// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview This file defines a factory that can be used to mock and
* replace an entire class. This allows for mocks to be used effectively with
* "new" instead of having to inject all instances. Essentially, a given class
* is replaced with a proxy to either a loose or strict mock. Proxies locate
* the appropriate mock based on constructor arguments.
* The usage is:
* Create a mock with one of the provided methods with a specifc set of
* constructor arguments
* Set expectations by calling methods on the mock object
* Call $replay() on the mock object
* Instantiate the object as normal
* Call $verify() to make sure that expectations were met
* Call reset on the factory to revert all classes back to their original
* state
* For examples, please see the unit test.
* A record that represents all the data associated with a mock replacement of
* a given class.
* @param {Object} namespace The namespace in which the mocked class resides.
* @param {string} className The name of the class within the namespace.
* @param {Function} originalClass The original class implementation before it
* was replaced by a proxy.
* @param {Function} proxy The proxy that replaced the original class.
* @constructor
* @final
goog.testing.MockClassRecord = function(
namespace, className, originalClass, proxy) {
* A standard closure namespace (e.g. goog.foo.bar) that contains the mock
* class referenced by this MockClassRecord.
* @type {Object}
* @private
this.namespace_ = namespace;
* The name of the class within the provided namespace.
* @type {string}
* @private
this.className_ = className;
* The original class implementation.
* @type {Function}
* @private
this.originalClass_ = originalClass;
* The proxy being used as a replacement for the original class.
* @type {Function}
* @private
this.proxy_ = proxy;
* A mocks that will be constructed by their argument list. The entries are
* objects with the format {'args': args, 'mock': mock}.
* @type {Array}
* @private
this.instancesByArgs_ = [];
* A mock associated with the static functions for a given class.
* @type {goog.testing.StrictMock|goog.testing.LooseMock|null}
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.staticMock_ = null;
* A getter for this record's namespace.
* @return {Object} The namespace.
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.getNamespace = function() {
return this.namespace_;
* A getter for this record's class name.
* @return {string} The name of the class referenced by this record.
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return this.className_;
* A getter for the original class.
* @return {Function} The original class implementation before mocking.
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.getOriginalClass = function() {
return this.originalClass_;
* A getter for the proxy being used as a replacement for the original class.
* @return {Function} The proxy.
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.getProxy = function() {
return this.proxy_;
* A getter for the static mock.
* @return {goog.testing.StrictMock|goog.testing.LooseMock|null} The static
* mock associated with this record.
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.getStaticMock = function() {
return this.staticMock_;
* A setter for the static mock.
* @param {goog.testing.StrictMock|goog.testing.LooseMock} staticMock A mock to
* associate with the static functions for the referenced class.
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.setStaticMock = function(staticMock) {
this.staticMock_ = staticMock;
* Adds a new mock instance mapping. The mapping connects a set of function
* arguments to a specific mock instance.
* @param {Array>} args An array of function arguments.
* @param {goog.testing.StrictMock|goog.testing.LooseMock} mock A mock
* associated with the supplied arguments.
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.addMockInstance = function(args, mock) {
this.instancesByArgs_.push({args: args, mock: mock});
* Finds the mock corresponding to a given argument set. Throws an error if
* there is no appropriate match found.
* @param {Array>} args An array of function arguments.
* @return {goog.testing.StrictMock|goog.testing.LooseMock|null} The mock
* corresponding to a given argument set.
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.findMockInstance = function(args) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.instancesByArgs_.length; i++) {
var instanceArgs = this.instancesByArgs_[i].args;
if (goog.testing.mockmatchers.flexibleArrayMatcher(instanceArgs, args)) {
return this.instancesByArgs_[i].mock;
return null;
* Resets this record by reverting all the mocked classes back to the original
* implementation and clearing out the mock instance list.
goog.testing.MockClassRecord.prototype.reset = function() {
this.namespace_[this.className_] = this.originalClass_;
this.instancesByArgs_ = [];
* A factory used to create new mock class instances. It is able to generate
* both static and loose mocks. The MockClassFactory is a singleton since it
* tracks the classes that have been mocked internally.
* @constructor
* @final
goog.testing.MockClassFactory = function() {
if (goog.testing.MockClassFactory.instance_) {
return goog.testing.MockClassFactory.instance_;
* A map from class name -> goog.testing.MockClassRecord.
* @type {Object}
* @private
this.mockClassRecords_ = {};
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.instance_ = this;
* A singleton instance of the MockClassFactory.
* @type {goog.testing.MockClassFactory?}
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.instance_ = null;
* The names of the fields that are defined on Object.prototype.
* @type {Array}
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_ = [
'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable',
'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf'
* Iterates through a namespace to find the name of a given class. This is done
* solely to support compilation since string identifiers would break down.
* Tests usually aren't compiled, but the functionality is supported.
* @param {Object} namespace A javascript namespace (e.g. goog.testing).
