123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657 |
- // Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- goog.provide('goog.testing.PropertyReplacerTest');
- goog.setTestOnly('goog.testing.PropertyReplacerTest');
- goog.require('goog.dom');
- goog.require('goog.dom.TagName');
- goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer');
- goog.require('goog.testing.asserts');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.userAgent.product');
- goog.require('goog.userAgent.product.isVersion');
- function isSafari8() {
- return goog.userAgent.product.SAFARI &&
- goog.userAgent.product.isVersion('8.0');
- }
- // Test PropertyReplacer with JavaScript objects.
- function testSetJsProperties() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- var x = {a: 1, b: undefined};
- // Setting simple values.
- stubs.set(x, 'num', 1);
- assertEquals('x.num = 1', 1, x.num);
- stubs.set(x, 'undef', undefined);
- assertTrue('x.undef = undefined', 'undef' in x && x.undef === undefined);
- stubs.set(x, 'null', null);
- assertTrue('x["null"] = null', x['null'] === null);
- // Setting a simple value that existed originally.
- stubs.set(x, 'b', null);
- assertTrue('x.b = null', x.b === null);
- // Setting a complex value.
- stubs.set(x, 'obj', {});
- assertEquals('x.obj = {}', 'object', typeof x.obj);
- stubs.set(x.obj, 'num', 2);
- assertEquals('x.obj.num = 2', 2, x.obj.num);
- // Overwriting a leaf.
- stubs.set(x.obj, 'num', 3);
- assertEquals('x.obj.num = 3', 3, x.obj.num);
- // Overwriting a non-leaf.
- stubs.set(x, 'obj', {});
- assertFalse('x.obj = {} again', 'num' in x.obj);
- // Setting a function.
- stubs.set(x, 'func', function(n) { return n + 1; });
- assertEquals('x.func = lambda n: n+1', 11, x.func(10));
- // Setting a constructor and a prototype method.
- stubs.set(x, 'Class', function(num) { this.num = num; });
- stubs.set(x.Class.prototype, 'triple', function() { return this.num * 3; });
- assertEquals('prototype method', 12, (new x.Class(4)).triple());
- // Cleaning up with UnsetAll() twice. The second run should have no effect.
- for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- stubs.reset();
- assertEquals('x.a preserved', 1, x.a);
- assertTrue('x.b reset', 'b' in x && x.b === undefined);
- assertFalse('x.num removed', 'num' in x);
- assertFalse('x.undef removed', 'undef' in x);
- assertFalse('x["null"] removed', 'null' in x);
- assertFalse('x.obj removed', 'obj' in x);
- assertFalse('x.func removed', 'func' in x);
- assertFalse('x.Class removed', 'Class' in x);
- }
- }
- // Test removing JavaScript object properties.
- function testRemoveJsProperties() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- var orig = {'a': 1, 'b': undefined};
- var x = {'a': 1, 'b': undefined};
- stubs.remove(x, 'a');
- assertFalse('x.a removed', 'a' in x);
- assertTrue('x.b not removed', 'b' in x);
- stubs.reset();
- assertObjectEquals('x.a reset', x, orig);
- stubs.remove(x, 'b');
- assertFalse('x.b removed', 'b' in x);
- stubs.reset();
- assertObjectEquals('x.b reset', x, orig);
- stubs.set(x, 'c', 2);
- stubs.remove(x, 'c');
- assertObjectEquals('x.c added then removed', x, orig);
- stubs.reset();
- assertObjectEquals('x.c reset', x, orig);
- stubs.remove(x, 'b');
- stubs.set(x, 'b', undefined);
- assertObjectEquals('x.b removed then added', x, orig);
- stubs.reset();
- assertObjectEquals('x.b reset', x, orig);
- stubs.remove(x, 'd');
- assertObjectEquals('removing non-existing key', x, orig);
- stubs.reset();
- assertObjectEquals('reset removing non-existing key', x, orig);
- }
- // Test PropertyReplacer with prototype chain.
- function testPrototype() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- // Simple inheritance.
- var a = {a: 0};
- function B() {}
- B.prototype = a;
- var b = new B();
- stubs.set(a, 0, 1);
- stubs.set(b, 0, 2);
- stubs.reset();
- assertEquals('a.a == 0', 0, a['a']);
- assertEquals('b.a == 0', 0, b['a']);
- // Inheritance with goog.inherits.
