data.json 33 KB

  1. {
  2. "translation": {
  3. "en": {
  4. "project": "Projects",
  5. "upload_area_init": "Directly upload your code to the electronic modules.",
  6. "ws_connect_fail": "No Plugin Connection. Uploading is disabled until you reconnect.",
  7. "ws_connect_success": "Plugin is connected successfully!",
  8. "ws_connect_loss": "Plugin is lost, please try to reconnect it.",
  9. "no_port_option": "No ports detected",
  10. "uploading": "implement...",
  11. "reset": "reseting...",
  12. "reseting": "reseting...",
  13. "upload_fail": "implement failed",
  14. "upload_success": "implement successfully!",
  15. "compiling": "Compiling...",
  16. "compile_fail": "Compile failed",
  17. "compile_success": "Compile successfully!",
  18. "compile_timeout": "Compile timeout",
  19. "compile_offline": "Network is offline",
  20. "compile_offline_handle": "Network is offline,please check your network connection",
  21. "compile_slow": "Network is slow, please waiting patiently",
  22. "copy_success": "Copied Successfully!",
  23. "connect_tooltip": "Hardware connected",
  24. "disconnect_tooltip": "Hardware not connected",
  25. "webadbErro":"File system write error, click to repair",
  26. "error_userLogin": "Username or password gets wrong",
  27. "error_recaptcha": "Please verity reCaptcha, or reload the page",
  28. "success_userLogin": "Login successfully",
  29. "share_success": "A shared link for this project has been generated! Please paste the link elsewhere",
  30. "share_loading": "Getting shared link for this code...",
  31. "share_loadings": "Link generated! Click here to copy the link",
  32. "share_fail": "Copy failed",
  33. "success_userLogout": "Logout successfully",
  34. "error_requestForUserLogin": "Unexpected error accurs, please checkout network connection",
  35. "success_uploadFile": "Upload file successfully",
  36. "error_uploadFile": "Fail to upload file",
  37. "success_updateFile": "update file successfully",
  38. "error_updateFile": "Fail to update file",
  39. "success_downloadFile": "Project file successfully loaded.",
  40. "error_downloadFile": "Fail to download file",
  41. "success_deleteFile": "Delete file successfully",
  42. "error_deleteFile": "Fail to delete file",
  43. "success_renameFile": "Rename file successfully",
  44. "error_renameFile": "Fail to rename file",
  45. "requestLogin": "Please login first",
  46. "update_Coevent_tooltip": "Click to refresh the event list",
  47. "apikey_copy_tooltip": "Copy Apikey to clipboard",
  48. "code_copy_tooltip": "Copy Arduino source code to clipboard",
  49. "code_download_tooltip": "Download Arduino source code to local computer",
  50. "plugin_download_tooltip": "Please update uploader version 1.0.17",
  51. "upload_instruction_tooltip": "Instruction for download and install Uploader",
  52. "icon_tool_1": "Arduino Code Area & Upload Area",
  53. "icon_tool_2": "Serial Monitor Area",
  54. "icon_tool_3": "Python Mode",
  55. "icon_tool_4": "Language",
  56. "icon_tool_5": "CocoBlockly Pi Labs",
  57. "icon_tool_6": "Storage",
  58. "icon_tool_7": "Tutorial",
  59. "back_home": "Go to Home",
  60. "nav_language": "Language",
  61. "close_editing": "Enable/Disable Editing",
  62. "nav_devices": "Soon to launch",
  63. "nav_journal": "journal",
