update.json 34 KB

  1. {
  2. "updateNew": {
  3. "time": "2024-05-17",
  4. "zhHans": {
  5. "blocks": [
  6. "添加屏幕显示换行积木",
  7. "屏幕显示矩形(非宽高),位置调整"
  8. ],
  9. "example": [
  10. "屏幕显示自动换行积木",
  11. "添加GPT相关样例",
  12. "添加播放音频的新样例"
  13. ],
  14. "note": [
  15. "连接时检测板子是否有写入问题,进行提示",
  16. "修复命令更新"
  17. ]
  18. },
  19. "zhHant": {
  20. "blocks": [
  21. "添加屏幕顯示換行積木",
  22. "屏幕顯示矩形(非寬高),位置調整"
  23. ],
  24. "example": [
  25. "屏幕顯示自動換行積木",
  26. "添加GPT相關樣例",
  27. "添加播放音頻的新樣例"
  28. ],
  29. "note": [
  30. "連接時檢測板子是否有寫入問題,進行提示",
  31. "修復命令更新"
  32. ]
  33. },
  34. "en": {
  35. "blocks": [
  36. "Add Screen Display Row Swap Block",
  37. "Screen display rectangle (not aspect), position adjustment"
  38. ],
  39. "example": [
  40. "Screen display with auto-routing blocks",
  41. "Add GPT related samples",
  42. "Add a new example of audio playback"
  43. ],
  44. "note": [
  45. "Detect if the board has a write problem when connecting and prompt for it",
  46. "Repair Order Updates"
  47. ]
  48. }
  49. },
  50. "updateOld": [
  51. {
  52. "time": "2024-03-25",
  53. "zhHans": {
  54. "blocks": [
  55. "添加GPT相关积木(固件要2024-01-01)",
  56. "输入/输出积木获取数字信号值7、8、13 前添加PH",
  57. "陀螺仪倾斜积木"
  58. ],
  59. "example": [
  60. ""
  61. ],
  62. "note": [
  63. "连接时检测板子是否有写入问题,进行提示",
  64. "修复命令更新"
  65. ]
  66. },
  67. "zhHant": {
  68. "blocks": [
  69. "添加GPT相關積木(固件要2024-01-01)",
  70. "輸入/輸出積木獲取數字信號值7、8、13 前添加PH",
  71. "陀螺儀傾斜積木"
  72. ],
  73. "example": [
  74. ""
  75. ],
  76. "note": [
  77. "連接時檢測板子是否有寫入問題,進行提示",
  78. "修復命令更新"
  79. ]
  80. },
  81. "en": {
  82. "blocks": [
  83. "Add GPT related building blocks (firmware to be 2024-01-01)",
  84. "Input/Output blocks get digital signal value 7, 8, 13 before adding PH",
  85. "Gyroscope Tilt Block"
  86. ],
  87. "example": [
  88. ""
  89. ],
  90. "note": [
  91. "Detect if the board has a write problem when connecting and prompt for it",
  92. "Repair Order Updates"
  93. ]
  94. }
  95. },
  96. {
  97. "time": "2024-01-02",
  98. "zhHans": {
  99. "blocks": [
  100. "添加多线程积木功能",
  101. "添加多线程队列积木"
  102. ],
  103. "example": [
  104. "系统功能样例"
  105. ],
  106. "note": [
  107. "添加一键更新修复文件写入失败问题",
  108. "运行修复功能"
  109. ]
  110. },
  111. "zhHant": {
  112. "blocks": [
  113. "添加多線程積木功能",
  114. "添加多線程隊列積木"
  115. ],
  116. "example": [
  117. "系統功能樣例"
  118. ],
  119. "note": [
  120. "添加一鍵更新修復文件寫入失敗問題",
  121. "運行修復功能"
  122. ]
  123. },
  124. "en": {
  125. "blocks": [
  126. "Add multi-threading building block function",
  127. "Add multi-threaded queue building block"
  128. ],
  129. "example": [
  130. "System function examples"
  131. ],
  132. "note": [
  133. "Add one-click update to fix file writing failure problem",
  134. "Run repair function"
  135. ]
  136. }
  137. },
  138. {
  139. "time": "2023-10-30",
  140. "zhHans": {
  141. "blocks": [
  142. "添加人脸识别关键点",
  143. "添加蜂鸣器积木",
  144. "添加陀螺仪加速度和倾斜角度积木"
  145. ],
  146. "example": [
  147. "贪吃蛇",
  148. "呼吸灯"
  149. ],
  150. "note": [
  151. "添加一键更新 CocoPi 文件按钮"
  152. ]
  153. },
  154. "zhHant": {
  155. "blocks": [
  156. "添加人臉識別關鍵點",
  157. "添加蜂鳴器積木",
  158. "添加陀螺儀加速度和傾斜角度積木"
  159. ],
  160. "example": [
  161. "貪喫蛇",
  162. "呼吸燈"
  163. ],
  164. "note": [
  165. "一鍵更新 CocoPi 文件按鈕"
  166. ]
  167. },
  168. "en": {
  169. "blocks": [
  170. "Add facial recognition key points",
  171. "Add buzzer block",
  172. "Added gyroscope acceleration and tilt angle blocks"
  173. ],
  174. "example": [
  175. "Snake",
  176. "breathing light"
  177. ],
  178. "note": [
  179. "One-click update CocoPi file button"
  180. ]
  181. }
  182. },
  183. {
  184. "time": "2023-08-01",
  185. "zhHans": {
  186. "blocks": [
  187. "添加发送一代和二代串口积木",
  188. "添加aprilTag检测和结果积木",
  189. "添加条形码检测和结果积木",
  190. "添加thingspeak相关积木",
  191. "添加HTTP 请求相关积木",
  192. "情绪识别初始化积木优化",
  193. "积木在线api appid统一"
  194. ],
  195. "example": [
  196. "条形码识别样例",
  197. "寻找蓝色区域并追踪",
  198. "自我学习采集",
  199. "自我学习识别"
  200. ],
  201. "note": [
  202. "云端存储样式修改",
  203. "导航栏添加分享按钮",
  204. "程序截图优化",
  205. "串口打印问题处理"
  206. ]
  207. },
  208. "zhHant": {
  209. "blocks": [
  210. "添加發送一代和二代串口積木",
  211. "添加aprilTag檢測和結果積木",
  212. "添加條形碼檢測和結果積木",
  213. "添加thingspeak相關積木",
  214. "添加HTTP 請求相關積木",
  215. "情緒識別初始化積木優化",
  216. "積木在線api appid統一"
  217. ],
  218. "example": [
  219. "條形碼識別樣例",
  220. "尋找藍色區域並追蹤",
  221. "自我學習採集",
  222. "自我學習識別"
  223. ],
  224. "note": [
  225. "雲端存儲樣式修改",
  226. "導航欄添加分享按鈕",
  227. "程序截圖優化",
  228. "串口打印問題處理"
  229. ]
  230. },
  231. "en": {
  232. "blocks": [
  233. "Adding Send I and II Serial Port Building Blocks",
  234. "Add aprilTag Detection and Results Building Blocks",
  235. "Adding Barcode Detection and Results Building Blocks",
  236. "Add thingspeak related blocks",
  237. "Adding HTTP request related building blocks",
  238. "Emotion recognition initialization building block optimization",
  239. "Jackpot online api appid harmonization"
  240. ],
  241. "example": [
  242. "Barcode Recognition Sample",
  243. "Find the blue zone and track it.",
  244. "Self-Learning Acquisition",
  245. "Self-learning recognition"
  246. ],
  247. "note": [
  248. "Cloud Storage Style Modification",
  249. "Add share buttons to the navigation bar",
  250. "Program screenshot optimization",
  251. "Serial Printing Troubleshooting"
  252. ]
  253. }
  254. },
  255. {
  256. "time": "2023-07-01",
  257. "zhHans": {
  258. "blocks": [
  259. "添加矩形绘制积木,起始坐标,宽高",
  260. "添加人脸采集、人脸识别相关积木",
  261. "添加语音录制和识别积木",
  262. "添加获取数字信号和模拟信号积木",
  263. "添加输出模拟信号和数字信号积木",
  264. "添加音视频的结束播放积木",
  265. "添加相机图像在网页显示积木",
  266. "添加 LED 灯带积木",
