Source: printer.js

 * An object for managing the console where printing and plotting is outputed.
 * @constructor
 * @this {BlockPyEditor}
 * @param {Object} main - The main BlockPy instance
 * @param {HTMLElement} tag - The HTML object this is attached to.
function BlockPyPrinter(main, tag) {
    this.main = main;
    this.tag = tag;
    /** Keep printer settings available for interested parties */
    this.printerSettings = {};

 * Reset the status of the printer, including removing any text in it and
 * fixing its size.
BlockPyPrinter.prototype.resetPrinter = function() {
    this.printerSettings['width'] = Math.min(500, this.tag.width()-40);
    this.printerSettings['height'] = Math.min(500, this.tag.height()+40);
    Sk.TurtleGraphics = {'target': this.tag[0], 
                         'width': this.printerSettings['width'], 
                         'height': this.printerSettings['height']};

 * Update and return the current configuration of the printer. This 
 * involves calculating its size, among other operations.
 * @returns {Object} Returns an object with information about the printer.
BlockPyPrinter.prototype.getConfiguration = function() {
    var printer = this;
    this.printerSettings['printHtml']= function(html, value) { printer.printHtml(html, value);};
    this.printerSettings['width']= Math.min(500, this.tag.width()-40);
    this.printerSettings['pngMode']= true;
    this.printerSettings['skipDrawing']= false;
    this.printerSettings['height']= Math.min(500, this.tag.height()+40);
    this.printerSettings['container']= this.tag[0];
    return this.printerSettings;

 * Updates each printed element in the printer and makes it hidden
 * or visible, depending on what step we're on.
 * @param {Number} step - The current step of the executed program that we're on; each element in the printer must be marked with a "data-step" property to resolve this.
 * @param {Number} page - Deprecated, not sure what this even does.
BlockPyPrinter.prototype.stepPrinter = function(step, page) {
    $(this.printer).find('.blockpy-printer-output').each(function() {
        if ($(this).attr("data-step") <= step) {
        } else {

 * Print a successful line to the on-screen printer.
 * @param {String} lineText - A line of text to be printed out.
BlockPyPrinter.prototype.print = function(lineText) {
    // Should probably be accessing the model instead of a component...
    var stepNumber = this.main.components.engine.executionBuffer.step;
    var lineNumber = this.main.components.engine.executionBuffer.line_number;
    // Perform any necessary cleaning
    if (lineText !== "\n") {
        var encodedText = encodeHTML(lineText);
        if (!(this.main.model.settings.mute_printer())) {
            var lineContainer = $("<div class='blockpy-printer-output' >");
            var lineData = $("<samp></samp>", {
                'data-toggle': 'tooltip',
                'data-placement': 'left',
                'data-step': stepNumber,
                "html": encodedText,
                'title': "Step "+stepNumber + ", Line "+lineNumber,
            // Append to the current text

 * Prints a successful HTML blob to the printer. This is typically charts,
 * but it can actually be any kind of HTML. This will probably be useful for
 * doing Turtle and Processing stuff down the road.
 * @param {HTML} html - A blob of HTML to render in the tag
 * @param {Anything} value - a value to push on the outputList for comparison. For instance, on charts this is typically the data of the chart.
BlockPyPrinter.prototype.printHtml = function(chart, value) {
    var step = this.main.model.execution.step();
    var line = this.main.model.execution.line_number();
    if (!(this.main.model.settings.mute_printer())) {
        var outerDiv = $(Sk.console.png_mode ? chart : chart[0]);//.parent();
            "data-toggle": 'tooltip',
            "data-placement": 'left',
            //"data-container": '#'+chart.attr("id"),
            "class": "blockpy-printer-output",
            "data-step": step,
            "title": "Step "+step+", Line "+line