// This file was automatically generated. Do not modify. 'use strict'; goog.provide('Blockly.Msg.en'); goog.require('Blockly.Msg'); Blockly.Msg.ADD_COMMENT = "Add Comment"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_ANALOGREAD = "Read analog pin#"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_ANALOGREAD_TIP = "Return value between 0 and 1024"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_ANALOGWRITE = "Set analog pin#"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_ANALOGWRITE_TIP = "Write analog value between 0 and 255 to a specific PWM Port"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_BUILTIN_LED = "Set built-in LED"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_BUILTIN_LED_TIP = "Light on or off for the built-in LED of the Arduino"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_COMPONENT_WARN1 = "A %1 configuration block with the same %2 name must be added to use this block!"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_DEFINE = "Define"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_DIGITALREAD = "Read digital pin#"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_DIGITALREAD_TIP = "Read digital value on a pin: HIGH or LOW"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_DIGITALWRITE = "Set digital pin#"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_DIGITALWRITE_TIP = "Write digital value HIGH or LOW to a specific Port"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_FUN_RUN_LOOP = "CocoBlockly X loop forever:"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_FUN_RUN_SETUP = "CocoBlockly X run first:"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_FUN_RUN_TIP = "Defines the Arduino setup() and loop() functions."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_HIGH = "HIGH"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_HIGHLOW_TIP = "Set a pin state logic High or Low."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_LOW = "LOW"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_MAP = "Map"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_MAP_TIP = "Re-maps a number from [0-1024] to another."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_MAP_VAL = "Value to [0-"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_NOTONE_PIN = "No tone"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_NOTONE_PIN_TIP = "Stop generating a tone on a pin"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_PIN_WARN1 = "Pin %1 is needed for %2 as pin %3. Already used as %4."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_PULSEON = "Pulse on pin #"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_PULSEREAD = "Read"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_PULSETIMEOUT = "Timeout after"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_PULSETIMEOUT_MS = ""; Blockly.Msg.ARD_PULSETIMEOUT_TIP = "Measures the duration of a pulse on the selected pin, if it is within the timeout."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_PULSE_TIP = "Measures the duration of a pulse on the selected pin."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_PWMWRITE = "Set pwm pin#"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_AVAILABLE = "Avalible"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_BPS = "Bps"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_PRINT = "Print"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_PRINT_NEWLINE = "Add new line"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_PRINT_TIP = "Prints data to the console/serial port as human-readable ASCII text."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_PRINT_WARN = "A setup block for serial must be added to the workspace to use this block!"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_READ = "Read"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_SETUP = "Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_SETUP_TIP = "Selects the speed for a specific Serial peripheral"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_SPEED = ": speed to"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERIAL_WRITE = "Write"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERVO_READ = "Read SERVO from PIN#"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERVO_READ_TIP = "Read a Servo angle"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERVO_SETUP = "Servo Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERVO_WRITE = "Set SERVO from Pin"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERVO_WRITE_DEG_180 = "Degrees (0~180)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERVO_WRITE_TIP = "Set a Servo to an specified angle"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SERVO_WRITE_TO = "To"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP = "Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_CONF = "Configuration:"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_DIVIDE = "Clock divide"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_LSBFIRST = "LSBFIRST"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE = "SPI mode (idle - edge)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE0 = "0 (Low - Falling)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE1 = "1 (Low - Rising)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE2 = "2 (High - Falling)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_MODE3 = "3 (High - Rising)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_MSBFIRST = "MSBFIRST"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_SHIFT = "Data shift"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_SETUP_TIP = "Configures the SPI peripheral."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_TRANSRETURN_TIP = "Send a SPI message to an specified slave device and get data back."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_TRANS_NONE = "None"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_TRANS_SLAVE = "To slave pin"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_TRANS_TIP = "Send a SPI message to an specified slave device."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_TRANS_VAL = "Transfer"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_TRANS_WARN1 = "A setup block for %1 must be added to the workspace to use this block!"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_SPI_TRANS_WARN2 = "Old pin value %1 is no longer available."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_COMPONENT = "Stepper"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_DEFAULT_NAME = "MyStepper"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_MOTOR = "Stepper motor:"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_PIN1 = "Pin1#"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_PIN2 = "Pin2#"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_REVOLVS = "How many steps per revolution"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_SETUP = "Setup stepper motor"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_SETUP_TIP = "Configures a stepper motor pinout and other settings."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_SPEED = "Set speed (rpm) to"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_STEP = "Move stepper"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_STEPS = "Steps"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_STEPPER_STEP_TIP = "Turns the stepper motor a specific number of steps."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_CHRONO_CHECK = "Stopwatch has passed"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_CHRONO_CHECK1 = "Ms"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_CHRONO_ELAPSED = "Stopwatch elapsed"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_CHRONO_RESET = "Reset Stopwatch"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_CHRONO_SETUP = "Stopwatch Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_DELAY = "Wait"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_DELAY_MICROS = "Microseconds"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_DELAY_MICRO_TIP = "Wait specific time in microseconds"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_DELAY_TIP = "Wait specific time in milliseconds"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_DO_MS = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_EVERY = "Every"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_EVERY_MS = "Every"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_INF = "Wait forever (end program)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_INF_TIP = "Wait indefinitely, stopping the program."; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_MICROS = "Current elapsed Time (microseconds)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_MICROS_TIP = "Returns the number of microseconds since the Arduino board began running the current program. Has to be stored in a positive long integer"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_MILLIS = "Current elapsed Time (milliseconds)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_MILLIS_TIP = "Returns the number of milliseconds since the Arduino board began running the current program. Has to be stored in a positive long integer"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_MS = "Milliseconds"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_SECOND = "Second(s)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TIME_SECOND_MS = "Millisecond(s)"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TONE_FREQ = "Frequency"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TONE_PIN = "Tone PIN#"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TONE_PIN_TIP = "Generate audio tones on a pin"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_ARRAY = "Array"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_BOOL = "Boolean"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_CHAR = "Character"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_CHILDBLOCKMISSING = "ChildBlockMissing"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_DECIMAL = "Decimal"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_LONG = "Large Number"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_NULL = "Null"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_NUMBER = "Number"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_SHORT = "Short Number"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_TEXT = "Text"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_TYPE_UNDEF = "Undefined"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_VAR_AS = "As"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_VAR_AS_TIP = "Sets a value to a specific type"; Blockly.Msg.ARD_WRITE_TO = "To"; Blockly.Msg.AUTH = "Please authorize this app to enable your work to be saved and to allow it to be shared by you."; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_AS = "As"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_BLACK_OUT = "Black out"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_BRTN = "Brightness"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_BUZZER_PLAY = "Buzzer plays "; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_BUZZER_SETUP = "Buzzer Setup"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_COUNTER_SETTING = "On button"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_COUNTER_SETUP = "Set Counter "; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_FOR = "For"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_FROM = "From"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_HZ = "Hz"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_IF_SWITCH = "If switch "; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_IS = " Is "; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_LIGHT_PIN = "Light Pin#"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_LIGHT_WARNING = "Brightness must be in range 0 - 255"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_MUTE = "Mute"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_NOLCD = "Turn off the light on pin# %1"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_NOTONE = "Turn off the tone on pin# %1"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_NOTONE_TIP = "Turns the tone off on the selected pin"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_PIN_NUM = "Pin#"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_READBUTTON = "Read the status of button on pin# %1"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_READCOUNTER = "Read the value of counter on button %1"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_READKNOB = "Read the value of knob on pin# %1"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_SET = "Set"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_SETANALOGLED = "Set the light on pin# %1 at brightness %2"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_SETDIGITALLED = "Turn on the light on pin# %1"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_SETTONE = "Set the tone on pin# %1 at frequency %2"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_SET_PIN = "Set Pin#"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_TO = "To"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_TONE_TIP = "Sets tone on pin to specified frequency within range 31 - 65535"; Blockly.Msg.BASIC_TONE_WARNING = "Frequency must be in range 31 - 65535"; Blockly.Msg.BLUE = "Blue"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERACTION_SET_CONTENT = "Set Serial Comm. Baud Rate:"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERACTION_TITLE = "Bluetooth Module Enter AT Mode"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_DATA = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_RECEIVEMSG = "Receive data"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_RECEIVEMSG_ISSUCCESS = "Receive data successfully"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_RECEIVE_GET_LINE2 = "Get data at "; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_RECEIVE_GET_LINE2_2 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_RECEIVE_GET_LINE3 = "As Type"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_RECEIVE_GET_LINE4 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_RECEIVE_LINE3 = "With length of "; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_SENDMSG = "Send data "; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_SETUP = "Bluetooth Intercommunication"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_SETUP1 = "Intercommunication"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_INTERCOMMS_SETUP2 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_LIST_RECEIVED = "From"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_LIST_RECEIVED1 = "Get value at index"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_LIST_RECEIVED2 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_NUMBER_RECEIVED = "Received number"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_BIND_ADDR = "Bind Slave Device Address:"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MASTER = "Bluetooth Pairing: Set as Master Device"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_SETTING_BAUDRATE = "Set Baud Rate:"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_SETTING_TIMEOUT = "Set Timeout:"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_SLAVE = "Bluetooth Pairing: Set as Slave Device"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_SETUP = "When Bluetooth received"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_SETUP_DATA_SET = "Set"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_SETUP_DO = "And Do"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_SETUP_LIST_SETTING = "The length is"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_SETUP_OPT1 = "String"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_SETUP_OPT2 = "Number"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_SETUP_OPT3 = "Array"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_SETUP_SET = "Set Baud Rate"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_SETUP_TO = "To received messages"; Blockly.Msg.BLUETOOTH_TEXT_RECEIVED = "Received Text"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_AUTH = "Auth Key : "; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_CONNECT = "When Blynk is connected"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TITLE = "Item"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_DATA = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GET_DATANAME = "Get data from"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GET_DATANAME1 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GET_DATANAME2 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GET_INDEX = "At index"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GET_INDEX1 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GET_OF = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GET_OF1 = "Of"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GET_OF2 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GPS_ALTITUDE = "Altitude"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GPS_LATITUDE = "Latitude"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GPS_LONGITUDE = "Longitude"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_GPS_SPEED = "Speed"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_LOG = "BLYNK_LOG"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_PW = "WiFi PW: "; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_READ = "When Blynk request data via"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_READ1 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_SELECT = "Select"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_SETUP = "BLYNK SETUP"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_SSID = "WiFi SSID: "; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_TIME_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_TIME_SECOND = "Second"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_TIME_SETTING = "Set timer: every "; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_VIRTUALWRITE = "Send data to Blynk via"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_VIRTUALWRITE_DATA = "Data:"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_WIFI = "Connect to Network"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_WRITE = "Get data from"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_WRITE1 = ""; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_WRITE_VARIABLE = "Store into"; Blockly.Msg.BLYNK_WRITE_VARLENGTH = "Length"; Blockly.Msg.CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE = "Change value:"; Blockly.Msg.CHAT = "Chat with your collaborator by typing in this box!"; Blockly.Msg.CLEAN_UP = "Clean up Blocks"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD = "Key[]"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH = "Add"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TITLE = "Value"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_GENERATOR_DATA = "Generate data"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_PARSE_JSON = "From"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_PARSE_KEY = "Parse data of"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_PARSE_PRETTYPRINT_DISPLAY = "Get generated data"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_PARSE_SETUP_INIT = "Initial parser"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_PARSE_SETUP_PAYLOAD = "Parse content"; Blockly.Msg.CLOUDDATA_PARSE_TYPE = "As"; Blockly.Msg.CO2SENSOR_GET_CO2 = "Get CO2 Value (ppm)"; Blockly.Msg.CO2SENSOR_GET_TVOC = "Get TVOC Value"; Blockly.Msg.CO2SENSOR_SETUP = "CCS811 Air Quality Sensor Setup"; Blockly.Msg.CO2SENSOR_SETUP_SCL = "SCL Pin"; Blockly.Msg.CO2SENSOR_SETUP_SDA = "SDA Pin:"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD = "LIST"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TITLE = "Event"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_GET = "Get Data from Event "; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_GET1 = ""; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_GETPAYLOAD = "Data got from Event"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_POST = "Send to Event "; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_POST_DATA = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TIME_DAY = "Day"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TIME_GETDATE = "Get"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TIME_GETTIME = "Get"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TIME_HOUR = "Hour"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TIME_MINUTE = "Minute"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TIME_MONTH = "Month"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TIME_SECOND = "Second"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TIME_SETUP = "The World Time"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TIME_YEAR = "Year"; Blockly.Msg.COCOCLOUD_TITLE = "Web Service CocoCloud"; Blockly.Msg.COLLAPSE_ALL = "Collapse Blocks"; Blockly.Msg.COLLAPSE_BLOCK = "Collapse Block"; Blockly.Msg.COLOR = "Colour"; Blockly.Msg.COLORANALYZER_SETUP = "Colour Analyzer Setup"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR1 = "colour 1"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR2 = "colour 2"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_HELPURL = "http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/color-blend/"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_RATIO = "Ratio"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_TITLE = "Blend"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_TOOLTIP = "Blends two colours together with a given ratio (0.0 - 1.0)."; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_PICKER_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_PICKER_TOOLTIP = "Choose a colour from the palette."; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RANDOM_HELPURL = "http://randomcolour.com"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RANDOM_TITLE = "Random colour"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RANDOM_TOOLTIP = "Choose a colour at random."; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_BLUE = "Blue"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_GREEN = "Green"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_HELPURL = "http://www.december.com/html/spec/colorper.html"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_RED = "Red"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_TITLE = "Colour with"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_TOOLTIP = "Create a colour with the specified amount of red, green, and blue. All values must be between 0 and 100."