  64. "cloud_storage": "Cloud",
  65. "local_storage": "Files",
  66. "button_delete": "Delete all blocks",
  67. "uploadFiles": "Upload",
  68. "runCode": "Run",
  69. "workspace_screenshot": "Take a snapshot",
  70. "nav_account": "My Account",
  71. "username": "Username/Email",
  72. "password": "Password",
  73. "signup": "Sign up",
  74. "signin": "Sign in",
  75. "signout": "Sign out",
  76. "user_email": "Your Email",
  77. "user_school": "Your School",
  78. "success_openComm_monitor": "Open the communication with the board successfully",
  79. "fail_openComm_monitor": "Open the communication with the board failed",
  80. "success_closeComm_monitor": "Close the communication with the board successfully",
  81. "fail_closeComm_monitor": "Close the communication with the board failed",
  82. "success_setBaud_monitor": "Update baud rate successfully",
  83. "fail_setBaud_monitor": "Update baud rate failed",
  84. "cloudFileUpdate": "Update",
  85. "cloudFileSave": "Save",
  86. "cloudFileConfirm": "OK",
  87. "cloudFileSaveAs": "Save as",
  88. "saveNew": "Save New",
  89. "deleteFile": "Delete File now?",
  90. "cloudFileCancel": "Cancel",
  91. "rename": "Rename",
  92. "lastModified": "Last modified: ",
  93. "fileOpen": "Open file",
  94. "fileSave": "Save file",
  95. "fileEdit": "Rename file",
  96. "fileDelete": "Delete file",
  97. "cloudFileOpenMsg": "Open file",
  98. "cloudFileSaveMsg": "Update file",
  99. "cloudFileEditMsg": "Edit file",
  100. "cloudShare": "Click the copy share link",
  101. "cloudShares": "Click the copy share",
  102. "cloudFileDeleteMsg": "Delete file",
  103. "errCode": "Error Code: ",
  104. "errMsg": "Error Message: ",
  105. "errSol": "Suggested Solution: ",
  106. "uploader_relaunch_tooltip": "Relaunch Uploader",
  107. "auto_relaunch": "Upload failed. Now the Uploader is relaunching, please wait for a while...",
  108. "out_date": "out of date",
  109. "envDetectGood": "Good enough",
  110. "osSuggest": "System is temporarily not supported. Please try to use the more later version of WindowsOS or MacOS",
  111. "browserSuggest": "The browser you used is not supported yet, or the version of browser is too old. Please try to use later verion of Chrome, Firefox or Opera",
  112. "pluginNetwork": "Please check the network connection",
  113. "pluginConnect": "CocoBlockly Pi Uploader is connected",
  114. "pluginDisconnect": "CocoBlockly Pi Uploader is not connected. Please try open it, or update it to latest version",
  115. "plutginNotOpen": "Not open yet",
  116. "pluginSuggest": "CocoBlockly Pi Uploader is not the latest one, please try update it and to ensure all functions work well",
  117. "speech_recognition_on": "Recognizing...",
  118. "speech_recognition_complete": "Recognition complete.",
  119. "speech_recognition_fail": "Recognition failed.",
  120. "speech_recognition_cameraon": "Camera On",
  121. "speech_recognition_cameraoff": "Camera Off",
  122. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount5": "In the recording",
  123. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount4": "Recording: 00:04",
  124. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount3": "Recording: 00:03",
  125. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount2": "Recording: 00:02",
