.travis.yml 1.7 KB

  1. # Copyright 2014 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  2. #
  3. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
  4. # See the LICENSE file for details.
  5. language: node_js
  6. sudo: required
  7. # This is required for Java 8 in non-java image
  8. dist: trusty
  9. cache:
  10. directories:
  11. - node_modules
  12. install:
  13. # We need jdk8 for JsDossier; but this needs to come first because
  14. # otherwise there is no java at all.
  15. - jdk_switcher use oraclejdk8
  16. - ./scripts/ci/install_closure_deps.sh
  17. before_script:
  18. - ./scripts/http/simple_http_server.py 2> /dev/null & sleep 5
  19. - ./scripts/ci/sauce_connect.sh
  20. # Ensure we point to the version of clang-format that we installed in
  21. # install_closure_deps.sh. Travis has an older version on the $PATH and
  22. # clang-format-diff.py invokes "clang-format" with no option of specifying
  23. # a binary path.
  24. - export PATH=$PWD/../clang/bin/:$PATH
  25. # Make a directory for gh-pages; will be used by both generate_latest_docs.sh
  26. # and deploy_latest_docs.sh.
  27. - export GH_PAGES=$(mktemp -d)
  28. script:
  29. - ./scripts/ci/generate_latest_docs.sh
  30. - ./scripts/ci/compile_closure.sh
  31. - ./scripts/ci/lint_pull_request.sh
  32. - ./scripts/ci/check_code_format.sh
  33. - travis_wait 30 ./scripts/ci/run_all_tests.sh
  34. after_success:
  35. - ./scripts/ci/push_latest_docs.sh
  36. env:
  37. global:
  38. - SAUCE_USERNAME=closure-sauce
  39. - SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=dfd98f70a612-e69a-ad34-6149-3ca056f8
  40. - secure: "aEv7CF6ZvD2Fa67yv6yYtgFGjafCkpSP2Y+Dk2AyJCFLF3+L5ZFXpFoCtgYgCWezVDbeGpoojFeCzLu0ycWwnIwJpUQ/C8NBDR/x2Lqz2I6M2PfkEy91UhSE5nXe1RJMnna1715zeBmustiFKjdETWFZrpvxkHixBHbLfY3cJZw="
  41. addons:
  42. apt:
  43. packages:
  44. # Required for jdk_switcher use oraclejdk8
  45. - oracle-java8-installer