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#loop-termination-blocks"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_OPERATOR_BREAK = "Break out of loop"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_OPERATOR_CONTINUE = "Continue with next iteration of loop"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_BREAK = "Break out of the containing loop."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_CONTINUE = "Skip the rest of this loop, and continue with the next iteration."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_WARNING = "Warning: This block may only be used within a loop."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOREACH_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#for-each"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOREACH_TITLE = "For each item %1 in list %2"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOREACH_TOOLTIP = "For each item in a list, set the variable '%1' to the item, and then do some statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#count-with"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_TITLE = "Count with %1 from %2 to %3 by %4"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_TOOLTIP = "Have the variable '%1' take on the values from the start number to the end number, counting by the specified interval, and do the specified blocks."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_ELSEIF_TOOLTIP = "Add a condition to the if block."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_ELSE_TOOLTIP = "Add a final, catch-all condition to the if block."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_IF_TOOLTIP = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this if block."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSE = "Else"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSEIF = "Else if"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_IF = "If"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_1 = "If a value is true, then do some statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_2 = "If a value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, do the second block of statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_3 = "If the first value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, if the second value is true, do the second block of statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_4 = "If the first value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, if the second value is true, do the second block of statements. If none of the values are true, do the last block of statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_loop"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_TITLE = "Repeat %1 times"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP = "Do some statements several times."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_UNTIL = "Repeat until"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_WHILE = "Repeat while"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_UNTIL = "While a value is false, then do some statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_WHILE = "While a value is true, then do some statements."; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Delete Block"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_X_BLOCKS = "Delete %1 Blocks"; Blockly.Msg.DISABLE_BLOCK = "Disable Block"; Blockly.Msg.DUPLICATE_BLOCK = "Duplicate"; Blockly.Msg.ENABLE_BLOCK = "Enable Block"; Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETROTATIONSPEED = "Get Rotation Speed"; Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_SETUP = "Encoder Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_SETUP_1 = "On Breakout Pin"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_AS = "As"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_BLUE_PIN = "B from PIN "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_BUZZER_ALARM = "Buzzer Alarm"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_CRITICAL_VAL = "When the critical value of"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_GREEN_PIN = "G from PIN "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_REACHES = "Reaches"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_RED_PIN = "R from PIN "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_HUMID = "Read value of Humidity from "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_HUMIDITY = "Humidity"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_LIGHT = "Read value of Light from "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_MIC = "Read value of Sound from "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_READ = "Read value of"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_READTEMP = "Read value of temperature from "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_SET_RGB = "Set RGB Light"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_SOUND = "Sound"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_TEMPUNIT = "Set unit as"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_UNITC = "Celsius"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SENSOR_UNITF = "Fahrenheit"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SET = "Set"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SETRGB_B = "B from PIN "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SETRGB_G = "G from PIN "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SETRGB_R = "R from PIN "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SETUP = "Environmental Sensors Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SET_TEMP = "Set temperature as "; Blockly.Msg.ENV_SET_TEMP_UNIT = "Set unit as "; Blockly.Msg.EXPAND_ALL = "Expand Blocks"; Blockly.Msg.EXPAND_BLOCK = "Expand Block"; Blockly.Msg.EXPORTPNG = "Export as PNG"; Blockly.Msg.EXPORTXML = "Export as XML"; Blockly.Msg.EXTERNAL_INPUTS = "External Inputs"; Blockly.Msg.Friday = "Friday"; Blockly.Msg.GPS_LATITUDE = "Get Latitude"; Blockly.Msg.GPS_LONGITUDE = "Get Longitude"; Blockly.Msg.GPS_SETUP = "GPS Setup"; Blockly.Msg.GREEN = "Green"; Blockly.Msg.HELP = "Help"; Blockly.Msg.HID_KEYBOARD_PRESS = "Set Keyboard: Press"; Blockly.Msg.HID_KEYBOARD_RELEASE = "Set Keyboard: Release"; Blockly.Msg.HID_KEYBOARD_RELEASEALL = "Set Keyboard: Release All"; Blockly.Msg.HID_MOUSE_CLICK = "Set Mouse: Click"; Blockly.Msg.HID_MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT = "Left"; Blockly.Msg.HID_MOUSE_CLICK_RIGHT = "Right"; Blockly.Msg.HID_MOUSE_MOVE = "Set Mouse: Move"; Blockly.Msg.HID_MOUSE_MOVE_DISTANCE = "px"; Blockly.Msg.HID_MOUSE_MOVE_FOR = "for"; Blockly.Msg.HID_MOUSE_PRESS = "Set Mouse: Press"; Blockly.Msg.HID_MOUSE_RELEASE = "Set Mouse: Release"; Blockly.Msg.HID_SETUP = "HID Setup"; Blockly.Msg.INFRAREDRAY_RECVAL = "Signal Received"; Blockly.Msg.INFRAREDRAY_SETUP = "IR Receiver Setup"; Blockly.Msg.INLINE_INPUTS = "Inline Inputs"; Blockly.Msg.ISCOLOR = "Is color"; Blockly.Msg.JSONOBJECT_CREATE = "JSON Object"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_ARRAY_SIZE = "Array size"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR = "JSON genrator"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_ARRAY_VALUE = "JSON Array add: value"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_JSONOBJECT = "Object"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_KEY = "JSON Object add: Key "; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_MAIN_JSONNAME = "JSONVar"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_MAIN_TITLE = "Generate a JSON"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_MAIN_TITLE_NAME = "Named"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_NESTED_TITLE = "Nested a JSON"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_NESTED_TITLE_NAME = "named"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_SETUP = "JSON genrator Setup"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_GENERATOR_VALUE = "Value"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_OBJECT_SIZE = "Object size"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_ARRAY = "(JSON Array)"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_BY = "Get item of "; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_EACH = "From JSON Object "; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_INDEX = "Index of"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_ISSUCCESS = "Parsed Successfully"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_ISSUCCESS_NAME = "Is JSON Object"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_JSONOBJECT = "Object"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_KEY = "(JSON Object) Key"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_KEYVALUE = "From JSON Object %1 get item of %2"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_NEST = "Nested with"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_PRETTYPRINT = "Print JSON "; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_PRETTYPRINT_DISPLAY = "Pretty data"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_PRETTYPRINT_WAY = "In pretty way"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_RESPONSE = " Data"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_SETUP = "JSON Parser Setup"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_TOVAR = "Get item to"; Blockly.Msg.JSONTOOL_PARSE_VARTYPE = ""; Blockly.Msg.LED_BACKCOLOR = "Background"; Blockly.Msg.LED_BRIGHTNESS_WARNING = "Brightness must be in range 0 - 255"; Blockly.Msg.LED_BRTN = "Brightness"; Blockly.Msg.LED_CLEAR = "Clear Screen"; Blockly.Msg.LED_COLOR = "Color"; Blockly.Msg.LED_DRAW = "Draw "; Blockly.Msg.LED_FONT = "Font"; Blockly.Msg.LCD_FONT = "Font:"; Blockly.Msg.SUPER_LARGE = "Super Large"; Blockly.Msg.LARGE = "Large"; Blockly.Msg.MIDDLE = "Medium"; Blockly.Msg.SMALL = "Small"; Blockly.Msg.LED_FULL = "Full"; Blockly.Msg.LED_HEIGHT = "Height"; Blockly.Msg.LED_LINE = "Line"; Blockly.Msg.LED_LINE_END = "To"; Blockly.Msg.LED_LINE_START = "Start From"; Blockly.Msg.LED_MULTICOM = "H"; Blockly.Msg.LED_PANELHEIGHT = "Number of Matrix in Height"; Blockly.Msg.LED_PANELWIDTH = "Number of Matrix in Width"; Blockly.Msg.LED_PATTERN = "Pattern"; Blockly.Msg.LED_PIN = "Pin"; Blockly.Msg.LED_PIXEL = "Pixel"; Blockly.Msg.LED_POSITION = "Position"; Blockly.Msg.LED_RECTANGLE = "Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SCROLL = "Scrolling"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SCROLL_NO = "No"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SCROLL_SPEED = "Speed"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SCROLL_YES = "Yes"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SETUP = "LED Matrix Setup"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SET_BRIGHTNESS = "Set brightness to"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SET_ROTATION = "Set rotation to"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SET_ROTATION_DEGREE = "Degree"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SHOW_ALL = "Show Above"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SINGLE_SETUP = "Single LED Matrix Setup"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SIZE = "Size"; Blockly.Msg.LED_STRIP_LOCATION = "Location"; Blockly.Msg.LED_STRIP_PIXEL = "Draw Pixel"; Blockly.Msg.LED_STROKED = "Stroked"; Blockly.Msg.LED_TEXT = "Text"; Blockly.Msg.LED_WIDTH = " Width"; Blockly.Msg.LED_WORD = "Word"; Blockly.Msg.LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS = "at brightness"; Blockly.Msg.LIGHT_PIN = "Set light on"; Blockly.Msg.LIGHT_TURNOFF = "Turn off light on"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-empty-list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TITLE = "Create empty list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Returns a list, of length 0, containing no data records"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_LIST_WITH = "Create list with"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD = "List"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TOOLTIP = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this list block."