  126. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount1": "Recording: 00:01",
  127. "speech_recognition_chinese_recorded_recognizing": "Recording complete, recognizing...",
  128. "speech_recognition_chinese_recognized": "Recognition complete.",
  129. "speech_recognition_chinese_recognize_failed": "Recognition failed.",
  130. "speech_recognition_chinese_recognize_network_err": "Recognition failed, check your network.",
  131. "cloud_event_syncing": "Syncing Cloud Event...",
  132. "cloud_event_success": "Cloud event updated!",
  133. "cloud_event_failed": "Cloud event failed to update.",
  134. "emotion_azure_request": "Requesting API failed, check your internet again.",
  135. "emotion_recognition_button_analyzing": "Analyzing...",
  136. "emotion_recognition_image_captured": "Snapshot captured!",
  137. "emotion_recognition_button_analyze": "Analyze",
  138. "emotion_recognition_anaylze_status": "Requesting result failed, check your internet and try again.",
  139. "emotion_recognition_results_title": "No face detected.",
  140. "emotion_recognition_results_failed_guess": "Unable to guess.",
  141. "emotion_recognition_results_title_default": "Facial Analysis:",
  142. "gesture_recognition_button_retake": "RETAKE",
  143. "gesture_recognition_button_analyze": "Recognize",
  144. "gesture_recognition_button_analyzing": "Recognizing...",
  145. "gesture_recognition_button_result": "No result yet.",
  146. "Adapter_connected": "Adapter is connected",
  147. "Adapter_fill_connected": "Adapter is disconnected",
  148. "gesture_file_result": "Identification of failure",
  149. "disconnect": "Disconnect",
  150. "connection": "Connection",
  151. "connection_success":"Connection success",
  152. "connect": "Connect",
  153. "reset_device": "Reset",
  154. "reset_main_UI": "Reset Main UI",
  155. "run_code": "Run",
  156. "select_device": "Select a device",
  157. "select_connected_Wired": "Wired Upload",
  158. "select_connected_Wireless": "Wireless Upload",
  159. "ipAddress": "Please enter IP address",
  160. "select_Basics": "Basics",
  161. "select_BCL": "Button-Controlled LED",
  162. "select_DOLD": "Drawing on LCD Display",
  163. "select_TCSOL": "Touch-controlled square on LCD",
  164. "select_SER": "Showing Environmental Readings",
  165. "select_NW": "Network & Web",
  166. "select_CTN": "Connect to Network",
  167. "select_SA": "Setup AP",
  168. "select_SDTC": "Send Data to CocoCloud",
  169. "select_CV": "Computer Vision",
  170. "select_CAOSR": "Color Analyze on Specific Region",
  171. "select_QCR": "QR Code Recogntion",
  172. "select_LR": "Line Recogntion",
  173. "select_AI": "Artificial Intelligence",
  174. "select_HWDR": "Hand-written Digit Recognition",
  175. "select_FR": "Face Recognition",
  176. "select_OR": "Object Recognition",
  177. "alert": "Please use the full screen(suggested resolution: 1280*726px)",
  178. "number_only": "Print data serial port no more than 10",
  179. "echart_text": "Please print data via serial monitor first",
  180. "get_data_cloud_event": "Getting a list of the latest events",
  181. "start_speech": "Start Recording",
  182. "end_speech": "End recording",
  183. "folderIsExist": "Folder already exists",
  184. "folderAddSuccess": "Folder added successfully",
