application: blockly-demo version: 1 runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: no handlers: # Redirect obsolete URLs. # Blockly files moved from /blockly to /static on 5 Dec 2012. - url: /blockly/.* static_files: redirect.html upload: redirect.html # Code, Maze and Turtle moved from demos on 29 Dec 2012. - url: /static/demos/(maze|turtle)/.* static_files: redirect.html upload: redirect.html # Apps was disbanded on 20 Nov 2014. - url: /static/apps/.* static_files: redirect.html upload: redirect.html # Storage API. - url: /storage script: secure: always - url: /storage\.js static_files: storage.js upload: storage\.js secure: always # Blockly files. - url: /static static_dir: static secure: always # Closure library for uncompiled Blockly. - url: /closure-library static_dir: closure-library secure: always # Redirect for root directory. - url: / script: secure: always # Favicon. - url: /favicon\.ico static_files: favicon.ico upload: favicon\.ico secure: always expiration: "30d" # Apple icon. - url: /apple-touch-icon\.png static_files: apple-touch-icon.png upload: apple-touch-icon\.png secure: always expiration: "30d" # robot.txt - url: /robots\.txt static_files: robots.txt upload: robots\.txt secure: always skip_files: # App Engine default patterns. - ^(.*/)?#.*#$ - ^(.*/)?.*~$ - ^(.*/)?.*\.py[co]$ - ^(.*/)?.*/RCS/.*$ - ^(.*/)?\..*$ # Custom skip patterns. - ^static/appengine/.*$ - ^static/demos/plane/soy/.+\.jar$ - ^static/demos/plane/$ - ^static/demos/plane/xlf/.*$ - ^static/i18n/.*$ - ^static/msg/json/.*$ - ^.+\.soy$