- var c = {a: 0};
- function C() {}
- C.prototype = c;
- function D() {}
- goog.inherits(D, C);
- var d = new D();
- stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- stubs.set(c, 'a', 1);
- stubs.set(d, 'a', 2);
- stubs.reset();
- assertEquals('c.a == 0', 0, c['a']);
- assertEquals('d.a == 0', 0, d['a']);
- // Setting prototype fields.
- stubs.set(B.prototype, 'c', 'z');
- assertEquals('b.c=="z"', 'z', b.c);
- stubs.reset();
- assertFalse('b.c deleted', 'c' in b);
- // Setting Object.prototype's fields.
- stubs.set(Object.prototype, 'one', 1);
- assertEquals('b.one==1', 1, b.one);
- stubs.reset();
- assertFalse('b.one deleted', 'one' in b);
- stubs.set(Object.prototype, 'two', 2);
- stubs.remove(b, 'two');
- assertEquals('b.two==2', 2, b.two);
- stubs.remove(Object.prototype, 'two');
- assertFalse('b.two deleted', 'two' in b);
- stubs.reset();
- assertFalse('Object prototype reset', 'two' in b);
- }
- // Test replacing function properties.
- function testFunctionProperties() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- stubs.set(Array, 'x', 1);
- assertEquals('Array.x==1', 1, Array.x);
- stubs.reset();
- assertFalse('Array.x deleted', 'x' in Array);
- stubs.set(Math.random, 'x', 1);
- assertEquals('Math.random.x==1', 1, Math.random.x);
- stubs.reset();
- assertFalse('Math.random.x deleted', 'x' in Math.random);
- }
- // Test the hasKey_ private method.
- function testHasKey() {
- f = goog.testing.PropertyReplacer.hasKey_;
- assertFalse('{}.a', f({}, 'a'));
- assertTrue('{a:0}.a', f({a: 0}, 'a'));
- function C() {}
- C.prototype.a = 0;
- assertFalse('C.prototype.a set, is C.a own?', f(C, 'a'));
- assertTrue('C.prototype.a', f(C.prototype, 'a'));
- assertFalse('C.a not set', f(C, 'a'));
- C.a = 0;
- assertTrue('C.a set', f(C, 'a'));
- var c = new C();
- assertFalse('C().a, inherited', f(c, 'a'));
- c.a = 0;
- assertTrue('C().a, own', f(c, 'a'));
- assertFalse('window, invalid key', f(window, 'no such key'));
- assertTrue('window, global variable', f(window, 'goog'));
- assertTrue('window, build-in key', f(window, 'location'));
- assertFalse('document, invalid key', f(document, 'no such key'));
- var div = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV);
- assertFalse('div, invalid key', f(div, 'no such key'));
- div['a'] = 0;
- assertTrue('div, key added by JS', f(div, 'a'));
- // hasKey_ returns false for these DOM properties on Safari 8. See b/22044928.
- if (!isSafari8()) {
- assertTrue('div.className', f(div, 'className'));
- assertTrue('document.body', f(document, 'body'));
- }
- assertFalse('Date().getTime', f(new Date(), 'getTime'));
- assertTrue('Date.prototype.getTime', f(Date.prototype, 'getTime'));
- assertFalse('Math, invalid key', f(Math, 'no such key'));
- assertTrue('Math.random', f(Math, 'random'));
- function Parent() {}
- Parent.prototype.a = 0;
- function Child() {}
- goog.inherits(Child, Parent);
- assertFalse('goog.inherits, parent prototype', f(new Child, 'a'));
- Child.prototype.a = 1;
- assertFalse('goog.inherits, child prototype', f(new Child, 'a'));
- function OverwrittenProto() {}
- OverwrittenProto.prototype = {a: 0};
- assertFalse(f(new OverwrittenProto, 'a'));
- }
- // Test PropertyReplacer with DOM objects' built in attributes.
- function testDomBuiltInAttributes() {
- var div = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV);
- div.id = 'old-id';
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- stubs.set(div, 'id', 'new-id');
- stubs.set(div, 'className', 'test-class');
- assertEquals('div.id == "new-id"', 'new-id', div.id);
- assertEquals('div.className == "test-class"', 'test-class', div.className);
- stubs.remove(div, 'className');
- // Removal of these DOM properties is not supported in Safari 8. See
- // b/22044928.
- if (!isSafari8()) {
- // '' in Firefox, undefined in Chrome.
- assertEvaluatesToFalse('div.className is empty', div.className);
- stubs.reset();
- assertEquals('div.id == "old-id"', 'old-id', div.id);
- assertEquals('div.name == ""', '', div.className);
- }
- }
- // Test PropertyReplacer with DOM objects' custom attributes.