  185. "wetech_gateway_id": "GW id",
  186. "wetech_gateway_name": "Gateway name",
  187. "mac_addr": "Mac Address",
  188. "status": "Nothing",
  189. "wetech_operation": "Operation",
  190. "wetech_action": "View",
  191. "wetech_userError": "Username error, please re-enter",
  192. "wetech_passError": "Password error, please re-enter",
  193. "wetech_device_id": "Device id",
  194. "wetech_device_name": "Device name",
  195. "wetech_device_status": "Status",
  196. "wetech_device_open": "Open",
  197. "wetech_device_close": "Close",
  198. "wetech_device_offline": "Offline",
  199. "weTech_user": "Username",
  200. "weTech_pass": "Password",
  201. "weTech_login": "Login",
  202. "weTech_logout": "Logout"
  203. },
  204. "zh-hant": {
  205. "project": "項目",
  206. "upload_area_init": "直接將程式碼上載到電子模組中。",
  207. "ws_connect_fail": "插件沒有連接。上載無法使用,直到插件重新連接。",
  208. "ws_connect_success": "插件已經成功連接!",
  209. "ws_connect_loss": "插件丟失,請重新連接它。",
  210. "no_port_option": "檢測不到連接端口",
  211. "uploading": "執行中...",
  212. "reseting": "重啟中...",
  213. "reset": "先重啓,等待執行…",
  214. "upload_fail": "執行失敗",
  215. "upload_success": "執行成功!",
  216. "compiling": "編譯中...",
  217. "compile_fail": "編譯失敗",
  218. "compile_success": "編譯成功!",
  219. "compile_timeout": "編譯超時",
  220. "compile_offline": "網絡狀態不佳,請檢查你的網絡連接",
  221. "compile_offline_handle": "網絡狀態不佳,請檢查你的網絡連接",
  222. "compile_slow": "當前網絡較慢, 請耐心等待",
  223. "copy_success": "複製成功!",
  224. "connect_tooltip": "硬件已連接",
  225. "disconnect_tooltip": "硬件未連接",
  226. "webadbErro":"文件系統無法寫入,點擊修復",
  227. "error_userLogin": "用戶名或者密碼錯誤",
  228. "error_recaptcha": "請先驗證,或刷新頁面",
  229. "success_userLogin": "登入成功",
  230. "share_success": "分享鏈接已生成!已將連接複製到剪切板中",
  231. "share_loading": "正在獲取分享鏈接中...",
  232. "share_loadings": "分享鏈接獲取成功!點此複製鏈接",
  233. "share_fail": "複製失敗",
  234. "success_userLogout": "登出成功",
  235. "error_requestForUserLogin": "未知錯誤,請檢查網絡連線..",
  236. "success_uploadFile": "上載文件成功",
  237. "error_uploadFile": "上載文件失敗",
  238. "success_updateFile": "更新文件成功",
  239. "error_updateFile": "更新文件失敗",
  240. "success_downloadFile": "項目文件讀取成功",
  241. "error_downloadFile": "下載文件失敗",
  242. "success_deleteFile": "刪除文件成功",
  243. "error_deleteFile": "刪除文件失敗",
  244. "success_renameFile": "重命名文件成功",
  245. "error_renameFile": "重命名文件失敗",
  246. "requestLogin": "請先完成登入",
  247. "update_Coevent_tooltip": "單擊刷新事件列表",
  248. "apikey_copy_tooltip": "複製 Api-key 到粘貼板中",
  249. "code_copy_tooltip": "複製 Arduino 源代碼到粘貼板中",
  250. "code_download_tooltip": "下載 Arduino 源代碼到本地電腦中",
  251. "plugin_download_tooltip": "請更新至uploader1.0.17版本",
  252. "upload_instruction_tooltip": "上載軟件的下載和安裝指導",
  253. "icon_tool_1": "Arduino 代碼區域 & 上載區域",
  254. "icon_tool_2": "序列埠監控視窗區域",
  255. "icon_tool_3": "Python 模式",
  256. "icon_tool_4": "語言選擇",
  257. "icon_tool_5": "CocoBlockly Pi 實驗室",
  258. "icon_tool_6": "存儲",
  259. "icon_tool_7": "前往在綫教程",
  260. "back_home": "返回主頁",
  261. "nav_devices": "即將推出",
  262. "nav_journal": "日志",
  263. "nav_language": "語言設定",
  264. "close_editing": "是否啟用編輯模式",
  265. "cloud_storage": "雲端存儲",
  266. "local_storage": "文件",
  267. "button_delete": "刪除所有積木",
  268. "uploadFiles": "上載",
  269. "runCode": "運行",
  270. "workspace_screenshot": "一鍵截图",
  271. "nav_account": "我的賬戶",