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TOOLTIP = "Add an item to the list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_TOOLTIP = "Create a list with any number of items."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GETINDEX = "From %1 get item at %2"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_FIRST = "First"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_END = "# from end"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_START = "#"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET = "Get"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET_REMOVE = "Get and remove"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_LAST = "Last"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_RANDOM = "Random"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_REMOVE = "Remove"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FIRST = "Returns the first item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FROM_END = "Returns the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the last item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FROM_START = "Returns the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the first item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_LAST = "Returns the last item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_RANDOM = "Returns a random item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FIRST = "Removes and returns the first item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FROM_END = "Removes and returns the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the last item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FROM_START = "Removes and returns the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the first item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_LAST = "Removes and returns the last item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_RANDOM = "Removes and returns a random item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FIRST = "Removes the first item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FROM_END = "Removes the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the last item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FROM_START = "Removes the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the first item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_LAST = "Removes the last item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_RANDOM = "Removes a random item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_FROM_END = "To # from end"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_FROM_START = "To #"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_LAST = "To last"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FIRST = "Get sub-list from first"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_END = "Get sub-list from # from end"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_START = "Get sub-list from #"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TOOLTIP = "Creates a copy of the specified portion of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_FIRST = "Find first occurrence of item"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-items-from-a-list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_LAST = "Find last occurrence of item"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_TOOLTIP = "Returns the index of the first/last occurrence of the item in the list. Returns 0 if item is not found."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST = "In list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INT_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH = "Create Number List with"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_ISEMPTY_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#is-empty"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_ISEMPTY_TITLE = "%1 is empty"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Returns true if the list is empty."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_LENGTH_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#length-of"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_LENGTH_TITLE = "Length of %1"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_LENGTH_TOOLTIP = "Returns the length of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_REPEAT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_REPEAT_TITLE = "Create list with item %1 repeated %2 times"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP = "Creates a list consisting of the given value repeated the specified number of times."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SETINDEX = "Set %1 at index %2 to %3"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#in-list--set"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_INPUT_TO = "As"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_INSERT = "Insert at"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_SET = "Set"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FIRST = "Inserts the item at the start of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FROM_END = "Inserts the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the last item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FROM_START = "Inserts the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the first item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_LAST = "Append the item to the end of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_RANDOM = "Inserts the item randomly in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FIRST = "Sets the first item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FROM_END = "Sets the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the last item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FROM_START = "Sets the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the first item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_LAST = "Sets the last item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_RANDOM = "Sets a random item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#sorting-a-list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING = "Ascending"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING = "Descending"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TITLE = "Sort %1 %2 %3"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TOOLTIP = "Sort a copy of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TYPE_IGNORECASE = "Alphabetic, ignore case"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TYPE_NUMERIC = "Numeric"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TYPE_TEXT = "Alphabetic"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#splitting-strings-and-joining-lists"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_LIST_FROM_TEXT = "Make list from text"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_TEXT_FROM_LIST = "Make text from list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_JOIN = "Join a list of texts into one text, separated by a delimiter."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_SPLIT = "Split text into a list of texts, breaking at each delimiter."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_WITH_DELIMITER = "With delimiter"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_STRING_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH = "Create String List with"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_THE_LENGTH_OF = "The length of %1"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_BOOLEAN_FALSE = "False"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_BOOLEAN_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Logic#values"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TOOLTIP = "Returns either true or false."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TRUE = "True"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_CASE = "Case"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inequality_(mathematics)"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_EQ = "Return true if both inputs equal each other."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GT = "Return true if the first input is greater than the second input."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GTE = "Return true if the first input is greater than or equal to the second input."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LT = "Return true if the first input is smaller than the second input."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LTE = "Return true if the first input is smaller than or equal to the second input."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_NEQ = "Return true if both inputs are not equal to each other."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_DEFAULT = "Default"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NEGATE_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Logic#not"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NEGATE_TITLE = "Not %1"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NEGATE_TOOLTIP = "Returns true if the input is false. Returns false if the input is true."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NULL = "Null"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NULL_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullable_type"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NULL_TOOLTIP = "Returns null."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_AND = "And"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Logic#logical-operations"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_OR = "Or"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_AND = "Return true if both inputs are true."