// Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0
// License available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
// TODO(user): Bring in Closure library and compiler.
var closure = window.closure || {};
closure.docs = closure.docs || {};
/** @define {string} */
closure.docs.LOCATION = String(window.location);
* Returns a value from the global `_JEKYLL_DATA` object, which contains the
* 'page' and 'site' data from Jekyll. This allows to configure the JS
* behavior from the frontmatter. It is effectively `goog.getObjectByName`,
* except we're not currently depending on Closure.
* @param {string} param
* @return {*} Result, or undefined.
closure.docs.get = function(param) {
var data = window['_JEKYLL_DATA'];
return data && data[param];
* Applies the given function to each element.
* @param {string} selector A query selector.
* @param {function(!Element)} func
closure.docs.forEachElement = function(selector, func) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
* Runs a callback on each heading.
* @param {function(!Element, number)} func
closure.docs.forEachHeading = function(func) {
'article > h1, article > h2, article > h3, ' +
'article > h4, article > h5, article > h6',
function(heading) {
var match = /^h(\d)$/i.exec(heading.tagName);
func(heading, Number(match[1]));
* Adds a scroll listener to the document.
* The listener adds a "scrolled" and a "down" class to the body element
* to indicate (respectively) whether the page is scrolled at all, and
* whether the last scroll was down.
closure.docs.addScrollListener = function() {
// Add a scroll listener to handle body.scrolled and body.down
var last = void 0;
// Height difference between the scrolled and unscrolled header bars
var threshold = 140;
document.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
var top = document.body.scrollTop;
document.body.classList.toggle('scrolled', top > threshold);
document.body.classList.toggle('down', top > last);
last = top;
* Add a listener so that clicking on #-only links calls scrollToHash
* instead of the browser default.
closure.docs.interceptLinkClicks = function() {
* Scrolls to the window's current hash. Note: this is required
* because of the {position: fixed} banner at the top, which will
* cover the heading if we let the browser scroll on its own.
* Instead, we add a delta to ensure that the heading ends up
* below the banner.
function scrollToHash() {
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
if (hash) {
var el = document.getElementById(hash);
var delta = document.body.classList.contains('scrolled') ? 72 : 128;
document.body.scrollTop = el.offsetTop - delta;
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (!e.target || e.target.tagName != 'A') return;
var href = e.target.getAttribute('href');
if (href && href[0] == '#') {
window.location.hash = href;
// Also scroll to hash on initial page load.
* Removes the first
header in the article and writes it into
* the header and title. This should be done before building the
* TOC so that the title doesn't show up as an entry.
closure.docs.findTitle = function() {
// Note: we need to skip the first (#top_of_page) element.
var h1 = document.querySelectorAll('article > h1')[1];
if (h1) {
var pageTitle = h1.textContent;
var title = document.querySelector('title');
if (!title.textContent) title.textContent = pageTitle;
var heading = document.querySelector('h1#top_of_page');
if (heading && !heading.textContent) heading.textContent = pageTitle;
* Iterates over heading elements to add/correct numbers.
* Anything that looks like a number will be adjusted.
* Specifically, one can simply write "### 1.1" for all
* headings and this function will fill in the correct
* number. Also assigns IDs if one isn't already given.
closure.docs.autoNumber = function() {
var min = Number(closure.docs.get('page.toc.min') || 2);
var nums = [];
var ids = {};
closure.docs.forEachHeading(function(heading, level) {
if (level < min) return;
// Don't do any numbering unless the heading starts with a digit,
// though we do still need to pop numbers off before incrementing.
while (nums.length > level - min + 1) {
if (!/^\d/.test(heading.textContent)) return;
while (nums.length < level - min + 1) {
nums[nums.length - 1]++;
// Auto-generate an ID if necessary.
if (!heading.id) {
var base = '_' +
.replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '-')
.replace(/^-|-$/g, '');
var suffix = '';
while (base + suffix in ids) {
heading.id = base + suffix;
ids[base + suffix] = true;
// Correct the number.
heading.textContent =
heading.textContent.replace(/^\d+(\.\d+)*/, nums.join('.'));
* Replaces the text content of intra-document links to match the
* linked section's heading. This is necessary when auto-numbering
* is used in order to get the right number in the text. It is
* triggered by links whose text is exactly two or more question marks.
closure.docs.fixLinkText = function() {
closure.docs.forEachElement('a', function(link) {
var href = link.getAttribute('href');
if (!/^#/.test(href) || !/^\?\?+$/.test(link.textContent)) return;
var heading = document.getElementById(href.substring(1));
if (heading) link.textContent = heading.textContent;
// TODO(user): allow including/excluding the number?