  272. "username": "請輸入你的郵箱",
  273. "password": "請輸入密碼",
  274. "signup": "註册",
  275. "signin": "登入",
  276. "signout": "登出",
  277. "user_email": "您的郵箱",
  278. "user_school": "您所屬的學校",
  279. "success_openComm_monitor": "成功建立通訊連接",
  280. "fail_openComm_monitor": "通讯连接操作失敗",
  281. "success_closeComm_monitor": "成功关闭通讯连接通道",
  282. "fail_closeComm_monitor": "通讯连接通道關閉操作失敗",
  283. "success_setBaud_monitor": "成功更新波特速率",
  284. "fail_setBaud_monitor": "波特速率更新失敗",
  285. "cloudFileUpdate": "更新",
  286. "cloudFileSave": "保存",
  287. "cloudFileConfirm": "確認",
  288. "cloudFileSaveAs": "另存為",
  289. "saveNew": "新建檔案",
  290. "deleteFile": "刪除當前檔案?",
  291. "cloudFileCancel": "取消",
  292. "rename": "重命名",
  293. "lastModified": "上次修改: ",
  294. "fileOpen": "打開檔案",
  295. "fileSave": "保存檔案",
  296. "fileEdit": "重命名檔案",
  297. "fileDelete": "刪除檔案",
  298. "cloudFileOpenMsg": "打開檔案",
  299. "cloudFileSaveMsg": "保存檔案",
  300. "cloudFileEditMsg": "編輯檔案",
  301. "cloudShare": "點擊複製分享鏈接",
  302. "cloudShares": "點擊複製分享",
  303. "cloudFileDeleteMsg": "刪除檔案",
  304. "errCode": "錯誤代碼:",
  305. "errMsg": "錯誤信息:",
  306. "errSol": "建議解決方法:",
  307. "uploader_relaunch_tooltip": "重啟Uploader",
  308. "auto_relaunch": "上載失敗。Uploader 正在重新啟動,請耐心稍等一段時間...",
  309. "out_date": "過舊",
  310. "envDetectGood": "不錯",
  311. "osSuggest": "該系統暫時未能支持,請嘗試使用最新的 WindowOS 或者 MacOS",
  312. "browserSuggest": "您使用的瀏覽器暫時未能支持,或者瀏覽器版本太舊,請嘗試使用版本較新的 Chrome,Firefox 或者 Opera",
  313. "pluginNetwork": "請檢查網絡連接",
  314. "pluginConnect": "CocoBlockly Pi Uploader 已經連接",
  315. "pluginDisconnect": "CocoBlockly Pi Uploader 未能連接,請嘗試打開 Uploader,或者將它更新至最新的版本",
  316. "plutginNotOpen": "暫未打開",
  317. "pluginSuggest": "CocoBlockly Pi Uploader 不是最新版本,請嘗試更新到最新的版本,保證所有功能可以正常使用",
  318. "speech_recognition_on": "識別中...",
  319. "speech_recognition_complete": "識別完成.",
  320. "speech_recognition_fail": "識別失敗",
  321. "speech_recognition_cameraon": "攝像頭已開啓",
  322. "speech_recognition_cameraoff": "攝像頭已關閉",
  323. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount5": "音頻片段錄製中",
  324. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount4": "音頻片段錄製中: 00:04",
  325. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount3": "音頻片段錄製中: 00:03",
  326. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount2": "音頻片段錄製中: 00:02",
  327. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount1": "音頻片段錄製中: 00:01",
  328. "speech_recognition_chinese_recorded_recognizing": "錄製結束,識別中... ",
  329. "speech_recognition_chinese_recognized": "識別成功",
  330. "speech_recognition_chinese_recognize_failed": "識別失敗",
  331. "speech_recognition_chinese_recognize_network_err": "識別失敗,請檢查您的網絡連接",
  332. "cloud_event_syncing": "同步識別結果至雲端事件中...",
  333. "cloud_event_success": "雲端事件數據同步成功!",
  334. "cloud_event_failed": "雲端事件數據同步失敗",
  335. "emotion_recognition_button_analyzing": "識別中...",
  336. "emotion_recognition_image_captured": "照片截取成功!!",
  337. "emotion_recognition_button_analyze": "識別",
  338. "emotion_recognition_results_title": "未檢測到人臉。",
  339. "emotion_recognition_results_failed_guess": "無法識別",
  340. "emotion_recognition_results_title_default": "臉部識別結果:",
  341. "emotion_recognition_anaylze_status": "請求臉部識別 AI 失敗,請檢查網絡是否已連接後重新嘗試",
  342. "gesture_recognition_button_retake": "重新拍攝",
  343. "gesture_recognition_button_analyze": "識別",