- function testDomCustomAttributes() {
- var div = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV);
- div.attr1 = 'old';
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- stubs.set(div, 'attr1', 'new');
- stubs.set(div, 'attr2', 'new');
- assertEquals('div.attr1 == "new"', 'new', div.attr1);
- assertEquals('div.attr2 == "new"', 'new', div.attr2);
- stubs.set(div, 'attr3', 'new');
- stubs.remove(div, 'attr3');
- assertEquals('div.attr3 == undefined', undefined, div.attr3);
- stubs.reset();
- assertEquals('div.attr1 == "old"', 'old', div.attr1);
- assertEquals('div.attr2 == undefined', undefined, div.attr2);
- }
- // Test PropertyReplacer trying to override a read-only property.
- function testReadOnlyProperties() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- // Function.prototype.length should be read-only.
- var foo = function(_) {};
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a read-only property fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.set, stubs, foo, 'length', 10));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to replace a read-only property fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.replace, stubs, foo, 'length', 10));
- // Array length should be undeletable.
- var a = [1, 2, 3];
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to remove a read-only property fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.remove, stubs, a, 'length'));
- window.foo = foo;
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a read-only property by path fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.setPath, stubs, 'window.foo.length', 10));
- window.foo = undefined;
- }
- // Test PropertyReplacer trying to override a style property doesn't trigger
- // read-only exception.
- function testSettingStyleProperties() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- var div = document.createElement('div');
- // Ensures setting a pixel style value doesn't trigger the read-only property
- // exception, considering div.style.margin will return "0px" instead of just
- // "0".
- assertNotThrows(
- 'Trying to set a read-only property fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.set, stubs, div.style, 'margin', '0'));
- }
- // Test PropertyReplacer trying to override a sealed property.
- function testSealedProperties() {
- if (!goog.isFunction(Object.seal)) {
- return;
- }
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- var sealed = Object.seal({a: 1});
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a new sealed property fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.set, stubs, sealed, 'b', 2));
- assertNotThrows(
- 'Trying to remove a new sealed property fails.',
- goog.bind(stubs.remove, stubs, sealed, 'b'));
- assertNotThrows(
- 'Trying to remove a sealed property fails.',
- goog.bind(stubs.remove, stubs, sealed, 'a'));
- window.sealed = sealed;
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a new sealed property by path fails silently in strict ' +
- 'mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.setPath, stubs, 'window.sealed.b', 2));
- (function() {
- // Test Object.seal() in strict mode, where the assignment itself throws the
- // error rather than our explicit consistency check.
- 'use strict';
- var sealed = Object.seal({a: 1});
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a new sealed property fails silently in strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.set, stubs, sealed, 'b', 2));
- assertNotThrows(
- 'Trying to remove a new sealed property fails in strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.remove, stubs, sealed, 'b'));
- assertNotThrows(
- 'Trying to remove a sealed property fails in strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.remove, stubs, sealed, 'a'));
- window.sealed = sealed;
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a new sealed property by path fails silently in ' +
- 'strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.setPath, stubs, 'window.sealed.b', 2));
- })();
- delete window.sealed;
- }
- // Test PropertyReplacer trying to override a frozen property.
- function testFrozenProperty() {
- if (!goog.isFunction(Object.freeze)) {
- return;
- }
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- var frozen = Object.freeze({a: 1});
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a new frozen property fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.set, stubs, frozen, 'b', 2));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a frozen property fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.set, stubs, frozen, 'a', 2));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to replace a frozen property fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.replace, stubs, frozen, 'a', 2));
- assertNotThrows(
- 'Trying to remove a new frozen property fails.',
- goog.bind(stubs.remove, stubs, frozen, 'b'));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to remove a frozen property fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.remove, stubs, frozen, 'a'));
- window.frozen = frozen;
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a frozen property by path fails silently.',
- goog.bind(stubs.setPath, stubs, 'window.frozen.a', 2));
- (function() {
- // Test Object.freeze() in strict mode, where the assignment itself throws
- // the error rather than our explicit consistency check.
