// Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. goog.provide('goog.windowTest'); goog.setTestOnly('goog.windowTest'); goog.require('goog.Promise'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.events'); goog.require('goog.functions'); goog.require('goog.html.SafeUrl'); goog.require('goog.labs.userAgent.browser'); goog.require('goog.labs.userAgent.engine'); goog.require('goog.labs.userAgent.platform'); goog.require('goog.string'); goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer'); goog.require('goog.testing.TestCase'); goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit'); goog.require('goog.window'); var newWin; var REDIRECT_URL_PREFIX = 'window_test.html?runTests='; var WIN_LOAD_TRY_TIMEOUT = 100; var MAX_WIN_LOAD_TRIES = 50; // 50x100ms = 5s waiting for window to load. var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer(); function shouldRunTests() { // MS Edge has a bunch of flaky test failures around window.open. // TODO(joeltine): Remove this when http://b/25455129 is fixed. return !goog.labs.userAgent.browser.isEdge(); } function setUpPage() { var anchors = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass( goog.dom.TagName.DIV, 'goog-like-link'); for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { goog.events.listen(anchors[i], 'click', function(e) { goog.window.open(goog.dom.getTextContent(e.target), {'noreferrer': true}); }); } goog.testing.TestCase.getActiveTestCase().promiseTimeout = 60000; // 60s } // To test goog.window.open we open a new window with this file again. Once // the new window parses this file it sets this variable to true, indicating // that the parent test may check window properties like referrer and location. var newWinLoaded = true; function setUp() { newWin = undefined; } function tearDown() { if (newWin) { newWin.close(); } stubs.reset(); } /** * Uses setTimeout to poll a new window for the "newWinLoaded" variable, which * is set once the JavaScript is evaluated in that window. * * @param {Window} win * @return {!goog.Promise<!Window>} Promise for a window that resolves once the * window has loaded. */ function waitForTestWindow(win) { return new goog.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var checkWindow = function(numTries) { if (!win) { fail('Could not open new window. Check if popup blocker is enabled.'); } if (numTries > MAX_WIN_LOAD_TRIES) { fail('Window did not load after maximum number of checks.'); } if (win.newWinLoaded) { resolve(win); } else { window.setTimeout(checkWindow, WIN_LOAD_TRY_TIMEOUT); } }; checkWindow(0); }); } /** * Opens a window and then verifies that the new window has the expected * properties. * * @param {boolean} noreferrer Whether to test the noreferrer option. * @param {string} urlParam Url param to append to the url being opened. * @param {boolean} encodeUrlParam_opt Whether to percent-encode urlParam. This * is needed because IE will not encode it automatically like other browsers * browser and the Closure test server will 400 on certain characters in * the URL (like '<' and '"'). * @return {!goog.Promise} Promise that resolves once the test is complete. */ function doTestOpenWindow(noreferrer, urlParam, encodeUrlParam_opt) { if (encodeUrlParam_opt) { urlParam = encodeURIComponent(urlParam); } // TODO(mlourenco): target is set because goog.window.open() will currently // allow it to be undefined, which in IE seems to result in the same window // being reused, instead of a new one being created. If goog.window.open() // is fixed to use "_blank" by default then target can be removed here. newWin = goog.window.open( REDIRECT_URL_PREFIX + urlParam, {'noreferrer': noreferrer, 'target': '_blank'}); return waitForTestWindow(newWin).then(function(win) { verifyWindow(win, noreferrer, urlParam); }); } /** * Asserts that a newly created window has the correct parameters. * * @param {Window} win * @param {boolean} noreferrer Whether the noreferrer option is being tested. * @param {string} urlParam Url param appended to the url being opened. */ function verifyWindow(win, noreferrer, urlParam) { if (noreferrer) { assertEquals( 'Referrer should have been stripped', '', win.document.referrer); } var winUrl = decodeURI(win.location); var expectedUrlSuffix = decodeURI(urlParam); assertTrue( 'New window href should have ended with <' + expectedUrlSuffix + '> but was <' + winUrl + '>', goog.string.endsWith(winUrl, expectedUrlSuffix)); } function testOpenNotEncoded() { return doTestOpenWindow(false, 'bogus~'); } function testOpenEncoded() { return doTestOpenWindow(false, 'bogus%7E'); } function testOpenEncodedPercent() { // Intent of url is to pass %7E to the server, so it was encoded to %257E . return doTestOpenWindow(false, 'bogus%257E'); } function testOpenNotEncodedHidingReferrer() { return doTestOpenWindow(true, 'bogus~'); } function testOpenEncodedHidingReferrer() { return doTestOpenWindow(true, 'bogus%7E'); } function testOpenEncodedPercentHidingReferrer() { // Intent of url is to pass %7E to the server, so it was encoded to %257E . return doTestOpenWindow(true, 'bogus%257E'); } function testOpenSemicolon() { return doTestOpenWindow(true, 'beforesemi;aftersemi'); } function testTwoSemicolons() { return doTestOpenWindow(true, 'a;b;c'); } function testOpenAmpersand() { return