  344. "gesture_recognition_button_analyzing": "識別中...",
  345. "gesture_recognition_button_result": "還沒有結果。",
  346. "Adapter_connected": "適配器連接",
  347. "Adapter_fill_connected": "適配器連接失敗",
  348. "gesture_file_result": "識別失敗",
  349. "disconnect": "斷開連接",
  350. "connection": "連接中..",
  351. "connection_success":"連接成功",
  352. "connect": "連接",
  353. "reset_device": "重啟",
  354. "reset_main_UI": "初始化主屏界面",
  355. "run_code": "運行",
  356. "select_device": "選擇設備",
  357. "select_connected_Wired": "有線上載",
  358. "select_connected_Wireless": "無線上載",
  359. "ipAddress": "請輸入ip地址",
  360. "alert": "請使用全屏(建議解析度1280*726px)",
  361. "number_only": "打贏數據串口不超過10個",
  362. "echart_text": "請先設定在序列埠中打印資料",
  363. "get_data_cloud_event": "正在獲取最新的事件列表",
  364. "start_speech": "開始錄音",
  365. "end_speech": "結束錄音",
  366. "folderIsExist": "資料夾已經存在",
  367. "folderAddSuccess": "資料夾添加成功",
  368. "wetech_gateway_id": "網關id",
  369. "wetech_gateway_name": "網關名字",
  370. "mac_addr": "Mac地址",
  371. "status": "無",
  372. "wetech_operation": "操作",
  373. "wetech_action": "查看所有設備",
  374. "wetech_userError": "用戶名錯誤,請重新輸入",
  375. "wetech_passError": "密碼錯誤,請重新輸入",
  376. "wetech_device_id": "設備id",
  377. "wetech_device_name": "設備名字",
  378. "wetech_device_status": "狀態",
  379. "wetech_device_open": "打開",
  380. "wetech_device_close": "關閉",
  381. "wetech_device_offline": "離線",
  382. "weTech_user": "用戶名:",
  383. "weTech_pass": "密   碼:",
  384. "weTech_login": "登錄",
  385. "weTech_logout": "登出"
  386. },
  387. "zh-hans": {
  388. "project": "项目",
  389. "upload_area_init": "直接将代码上传到电子模块中。",
  390. "ws_connect_fail": "插件没有连接。上传无法使用,直到插件重新连接。",
  391. "ws_connect_success": "插件已经成功连接!",
  392. "ws_connect_loss": "插件丢失,请重新连接它。",
  393. "no_port_option": "检测不到连接端口",
  394. "uploading": "执行中...",
  395. "reset": "先重启,等待执行…",
  396. "reseting": "重启中...",
  397. "upload_fail": "执行失败",
  398. "upload_success": "执行成功!",
  399. "compiling": "上传中...",
  400. "compile_fail": "编译失败",
  401. "compile_success": "编译成功!",
  402. "compile_timeout": "编译超时",
  403. "compile_offline": "网络状态不佳,请检查你的网络连接",
  404. "compile_offline_handle": "网络状态不佳,请检查你的网络连接",
  405. "compile_slow": "当前网络较慢, 请耐心等待",
  406. "copy_success": "复制成功!",
  407. "connect_tooltip": "硬件已连接",
  408. "disconnect_tooltip": "硬件未连接",
  409. "webadbErro":"文件系统写入错误,点击修复",
  410. "error_requestForUserLogin": "未知错误,请检查网络连接..",
  411. "error_userLogin": "用户名或者密码错误",
  412. "error_recaptcha": "请先验证,或刷新页面",
  413. "success_userLogin": "登录成功",
  414. "share_success": "分享链接已生成!已将链接复制到剪切板中",
  415. "share_loading": "正在获取分享链接中...",
  416. "share_loadings": "分享链接获取成功!点击此处获取链接",
  417. "share_fail": "复制失败",
  418. "success_userLogout": "登出成功",
  419. "success_uploadFile": "上传文件成功",
  420. "error_uploadFile": "上传文件失败",
  421. "success_updateFile": "更新文件成功",
  422. "error_updateFile": "更新文件失败",
  423. "success_downloadFile": "項目文件读取成功",
  424. "error_downloadFile": "下载文件失败",
  425. "success_deleteFile": "删除文件成功",
  426. "error_deleteFile": "删除文件失败",
  427. "success_renameFile": "重命名文件成功",
  428. "error_renameFile": "重命名文件失败",
  429. "code_copy_tooltip": "复制 Arduino 代码到粘贴板中",
  430. "requestLogin": "请先完成登录",
  431. "update_Coevent_tooltip": "单击刷新事件列表",
  432. "apikey_copy_tooltip": "复制 Api-key 到粘贴板中",
