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 * @fileoverview Advanced tooltip widget implementation.
 * @author eae@google.com (Emil A Eklund)
 * @see ../demos/advancedtooltip.html



 * Advanced tooltip widget with cursor tracking abilities. Works like a regular
 * tooltip but can track the cursor position and direction to determine if the
 * tooltip should be dismissed or remain open.
 * @param {Element|string=} opt_el Element to display tooltip for, either
 *     element reference or string id.
 * @param {?string=} opt_str Text message to display in tooltip.
 * @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper Optional DOM helper.
 * @constructor
 * @extends {goog.ui.Tooltip}
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip = function(opt_el, opt_str, opt_domHelper) {
  goog.ui.Tooltip.call(this, opt_el, opt_str, opt_domHelper);
goog.inherits(goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip, goog.ui.Tooltip);

 * Whether to track the cursor and thereby close the tooltip if it moves away
 * from the tooltip and keep it open if it moves towards it.
 * @type {boolean}
 * @private
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.cursorTracking_ = false;

 * Delay in milliseconds before tooltips are hidden if cursor tracking is
 * enabled and the cursor is moving away from the tooltip.
 * @type {number}
 * @private
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.cursorTrackingHideDelayMs_ = 100;

 * Box object representing a margin around the tooltip where the cursor is
 * allowed without dismissing the tooltip.
 * @type {goog.math.Box}
 * @private

 * Bounding box.
 * @type {goog.math.Box}
 * @private

 * Anchor bounding box.
 * @type {goog.math.Box}
 * @private

 * Whether the cursor tracking is active.
 * @type {boolean}
 * @private
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.tracking_ = false;

 * Sets margin around the tooltip where the cursor is allowed without dismissing
 * the tooltip.
 * @param {goog.math.Box=} opt_box The margin around the tooltip.
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.setHotSpotPadding = function(opt_box) {
  this.hotSpotPadding_ = opt_box || null;

 * @return {goog.math.Box} box The margin around the tooltip where the cursor is
 *     allowed without dismissing the tooltip.
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.getHotSpotPadding = function() {
  return this.hotSpotPadding_;

 * Sets whether to track the cursor and thereby close the tooltip if it moves
 * away from the tooltip and keep it open if it moves towards it.
 * @param {boolean} b Whether to track the cursor.
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.setCursorTracking = function(b) {
  this.cursorTracking_ = b;

 * @return {boolean} Whether to track the cursor and thereby close the tooltip
 *     if it moves away from the tooltip and keep it open if it moves towards
 *     it.
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.getCursorTracking = function() {
  return this.cursorTracking_;

 * Sets delay in milliseconds before tooltips are hidden if cursor tracking is
 * enabled and the cursor is moving away from the tooltip.
 * @param {number} delay The delay in milliseconds.
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.setCursorTrackingHideDelayMs = function(
    delay) {
  this.cursorTrackingHideDelayMs_ = delay;

 * @return {number} The delay in milliseconds before tooltips are hidden if
 *     cursor tracking is enabled and the cursor is moving away from the
 *     tooltip.
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.getCursorTrackingHideDelayMs = function() {
  return this.cursorTrackingHideDelayMs_;

 * Called after the popup is shown.
 * @protected
 * @override
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.onShow = function() {

  this.boundingBox_ = goog.style.getBounds(this.getElement()).toBox();
  if (this.anchor) {
    this.anchorBox_ = goog.style.getBounds(this.anchor).toBox();

  this.tracking_ = this.cursorTracking_;
      this.getDomHelper().getDocument(), goog.events.EventType.MOUSEMOVE,
      this.handleMouseMove, false, this);

 * Called after the popup is hidden.
 * @protected
 * @override
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.onHide = function() {
      this.getDomHelper().getDocument(), goog.events.EventType.MOUSEMOVE,
      this.handleMouseMove, false, this);

  this.boundingBox_ = null;
  this.anchorBox_ = null;
  this.tracking_ = false;


 * Returns true if the mouse is in the tooltip.
 * @return {boolean} True if the mouse is in the tooltip.
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.isMouseInTooltip = function() {
  return this.isCoordinateInTooltip(this.cursorPosition);