doTestOpenWindow(true, 'this&that'); } function testOpenSingleQuote() { return doTestOpenWindow(true, "'"); } function testOpenDoubleQuote() { return doTestOpenWindow(true, '"', goog.labs.userAgent.browser.isIE()); } function testOpenTag() { return doTestOpenWindow(true, '<', goog.labs.userAgent.browser.isIE()); } function testOpenWindowSanitization() { var navigatedUrl; var mockWin = {open: function(url) { navigatedUrl = url; }}; goog.window.open('javascript:evil();', {}, mockWin); assertEquals(goog.html.SafeUrl.INNOCUOUS_STRING, navigatedUrl); // Try the other code path goog.window.open({href: 'javascript:evil();'}, {}, mockWin); assertEquals(goog.html.SafeUrl.INNOCUOUS_STRING, navigatedUrl); goog.window.open('javascript:\'\'', {}, mockWin); assertEquals(goog.html.SafeUrl.INNOCUOUS_STRING, navigatedUrl); goog.window.open('about:blank', {}, mockWin); assertEquals(goog.html.SafeUrl.INNOCUOUS_STRING, navigatedUrl); } function testOpenWindowNoSanitization() { var navigatedUrl; var mockWin = {open: function(url) { navigatedUrl = url; }}; goog.window.open('', {}, mockWin); assertEquals('', navigatedUrl); goog.window.open(goog.html.SafeUrl.ABOUT_BLANK, {}, mockWin); assertEquals('about:blank', navigatedUrl); } function testOpenBlank() { newWin = goog.window.openBlank('Loading...'); var urlParam = 'bogus~'; newWin.location.href = REDIRECT_URL_PREFIX + urlParam; return waitForTestWindow(newWin).then(function() { verifyWindow(newWin, false, urlParam); }); } function testOpenBlankReturnsNullPopupBlocker() { var mockWin = { // emulate popup-blocker by returning a null window on open(). open: function() { return null; } }; var win = goog.window.openBlank('', {noreferrer: true}, mockWin); assertNull(win); } function testOpenBlankEscapesSafely() { // Opening a window with javascript: and then reading from its document.body // is problematic because in some browsers the document.body won't have been // updated yet, and in some IE versions the parent window does not have // access to document.body in new blank window. var navigatedUrl; var mockWin = {open: function(url) { navigatedUrl = url; }}; // Test string determines that all necessary escaping transformations happen, // and that they happen in the right order (HTML->JS->URI). // - " which would be escaped by HTML escaping and JS string escaping. It // should be HTML escaped. // - \ which would be escaped by JS string escaping and percent-encoded // by encodeURI(). It gets JS string escaped first (to two '\') and then // percent-encoded. var win = goog.window.openBlank('"\\', {}, mockWin); assertEquals('javascript:""%5C%5C"', navigatedUrl); } function testOpenIosBlank() { if (!goog.labs.userAgent.engine.isWebKit() || !window.navigator) { // Don't even try this on IE8! return; } var attrs = {}; var dispatchedEvent = null; var element = { setAttribute: function(name, value) { attrs[name] = value; }, dispatchEvent: function(event) { dispatchedEvent = event; } }; stubs.replace(window.document, 'createElement', function(name) { if (name == goog.dom.TagName.A) { return element; } return null; }); stubs.set(window.navigator, 'standalone', true); stubs.replace(goog.labs.userAgent.platform, 'isIos', goog.functions.TRUE); var newWin = goog.window.open('http://google.com', {target: '_blank'}); // This mode cannot return a new window. assertNotNull(newWin); assertUndefined(newWin.document); // Attributes. // element.href is directly set through goog.dom.safe.setAnchorHref, not with // element.setAttribute. assertEquals('http://google.com', element.href); assertEquals('_blank', attrs['target']); assertEquals('', attrs['rel'] || ''); // Click event. assertNotNull(dispatchedEvent); assertEquals('click', dispatchedEvent.type); } function testOpenIosBlankNoreferrer() { if (!goog.labs.userAgent.engine.isWebKit() || !window.navigator) { // Don't even try this on IE8! return; } var attrs = {}; var dispatchedEvent = null; var element = { setAttribute: function(name, value) { attrs[name] = value; }, dispatchEvent: function(event) { dispatchedEvent = event; } }; stubs.replace(window.document, 'createElement', function(name) { if (name == goog.dom.TagName.A) { return element; } return null; }); stubs.set(window.navigator, 'standalone', true); stubs.replace(goog.labs.userAgent.platform, 'isIos', goog.functions.TRUE); var newWin = goog.window.open( 'http://google.com', {target: '_blank', noreferrer: true}); // This mode cannot return a new window. assertNotNull(newWin); assertUndefined(newWin.document); // Attributes. // element.href is directly set through goog.dom.safe.setAnchorHref, not with // element.setAttribute. assertEquals('http://google.com', element.href); assertEquals('_blank', attrs['target']); assertEquals('noreferrer', attrs['rel']); // Click event. assertNotNull(dispatchedEvent); assertEquals('click', dispatchedEvent.type); } function testOpenNoReferrerEscapesUrl() { var documentWriteHtml; var mockNewWin = {}; mockNewWin.document = { write: function(html) { documentWriteHtml = html; }, close: function() {} }; var mockWin = {open: function() { return mockNewWin; }}; goog.window.open('https://hello&world', {noreferrer: true}, mockWin); assertRegExp( 'Does not contain expected HTML-escaped string: ' + documentWriteHtml, /hello&world/, documentWriteHtml); }