qqq.json 73 KB

  1. {
  2. "VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME": "default name - A simple, general default name for a variable, preferably short. For more context, see [[Translating:Blockly#infrequent_message_types]].\n{{Identical|Item}}",
  3. "TODAY": "button text - Button that sets a calendar to today's date.\n{{Identical|Today}}",
  4. "DUPLICATE_BLOCK": "context menu - Make a copy of the selected block (and any blocks it contains).\n{{Identical|Duplicate}}",
  5. "ADD_COMMENT": "context menu - Add a descriptive comment to the selected block.",
  6. "REMOVE_COMMENT": "context menu - Remove the descriptive comment from the selected block.",
  7. "EXTERNAL_INPUTS": "context menu - Change from 'external' to 'inline' mode for displaying blocks used as inputs to the selected block. See [[Translating:Blockly#context_menus]].",
  8. "INLINE_INPUTS": "context menu - Change from 'internal' to 'external' mode for displaying blocks used as inputs to the selected block. See [[Translating:Blockly#context_menus]].",
  9. "DELETE_BLOCK": "context menu - Permanently delete the selected block.",
  10. "DELETE_X_BLOCKS": "context menu - Permanently delete the %1 selected blocks.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - an integer greater than 1.",
  11. "DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS": "confirmation prompt - Question the user if they really wanted to permanently delete all %1 blocks.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - an integer greater than 1.",
  12. "CLEAN_UP": "context menu - Reposition all the blocks so that they form a neat line.",
  13. "COLLAPSE_BLOCK": "context menu - Make the appearance of the selected block smaller by hiding some information about it.",
  14. "COLLAPSE_ALL": "context menu - Make the appearance of all blocks smaller by hiding some information about it. Use the same terminology as in the previous message.",
  15. "EXPAND_BLOCK": "context menu - Restore the appearance of the selected block by showing information about it that was hidden (collapsed) earlier.",
  16. "EXPAND_ALL": "context menu - Restore the appearance of all blocks by showing information about it that was hidden (collapsed) earlier. Use the same terminology as in the previous message.",
  17. "DISABLE_BLOCK": "context menu - Make the selected block have no effect (unless reenabled).",
  18. "ENABLE_BLOCK": "context menu - Make the selected block have effect (after having been disabled earlier).",
  19. "HELP": "context menu - Provide helpful information about the selected block.\n{{Identical|Help}}",
  20. "UNDO": "context menu - Undo the previous action.\n{{Identical|Undo}}",
  21. "REDO": "context menu - Undo the previous undo action.\n{{Identical|Redo}}",
  22. "CHAT": "collaboration instruction - Tell the user that they can talk with other users.",
  23. "AUTH": "authorization instruction - Ask the user to authorize this app so it can be saved and shared by them.",
  24. "ME": "First person singular - objective case",
  25. "CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE": "prompt - This message is only seen in the Opera browser. With most browsers, users can edit numeric values in blocks by just clicking and typing. Opera does not allows this, so we have to open a new window and prompt users with this message to chanage a value.",
  26. "NEW_VARIABLE": "dropdown choice - When the user clicks on a variable block, this is one of the dropdown menu choices. It is used to define a new variable. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#dropdown-menu https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#dropdown-menu].",
  27. "NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE": "prompt - Prompts the user to enter the name for a new variable. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#dropdown-menu https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#dropdown-menu].",
  28. "RENAME_VARIABLE": "dropdown choice - When the user clicks on a variable block, this is one of the dropdown menu choices. It is used to rename the current variable. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#dropdown-menu https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#dropdown-menu].",
  29. "RENAME_VARIABLE_TITLE": "prompt - Prompts the user to enter the new name for the selected variable. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#dropdown-menu https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#dropdown-menu].\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the variable to be renamed.",
  30. "COLOUR_PICKER_HELPURL": "url - Information about colour.",
  31. "COLOUR_PICKER_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#picking-a-colour-from-a-palette https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#picking-a-colour-from-a-palette].",
  32. "COLOUR_RANDOM_HELPURL": "url - A link that displays a random colour each time you visit it.",
  33. "COLOUR_RANDOM_TITLE": "block text - Title of block that generates a colour at random.",
  34. "COLOUR_RANDOM_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#generating-a-random-colour https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#generating-a-random-colour].",
  35. "COLOUR_RGB_HELPURL": "url - A link for color codes with percentages (0-100%) for each component, instead of the more common 0-255, which may be more difficult for beginners.",
  36. "COLOUR_RGB_TITLE": "block text - Title of block for [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components].",
  37. "COLOUR_RGB_RED": "block input text - The amount of red (from 0 to 100) to use when [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components].\n{{Identical|Red}}",
  38. "COLOUR_RGB_GREEN": "block input text - The amount of green (from 0 to 100) to use when [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components].",
  39. "COLOUR_RGB_BLUE": "block input text - The amount of blue (from 0 to 100) to use when [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components].\n{{Identical|Blue}}",
  40. "COLOUR_RGB_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#creating-a-colour-from-red-green-and-blue-components].",
  41. "COLOUR_BLEND_HELPURL": "url - A useful link that displays blending of two colors.",
  42. "COLOUR_BLEND_TITLE": "block text - A verb for blending two shades of paint.",
  43. "COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR1": "block input text - The first of two colours to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#blending-colours blend].",
  44. "COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR2": "block input text - The second of two colours to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#blending-colours blend].",
  45. "COLOUR_BLEND_RATIO": "block input text - The proportion of the [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#blending-colours blend] containing the first color; the remaining proportion is of the second colour. For example, if the first colour is red and the second color blue, a ratio of 1 would yield pure red, a ratio of .5 would yield purple (equal amounts of red and blue), and a ratio of 0 would yield pure blue.\n{{Identical|Ratio}}",
  46. "COLOUR_BLEND_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#blending-colours https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Colour#blending-colours].",
  47. "CONTROLS_REPEAT_HELPURL": "url - Describes 'repeat loops' in computer programs; consider using the translation of the page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_flow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_flow].",
  48. "CONTROLS_REPEAT_TITLE": "block input text - Title of [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat repeat block].\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the number of times the body of the loop should be repeated.",
  49. "CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO": "block text - Preceding the blocks in the body of the loop. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops].\n{{Identical|Do}}",
  50. "CONTROLS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat].",
  51. "CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_HELPURL": "url - Describes 'while loops' in computer programs; consider using the translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/While_loop https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/While_loop], if present, or [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_flow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_flow].",
  52. "CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_WHILE": "dropdown - Specifies that a loop should [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat-while repeat while] the following condition is true.",
  53. "CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_UNTIL": "dropdown - Specifies that a loop should [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat-until repeat until] the following condition becomes true.",
  54. "CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_WHILE": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat-while Loops#repeat-while https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat-while Loops#repeat-while].",
  55. "CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_UNTIL": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat-until https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat-until].",
  56. "CONTROLS_FOR_HELPURL": "url - Describes 'for loops' in computer programs. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_loop https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_loop], if present.",