* @param {Function} classToMock The class whose name should be returned.
* @return {string} The name of the class.
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.getClassName_ = function(
namespace, classToMock) {
var namespaces;
if (namespace === goog.global) {
namespaces = goog.testing.TestCase.getGlobals();
} else {
namespaces = [namespace];
for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
for (var prop in namespaces[i]) {
if (namespaces[i][prop] === classToMock) {
return prop;
throw Error('Class is not a part of the given namespace');
* Returns whether or not a given class has been mocked.
* @param {string} className The name of the class.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the given class name has a MockClassRecord.
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.classHasMock_ = function(className) {
return !!this.mockClassRecords_[className];
* Returns a proxy constructor closure. Since this is a constructor, "this"
* refers to the local scope of the constructed object thus bind cannot be
* used.
* @param {string} className The name of the class.
* @param {Function} mockFinder A bound function that returns the mock
* associated with a class given the constructor's argument list.
* @return {!Function} A proxy constructor.
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.getProxyCtor_ = function(
className, mockFinder) {
return function() {
this.$mock_ = mockFinder(className, arguments);
if (!this.$mock_) {
// The "arguments" variable is not a proper Array so it must be converted.
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
throw Error(
'No mock found for ' + className + ' with arguments ' +
args.join(', '));
* Returns a proxy function for a mock class instance. This function cannot
* be used with bind since "this" must refer to the scope of the proxy
* constructor.
* @param {string} fnName The name of the function that should be proxied.
* @return {!Function} A proxy function.
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.getProxyFunction_ = function(fnName) {
return function() {
return this.$mock_[fnName].apply(this.$mock_, arguments);
* Find a mock instance for a given class name and argument list.
* @param {string} className The name of the class.
* @param {Array>} args The argument list to match.
* @return {goog.testing.StrictMock|goog.testing.LooseMock} The mock found for
* the given argument list.
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.findMockInstance_ = function(
className, args) {
return this.mockClassRecords_[className].findMockInstance(args);
* Create a proxy class. A proxy will pass functions to the mock for a class.
* The proxy class only covers prototype methods. A static mock is not build
* simultaneously since it might be strict or loose. The proxy class inherits
* from the target class in order to preserve instanceof checks.
* @param {Object} namespace A javascript namespace (e.g. goog.testing).
* @param {Function} classToMock The class that will be proxied.
* @param {string} className The name of the class.
* @return {!Function} The proxy for provided class.
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.createProxy_ = function(
namespace, classToMock, className) {
var proxy =
this.getProxyCtor_(className, goog.bind(this.findMockInstance_, this));
var protoToProxy = classToMock.prototype;
// Preserve base() call in mocked class
var classToMockBase = classToMock.base;
goog.inherits(proxy, classToMock);
proxy.base = classToMockBase;
for (var prop in protoToProxy) {
if (goog.isFunction(protoToProxy[prop])) {
proxy.prototype[prop] = this.getProxyFunction_(prop);
// For IE the for-in-loop does not contain any properties that are not
// enumerable on the prototype object (for example isPrototypeOf from
// Object.prototype) and it will also not include 'replace' on objects that
// extend String and change 'replace' (not that it is common for anyone to
// extend anything except Object).
// TODO (arv): Implement goog.object.getIterator and replace this loop.
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_, function(field) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(protoToProxy, field)) {
proxy.prototype[field] = this.getProxyFunction_(field);
}, this);
this.mockClassRecords_[className] = new goog.testing.MockClassRecord(
namespace, className, classToMock, proxy);
namespace[className] = proxy;
return proxy;
* Gets either a loose or strict mock for a given class based on a set of
* arguments.
* @param {Object} namespace A javascript namespace (e.g. goog.testing).
* @param {Function} classToMock The class that will be mocked.
* @param {boolean} isStrict Whether or not the mock should be strict.
* @param {IArrayLike>} ctorArgs The arguments associated with this
* instance's constructor.
* @return {!goog.testing.StrictMock|!goog.testing.LooseMock} The mock created
* for the provided class.
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.getMockClass_ = function(
namespace, classToMock, isStrict, ctorArgs) {
var className = this.getClassName_(namespace, classToMock);
// The namespace and classToMock variables should be removed from the
// passed in argument stack.
ctorArgs = goog.array.slice(ctorArgs, 2);
if (goog.isFunction(classToMock)) {
var mock = isStrict ? new goog.testing.StrictMock(classToMock) :
new goog.testing.LooseMock(classToMock);
if (!this.classHasMock_(className)) {
this.createProxy_(namespace, classToMock, className);
} else {
var instance = this.findMockInstance_(className, ctorArgs);
if (instance) {
throw Error(
'Mock instance already created for ' + className +
' with arguments ' + ctorArgs.join(', '));
this.mockClassRecords_[className].addMockInstance(ctorArgs, mock);
return mock;
} else {
throw Error(
'Cannot create a mock class for ' + className + ' of type ' +
typeof classToMock);
* Gets a strict mock for a given class.
