/** * @license * Visual Blocks Editor * * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Components for creating connections between blocks. * @author fraser@google.com (Neil Fraser) */ 'use strict'; goog.provide('Blockly.Connection'); goog.require('goog.asserts'); goog.require('goog.dom'); /** * Class for a connection between blocks. * @param {!Blockly.Block} source The block establishing this connection. * @param {number} type The type of the connection. * @constructor */ Blockly.Connection = function(source, type) { /** * @type {!Blockly.Block} * @private */ this.sourceBlock_ = source; /** @type {number} */ this.type = type; // Shortcut for the databases for this connection's workspace. if (source.workspace.connectionDBList) { this.db_ = source.workspace.connectionDBList[type]; this.dbOpposite_ = source.workspace.connectionDBList[Blockly.OPPOSITE_TYPE[type]]; this.hidden_ = !this.db_; } }; /** * Constants for checking whether two connections are compatible. */ Blockly.Connection.CAN_CONNECT = 0; Blockly.Connection.REASON_SELF_CONNECTION = 1; Blockly.Connection.REASON_WRONG_TYPE = 2; Blockly.Connection.REASON_TARGET_NULL = 3; Blockly.Connection.REASON_CHECKS_FAILED = 4; Blockly.Connection.REASON_DIFFERENT_WORKSPACES = 5; Blockly.Connection.REASON_SHADOW_PARENT = 6; /** * Connection this connection connects to. Null if not connected. * @type {Blockly.Connection} */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.targetConnection = null; /** * List of compatible value types. Null if all types are compatible. * @type {Array} * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.check_ = null; /** * DOM representation of a shadow block, or null if none. * @type {Element} * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.shadowDom_ = null; /** * Horizontal location of this connection. * @type {number} * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.x_ = 0; /** * Vertical location of this connection. * @type {number} * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.y_ = 0; /** * Has this connection been added to the connection database? * @type {boolean} * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.inDB_ = false; /** * Connection database for connections of this type on the current workspace. * @type {Blockly.ConnectionDB} * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.db_ = null; /** * Connection database for connections compatible with this type on the * current workspace. * @type {Blockly.ConnectionDB} * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.dbOpposite_ = null; /** * Whether this connections is hidden (not tracked in a database) or not. * @type {boolean} * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.hidden_ = null; /** * Connect two connections together. This is the connection on the superior * block. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} childConnection Connection on inferior block. * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.connect_ = function(childConnection) { var parentConnection = this; var parentBlock = parentConnection.getSourceBlock(); var childBlock = childConnection.getSourceBlock(); // Disconnect any existing parent on the child connection. if (childConnection.isConnected()) { childConnection.disconnect(); } if (parentConnection.isConnected()) { // Other connection is already connected to something. // Disconnect it and reattach it or bump it as needed. var orphanBlock = parentConnection.targetBlock(); var shadowDom = parentConnection.getShadowDom(); // Temporarily set the shadow DOM to null so it does not respawn. parentConnection.setShadowDom(null); // Displaced shadow blocks dissolve rather than reattaching or bumping. if (orphanBlock.isShadow()) { // Save the shadow block so that field values are preserved. shadowDom = Blockly.Xml.blockToDom(orphanBlock); orphanBlock.dispose(); orphanBlock = null; } else if (parentConnection.type == Blockly.INPUT_VALUE) { // Value connections. // If female block is already connected, disconnect and bump the male. if (!orphanBlock.outputConnection) { throw 'Orphan block does not have an output connection.'; } // Attempt to reattach the orphan at the end of the newly inserted // block. Since this block may be a row, walk down to the end // or to the first (and only) shadow block. var connection = Blockly.Connection.lastConnectionInRow_( childBlock, orphanBlock); if (connection) { orphanBlock.outputConnection.connect(connection); orphanBlock = null; } } else if (parentConnection.type == Blockly.NEXT_STATEMENT) { // Statement connections. // Statement blocks may be inserted into the middle of a stack. // Split the stack. if (!orphanBlock.previousConnection) { throw 'Orphan block does not have a previous connection.'; } // Attempt to reattach the orphan at the bottom of the newly inserted // block. Since this block may be a stack, walk down to the end. var newBlock = childBlock; while (newBlock.nextConnection) { var nextBlock = newBlock.getNextBlock(); if (nextBlock && !nextBlock.isShadow()) { newBlock = nextBlock; } else { if (orphanBlock.previousConnection.checkType_( newBlock.nextConnection)) { newBlock.nextConnection.connect(orphanBlock.previousConnection); orphanBlock = null; } break; } } } if (orphanBlock) { // Unable to reattach orphan. parentConnection.disconnect(); if (Blockly.Events.recordUndo) { // Bump it off to the side after a moment. var group = Blockly.Events.getGroup(); setTimeout(function() { // Verify orphan hasn't been deleted or reconnected (user on meth). if (orphanBlock.workspace && !orphanBlock.getParent()) { Blockly.Events.setGroup(group); if (orphanBlock.outputConnection) { orphanBlock.outputConnection.bumpAwayFrom_(parentConnection); } else if (orphanBlock.previousConnection) { orphanBlock.previousConnection.bumpAwayFrom_(parentConnection); } Blockly.Events.setGroup(false); } }, Blockly.BUMP_DELAY); } } // Restore the shadow DOM. parentConnection.setShadowDom(shadowDom); } var event; if (Blockly.Events.isEnabled()) { event = new Blockly.Events.Move(childBlock); } // Establish the connections. Blockly.Connection.connectReciprocally_(parentConnection, childConnection); // Demote the inferior block so that one is a child of the superior one. childBlock.setParent(parentBlock); if (event) { event.recordNew(); Blockly.Events.fire(event); } }; /** * Sever all links to this connection (not including from the source object). */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.dispose = function() { if (this.isConnected()) { throw 'Disconnect connection before disposing of it.'; } if (this.inDB_) { this.db_.removeConnection_(this); } if (Blockly.highlightedConnection_ == this) { Blockly.highlightedConnection_ = null; } if (Blockly.localConnection_ == this) { Blockly.localConnection_ = null; } this.db_ = null; this.dbOpposite_ = null; }; /** * Get the source block for this connection. * @return {Blockly.Block} The source block, or null if there is none. */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.getSourceBlock = function() { return this.sourceBlock_; }; /** * Does the connection belong to a superior block (higher in the source stack)? * @return {boolean} True if connection faces down or right. */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.isSuperior = function() { return this.type == Blockly.INPUT_VALUE || this.type == Blockly.NEXT_STATEMENT; }; /** * Is the connection connected? * @return {boolean} True if connection is connected to another connection. */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.isConnected = function() { return !!this.targetConnection; }; /** * Checks whether the current connection can connect with the target * connection. * @param {Blockly.Connection} target Connection to check compatibility with. * @return {number} Blockly.Connection.CAN_CONNECT if the connection is legal, * an error code otherwise. * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.canConnectWithReason_ = function(target) { if (!target) { return Blockly.Connection.REASON_TARGET_NULL; } if (this.isSuperior()) { var blockA = this.sourceBlock_; var blockB = target.getSourceBlock(); } else { var blockB = this.sourceBlock_; var blockA = target.getSourceBlock(); } if (blockA && blockA == blockB) { return Blockly.Connection.REASON_SELF_CONNECTION; } else if (target.type != Blockly.OPPOSITE_TYPE[this.type]) { return Blockly.Connection.REASON_WRONG_TYPE; } else if (blockA && blockB && blockA.workspace !== blockB.workspace) { return Blockly.Connection.REASON_DIFFERENT_WORKSPACES; } else if (!this.checkType_(target)) { return Blockly.Connection.REASON_CHECKS_FAILED; } else if (blockA.isShadow() && !blockB.isShadow()) { return Blockly.Connection.REASON_SHADOW_PARENT; } return Blockly.Connection.CAN_CONNECT; }; /** * Checks whether the current connection and target connection are compatible * and throws an exception if they are not. * @param {Blockly.Connection} target The connection to check compatibility * with. * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.checkConnection_ = function(target) { switch (this.canConnectWithReason_(target)) { case Blockly.Connection.CAN_CONNECT: break; case Blockly.Connection.REASON_SELF_CONNECTION: throw 'Attempted to connect a block to itself.'; case Blockly.Connection.REASON_DIFFERENT_WORKSPACES: // Usually this means one block has been deleted. throw 'Blocks not on same workspace.'; case Blockly.Connection.REASON_WRONG_TYPE: throw 'Attempt to connect incompatible types.'; case Blockly.Connection.REASON_TARGET_NULL: throw 'Target connection is null.'; case Blockly.Connection.REASON_CHECKS_FAILED: throw 'Connection checks failed.'; case Blockly.Connection.REASON_SHADOW_PARENT: throw 'Connecting non-shadow to shadow block.'; default: throw 'Unknown connection failure: this should never happen!'; } }; /** * Check if the two connections can be dragged to connect to each other. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} candidate A nearby connection to check. * @return {boolean} True if the connection is allowed, false otherwise. */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.isConnectionAllowed = function(candidate) { // Type checking. var canConnect = this.canConnectWithReason_(candidate); if (canConnect != Blockly.Connection.CAN_CONNECT) { return false; } // Don't offer to connect an already connected left (male) value plug to // an available right (female) value plug. Don't offer to connect the // bottom of a statement block to one that's already connected. if (candidate.type == Blockly.OUTPUT_VALUE || candidate.type == Blockly.PREVIOUS_STATEMENT) { if (candidate.isConnected() || this.isConnected()) { return false; } } // Offering to connect the left (male) of a value block to an already // connected value pair is ok, we'll splice it in. // However, don't offer to splice into an immovable block. if (candidate.type == Blockly.INPUT_VALUE && candidate.isConnected() && !candidate.targetBlock().isMovable() && !candidate.targetBlock().isShadow()) { return false; } // Don't let a block with no next connection bump other blocks out of the // stack. But covering up a shadow block or stack of shadow blocks is fine. // Similarly, replacing a terminal statement with another terminal statement // is allowed. if (this.type == Blockly.PREVIOUS_STATEMENT && candidate.isConnected() && !this.sourceBlock_.nextConnection && !candidate.targetBlock().isShadow() && candidate.targetBlock().nextConnection) { return false; } // Don't let blocks try to connect to themselves or ones they nest. if (Blockly.draggingConnections_.indexOf(candidate) != -1) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Connect this connection to another connection. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} otherConnection Connection to connect to. */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.connect = function(otherConnection) { if (this.targetConnection == otherConnection) { // Already connected together. NOP. return; } this.checkConnection_(otherConnection); // Determine which block is superior (higher in the source stack). if (this.isSuperior()) { // Superior block. this.connect_(otherConnection); } else { // Inferior block. otherConnection.connect_(this); } }; /** * Update two connections to target each other. * @param {Blockly.Connection} first The first connection to update. * @param {Blockly.Connection} second The second conneciton to update. * @private */ Blockly.Connection.connectReciprocally_ = function(first, second) { goog.asserts.assert(first && second, 'Cannot connect null connections.'); first.targetConnection = second; second.targetConnection = first; }; /** * Does the given block have one and only one connection point that will accept * an orphaned block? * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The superior block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} orphanBlock The inferior block. * @return {Blockly.Connection} The suitable connection point on 'block', * or null. * @private */ Blockly.Connection.singleConnection_ = function(block, orphanBlock) { var connection = false; for (var i = 0; i < block.inputList.length; i++) { var thisConnection = block.inputList[i].connection; if (thisConnection && thisConnection.type == Blockly.INPUT_VALUE && orphanBlock.outputConnection.checkType_(thisConnection)) { if (connection) { return null; // More than one connection. } connection = thisConnection; } } return connection; }; /** * Walks down a row a blocks, at each stage checking if there are any * connections that will accept the orphaned block. If at any point there * are zero or multiple eligible connections, returns null. Otherwise * returns the only input on the last block in the chain. * Terminates early for shadow blocks. * @param {!Blockly.Block} startBlock The block on which to start the search. * @param {!Blockly.Block} orphanBlock The block that is looking for a home. * @return {Blockly.Connection} The suitable connection point on the chain * of blocks, or null. * @private */ Blockly.Connection.lastConnectionInRow_ = function(startBlock, orphanBlock) { var newBlock = startBlock; var connection; while (connection = Blockly.Connection.singleConnection_( /** @type {!Blockly.Block} */ (newBlock), orphanBlock)) { // '=' is intentional in line above. newBlock = connection.targetBlock(); if (!newBlock || newBlock.isShadow()) { return connection; } } return null; }; /** * Disconnect this connection. */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.disconnect = function() { var otherConnection = this.targetConnection; goog.asserts.assert(otherConnection, 'Source connection not connected.'); goog.asserts.assert(otherConnection.targetConnection == this, 'Target connection not connected to source connection.'); var parentBlock, childBlock, parentConnection; if (this.isSuperior()) { // Superior block. parentBlock = this.sourceBlock_; childBlock = otherConnection.getSourceBlock(); parentConnection = this; } else { // Inferior block. parentBlock = otherConnection.getSourceBlock(); childBlock = this.sourceBlock_; parentConnection = otherConnection; } this.disconnectInternal_(parentBlock, childBlock); parentConnection.respawnShadow_(); }; /** * Disconnect two blocks that are connected by this connection. * @param {!Blockly.Block} parentBlock The superior block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} childBlock The inferior block. * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.disconnectInternal_ = function(parentBlock, childBlock) { var event; if (Blockly.Events.isEnabled()) { event = new Blockly.Events.Move(childBlock); } var otherConnection = this.targetConnection; otherConnection.targetConnection = null; this.targetConnection = null; childBlock.setParent(null); if (event) { event.recordNew(); Blockly.Events.fire(event); } }; /** * Respawn the shadow block if there was one connected to the this connection. * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.respawnShadow_ = function() { var parentBlock = this.getSourceBlock(); var shadow = this.getShadowDom(); if (parentBlock.workspace && shadow && Blockly.Events.recordUndo) { var blockShadow = Blockly.Xml.domToBlock(shadow, parentBlock.workspace); if (blockShadow.outputConnection) { this.connect(blockShadow.outputConnection); } else if (blockShadow.previousConnection) { this.connect(blockShadow.previousConnection); } else { throw 'Child block does not have output or previous statement.'; } } }; /** * Returns the block that this connection connects to. * @return {Blockly.Block} The connected block or null if none is connected. */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.targetBlock = function() { if (this.isConnected()) { return this.targetConnection.getSourceBlock(); } return null; }; /** * Is this connection compatible with another connection with respect to the * value type system. E.g. square_root("Hello") is not compatible. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} otherConnection Connection to compare against. * @return {boolean} True if the connections share a type. * @private */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.checkType_ = function(otherConnection) { if (!this.check_ || !otherConnection.check_) { // One or both sides are promiscuous enough that anything will fit. return true; } // Find any intersection in the check lists. for (var i = 0; i < this.check_.length; i++) { if (otherConnection.check_.indexOf(this.check_[i]) != -1) { return true; } } // No intersection. return false; }; /** * Change a connection's compatibility. * @param {*} check Compatible value type or list of value types. * Null if all types are compatible. * @return {!Blockly.Connection} The connection being modified * (to allow chaining). */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.setCheck = function(check) { if (check) { // Ensure that check is in an array. if (!goog.isArray(check)) { check = [check]; } this.check_ = check; // The new value type may not be compatible with the existing connection. if (this.isConnected() && !this.checkType_(this.targetConnection)) { var child = this.isSuperior() ? this.targetBlock() : this.sourceBlock_; child.unplug(); // Bump away. this.sourceBlock_.bumpNeighbours_(); } } else { this.check_ = null; } return this; }; /** * Change a connection's shadow block. * @param {Element} shadow DOM representation of a block or null. */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.setShadowDom = function(shadow) { this.shadowDom_ = shadow; }; /** * Return a connection's shadow block. * @return {Element} shadow DOM representation of a block or null. */ Blockly.Connection.prototype.getShadowDom = function() { return this.shadowDom_; };