The Skulpt Reference Manual --------------------------- It would take a bit of research and work but I also wonder if there is not a subset of other skulpt functions that could be collected together more nicely as the skulpt internal api. This could or should probably more closely follow the C API defined by CPython. Although the more I think about it the more I think we just need to do a better job of providing some organized documentation. I've started an outline, and I think if we can get a decent outline and agree on some general principles for development we could actually document Skulpt and make it much more accessible for people to help. - Terminology - "Python objects" versus "Javascript objects" - Sk.builtin - Sk.misceval - Sk.ffi - Sk.abstr - slot functions - builtin functions - magic methods - Standard Data Type Interfaces - Checking types - Checking argument types Sk.builtin.pyCheckType -- weird function that takes one of the below as an argument - Sk.builtin.checkNumber - Sk.builtin.checkComplex - Sk.builtin.checkInt - Sk.builtin.checkString - Sk.builtin.checkClass - Sk.builtin.checkBool - Sk.builtin.checkNone - Sk.builtin.checkFunction - Sk.builtin.checkIterable - Sk.builtin.checkCallable - Sk.builtin.checkSequence - Common - Determining if an object is iterable - General Sequence and slicing operators (many Sk.abstr functions) - lists - dictionaries - sets - integers/longs - floats - complex - boolean - Exceptions - None - Operators - binary operators - unary - Dunder methods - the builtin names tp$xxx, nb$xxx, sq$xxxx - mapping to the __ names - creating a class - building a class Sk.misceval.buildClass - Iteration - Getting an interator - iterating with an iterator - Comparing - richCompareBool - isTrue - functions — callable from Python - The function wrapper Sk.builtin.func -- meant to be called ``new Sk.builtin.func(javascriptfunc)`` - calling a Python function from Javascript - named arguments - *args - **kwargs - creating a module - module template - exposing functions from the module - exposing constants - creating classes in a module - To Javascript and Back to Python - The Sk.ffi interface - Utility functions - Checking argument counts Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgs - Importing and Running code - Running source from a string - importing a module/package - - Functions for working with Python Objects The abstr namespace defines a bunch of functions that you should use when working with Python objects. - Sk.abstr.typeName = function (v) - Sk.abstr.binop_type_error = function (v, w, name) - Sk.abstr.unop_type_error = function (v, name) - Sk.abstr.boNameToSlotFuncLhs_ = function (obj, name) - Sk.abstr.boNameToSlotFuncRhs_ = function (obj, name) - Sk.abstr.iboNameToSlotFunc_ = function (obj, name) - Sk.abstr.uoNameToSlotFunc_ = function (obj, name) - Sk.abstr.binary_op_ = function (v, w, opname) - Sk.abstr.binary_iop_ = function (v, w, opname) - Sk.abstr.unary_op_ = function (v, opname) - Sk.abstr.numOpAndPromote = function (a, b, opfn) - Sk.abstr.boNumPromote_ = - Sk.abstr.numberBinOp = function (v, w, op) - Sk.abstr.numberInplaceBinOp = function (v, w, op) - Sk.abstr.numberUnaryOp = function (v, op) - Sk.abstr.fixSeqIndex_ = function (seq, i) - Sk.abstr.sequenceContains = function (seq, ob) - Sk.abstr.sequenceConcat = function (seq1, seq2) - Sk.abstr.sequenceGetIndexOf = function (seq, ob) - Sk.abstr.sequenceGetCountOf = function (seq, ob) - Sk.abstr.sequenceGetItem = function (seq, i, canSuspend) - Sk.abstr.sequenceSetItem = function (seq, i, x, canSuspend) - Sk.abstr.sequenceDelItem = function (seq, i) - Sk.abstr.sequenceRepeat = function (f, seq, n) - Sk.abstr.sequenceGetSlice = function (seq, i1, i2) - Sk.abstr.sequenceDelSlice = function (seq, i1, i2) - Sk.abstr.sequenceSetSlice = function (seq, i1, i2, x) - Sk.abstr.sequenceUnpack = function (seq, n) - Sk.abstr.objectFormat = function (obj, format_spec) - Sk.abstr.objectAdd = function (a, b) - Sk.abstr.objectNegative = function (obj) - Sk.abstr.objectPositive = function (obj) - Sk.abstr.objectDelItem = function (o, key) - Sk.abstr.objectGetItem = function (o, key, canSuspend) - Sk.abstr.objectSetItem = function (o, key, v, canSuspend) - Sk.abstr.gattr = function (obj, nameJS, canSuspend) - Sk.abstr.sattr = function (obj, nameJS, data, canSuspend) - Sk.abstr.iter = function (obj) - Sk.abstr.iternext = function (it, canSuspend) Sk.misceval Misc * Sk.misceval.Suspension = function Suspension(resume, child, data) * Sk.misceval.retryOptionalSuspensionOrThrow = function (susp, message) * Sk.misceval.isIndex = function (o) * Sk.misceval.asIndex = function (o) * Sk.misceval.applySlice = function (u, v, w, canSuspend) * Sk.misceval.assignSlice = function (u, v, w, x, canSuspend) * Sk.misceval.arrayFromArguments = function (args) * Sk.misceval.swappedOp_ = * Sk.misceval.richCompareBool = function (v, w, op) * Sk.misceval.objectRepr = function (v) * Sk.misceval.opAllowsEquality = function (op) * Sk.misceval.isTrue = function (x) * Sk.misceval.softspace_ = fals * Sk.misceval.print_ = function (x) * Sk.misceval.loadname = function (name, other) * = function (func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args) * Sk.misceval.callAsync = function (suspensionHandlers, func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args) * Sk.misceval.callOrSuspend = function (func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args) * Sk.misceval.callsim = function (func, args) * Sk.misceval.callsimAsync = function (suspensionHandlers, func, args) * Sk.misceval.callsimOrSuspend = function (func, args) * Sk.misceval.apply = function (func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args) * Sk.misceval.asyncToPromise = function(suspendablefn, suspHandlers) * Sk.misceval.applyAsync = function (suspHandlers, func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args) * Sk.misceval.chain = function (initialValue, chainedFns) * Sk.misceval.applyOrSuspend = function (func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args) * Sk.misceval.buildClass = function (globals, func, name, bases) - Understanding the mapping from Skupt api functions to dunder methods .. code-block:: python SLOTS = [ # typeobject Slot("__new__", "tp$new", "new"), Slot("__init__", "tp$init", "init"), Slot("__str__", "tp$print", "print"), Slot("__repr__", "tp$repr", "repr", opcode="UNARY_CONVERT"), Slot("__hash__", "tp$hash", "hash"), Slot("__call__", "tp$call", "call"), # Note: In CPython, if tp$getattro exists, tp$getattr is never called. Slot("__getattribute__", "tp$getattro", "getattro"), Slot("__getattr__", "tp$getattro", "getattro"), Slot("__setattr__", "tp$setattro", "setattro"), Slot("__delattr__", "tp$setattro", "setattro"), # for Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER: Slot("__iter__", "tp$iter", "unary"), Slot("next", "tp$iternext", "next", python_version="2"), Slot("__next__", "tp$iternext", "next", python_version="3"), # for Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS: Slot("__get__", "tp$descr_get", "descr_get"), Slot("__set__", "tp$descr_set", "descr_set"), Slot("__delete__", "tp$descr_set", "descr_delete"), Slot("__del__", "tp$del", "destructor"), # all typically done by __richcompare__ Slot("__cmp$_", "tp$compare", "cmp", python_version="2"), # "tp$reserved" in Python 3 Slot("__lt__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"), Slot("__le__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"), Slot("__eq__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"), Slot("__ne__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"), Slot("__gt__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"), Slot("__ge__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"), Slot("__richcompare__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"), # number methods: Slot("__add__", "nb$add", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_ADD"), Slot("__radd__", "nb$add", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__sub__", "nb$subtract", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_SUBTRACT"), Slot("__rsub__", "nb$subtract", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__mul__", "nb$multiply", "binary_nb", index=0), Slot("__rmul__", "nb$multiply", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__div__", "nb$divide", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_DIVIDE"), Slot("__rdiv__", "nb$divide", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__mod__", "nb$remainder", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_MODULO"), Slot("__rmod__", "nb$remainder", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__divmod__", "nb$divmod", "binary_nb", index=0), Slot("__rdivmod__", "nb$divmod", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__lshift__", "nb$lshift", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_LSHIFT"), Slot("__rlshift__", "nb$lshift", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__rshift__", "nb$rshift", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_RSHIFT"), Slot("__rrshift__", "nb$rshift", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__and__", "nb$and", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_AND"), Slot("__rand__", "nb$and", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__xor__", "nb$xor", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_XOR"), Slot("__rxor__", "nb$xor", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__or__", "nb$or", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_OR"), Slot("__ror__", "nb$or", "binary_nb", index=1), # needs Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS: Slot("__floordiv__", "nb$floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE"), Slot("__rfloordiv__", "nb$floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__truediv__", "nb$true_divide", "binary_nb", index=0, opcode="BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE"), Slot("__rtruediv__", "nb$true_divide", "binary_nb", index=1), Slot("__pow__", "nb$power", "ternary", opcode="BINARY_POWER"), Slot("__rpow__", "nb$power", "ternary"), # needs wrap_tenary_nb Slot("__neg__", "nb$negative", "unary", opcode="UNARY_NEGATIVE"), Slot("__pos__", "nb$positive", "unary", opcode="UNARY_POSITIVE"), Slot("__abs__", "nb$absolute", "unary"), Slot("__nonzero__", "nb$nonzero", "inquiry"), # inverse of UNARY_NOT opcode Slot("__invert__", "nb$invert", "unary", opcode="UNARY_INVERT"), Slot("__coerce__", "nb$coerce", "coercion"), # not needed Slot("__int__", "nb$int", "unary"), # expects exact int as return Slot("__long__", "nb$long", "unary"), # expects exact long as return Slot("__float__", "nb$float", "unary"), # expects exact float as return Slot("__oct__", "nb$oct", "unary"), Slot("__hex__", "nb$hex", "unary"), # Added in 2.0. These are probably largely useless. # (For list concatenation, use sl_inplace_concat) Slot("__iadd__", "nb$inplace_add", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_ADD"), Slot("__isub__", "nb$inplace_subtract", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_SUBTRACT"), Slot("__imul__", "nb$inplace_multiply", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_MULTIPLY"), Slot("__idiv__", "nb$inplace_divide", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_DIVIDE"), Slot("__imod__", "nb$inplace_remainder", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_MODULO"), Slot("__ipow__", "nb$inplace_power", "ternary", opcode="INPLACE_POWER"), Slot("__ilshift__", "nb$inplace_lshift", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_LSHIFT"), Slot("__irshift__", "nb$inplace_rshift", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_RSHIFT"), Slot("__iand__", "nb$inplace_and", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_AND"), Slot("__ixor__", "nb$inplace_xor", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_XOR"), Slot("__ior__", "nb$inplace_or", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_OR"), Slot("__ifloordiv__", "nb$inplace_floor_divide", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE"), Slot("__itruediv__", "nb$inplace_true_divide", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE"), # Added in 2.5. Used whenever i acts as a sequence index (a[i]) Slot("__index__", "nb$index", "unary"), # needs int/long return # mapping # __getitem__: Python first tries mp$subscript, then sq$item # __len__: Python first tries sq$length, then mp$length # __delitem__: Reuses __setitem__ slot. Slot("__getitem__", "mp$subscript", "binary", opcode="BINARY_SUBSCR"), Slot("__delitem__", "mp$ass_subscript", "objobjargproc", index=0), Slot("__setitem__", "mp$ass_subscript", "objobjargproc", index=1), Slot("__len__", "mp$length", "len"), # sequence Slot("__contains__", "sq$contains", "objobjproc"), # These sequence methods are duplicates of number or mapping methods. # For example, in the C API, "add" can be implemented either by sq$concat, # or by np_add. Python will try both. The opcode mapping is identical # between the two. So e.g. the implementation of the BINARY_SUBSCR opcode in # Python/ceval.c will try both sq$item and mp$subscript, which is why this # opcode appears twice in our list. Slot("__add__", "sq$concat", "binary", opcode="BINARY_ADD"), Slot("__mul__", "sq$repeat", "indexargfunc", opcode="BINARY_MULTIPLY"), Slot("__iadd__", "sq$inplace_concat", "binary", opcode="INPLACE_ADD"), Slot("__imul__", "sq$inplace_repeat", "indexargfunc", opcode="INPLACE_MUL"), Slot("__getitem__", "sq$item", "sq$item", opcode="BINARY_SUBSCR"), Slot("__setitem__", "sq$ass_slice", "sq$ass_item"), Slot("__delitem__", "sq$ass_item", "sq$delitem"), # slices are passed as explicit slice objects to mp$subscript. Slot("__getslice__", "sq$slice", "sq$slice"), Slot("__setslice__", "sq$ass_slice", "ssizessizeobjarg"), Slot("__delslice__", "sq$ass_slice", "delslice"), ] This list may or may not be complete it comes from: