123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690 |
- from __future__ import annotations
- import io
- import mimetypes
- import os
- import pkgutil
- import re
- import sys
- import typing as t
- import unicodedata
- from datetime import datetime
- from time import time
- from urllib.parse import quote
- from zlib import adler32
- from markupsafe import escape
- from ._internal import _DictAccessorProperty
- from ._internal import _missing
- from ._internal import _TAccessorValue
- from .datastructures import Headers
- from .exceptions import NotFound
- from .exceptions import RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
- from .security import safe_join
- from .wsgi import wrap_file
- from _typeshed.wsgi import WSGIEnvironment
- from .wrappers.request import Request
- from .wrappers.response import Response
- _T = t.TypeVar("_T")
- _entity_re = re.compile(r"&([^;]+);")
- _filename_ascii_strip_re = re.compile(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_.-]")
- _windows_device_files = {
- "CON",
- "PRN",
- "AUX",
- "NUL",
- *(f"COM{i}" for i in range(10)),
- *(f"LPT{i}" for i in range(10)),
- }
- class cached_property(property, t.Generic[_T]):
- """A :func:`property` that is only evaluated once. Subsequent access
- returns the cached value. Setting the property sets the cached
- value. Deleting the property clears the cached value, accessing it
- again will evaluate it again.
- .. code-block:: python
- class Example:
- @cached_property
- def value(self):
- # calculate something important here
- return 42
- e = Example()
- e.value # evaluates
- e.value # uses cache
- e.value = 16 # sets cache
- del e.value # clears cache
- If the class defines ``__slots__``, it must add ``_cache_{name}`` as
- a slot. Alternatively, it can add ``__dict__``, but that's usually
- not desirable.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.1
- Works with ``__slots__``.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0
- ``del obj.name`` clears the cached value.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- fget: t.Callable[[t.Any], _T],
- name: str | None = None,
- doc: str | None = None,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(fget, doc=doc)
- self.__name__ = name or fget.__name__
- self.slot_name = f"_cache_{self.__name__}"
- self.__module__ = fget.__module__
- def __set__(self, obj: object, value: _T) -> None:
- if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
- obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
- else:
- setattr(obj, self.slot_name, value)
- def __get__(self, obj: object, type: type = None) -> _T: # type: ignore
- if obj is None:
- return self # type: ignore
- obj_dict = getattr(obj, "__dict__", None)
- if obj_dict is not None:
- value: _T = obj_dict.get(self.__name__, _missing)
- else:
- value = getattr(obj, self.slot_name, _missing) # type: ignore[arg-type]
- if value is _missing:
- value = self.fget(obj) # type: ignore
- if obj_dict is not None:
- obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
- else:
- setattr(obj, self.slot_name, value)
- return value
- def __delete__(self, obj: object) -> None:
- if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
- del obj.__dict__[self.__name__]
- else:
- setattr(obj, self.slot_name, _missing)
- class environ_property(_DictAccessorProperty[_TAccessorValue]):
- """Maps request attributes to environment variables. This works not only
- for the Werkzeug request object, but also any other class with an
- environ attribute:
- >>> class Test(object):
- ... environ = {'key': 'value'}
- ... test = environ_property('key')
- >>> var = Test()
- >>> var.test
- 'value'
- If you pass it a second value it's used as default if the key does not
- exist, the third one can be a converter that takes a value and converts
- it. If it raises :exc:`ValueError` or :exc:`TypeError` the default value
- is used. If no default value is provided `None` is used.
- Per default the property is read only. You have to explicitly enable it
- by passing ``read_only=False`` to the constructor.
- """
- read_only = True
- def lookup(self, obj: Request) -> WSGIEnvironment:
- return obj.environ
- class header_property(_DictAccessorProperty[_TAccessorValue]):
- """Like `environ_property` but for headers."""
- def lookup(self, obj: Request | Response) -> Headers:
- return obj.headers
- # https://cgit.freedesktop.org/xdg/shared-mime-info/tree/freedesktop.org.xml.in
- # https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml
- # Types listed in the XDG mime info that have a charset in the IANA registration.
- _charset_mimetypes = {
- "application/ecmascript",
- "application/javascript",
- "application/sql",
- "application/xml",
- "application/xml-dtd",
- "application/xml-external-parsed-entity",
- }
- def get_content_type(mimetype: str, charset: str) -> str:
- """Returns the full content type string with charset for a mimetype.
- If the mimetype represents text, the charset parameter will be
- appended, otherwise the mimetype is returned unchanged.
- :param mimetype: The mimetype to be used as content type.
- :param charset: The charset to be appended for text mimetypes.
- :return: The content type.
- .. versionchanged:: 0.15
- Any type that ends with ``+xml`` gets a charset, not just those
- that start with ``application/``. Known text types such as
- ``application/javascript`` are also given charsets.
- """
- if (
- mimetype.startswith("text/")
- or mimetype in _charset_mimetypes
- or mimetype.endswith("+xml")
- ):
- mimetype += f"; charset={charset}"
- return mimetype
- def secure_filename(filename: str) -> str:
- r"""Pass it a filename and it will return a secure version of it. This
- filename can then safely be stored on a regular file system and passed
- to :func:`os.path.join`. The filename returned is an ASCII only string
- for maximum portability.
- On windows systems the function also makes sure that the file is not
- named after one of the special device files.
- >>> secure_filename("My cool movie.mov")
- 'My_cool_movie.mov'
- >>> secure_filename("../../../etc/passwd")
- 'etc_passwd'
- >>> secure_filename('i contain cool \xfcml\xe4uts.txt')
- 'i_contain_cool_umlauts.txt'
- The function might return an empty filename. It's your responsibility
- to ensure that the filename is unique and that you abort or
- generate a random filename if the function returned an empty one.
- .. versionadded:: 0.5
- :param filename: the filename to secure
- """
- filename = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", filename)
- filename = filename.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii")
- for sep in os.sep, os.path.altsep:
- if sep:
- filename = filename.replace(sep, " ")
- filename = str(_filename_ascii_strip_re.sub("", "_".join(filename.split()))).strip(
- "._"
- )
- # on nt a couple of special files are present in each folder. We
- # have to ensure that the target file is not such a filename. In
- # this case we prepend an underline
- if (
- os.name == "nt"
- and filename
- and filename.split(".")[0].upper() in _windows_device_files
- ):
- filename = f"_{filename}"
- return filename
- def redirect(
- location: str, code: int = 302, Response: type[Response] | None = None
- ) -> Response:
- """Returns a response object (a WSGI application) that, if called,
- redirects the client to the target location. Supported codes are
- 301, 302, 303, 305, 307, and 308. 300 is not supported because
- it's not a real redirect and 304 because it's the answer for a
- request with a request with defined If-Modified-Since headers.
- .. versionadded:: 0.6
- The location can now be a unicode string that is encoded using
- the :func:`iri_to_uri` function.
- .. versionadded:: 0.10
- The class used for the Response object can now be passed in.
- :param location: the location the response should redirect to.
- :param code: the redirect status code. defaults to 302.
- :param class Response: a Response class to use when instantiating a
- response. The default is :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Response` if
- unspecified.
- """
- if Response is None:
- from .wrappers import Response
- html_location = escape(location)
- response = Response( # type: ignore[misc]
- "<!doctype html>\n"
- "<html lang=en>\n"
- "<title>Redirecting...</title>\n"
- "<h1>Redirecting...</h1>\n"
- "<p>You should be redirected automatically to the target URL: "
- f'<a href="{html_location}">{html_location}</a>. If not, click the link.\n',
- code,
- mimetype="text/html",
- )
- response.headers["Location"] = location
- return response
- def append_slash_redirect(environ: WSGIEnvironment, code: int = 308) -> Response:
- """Redirect to the current URL with a slash appended.
- If the current URL is ``/user/42``, the redirect URL will be
- ``42/``. When joined to the current URL during response
- processing or by the browser, this will produce ``/user/42/``.
- The behavior is undefined if the path ends with a slash already. If
- called unconditionally on a URL, it may produce a redirect loop.
- :param environ: Use the path and query from this WSGI environment
- to produce the redirect URL.
- :param code: the status code for the redirect.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.1
- Produce a relative URL that only modifies the last segment.