- 'use strict';
- var frozen = Object.freeze({a: 1});
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a new frozen property fails silently in strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.set, stubs, frozen, 'b', 2));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to ovewrite a frozen property fails silently in strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.set, stubs, frozen, 'a', 2));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to replace a frozen property fails silently in strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.replace, stubs, frozen, 'a', 2));
- assertNotThrows(
- 'Trying to remove a new frozen property fails in strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.remove, stubs, frozen, 'b'));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to remove a frozen property fails silently in strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.remove, stubs, frozen, 'a'));
- window.frozen = frozen;
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a new frozen property by path fails silently in ' +
- 'strict mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.setPath, stubs, 'window.frozen.b', 2));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to set a frozen property by path fails silently in strict ' +
- 'mode.',
- goog.bind(stubs.setPath, stubs, 'window.frozen.a', 2));
- })();
- delete window.frozen;
- }
- // Test PropertyReplacer overriding Math.random.
- function testMathRandom() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- stubs.set(Math, 'random', function() { return -1; });
- assertEquals('mocked Math.random', -1, Math.random());
- stubs.reset();
- assertNotEquals('original Math.random', -1, Math.random());
- }
- // Tests the replace method of PropertyReplacer.
- function testReplace() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- function C() {
- this.a = 1;
- }
- C.prototype.b = 1;
- C.prototype.toString = function() { return 'obj'; };
- var obj = new C();
- stubs.replace(obj, 'a', 2);
- assertEquals('successfully replaced the own property of an object', 2, obj.a);
- stubs.replace(obj, 'b', 2);
- assertEquals('successfully replaced the property in the prototype', 2, obj.b);
- var error = assertThrows(
- 'cannot replace missing key',
- goog.bind(stubs.replace, stubs, obj, 'unknown', 1));
- // Using assertContains instead of assertEquals because Opera 10.0 adds
- // the stack trace to the error message.
- assertEquals(
- 'error message for missing key',
- 'Cannot replace missing property "unknown" in obj', error.message);
- assertFalse('object not touched', 'unknown' in obj);
- error = assertThrows(
- 'cannot change value type',
- goog.bind(stubs.replace, stubs, obj, 'a', '3'));
- assertContains(
- 'error message for type mismatch',
- 'Cannot replace property "a" in obj with a value of different type',
- error.message);
- assertThrows(
- 'cannot change value type to null',
- goog.bind(stubs.replace, stubs, obj, 'a', null));
- assertThrows(
- 'cannot change value type to undefined',
- goog.bind(stubs.replace, stubs, obj, 'a', undefined));
- }
- function testReplaceAllowNullOrUndefined() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- var obj = {value: 1, zero: 0, emptyString: ''};
- stubs.replace(obj, 'value', undefined, true);
- assertUndefined(
- 'Expected int value to be replaced with undefined', obj.value);
- stubs.replace(obj, 'value', 'b', true);
- assertEquals(
- 'Expected undefined value to be replace with string', 'b', obj.value);
- stubs.replace(obj, 'value', null, true);
- assertNull('Expected string value to be replaced with null', obj.value);
- stubs.replace(obj, 'value', 1, true);
- assertEquals(
- 'Expected null value to be replaced with non-null', 1, obj.value);
- // Replacing 0 with a string or empty string with a number is not allowed.
- assertThrows(
- 'Cannot change value type',
- goog.bind(stubs.replace, stubs, obj, 'zero', 'a', true));
- assertThrows(
- 'Cannot change value type',
- goog.bind(stubs.replace, stubs, obj, 'emptyString', 1, true));
- }
- // Tests altering complete namespace paths.
- function testSetPath() {
- goog.global.a = {b: {}};
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- stubs.setPath('a.b.c.d', 1);
- assertObjectEquals('a.b.c.d=1', {b: {c: {d: 1}}}, goog.global.a);
- stubs.setPath('a.b.e', 2);
- assertObjectEquals('a.b.e=2', {b: {c: {d: 1}, e: 2}}, goog.global.a);
- stubs.setPath('a.f', 3);
- assertObjectEquals('a.f=3', {b: {c: {d: 1}, e: 2}, f: 3}, goog.global.a);
- stubs.setPath('a.f.g', 4);
- assertObjectEquals(
- 'a.f.g=4', {b: {c: {d: 1}, e: 2}, f: {g: 4}}, goog.global.a);
- stubs.setPath('a', 5);
- assertEquals('a=5', 5, goog.global.a);
- stubs.setPath('x.y.z', 5);
- assertObjectEquals('x.y.z=5', {y: {z: 5}}, goog.global.x);
- stubs.reset();
- assertObjectEquals('a.* reset', {b: {}}, goog.global.a);
- // NOTE: it's impossible to delete global variables in Internet Explorer,
- // so ('x' in goog.global) would be true.