  57. "CONTROLS_FOR_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#count-with https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#count-with].\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the loop variable.",
  58. "CONTROLS_FOR_TITLE": "block text - Repeatedly counts a variable (%1) starting with a (usually lower) number in a range (%2), ending with a (usually higher) number in a range (%3), and counting the iterations by a number of steps (%4). As in [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#count-with https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#count-with]. [[File:Blockly-count-with.png]]",
  59. "CONTROLS_FOREACH_HELPURL": "url - Describes 'for-each loops' in computer programs. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreach https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreach] if present.",
  60. "CONTROLS_FOREACH_TITLE": "block text - Title of [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#for-each for each block]. Sequentially assigns every item in array %2 to the valiable %1.",
  61. "CONTROLS_FOREACH_TOOLTIP": "block text - Description of [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#for-each for each blocks].\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the loop variable.",
  62. "CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_HELPURL": "url - Describes control flow in computer programs. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_flow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_flow], if it exists.",
  63. "CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_OPERATOR_BREAK": "dropdown - The current loop should be exited. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#break https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#break].",
  64. "CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_OPERATOR_CONTINUE": "dropdown - The current iteration of the loop should be ended and the next should begin. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#continue-with-next-iteration https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#continue-with-next-iteration].",
  65. "CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_BREAK": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#break-out-of-loop https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#break-out-of-loop].",
  66. "CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_CONTINUE": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#continue-with-next-iteration https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#continue-with-next-iteration].",
  67. "CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_WARNING": "warning - The user has tried placing a block outside of a loop (for each, while, repeat, etc.), but this type of block may only be used within a loop. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#loop-termination-blocks https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#loop-termination-blocks].",
  68. "CONTROLS_IF_HELPURL": "url - Describes conditional statements (if-then-else) in computer programs. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_else https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_else], if present.",
  69. "CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_1": "tooltip - Describes [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse#if-blocks 'if' blocks]. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_statement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_statement], if present.",
  70. "CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_2": "tooltip - Describes [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse#if-else-blocks if-else blocks]. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_statement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_statement], if present.",
  71. "CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_3": "tooltip - Describes [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse#if-else-if-blocks if-else-if blocks]. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_statement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_statement], if present.",
  72. "CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_4": "tooltip - Describes [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse#if-else-if-else-blocks if-else-if-else blocks]. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_statement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_statement], if present.",
  73. "CONTROLS_IF_MSG_IF": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse]. It is recommended, but not essential, that this have text in common with the translation of 'else if'",
  74. "CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSEIF": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse]. The English words 'otherwise if' would probably be clearer than 'else if', but the latter is used because it is traditional and shorter.",
  75. "CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSE": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse]. The English word 'otherwise' would probably be superior to 'else', but the latter is used because it is traditional and shorter.",
  76. "CONTROLS_IF_IF_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - Describes [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse#block-modification if block modification].",
  77. "CONTROLS_IF_ELSEIF_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - Describes the 'else if' subblock during [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse#block-modification if block modification].",
  78. "CONTROLS_IF_ELSE_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - Describes the 'else' subblock during [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse#block-modification if block modification].",
  79. "LOGIC_COMPARE_HELPURL": "url - Information about comparisons.",
  80. "LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_EQ": "tooltip - Describes the equals (=) block.",
  81. "LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_NEQ": "tooltip - Describes the not equals (≠) block.",
  82. "LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LT": "tooltip - Describes the less than (<) block.",
  83. "LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LTE": "tooltip - Describes the less than or equals (≤) block.",
  84. "LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GT": "tooltip - Describes the greater than (>) block.",
  85. "LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GTE": "tooltip - Describes the greater than or equals (≥) block.",
  86. "LOGIC_OPERATION_HELPURL": "url - Information about the Boolean conjunction ('and') and disjunction ('or') operators. Consider using the translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_logic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_logic], if it exists in your language.",
  87. "LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_AND": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_conjunction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_conjunction].",
  88. "LOGIC_OPERATION_AND": "block text - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_conjunction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_conjunction].\n{{Identical|And}}",
  89. "LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_OR": "block text - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjunction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjunction].",
  90. "LOGIC_OPERATION_OR": "block text - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjunction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjunction].\n{{Identical|Or}}",
  91. "LOGIC_NEGATE_HELPURL": "url - Information about logical negation. The translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_negation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_negation] is recommended if it exists in the target language.",
  92. "LOGIC_NEGATE_TITLE": "block text - This is a unary operator that returns ''false'' when the input is ''true'', and ''true'' when the input is ''false''. \n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the input (which should be either the value 'true' or 'false')",
  93. "LOGIC_NEGATE_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_negation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_negation].",
  94. "LOGIC_BOOLEAN_HELPURL": "url - Information about the logic values ''true'' and ''false''. Consider using the translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_value https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_value] if it exists in your language.",
  95. "LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TRUE": "block text - The word for the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_value logical value] ''true''.\n{{Identical|True}}",
  96. "LOGIC_BOOLEAN_FALSE": "block text - The word for the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_value logical value] ''false''.\n{{Identical|False}}",
  97. "LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - Indicates that the block returns either of the two possible [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_value logical values].",
  98. "LOGIC_NULL_HELPURL": "url - Provide a link to the translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullable_type https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullable_type], if it exists in your language; otherwise, do not worry about translating this advanced concept.",
