/* * Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0. * See the COPYING file for details. */ /* * Standard styling for buttons created by goog.ui.FlatMenuButtonRenderer. * * @author attila@google.com (Attila Bodis) * @author tlb@google.com (Thierry Le Boulenge) */ .goog-flat-menu-button { background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #c9c9c9; color: #333; cursor: pointer; font: normal 95%; list-style: none; margin: 0 2px; outline: none; padding: 1px 4px; position: relative; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle; } .goog-flat-menu-button-disabled * { border-color: #ccc; color: #999; cursor: default; } .goog-flat-menu-button-hover { border-color: #9cf #69e #69e #7af !important; /* Hover border wins. */ } .goog-flat-menu-button-active { background-color: #bbb; background-position: bottom left; } .goog-flat-menu-button-focused { border-color: #bbb; } .goog-flat-menu-button-caption { padding-right: 10px; vertical-align: top; } .goog-flat-menu-button-dropdown { /* Client apps may override the URL at which they serve the sprite. */ background: url(//ssl.gstatic.com/editor/editortoolbar.png) no-repeat -388px 0; position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 0; vertical-align: top; width: 7px; }