/** * @license Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /** * @fileoverview Arduino code generator for the Servo library blocks. * The Arduino Servo library docs: http://arduino.cc/en/reference/servo * * TODO: If angle selector added to blocks edit code here. */ 'use strict'; goog.provide('Blockly.Python.servo'); goog.require('Blockly.Python'); /** * Code generator to setup a servo. * Arduino code: #include <Servo.h> * Servo myServoX; * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block to generate the code from. * @return {string} Completed code. */ Blockly.Python['servo_setup'] = function(block) { //var pinKey = block.getFieldValue('SERVO_PIN'); //var servoName = 'myServo' + pinKey; Blockly.Python.addInclude('servo', '#include <Servo.h>'); //Blockly.Python.addDeclaration('servo_' + pinKey, 'Servo ' + servoName + ';'); var code = ''; return code; }; /** * Code generator to set an angle (Y) value to a servo pin (X). * Arduino code: #include <Servo.h> * Servo myServoX; * setup { myServoX.attach(X); } * loop { myServoX.write(Y); } * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block to generate the code from. * @return {string} Completed code. */ Blockly.Python['servo_write'] = function(block) { var pinKey = block.getFieldValue('SERVO_PIN'); var servoAngle = Blockly.Python.valueToCode( block, 'SERVO_ANGLE', Blockly.Python.ORDER_ATOMIC) || '90'; var servoName = 'myServo' + pinKey; Blockly.Python.reservePin( block, pinKey, Blockly.Python.PinTypes.SERVO, 'Servo Write'); Blockly.Python.addDeclaration('servo_' + pinKey, 'Servo ' + servoName + ';'); var setupCode = servoName + '.attach(' + pinKey + ');'; Blockly.Python.addSetup('servo_' + pinKey, setupCode, true); var code = servoName + '.write(' + servoAngle + ')\n'; return code; }; /** * Code generator to read an angle value from a servo pin (X). * Arduino code: #include <Servo.h> * Servo myServoX; * setup { myServoX.attach(X); } * loop { myServoX.read(); } * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block to generate the code from. * @return {array} Completed code with order of operation. */ Blockly.Python['servo_read'] = function(block) { var pinKey = block.getFieldValue('SERVO_PIN'); var servoName = 'myServo' + pinKey; Blockly.Python.reservePin( block, pinKey, Blockly.Python.PinTypes.SERVO, 'Servo Read'); Blockly.Python.addDeclaration('servo_' + pinKey, 'Servo ' + servoName + ';'); var setupCode = servoName + '.attach(' + pinKey + ');'; Blockly.Python.addSetup('servo_' + pinKey, setupCode, true); var code = servoName + '.read()'; return [code, Blockly.Python.ORDER_ATOMIC]; }; Blockly.Python['robot_setup'] = function(block) { var YR_pin = block.getFieldValue('YR_PIN'); var YL_pin = block.getFieldValue('YL_PIN'); var RR_pin = block.getFieldValue('RR_PIN'); var RL_pin = block.getFieldValue('RL_PIN'); Blockly.Python.reservePin( block, YR_pin, Blockly.Python.PinTypes.OUTPUT, 'YR_pin'); Blockly.Python.reservePin( block, YL_pin, Blockly.Python.PinTypes.OUTPUT, 'YL_pin'); Blockly.Python.reservePin( block, RR_pin, Blockly.Python.PinTypes.OUTPUT, 'RR_pin'); Blockly.Python.reservePin( block, RL_pin, Blockly.Python.PinTypes.OUTPUT, 'RL_pin'); Blockly.Python.addInclude('servo', '#include <Servo.h>'); Blockly.Python.addInclude('oscillator', '#include <Oscillator.h>'); Blockly.Python.addInclude('EEPROM', '#include <EEPROM.h>'); Blockly.Python.addInclude('SERVO_QUANT_AMOUNTS', '#define N_SERVOS 4'); Blockly.Python.addInclude('EEPROM_TRIM', '#define EEPROM_TRIM false'); Blockly.Python.addInclude('SERVO_TRIMRR', '#define TRIM_RR 7'); Blockly.Python.addInclude('SERVO_TRIMRL', '#define TRIM_RL 4'); Blockly.Python.addInclude('SERVO_TRIMYR', '#define TRIM_YR 4'); Blockly.Python.addInclude('SERVO_TRIMYL', '#define TRIM_YL 7\n'); var robot_def = '#define PIN_YR ' + YR_pin + '\n' + '#define PIN_YL ' + YL_pin + '\n' + '#define PIN_RR ' + RR_pin + '\n' + '#define PIN_RL ' + RL_pin + '\n' + '#define INTERVALTIME 10.0\n\n' + 'Oscillator servo[N_SERVOS]\n\n' + 'void goingUp(int tempo)\n' + 'void drunk (int tempo)\n' + 'void noGravity(int tempo)\n' + 'void kickLeft(int tempo)\n' + 'void kickRight(int tempo)\n' + 'void run(int steps, int T = 500)\n' + 'void walk(int steps, int T = 1000)\n' + 'void backyard(int steps, int T = 3000)\n' + 'void backyardSlow(int steps, int T = 5000)\n' + 'void turnLeft(int steps, int T = 3000)\n' + 'void turnRight(int steps, int T = 3000)\n' + 'void moonWalkLeft(int steps, int T = 1000)\n' + 'void moonWalkRight(int steps, int T = 1000)\n' + 'void crusaito(int steps, int T = 1000)\n' + 'void swing(int steps, int T = 1000)\n' + 'void upDown(int steps, int T = 1000)\n' + 'void flapping(int steps, int T = 1000)\n'; Blockly.Python.addDeclaration('robot_def', robot_def); var servo_setup = 'servo[0].attach(PIN_RR)\n' + ' servo[1].attach(PIN_RL)\n' + ' servo[2].attach(PIN_YR)\n' + ' servo[3].attach(PIN_YL);'; var trim_setup = 'int trim;'; var eeprom_setup = 'if (EEPROM_TRIM) {\n' + ' for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {\n' + ' trim = EEPROM.read(x)\n' + ' if (trim > 128)trim = trim - 256\n' + ' Serial.print("TRIM ")\n' + ' Serial.print(x)\n' + ' Serial.print(" en ")\n' + ' Serial.println(trim)\n' + ' servo[x].SetTrim(trim)\n }\n }\n' + ' else {\n' + ' servo[0].SetTrim(TRIM_RR)\n' + ' servo[1].SetTrim(TRIM_RL)\n' + ' servo[2].SetTrim(TRIM_YR)\n' + ' servo[3].SetTrim(TRIM_YL)\n }'; Blockly.Python.addSetup('servo_setup', servo_setup); Blockly.Python.addSetup('trim_setup', trim_setup); Blockly.Python.addSetup('eeprom_setup', eeprom_setup); var dance = 'void dance() {' + '\n for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {' + '\n servo[i].SetPosition(90)\n }' + '\n primera_parte();' + '\n segunda_parte();' + '\n moonWalkLeft(4, t * 2);' + '\n moonWalkRight(4, t * 2);' + '\n moonWalkLeft(4, t * 2);' + '\n moonWalkRight(4, t * 2);' + '\n primera_parte();' + '\n crusaito(1, t * 8);' + '\n crusaito(1, t * 7);' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {' + '\n flapping(1, t / 4);' + '\n delay(3 * t / 4)\n }' + '\n moonWalkRight(4, t * 2);' + '\n moonWalkLeft(4, t * 2);' + '\n moonWalkRight(4, t * 2);' + '\n moonWalkLeft(4, t * 2);' + '\n drunk(t * 4);' + '\n drunk(t * 4);' + '\n kickLeft(t);' + '\n kickRight(t);' + '\n delay(t * 4);' + '\n drunk(t / 2);' + '\n delay(t * 4);' + '\n walk(2, t * 2);' + '\n backyard(2, t * 2);' + '\n goingUp(t * 2);' + '\n goingUp(t * 1);' + '\n noGravity(t * 2);' + '\n crusaito(1, t * 2);' + '\n crusaito(1, t * 8);' + '\n crusaito(1, t * 2);' + '\n crusaito(1, t * 8);' + '\n crusaito(1, t * 2);' + '\n crusaito(1, t * 3);' + '\n delay(t);' + '\n primera_parte();' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {' + '\n flapping(1, t / 2);' + '\n delay(t / 2)\n }' + '\n for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {' + '\n servo[i].SetPosition(90)\n }\n}\n'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('dance', dance); var oscillate = 'void oscillate(int A[N_SERVOS], int O[N_SERVOS], int T, double phase_diff[N_SERVOS]) {' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {' + '\n servo[i].SetO(O[i]);' + '\n servo[i].SetA(A[i]);' + '\n servo[i].SetT(T);' + '\n servo[i].SetPh(phase_diff[i])\n }' + '\n double ref = millis();' + '\n for (double x = ref; x < T + ref; x = millis()) {' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {' + '\n servo[i].refresh();' + '\n }' + '\n }\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('oscillate', oscillate); var moveNServos = 'unsigned long final_time;' + '\nunsigned long interval_time;' + '\nint oneTime;' + '\nint iteration;' + '\nfloat increment[N_SERVOS];' + '\nint oldPosition[] = {90, 90, 90, 90}\n\n' + 'void moveNServos(int time, int newPosition[]) {' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) increment[i] = ((newPosition[i]) - oldPosition[i]) / (time / INTERVALTIME);' + '\n final_time = millis() + time;' + '\n iteration = 1;' + '\n while (millis() < final_time) { //Javi del futuro cambia esto' + '\n interval_time = millis() + INTERVALTIME;' + '\n oneTime = 0;' + '\n while (millis() < interval_time) {' + '\n if (oneTime < 1) {' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {' + '\n servo[i].SetPosition(oldPosition[i] + (iteration * increment[i]));' + '\n }' + '\n iteration++;' + '\n oneTime++;' + '\n }' + '\n }' + '\n }' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {' + '\n oldPosition[i] = newPosition[i];' + '\n }\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('moveNServos', moveNServos); var goingUp = 'void goingUp(int tempo) {' + '\n pause = millis();' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) servo[i].SetPosition(90);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(80);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(100);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(70);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(110);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(60);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(120);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(50);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(130);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(40);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(140);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(30);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(150);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(20);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(160);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n while (millis() < pause + 8 * t)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('goingUp', goingUp); var primera_parte = 'void primera_parte() {' + '\n int move1[4] = {60, 120, 90, 90};' + '\n int move2[4] = {90, 90, 90, 90};' + '\n int move3[4] = {40, 140, 90, 90};' + '\n for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {' + '\n lateral_fuerte(1, t / 2);' + '\n lateral_fuerte(0, t / 4);' + '\n lateral_fuerte(1, t / 4);' + '\n delay(t)\n }' + '\n pause = millis();' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) servo[i].SetPosition(90);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.4, move1);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.4, move2);' + '\n while (millis() < (pause + t * 2))\n }' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {' + '\n lateral_fuerte(1, t / 2);' + '\n lateral_fuerte(0, t / 4);' + '\n lateral_fuerte(1, t / 4);' + '\n delay(t)\n }' + '\n pause = millis();' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) servo[i].SetPosition(90);' + '\n crusaito(1, t * 1.4);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 1, move3);' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) servo[i].SetPosition(90);' + '\n while (millis() < (pause + t * 4))\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('primera_parte', primera_parte); var segunda_parte = 'void segunda_parte() {' + '\n int move1[4] = {90, 90, 80, 100};' + '\n int move2[4] = {90, 90, 100, 80};' + '\n int move3[4] = {90, 90, 80, 100};' + '\n int move4[4] = {90, 90, 100, 80};' + '\n int move5[4] = {40, 140, 80, 100};' + '\n int move6[4] = {40, 140, 100, 80};' + '\n int move7[4] = {90, 90, 80, 100};' + '\n int move8[4] = {90, 90, 100, 80};' + '\n int move9[4] = {40, 140, 80, 100};' + '\n int move10[4] = {40, 140, 100, 80};' + '\n int move11[4] = {90, 90, 80, 100};' + '\n int move12[4] = {90, 90, 100, 80};' + '\n for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) {' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {' + '\n pause = millis();' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move1);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move2);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move3);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move4);' + '\n while (millis() < (pause + t))\n }' + '\n pause = millis();' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move5);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move6);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move7);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move8);' + '\n while (millis() < (pause + t))\n }' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {' + '\n pause = millis();' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move9);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move10);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move11);' + '\n moveNServos(t * 0.15, move12);' + '\n while (millis() < (pause + t));' + '\n }\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('segunda_parte', segunda_parte); var lateral_fuerte = 'void lateral_fuerte(boolean side, int tempo) {' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) servo[i].SetPosition(90);' + '\n if (side) servo[0].SetPosition(40);' + '\n else servo[1].SetPosition(140);' + '\n delay(tempo / 2);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(90);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(90);' + '\n delay(tempo / 2)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('lateral_fuerte', lateral_fuerte); var drunk = 'void drunk (int tempo) {' + '\n pause = millis();' + '\n int move1[] = {60, 70, 90, 90};' + '\n int move2[] = {110, 120, 90, 90};' + '\n int move3[] = {60, 70, 90, 90};' + '\n int move4[] = {110, 120, 90, 90};' + '\n moveNServos(tempo * 0.235, move1);' + '\n moveNServos(tempo * 0.235, move2);' + '\n moveNServos(tempo * 0.235, move3);' + '\n moveNServos(tempo * 0.235, move4);' + '\n while (millis() < (pause + tempo))\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('drunk', drunk); var noGravity = 'void noGravity(int tempo) {' + '\n int move1[4] = {120, 140, 90, 90};' + '\n int move2[4] = {140, 140, 90, 90};' + '\n int move3[4] = {120, 140, 90, 90};' + '\n int move4[4] = {90, 90, 90, 90};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) servo[i].SetPosition(90);' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) oldPosition[i] = 90;' + '\n moveNServos(tempo * 2, move1);' + '\n moveNServos(tempo * 2, move2);' + '\n delay(tempo * 2);' + '\n moveNServos(tempo * 2, move3);' + '\n moveNServos(tempo * 2, move4)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('noGravity', noGravity); var kickLeft = 'void kickLeft(int tempo) {' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) servo[i].SetPosition(90);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(50);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(70);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(80);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(70);' + '\n delay(tempo / 4);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(30);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(70);' + '\n delay(tempo / 4);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(80);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(70);' + '\n delay(tempo / 4);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(30);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(70);' + '\n delay(tempo / 4);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(80);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(70);' + '\n delay(tempo)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('kickLeft', kickLeft); var kickRight = 'void kickRight(int tempo) {' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) servo[i].SetPosition(90);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(110);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(130);' + '\n delay(tempo);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(110);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(100);' + '\n delay(tempo / 4);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(110);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(150);' + '\n delay(tempo / 4);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(110);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(80);' + '\n delay(tempo / 4);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(110);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(150);' + '\n delay(tempo / 4);' + '\n servo[0].SetPosition(110);' + '\n servo[1].SetPosition(100);' + '\n delay(tempo)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('kickRight', kickRight); var walk = 'void walk(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {15, 15, 30, 30};' + '\n int O[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('walk', walk); var run = 'void run(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {10, 10, 10, 10};' + '\n int O[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('run', run); var backyard = 'void backyard(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {15, 15, 30, 30};' + '\n int O[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(-90), DEG2RAD(-90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('backyard', backyard); var backyardSlow = 'void backyardSlow(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {15, 15, 30, 30};' + '\n int O[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(-90), DEG2RAD(-90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('backyardSlow', backyardSlow); var turnLeft = 'void turnLeft(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {20, 20, 10, 30};' + '\n int O[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('turnLeft', turnLeft); var turnRight = 'void turnRight(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {20, 20, 30, 10};' + '\n int O[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('turnRight', turnRight); var moonWalkRight = 'void moonWalkRight(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {25, 25, 0, 0};' + '\n int O[4] = { -15 , 15, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(180 + 120), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('turnRight', turnRight); var moonWalkLeft = 'void moonWalkLeft(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {25, 25, 0, 0};' + '\n int O[4] = { -15, 15, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(180 - 120), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('turnRight', turnRight); var crusaito = 'void crusaito(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {25, 25, 30, 30};' + '\n int O[4] = { - 15, 15, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(180 + 120), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('crusaito', crusaito); var swing = 'void swing(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {25, 25, 0, 0};' + '\n int O[4] = { -15, 15, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('swing', swing); var upDown = 'void upDown(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {25, 25, 0, 0};' + '\n int O[4] = { -15, 15, 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(180), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(270), DEG2RAD(270)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('upDown', upDown); var flapping = 'void flapping(int steps, int T) {' + '\n int A[4] = {15, 15, 8, 8};' + '\n int O[4] = { -A[0], A[1], 0, 0};' + '\n double phase_diff[4] = {DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(180), DEG2RAD(90), DEG2RAD(-90)};' + '\n for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)oscillate(A, O, T, phase_diff)\n}'; Blockly.Python.addFunction('flapping', flapping); } Blockly.Python['robot_set_movement'] = function(block) { var value_movement = Blockly.Python.valueToCode(block, 'MOVEMENT', Blockly.Python.ORDER_ATOMIC); var value_tempo = Blockly.Python.valueToCode(block, 'TEMPO', Blockly.Python.ORDER_ATOMIC); var robot_setmovement_def = 'int t = ' + value_tempo + '\n' + 'double pause = 0\n'; Blockly.Python.addDeclaration('robot_setmovement_def', robot_setmovement_def); var steps = ""; switch (value_movement) { case "goingUp": case "drunk": case "kickLeft": case "kickRight": steps = '('; break; default: steps = '(1, '; break; } var code = value_movement + steps + ' 2*t)\n'; return code; }; Blockly.Python['robot_movement'] = function(block) { var dropdown_movement = block.getFieldValue('MOVEMENT'); var code = dropdown_movement; return [code, Blockly.Python.ORDER_ATOMIC]; }; Blockly.Python['robot_tempo'] = function(block) { var number_tempo = block.getFieldValue('TEMPO'); var code = number_tempo; return [code, Blockly.Python.ORDER_ATOMIC]; };