  433. "code_download_tooltip": "下载 Arduino 源代码到本地电脑中",
  434. "plugin_download_tooltip": "请更新到uploader1.0.17版本",
  435. "upload_instruction_tooltip": "上传软件的下载和安装指导",
  436. "icon_tool_1": "Arduino 代码区域 & 上传区域",
  437. "icon_tool_2": "串口调试窗口区域",
  438. "icon_tool_3": "Python 模式",
  439. "icon_tool_4": "语言选择",
  440. "icon_tool_5": "CocoBlockly Pi 实验室",
  441. "icon_tool_6": "存储",
  442. "icon_tool_7": "前往在线教程",
  443. "back_home": "返回主页",
  444. "nav_devices": "即将推出",
  445. "nav_journal": "日誌",
  446. "nav_language": "语言设定",
  447. "close_editing": "是否启用编辑模式",
  448. "cloud_storage": "云端存储",
  449. "local_storage": "文件",
  450. "button_delete": "删除所有积木",
  451. "uploadFiles": "上传",
  452. "runCode": "执行",
  453. "workspace_screenshot": "一键截图",
  454. "nav_account": "我的账户",
  455. "username": "请输入你的邮箱",
  456. "password": "请输入你的密码",
  457. "signup": "注册",
  458. "signin": "登入",
  459. "signout": "登出",
  460. "user_email": "您的邮箱",
  461. "user_school": "您所属的学校",
  462. "success_openComm_monitor": "成功建立通訊连接",
  463. "fail_openComm_monitor": "通讯连接操作失败",
  464. "success_closeComm_monitor": "成功关闭通讯连接通道",
  465. "fail_closeComm_monitor": "通讯连接通道关闭操作失败",
  466. "success_setBaud_monitor": "成功更新波特速率",
  467. "fail_setBaud_monitor": "波特速率更新失败",
  468. "cloudFileUpdate": "更新",
  469. "cloudFileSave": "保存",
  470. "cloudFileCancel": "取消",
  471. "cloudFileConfirm": "确认",
  472. "cloudFileSaveAs": "另存为",
  473. "saveNew": "新建文件",
  474. "deleteFile": "删除当前文件?",
  475. "rename": "重命名",
  476. "lastModified": "上次修改: ",
  477. "fileOpen": "打开文件",
  478. "fileSave": "保存文件",
  479. "fileEdit": "重命名文件",
  480. "fileDelete": "删除文件",
  481. "cloudFileOpenMsg": "打开文件",
  482. "cloudFileSaveMsg": "保存文件",
  483. "cloudFileEditMsg": "编辑文件",
  484. "cloudShare": "点击复制分享链接",
  485. "cloudShares": "点击复制分享",
  486. "cloudFileDeleteMsg": "删除文件",
  487. "errCode": "错误代码:",
  488. "errMsg": "错误信息:",
  489. "errSol": "建议解决方法:",
  490. "uploader_relaunch_tooltip": "重启Uploader",
  491. "auto_relaunch": "上传失败。Uploader 正在重新启动,请耐心稍等一段时间...",
  492. "out_date": "过旧",
  493. "envDetectGood": "不错",
  494. "osSuggest": "该系统暂时未能支持,请尝试使用最新的 WindowOS 或者 MacOS",
  495. "browserSuggest": "您使用的浏览器暂时未能支持,或者浏览器版本太旧,请尝试使用版本较新的 Chrome,Firefox 或者 Opera",
  496. "pluginNetwork": "请检查网络连接",
  497. "pluginConnect": "CocoBlockly Pi Uploader 已经连接",
  498. "pluginDisconnect": "CocoBlockly Pi Uploader 未能连接,请尝试打开 Uploader,或者将它更新至最新的版本",
  499. "plutginNotOpen": "没有打开",
  500. "pluginSuggest": "CocoBlockly Pi Uploader 不是最新版本,请尝试更新到最新的版本,保证所有的功能都可以正常地使用",
  501. "speech_recognition_on": "识别中... ",
  502. "speech_recognition_complete": "识别完成.",
  503. "speech_recognition_fail": "识别失败.",
  504. "speech_recognition_cameraon": "摄像头已开启",
  505. "speech_recognition_cameraoff": "摄像头已关闭",
  506. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount5": "音频片段录制中",
  507. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount4": "音频片段录制中: 00:04",
  508. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount3": "音频片段录制中: 00:03",
  509. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount2": "音频片段录制中: 00:02",
  510. "speech_recognition_chinese_recordingcount1": "音频片段录制中: 00:01",
  511. "speech_recognition_chinese_recorded_recognizing": "录制结束,识别中... ",
  512. "speech_recognition_chinese_recognized": "识别成功",