 * Checks whether the supplied coordinate is inside the tooltip, including
 * padding if any.
 * @param {goog.math.Coordinate} coord Coordinate being tested.
 * @return {boolean} Whether the coord is in the tooltip.
 * @override
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.isCoordinateInTooltip = function(coord) {
  // Check if coord is inside the bounding box of the tooltip
  if (this.hotSpotPadding_) {
    var offset = goog.style.getPageOffset(this.getElement());
    var size = goog.style.getSize(this.getElement());
    return offset.x - this.hotSpotPadding_.left <= coord.x &&
        coord.x <= offset.x + size.width + this.hotSpotPadding_.right &&
        offset.y - this.hotSpotPadding_.top <= coord.y &&
        coord.y <= offset.y + size.height + this.hotSpotPadding_.bottom;

  return goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.superClass_.isCoordinateInTooltip.call(
      this, coord);

 * Checks if supplied coordinate is in the tooltip, its triggering anchor, or
 * a tooltip that has been triggered by a child of this tooltip.
 * Called from handleMouseMove to determine if hide timer should be started,
 * and from maybeHide to determine if tooltip should be hidden.
 * @param {goog.math.Coordinate} coord Coordinate being tested.
 * @return {boolean} Whether coordinate is in the anchor, the tooltip, or any
 *     tooltip whose anchor is a child of this tooltip.
 * @private
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.isCoordinateActive_ = function(coord) {
  if ((this.anchorBox_ && this.anchorBox_.contains(coord)) ||
      this.isCoordinateInTooltip(coord)) {
    return true;

  // Check if mouse might be in active child element.
  var childTooltip = this.getChildTooltip();
  return !!childTooltip && childTooltip.isCoordinateInTooltip(coord);

 * Called by timer from mouse out handler. Hides tooltip if cursor is still
 * outside element and tooltip.
 * @param {?Element|undefined} el Anchor when hide timer was started.
 * @override
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.maybeHide = function(el) {
  this.hideTimer = undefined;
  if (el == this.anchor) {
    // Check if cursor is inside the bounding box of the tooltip or the element
    // that triggered it, or if tooltip is active (possibly due to receiving
    // the focus), or if there is a nested tooltip being shown.
    if (!this.isCoordinateActive_(this.cursorPosition) &&
        !this.getActiveElement() && !this.hasActiveChild()) {
      // Under certain circumstances gecko fires ghost mouse events with the
      // coordinates 0, 0 regardless of the cursors position.
      if (goog.userAgent.GECKO && this.cursorPosition.x == 0 &&
          this.cursorPosition.y == 0) {

 * Handler for mouse move events.
 * @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} event Event object.
 * @protected
 * @override
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.handleMouseMove = function(event) {
  var startTimer = this.isVisible();
  if (this.boundingBox_) {
    var scroll = this.getDomHelper().getDocumentScroll();
    var c = new goog.math.Coordinate(
        event.clientX + scroll.x, event.clientY + scroll.y);
    if (this.isCoordinateActive_(c)) {
      startTimer = false;
    } else if (this.tracking_) {
      var prevDist =
          goog.math.Box.distance(this.boundingBox_, this.cursorPosition);
      var currDist = goog.math.Box.distance(this.boundingBox_, c);
      startTimer = currDist >= prevDist;

  if (startTimer) {

    // Even though the mouse coordinate is not on the tooltip (or nested child),
    // they may have an active element because of a focus event.  Don't let
    // that prevent us from taking down the tooltip(s) on this mouse move.
    var childTooltip = this.getChildTooltip();
    if (childTooltip) {
  } else if (this.getState() == goog.ui.Tooltip.State.WAITING_TO_HIDE) {

  goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.superClass_.handleMouseMove.call(this, event);

 * Handler for mouse over events for the tooltip element.
 * @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} event Event object.
 * @protected
 * @override
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.handleTooltipMouseOver = function(event) {
  if (this.getActiveElement() != this.getElement()) {
    this.tracking_ = false;

 * Override hide delay with cursor tracking hide delay while tracking.
 * @return {number} Hide delay to use.
 * @override
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.getHideDelayMs = function() {
  return this.tracking_ ? this.cursorTrackingHideDelayMs_ :
                          goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.base(this, 'getHideDelayMs');

 * Forces the recalculation of the hotspot on the next mouse over event.
 * @deprecated Not ever necessary to call this function. Hot spot is calculated
 *     as necessary.
goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip.prototype.resetHotSpot = goog.nullFunction;