- assertUndefined('x.* reset', goog.global.x);
- }
- // Tests altering paths with functions in them.
- function testSetPathWithFunction() {
- var f = function() {};
- goog.global.a = {b: f};
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- stubs.setPath('a.b.c', 1);
- assertEquals('a.b.c=1, f kept', f, goog.global.a.b);
- assertEquals('a.b.c=1, c set', 1, goog.global.a.b.c);
- stubs.setPath('a.b.prototype.d', 2);
- assertEquals('a.b.prototype.d=2, b kept', f, goog.global.a.b);
- assertEquals('a.b.prototype.d=2, c kept', 1, goog.global.a.b.c);
- assertFalse('a.b.prototype.d=2, a.b.d not set', 'd' in goog.global.a.b);
- assertTrue('a.b.prototype.d=2, proto set', 'd' in goog.global.a.b.prototype);
- assertEquals('a.b.prototype.d=2, d set', 2, new goog.global.a.b().d);
- var invalidSetPath = function() { stubs.setPath('a.prototype.e', 3); };
- assertThrows('setting the prototype of a non-function', invalidSetPath);
- stubs.reset();
- assertObjectEquals('a.b.c reset', {b: f}, goog.global.a);
- assertObjectEquals('a.b.prototype reset', {}, goog.global.a.b.prototype);
- }
- // Tests restoring original attribute values with restore() rather than reset().
- function testRestore() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- var x = {a: 1, b: undefined};
- // Setting simple value.
- stubs.set(x, 'num', 1);
- assertEquals('x.num = 1', 1, x.num);
- stubs.restore(x, 'num');
- assertFalse('x.num removed', 'num' in x);
- // Setting undefined value.
- stubs.set(x, 'undef', undefined);
- assertTrue('x.undef = undefined', 'undef' in x && x.undef === undefined);
- stubs.restore(x, 'undef');
- assertFalse('x.undef removed', 'undef' in x);
- // Setting null value.
- stubs.set(x, 'null', null);
- assertTrue('x["null"] = null', x['null'] === null);
- stubs.restore(x, 'null');
- assertFalse('x["null"] removed', 'null' in x);
- // Setting a simple value that existed originally.
- stubs.set(x, 'b', null);
- assertTrue('x.b = null', x.b === null);
- // Setting a complex value.
- stubs.set(x, 'obj', {});
- assertEquals('x.obj = {}', 'object', typeof x.obj);
- stubs.set(x.obj, 'num', 2);
- assertEquals('x.obj.num = 2', 2, x.obj.num);
- stubs.restore(x.obj, 'num');
- assertFalse('x.obj.num removed', 'num' in x.obj);
- stubs.restore(x, 'obj');
- assertFalse('x.obj removed', 'obj' in x);
- // Setting a function.
- stubs.set(x, 'func', function(n) { return n + 1; });
- assertEquals('x.func = lambda n: n+1', 11, x.func(10));
- stubs.restore(x, 'func');
- assertFalse('x.func removed', 'func' in x);
- // Setting a constructor and a prototype method.
- stubs.set(x, 'Class', function(num) { this.num = num; });
- stubs.set(x.Class.prototype, 'triple', function() { return this.num * 3; });
- assertEquals('prototype method', 12, (new x.Class(4)).triple());
- stubs.restore(x, 'Class');
- assertFalse('x.Class removed', 'Class' in x);
- // Final cleanup with reset(). This should have no effect:
- // all assertions about the original state shall still hold.
- stubs.reset();
- assertEquals('x.a preserved', 1, x.a);
- assertTrue('x.b reset', 'b' in x && x.b === undefined);
- assertFalse('x.num removed', 'num' in x);
- assertFalse('x.undef removed', 'undef' in x);
- assertFalse('x["null"] removed', 'null' in x);
- assertFalse('x.obj removed', 'obj' in x);
- assertFalse('x.func removed', 'func' in x);
- assertFalse('x.Class removed', 'Class' in x);
- }
- // Tests restore() with invalid arguments.
- function testRestoreWithInvalidArguments() {
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- var x = {a: 1, b: undefined};
- var y = {a: 1};
- stubs.set(x, 'a', 42);
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to restore state of an unmodified property',
- goog.bind(stubs.restore, stubs, x, 'b'));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to restore state of a non-existing property',
- goog.bind(stubs.restore, stubs, x, 'not_here'));
- assertThrows(
- 'Trying to restore state of an unmodified object',
- goog.bind(stubs.restore, stubs, y, 'a'));
- }