// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview A class which automatically plays through a queue of * animations. AnimationParallelQueue and AnimationSerialQueue provide * specific implementations of the abstract class AnimationQueue. * * @see ../demos/animationqueue.html */ goog.provide('goog.fx.AnimationParallelQueue'); goog.provide('goog.fx.AnimationQueue'); goog.provide('goog.fx.AnimationSerialQueue'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.asserts'); goog.require('goog.events'); goog.require('goog.fx.Animation'); goog.require('goog.fx.Transition'); goog.require('goog.fx.TransitionBase'); /** * Constructor for AnimationQueue object. * * @constructor * @struct * @extends {goog.fx.TransitionBase} */ goog.fx.AnimationQueue = function() { goog.fx.AnimationQueue.base(this, 'constructor'); /** * An array holding all animations in the queue. * @type {Array<goog.fx.TransitionBase>} * @protected */ this.queue = []; }; goog.inherits(goog.fx.AnimationQueue, goog.fx.TransitionBase); /** * Pushes an Animation to the end of the queue. * @param {goog.fx.TransitionBase} animation The animation to add to the queue. */ goog.fx.AnimationQueue.prototype.add = function(animation) { goog.asserts.assert( this.isStopped(), 'Not allowed to add animations to a running animation queue.'); if (goog.array.contains(this.queue, animation)) { return; } this.queue.push(animation); goog.events.listen( animation, goog.fx.Transition.EventType.FINISH, this.onAnimationFinish, false, this); }; /** * Removes an Animation from the queue. * @param {goog.fx.Animation} animation The animation to remove. */ goog.fx.AnimationQueue.prototype.remove = function(animation) { goog.asserts.assert( this.isStopped(), 'Not allowed to remove animations from a running animation queue.'); if (goog.array.remove(this.queue, animation)) { goog.events.unlisten( animation, goog.fx.Transition.EventType.FINISH, this.onAnimationFinish, false, this); } }; /** * Handles the event that an animation has finished. * @param {goog.events.Event} e The finishing event. * @protected */ goog.fx.AnimationQueue.prototype.onAnimationFinish = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Disposes of the animations. * @override */ goog.fx.AnimationQueue.prototype.disposeInternal = function() { goog.array.forEach(this.queue, function(animation) { animation.dispose(); }); this.queue.length = 0; goog.fx.AnimationQueue.base(this, 'disposeInternal'); }; /** * Constructor for AnimationParallelQueue object. * @constructor * @struct * @extends {goog.fx.AnimationQueue} */ goog.fx.AnimationParallelQueue = function() { goog.fx.AnimationParallelQueue.base(this, 'constructor'); /** * Number of finished animations. * @type {number} * @private */ this.finishedCounter_ = 0; }; goog.inherits(goog.fx.AnimationParallelQueue, goog.fx.AnimationQueue); /** @override */ goog.fx.AnimationParallelQueue.prototype.play = function(opt_restart) { if (this.queue.length == 0) { return false; } if (opt_restart || this.isStopped()) { this.finishedCounter_ = 0; this.onBegin(); } else if (this.isPlaying()) { return false; } this.onPlay(); if (this.isPaused()) { this.onResume(); } var resuming = this.isPaused() && !opt_restart; this.startTime = goog.now(); this.endTime = null; this.setStatePlaying(); goog.array.forEach(this.queue, function(anim) { if (!resuming || anim.isPaused()) { anim.play(opt_restart); } }); return true; }; /** @override */ goog.fx.AnimationParallelQueue.prototype.pause = function() { if (this.isPlaying()) { goog.array.forEach(this.queue, function(anim) { if (anim.isPlaying()) { anim.pause(); } }); this.setStatePaused(); this.onPause(); } }; /** @override */ goog.fx.AnimationParallelQueue.prototype.stop = function(opt_gotoEnd) { goog.array.forEach(this.queue, function(anim) { if (!anim.isStopped()) { anim.stop(opt_gotoEnd); } }); this.setStateStopped(); this.endTime = goog.now(); this.onStop(); this.onEnd(); }; /** @override */ goog.fx.AnimationParallelQueue.prototype.onAnimationFinish = function(e) { this.finishedCounter_++; if (this.finishedCounter_ == this.queue.length) { this.endTime = goog.now(); this.setStateStopped(); this.onFinish(); this.onEnd(); } }; /** * Constructor for AnimationSerialQueue object. * @constructor * @struct * @extends {goog.fx.AnimationQueue} */ goog.fx.AnimationSerialQueue = function() { goog.fx.AnimationSerialQueue.base(this, 'constructor'); /** * Current animation in queue currently active. * @type {number} * @private */ this.current_ = 0; }; goog.inherits(goog.fx.AnimationSerialQueue, goog.fx.AnimationQueue); /** @override */ goog.fx.AnimationSerialQueue.prototype.play = function(opt_restart) { if (this.queue.length == 0) { return false; } if (opt_restart || this.isStopped()) { if (this.current_ < this.queue.length && !this.queue[this.current_].isStopped()) { this.queue[this.current_].stop(false); } this.current_ = 0; this.onBegin(); } else if (this.isPlaying()) { return false; } this.onPlay(); if (this.isPaused()) { this.onResume(); } this.startTime = goog.now(); this.endTime = null; this.setStatePlaying(); this.queue[this.current_].play(opt_restart); return true; }; /** @override */ goog.fx.AnimationSerialQueue.prototype.pause = function() { if (this.isPlaying()) { this.queue[this.current_].pause(); this.setStatePaused(); this.onPause(); } }; /** @override */ goog.fx.AnimationSerialQueue.prototype.stop = function(opt_gotoEnd) { this.setStateStopped(); this.endTime = goog.now(); if (opt_gotoEnd) { for (var i = this.current_; i < this.queue.length; ++i) { var anim = this.queue[i]; // If the animation is stopped, start it to initiate rendering. This // might be needed to make the next line work. if (anim.isStopped()) anim.play(); // If the animation is not done, stop it and go to the end state of the // animation. if (!anim.isStopped()) anim.stop(true); } } else if (this.current_ < this.queue.length) { this.queue[this.current_].stop(false); } this.onStop(); this.onEnd(); }; /** @override */ goog.fx.AnimationSerialQueue.prototype.onAnimationFinish = function(e) { if (this.isPlaying()) { this.current_++; if (this.current_ < this.queue.length) { this.queue[this.current_].play(); } else { this.endTime = goog.now(); this.setStateStopped(); this.onFinish(); this.onEnd(); } } };