// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Definition of goog.net.NetworkTester. */ goog.provide('goog.net.NetworkTester'); goog.require('goog.Timer'); goog.require('goog.Uri'); goog.require('goog.log'); /** * Creates an instance of goog.net.NetworkTester which can be used to test * for internet connectivity by seeing if an image can be loaded from * google.com. It can also be tested with other URLs. * @param {Function} callback Callback that is called when the test completes. * The callback takes a single boolean parameter. True indicates the URL * was reachable, false indicates it wasn't. * @param {Object=} opt_handler Handler object for the callback. * @param {goog.Uri=} opt_uri URI to use for testing. * @constructor @struct * @final */ goog.net.NetworkTester = function(callback, opt_handler, opt_uri) { /** * Callback that is called when the test completes. * The callback takes a single boolean parameter. True indicates the URL was * reachable, false indicates it wasn't. * @type {Function} * @private */ this.callback_ = callback; /** * Handler object for the callback. * @type {Object|undefined} * @private */ this.handler_ = opt_handler; if (!opt_uri) { // set the default URI to be based on the cleardot image at google.com // We need to add a 'rand' to make sure the response is not fulfilled // by browser cache. Use protocol-relative URLs to avoid insecure content // warnings in IE. opt_uri = new goog.Uri('//www.google.com/images/cleardot.gif'); opt_uri.makeUnique(); } /** * Uri to use for test. Defaults to using an image off of google.com * @type {goog.Uri} * @private */ this.uri_ = opt_uri; }; /** * Default timeout * @type {number} */ goog.net.NetworkTester.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000; /** * Logger object * @type {goog.log.Logger} * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.logger_ = goog.log.getLogger('goog.net.NetworkTester'); /** * Timeout for test * @type {number} * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.timeoutMs_ = goog.net.NetworkTester.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS; /** * Whether we've already started running. * @type {boolean} * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.running_ = false; /** * Number of retries to attempt * @type {number} * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.retries_ = 0; /** * Attempt number we're on * @type {number} * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.attempt_ = 0; /** * Pause between retries in milliseconds. * @type {number} * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.pauseBetweenRetriesMs_ = 0; /** * Timer for timeouts. * @type {?number} * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.timeoutTimer_ = null; /** * Timer for pauses between retries. * @type {?number} * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.pauseTimer_ = null; /** @private {?Image} */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.image_; /** * Returns the timeout in milliseconds. * @return {number} Timeout in milliseconds. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.getTimeout = function() { return this.timeoutMs_; }; /** * Sets the timeout in milliseconds. * @param {number} timeoutMs Timeout in milliseconds. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.setTimeout = function(timeoutMs) { this.timeoutMs_ = timeoutMs; }; /** * Returns the numer of retries to attempt. * @return {number} Number of retries to attempt. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.getNumRetries = function() { return this.retries_; }; /** * Sets the timeout in milliseconds. * @param {number} retries Number of retries to attempt. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.setNumRetries = function(retries) { this.retries_ = retries; }; /** * Returns the pause between retries in milliseconds. * @return {number} Pause between retries in milliseconds. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.getPauseBetweenRetries = function() { return this.pauseBetweenRetriesMs_; }; /** * Sets the pause between retries in milliseconds. * @param {number} pauseMs Pause between retries in milliseconds. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.setPauseBetweenRetries = function(pauseMs) { this.pauseBetweenRetriesMs_ = pauseMs; }; /** * Returns the uri to use for the test. * @return {goog.Uri} The uri for the test. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.getUri = function() { return this.uri_; }; /** * Returns the current attempt count. * @return {number} The attempt count. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.getAttemptCount = function() { return this.attempt_; }; /** * Sets the uri to use for the test. * @param {goog.Uri} uri The uri for the test. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.setUri = function(uri) { this.uri_ = uri; }; /** * Returns whether the tester is currently running. * @return {boolean} True if it's running, false if it's not running. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.isRunning = function() { return this.running_; }; /** * Starts the process of testing the network. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.start = function() { if (this.running_) { throw Error('NetworkTester.start called when already running'); } this.running_ = true; goog.log.info(this.logger_, 'Starting'); this.attempt_ = 0; this.startNextAttempt_(); }; /** * Stops the testing of the network. This is a noop if not running. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.stop = function() { this.cleanupCallbacks_(); this.running_ = false; }; /** * Starts the next attempt to load an image. * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.startNextAttempt_ = function() { this.attempt_++; if (goog.net.NetworkTester.getNavigatorOffline_()) { goog.log.info(this.logger_, 'Browser is set to work offline.'); // Call in a timeout to make async like the rest. goog.Timer.callOnce(goog.bind(this.onResult, this, false), 0); } else { goog.log.info( this.logger_, 'Loading image (attempt ' + this.attempt_ + ') at ' + this.uri_); this.image_ = new Image(); this.image_.onload = goog.bind(this.onImageLoad_, this); this.image_.onerror = goog.bind(this.onImageError_, this); this.image_.onabort = goog.bind(this.onImageAbort_, this); this.timeoutTimer_ = goog.Timer.callOnce(this.onImageTimeout_, this.timeoutMs_, this); this.image_.src = String(this.uri_); } }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether navigator.onLine returns false. * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.getNavigatorOffline_ = function() { return navigator !== null && 'onLine' in navigator && !navigator.onLine; }; /** * Callback for the image successfully loading. * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.onImageLoad_ = function() { goog.log.info(this.logger_, 'Image loaded'); this.onResult(true); }; /** * Callback for the image failing to load. * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.onImageError_ = function() { goog.log.info(this.logger_, 'Image load error'); this.onResult(false); }; /** * Callback for the image load being aborted. * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.onImageAbort_ = function() { goog.log.info(this.logger_, 'Image load aborted'); this.onResult(false); }; /** * Callback for the image load timing out. * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.onImageTimeout_ = function() { goog.log.info(this.logger_, 'Image load timed out'); this.onResult(false); }; /** * Handles a successful or failed result. * @param {boolean} succeeded Whether the image load succeeded. */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.onResult = function(succeeded) { this.cleanupCallbacks_(); if (succeeded) { this.running_ = false; this.callback_.call(this.handler_, true); } else { if (this.attempt_ <= this.retries_) { if (this.pauseBetweenRetriesMs_) { this.pauseTimer_ = goog.Timer.callOnce( this.onPauseFinished_, this.pauseBetweenRetriesMs_, this); } else { this.startNextAttempt_(); } } else { this.running_ = false; this.callback_.call(this.handler_, false); } } }; /** * Callback for the pause between retry timer. * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.onPauseFinished_ = function() { this.pauseTimer_ = null; this.startNextAttempt_(); }; /** * Cleans up the handlers and timer associated with the image. * @private */ goog.net.NetworkTester.prototype.cleanupCallbacks_ = function() { // clear handlers to avoid memory leaks // NOTE(user): Nullified individually to avoid compiler warnings // (BUG 658126) if (this.image_) { this.image_.onload = null; this.image_.onerror = null; this.image_.onabort = null; this.image_ = null; } if (this.timeoutTimer_) { goog.Timer.clear(this.timeoutTimer_); this.timeoutTimer_ = null; } if (this.pauseTimer_) { goog.Timer.clear(this.pauseTimer_); this.pauseTimer_ = null; } };