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_OR = "Return true if at least one of the inputs is true."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_SWITCH = "Switch"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_CONDITION = "Test"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%3F:"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_FALSE = "If false"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_TRUE = "If true"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_TOOLTIP = "Check the condition in 'test'. If the condition is true, returns the 'if true' value; otherwise returns the 'if false' value."; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE = "Get Data from AI Module"; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_GET = "From "; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_GET_LINE2 = "Get data at "; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_GET_LINE3 = "As Type"; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_GET_LINE4 = ""; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_LINE2 = "And store it to "; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_LINE3 = "With length of "; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_SEND = "Create List"; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_SEND_LINE2 = "Send data to AI Module"; Blockly.Msg.MAINEASYMODE_TRANSFER_SEND_VALUE = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.MAINWIFI_RECEIVEMSG = "Receive data to"; Blockly.Msg.MAINWIFI_RECEIVEMSG_ISSUCCESS = "Receive data successfully"; Blockly.Msg.MAINWIFI_RECEIVEMSG_LENGTH = ", Data length "; Blockly.Msg.MAINWIFI_SENDMSG = "Send data "; Blockly.Msg.MAINWIFI_SENDMSG_LENGTH = ", data length "; Blockly.Msg.MAINWIFI_SETUP = "WiFi Data Transfer Setup"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ADDITION_SYMBOL = "+"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_ADD = "Return the sum of the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_DIVIDE = "Return the quotient of the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MINUS = "Return the difference of the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MULTIPLY = "Return the product of the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_POWER = "Return the first number raised to the power of the second number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_idiom#Incrementing_a_counter"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE = "Change %1 by %2"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TOOLTIP = "Add a number to variable '%1'."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTANT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_constant"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTANT_TOOLTIP = "Return one of the common constants: π (3.141…), e (2.718…), φ (1.618…), sqrt(2) (1.414…), sqrt(½) (0.707…), or ∞ (infinity)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTRAIN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clamping_%28graphics%29"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTRAIN_TITLE = "Constrain %1 low %2 high %3"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTRAIN_TOOLTIP = "Constrain a number to be between the specified limits (inclusive)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_DIVISION_SYMBOL = "÷"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_DIVISIBLE_BY = "Is divisible by"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_EVEN = "Is even"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_NEGATIVE = "Is negative"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_ODD = "Is odd"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_POSITIVE = "Is positive"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_PRIME = "Is prime"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_TOOLTIP = "Check if a number is an even, odd, prime, whole, positive, negative, or if it is divisible by certain number. Returns true or false."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_WHOLE = "Is whole"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_MODULO_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_MODULO_TITLE = "Remainder of %1 ÷ %2"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_MODULO_TOOLTIP = "Return the remainder from dividing the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_MULTIPLICATION_SYMBOL = "×"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_NUMBER_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_NUMBER_TOOLTIP = "A number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_HELPURL = ""; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_AVERAGE = "Average of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MAX = "Max of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MEDIAN = "Median of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MIN = "Min of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MODE = "Modes of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_RANDOM = "Random item of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_STD_DEV = "Standard deviation of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_SUM = "Sum of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_AVERAGE = "Return the average (arithmetic mean) of the numeric values in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MAX = "Return the largest number in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MEDIAN = "Return the median number in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MIN = "Return the smallest number in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MODE = "Return a list of the most common item(s) in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_RANDOM = "Return a random element from the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_STD_DEV = "Return the standard deviation of the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_SUM = "Return the sum of all the numbers in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_POWER_SYMBOL = "^"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_number_generation"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TITLE_RANDOM = "Random fraction"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TOOLTIP = "Return a random fraction between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_number_generation"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_TITLE = "random integer from %1 to %2"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_TOOLTIP = "Return a random integer between the two specified limits, inclusive."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUND = "Round"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDDOWN = "Round down"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDUP = "Round up"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP = "Round a number up or down."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_root"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_OP_ABSOLUTE = "Absolute"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_OP_ROOT = "Square root"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ABS = "Return the absolute value of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_EXP = "Return e to the power of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LN = "Return the natural logarithm of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LOG10 = "Return the base 10 logarithm of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_NEG = "Return the negation of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10 = "Return 10 to the power of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ROOT = "Return the square root of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SUBTRACTION_SYMBOL = "-"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_ACOS = "Acos"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_ASIN = "Asin"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_ATAN = "Atan"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_COS = "Cos"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_SIN = "Sin"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TAN = "Tan"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ACOS = "Return the arccosine of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ASIN = "Return the arcsine of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ATAN = "Return the arctangent of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_COS = "Return the cosine of a degree (not radian)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_SIN = "Return the sine of a degree (not radian)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_TAN = "Return the tangent of a degree (not radian)."; Blockly.Msg.ME = "Me"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GETACC = "Get Acceleration Value of"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GETACC1 = ""; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GETRAWDATA = "Get rawdata"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GETYPR = "Get Rotation Value of"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GETYPR1 = ""; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ONDIRECTION = "On Tilt Direction"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ONDIRECTION1 = ""; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ONDIRECTION_BACK = "Back"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ONDIRECTION_CLOCKWISE = "Clockwise"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ONDIRECTION_COUNTERCLOCKWISE = "Counter-clockwise"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ONDIRECTION_FRONT = "Front"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ONDIRECTION_LEFT = "Left"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ONDIRECTION_RIGHT = "Right"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ONSHAKE = "On Shake"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_SETUP = "Motion Setup"; Blockly.Msg.MOTION_TRENDENCY = "Get motion trendency"; Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_MOVE_DIRECTION1 = "Clockwise"; Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_MOVE_DIRECTION2 = "Counter-clockwise"; Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_MOVE_MOTOR = "Set motor"; Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_MOVE_MSG = "And"; Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_SETUP = "Motor Driver Setup"; Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_SPEED = "Speed"; Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_STOP = "Set Motors Stop"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_BEAT = "Beat"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_DURATION = "For"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT = "Set instrument:"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_ACCORION = "Accordion"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_BASS = "Bass"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_CELLO = "Cello"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_DRAWBARORGAN = "Drawbar