } // Move the container element to the window's viewport. var h = winSize.height < 100 ? winSize.height / 2 : 100; goog.style.setSize(container, winSize.width / 2, h); goog.style.setPosition(container, 8, winScroll.y + winSize.height - h); var visible = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); var bounds = goog.style.getBounds(container); // VisibleRect == Bounds rect of the offsetParent assertNotNull(visible); assertEquals(bounds.left, visible.left); assertEquals(bounds.top, visible.top); assertEquals(bounds.left + bounds.width, visible.right); assertEquals(bounds.top + bounds.height, visible.bottom); // Move a part of the container element to outside of the viewpoert. goog.style.setPosition(container, 8, winScroll.y + winSize.height - h / 2); visible = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); bounds = goog.style.getBounds(container); // Confirm VisibleRect == Intersection of the bounds rect of the // offsetParent and the viewport. assertNotNull(visible); assertEquals(bounds.left, visible.left); assertEquals(bounds.top, visible.top); assertEquals(bounds.left + bounds.width, visible.right); assertEquals(winScroll.y + winSize.height, visible.bottom); // Move the container element to outside of the viewpoert. goog.style.setPosition(container, 8, winScroll.y + winSize.height * 2); visible = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNull(visible); // Test the case with body element of height 0 var iframe = goog.dom.getElement('test-visible-frame'); var iframeDoc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(iframe); el = iframeDoc.getElementById('test-visible'); visible = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); var iframeViewportSize = goog.dom.getDomHelper(el).getViewportSize(); // NOTE(chrishenry): For iframe, the clipping viewport is always the iframe // viewport, and not the actual browser viewport. assertNotNull(visible); assertEquals(0, visible.top); assertEquals(iframeViewportSize.height, visible.bottom); assertEquals(0, visible.left); assertEquals(iframeViewportSize.width, visible.right); } function testGetVisibleRectForElementWithBodyScrolled() { var container = goog.dom.getElement('test-visible2'); var dom = goog.dom.getDomHelper(container); var el = dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, undefined, 'Test'); el.style.position = 'absolute'; dom.append(container, el); container.style.position = 'absolute'; goog.style.setPosition(container, 20, 500); goog.style.setSize(container, 100, 150); // Scroll body container such that container is exactly at top. window.scrollTo(0, 500); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(500, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(20, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(650, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(120, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); // Top 100px is clipped by window viewport. window.scrollTo(0, 600); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(600, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(20, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(650, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(120, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); var winSize = dom.getViewportSize(); // Left 50px is clipped by window viewport. // Right part is clipped by window viewport. goog.style.setSize(container, 10000, 150); window.scrollTo(70, 500); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(500, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(70, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(650, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(70 + winSize.width, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); // Bottom part is clipped by window viewport. goog.style.setSize(container, 100, 2000); window.scrollTo(0, 500); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(500, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(20, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(120, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(500 + winSize.height, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); goog.style.setPosition(container, 10000, 10000); assertNull(goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el)); } function testGetVisibleRectForElementWithNestedAreaAndNonOffsetAncestor() { // IE7 quirks mode somehow consider container2 below as offset parent // of the element, which is incorrect. if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(8) && !goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode()) { return; } var container = goog.dom.getElement('test-visible2'); var dom = goog.dom.getDomHelper(container); var container2 = dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); var el = dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, undefined, 'Test'); el.style.position = 'absolute'; dom.append(container, container2); dom.append(container2, el); container.style.position = 'absolute'; goog.style.setPosition(container, 20, 500); goog.style.setSize(container, 100, 150); // container2 is a scrollable container but is not an offsetParent of // the element. It is ignored in the computation. container2.style.overflow = 'hidden'; container2.style.marginTop = '50px'; container2.style.marginLeft = '100px'; goog.style.setSize(container2, 150, 100); // Scroll body container such that container is exactly at top. window.scrollTo(0, 500); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(500, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(20, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(650, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(120, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); // Top 100px is clipped by window viewport. window.scrollTo(0, 600); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(600, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(20, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(650, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(120, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); var winSize = dom.getViewportSize(); // Left 50px is clipped by window viewport. // Right part is clipped by window viewport. goog.style.setSize(container, 10000, 150); window.scrollTo(70, 500); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(500, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(70, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(650, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(70 + winSize.width, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); // Bottom part is clipped by window viewport. goog.style.setSize(container, 100, 2000); window.scrollTo(0, 500); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(500, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(20, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(120, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(500 + winSize.height, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); goog.style.setPosition(container, 10000, 10000); assertNull(goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el)); } function testGetVisibleRectForElementInsideNestedScrollableArea() { var container = goog.dom.getElement('test-visible2'); var dom = goog.dom.getDomHelper(container); var container2 = dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); var el = dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, undefined, 'Test'); el.style.position = 'absolute'; dom.append(container, container2); dom.append(container2, el); container.style.position = 'absolute'; goog.style.setPosition(container, 100 /* left */, 500 /* top */); goog.style.setSize(container, 300 /* width */, 300 /* height */); container2.style.overflow = 'hidden'; container2.style.position = 'relative'; goog.style.setPosition(container2, 100, 50); goog.style.setSize(container2, 150, 100); // Scroll body container such that container is exactly at top. window.scrollTo(0, 500); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(550, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(200, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(650, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(350, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); // Left 50px is clipped by container. goog.style.setPosition(container2, -50, 50); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(550, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(100, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(650, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(200, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); // Right part is clipped by container. goog.style.setPosition(container2, 100, 50); goog.style.setWidth(container2, 1000, 100); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(550, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(200, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(650, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(400, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); // Top 50px is clipped by container. goog.style.setStyle(container2, 'width', '150px'); goog.style.setStyle(container2, 'top', '-50px'); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(500, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(200, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(550, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(350, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); // Bottom part is clipped by container. goog.style.setStyle(container2, 'top', '50px'); goog.style.setStyle(container2, 'height', '1000px'); var visibleRect = goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el); assertNotNull(visibleRect); assertRoughlyEquals(550, visibleRect.top, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(200, visibleRect.left, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(800, visibleRect.bottom, EPSILON); assertRoughlyEquals(350, visibleRect.right, EPSILON); // Outside viewport. goog.style.setStyle(container2, 'top', '10000px'); goog.style.setStyle(container2, 'left', '10000px'); assertNull(goog.style.getVisibleRectForElement(el)); } function testScrollIntoContainerViewQuirks() { if (goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode()) return; var container = goog.dom.getElement('scrollable-container'); // Scroll the minimum amount to make the elements visible. goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item7'), container); assertEquals('scroll to item7', 79, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item8'), container); assertEquals('scroll to item8', 100, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item7'), container); assertEquals('item7 still visible', 100, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item1'), container); assertEquals('scroll to item1', 17, container.scrollTop); // Center the element in the first argument. goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView( goog.dom.getElement('item1'), container, true); assertEquals('center item1', 0, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView( goog.dom.getElement('item4'), container, true); assertEquals('center item4', 48, container.scrollTop); // The element is higher than the container. goog.dom.getElement('item3').style.height = '140px'; goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item3'), container); assertEquals('show item3 with increased height', 59, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView( goog.dom.getElement('item3'), container, true); assertEquals('center item3 with increased height', 