// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Support class for spell checker components. * * @author eae@google.com (Emil A Eklund) */ goog.provide('goog.spell.SpellCheck'); goog.provide('goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordChangedEvent'); goog.require('goog.Timer'); goog.require('goog.events.Event'); goog.require('goog.events.EventTarget'); goog.require('goog.structs.Set'); /** * Support class for spell checker components. Provides basic functionality * such as word lookup and caching. * * @param {Function=} opt_lookupFunction Function to use for word lookup. Must * accept an array of words, an object reference and a callback function as * parameters. It must also call the callback function (as a method on the * object), once ready, with an array containing the original words, their * spelling status and optionally an array of suggestions. * @param {string=} opt_language Content language. * @constructor * @extends {goog.events.EventTarget} * @final */ goog.spell.SpellCheck = function(opt_lookupFunction, opt_language) { goog.events.EventTarget.call(this); /** * Function used to lookup spelling of words. * @type {Function} * @private */ this.lookupFunction_ = opt_lookupFunction || null; /** * Cache for words not yet checked with lookup function. * @type {goog.structs.Set} * @private */ this.unknownWords_ = new goog.structs.Set(); this.setLanguage(opt_language); }; goog.inherits(goog.spell.SpellCheck, goog.events.EventTarget); /** * Delay, in ms, to wait for additional words to be entered before a lookup * operation is triggered. * * @type {number} * @private */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.LOOKUP_DELAY_ = 100; /** * Constants for event names * * @enum {string} */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.EventType = { /** * Fired when all pending words have been processed. */ READY: 'ready', /** * Fired when all lookup function failed. */ ERROR: 'error', /** * Fired when a word's status is changed. */ WORD_CHANGED: 'wordchanged' }; /** * Cache. Shared across all spell checker instances. Map with langauge as the * key and a cache for that language as the value. * * @type {Object} * @private */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.cache_ = {}; /** * Content Language. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.language_ = ''; /** * Cache for set language. Reference to the element corresponding to the set * language in the static goog.spell.SpellCheck.cache_. * * @type {Object|undefined} * @private */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.cache_; /** * Id for timer processing the pending queue. * * @type {number} * @private */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.queueTimer_ = 0; /** * Whether a lookup operation is in progress. * * @type {boolean} * @private */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.lookupInProgress_ = false; /** * Codes representing the status of an individual word. * * @enum {number} */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus = { UNKNOWN: 0, VALID: 1, INVALID: 2, IGNORED: 3, CORRECTED: 4 // Temporary status, not stored in cache }; /** * Fields for word array in cache. * * @enum {number} */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.CacheIndex = { STATUS: 0, SUGGESTIONS: 1 }; /** * Regular expression for identifying word boundaries. * * @type {string} */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.WORD_BOUNDARY_CHARS = '\t\r\n\u00A0 !\"#$%&()*+,\-.\/:;<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|}~'; /** * Regular expression for identifying word boundaries. * * @type {RegExp} */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.WORD_BOUNDARY_REGEX = new RegExp('[' + goog.spell.SpellCheck.WORD_BOUNDARY_CHARS + ']'); /** * Regular expression for splitting a string into individual words and blocks of * separators. Matches zero or one word followed by zero or more separators. * * @type {RegExp} */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.SPLIT_REGEX = new RegExp( '([^' + goog.spell.SpellCheck.WORD_BOUNDARY_CHARS + ']*)' + '([' + goog.spell.SpellCheck.WORD_BOUNDARY_CHARS + ']*)'); /** * Sets the lookup function. * * @param {Function} f Function to use for word lookup. Must accept an array of * words, an object reference and a callback function as parameters. * It must also call the callback function (as a method on the object), * once ready, with an array containing the original words, their * spelling status and optionally an array of suggestions. */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.setLookupFunction = function(f) { this.lookupFunction_ = f; }; /** * Sets language. * * @param {string=} opt_language Content language. */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.setLanguage = function(opt_language) { this.language_ = opt_language || ''; if (!goog.spell.SpellCheck.cache_[this.language_]) { goog.spell.SpellCheck.cache_[this.language_] = {}; } this.cache_ = goog.spell.SpellCheck.cache_[this.language_]; }; /** * Returns language. * * @return {string} Content language. */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.getLanguage = function() { return this.language_; }; /** * Checks spelling for a block of text. * * @param {string} text Block of text to spell check. */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.checkBlock = function(text) { var words = text.split(goog.spell.SpellCheck.WORD_BOUNDARY_REGEX); var len = words.length; for (var word, i = 0; i < len; i++) { word = words[i]; this.checkWord_(word); } if (!this.queueTimer_ && !this.lookupInProgress_ && this.unknownWords_.getCount()) { this.processPending_(); } else if (this.unknownWords_.getCount() == 0) { this.dispatchEvent(goog.spell.SpellCheck.EventType.READY); } }; /** * Checks spelling for a single word. Returns the status of the supplied word, * or UNKNOWN if it's not cached. If it's not cached the word