  99. "LOGIC_NULL": "block text - In computer languages, ''null'' is a special value that indicates that no value has been set. You may use your language's word for 'nothing' or 'invalid'.\n{{Identical|Null}}",
  100. "LOGIC_NULL_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - This should use the word from the previous message.",
  101. "LOGIC_TERNARY_HELPURL": "url - Describes the programming language operator known as the ''ternary'' or ''conditional'' operator. It is recommended that you use the translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%3F: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%3F:] if it exists.",
  102. "LOGIC_TERNARY_CONDITION": "block input text - Label for the input whose value determines which of the other two inputs is returned. In some programming languages, this is called a ''''predicate''''.",
  103. "LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_TRUE": "block input text - Indicates that the following input should be returned (used as output) if the test input is true. Remember to try to keep block text terse (short).",
  104. "LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_FALSE": "block input text - Indicates that the following input should be returned (used as output) if the test input is false.",
  105. "LOGIC_TERNARY_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%3F: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%3F:].",
  106. "MATH_NUMBER_HELPURL": "url - Information about (real) numbers.",
  107. "MATH_NUMBER_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - Any positive or negative number, not necessarily an integer.",
  108. "MATH_ADDITION_SYMBOL": "{{optional}}\nmath - The symbol for the binary operation addition.",
  109. "MATH_SUBTRACTION_SYMBOL": "{{optional}}\nmath - The symbol for the binary operation indicating that the right operand should be subtracted from the left operand.",
  110. "MATH_DIVISION_SYMBOL": "{{optional}}\nmath - The binary operation indicating that the left operand should be divided by the right operand.",
  111. "MATH_MULTIPLICATION_SYMBOL": "{{optional}}\nmath - The symbol for the binary operation multiplication.",
  112. "MATH_POWER_SYMBOL": "{{optional}}\nmath - The symbol for the binary operation exponentiation. Specifically, if the value of the left operand is L and the value of the right operand (the exponent) is R, multiply L by itself R times. (Fractional and negative exponents are also legal.)",
  113. "MATH_TRIG_SIN": "math - The short name of the trigonometric function [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent sine].",
  114. "MATH_TRIG_COS": "math - The short name of the trigonometric function [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent cosine].",
  115. "MATH_TRIG_TAN": "math - The short name of the trigonometric function [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent tangent].",
  116. "MATH_TRIG_ASIN": "math - The short name of the ''inverse of'' the trigonometric function [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent sine].",
  117. "MATH_TRIG_ACOS": "math - The short name of the ''inverse of'' the trigonometric function [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent cosine].",
  118. "MATH_TRIG_ATAN": "math - The short name of the ''inverse of'' the trigonometric function [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent tangent].",
  119. "MATH_ARITHMETIC_HELPURL": "url - Information about addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation.",
  120. "MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_ADD": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addition].",
  121. "MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MINUS": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subtraction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subtraction].",
  122. "MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MULTIPLY": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplication https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplication].",
  123. "MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_DIVIDE": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_(mathematics) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_(mathematics)].",
  124. "MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_POWER": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation].",
  125. "MATH_SINGLE_HELPURL": "url - Information about the square root operation.",
  126. "MATH_SINGLE_OP_ROOT": "dropdown - This computes the positive [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_root square root] of its input. For example, the square root of 16 is 4.",
  127. "MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ROOT": "tooltip - Please use the same term as in the previous message.",
  128. "MATH_SINGLE_OP_ABSOLUTE": "dropdown - This leaves positive numeric inputs changed and inverts negative inputs. For example, the absolute value of 5 is 5; the absolute value of -5 is also 5. For more information, see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_value https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_value].",
  129. "MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ABS": "tooltip - Please use the same term as in the previous message.",
  130. "MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_NEG": "tooltip - Calculates '''0-n''', where '''n''' is the single numeric input.",
  131. "MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LN": "tooltip - Calculates the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_logarithm|natural logarithm] of its single numeric input.",
  132. "MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LOG10": "tooltip - Calculates the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_logarithm common logarithm] of its single numeric input.",
  133. "MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_EXP": "tooltip - Multiplies [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_%28mathematical_constant%29 e] by itself n times, where n is the single numeric input.",
  134. "MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10": "tooltip - Multiplies 10 by itself n times, where n is the single numeric input.",
  135. "MATH_TRIG_HELPURL": "url - Information about the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, tangent, and their inverses (ideally using degrees, not radians).",
  136. "MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_SIN": "tooltip - Return the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent sine] of an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_(angle) angle in degrees], not radians.",
  137. "MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_COS": "tooltip - Return the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent cosine] of an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_(angle) angle in degrees], not radians.",
  138. "MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_TAN": "tooltip - Return the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent tangent] of an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_(angle) angle in degrees], not radians.",
  139. "MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ASIN": "tooltip - The [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions inverse] of the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent sine function], using [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_(angle) degrees], not radians.",
  140. "MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ACOS": "tooltip - The [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions inverse] of the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent cosine] function, using [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_(angle) degrees], not radians.",
  141. "MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ATAN": "tooltip - The [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions inverse] of the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine#Sine.2C_cosine_and_tangent tangent] function, using [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_(angle) degrees], not radians.",
  142. "MATH_CONSTANT_HELPURL": "url - Information about the mathematical constants Pi (π), e, the golden ratio (φ), √ 2, √ 1/2, and infinity (∞).",
  143. "MATH_CONSTANT_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - Provides the specified [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_constant mathematical constant].",
  144. "MATH_IS_EVEN": "dropdown - A number is '''even''' if it is a multiple of 2. For example, 4 is even (yielding true), but 3 is not (false).",
  145. "MATH_IS_ODD": "dropdown - A number is '''odd''' if it is not a multiple of 2. For example, 3 is odd (yielding true), but 4 is not (false). The opposite of 'odd' is 'even'.",
  146. "MATH_IS_PRIME": "dropdown - A number is [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime prime] if it cannot be evenly divided by any positive integers except for 1 and itself. For example, 5 is prime, but 6 is not because 2 × 3 = 6.",
  147. "MATH_IS_WHOLE": "dropdown - A number is '''whole''' if it is an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer integer]. For example, 5 is whole, but 5.1 is not.",
  148. "MATH_IS_POSITIVE": "dropdown - A number is '''positive''' if it is greater than 0. (0 is neither negative nor positive.)",
