// Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // All Rights Reserved /** * @fileoverview Plugin for generating emoticons. * * @author nicksantos@google.com (Nick Santos) */ goog.provide('goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.editor.Plugin'); goog.require('goog.editor.range'); goog.require('goog.functions'); goog.require('goog.ui.emoji.Emoji'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); /** * Plugin for generating emoticons. * * @constructor * @extends {goog.editor.Plugin} * @final */ goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons = function() { goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons.base(this, 'constructor'); }; goog.inherits(goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons, goog.editor.Plugin); /** The emoticon command. */ goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons.COMMAND = '+emoticon'; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons.prototype.getTrogClassId = goog.functions.constant(goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons.COMMAND); /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons.prototype.isSupportedCommand = function(command) { return command == goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons.COMMAND; }; /** * Inserts an emoticon into the editor at the cursor location. Places the * cursor to the right of the inserted emoticon. * @param {string} command Command to execute. * @param {*=} opt_arg Emoji to insert. * @return {!Object|undefined} The result of the command. * @override */ goog.editor.plugins.Emoticons.prototype.execCommandInternal = function( command, opt_arg) { var emoji = /** @type {goog.ui.emoji.Emoji} */ (opt_arg); var styleProperties = 'margin:0 0.2ex;vertical-align:middle;'; var emojiHeight = emoji.getHeight(); styleProperties += emojiHeight ? 'height:' + emojiHeight + 'px;' : ''; var emojiWidth = emoji.getWidth(); styleProperties += emojiWidth ? 'width:' + emojiWidth + 'px;' : ''; var dom = this.getFieldDomHelper(); var imgAttributes = {'src': emoji.getUrl(), 'style': styleProperties}; if (emoji.getAltText()) { imgAttributes['alt'] = emoji.getAltText(); } var img = dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.IMG, imgAttributes); img.setAttribute(goog.ui.emoji.Emoji.ATTRIBUTE, emoji.getId()); img.setAttribute(goog.ui.emoji.Emoji.DATA_ATTRIBUTE, emoji.getId()); this.getFieldObject().getRange().replaceContentsWithNode(img); // IE8 does the right thing with the cursor, and has a js error when we try // to place the cursor manually. // IE9 loses the cursor when the window is focused, so focus first. if (!goog.userAgent.IE || goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(9)) { this.getFieldObject().focus(); goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(img, false); } };