// Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. goog.provide('goog.stats.BasicStatTest'); goog.setTestOnly('goog.stats.BasicStatTest'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.stats.BasicStat'); goog.require('goog.string.format'); goog.require('goog.testing.PseudoRandom'); goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); function testGetSlotBoundary() { var stat = new goog.stats.BasicStat(1654); assertEquals('Checking interval', 33, stat.slotInterval_); assertEquals(132, stat.getSlotBoundary_(125)); assertEquals(165, stat.getSlotBoundary_(132)); assertEquals(132, stat.getSlotBoundary_(99)); assertEquals(99, stat.getSlotBoundary_(98)); } function testCheckForTimeTravel() { var stat = new goog.stats.BasicStat(1000); // no slots yet, should always be OK stat.checkForTimeTravel_(100); stat.checkForTimeTravel_(-1); stat.incBy(1, 125); // creates a first bucket, ending at t=140 // Even though these go backwards in time, our basic fuzzy check passes // because we just check that the time is within the latest interval bucket. stat.checkForTimeTravel_(141); stat.checkForTimeTravel_(140); stat.checkForTimeTravel_(139); stat.checkForTimeTravel_(125); stat.checkForTimeTravel_(124); stat.checkForTimeTravel_(120); // State should still be the same, all of the above times are valid. assertEquals('State unchanged when called with good times', 1, stat.get(125)); stat.checkForTimeTravel_(119); assertEquals('Reset after called with a bad time', 0, stat.get(125)); } function testConstantIncrementPerSlot() { var stat = new goog.stats.BasicStat(1000); var now = 1000; for (var i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { var newMax = 1000 + i; var newMin = 1000 - i; stat.incBy(newMin, now); stat.incBy(newMax, now); var msg = goog.string.format( 'now=%d i=%d newMin=%d newMax=%d', now, i, newMin, newMax); assertEquals(msg, 2000 * (i + 1), stat.get(now)); assertEquals(msg, newMax, stat.getMax(now)); assertEquals(msg, newMin, stat.getMin(now)); now += 20; // push into the next slots } // The next increment should cause old data to fall off. stat.incBy(1, now); assertEquals(2000 * 49 + 1, stat.get(now)); assertEquals(1, stat.getMin(now)); assertEquals(1049, stat.getMax(now)); now += 20; // drop off another bucket stat.incBy(1, now); assertEquals(2000 * 48 + 2, stat.get(now)); assertEquals(1, stat.getMin(now)); assertEquals(1049, stat.getMax(now)); } function testSparseBuckets() { var stat = new goog.stats.BasicStat(1000); var now = 1000; stat.incBy(10, now); assertEquals(10, stat.get(now)); now += 5000; // the old slot is now still in memory, but should be ignored stat.incBy(1, now); assertEquals(1, stat.get(now)); } function testFuzzy() { var stat = new goog.stats.BasicStat(1000); var test = new PerfectlySlowStat(1000); var rand = new goog.testing.PseudoRandom(58849020); var eventCount = 0; // test over 5 simulated seconds (2 for IE, due to timeouts) var simulationDuration = goog.userAgent.IE ? 2000 : 5000; for (var now = 1000; now < simulationDuration;) { var count = Math.floor(rand.random() * 2147483648); var delay = Math.floor(rand.random() * 25); for (var i = 0; i <= delay; ++i) { var time = now + i; var msg = goog.string.format('now=%d eventCount=%d', time, eventCount); var expected = test.getStats(now + i); assertEquals(expected.count, stat.get(time)); assertEquals(expected.min, stat.getMin(time)); assertEquals(expected.max, stat.getMax(time)); } now += delay; stat.incBy(count, now); test.incBy(count, now); eventCount++; } } /** * A horribly inefficient implementation of BasicStat that stores * every event in an array and dynamically filters to perform * aggregations. * @constructor */ var PerfectlySlowStat = function(interval) { this.interval_ = interval; this.slotSize_ = Math.floor(interval / goog.stats.BasicStat.NUM_SLOTS_); this.events_ = []; }; PerfectlySlowStat.prototype.incBy = function(amt, now) { this.events_.push({'time': now, 'count': amt}); }; PerfectlySlowStat.prototype.getStats = function(now) { var end = Math.floor(now / this.slotSize_) * this.slotSize_ + this.slotSize_; var start = end - this.interval_; var events = goog.array.filter(this.events_, function(e) { return e.time >= start }); return { 'count': goog.array.reduce(events, function(sum, e) { return sum + e.count }, 0), 'min': goog.array.reduce( events, function(min, e) { return Math.min(min, e.count); }, Number.MAX_VALUE), 'max': goog.array.reduce( events, function(max, e) { return Math.max(max, e.count); }, Number.MIN_VALUE) }; };