Organ"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_DRUM = "Drum"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_EGUITAR = "Electric Guitar"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_EPIANO = "Electric Piano"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_FLUTE = "Flute"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_GPIANO = "Grand Piano"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_GUITAR = "Guitar"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_MUSICBOX = "Music Box"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_PICCOLO = "Piccolo"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_SAX = "Sax"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_SITAR = "Sitar"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_TRUMPET = "Trumpet"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_VIOLA = "Viola"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_VIOLIN = "Violin"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_WHISTLE = "Whistle"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_WOODBLOCK = "Woodblock"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_INSTRUMENT_XYLOPHONE = "Xylophone"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_CURRENTVOLUME = "Get current volume"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYALL = "List Play"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYALL_NAME = "Play Mode"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYMODE_LISTREPEAT = "List Repeat"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYMODE_NORMAL = "Normal"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYMODE_REPEAT = "Repeat"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYONE = "Play music "; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYONE_NAME = "Music:"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYONE_NORMAL = "once"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYONE_REPEAT = "repeatedly"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYSETTING = "MP3 Music Operation:"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYSETTING_NEXTSONG = "Next song"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYSETTING_PAUSE = "Pause"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYSETTING_PLAYALL = "Play all Song"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYSETTING_PRESONG = "Previous song"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYSETTING_RESUME = "Resume"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYSETTING_STOP = "Stop"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYSETTING_VOLDOWN = "Volume down"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAYSETTING_VOLUP = "Volume up"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAY_NORMAL = "Normal"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_PLAY_REPEAT = "List Repeat"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_SETUP = "MP3 Player Setup"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_SETUP_SETVOLUME = "Set volume"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_SETUP_SETVOLUME_HIGH = "High"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_SETUP_SETVOLUME_LOW = "Low"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_SETUP_SETVOLUME_MID = "Mid"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_MP3_SETVOLUME = "Set volume to"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_NOTE = "Note"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_PLAY_NOTE = "Play"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_PLAY_NOTE_TOOLTIP = "Right click this block and check the help page to see the corresponding music note."; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_REST = "Rest for"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_VOLUME = "Set volume as"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_VOL_MAX = "Max"; Blockly.Msg.MUSIC_VOL_MIN = "Min"; Blockly.Msg.Monday = "Monday"; Blockly.Msg.Motion_Accelerate = "Accelerate"; Blockly.Msg.Motion_Gyroscope = "Gyroscope"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_ENABLE = "Enable NB-IoT Interactive Serial"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_APIKEY = "Cloud Event API Key"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_CLOUD_GET = "NB-IoT CocoCloud: Receive Data"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_CONTENTTYPE = "Content Type"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_DATA = "Data:"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_IFTTT_APIKEY = "IFTTT API Key"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_IFTTT_EVENT = "IFTTT Event Name"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_IFTTT_TITLE = "NB-IoT IFTTT: Send Data"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_THINGSPEAK_APIKEY = "Event API Key"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_THINGSPEAK_TITLE = "NB-IoT Thingspeak: Send Data"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_HTTP_TITLE = "NB-IoT CocoCloud: Send Data"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_IS_POWERON = "NB-IoT Module is Powered On"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_NETWORK_CONNECTED = "Network Connected"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_NETWORK_IP = "Get NB-IoT Module IP"; Blockly.Msg.NBIOT_SETUP = "NB-IoT Comm.Setup"; Blockly.Msg.NEW_INSTANCE = "New instance..."; Blockly.Msg.NEW_INSTANCE_TITLE = "New instance name:"; Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE = "New variable..."; Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE = "New variable name:"; Blockly.Msg.NRFMODULE_GET_RECEIVED_DATA = "Get nRF Module Received Data"; Blockly.Msg.NRFMODULE_RECEIVING_DATA_TEXT = "nRF Module Start Receiving Data"; Blockly.Msg.NRFMODULE_SEND_DATA_DATA_TEXT = "Data:"; Blockly.Msg.NRFMODULE_SEND_DATA_TITLE = "nRF Module Send Data"; Blockly.Msg.NRFMODULE_SETUP_CE_TEXT = "CE Pin:"; Blockly.Msg.NRFMODULE_SETUP_CSN_TEXT = "CSN Pin:"; Blockly.Msg.NRFMODULE_SETUP_SET_ADDRESS = "Set Connection Address:"; Blockly.Msg.NRFMODULE_SETUP_TITLE = "nRF24L01 Communication Module Setup"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_CENTER_POS = "Center Position"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_SCALE = "Scale"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_WT = "Wrap Text"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_BW = "Border Width"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_SET_POS = "Set Position"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_CIRCLE = "Circle"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_CLEAR = "Clear"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_COLOR = "Color"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_COORDINATE = "Coordinate"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_DRAW = "LCD Display: Draw "; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_FALSE = "False"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_VLINE = "Vline"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_HLINE = "Hline"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_LENGTHIS = "Length is"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_FULLCIRCLE = "Fullcircle"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_CIRCLE = "Circle"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_FULL = "Full"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_HEIGHT = "Height"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_LINE = "Line"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_SCREEN = "Screen"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_LINE_END = "To"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_LINE_START = "Start From"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_POINT = "Point"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_POSITION = "Position"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_RADIUS = "Set Radius as"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_RECTANGLE = "Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_SETROTATION = "LCD Display: Set Screen Rotation"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_SETROTATION_DEGREE = "degree"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_SETUP = "LCD Screen Setup"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_SIZE = "Size"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_STROKED = "Stroked"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_TEXT = "Text"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_TEXTNEWLINE = "New Line"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_TRIANGLE = "Triangle"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_TRUE = "True"; Blockly.Msg.OLCD_WIDTH = "Width"; Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_ALLOW_STATEMENTS = "Allow statements"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_BEFORE_PARAMS = "With:"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALLNORETURN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_%28computer_science%29"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALLNORETURN_TOOLTIP = "Run the user-defined function '%1'."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALLRETURN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_%28computer_science%29"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALLRETURN_TOOLTIP = "Run the user-defined function '%1' and use its output."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALL_BEFORE_PARAMS = "With:"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CREATE_DO = "Create '%1'"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_COMMENT = "Describe this function..."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_DO = ""; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_%28computer_science%29"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_PROCEDURE = "Func1"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TITLE = "To"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TOOLTIP = "Creates a function with no output."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_%28computer_science%29"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_RETURN = "Return"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_TOOLTIP = "Creates a function with an output."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEF_DUPLICATE_WARNING = "Warning: This function has duplicate parameters."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_HIGHLIGHT_DEF = "Highlight function definition"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_HELPURL = "http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GuardClause"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_TOOLTIP = "If a value is true, then return a second value."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_WARNING = "Warning: This block may be used only within a function definition."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORARG_TITLE = "Input name:"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORARG_TOOLTIP = "Add an input to the function."