  513. "speech_recognition_chinese_recognize_failed": "识别失败",
  514. "speech_recognition_chinese_recognize_network_err": "识别失败,请检查您的网络连接",
  515. "cloud_event_syncing": "同步识别结果至云端事件中...",
  516. "cloud_event_success": "云端事件数据同步成功!",
  517. "cloud_event_failed": "云端事件数据同步失败",
  518. "emotion_recognition_button_analyzing": "分析中...",
  519. "emotion_recognition_image_captured": "照片获取成功!!",
  520. "emotion_recognition_button_analyze": "分析",
  521. "emotion_recognition_results_title": "未检测到人脸。",
  522. "emotion_recognition_results_failed_guess": "无法分析",
  523. "emotion_recognition_results_title_default": "脸部分析结果:",
  524. "emotion_recognition_anaylze_status": "请求脸部识别 AI 失败,请检查网络是否已连接后重新尝试",
  525. "gesture_recognition_button_retake": "重新拍摄",
  526. "gesture_recognition_button_analyze": "识别",
  527. "gesture_recognition_button_analyzing": "识别中...",
  528. "gesture_recognition_button_result": "还没有结果。",
  529. "Adapter_connected": "适配器连接",
  530. "Adapter_fill_connected": "适配器连接失败",
  531. "gesture_file_result": "识别失败",
  532. "disconnect": "断开连接",
  533. "connection": "连接中..",
  534. "connection_success":"连接成功",
  535. "connect": "连接",
  536. "reset_device": "重启",
  537. "reset_main_UI": "初始化主屏界面",
  538. "run_code": "运行",
  539. "select_device": "选择设别",
  540. "select_connected_Wired": "有线上传",
  541. "select_connected_Wireless": "无线上传",
  542. "ipAddress": "请输入ip地址",
  543. "device": "设备",
  544. "existing_device": "已有设备",
  545. "add_device": "添加设备",
  546. "device_id": "设备 ID",
  547. "device_status": "设备状态",
  548. "device_confirm": "确认",
  549. "device_cancel": "取消",
  550. "add_edevice_success": "设备添加成功",
  551. "device_next": "下线",
  552. "device_on": "上线",
  553. "alert": "请使用全屏(建议分辨率1280*726px)",
  554. "number_only": "打印数据串口打印不超过10个",
  555. "echart_text": "请先设置在串口中打印数据",
  556. "get_data_cloud_event": "正在获取最新的事件列表",
  557. "start_speech": "开始录音",
  558. "end_speech": "结束录音",
  559. "folderIsExist": "文件夹已经存在",
  560. "folderAddSuccess": "文件夹添加成功",
  561. "wetech_gateway_id": "网关id",
  562. "wetech_gateway_name": "网关名字",
  563. "mac_addr": "Mac地址",
  564. "status": "无",
  565. "wetech_operation": "操作",
  566. "wetech_action": "查看所有设备",
  567. "wetech_userError": "用户名错误,请重新输入",
  568. "wetech_passError": "密码错误,请重新输入",
  569. "wetech_device_id": "设备id",
  570. "wetech_device_name": "设备名字",
  571. "wetech_device_status": "状态",
  572. "wetech_device_open": "打开",
  573. "wetech_device_close": "关闭",
  574. "wetech_device_offline": "离线",
  575. "weTech_user": "用户名:",
  576. "weTech_pass": "密   码:",
  577. "weTech_login": "登录",
  578. "weTech_logout": "登出"
  579. }
  580. },
  581. "examples": {
  582. ":n": "Marquee",
  583. ":p": "joy_song",
  584. ":r": "knob_to_notes",
  585. ":u": "led_heart",
  586. ":x": "car_movement",
  587. ":z": "car_obstacle_voiding",
  588. ":12": "full_rotation",
  589. ":15": "music_play_melody",
  590. ":17": "music_touch",
  591. ":1a": "touch_light_color",
  592. ":1d": "hci_basic",
  593. ":1g": "screen_showreel",
  594. ":1i": "env_show_screen",
  595. ":1l": "env_show_screen",
  596. ":1n": "env_light_color",
  597. ":1q": "gps_lcd_demo",
  598. ":1w": "bt_robot-car-example",
  599. ":1y": "bt_robot_arm_example",
  600. ":21": "motion_show_led",
  601. ":29": "main_Env_data_transfer"
  602. }
  603. }