  267. "添加车牌识别积木",
  268. "添加多线程积木",
  269. "添加 GRB 灯",
  270. "添加颜色识别积木",
  271. "添加二维码识别积木",
  272. "离线 AI 添加识别结果宽高,中心点坐标",
  273. "周期重复计时器"
  274. ],
  275. "example": [
  276. "按钮控制 RGB 灯",
  277. "串口通信的收、发",
  278. "循线",
  279. "二维码识别",
  280. "寻找蓝色",
  281. "人脸采集和人脸识别",
  282. "猜拳手势识别",
  283. "语音录制和语音识别",
  284. "车牌识别",
  285. "LED 灯带"
  286. ],
  287. "note": [
  288. "导航栏添加学习",
  289. "云端存储功能添加"
  290. ]
  291. },
  292. "zhHant": {
  293. "blocks": [
  294. "添加矩形繪製積木,起始座標,寬高",
  295. "添加人臉採集、人臉識別相關積木",
  296. "添加語音錄製和識別積木",
  297. "添加獲取數字信號和模擬信號積木",
  298. "添加輸出模擬信號和數字信號積木",
  299. "添加音視頻的結束播放積木",
  300. "添加相機圖像在網頁顯示積木",
  301. "添加 LED 燈帶積木",
  302. "添加車牌識別積木",
  303. "添加多線程積木",
  304. "添加 GRB 燈",
  305. "添加顏色識別積木",
  306. "添加二維碼識別積木",
  307. "離線 AI 添加識別結果寬高,中心點座標",
  308. "週期重複計時器"
  309. ],
  310. "example": [
  311. "按鈕控制 RGB 燈",
  312. "串口通信的收、發",
  313. "循線",
  314. "二維碼識別",
  315. "尋找藍色",
  316. "人臉採集和人臉識別",
  317. "猜拳手勢識別",
  318. "語音錄製和語音識別",
  319. "車牌識別",
  320. "LED 燈帶"
  321. ],
  322. "note": [
  323. "導航欄添加學習",
  324. "雲端存儲功能添加"
  325. ]
  326. },
  327. "en": {
  328. "blocks": [
  329. "Add rectangular drawing blocks, starting coordinates, width and height",
  330. "Add face capture and face recognition related building blocks",
  331. "Add voice recording and recognition building blocks",
  332. "Add building blocks for acquiring digital signals and analog signals",
  333. "Add output analog and digital signal building blocks",
  334. "Add audio and video end play building blocks",
  335. "Add camera image display building block on web page",
  336. "Add LED strip building block",
  337. "Add license plate recognition building block",
  338. "Add multi-threaded blocks",
  339. "Add GRB Light",
  340. "Add Color Recognition Building Block",
  341. "Add QR Code Recognition Block",
  342. "Offline AI add recognition result width, height, center coordinates",
  343. "Cycle Repetition Timer Adding a Periodic Repetition Timer"
  344. ],
  345. "example": [
  346. "Push Button Control RGB Lights",
  347. "Receiving and sending of serial communication",
  348. "Line Following",
  349. "QR code recognition",
  350. "Find Blue",
  351. "Face Acquisition and Face Recognition",
  352. "Guessing Gesture Recognition",
  353. "Voice Recording and Voice Recognition",
  354. "License plate recognition",
  355. "LED Strip"
  356. ],
  357. "note": [
  358. "Navigation bar added for learning",
  359. "Cloud storage function added"
  360. ]
  361. }
  362. },
  363. {
  364. "time": "2023-05-05",
  365. "zhHans": {
  366. "blocks": [
  367. "添加串口发送、接收积木",
  368. "屏幕初始化时加载字体",
  369. "音量调整"
  370. ],
  371. "example": [
  372. "所有在线样例优化",
  373. "样例程序中加载字体积木去除"
  374. ],
  375. "note": [
  376. "移动端适配",
  377. "无线连接流程提示",
  378. "无线连接时终端显示框隐藏",
  379. "串口数据打印",