* Builds the table of contents. This should run after
* autoNumber so that the correct text makes it in.
closure.docs.buildToc = function() {
// Read a few page-level parameters to customize.
var min = Number(closure.docs.get('page.toc.min') || 2);
var max = Number(closure.docs.get('page.toc.max') || 3);
// TODO(user): allow further customization of numbering?
var stack = [];
closure.docs.forEachHeading(function(heading, level) {
if (level < min || level > max) return;
var depth = level - min + 1;
while (stack.length > depth) {
while (stack.length < depth) {
var list = document.createElement('ul');
// Add to the most recent 'li' item (unless this is the first entry).
var prev = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (prev) {
if (!prev.lastChild) prev.appendChild(document.createElement('li'));
var item = document.createElement('li');
stack[stack.length - 1].appendChild(item);
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = '#' + heading.id;
link.textContent = heading.textContent;
// Finally add the toc to our toc elements.
var toc = stack[0];
closure.docs.forEachElement('nav.toc ul', function(ul) {
if (toc && toc.innerHTML) {
ul.innerHTML += toc.innerHTML;
} else {
ul.parentElement.remove(); // don't bother with TOC if it's empty
* Fix some syntax highlighting. Rouge does a poor job highlighting JS.
* It marks every identifier as 'nx' regardless of how it is used, whereas
* GitHub-flavored markdown highlights the final identifier in a qualified
* function name as a function. This function finds any 'nx' identifier
* that is followed by an open-paren and changes it to 'nf'.
closure.docs.fixSyntaxHighlighting = function() {
closure.docs.forEachElement('.highlight .nx+.p', function(p) {
if (p.textContent[0] == '(') p.previousElementSibling.className = 'nf';
* Highlights callouts. A callout is a paragraph that begins with
* 'NOTE:' or 'TIP:' or 'WARNING:' (or several others). These are
* highlighted by adding the 'callout-*' to the classlist, where
* '*' is 'note', 'tip', 'warning', etc.
closure.docs.highlightCallouts = function() {
closure.docs.forEachElement('p', function(p) {
var match = /^([A-Za-z]+):/.exec(p.textContent);
if (match) p.classList.add('callout-' + match[1].toLowerCase());
* Sets the URL on the edit link.
closure.docs.setEditLink = function() {
var link = document.querySelector('a.edit');
var match =
if (!match || !link) return;
link.href = [
'https://github.com', match[1], match[2], 'edit/master/doc',
match[3] + '.md'
* Marks the current page and section as 'active' in nav menus.
closure.docs.markActiveNav = function() {
// Absolutize link
var abs = (function() {
var link = document.createElement('a');
return function(rel) {
link.href = rel;
return link.href;
// Checks for a prefix, returns everything after it if it exists
var suffix = function(prefix, string) {
return string.substring(0, prefix.length) == prefix ?
string.substring(prefix.length) :
// Figure out the current page/section.
var location = closure.docs.LOCATION;
var page = location.replace(/\.(?:md|html)?/, '');
var section = location.substring(0, location.lastIndexOf('/'));
// If section was overridden in the page frontmatter, use that instead.
var sectionParameter = closure.docs.get('page.section');
if (sectionParameter != null) {
var root = closure.docs.get('site.baseurl;') || '/';
if (root.length > 1 && root[root.length - 1] == '/') {
root = root.substring(0, root.length - 1);
section = abs(root + '/' + sectionParameter.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, ''));
// Set links active if we're currently visiting them.
closure.docs.forEachElement('header nav a', function(a) {
if (/^\/[^/]*$/.test(suffix(section, a.href))) {
closure.docs.forEachElement('nav.side a', function(a) {
if (/^(\.html|\.md)?$/.test(suffix(page, a.href))) {
* Kicks off Google Analytics. This is just a pretty-printed
* version of the standard installation code.
* @suppress {checkTypes}
closure.docs.startAnalytics = function() {
var productKey = closure.docs.get('page.ga');
if (!productKey) return;
(function(i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {
i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r;
i[r] = i[r] || function() {
(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments);
}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date();
a = s.createElement(o), m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
a.async = 1;
a.src = g;
m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m);
})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js',
window['ga']('create', productKey, 'auto');
window['ga']('send', 'pageview');
* Initialize everything.
closure.docs.initialize = function() {