* @param {Object} namespace A javascript namespace (e.g. goog.testing).
* @param {Function} classToMock The class that will be mocked.
* @param {...*} var_args The arguments associated with this instance's
* constructor.
* @return {!goog.testing.StrictMock} The mock created for the provided class.
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.getStrictMockClass = function(
namespace, classToMock, var_args) {
return /** @type {!goog.testing.StrictMock} */ (
this.getMockClass_(namespace, classToMock, true, arguments));
* Gets a loose mock for a given class.
* @param {Object} namespace A javascript namespace (e.g. goog.testing).
* @param {Function} classToMock The class that will be mocked.
* @param {...*} var_args The arguments associated with this instance's
* constructor.
* @return {goog.testing.LooseMock} The mock created for the provided class.
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.getLooseMockClass = function(
namespace, classToMock, var_args) {
return /** @type {goog.testing.LooseMock} */ (
this.getMockClass_(namespace, classToMock, false, arguments));
* Creates either a loose or strict mock for the static functions of a given
* class.
* @param {Function} classToMock The class whose static functions will be
* mocked. This should be the original class and not the proxy.
* @param {string} className The name of the class.
* @param {Function} proxy The proxy that will replace the original class.
* @param {boolean} isStrict Whether or not the mock should be strict.
* @return {!goog.testing.StrictMock|!goog.testing.LooseMock} The mock created
* for the static functions of the provided class.
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.createStaticMock_ = function(
classToMock, className, proxy, isStrict) {
var mock = isStrict ? new goog.testing.StrictMock(classToMock, true) :
new goog.testing.LooseMock(classToMock, false, true);
for (var prop in classToMock) {
if (goog.isFunction(classToMock[prop])) {
proxy[prop] = goog.bind(mock.$mockMethod, mock, prop);
} else if (classToMock[prop] !== classToMock.prototype) {
proxy[prop] = classToMock[prop];
return mock;
* Gets either a loose or strict mock for the static functions of a given class.
* @param {Object} namespace A javascript namespace (e.g. goog.testing).
* @param {Function} classToMock The class whose static functions will be
* mocked. This should be the original class and not the proxy.
* @param {boolean} isStrict Whether or not the mock should be strict.
* @return {goog.testing.StrictMock|goog.testing.LooseMock} The mock created
* for the static functions of the provided class.
* @private
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.getStaticMock_ = function(
namespace, classToMock, isStrict) {
var className = this.getClassName_(namespace, classToMock);
if (goog.isFunction(classToMock)) {
if (!this.classHasMock_(className)) {
var proxy = this.createProxy_(namespace, classToMock, className);
var mock =
this.createStaticMock_(classToMock, className, proxy, isStrict);
return mock;
if (!this.mockClassRecords_[className].getStaticMock()) {
var proxy = this.mockClassRecords_[className].getProxy();
var originalClass = this.mockClassRecords_[className].getOriginalClass();
var mock =
this.createStaticMock_(originalClass, className, proxy, isStrict);
return mock;
} else {
var mock = this.mockClassRecords_[className].getStaticMock();
var mockIsStrict = mock instanceof goog.testing.StrictMock;
if (mockIsStrict != isStrict) {
var mockType =
mock instanceof goog.testing.StrictMock ? 'strict' : 'loose';
var requestedType = isStrict ? 'strict' : 'loose';
throw Error(
'Requested a ' + requestedType + ' static mock, but a ' + mockType +
' mock already exists.');
return mock;
} else {
throw Error(
'Cannot create a mock for the static functions of ' + className +
' of type ' + typeof classToMock);
* Gets a strict mock for the static functions of a given class.
* @param {Object} namespace A javascript namespace (e.g. goog.testing).
* @param {Function} classToMock The class whose static functions will be
* mocked. This should be the original class and not the proxy.
* @return {goog.testing.StrictMock} The mock created for the static functions
* of the provided class.
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.getStrictStaticMock = function(
namespace, classToMock) {
return /** @type {goog.testing.StrictMock} */ (
this.getStaticMock_(namespace, classToMock, true));
* Gets a loose mock for the static functions of a given class.
* @param {Object} namespace A javascript namespace (e.g. goog.testing).
* @param {Function} classToMock The class whose static functions will be
* mocked. This should be the original class and not the proxy.
* @return {goog.testing.LooseMock} The mock created for the static functions
* of the provided class.
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.getLooseStaticMock = function(
namespace, classToMock) {
return /** @type {goog.testing.LooseMock} */ (
this.getStaticMock_(namespace, classToMock, false));
* Resests the factory by reverting all mocked classes to their original
* implementations and removing all MockClassRecords.
goog.testing.MockClassFactory.prototype.reset = function() {
this.mockClassRecords_, function(record) { record.reset(); });
this.mockClassRecords_ = {};