// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Definition of the goog.ui.tree.TreeControl class, which * provides a way to view a hierarchical set of data. * * @author arv@google.com (Erik Arvidsson) * @author eae@google.com (Emil A Eklund) * * This is a based on the webfx tree control. It since been updated to add * typeahead support, as well as accessibility support using ARIA framework. * * @see ../../demos/tree/demo.html */ goog.provide('goog.ui.tree.TreeControl'); goog.require('goog.a11y.aria'); goog.require('goog.asserts'); goog.require('goog.dom.classlist'); goog.require('goog.events.EventType'); goog.require('goog.events.FocusHandler'); goog.require('goog.events.KeyHandler'); goog.require('goog.html.SafeHtml'); goog.require('goog.log'); goog.require('goog.ui.tree.BaseNode'); goog.require('goog.ui.tree.TreeNode'); goog.require('goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); /** * This creates a TreeControl object. A tree control provides a way to * view a hierarchical set of data. * @param {string|!goog.html.SafeHtml} content The content of the node label. * Strings are treated as plain-text and will be HTML escaped. * @param {Object=} opt_config The configuration for the tree. See * goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.defaultConfig. If not specified, a default config * will be used. * @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper Optional DOM helper. * @constructor * @extends {goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl = function(content, opt_config, opt_domHelper) { goog.ui.tree.BaseNode.call(this, content, opt_config, opt_domHelper); // The root is open and selected by default. this.setExpandedInternal(true); this.setSelectedInternal(true); this.selectedItem_ = this; /** * Used for typeahead support. * @private {!goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead} */ this.typeAhead_ = new goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead(); /** * The object handling keyboard events. * @private {?goog.events.KeyHandler} */ this.keyHandler_ = null; /** * The object handling focus events. * @private {?goog.events.FocusHandler} */ this.focusHandler_ = null; /** * Logger * @private {?goog.log.Logger} */ this.logger_ = goog.log.getLogger('this'); /** * Whether the tree is focused. * @private {boolean} */ this.focused_ = false; /** * Child node that currently has focus. * @private {?goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} */ this.focusedNode_ = null; /** * Whether to show lines. * @private {boolean} */ this.showLines_ = true; /** * Whether to show expanded lines. * @private {boolean} */ this.showExpandIcons_ = true; /** * Whether to show the root node. * @private {boolean} */ this.showRootNode_ = true; /** * Whether to show the root lines. * @private {boolean} */ this.showRootLines_ = true; if (goog.userAgent.IE) { try { // works since IE6SP1 document.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true); } catch (e) { goog.log.warning(this.logger_, 'Failed to enable background image cache'); } } }; goog.inherits(goog.ui.tree.TreeControl, goog.ui.tree.BaseNode); /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getTree = function() { return this; }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getDepth = function() { return 0; }; /** * Expands the parent chain of this node so that it is visible. * @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.reveal = function() { // always expanded by default // needs to be overriden so that we don't try to reveal our parent // which is a generic component }; /** * Handles focus on the tree. * @param {!goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The browser event. * @private */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.handleFocus_ = function(e) { this.focused_ = true; goog.dom.classlist.add( goog.asserts.assert(this.getElement()), goog.getCssName('focused')); if (this.selectedItem_) { this.selectedItem_.select(); } }; /** * Handles blur on the tree. * @param {!goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The browser event. * @private */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.handleBlur_ = function(e) { this.focused_ = false; goog.dom.classlist.remove( goog.asserts.assert(this.getElement()), goog.getCssName('focused')); }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the tree has keyboard focus. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.hasFocus = function() { return this.focused_; }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getExpanded = function() { return !this.showRootNode_ || goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.superClass_.getExpanded.call(this); }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.setExpanded = function(expanded) { if (!this.showRootNode_) { this.setExpandedInternal(expanded); } else { goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.superClass_.setExpanded.call(this, expanded); } }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getExpandIconSafeHtml = function() { // no expand icon for root element return goog.html.SafeHtml.EMPTY; }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getIconElement = function() { var el = this.getRowElement(); return el ? /** @type {Element} */ (el.firstChild) : null; }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getExpandIconElement = function() { // no expand icon for root element return null; }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.updateExpandIcon = function() { // no expand icon }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getRowClassName = function() { return goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.superClass_.getRowClassName.call(this) + (this.showRootNode_ ? '' : ' ' + this.getConfig().cssHideRoot); }; /** * Returns the source for the icon. * @return {string} Src for the icon. * @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getCalculatedIconClass = function() { var expanded = this.getExpanded(); var expandedIconClass = this.getExpandedIconClass(); if (expanded && expandedIconClass) { return expandedIconClass; } var iconClass = this.getIconClass(); if (!expanded && iconClass) { return iconClass; } // fall back on default icons var config = this.getConfig(); if (expanded && config.cssExpandedRootIcon) { return config.cssTreeIcon + ' ' + config.cssExpandedRootIcon; } else if (!expanded && config.cssCollapsedRootIcon) { return config.cssTreeIcon + ' ' + config.cssCollapsedRootIcon; } return ''; }; /** * Sets the selected item. * @param {goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} node The item to select. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.setSelectedItem = function(node) { if (this.selectedItem_ == node) { return; } var hadFocus = false; if (this.selectedItem_) { hadFocus = this.selectedItem_ == this.focusedNode_; this.selectedItem_.setSelectedInternal(false); } this.selectedItem_ = node; if (node) { node.setSelectedInternal(true); if (hadFocus) { node.select(); } } this.dispatchEvent(goog.events.EventType.CHANGE); }; /** * Returns the selected item. * @return {goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} The currently selected item. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getSelectedItem = function() { return this.selectedItem_; }; /** * Sets whether to show lines. * @param {boolean} b Whether to show lines. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.setShowLines = function(b) { if (this.showLines_ != b) { this.showLines_ = b; if (this.isInDocument()) { this.updateLinesAndExpandIcons_(); } } }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether to show lines. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getShowLines = function() { return this.showLines_; }; /** * Updates the lines after the tree has been drawn. * @private */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.updateLinesAndExpandIcons_ = function() { var tree = this; var showLines = tree.getShowLines(); var showRootLines = tree.getShowRootLines(); /** * Recursively walk through all nodes and update the class names of the * expand icon and the children element. * @param {!goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} node */ function updateShowLines(node) { var childrenEl = node.getChildrenElement(); if (childrenEl) { var hideLines = !showLines || tree == node.getParent() && !showRootLines; var childClass = hideLines ? node.getConfig().cssChildrenNoLines : node.getConfig().cssChildren; childrenEl.className = childClass; var expandIconEl = node.getExpandIconElement(); if (expandIconEl) { expandIconEl.className = node.getExpandIconClass(); } } node.forEachChild(updateShowLines); } updateShowLines(this); }; /** * Sets whether to show root lines. * @param {boolean} b Whether to show root lines. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.setShowRootLines = function(b) { if (this.showRootLines_ != b) { this.showRootLines_ = b; if (this.isInDocument()) { this.updateLinesAndExpandIcons_(); } } }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether to show root lines. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getShowRootLines = function() { return this.showRootLines_; }; /** * Sets whether to show expand icons. * @param {boolean} b Whether to show expand icons. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.setShowExpandIcons = function(b) { if (this.showExpandIcons_ != b) { this.showExpandIcons_ = b; if (this.isInDocument()) { this.updateLinesAndExpandIcons_(); } } }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether to show expand icons. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getShowExpandIcons = function() { return this.showExpandIcons_; }; /** * Sets whether to show the root node. * @param {boolean} b Whether to show the root node. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.setShowRootNode = function(b) { if (this.showRootNode_ != b) { this.showRootNode_ = b; if (this.isInDocument()) { var el = this.getRowElement(); if (el) { el.className = this.getRowClassName(); } } // Ensure that we do not hide the selected item. if (!b && this.getSelectedItem() == this && this.getFirstChild()) { this.setSelectedItem(this.getFirstChild()); } } }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether to show the root node. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getShowRootNode = function() { return this.showRootNode_; }; /** * Add roles and states. * @protected * @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.initAccessibility = function() { goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.superClass_.initAccessibility.call(this); var elt = this.getElement(); goog.asserts.assert(elt, 'The DOM element for the tree cannot be null.'); goog.a11y.aria.setRole(elt, 'tree'); goog.a11y.aria.setState(elt, 'labelledby', this.getLabelElement().id); }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.enterDocument = function() { goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.superClass_.enterDocument.call(this); var el = this.getElement(); el.className = this.getConfig().cssRoot; el.setAttribute('hideFocus', 'true'); this.attachEvents_(); this.initAccessibility(); }; /** @override */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.exitDocument = function() { goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.superClass_.exitDocument.call(this); this.detachEvents_(); }; /** * Adds the event listeners to the tree. * @private */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.attachEvents_ = function() { var el = this.getElement(); el.tabIndex = 0; var kh = this.keyHandler_ = new goog.events.KeyHandler(el); var fh = this.focusHandler_ = new goog.events.FocusHandler(el); this.getHandler() .listen(fh, goog.events.FocusHandler.EventType.FOCUSOUT, this.handleBlur_) .listen(fh, goog.events.FocusHandler.EventType.FOCUSIN, this.handleFocus_) .listen(kh, goog.events.KeyHandler.EventType.KEY, this.handleKeyEvent) .listen(el, goog.events.EventType.MOUSEDOWN, this.handleMouseEvent_) .listen(el, goog.events.EventType.CLICK, this.handleMouseEvent_) .listen(el, goog.events.EventType.DBLCLICK, this.handleMouseEvent_); }; /** * Removes the event listeners from the tree. * @private */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.detachEvents_ = function() { this.keyHandler_.dispose(); this.keyHandler_ = null; this.focusHandler_.dispose(); this.focusHandler_ = null; }; /** * Handles mouse events. * @param {!goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The browser event. * @private */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.handleMouseEvent_ = function(e) { goog.log.fine(this.logger_, 'Received event ' + e.type); var node = this.getNodeFromEvent_(e); if (node) { switch (e.type) { case goog.events.EventType.MOUSEDOWN: node.onMouseDown(e); break; case goog.events.EventType.CLICK: node.onClick_(e); break; case goog.events.EventType.DBLCLICK: node.onDoubleClick_(e); break; } } }; /** * Handles key down on the tree. * @param {!goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The browser event. * @return {boolean} The handled value. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.handleKeyEvent = function(e) { var handled = false; // Handle typeahead and navigation keystrokes. handled = this.typeAhead_.handleNavigation(e) || (this.selectedItem_ && this.selectedItem_.onKeyDown(e)) || this.typeAhead_.handleTypeAheadChar(e); if (handled) { e.preventDefault(); } return handled; }; /** * Finds the containing node given an event. * @param {!goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The browser event. * @return {goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} The containing node or null if no node is * found. * @private */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.getNodeFromEvent_ = function(e) { // find the right node var node = null; var target = e.target; while (target != null) { var id = target.id; node = goog.ui.tree.BaseNode.allNodes[id]; if (node) { return node; } if (target == this.getElement()) { break; } target = target.parentNode; } return null; }; /** * Creates a new tree node using the same config as the root. * @param {string=} opt_content The content of the node label. Strings are * treated as plain-text and will be HTML escaped. To set SafeHtml content, * omit opt_content and call setSafeHtml on the resulting node. * @return {!goog.ui.tree.TreeNode} The new item. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.createNode = function(opt_content) { return new goog.ui.tree.TreeNode(opt_content || goog.html.SafeHtml.EMPTY, this.getConfig(), this.getDomHelper()); }; /** * Allows the caller to notify that the given node has been added or just had * been updated in the tree. * @param {goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} node New node being added or existing node * that just had been updated. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.setNode = function(node) { this.typeAhead_.setNodeInMap(node); }; /** * Allows the caller to notify that the given node is being removed from the * tree. * @param {goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} node Node being removed. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.removeNode = function(node) { this.typeAhead_.removeNodeFromMap(node); }; /** * Clear the typeahead buffer. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.prototype.clearTypeAhead = function() { this.typeAhead_.clear(); }; /** * A default configuration for the tree. */ goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.defaultConfig = goog.ui.tree.BaseNode.defaultConfig;