  380. "报错信息提示",
  381. "添加扫码联网功能",
  382. "跨网页粘贴复制"
  383. ]
  384. },
  385. "zhHant": {
  386. "blocks": [
  387. "添加串口發送、接收積木",
  388. "屏幕初始化時加載字體",
  389. "音量調整"
  390. ],
  391. "example": [
  392. "所有在線樣例優化",
  393. "樣例程序中加載字體積木去除"
  394. ],
  395. "note": [
  396. "移動端適配",
  397. "無線連接流程提示",
  398. "無線連接時終端顯示框隱藏",
  399. "串口數據打印",
  400. "報錯信息提示",
  401. "添加掃碼聯網功能",
  402. "跨網頁粘貼複製"
  403. ]
  404. },
  405. "en": {
  406. "blocks": [
  407. "Add serial port sending and receiving Blocks ",
  408. "Load font at screen initialization ",
  409. "Volume adjustment"
  410. ],
  411. "example": [
  412. "All Online Sample Optimization ",
  413. "Load font block removal in sample program"
  414. ],
  415. "note": [
  416. "Mobile adaptation ",
  417. "Wireless Connection Process Tips ",
  418. "Terminal display box hidden during wireless connection ",
  419. "Serial Data printing ",
  420. "Error message prompt ",
  421. "Add code scanning networking function ",
  422. "Paste and copy across web pages"
  423. ]
  424. }
  425. },
  426. {
  427. "time": "2023-03-17",
  428. "zhHans": {
  429. "blocks": [
  430. "基础积木中的传感器和麦克风提取到摄像头积木下面",
  431. "添加了屏幕旋转积木",
  432. "添加图像传输积木",
  433. "人工智能添加自定义物体识别积木",
  434. "在线人工智能添加公式识别、情绪识别、手势识别",
  435. "添加发送云端积木"
  436. ],
  437. "example": [
  438. "屏幕模块添加自动切换图片、按键切换北京颜色、指定屏幕旋转角度",
  439. "添加了图传程序",
  440. "添加了自定义路标识别程序",
  441. "在线人工智能添加了公式识别、情绪识别、手势识别",
  442. "物联网添加了获取网络时间、获取网络天气"
  443. ],
  444. "note": [
  445. "模块自动连接",
  446. "添加停止按钮",
  447. "添加图传位置"
  448. ]
  449. },
  450. "zhHant": {
  451. "blocks": [
  452. "基礎積木中的傳感器和麥克風提取到攝像頭積木下面",
  453. "添加了屏幕旋轉積木",
  454. "添加圖像傳輸積木",
  455. "人工智能添加自定義物體識別積木",
  456. "在線人工智能添加公式識別、情緒識別、手勢識別",
  457. "添加發送雲端積木"
  458. ],
  459. "example": [
  460. "屏幕模塊添加自動切換圖片、按鍵切換北京顏色、指定屏幕旋轉角度",
  461. "添加了圖傳程序",
  462. "添加了自定義路標識別程序",
  463. "在線人工智能添加了公式識別、情緒識別、手勢識別",
  464. "物聯網添加了獲取網絡時間、獲取網絡天氣"
  465. ],
  466. "note": [
  467. "模塊自動連接",
  468. "添加停止按鈕",
  469. "添加圖傳位置"
  470. ]
  471. },
  472. "en": {
  473. "blocks": [
  474. "Sensors and microphones from the base blocks are extracted beneath the camera blocks",
  475. "Added screen rotating blocks ",
  476. "Add Image Transfer Building Blocks ",
  477. "Ai Adds Custom Object Recognition Building Blocks ",
  478. "Online AI adds formula recognition, emotion recognition, gesture recognition ",
  479. "Add send Cloud Building Blocks"
  480. ],
  481. "example": [
  482. "Screen module adds automatic picture switching, button switching Beijing color, designated screen rotation Angle ",
  483. "Added a pictograph program.",
  484. "Custom signpost recognition program added ",
  485. "Online AI adds formula recognition, emotion recognition, gesture recognition,",
  486. "Internet of Things adds access to Internet time, access to Internet weather."
