# This is a list of contributors to the Closure Library. # Names should be added to this file like so: # Name or Organization <email address> Google Inc. gigmade ltd. Mohamed Mansour <hello@mohamedmansour.com> Bjorn Tipling <bjorn.tipling@gmail.com> SameGoal LLC <help@samegoal.com> Guido Tapia <guido.tapia@gmail.com> Andrew Mattie <amattie@gmail.com> Ilia Mirkin <ibmirkin@gmail.com> Ivan Kozik <ivan.kozik@gmail.com> Rich Dougherty <rich@rd.gen.nz> Chad Killingsworth <chadkillingsworth@missouristate.edu> Dan Pupius <dan.pupius@gmail.com> Mike Dunn <dunn74@gmail.com> Kengo Toda <skypencil@gmail.com> Remember The Milk Inc. Anish Visaria <anishvisaria98@gmail.com> John Huân Vũ <jvu.calpoly@gmail.com> Peter Lu <peterlu83+github@gmail.com> Filipe Catraia <filipe.catraia@deliveryhero.com> Dan Rubalsky <drubalsky@plentakill.com> Michael Zhou <zhoumotongxue008@gmail.com> mash <mashedcode@users.noreply.github.com>