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TITLE = "Inputs"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TOOLTIP = "Add, remove, or reorder inputs to this function."; Blockly.Msg.PULSESENSOR_GETBPM = "Get BPM"; Blockly.Msg.PULSESENSOR_HEARTBEAT_PRINT = "Serial Print Pulse Raw Data"; Blockly.Msg.PULSESENSOR_HEARTBEAT_WHEN = "When Your Heart Beats"; Blockly.Msg.PULSESENSOR_HEARTBEAT_WHENNO = "When Your Heart Doesn't Beats"; Blockly.Msg.PULSESENSOR_SETUP = "Pulse Sensor Setup"; Blockly.Msg.PULSESENSOR_SETUP_1 = "Set Pin on"; Blockly.Msg.READ_B = "Read Blue"; Blockly.Msg.READ_G = "Read Green"; Blockly.Msg.READ_R = "Read Red"; Blockly.Msg.RED = "Red"; Blockly.Msg.REDO = "Redo"; Blockly.Msg.REMOVE_COMMENT = "Remove Comment"; Blockly.Msg.RENAME_INSTANCE = "Rename instance..."; Blockly.Msg.RENAME_INSTANCE_TITLE = "Rename all '%1' instances to:"; Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE = "Rename variable..."; Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE_TITLE = "Rename all '%1' variables to:"; Blockly.Msg.REQUEST_DATA_CLOUD = "Cloud Data"; Blockly.Msg.REQUEST_DATA_STRING = "String"; Blockly.Msg.RFID_READID = "Read Card ID"; Blockly.Msg.RFID_SETUP = "RFID Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT = "Set biped"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_BACKYARD = "Walk Backward"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_GOINGUP = "Going Up"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_KICKLEFT = "Kick Left"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_KICKRIGHT = "Kick Right"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_MOONWALKLEFT = "Moonwalk to Left"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_MOONWALKRIGHT = "Moonwalk to Right"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_RUN = "Run"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_SWING = "Swing Dance"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_TURNLEFT = "Turn Left"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_TURNRIGHT = "Turn Right"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_MOVEMENT_WALK = "Walk Forward"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETMOVE_TEMPO = "With tempo in"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETUP = "Bipedal Walking Robot Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETUP_SETRLPIN = "And Left Foot pin#"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETUP_SETRRPIN = "Set Right Foot pin#"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETUP_SETYLPIN = "And Left Hip pin#"; Blockly.Msg.ROBOT_SETUP_SETYRPIN = "Set Right Hip pin#"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_DAY = "Day"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_GETDATE = "Get Current Date"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_GETTIME = "Get Current Time"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_GETWEEK = "Get Current Week"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_HOUR = "Hour"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_MINUTE = "Minute"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_MONTH = "Month"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_SECOND = "Second"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_SETDATE = "Date"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_SETDATETIME = "Set Date and Time"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_SETTIME = "Time"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_SETUP = "RTC Setup"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_SETWEEK = "Week"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_WEEK = "Week"; Blockly.Msg.RTC_YEAR = "Year"; Blockly.Msg.SONAR = "Sonar"; Blockly.Msg.SONAR_READ_DIST = "Read distance (cm) from"; Blockly.Msg.SONAR_SETUP = "Setup"; Blockly.Msg.SONAR_SETUP_ECHOPIN = "And Echo at pin#"; Blockly.Msg.SONAR_SETUP_MAXDIST = "Set max distance"; Blockly.Msg.SONAR_SETUP_TRIGPIN = "Set Trig at pin#"; Blockly.Msg.Saturday = "Saturday"; Blockly.Msg.Sunday = "Sunday"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_APPENDTEXT = "Append text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-modification"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_TO = "To"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_TOOLTIP = "Append some text to variable '%1'."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_LOWERCASE = "To lower case"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_TITLECASE = "To Title Case"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_UPPERCASE = "To UPPER CASE"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_TOOLTIP = "Return a copy of the text in a different case."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_FIRST = "Get first letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_END = "Get letter # from end"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_START = "Get letter #"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_INPUT_INTEXT = "In text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_LAST = "Get last letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_RANDOM = "Get random letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_TOOLTIP = "Returns the letter at the specified position."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_ITEM_TOOLTIP = "Add an item to the text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TITLE_JOIN = "Join"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TOOLTIP = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this text block."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_END = "To letter # from end"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_START = "To letter #"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_LAST = "To last letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_INPUT_IN_TEXT = "In text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FIRST = "Get substring from first letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_END = "Get substring from letter # from end"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_START = "Get substring from letter #"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TOOLTIP = "Returns a specified portion of the text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_INPUT_INTEXT = "In text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_FIRST = "Find first occurrence of text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_LAST = "Find last occurrence of text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_TOOLTIP = "Returns the index of the first/last occurrence of the first text in the second text. Returns 0 if text is not found."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#checking-for-empty-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_TITLE = "%1 is empty"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Returns true if the provided text is empty."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_TITLE_CREATEWITH = "Create text with"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_TOOLTIP = "Create a piece of text by joining together any number of items."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-modification"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_TITLE = "Length of %1"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_TOOLTIP = "Returns the number of letters (including spaces) in the provided text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PRINT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PRINT_TITLE = "Print %1"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PRINT_TOOLTIP = "Print the specified text, number or other value."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#getting-input-from-the-user"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_NUMBER = "Prompt for user for a number."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_TEXT = "Prompt for user for some text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_NUMBER = "prompt for number with message"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_TEXT = "prompt for text with message"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TEXT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_(computer_science)"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TEXT_TOOLTIP = "A letter, word, or line of text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_BOTH = "Trim spaces from both sides of"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_LEFT = "Trim spaces from left side of"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_RIGHT = "Trim spaces from right side of"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_TOOLTIP = "Return a copy of the text with spaces removed from one or both ends."; Blockly.Msg.THINGSPEAK_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD = "Field"; Blockly.Msg.THINGSPEAK_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH = "FIELD"; Blockly.Msg.THINGSPEAK_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TITLE = "Value"; Blockly.Msg.TODAY = "Today"; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_AT = "When Touch Pin "; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_CASE = "Key No."; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_DEFAULT = "Default"; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_LOOSE = "When loose it"; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_SETUP = "Touch Sensor Setup"; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_SWITCH = "⌘ When Touch Pins"; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_THEN_LOOSE_SWITCH = "⌘ Loose touched Pins"; Blockly.Msg.Thursday = "Thursday"; Blockly.Msg.Tuesday = "Tuesday"; Blockly.Msg.UNDO = "Undo"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME = "Item"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_CREATE_SET = "Create 'set %1'"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#get"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_TOOLTIP = "Returns the value of this variable."; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET = "Set %1 to %2"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_CREATE_GET = "Create 'get %1'"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#set"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_TOOLTIP = "Sets this variable to be equal to the input."; Blockly.Msg.WATERTEMP_GET_TEMP = "Get Water Temperature (ºC)"; Blockly.Msg.WATERTEMP_SETUP_ATTACHED_PIN = "Digital Pin Attached:"; Blockly.Msg.WATERTEMP_SETUP_BLOCKNAME = "Water Temperature Sensor"; Blockly.Msg.WATERTEMP_SETUP_SENSORTYPE = "Sensor type:"; Blockly.Msg.WATERTEMP_SETUP_SETUP = "Setup"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTONCTRL_SETPATH = " Set path to:"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTONCTRL_TEXT_BOTTOM = "Button Bottom:"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTONCTRL_TEXT_CENTER = "Button Center:"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTONCTRL_TEXT_LEFT = "Button Left:"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTONCTRL_TEXT_RIGHT = "Button Right:"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTONCTRL_TEXT_TOP = "Button