  149. "MATH_IS_NEGATIVE": "dropdown - A number is '''negative''' if it is less than 0. (0 is neither negative nor positive.)",
  150. "MATH_IS_DIVISIBLE_BY": "dropdown - A number x is divisible by y if y goes into x evenly. For example, 10 is divisible by 5, but 10 is not divisible by 3.",
  151. "MATH_IS_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - This block lets the user specify via a dropdown menu whether to check if the numeric input is even, odd, prime, whole, positive, negative, or divisible by a given value.",
  152. "MATH_CHANGE_HELPURL": "url - Information about incrementing (increasing the value of) a variable. For other languages, just use the translation of the Wikipedia page about addition ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addition]).",
  153. "MATH_CHANGE_TITLE": "- As in: ''change'' [the value of variable] ''item'' ''by'' 1 (e.g., if the variable named 'item' had the value 5, change it to 6). %1 is a variable name. %2 is the amount of change.",
  154. "MATH_CHANGE_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - This updates the value of the variable by adding to it the following numeric input.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the variable whose value should be increased.",
  155. "MATH_ROUND_HELPURL": "url - Information about how numbers are rounded to the nearest integer",
  156. "MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding].",
  157. "MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUND": "dropdown - This rounds its input to the nearest whole number. For example, 3.4 is rounded to 3.",
  158. "MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDUP": "dropdown - This rounds its input up to the nearest whole number. For example, if the input was 2.2, the result would be 3.",
  159. "MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDDOWN": "dropdown - This rounds its input down to the nearest whole number. For example, if the input was 3.8, the result would be 3.",
  160. "MATH_ONLIST_HELPURL": "url - Information about applying a function to a list of numbers. (We were unable to find such information in English. Feel free to skip this and any other URLs that are difficult.)",
  161. "MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_SUM": "dropdown - This computes the sum of the numeric elements in the list. For example, the sum of the list {1, 4} is 5.",
  162. "MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_SUM": "tooltip - Please use the same term for 'sum' as in the previous message.",
  163. "MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MIN": "dropdown - This finds the smallest (minimum) number in a list. For example, the smallest number in the list [-5, 0, 3] is -5.",
  164. "MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MIN": "tooltip - Please use the same term for 'min' or 'minimum' as in the previous message.",
  165. "MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MAX": "dropdown - This finds the largest (maximum) number in a list. For example, the largest number in the list [-5, 0, 3] is 3.",
  166. "MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MAX": "tooltip",
  167. "MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_AVERAGE": "dropdown - This adds up all of the numbers in a list and divides the sum by the number of elements in the list. For example, the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic_mean average] of the list [1, 2, 3, 4] is 2.5 (10/4).",
  168. "MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_AVERAGE": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic_mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic_mean] for more informatin.",
  169. "MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MEDIAN": "dropdown - This finds the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median median] of the numeric values in a list. For example, the median of the list {1, 2, 7, 12, 13} is 7.",
  170. "MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MEDIAN": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median median https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median median] for more information.",
  171. "MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MODE": "dropdown - This finds the most common numbers ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mode_(statistics) modes]) in a list. For example, the modes of the list {1, 3, 9, 3, 9} are {3, 9}.",
  172. "MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MODE": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mode_(statistics) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mode_(statistics)] for more information.",
  173. "MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_STD_DEV": "dropdown - This finds the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation standard deviation] of the numeric values in a list.",
  174. "MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_STD_DEV": "tooltip - See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation] for more information.",
  175. "MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_RANDOM": "dropdown - This choose an element at random from a list. Each element is chosen with equal probability.",
  176. "MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_RANDOM": "tooltip - Please use same term for 'random' as in previous entry.",
  177. "MATH_MODULO_HELPURL": "url - information about the modulo (remainder) operation.",
  178. "MATH_MODULO_TITLE": "block text - Title of block providing the remainder when dividing the first numerical input by the second. For example, the remainder of 10 divided by 3 is 1.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the dividend (10, in our example)\n* %2 - the divisor (3 in our example).",
  179. "MATH_MODULO_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - For example, the remainder of 10 divided by 3 is 1.",
  180. "MATH_CONSTRAIN_HELPURL": "url - Information about constraining a numeric value to be in a specific range. (The English URL is not ideal. Recall that translating URLs is the lowest priority.)",
  181. "MATH_CONSTRAIN_TITLE": "block text - The title of the block that '''constrain'''s (forces) a number to be in a given range. For example, if the number 150 is constrained to be between 5 and 100, the result will be 100. \n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the value to constrain (e.g., 150)\n* %2 - the minimum value (e.g., 5)\n* %3 - the maximum value (e.g., 100).",
  182. "MATH_CONSTRAIN_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - This compares a number ''x'' to a low value ''L'' and a high value ''H''. If ''x'' is less then ''L'', the result is ''L''. If ''x'' is greater than ''H'', the result is ''H''. Otherwise, the result is ''x''.",
  183. "MATH_RANDOM_INT_HELPURL": "url - Information about how computers generate random numbers.",
  184. "MATH_RANDOM_INT_TITLE": "block text - The title of the block that generates a random integer (whole number) in the specified range. For example, if the range is from 5 to 7, this returns 5, 6, or 7 with equal likelihood. %1 is a placeholder for the lower number, %2 is the placeholder for the larger number.",
  185. "MATH_RANDOM_INT_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - Return a random integer between two values specified as inputs. For example, if one input was 7 and another 9, any of the numbers 7, 8, or 9 could be produced.",
  186. "MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_HELPURL": "url - Information about how computers generate random numbers (specifically, numbers in the range from 0 to just below 1).",
  187. "MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TITLE_RANDOM": "block text - The title of the block that generates a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.",
  188. "MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - Return a random fraction between 0 and 1. The value may be equal to 0 but must be less than 1.",
  189. "TEXT_TEXT_HELPURL": "url - Information about how computers represent text (sometimes referred to as ''string''s).",
  190. "TEXT_TEXT_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text].",
  191. "TEXT_JOIN_HELPURL": "url - Information on concatenating/appending pieces of text.",
  192. "TEXT_JOIN_TITLE_CREATEWITH": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation].",
  193. "TEXT_JOIN_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation create text with] for more information.",
  194. "TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TITLE_JOIN": "block text - This is shown when the programmer wants to change the number of pieces of text being joined together. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation], specifically the last picture in the 'Text creation' section.\n{{Identical|Join}}",
  195. "TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation], specifically the last picture in the 'Text creation' section.",
  196. "TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_ITEM_TOOLTIP": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation], specifically the last picture in the 'Text creation' section.",
  197. "TEXT_APPEND_HELPURL": "url - This and the other text-related URLs are going to be hard to translate. As always, it is okay to leave untranslated or paste in the English-language URL. For these URLs, you might also consider a general URL about how computers represent text (such as the translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_(computer_science) this Wikipedia page]).",
