// Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0. goog.provide('goog.graphics.SvgGraphicsTest'); goog.setTestOnly('goog.graphics.SvgGraphicsTest'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.graphics.SvgGraphics'); goog.require('goog.testing.graphics'); goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit'); var graphics; function setUp() { if (!document.createElementNS) { // Some browsers don't support document.createElementNS and this test // should not be run on those browsers (IE7,8). return; } graphics = new goog.graphics.SvgGraphics('100px', '100px'); graphics.createDom(); goog.dom.getElement('root').appendChild(graphics.getElement()); } function testAddDef() { if (!graphics) { // setUp has failed (no browser support), we should not run this test. return; } var defElement1 = document.createElement('div'); var defElement2 = document.createElement('div'); var defKey1 = 'def1'; var defKey2 = 'def2'; var id = graphics.addDef(defKey1, defElement1); assertEquals('_svgdef_0', id); id = graphics.addDef(defKey1, defElement2); assertEquals('_svgdef_0', id); id = graphics.addDef(defKey2, defElement2); assertEquals('_svgdef_1', id); } function testGetDef() { if (!graphics) { // setUp has failed (no browser support), we should not run this test. return; } var defElement = document.createElement('div'); var defKey = 'def'; var id = graphics.addDef(defKey, defElement); assertEquals(id, graphics.getDef(defKey)); assertNull(graphics.getDef('randomKey')); } function testRemoveDef() { if (!graphics) { // setUp has failed (no browser support), we should not run this test. return; } var defElement = document.createElement('div'); var defKey = 'def'; var addedId = graphics.addDef(defKey, defElement); graphics.removeDef('randomKey'); assertEquals(addedId, graphics.getDef(defKey)); graphics.removeDef(defKey); assertNull(graphics.getDef(defKey)); } function testSetElementAffineTransform() { if (!graphics) { // setUp has failed (no browser support), we should not run this test. return; } var fill = new goog.graphics.SolidFill('blue'); var stroke = null; var rad = -3.1415926 / 6; var costheta = Math.cos(rad); var sintheta = Math.sin(rad); var dx = 10; var dy = -20; var affine = new goog.graphics.AffineTransform( costheta, -sintheta + 1, sintheta, costheta, dx, dy); var rect = graphics.drawRect(10, 20, 30, 40, stroke, fill); rect.setTransform(affine); graphics.render(); // getTransformToElement was deleted in Chrome48. See // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=524432. function getTransformToElement(element, target) { return target.getScreenCTM().inverse().multiply(element.getScreenCTM()); } var svgMatrix = getTransformToElement(rect.getElement(), graphics.getElement()); assertRoughlyEquals(svgMatrix.a, costheta, 0.001); assertRoughlyEquals(svgMatrix.b, -sintheta + 1, 0.001); assertRoughlyEquals(svgMatrix.c, sintheta, 0.001); assertRoughlyEquals(svgMatrix.d, costheta, 0.001); assertRoughlyEquals(svgMatrix.e, dx, 0.001); assertRoughlyEquals(svgMatrix.f, dy, 0.001); }