  487. ],
  488. "note": [
  489. "Automatic module connection ",
  490. "Add Stop button ",
  491. "Add image location"
  492. ]
  493. }
  494. },
  495. {
  496. "time": "2023-03-6",
  497. "zhHans": {
  498. "blocks": [
  499. "初始化屏幕积木添加",
  500. "光照传感器、温湿度传感器、QMI8658传感器",
  501. "按键按下",
  502. "舵机、电机积木",
  503. "添加设置字体积木",
  504. "本地自学习人工智能积木",
  505. "讯飞机器翻译、文字识别积木",
  506. "wifi 连接状态判断、断开连接、同步网络时间"
  507. ],
  508. "example": [
  509. "传感器样例",
  510. "电机、舵机样例",
  511. "人工智能自学习分类",
  512. "在线人工智能机器翻译、手写文字识别"
  513. ],
  514. "note": [
  515. "更新辅助工具弹框",
  516. "添加重启、管家按钮",
  517. "终端交互窗"
  518. ]
  519. },
  520. "zhHant": {
  521. "blocks": [
  522. "揚聲器積木拆分",
  523. "光照傳感器、溫溼度傳感器、QMI8658傳感器",
  524. "按鍵按下",
  525. "舵機、電機積木",
  526. "添加設置字體積木",
  527. "本地自學習人工智能積木",
  528. "訊飛機器翻譯、文字識別積木",
  529. "wifi 連接狀態判斷、斷開連接、同步網絡時間"
  530. ],
  531. "example": [
  532. "傳感器樣例",
  533. "電機、舵機樣例",
  534. "人工智能自學習分類",
  535. "在線人工智能機器翻譯、手寫文字識別"
  536. ],
  537. "note": [
  538. "更新輔助工具彈框",
  539. "添加重啓、管家按鈕",
  540. "終端交互窗"
  541. ]
  542. },
  543. "en": {
  544. "blocks": [
  545. "Speaker Building Blocks Split ",
  546. "Light sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, QMI8658 sensor ",
  547. "Press the button ",
  548. "Steering Gear and Motor Building Blocks ",
  549. "Add Setting Font Blocks ",
  550. "Local Self-learning AI Building Blocks ",
  551. "Iflytek Machine Translation and Word Recognition Building Blocks",
  552. "Judge wifi connection status, disconnect, and synchronize network time"
  553. ],
  554. "example": [
  555. "Sample sensor ",
  556. "Sample Motor and Steering Gear ",
  557. "Artificial Intelligence Self-learning Classification ",
  558. "Online artificial intelligence Machine Translation and handwritten word recognition"
  559. ],
  560. "note": [
  561. "Update Assistive Tools box ",
  562. "Add restart, Butler button ",
  563. "Terminal interaction window"
  564. ]
  565. }
  566. },
  567. {
  568. "time": "2023-02-14",
  569. "zhHans": {
  570. "blocks": [
  571. "扬声器积木拆分",
  572. "光照传感器、温湿度传感器、QMI8658传感器",
  573. "按键按下",
  574. "舵机、电机积木",
  575. "添加设置字体积木",
  576. "本地自学习人工智能积木",
  577. "讯飞机器翻译、文字识别积木",
  578. "wifi 连接状态判断、断开连接、同步网络时间"
  579. ],
  580. "example": [
  581. "传感器样例",
  582. "电机、舵机样例",
  583. "人工智能自学习分类",
  584. "在线人工智能机器翻译、手写文字识别"
  585. ],
  586. "note": [
  587. "更新辅助工具弹框",
  588. "添加重启、管家按钮",
  589. "终端交互窗"
  590. ]
  591. },
  592. "zhHant": {
  593. "blocks": [
  594. "揚聲器積木拆分",
  595. "光照傳感器、溫溼度傳感器、QMI8658傳感器",
  596. "按鍵按下",
  597. "舵機、電機積木",
  598. "添加設置字體積木",
  599. "本地自學習人工智能積木",
  600. "訊飛機器翻譯、文字識別積木",
  601. "wifi 連接狀態判斷、斷開連接、同步網絡時間"
  602. ],
  603. "example": [
  604. "傳感器樣例",
  605. "電機、舵機樣例",
  606. "人工智能自學習分類",
  607. "在線人工智能機器翻譯、手寫文字識別"
  608. ],
  609. "note": [
  610. "更新輔助工具彈框",
  611. "添加重啓、管家按鈕",
  612. "終端交互窗"
  613. ]
  614. },
  615. "en": {
  616. "blocks": [
  617. "Speaker Building Blocks Split ",