  198. "TEXT_APPEND_TO": "block input text - Message preceding the name of a variable to which text should be appended. [[File:blockly-append-text.png]]",
  199. "TEXT_APPEND_APPENDTEXT": "block input text - Message following the variable and preceding the piece of text that should be appended, as shown below. [[File:blockly-append-text.png]]",
  200. "TEXT_APPEND_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-modification https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-modification] for more information.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the variable to which text should be appended",
  201. "TEXT_LENGTH_HELPURL": "url - Information about text on computers (usually referred to as 'strings').",
  202. "TEXT_LENGTH_TITLE": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-length https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-length]. \n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the piece of text to take the length of",
  203. "TEXT_LENGTH_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-length https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-length].",
  204. "TEXT_ISEMPTY_HELPURL": "url - Information about empty pieces of text on computers (usually referred to as 'empty strings').",
  205. "TEXT_ISEMPTY_TITLE": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#checking-for-empty-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#checking-for-empty-text]. \n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the piece of text to test for emptiness",
  206. "TEXT_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#checking-for-empty-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#checking-for-empty-text].",
  207. "TEXT_INDEXOF_HELPURL": "url - Information about finding a character in a piece of text.",
  208. "TEXT_INDEXOF_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text].",
  209. "TEXT_INDEXOF_INPUT_INTEXT": "block text - Title of blocks allowing users to find text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text]. [[File:Blockly-find-text.png]].",
  210. "TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_FIRST": "dropdown - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text]. [[File:Blockly-find-text.png]].",
  211. "TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_LAST": "dropdown - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text]. This would replace 'find first occurrence of text' below. (For more information on how common text is factored out of dropdown menus, see [https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:Blockly#Drop-Down_Menus https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:Blockly#Drop-Down_Menus)].) [[File:Blockly-find-text.png]].",
  212. "TEXT_INDEXOF_TAIL": "block text - Optional text to follow the rightmost block in a [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text in text ... find block] (after the 'a' in the below picture). This will be the empty string in most languages. [[File:Blockly-find-text.png]].",
  213. "TEXT_CHARAT_HELPURL": "url - Information about extracting characters (letters, number, symbols, etc.) from text.",
  214. "TEXT_CHARAT_INPUT_INTEXT": "block text - Appears before the piece of text from which a letter (or number, punctuation character, etc.) should be extracted, as shown below. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character]. [[File:Blockly-text-get.png]]",
  215. "TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_START": "dropdown - Indicates that the letter (or number, punctuation character, etc.) with the specified index should be obtained from the preceding piece of text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character]. [[File:Blockly-text-get.png]]",
  216. "TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_END": "block text - Indicates that the letter (or number, punctuation character, etc.) with the specified index from the end of a given piece of text should be obtained. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character]. [[File:Blockly-text-get.png]]",
  217. "TEXT_CHARAT_FIRST": "block text - Indicates that the first letter of the following piece of text should be retrieved. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character]. [[File:Blockly-text-get.png]]",
  218. "TEXT_CHARAT_LAST": "block text - Indicates that the last letter (or number, punctuation mark, etc.) of the following piece of text should be retrieved. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character]. [[File:Blockly-text-get.png]]",
  219. "TEXT_CHARAT_RANDOM": "block text - Indicates that any letter (or number, punctuation mark, etc.) in the following piece of text should be randomly selected. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character]. [[File:Blockly-text-get.png]]",
  220. "TEXT_CHARAT_TAIL": "block text - Text that goes after the rightmost block/dropdown when getting a single letter from a piece of text, as in [https://blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/code/index.html#3m23km these blocks] or shown below. For most languages, this will be blank. [[File:Blockly-text-get.png]]",
  221. "TEXT_CHARAT_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-single-character]. [[File:Blockly-text-get.png]]",
  222. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TOOLTIP": "See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text].",
  223. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_HELPURL": "url - Information about extracting characters from text. Reminder: urls are the lowest priority translations. Feel free to skip.",
  224. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_INPUT_IN_TEXT": "block text - Precedes a piece of text from which a portion should be extracted. [[File:Blockly-get-substring.png]]",
  225. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_START": "dropdown - Indicates that the following number specifies the position (relative to the start position) of the beginning of the region of text that should be obtained from the preceding piece of text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text]. [[File:Blockly-get-substring.png]]",
  226. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_END": "dropdown - Indicates that the following number specifies the position (relative to the end position) of the beginning of the region of text that should be obtained from the preceding piece of text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text]. Note: If {{msg-Blockly|ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX}} is defined, it will automatically appear ''after'' this and any other [https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:Blockly#Ordinal_numbers ordinal numbers] on this block. [[File:Blockly-get-substring.png]]",
  227. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FIRST": "block text - Indicates that a region starting with the first letter of the preceding piece of text should be extracted. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text]. [[File:Blockly-get-substring.png]]",
  228. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_START": "dropdown - Indicates that the following number specifies the position (relative to the start position) of the end of the region of text that should be obtained from the preceding piece of text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text]. [[File:Blockly-get-substring.png]]",
  229. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_END": "dropdown - Indicates that the following number specifies the position (relative to the end position) of the end of the region of text that should be obtained from the preceding piece of text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text]. [[File:Blockly-get-substring.png]]",
  230. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_LAST": "block text - Indicates that a region ending with the last letter of the preceding piece of text should be extracted. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text]. [[File:Blockly-get-substring.png]]",
  231. "TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TAIL": "block text - Text that should go after the rightmost block/dropdown when [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text extracting a region of text]. In most languages, this will be the empty string. [[File:Blockly-get-substring.png]]",
  232. "TEXT_CHANGECASE_HELPURL": "url - Information about the case of letters (upper-case and lower-case).",
  233. "TEXT_CHANGECASE_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - Describes a block to adjust the case of letters. For more information on this block, see [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case].",
  234. "TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_UPPERCASE": "block text - Indicates that all of the letters in the following piece of text should be capitalized. If your language does not use case, you may indicate that this is not applicable to your language. For more information on this block, see [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case].",
  235. "TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_LOWERCASE": "block text - Indicates that all of the letters in the following piece of text should be converted to lower-case. If your language does not use case, you may indicate that this is not applicable to your language. For more information on this block, see [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case].",