87, container.scrollTop); goog.dom.getElement('item3').style.height = ''; // Scroll to non-integer position. goog.dom.getElement('item4').style.height = '21px'; goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView( goog.dom.getElement('item4'), container, true); assertEquals('scroll position is rounded down', 48, container.scrollTop); goog.dom.getElement('item4').style.height = ''; } function testScrollIntoContainerViewStandard() { if (!goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode()) return; var container = goog.dom.getElement('scrollable-container'); // Scroll the minimum amount to make the elements visible. goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item7'), container); assertEquals('scroll to item7', 115, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item8'), container); assertEquals('scroll to item8', 148, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item7'), container); assertEquals('item7 still visible', 148, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item1'), container); assertEquals('scroll to item1', 17, container.scrollTop); // Center the element in the first argument. goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView( goog.dom.getElement('item1'), container, true); assertEquals('center item1', 0, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView( goog.dom.getElement('item4'), container, true); assertEquals('center item4', 66, container.scrollTop); // The element is higher than the container. goog.dom.getElement('item3').style.height = '140px'; goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(goog.dom.getElement('item3'), container); assertEquals('show item3 with increased height', 83, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView( goog.dom.getElement('item3'), container, true); assertEquals('center item3 with increased height', 93, container.scrollTop); goog.dom.getElement('item3').style.height = ''; // Scroll to non-integer position. goog.dom.getElement('item4').style.height = '21px'; goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView( goog.dom.getElement('item4'), container, true); assertEquals('scroll position is rounded down', 66, container.scrollTop); goog.dom.getElement('item4').style.height = ''; } function testScrollIntoContainerViewSvg() { if (!goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode()) { return; } var svgEl = document.createElementNS && document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'); if (!svgEl || svgEl.getAttribute('transform') == '' || (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(534.8))) { // SVG not supported, or getBoundingClientRect not supported on SVG // elements. return; } var assertEqualsForSvgPos = function(expected, actual) { if (goog.userAgent.EDGE_OR_IE) { // The bounding size is 1 larger than the SVG element in IE. The scrollTop // value maybe 1 less or 1 more than the expected value depending on the // scroll direction. assertRoughlyEquals(expected, actual, 1); } else { assertEquals(expected, actual); } }; var svgItem1 = goog.dom.getElement('svg-item1'); var svgItem2 = goog.dom.getElement('svg-item2'); var svgItem3 = goog.dom.getElement('svg-item3'); // Scroll the minimum amount to make the elements visible. var container = goog.dom.getElement('svg-container'); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(svgItem1, container); assertEquals(0, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(svgItem2, container); assertEqualsForSvgPos(50, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(svgItem3, container); assertEqualsForSvgPos(150, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(svgItem2, container); assertEqualsForSvgPos(100, container.scrollTop); // Center the element in the first argument. goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(svgItem2, container, true); assertEqualsForSvgPos(75, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(svgItem3, container, true); assertEqualsForSvgPos(175, container.scrollTop); // The element is higher than the container. svgItem3.setAttribute('height', 200); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(svgItem3, container); assertEqualsForSvgPos(200, container.scrollTop); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(svgItem3, container, true); assertEqualsForSvgPos(225, container.scrollTop); // Scroll to non-integer position. svgItem3.setAttribute('height', 75); goog.style.scrollIntoContainerView(svgItem3, container, true); // Scroll position is rounded down from 162.5 assertEqualsForSvgPos(162, container.scrollTop); svgItem3.setAttribute('height', 100); } function testOffsetParent() { var parent = goog.dom.getElement('offset-parent'); var child = goog.dom.getElement('offset-child'); assertEquals(parent, goog.style.getOffsetParent(child)); } function testOverflowOffsetParent() { var parent = goog.dom.getElement('offset-parent-overflow'); var child = goog.dom.getElement('offset-child-overflow'); assertEquals(parent, goog.style.getOffsetParent(child)); } function testShadowDomOffsetParent() { // Ignore browsers that don't support shadowDOM. if (!document.createShadowRoot) { return; } var parent = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); parent.style.position = 'relative'; var host = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); goog.dom.appendChild(parent, host); var root = host.createShadowRoot(); var child = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); goog.dom.appendChild(root, child); assertEquals(parent, goog.style.getOffsetParent(child)); } function testGetViewportPageOffset() { expectedFailures.expectFailureFor( goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(10), 'Test has been flaky for ie9-win7 and ie8-winxp image. Disabling. ' + 'See b/22873770.'); try { var testViewport = goog.dom.getElement('test-viewport'); testViewport.style.height = '5000px'; testViewport.style.width = '5000px'; var offset = goog.style.getViewportPageOffset(document); assertEquals(0, offset.x); assertEquals(0, offset.y); window.scrollTo(0, 100); offset = goog.style.getViewportPageOffset(document); assertEquals(0, offset.x); assertEquals(100, offset.y); window.scrollTo(100, 0); offset = goog.style.getViewportPageOffset(document); assertEquals(100, offset.x); assertEquals(0, offset.y); } catch (e) { expectedFailures.handleException(e); } } function testGetsTranslation() { var element = document.getElementById('translation'); if (goog.userAgent.IE) { if (!goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(9) || (!goog.dom.isCss1CompatMode() && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(10))) { // 'CSS transforms were introduced in IE9, but only in standards mode // later browsers support the translations in quirks mode. return; } } // First check the element is actually translated, and we haven't missed // one of the vendor-specific transform properties var position = goog.style.getClientPosition(element); var translation = goog.style.getCssTranslation(element); var expectedTranslation = new goog.math.Coordinate(20, 30); assertEquals(30, position.x); assertRoughlyEquals(40, position.y, .1); assertObjectEquals(expectedTranslation, translation); } /** * Test browser detection for a user agent configuration. * @param {Array} expectedAgents Array of expected userAgents. * @param {string} uaString User agent string. * @param {string=} opt_product Navigator product string. * @param {string=} opt_vendor Navigator vendor string. */ function assertUserAgent(expectedAgents, uaString, opt_product, opt_vendor) { var mockNavigator = {'userAgent': uaString, 'product': opt_product, 'vendor': opt_vendor}; mockUserAgent.setNavigator(mockNavigator); mockUserAgent.setUserAgentString(uaString); // Force User-Agent lib to reread the global userAgent. goog.labs.userAgent.util.setUserAgent(null); goog.userAgentTestUtil.reinitializeUserAgent(); for (var ua in goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents) { var isExpected = goog.array.contains( expectedAgents, goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents[ua]); assertEquals( isExpected, goog.userAgentTestUtil.getUserAgentDetected( goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents[ua])); } } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Webkit. */ function testGetVendorStyleNameWebkit() { var mockElement = {'style': {'WebkitTransformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.WEBKIT], 'WebKit'); assertEquals( '-webkit-transform-origin', goog.style.getVendorStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * when it exists without a vendor prefix for Webkit. */ function testGetVendorStyleNameWebkitNoPrefix() { var mockElement = { 'style': {'WebkitTransformOrigin': '', 'transformOrigin': ''} }; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.WEBKIT], 'WebKit'); assertEquals( 'transform-origin', goog.style.getVendorStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Gecko. */ function testGetVendorStyleNameGecko() { var mockElement = {'style': {'MozTransformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.GECKO], 'Gecko', 'Gecko'); assertEquals( '-moz-transform-origin', goog.style.getVendorStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * when it exists without a vendor prefix for Gecko. */ function testGetVendorStyleNameGeckoNoPrefix() { var mockElement = { 'style': {'MozTransformOrigin': '', 'transformOrigin': ''} }; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.GECKO], 'Gecko', 'Gecko'); assertEquals( 'transform-origin', goog.style.getVendorStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for IE. */ function testGetVendorStyleNameIE() { var mockElement = {'style': {'msTransformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.IE], 'MSIE'); assertEquals( '-ms-transform-origin', goog.style.getVendorStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * when it exists without a vendor prefix for IE. */ function testGetVendorStyleNameIENoPrefix() { var mockElement = {'style': {'msTransformOrigin': '', 'transformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.IE], 'MSIE'); assertEquals( 'transform-origin', goog.style.getVendorStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Opera. */ function testGetVendorStyleNameOpera() { var mockElement = {'style': {'OTransformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.OPERA], 'Opera'); assertEquals( '-o-transform-origin', goog.style.getVendorStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * when it exists without a vendor prefix for Opera. */ function testGetVendorStyleNameOperaNoPrefix() { var mockElement = {'style': {'OTransformOrigin': '', 'transformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.OPERA], 'Opera'); assertEquals( 'transform-origin', goog.style.getVendorStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Webkit. */ function testGetVendorJsStyleNameWebkit() { var mockElement = {'style': {'WebkitTransformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.WEBKIT], 'WebKit'); assertEquals( 'WebkitTransformOrigin', goog.style.getVendorJsStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * when it exists without a vendor prefix for Webkit. */ function testGetVendorJsStyleNameWebkitNoPrefix() { var mockElement = { 'style': {'WebkitTransformOrigin': '', 'transformOrigin': ''} }; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.WEBKIT], 'WebKit'); assertEquals( 'transformOrigin', goog.style.getVendorJsStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Gecko. */ function testGetVendorJsStyleNameGecko() { var mockElement = {'style': {'MozTransformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.GECKO], 