/** * @license * Visual Blocks Language * * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Generating Pseudo for math blocks. * @author q.neutron@gmail.com (Quynh Neutron) */ 'use strict'; goog.provide('Blockly.Pseudo.math'); goog.require('Blockly.Pseudo'); // If any new block imports any library, add that library name here. Blockly.Pseudo.addReservedWords('math,random'); Blockly.Pseudo['math_number'] = function(block) { // Numeric value. var code = parseFloat(block.getFieldValue('NUM')); var order = code < 0 ? Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_UNARY_SIGN : Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_ATOMIC; return [code, order]; }; Blockly.Pseudo['math_arithmetic'] = function(block) { // Basic arithmetic operators, and power. var OPERATORS = { 'ADD': [' added to ', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_ADDITIVE], 'MINUS': [' minus ', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_ADDITIVE], 'MULTIPLY': [' multiplied by ', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE], 'DIVIDE': [' divided by ', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE], 'POWER': [' raised to the power of ', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_EXPONENTIATION], 'MODULO': [' remainder ', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE] }; var tuple = OPERATORS[block.getFieldValue('OP')]; var operator = tuple[0]; var order = tuple[1]; var argument0 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'A', order) || '___'; var argument1 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'B', order) || '___'; var code = argument0 + operator + argument1; return [code, order]; // In case of 'DIVIDE', division between integers returns different results // in Pseudo 2 and 3. However, is not an issue since Blockly does not // guarantee identical results in all languages. To do otherwise would // require every operator to be wrapped in a function call. This would kill // legibility of the generated code. }; Blockly.Pseudo['math_single'] = function(block) { // Math operators with single operand. var operator = block.getFieldValue('OP'); var code; var arg; if (operator == 'NEG') { // Negation is a special case given its different operator precedence. var code = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'NUM', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_UNARY_SIGN) || '___'; return ['negative' + code, Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_UNARY_SIGN]; } if (operator != 'ABS' && operator != 'POW' && operator != 'ROUND') { Blockly.Pseudo.definitions_['import_math'] = 'import math'; } if (operator == 'SIN' || operator == 'COS' || operator == 'TAN') { arg = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'NUM', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE) || '___'; } else { arg = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'NUM', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; } // First, handle cases which generate values that don't need parentheses // wrapping the code. switch (operator) { case 'ABS': code = 'abs(' + arg + ')'; break; case 'ROOT': code = 'math.sqrt(' + arg + ')'; break; case 'LN': code = 'math.log(' + arg + ')'; break; case 'LOG10': code = 'math.log10(' + arg + ')'; break; case 'EXP': code = 'math.exp(' + arg + ')'; break; case 'POW10': code = 'pow(10,' + arg + ')'; break; case 'ROUND': code = 'round(' + arg + ')'; break; case 'ROUNDUP': code = 'math.ceil(' + arg + ')'; break; case 'ROUNDDOWN': code = 'math.floor(' + arg + ')'; break; case 'SIN': code = 'math.sin(' + arg + ' / 180.0 * math.pi)'; break; case 'COS': code = 'math.cos(' + arg + ' / 180.0 * math.pi)'; break; case 'TAN': code = 'math.tan(' + arg + ' / 180.0 * math.pi)'; break; } if (code) { return [code, Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } // Second, handle cases which generate values that may need parentheses // wrapping the code. switch (operator) { case 'ASIN': code = 'math.asin(' + arg + ') / math.pi * 180'; break; case 'ACOS': code = 'math.acos(' + arg + ') / math.pi * 180'; break; case 'ATAN': code = 'math.atan(' + arg + ') / math.pi * 180'; break; default: throw 'Unknown math operator: ' + operator; } return [code, Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE]; }; Blockly.Pseudo['math_constant'] = function(block) { // Constants: PI, E, the Golden Ratio, sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), INFINITY. var CONSTANTS = { 'PI': ['math.pi', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MEMBER], 'E': ['math.e', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MEMBER], 'GOLDEN_RATIO': ['(1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE], 'SQRT2': ['math.sqrt(2)', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MEMBER], 'SQRT1_2': ['math.sqrt(1.0 / 2)', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MEMBER], 'INFINITY': ['float(\'inf\')', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_ATOMIC] }; var constant = block.getFieldValue('CONSTANT'); if (constant != 'INFINITY') { Blockly.Pseudo.definitions_['import_math'] = 'import math'; } return CONSTANTS[constant]; }; Blockly.Pseudo['math_number_property'] = function(block) { // Check if a number is even, odd, prime, whole, positive, or negative // or if it is divisible by certain number. Returns true or false. var number_to_check = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'NUMBER_TO_CHECK', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE) || '___'; var dropdown_property = block.getFieldValue('PROPERTY'); var code; if (dropdown_property == 'PRIME') { Blockly.Pseudo.definitions_['import_math'] = 'import math'; var functionName = Blockly.Pseudo.provideFunction_( 'math_isPrime', ['def ' + Blockly.Pseudo.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(n):', ' # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primality_test#Naive_methods', ' # If n is not a number but a string, try parsing it.', ' if type(n) not in (int, float, long):', ' try:', ' n = float(n)', ' except:', ' return False', ' if n == 2 or n == 3:', ' return True', ' # False if n is negative, is 1, or not whole,' + ' or if n is divisible by 2 or 3.', ' if n <= 1 or n % 1 != 0 or n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0:', ' return False', ' # Check all the numbers of form 6k +/- 1, up to sqrt(n).', ' for x in range(6, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 2, 6):', ' if n % (x - 1) == 0 or n % (x + 1) == 0:', ' return False', ' return True']); code = functionName + '(' + number_to_check + ')'; return [code, Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } switch (dropdown_property) { case 'EVEN': code = number_to_check + ' % 2 == 0'; break; case 'ODD': code = number_to_check + ' % 2 == 1'; break; case 'WHOLE': code = number_to_check + ' % 1 == 0'; break; case 'POSITIVE': code = number_to_check + ' > 0'; break; case 'NEGATIVE': code = number_to_check + ' < 0'; break; case 'DIVISIBLE_BY': var divisor = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'DIVISOR', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE); // If 'divisor' is some code that evals to 0, Pseudo will raise an error. if (!divisor || divisor == '0') { return ['False', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_ATOMIC]; } code = number_to_check + ' % ' + divisor + ' == 0'; break; } return [code, Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_RELATIONAL]; }; Blockly.Pseudo['math_change'] = function(block) { // Add to a variable in place. var argument0 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'DELTA', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_ADDITIVE) || '___'; var varName = Blockly.Pseudo.variableDB_.getName(block.getFieldValue('VAR'), Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE); return 'Increase ' + varName + ' by' + argument0 + '.\n'; }; // Rounding functions have a single operand. Blockly.Pseudo['math_round'] = Blockly.Pseudo['math_single']; // Trigonometry functions have a single operand. Blockly.Pseudo['math_trig'] = Blockly.Pseudo['math_single']; Blockly.Pseudo['math_on_list'] = function(block) { // Math functions for lists. var func = block.getFieldValue('OP'); var list = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var code; switch (func) { case 'SUM': code = 'the sum of the list ' + list + ''; break; case 'MIN': code = 'the lowest value of the list ' + list + ''; break; case 'MAX': code = 'the highest value of the list ' + list + ''; break; case 'AVERAGE': var functionName = Blockly.Pseudo.provideFunction_( 'math_mean', // This operation excludes null and values that aren't int or float:', // math_mean([null, null, "aString", 1, 9]) == 5.0.', ['def ' + Blockly.Pseudo.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(myList):', ' localList = [e for e in myList if type(e) in (int, float, long)]', ' if not localList: return', ' return float(sum(localList)) / len(localList)']); code = functionName + '(' + list + ')'; break; case 'MEDIAN': var functionName = Blockly.Pseudo.provideFunction_( 'math_median', // This operation excludes null values: // math_median([null, null, 1, 3]) == 2.0. ['def ' + Blockly.Pseudo.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(myList):', ' localList = sorted([e for e in myList ' + 'if type(e) in (int, float, long)])', ' if not localList: return', ' if len(localList) % 2 == 0:', ' return (localList[len(localList) / 2 - 1] + ' + 'localList[len(localList) / 2]) / 2.0', ' else:', ' return localList[(len(localList) - 1) / 2]']); code = functionName + '(' + list + ')'; break; case 'MODE': var functionName = Blockly.Pseudo.provideFunction_( 'math_modes', // As a list of numbers can contain more than one mode, // the returned result is provided as an array. // Mode of [3, 'x', 'x', 1, 1, 2, '3'] -> ['x', 1]. ['def ' + Blockly.Pseudo.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(some_list):', ' modes = []', ' # Using a lists of [item, count] to keep count rather than dict', ' # to avoid "unhashable" errors when the counted item is ' + 'itself a list or dict.', ' counts = []', ' maxCount = 1', ' for item in some_list:', ' found = False', ' for count in counts:', ' if count[0] == item:', ' count[1] += 1', ' maxCount = max(maxCount, count[1])', ' found = True', ' if not found:', ' counts.append([item, 1])', ' for counted_item, item_count in counts:', ' if item_count == maxCount:', ' modes.append(counted_item)', ' return modes']); code = functionName + '(' + list + ')'; break; case 'STD_DEV': Blockly.Pseudo.definitions_['import_math'] = 'import math'; var functionName = Blockly.Pseudo.provideFunction_( 'math_standard_deviation', ['def ' + Blockly.Pseudo.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(numbers):', ' n = len(numbers)', ' if n == 0: return', ' mean = float(sum(numbers)) / n', ' variance = sum((x - mean) ** 2 for x in numbers) / n', ' return math.sqrt(variance)']); code = functionName + '(' + list + ')'; break; case 'RANDOM': Blockly.Pseudo.definitions_['import_random'] = 'import random'; code = 'random.choice(' + list + ')'; break; default: throw 'Unknown operator: ' + func; } return [code, Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.Pseudo['math_modulo'] = function(block) { // Remainder computation. var argument0 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'DIVIDEND', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE) || '___'; var argument1 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'DIVISOR', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE) || '___'; var code = argument0 + ' % ' + argument1; return [code, Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE]; }; Blockly.Pseudo['math_constrain'] = function(block) { // Constrain a number between two limits. var argument0 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var argument1 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'LOW', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var argument2 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'HIGH', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var code = 'min(max(' + argument0 + ', ' + argument1 + '), ' + argument2 + ')'; return [code, Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.Pseudo['math_random_int'] = function(block) { // Random integer between [X] and [Y]. Blockly.Pseudo.definitions_['import_random'] = 'import random'; var argument0 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'FROM', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var argument1 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'TO', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var code = 'random.randint(' + argument0 + ', ' + argument1 + ')'; return [code, Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.Pseudo['math_random_float'] = function(block) { // Random fraction between 0 and 1. Blockly.Pseudo.definitions_['import_random'] = 'import random'; return ['random.random()', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; };