- Relevant when the current path has multiple segments.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.1
- The default status code is 308 instead of 301. This preserves
- the request method and body.
- """
- tail = environ["PATH_INFO"].rpartition("/")[2]
- if not tail:
- new_path = "./"
- else:
- new_path = f"{tail}/"
- query_string = environ.get("QUERY_STRING")
- if query_string:
- new_path = f"{new_path}?{query_string}"
- return redirect(new_path, code)
- def send_file(
- path_or_file: os.PathLike | str | t.IO[bytes],
- environ: WSGIEnvironment,
- mimetype: str | None = None,
- as_attachment: bool = False,
- download_name: str | None = None,
- conditional: bool = True,
- etag: bool | str = True,
- last_modified: datetime | int | float | None = None,
- max_age: None | (int | t.Callable[[str | None], int | None]) = None,
- use_x_sendfile: bool = False,
- response_class: type[Response] | None = None,
- _root_path: os.PathLike | str | None = None,
- ) -> Response:
- """Send the contents of a file to the client.
- The first argument can be a file path or a file-like object. Paths
- are preferred in most cases because Werkzeug can manage the file and
- get extra information from the path. Passing a file-like object
- requires that the file is opened in binary mode, and is mostly
- useful when building a file in memory with :class:`io.BytesIO`.
- Never pass file paths provided by a user. The path is assumed to be
- trusted, so a user could craft a path to access a file you didn't
- intend. Use :func:`send_from_directory` to safely serve user-provided paths.
- If the WSGI server sets a ``file_wrapper`` in ``environ``, it is
- used, otherwise Werkzeug's built-in wrapper is used. Alternatively,
- if the HTTP server supports ``X-Sendfile``, ``use_x_sendfile=True``
- will tell the server to send the given path, which is much more
- efficient than reading it in Python.
- :param path_or_file: The path to the file to send, relative to the
- current working directory if a relative path is given.
- Alternatively, a file-like object opened in binary mode. Make
- sure the file pointer is seeked to the start of the data.
- :param environ: The WSGI environ for the current request.
- :param mimetype: The MIME type to send for the file. If not
- provided, it will try to detect it from the file name.
- :param as_attachment: Indicate to a browser that it should offer to
- save the file instead of displaying it.
- :param download_name: The default name browsers will use when saving
- the file. Defaults to the passed file name.
- :param conditional: Enable conditional and range responses based on
- request headers. Requires passing a file path and ``environ``.
- :param etag: Calculate an ETag for the file, which requires passing
- a file path. Can also be a string to use instead.
- :param last_modified: The last modified time to send for the file,
- in seconds. If not provided, it will try to detect it from the
- file path.
- :param max_age: How long the client should cache the file, in
- seconds. If set, ``Cache-Control`` will be ``public``, otherwise
- it will be ``no-cache`` to prefer conditional caching.
- :param use_x_sendfile: Set the ``X-Sendfile`` header to let the
- server to efficiently send the file. Requires support from the
- HTTP server. Requires passing a file path.
- :param response_class: Build the response using this class. Defaults
- to :class:`~werkzeug.wrappers.Response`.
- :param _root_path: Do not use. For internal use only. Use
- :func:`send_from_directory` to safely send files under a path.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2
- ``send_file`` only sets a detected ``Content-Encoding`` if
- ``as_attachment`` is disabled.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- Adapted from Flask's implementation.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0
- ``download_name`` replaces Flask's ``attachment_filename``
- parameter. If ``as_attachment=False``, it is passed with
- ``Content-Disposition: inline`` instead.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0
- ``max_age`` replaces Flask's ``cache_timeout`` parameter.
- ``conditional`` is enabled and ``max_age`` is not set by
- default.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0
- ``etag`` replaces Flask's ``add_etags`` parameter. It can be a
- string to use instead of generating one.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0
- If an encoding is returned when guessing ``mimetype`` from
- ``download_name``, set the ``Content-Encoding`` header.