'Gecko', 'Gecko'); assertEquals( 'MozTransformOrigin', goog.style.getVendorJsStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * when it exists without a vendor prefix for Gecko. */ function testGetVendorJsStyleNameGeckoNoPrefix() { var mockElement = { 'style': {'MozTransformOrigin': '', 'transformOrigin': ''} }; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.GECKO], 'Gecko', 'Gecko'); assertEquals( 'transformOrigin', goog.style.getVendorJsStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for IE. */ function testGetVendorJsStyleNameIE() { var mockElement = {'style': {'msTransformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.IE], 'MSIE'); assertEquals( 'msTransformOrigin', goog.style.getVendorJsStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * when it exists without a vendor prefix for IE. */ function testGetVendorJsStyleNameIENoPrefix() { var mockElement = {'style': {'msTransformOrigin': '', 'transformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.IE], 'MSIE'); assertEquals( 'transformOrigin', goog.style.getVendorJsStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Opera. */ function testGetVendorJsStyleNameOpera() { var mockElement = {'style': {'OTransformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.OPERA], 'Opera'); assertEquals( 'OTransformOrigin', goog.style.getVendorJsStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the proper vendor style name for a CSS property * when it exists without a vendor prefix for Opera. */ function testGetVendorJsStyleNameOperaNoPrefix() { var mockElement = {'style': {'OTransformOrigin': '', 'transformOrigin': ''}}; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.OPERA], 'Opera'); assertEquals( 'transformOrigin', goog.style.getVendorJsStyleName_(mockElement, 'transform-origin')); } /** * Test for the setting a style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Webkit. */ function testSetVendorStyleWebkit() { var mockElement = {'style': {'WebkitTransform': ''}}; var styleValue = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.WEBKIT], 'WebKit'); goog.style.setStyle(mockElement, 'transform', styleValue); assertEquals(styleValue, mockElement.style.WebkitTransform); } /** * Test for the setting a style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Mozilla. */ function testSetVendorStyleGecko() { var mockElement = {'style': {'MozTransform': ''}}; var styleValue = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.GECKO], 'Gecko', 'Gecko'); goog.style.setStyle(mockElement, 'transform', styleValue); assertEquals(styleValue, mockElement.style.MozTransform); } /** * Test for the setting a style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for IE. */ function testSetVendorStyleIE() { var mockElement = {'style': {'msTransform': ''}}; var styleValue = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.IE], 'MSIE'); goog.style.setStyle(mockElement, 'transform', styleValue); assertEquals(styleValue, mockElement.style.msTransform); } /** * Test for the setting a style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Opera. */ function testSetVendorStyleOpera() { var mockElement = {'style': {'OTransform': ''}}; var styleValue = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.OPERA], 'Opera'); goog.style.setStyle(mockElement, 'transform', styleValue); assertEquals(styleValue, mockElement.style.OTransform); } /** * Test for the getting a style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Webkit. */ function testGetVendorStyleWebkit() { var mockElement = {'style': {'WebkitTransform': ''}}; var styleValue = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.WEBKIT], 'WebKit'); goog.style.setStyle(mockElement, 'transform', styleValue); assertEquals(styleValue, goog.style.getStyle(mockElement, 'transform')); } /** * Test for the getting a style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Mozilla. */ function testGetVendorStyleGecko() { var mockElement = {'style': {'MozTransform': ''}}; var styleValue = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.GECKO], 'Gecko', 'Gecko'); goog.style.setStyle(mockElement, 'transform', styleValue); assertEquals(styleValue, goog.style.getStyle(mockElement, 'transform')); } /** * Test for the getting a style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for IE. */ function testGetVendorStyleIE() { var mockElement = {'style': {'msTransform': ''}}; var styleValue = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.IE], 'MSIE'); goog.style.setStyle(mockElement, 'transform', styleValue); assertEquals(styleValue, goog.style.getStyle(mockElement, 'transform')); } /** * Test for the getting a style name for a CSS property * with a vendor prefix for Opera. */ function testGetVendorStyleOpera() { var mockElement = {'style': {'OTransform': ''}}; var styleValue = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; assertUserAgent([goog.userAgentTestUtil.UserAgents.OPERA], 'Opera'); goog.style.setStyle(mockElement, 'transform', styleValue); assertEquals(styleValue, goog.style.getStyle(mockElement, 'transform')); } function testParseStyleAttributeWithColon() { // Regression test for https://github.com/google/closure-library/issues/127. var cssObj = goog.style.parseStyleAttribute( 'left: 0px; text-align: center; background-image: ' + 'url(http://www.google.ca/Test.gif); -ms-filter: ' + 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.MotionBlur(strength=50), ' + 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(mirror=1);'); assertEquals('url(http://www.google.ca/Test.gif)', cssObj.backgroundImage); assertEquals( 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.MotionBlur(strength=50), ' + 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(mirror=1)', cssObj.MsFilter); }