is added to a * queue and checked with the verification implementation with a short delay. * * @param {string} word Word to check spelling of. * @return {goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus} The status of the supplied word, * or UNKNOWN if it's not cached. */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.checkWord = function(word) { var status = this.checkWord_(word); if (status == goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus.UNKNOWN && !this.queueTimer_ && !this.lookupInProgress_) { this.queueTimer_ = goog.Timer.callOnce( this.processPending_, goog.spell.SpellCheck.LOOKUP_DELAY_, this); } return status; }; /** * Checks spelling for a single word. Returns the status of the supplied word, * or UNKNOWN if it's not cached. * * @param {string} word Word to check spelling of. * @return {goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus} The status of the supplied word, * or UNKNOWN if it's not cached. * @private */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.checkWord_ = function(word) { if (!word) { return goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus.INVALID; } var cacheEntry = this.cache_[word]; if (!cacheEntry) { this.unknownWords_.add(word); return goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus.UNKNOWN; } return cacheEntry[goog.spell.SpellCheck.CacheIndex.STATUS]; }; /** * Processes pending words unless a lookup operation has already been queued or * is in progress. * * @throws {Error} */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.processPending = function() { if (this.unknownWords_.getCount()) { if (!this.queueTimer_ && !this.lookupInProgress_) { this.processPending_(); } } else { this.dispatchEvent(goog.spell.SpellCheck.EventType.READY); } }; /** * Processes pending words using the verification callback. * * @throws {Error} * @private */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.processPending_ = function() { if (!this.lookupFunction_) { throw Error('No lookup function provided for spell checker.'); } if (this.unknownWords_.getCount()) { this.lookupInProgress_ = true; var func = this.lookupFunction_; func(this.unknownWords_.getValues(), this, this.lookupCallback_); } else { this.dispatchEvent(goog.spell.SpellCheck.EventType.READY); } this.queueTimer_ = 0; }; /** * Callback for lookup function. * * @param {Array>} data Data array. Each word is represented by an * array containing the word, the status and optionally an array of * suggestions. Passing null indicates that the operation failed. * @private * * Example: * obj.lookupCallback_([ * ['word', VALID], * ['wrod', INVALID, ['word', 'wood', 'rod']] * ]); */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.lookupCallback_ = function(data) { // Lookup function failed; abort then dispatch error event. if (data == null) { if (this.queueTimer_) { goog.Timer.clear(this.queueTimer_); this.queueTimer_ = 0; } this.lookupInProgress_ = false; this.dispatchEvent(goog.spell.SpellCheck.EventType.ERROR); return; } for (var a, i = 0; a = data[i]; i++) { this.setWordStatus_(a[0], a[1], a[2]); } this.lookupInProgress_ = false; // Fire ready event if all pending words have been processed. if (this.unknownWords_.getCount() == 0) { this.dispatchEvent(goog.spell.SpellCheck.EventType.READY); // Process pending } else if (!this.queueTimer_) { this.queueTimer_ = goog.Timer.callOnce( this.processPending_, goog.spell.SpellCheck.LOOKUP_DELAY_, this); } }; /** * Sets a words spelling status. * * @param {string} word Word to set status for. * @param {goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus} status Status of word. * @param {Array=} opt_suggestions Suggestions. * * Example: * obj.setWordStatus('word', VALID); * obj.setWordStatus('wrod', INVALID, ['word', 'wood', 'rod']);. */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.setWordStatus = function( word, status, opt_suggestions) { this.setWordStatus_(word, status, opt_suggestions); }; /** * Sets a words spelling status. * * @param {string} word Word to set status for. * @param {goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus} status Status of word. * @param {Array=} opt_suggestions Suggestions. * @private */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.setWordStatus_ = function( word, status, opt_suggestions) { var suggestions = opt_suggestions || []; this.cache_[word] = [status, suggestions]; this.unknownWords_.remove(word); this.dispatchEvent( new goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordChangedEvent(this, word, status)); }; /** * Returns suggestions for the given word. * * @param {string} word Word to get suggestions for. * @return {Array} An array of suggestions for the given word. */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.prototype.getSuggestions = function(word) { var cacheEntry = this.cache_[word]; if (!cacheEntry) { this.checkWord(word); return []; } return cacheEntry[goog.spell.SpellCheck.CacheIndex.STATUS] == goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus.INVALID ? cacheEntry[goog.spell.SpellCheck.CacheIndex.SUGGESTIONS] : []; }; /** * Object representing a word changed event. Fired when the status of a word * changes. * * @param {goog.spell.SpellCheck} target Spellcheck object initiating event. * @param {string} word Word to set status for. * @param {goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus} status Status of word. * @extends {goog.events.Event} * @constructor * @final */ goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordChangedEvent = function(target, word, status) { goog.events.Event.call( this, goog.spell.SpellCheck.EventType.WORD_CHANGED, target); /** * Word the status has changed for. * @type {string} */ this.word = word; /** * New status * @type {goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordStatus} */ this.status = status; }; goog.inherits(goog.spell.SpellCheck.WordChangedEvent, goog.events.Event);