- """
- if response_class is None:
- from .wrappers import Response
- response_class = Response
- path: str | None = None
- file: t.IO[bytes] | None = None
- size: int | None = None
- mtime: float | None = None
- headers = Headers()
- if isinstance(path_or_file, (os.PathLike, str)) or hasattr(
- path_or_file, "__fspath__"
- ):
- path_or_file = t.cast(t.Union[os.PathLike, str], path_or_file)
- # Flask will pass app.root_path, allowing its send_file wrapper
- # to not have to deal with paths.
- if _root_path is not None:
- path = os.path.join(_root_path, path_or_file)
- else:
- path = os.path.abspath(path_or_file)
- stat = os.stat(path)
- size = stat.st_size
- mtime = stat.st_mtime
- else:
- file = path_or_file
- if download_name is None and path is not None:
- download_name = os.path.basename(path)
- if mimetype is None:
- if download_name is None:
- raise TypeError(
- "Unable to detect the MIME type because a file name is"
- " not available. Either set 'download_name', pass a"
- " path instead of a file, or set 'mimetype'."
- )
- mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(download_name)
- if mimetype is None:
- mimetype = "application/octet-stream"
- # Don't send encoding for attachments, it causes browsers to
- # save decompress tar.gz files.
- if encoding is not None and not as_attachment:
- headers.set("Content-Encoding", encoding)
- if download_name is not None:
- try:
- download_name.encode("ascii")
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- simple = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", download_name)
- simple = simple.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii")
- # safe = RFC 5987 attr-char
- quoted = quote(download_name, safe="!#$&+-.^_`|~")
- names = {"filename": simple, "filename*": f"UTF-8''{quoted}"}
- else:
- names = {"filename": download_name}
- value = "attachment" if as_attachment else "inline"
- headers.set("Content-Disposition", value, **names)
- elif as_attachment:
- raise TypeError(
- "No name provided for attachment. Either set"
- " 'download_name' or pass a path instead of a file."
- )
- if use_x_sendfile and path is not None:
- headers["X-Sendfile"] = path
- data = None
- else:
- if file is None:
- file = open(path, "rb") # type: ignore
- elif isinstance(file, io.BytesIO):
- size = file.getbuffer().nbytes
- elif isinstance(file, io.TextIOBase):
- raise ValueError("Files must be opened in binary mode or use BytesIO.")
- data = wrap_file(environ, file)
- rv = response_class(
- data, mimetype=mimetype, headers=headers, direct_passthrough=True
- )
- if size is not None:
- rv.content_length = size
- if last_modified is not None:
- rv.last_modified = last_modified # type: ignore
- elif mtime is not None:
- rv.last_modified = mtime # type: ignore
- rv.cache_control.no_cache = True
- # Flask will pass app.get_send_file_max_age, allowing its send_file
- # wrapper to not have to deal with paths.
- if callable(max_age):
- max_age = max_age(path)
- if max_age is not None:
- if max_age > 0:
- rv.cache_control.no_cache = None
- rv.cache_control.public = True
- rv.cache_control.max_age = max_age
- rv.expires = int(time() + max_age) # type: ignore
- if isinstance(etag, str):
- rv.set_etag(etag)
- elif etag and path is not None:
- check = adler32(path.encode("utf-8")) & 0xFFFFFFFF
- rv.set_etag(f"{mtime}-{size}-{check}")
- if conditional:
- try:
- rv = rv.make_conditional(environ, accept_ranges=True, complete_length=size)
- except RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable:
- if file is not None:
- file.close()
- raise
- # Some x-sendfile implementations incorrectly ignore the 304
- # status code and send the file anyway.
- if rv.status_code == 304:
- rv.headers.pop("x-sendfile", None)
- return rv
- def send_from_directory(
- directory: os.PathLike | str,
- path: os.PathLike | str,
- environ: WSGIEnvironment,
- **kwargs: t.Any,
- ) -> Response:
- """Send a file from within a directory using :func:`send_file`.
- This is a secure way to serve files from a folder, such as static
- files or uploads. Uses :func:`~werkzeug.security.safe_join` to
- ensure the path coming from the client is not maliciously crafted to
- point outside the specified directory.
- If the final path does not point to an existing regular file,
- returns a 404 :exc:`~werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound` error.
- :param directory: The directory that ``path`` must be located under. This *must not*
- be a value provided by the client, otherwise it becomes insecure.
- :param path: The path to the file to send, relative to ``directory``. This is the
- part of the path provided by the client, which is checked for security.
- :param environ: The WSGI environ for the current request.
- :param kwargs: Arguments to pass to :func:`send_file`.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- Adapted from Flask's implementation.
- """
- path = safe_join(os.fspath(directory), os.fspath(path))
- if path is None:
- raise NotFound()
- # Flask will pass app.root_path, allowing its send_from_directory
- # wrapper to not have to deal with paths.
- if "_root_path" in kwargs:
- path = os.path.join(kwargs["_root_path"], path)
- if not os.path.isfile(path):
- raise NotFound()
- return send_file(path, environ, **kwargs)
- def import_string(import_name: str, silent: bool = False) -> t.Any:
- """Imports an object based on a string. This is useful if you want to
- use import paths as endpoints or something similar. An import path can
- be specified either in dotted notation (``xml.sax.saxutils.escape``)
- or with a colon as object delimiter (``xml.sax.saxutils:escape``).
- If `silent` is True the return value will be `None` if the import fails.
- :param import_name: the dotted name for the object to import.
- :param silent: if set to `True` import errors are ignored and
- `None` is returned instead.
- :return: imported object
- """
- import_name = import_name.replace(":", ".")
- try:
- try:
- __import__(import_name)
- except ImportError:
- if "." not in import_name:
- raise
- else:
- return sys.modules[import_name]
- module_name, obj_name = import_name.rsplit(".", 1)
- module = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), [obj_name])
- try:
- return getattr(module, obj_name)
- except AttributeError as e:
- raise ImportError(e) from None
- except ImportError as e:
- if not silent:
- raise ImportStringError(import_name, e).with_traceback(
- sys.exc_info()[2]
- ) from None
- return None
- def find_modules(
- import_path: str, include_packages: bool = False, recursive: bool = False
- ) -> t.Iterator[str]:
- """Finds all the modules below a package. This can be useful to
- automatically import all views / controllers so that their metaclasses /
- function decorators have a chance to register themselves on the
- application.
- Packages are not returned unless `include_packages` is `True`. This can
- also recursively list modules but in that case it will import all the
- packages to get the correct load path of that module.
- :param import_path: the dotted name for the package to find child modules.
- :param include_packages: set to `True` if packages should be returned, too.
- :param recursive: set to `True` if recursion should happen.
- :return: generator
- """
- module = import_string(import_path)
- path = getattr(module, "__path__", None)
- if path is None:
- raise ValueError(f"{import_path!r} is not a package")
- basename = f"{module.__name__}."
- for _importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(path):
- modname = basename + modname
- if ispkg:
- if include_packages:
- yield modname
- if recursive:
- yield from find_modules(modname, include_packages, True)
- else:
- yield modname
- class ImportStringError(ImportError):
- """Provides information about a failed :func:`import_string` attempt."""
- #: String in dotted notation that failed to be imported.
- import_name: str
- #: Wrapped exception.
- exception: BaseException
- def __init__(self, import_name: str, exception: BaseException) -> None:
- self.import_name = import_name
- self.exception = exception
- msg = import_name
- name = ""
- tracked = []
- for part in import_name.replace(":", ".").split("."):
- name = f"{name}.{part}" if name else part
- imported = import_string(name, silent=True)
- if imported:
- tracked.append((name, getattr(imported, "__file__", None)))
- else:
- track = [f"- {n!r} found in {i!r}." for n, i in tracked]
- track.append(f"- {name!r} not found.")
- track_str = "\n".join(track)
- msg = (
- f"import_string() failed for {import_name!r}. Possible reasons"
- f" are:\n\n"
- "- missing __init__.py in a package;\n"
- "- package or module path not included in sys.path;\n"
- "- duplicated package or module name taking precedence in"
- " sys.path;\n"
- "- missing module, class, function or variable;\n\n"
- f"Debugged import:\n\n{track_str}\n\n"
- f"Original exception:\n\n{type(exception).__name__}: {exception}"
- )
- break
- super().__init__(msg)
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return f"<{type(self).__name__}({self.import_name!r}, {self.exception!r})>"