/** * AccessibleBlockly * * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Angular2 Component that renders a "field segment" (a group * of non-editable Blockly.Field followed by 0 or 1 editable Blockly.Field) * in a block. Also handles any interactions with the field. * @author madeeha@google.com (Madeeha Ghori) */ blocklyApp.FieldSegmentComponent = ng.core .Component({ selector: 'blockly-field-segment', template: ` <template [ngIf]="!mainField"> <label [id]="mainFieldId">{{getPrefixText()}}</label> </template> <template [ngIf]="mainField"> <template [ngIf]="isTextInput()"> {{getPrefixText()}} <input [id]="mainFieldId" type="text" [disabled]="disabled" [ngModel]="mainField.getValue()" (ngModelChange)="mainField.setValue($event)" [attr.aria-label]="getFieldDescription() + (disabled ? 'Disabled text field' : 'Press Enter to edit text')" tabindex="-1"> </template> <template [ngIf]="isNumberInput()"> {{getPrefixText()}} <input [id]="mainFieldId" type="number" [disabled]="disabled" [ngModel]="mainField.getValue()" (ngModelChange)="setNumberValue($event)" [attr.aria-label]="getFieldDescription() + (disabled ? 'Disabled number field' : 'Press Enter to edit number')" tabindex="-1"> </template> <template [ngIf]="isDropdown()"> <label [id]="mainFieldId" [attr.aria-label]="getFieldDescription() + ' Move right to view submenu'"> {{getFieldDescription()}} </label> <ol role="group"> <li [id]="idMap[optionValue]" role="treeitem" *ngFor="#optionValue of getOptions()" [attr.aria-labelledBy]="generateAriaLabelledByAttr(idMap[optionValue + 'Button'], 'blockly-button')" [attr.aria-level]="level" [attr.aria-selected]="mainField.getValue() == optionValue" class="blocklyDropdownListItem"> <button [id]="idMap[optionValue + 'Button']" (click)="handleDropdownChange(mainField, optionValue)" [disabled]="disabled" tabindex="-1" [attr.aria-label]="optionText[optionValue] + ' Press Enter to select this value'"> {{optionText[optionValue]}} </button> </li> </ol> </template> </template> `, inputs: ['prefixFields', 'mainField', 'mainFieldId', 'level'], pipes: [blocklyApp.TranslatePipe] }) .Class({ constructor: [ blocklyApp.NotificationsService, blocklyApp.UtilsService, function(_notificationsService, _utilsService) { this.optionText = { keys: [] }; this.notificationsService = _notificationsService; this.utilsService = _utilsService; }], ngOnInit: function() { var elementsNeedingIds = this.generateElementNames(this.mainField); // Warning: this assumes that the elements returned by // this.generateElementNames() are unique. this.idMap = this.utilsService.generateIds(elementsNeedingIds); }, getPrefixText: function() { var prefixTexts = this.prefixFields.map(function(prefixField) { return prefixField.getText(); }); return prefixTexts.join(' '); }, getFieldDescription: function() { var description = this.mainField.getText(); if (this.prefixFields.length > 0) { description = this.getPrefixText() + ': ' + description; } return description; }, setNumberValue: function(newValue) { // Do not permit a residual value of NaN after a backspace event. this.mainField.setValue(newValue || 0); }, generateAriaLabelledByAttr: function(mainLabel, secondLabel) { return mainLabel + ' ' + secondLabel; }, generateElementNames: function() { var elementNames = []; if (this.isDropdown()) { var keys = this.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){ elementNames.push(keys[i], keys[i] + 'Button'); } } return elementNames; }, isNumberInput: function() { return this.mainField instanceof Blockly.FieldNumber; }, isTextInput: function() { return this.mainField instanceof Blockly.FieldTextInput && !(this.mainField instanceof Blockly.FieldNumber); }, isDropdown: function() { return this.mainField instanceof Blockly.FieldDropdown; }, isCheckbox: function() { return this.mainField instanceof Blockly.FieldCheckbox; }, isTextField: function() { return !(this.mainField instanceof Blockly.FieldTextInput) && !(this.mainField instanceof Blockly.FieldDropdown) && !(this.mainField instanceof Blockly.FieldCheckbox); }, hasVisibleText: function() { var text = this.mainField.getText().trim(); return !!text; }, getOptions: function() { if (this.optionText.keys.length) { return this.optionText.keys; } var options = this.mainField.getOptions_(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { var tuple = options[i]; this.optionText[tuple[1]] = tuple[0]; this.optionText.keys.push(tuple[1]); } return this.optionText.keys; }, handleDropdownChange: function(field, optionValue) { if (optionValue == 'NO_ACTION') { return; } if (this.mainField instanceof Blockly.FieldVariable) { Blockly.FieldVariable.dropdownChange.call(this.mainField, optionValue); } else { this.mainField.setValue(optionValue); } this.notificationsService.setStatusMessage( 'Selected option ' + this.optionText[optionValue]); } });