  236. "TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_TITLECASE": "block text - Indicates that the first letter of each of the following words should be capitalized and the rest converted to lower-case. If your language does not use case, you may indicate that this is not applicable to your language. For more information on this block, see [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case].",
  237. "TEXT_TRIM_HELPURL": "url - Information about trimming (removing) text off the beginning and ends of pieces of text.",
  238. "TEXT_TRIM_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces].",
  239. "TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_BOTH": "dropdown - Removes spaces from the beginning and end of a piece of text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces]. Note that neither this nor the other options modify the original piece of text (that follows); the block just returns a version of the text without the specified spaces.",
  240. "TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_LEFT": "dropdown - Removes spaces from the beginning of a piece of text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces]. Note that in right-to-left scripts, this will remove spaces from the right side.",
  241. "TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_RIGHT": "dropdown - Removes spaces from the end of a piece of text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces]. Note that in right-to-left scripts, this will remove spaces from the left side.",
  242. "TEXT_PRINT_HELPURL": "url - Information about displaying text on computers.",
  243. "TEXT_PRINT_TITLE": "block text - Display the input on the screen. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text]. \n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the value to print",
  244. "TEXT_PRINT_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text].",
  245. "TEXT_PROMPT_HELPURL": "url - Information about getting text from users.",
  246. "TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_TEXT": "dropdown - Specifies that a piece of text should be requested from the user with the following message. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text].",
  247. "TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_NUMBER": "dropdown - Specifies that a number should be requested from the user with the following message. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text].",
  248. "TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_NUMBER": "dropdown - Precedes the message with which the user should be prompted for a number. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text].",
  249. "TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_TEXT": "dropdown - Precedes the message with which the user should be prompted for some text. See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text].",
  250. "LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_HELPURL": "url - Information on empty lists.",
  251. "LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TITLE": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-empty-list https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-empty-list].",
  252. "LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TOOLTIP": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-empty-list https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-empty-list].",
  253. "LISTS_CREATE_WITH_HELPURL": "url - Information on building lists.",
  254. "LISTS_CREATE_WITH_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with].",
  255. "LISTS_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with].",
  256. "LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD": "block text - This appears in a sub-block when [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#changing-number-of-inputs changing the number of inputs in a ''''create list with'''' block].\n{{Identical|List}}",
  257. "LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#changing-number-of-inputs https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#changing-number-of-inputs].",
  258. "LISTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#changing-number-of-inputs https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#changing-number-of-inputs].",
  259. "LISTS_REPEAT_HELPURL": "url - Information about [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with creating a list with multiple copies of a single item].",
  260. "LISTS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP": "url - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with creating a list with multiple copies of a single item].",
  261. "LISTS_REPEAT_TITLE": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with]. \n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the item (text) to be repeated\n* %2 - the number of times to repeat it",
  262. "LISTS_LENGTH_HELPURL": "url - Information about how the length of a list is computed (i.e., by the total number of elements, not the number of different elements).",
  263. "LISTS_LENGTH_TITLE": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#length-of https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#length-of]. \n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the list whose length is desired",
  264. "LISTS_LENGTH_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#length-of https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#length-of Blockly:Lists:length of].",
  265. "LISTS_ISEMPTY_HELPURL": "url - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#is-empty https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#is-empty].",
  266. "LISTS_ISEMPTY_TITLE": "block text - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#is-empty https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#is-empty]. \n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the list to test",
  267. "LISTS_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP": "block tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#is-empty https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#is-empty].",
  268. "LISTS_INLIST": "block text - Title of blocks operating on [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists lists].",
  269. "LISTS_INDEX_OF_HELPURL": "url - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-items-from-a-list https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-items-from-a-list].",
  270. "LISTS_INDEX_OF_FIRST": "dropdown - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#finding-items-in-a-list Lists#finding-items-in-a-list]. [[File:Blockly-list-find.png]]",
  271. "LISTS_INDEX_OF_LAST": "dropdown - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#finding-items-in-a-list https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#finding-items-in-a-list]. [[File:Blockly-list-find.png]]",
  272. "LISTS_INDEX_OF_TOOLTIP": "dropdown - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#finding-items-in-a-list https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#finding-items-in-a-list]. [[File:Blockly-list-find.png]]",
  273. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET": "dropdown - Indicates that the user wishes to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item get an item from a list] without removing it from the list.",
  274. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET_REMOVE": "dropdown - Indicates that the user wishes to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item get and remove an item from a list], as opposed to merely getting it without modifying the list.",
  275. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_REMOVE": "dropdown - Indicates that the user wishes to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#removing-an-item remove an item from a list].\n{{Identical|Remove}}",
  276. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_START": "dropdown - Indicates that an index relative to the front of the list should be used to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item get and/or remove an item from a list]. Note: If {{msg-Blockly|ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX}} is defined, it will automatically appear ''after'' this number (and any other ordinal numbers on this block). See [[Translating:Blockly#Ordinal_numbers]] for more information on ordinal numbers in Blockly. [[File:Blockly-list-get-item.png]]",
  277. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_END": "dropdown - Indicates that an index relative to the end of the list should be used to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item access an item in a list]. [[File:Blockly-list-get-item.png]]",
  278. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_FIRST": "dropdown - Indicates that the '''first''' item should be [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item accessed in a list]. [[File:Blockly-list-get-item.png]]",
  279. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_LAST": "dropdown - Indicates that the '''last''' item should be [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item accessed in a list]. [[File:Blockly-list-get-item.png]]",
  280. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_RANDOM": "dropdown - Indicates that a '''random''' item should be [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item accessed in a list]. [[File:Blockly-list-get-item.png]]",
  281. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TAIL": "block text - Text that should go after the rightmost block/dropdown when [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item accessing an item from a list]. In most languages, this will be the empty string. [[File:Blockly-list-get-item.png]]",