  618. "Light sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, QMI8658 sensor ",
  619. "Press the button ",
  620. "Steering Gear and Motor Building Blocks ",
  621. "Add Setting Font Blocks ",
  622. "Local Self-learning AI Building Blocks ",
  623. "Iflytek Machine Translation and Word Recognition Building Blocks",
  624. "Judge wifi connection status, disconnect, and synchronize network time"
  625. ],
  626. "example": [
  627. "Sample sensor ",
  628. "Sample Motor and Steering Gear ",
  629. "Artificial Intelligence Self-learning Classification ",
  630. "Online artificial intelligence Machine Translation and handwritten word recognition"
  631. ],
  632. "note": [
  633. "Update Assistive Tools box ",
  634. "Add restart, Butler button ",
  635. "Terminal interaction window"
  636. ]
  637. }
  638. },
  639. {
  640. "time": "2023-01-17",
  641. "zhHans": {
  642. "blocks": [
  643. "添加设置系统音量",
  644. "AI 模型文件路径改为内置路径",
  645. "按键按下混乱问题"
  646. ],
  647. "example": [
  648. "语音录制样例程序,在录制时加入了屏幕提示",
  649. "在线人脸识别和在线车牌识别样例修改"
  650. ],
  651. "note": [
  652. "导航栏V831文字不显示",
  653. "更新内容弹框放在页面右下角",
  654. "修复了点击查看文件,会断开连接,按钮禁用的问题",
  655. "在线识别改为在线人工智能"
  656. ]
  657. },
  658. "zhHant": {
  659. "blocks": [
  660. "添加人工智能的邊緣檢測",
  661. "調整了wifi聯網積木",
  662. "修改了一級標題名稱:v831改爲基礎硬件、AI 智能改爲人工智能",
  663. "二級標題:AI 模型改爲人工智能模型、在線識別改爲在線人工智能"
  664. ],
  665. "example": [
  666. "添加了邊緣檢測樣例",
  667. "將設置wifi聯網樣例進行了修改"
  668. ],
  669. "note": [
  670. "聯網程序運行後,需要重啓V831纔可連接"
  671. ]
  672. },
  673. "en": {
  674. "blocks": [
  675. "Edge detection with added AI",
  676. "adjusted wifi networking blocks",
  677. "changed the level 1 heading name: v831 to Basic hardware and AI Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence",
  678. "secondary title: AI model changed to AI model, online recognition changed to online AI"
  679. ],
  680. "example": [
  681. "added edge detection sample",
  682. "modified the example of setting wifi networking"
  683. ],
  684. "note": [
  685. "After the networking program runs, you need to restart V831 to connect"
  686. ]
  687. }
  688. },
  689. {
  690. "time": "2023-01-05",
  691. "zhHans": {
  692. "blocks": [
  693. "云端发送获取积木",
  694. "按钮积木修改",
  695. "输入/输出积木取消",
  696. "AI模型-人脸检测和物体检测属性修改"
  697. ],
  698. "example": [
  699. "添加了人脸检测样例",
  700. "添加了图片边缘检测样例",
  701. "添加数字识别样例"
  702. ],
  703. "note": [
  704. "联网程序运行后,需要重启V831才可连接",
  705. "添加更新内容图标",
  706. "下载程序生成的Python程序语法错误"
  707. ]
  708. },
  709. "zhHant": {
  710. "blocks": [
  711. "添加人工智能的邊緣檢測",
  712. "調整了wifi聯網積木",
  713. "修改了一級標題名稱:v831改爲基礎硬件、AI 智能改爲人工智能",
  714. "二級標題:AI 模型改爲人工智能模型、在線識別改爲在線人工智能"
  715. ],
  716. "example": [
  717. "添加了邊緣檢測樣例",
  718. "將設置wifi聯網樣例進行了修改"
  719. ],
  720. "note": [
  721. "聯網程序運行後,需要重啓V831纔可連接"
  722. ]
  723. },
  724. "en": {
  725. "blocks": [
  726. "Edge detection with added AI",
  727. "adjusted wifi networking blocks",
  728. "changed the level 1 heading name: v831 to Basic hardware and AI Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence",
  729. "secondary title: AI model changed to AI model, online recognition changed to online AI"
  730. ],
  731. "example": [
  732. "added edge detection sample",
  733. "modified the example of setting wifi networking"
  734. ],
  735. "note": [
  736. "After the networking program runs, you need to restart V831 to connect"
  737. ]
  738. }
  739. },
  740. {
  741. "time": "2023-01-04",
  742. "zhHans": {
  743. "blocks": [
  744. "添加人工智能的边缘检测",
  745. "调整了wifi联网积木",
  746. "修改了一级标题名称:v831改为基础硬件、AI 智能改为人工智能",
  747. "二级标题:AI 模型改为人工智能模型、在线识别改为在线人工智能"
  748. ],
  749. "example": [
  750. "添加了边缘检测样例",
  751. "将设置wifi联网样例进行了修改"
  752. ],
  753. "note": [
  754. "联网程序运行后,需要重启V831才可连接"
  755. ]
  756. },
  757. "zhHant": {
  758. "blocks": [
  759. "添加人工智能的邊緣檢測",
  760. "調整了wifi聯網積木",
  761. "修改了一級標題名稱:v831改爲基礎硬件、AI 智能改爲人工智能",
  762. "二級標題:AI 模型改爲人工智能模型、在線識別改爲在線人工智能"
  763. ],
  764. "example": [
  765. "添加了邊緣檢測樣例",
  766. "將設置wifi聯網樣例進行了修改"
  767. ],
  768. "note": [
  769. "聯網程序運行後,需要重啓V831纔可連接"
  770. ]
  771. },
  772. "en": {
  773. "blocks": [
  774. "Edge detection with added AI",
  775. "adjusted wifi networking blocks",
  776. "changed the level 1 heading name: v831 to Basic hardware and AI Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence",
  777. "secondary title: AI model changed to AI model, online recognition changed to online AI"
  778. ],
  779. "example": [
  780. "added edge detection sample",
  781. "modified the example of setting wifi networking"
  782. ],
  783. "note": [
  784. "After the networking program runs, you need to restart V831 to connect"
  785. ]
  786. }
  787. },
  788. {
  789. "time": "2022-12-20",
  790. "zhHans": {
  791. "blocks": [
  792. "添加人工智能的边缘检测",
  793. "调整了wifi联网积木",
  794. "修改了一级标题名称:v831改为基础硬件、AI 智能改为人工智能",
  795. "二级标题:AI 模型改为人工智能模型、在线识别改为在线人工智能"
  796. ],
  797. "example": [
  798. "添加了边缘检测样例",
  799. "将设置wifi联网样例进行了修改"
  800. ],
  801. "note": [
  802. "联网程序运行后,需要重启V831才可连接"
  803. ]
  804. },
  805. "zhHant": {
  806. "blocks": [
  807. "添加人工智能的邊緣檢測",
  808. "調整了wifi聯網積木",
  809. "修改了一級標題名稱:v831改爲基礎硬件、AI 智能改爲人工智能",
  810. "二級標題:AI 模型改爲人工智能模型、在線識別改爲在線人工智能"
  811. ],
  812. "example": [
  813. "添加了邊緣檢測樣例",
  814. "將設置wifi聯網樣例進行了修改"
  815. ],
  816. "note": [
  817. "聯網程序運行後,需要重啓V831纔可連接"
  818. ]
  819. },
  820. "en": {
  821. "blocks": [
  822. "Edge detection with added AI",
  823. "adjusted wifi networking blocks",
  824. "changed the level 1 heading name: v831 to Basic hardware and AI Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence",
  825. "secondary title: AI model changed to AI model, online recognition changed to online AI"
  826. ],
  827. "example": [
  828. "added edge detection sample",
  829. "modified the example of setting wifi networking"
  830. ],
  831. "note": [
  832. "After the networking program runs, you need to restart V831 to connect"
  833. ]
  834. }
  835. }
  836. ]
  837. }