  282. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FROM_START": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for more information.",
  283. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FROM_END": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for more information.",
  284. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FIRST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for more information.",
  285. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_LAST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for more information.",
  286. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_RANDOM": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for more information.",
  287. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FROM_START": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for '# from start'.",
  288. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FROM_END": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for '# from end'.",
  289. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FIRST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for 'first'.",
  290. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_LAST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for 'last'.",
  291. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_RANDOM": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for 'random'.",
  292. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FROM_START": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for '# from start'.",
  293. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FROM_END": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for '# from end'.",
  294. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FIRST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for 'first'.",
  295. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_LAST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for 'last'.",
  296. "LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_RANDOM": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-and-removing-an-item] (for remove and return) and [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item] for 'random'.",
  297. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_HELPURL": "url - Information about putting items in lists.",
  298. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_SET": "block text - [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#in-list--set Replaces an item in a list]. [[File:Blockly-in-list-set-insert.png]]",
  299. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_INSERT": "block text - [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#in-list--insert-at Inserts an item into a list]. [[File:Blockly-in-list-set-insert.png]]",
  300. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_INPUT_TO": "block text - The word(s) after the position in the list and before the item to be set/inserted. [[File:Blockly-in-list-set-insert.png]]",
  301. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FROM_START": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'set' block).",
  302. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FROM_END": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'set' block).",
  303. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FIRST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'set' block).",
  304. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_LAST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'set' block).",
  305. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_RANDOM": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'set' block).",
  306. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FROM_START": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'insert' block).",
  307. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FROM_END": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'insert' block).",
  308. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FIRST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'insert' block).",
  309. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_LAST": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'insert' block).",
  310. "LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_RANDOM": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-single-item} (even though the page describes the 'get' block, the idea is the same for the 'insert' block).",
  311. "LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_HELPURL": "url - Information describing extracting a sublist from an existing list.",
  312. "LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_START": "dropdown - Indicates that an index relative to the front of the list should be used to specify the beginning of the range from which to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist get a sublist]. [[File:Blockly-get-sublist.png]] Note: If {{msg-Blockly|ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX}} is defined, it will automatically appear ''after'' this number (and any other ordinal numbers on this block). See [[Translating:Blockly#Ordinal_numbers]] for more information on ordinal numbers in Blockly.",
  313. "LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_END": "dropdown - Indicates that an index relative to the end of the list should be used to specify the beginning of the range from which to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist get a sublist].",
  314. "LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FIRST": "dropdown - Indicates that the [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist sublist to extract] should begin with the list's first item.",
  315. "LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_FROM_START": "dropdown - Indicates that an index relative to the front of the list should be used to specify the end of the range from which to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist get a sublist]. [[File:Blockly-get-sublist.png]]",
  316. "LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_FROM_END": "dropdown - Indicates that an index relative to the end of the list should be used to specify the end of the range from which to [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist get a sublist]. [[File:Blockly-get-sublist.png]]",
  317. "LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_LAST": "dropdown - Indicates that the '''last''' item in the given list should be [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist the end of the selected sublist]. [[File:Blockly-get-sublist.png]]",
  318. "LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TAIL": "block text - This appears in the rightmost position ('tail') of the sublist block, as described at [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist]. In English and most other languages, this is the empty string. [[File:Blockly-get-sublist.png]]",
  319. "LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist] for more information. [[File:Blockly-get-sublist.png]]",
  320. "LISTS_SORT_HELPURL": "url - Information describing sorting a list.",
  321. "LISTS_SORT_TITLE": "Sort as type %1 (numeric or alphabetic) in order %2 (ascending or descending) a list of items %3.",
  322. "LISTS_SORT_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#sorting-a-list].",
  323. "LISTS_SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING": "sorting order or direction from low to high value for numeric, or A-Z for alphabetic.\n{{Identical|Ascending}}",
  324. "LISTS_SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING": "sorting order or direction from high to low value for numeric, or Z-A for alphabetic.\n{{Identical|Descending}}",
  325. "LISTS_SORT_TYPE_NUMERIC": "sort by treating each item as a number.",
  326. "LISTS_SORT_TYPE_TEXT": "sort by treating each item alphabetically, case-sensitive.",
  327. "LISTS_SORT_TYPE_IGNORECASE": "sort by treating each item alphabetically, ignoring differences in case.",
  328. "LISTS_SPLIT_HELPURL": "url - Information describing splitting text into a list, or joining a list into text.",
  329. "LISTS_SPLIT_LIST_FROM_TEXT": "dropdown - Indicates that text will be split up into a list (e.g. 'a-b-c' -> ['a', 'b', 'c']).",
  330. "LISTS_SPLIT_TEXT_FROM_LIST": "dropdown - Indicates that a list will be joined together to form text (e.g. ['a', 'b', 'c'] -> 'a-b-c').",
  331. "LISTS_SPLIT_WITH_DELIMITER": "block text - Prompts for a letter to be used as a separator when splitting or joining text.",
  332. "LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_SPLIT": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#make-list-from-text https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#make-list-from-text] for more information.",
  333. "LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_JOIN": "tooltip - See [https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#make-text-from-list https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#make-text-from-list] for more information.",
  334. "ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX": "grammar - Text that follows an ordinal number (a number that indicates position relative to other numbers). In most languages, such text appears before the number, so this should be blank. An exception is Hungarian. See [[Translating:Blockly#Ordinal_numbers]] for more information.",
  335. "VARIABLES_GET_HELPURL": "url - Information about ''variables'' in computer programming. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_(computer_science) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_(computer_science)], if it exists.",
  336. "VARIABLES_GET_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - This gets the value of the named variable without modifying it.",
  337. "VARIABLES_GET_CREATE_SET": "context menu - Selecting this creates a block to set (change) the value of this variable. \n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the variable.",
  338. "VARIABLES_SET_HELPURL": "url - Information about ''variables'' in computer programming. Consider using your language's translation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_(computer_science) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_(computer_science)], if it exists.",
  339. "VARIABLES_SET": "block text - Change the value of a mathematical variable: '''set [the value of] x to 7'''.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the variable.\n* %2 - the value to be assigned.",
  340. "VARIABLES_SET_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - This initializes or changes the value of the named variable.",
  341. "VARIABLES_SET_CREATE_GET": "context menu - Selecting this creates a block to get (change) the value of this variable.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the variable.",
  342. "PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_HELPURL": "url - Information about defining [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_(computer_science) functions] that do not have return values.",
  343. "PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TITLE": "block text - This precedes the name of the function when defining it. See [https://blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/code/index.html?lang=en#c84aoc this sample function definition].",
  344. "PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_PROCEDURE": "default name - This acts as a placeholder for the name of a function on a function definition block, as shown on [https://blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/code/index.html?lang=en#w7cfju this block]. The user will replace it with the function's name.",
  345. "PROCEDURES_BEFORE_PARAMS": "block text - This precedes the list of parameters on a function's defiition block. See [https://blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/code/index.html?lang=en#voztpd this sample function with parameters].",
  346. "PROCEDURES_CALL_BEFORE_PARAMS": "block text - This precedes the list of parameters on a function's caller block. See [https://blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/code/index.html?lang=en#voztpd this sample function with parameters].",
  347. "PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_DO": "block text - This appears next to the function's 'body', the blocks that should be run when the function is called, as shown in [https://blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/code/index.html?lang=en#voztpd this sample function definition].",
  349. "PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_COMMENT": "Placeholder text that the user is encouraged to replace with a description of what their function does.",
  350. "PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_HELPURL": "url - Information about defining [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_(computer_science) functions] that have return values.",
  351. "PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_RETURN": "block text - This imperative or infinite verb precedes the value that is used as the return value (output) of this function. See [https://blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/code/index.html?lang=en#6ot5y5 this sample function that returns a value].",
  353. "PROCEDURES_ALLOW_STATEMENTS": "Label for a checkbox that controls if statements are allowed in a function.",
  354. "PROCEDURES_DEF_DUPLICATE_WARNING": "alert - The user has created a function with two parameters that have the same name. Every parameter must have a different name.",
  355. "PROCEDURES_CALLNORETURN_HELPURL": "url - Information about calling [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_(computer_science) functions] that do not return values.",
  356. "PROCEDURES_CALLNORETURN_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - This block causes the body (blocks inside) of the named function definition to be run.",
  357. "PROCEDURES_CALLRETURN_HELPURL": "url - Information about calling [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_(computer_science) functions] that return values.",
  358. "PROCEDURES_CALLRETURN_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - This block causes the body (blocks inside) of the named function definition to be run.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the function.",
  359. "PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TITLE": "block text - This text appears on a block in a window that appears when the user clicks on the plus sign or star on a function definition block. It refers to the set of parameters (referred to by the simpler term 'inputs') to the function. See [[Translating:Blockly#function_definitions]].",
  361. "PROCEDURES_MUTATORARG_TITLE": "block text - This text appears on a block in a window that appears when the user clicks on the plus sign or star on a function definition block]. It appears on the block for adding an individual parameter (referred to by the simpler term 'inputs') to the function. See [[Translating:Blockly#function_definitions]].",
  363. "PROCEDURES_HIGHLIGHT_DEF": "context menu - This appears on the context menu for function calls. Selecting it causes the corresponding function definition to be highlighted (as shown at [[Translating:Blockly#context_menus]].",
  364. "PROCEDURES_CREATE_DO": "context menu - This appears on the context menu for function definitions. Selecting it creates a block to call the function.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - the name of the function.\n{{Identical|Create}}",
  365. "PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_TOOLTIP": "tooltip - If the first value is true, this causes the second value to be returned immediately from the enclosing function.",
  366. "PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_HELPURL": "url - Information about guard clauses.",
  367. "PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_WARNING": "warning - This appears if the user tries to use this block outside of a function definition.",
  368. "ARD_TYPE_CHAR": "Ardublockly Types",
  369. "ARD_TYPE_TEXT": "",
  370. "ARD_TYPE_BOOL": "",
  371. "ARD_TYPE_SHORT": "",
  372. "ARD_TYPE_NUMBER": "",
  373. "ARD_TYPE_LONG": "",
  374. "ARD_TYPE_DECIMAL": "",
  375. "ARD_TYPE_ARRAY": "",
  376. "ARD_TYPE_NULL": "",
  377. "ARD_TYPE_UNDEF": "",
  379. "ARD_HIGH": "Arduino Blocks",
  380. "ARD_LOW": "",
  381. "ARD_ANALOGREAD": "",
  382. "ARD_ANALOGREAD_TIP": "",
  383. "ARD_ANALOGWRITE": "",
  385. "ARD_HIGHLOW_TIP": "",
  386. "ARD_DIGITALREAD": "",
  388. "ARD_DIGITALWRITE": "",
  389. "ARD_WRITE_TO": "",
  391. "ARD_BUILTIN_LED": "",
  392. "ARD_BUILTIN_LED_TIP": "",
  393. "ARD_DEFINE": "",
  394. "ARD_TONE_PIN": "",
  395. "ARD_TONE_FREQ": "",
  396. "ARD_TONE_PIN_TIP": "",
  397. "ARD_NOTONE_PIN": "",
  398. "ARD_NOTONE_PIN_TIP": "",
  399. "ARD_MAP": "",
  400. "ARD_MAP_VAL": "",
  401. "ARD_MAP_TIP": "",
  402. "ARD_FUN_RUN_SETUP": "",
  403. "ARD_FUN_RUN_LOOP": "",
  404. "ARD_FUN_RUN_TIP": "",
  405. "ARD_PIN_WARN1": "",
  406. "ARD_SERIAL_SETUP": "",
  407. "ARD_SERIAL_SPEED": "",
  408. "ARD_SERIAL_BPS": "",
  409. "ARD_SERIAL_SETUP_TIP": "",
  410. "ARD_SERIAL_PRINT": "",
  412. "ARD_SERIAL_PRINT_TIP": "",
  414. "ARD_SERVO_WRITE": "",
  415. "ARD_SERVO_WRITE_TO": "",
  416. "ARD_SERVO_WRITE_DEG_180": "",
  417. "ARD_SERVO_WRITE_TIP": "",
  418. "ARD_SERVO_READ": "",
  419. "ARD_SERVO_READ_TIP": "",
  420. "ARD_SPI_SETUP": "",
  421. "ARD_SPI_SETUP_CONF": "",
  422. "ARD_SPI_SETUP_SHIFT": "",
  425. "ARD_SPI_SETUP_DIVIDE": "",
  426. "ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE": "",
  427. "ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE0": "",
  428. "ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE1": "",
  429. "ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE2": "",
  430. "ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE3": "",
  431. "ARD_SPI_SETUP_TIP": "",
  432. "ARD_SPI_TRANS_NONE": "",
  433. "ARD_SPI_TRANS_VAL": "",
  434. "ARD_SPI_TRANS_SLAVE": "",
  435. "ARD_SPI_TRANS_TIP": "",
  436. "ARD_SPI_TRANS_WARN1": "",
  437. "ARD_SPI_TRANS_WARN2": "",
  439. "ARD_STEPPER_SETUP": "",
  440. "ARD_STEPPER_MOTOR": "",
  442. "ARD_STEPPER_PIN1": "",
  443. "ARD_STEPPER_PIN2": "",
  445. "ARD_STEPPER_SPEED": "",
  447. "ARD_STEPPER_STEP": "",
  448. "ARD_STEPPER_STEPS": "",
  449. "ARD_STEPPER_STEP_TIP": "",
  451. "ARD_COMPONENT_WARN1": "",
  452. "ARD_TIME_DELAY": "",
  453. "ARD_TIME_MS": "",
  454. "ARD_TIME_DELAY_TIP": "",
  457. "ARD_TIME_MILLIS": "",
  458. "ARD_TIME_MILLIS_TIP": "",
  459. "ARD_TIME_MICROS": "",
  460. "ARD_TIME_MICROS_TIP": "",
  461. "ARD_TIME_INF": "",
  462. "ARD_TIME_INF_TIP": "",
  463. "ARD_VAR_AS": "",
  464. "ARD_VAR_AS_TIP": "",
  465. "ARD_PULSEREAD": "",
  466. "ARD_PULSEON": "",
  467. "ARD_PULSETIMEOUT": "",
  469. "ARD_PULSE_TIP": "",
  471. "ARD_SETTONE": "",
  472. "ARD_TONEFREQ": "",
  473. "ARD_TONE_TIP": "",
  474. "ARD_TONE_WARNING": "",
  475. "ARD_NOTONE": "",
  476. "ARD_NOTONE_TIP": "",
  477. "NEW_INSTANCE": "Ardublockly instances",
  478. "RENAME_INSTANCE": "",
  479. "NEW_INSTANCE_TITLE": "",
  481. }