Top:"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTONCTRL_TITLE = "Web Dashboard: Button Controller"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTON_NAME = "Button Name"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTON_ROUTER = "Set request path to:"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_BUTTON_TITLE = "Web Dashboard: Button"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_COLORPICKER_PATH = "Set request path to:"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_COLORPICKER_SUBTITLE = "(Note: Data format in RGB)"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_COLORPICKER_TITLE = "Web Dashboard: Color Picker Widget"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_LABLE = "Label Name"; Blockly.Msg.WEBPAGE_LABLE_TITLE = "Web Dashboard: Label"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_GET_DATA = "Get data stored into"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_GET_URL = "Send GET Request to"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_POST_DATA = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_POST_TYPE = "as"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_POST_URL = "Send POST Request to"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_POST_VAR = "Create list"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_PUT_DATA = "From content"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_PUT_TYPE = "as"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_PUT_URL = "Send PUT Request to"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_RESPONSE = "Get HTTP Response"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_HTTP_SETUP = "Client Setup"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_RECEIVE_GET = "From"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_RECEIVE_GET_LINE2 = "Get data of index"; Blockly.Msg.WIFICLIENT_RECEIVE_GET_LINE3 = "As type"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOCLOUD_END = ""; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOCLOUD_GETDATA = "Get Data and Store it to "; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOCLOUD_KEY = "From"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOCLOUD_KEY1 = "Get the value with property"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOCLOUD_KEY2 = "Named "; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOCLOUD_SENDDATA = "Send Data "; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOCLOUD_SETVAR = "Item"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOCLOUD_SETVAR_FROM = ""; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOCLOUD_TYPE = "As type"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOClOUD_DATA_NAME = "Name:"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_COCOClOUD_EVENT = "Cloud Event API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_IFTTT_EVENT = "IFTTT Event Name:"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_IFTTT_FETCH = "Fecth data"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_IFTTT_KEY = "IFTTT Key:"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_IFTTT_POST = "Post data"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_IFTTT_SENDDATA = "Send Data"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_IFTTT_TYPE = "Webhook Type:"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_NETWORK_PW = "WiFi Password"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_NETWORK_SSID = "WiFi Name"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_NETWORK_TITLE = "Connect to WiFi:"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_THINGSPEAK_APIKEY = "Channel API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_THINGSPEAK_SENDDATA = "Send data:"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE = "Get Data from Main Controller"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_GET = "From "; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_GET_LINE2 = "Get data at "; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_GET_LINE3 = "As Type"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_GET_LINE4 = ""; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_LINE2 = "And store it to "; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_LINE3 = "with length of "; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_SEND = "Create List"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_SEND_LINE2 = "Send data to Main Controller"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIEASYMODE_TRANSFER_SEND_VALUE = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_AP_PW = "Set PASSWORD "; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_AP_SETUP = "WiFi Access Point Setup"; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_AP_SSID = "Set SSID "; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_CONNECT = "WiFi Connect Setup"; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_CONNECT_PW = "Set PASSWORD "; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_CONNECT_SSID = "Set SSID "; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_GETGATEWAYIP = "Get Gateway IP"; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_GETLOCALIP = "Get local IP"; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_GETMACADDR = "Get MAC address"; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_GETSTATIONNUM = "Get client number"; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_ISCONNECTED = "isConnected"; Blockly.Msg.WIFINETWORK_PW_WARN = "PASSWORD should be set as more than eight digits"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_HANDLECLIENT = "Handleclient"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_LIST = "Create List"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_RECEIVE = "Server receive data"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_RECEIVE_GET = "From"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_RECEIVE_GET_INT = "Number"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_RECEIVE_GET_LINE2 = "Get data at "; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_RECEIVE_GET_LINE3 = " As type "; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_RECEIVE_GET_STRING = "Text"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_RECEIVE_LENGTH = "With length of "; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_RECEIVE_TO = "And store it to"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SEND = "Server send data"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SERVERSEND = "Server send "; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SERVERSEND_CODE = "HTTP code"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SERVERSEND_TYPE = "Type"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SETROOTPAGE = "Set homepage"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SETROUTER = "Server Router"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SETROUTER_ONNOTFOUND = "Set Router when URL no found, do with"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SETROUTER_SET = "Set path on"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SETROUTER_WITH = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SETUP = "Server Setup"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_WAIT_CONNECTION = "Wait connection"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_IFTTT = "Web Service IFTTT"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_IFTTT_SET_EVENT = "Event "; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_IFTTT_SET_KEY = "Key "; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_IFTTT_SET_KEY1 = "Key1"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_IFTTT_SET_KEY2 = "Key2"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_IFTTT_SET_KEY3 = "Key3"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_IFTTT_SET_VALUE1 = "Value1"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_IFTTT_SET_VALUE2 = "Value2"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_IFTTT_SET_VALUE3 = "Value3"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_THINKSPEAK = "Web Service Thinkspeak"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_THINKSPEAK_SET_FIELD1 = "Field"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_THINKSPEAK_SET_KEY = "Api-key"; Blockly.Msg.WIFIWEBSERVICES_THINKSPEAK_SET_VALUE = "Value"; Blockly.Msg.WIFI_RECEIVEMSG = "Receive data to"; Blockly.Msg.WIFI_RECEIVEMSG_ISSUCCESS = "Receive data successfully"; Blockly.Msg.WIFI_RECEIVEMSG_LENGTH = ", data length "; Blockly.Msg.WIFI_SENDMSG = "Send data "; Blockly.Msg.WIFI_SENDMSG_LENGTH = ", data length "; Blockly.Msg.WIFI_SETUP = "Data Transfer Setup"; Blockly.Msg.Wednesday = "Wednesday"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_TITLE = Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TITLE; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_IF_TITLE_IF = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_IF; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_THEN = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_ELSE_TITLE_ELSE = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSE; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_PROCEDURE = Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_PROCEDURE; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_INPUT_IN_LIST = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_INPUT_IN_LIST = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_DO = Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_DO; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_ELSEIF_TITLE_ELSEIF = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSEIF; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_HELPURL = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_HELPURL; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOREACH_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_INPUT_IN_LIST = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TITLE = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_VARIABLE = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_ITEM_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_INPUT_IN_LIST = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_COMMENT = Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_COMMENT; Blockly.Msg.ADD_COMMENT = "Add Comment"; Blockly.Msg.AIYBOARD_AIY_BOARD = "AIY Board"; Blockly.Msg.AIYBOARD_BUTTON_FROM = "From"; Blockly.Msg.AIYBOARD_BUTTON_WHEN = "When button"; Blockly.Msg.AIYBOARD_FROM = "From aiy.board"; Blockly.Msg.AIYBOARD_IMPORT = "Import"; Blockly.Msg.AIYBOARD_LED_STATE = "Gget LED state of"; Blockly.Msg.AIYBOARD_LED_STATUS = "Get LED status of"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_CAMERA = "Camera"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_FPS = "fps"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_FRAME_RATE = "Frame Rete:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_IMPORT = "Import piCamera"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION = "Resolution"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_SENSOR_MODE = "Sensor Mode:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_SET_BOUNDING = "Set bounding box:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_USE_AS = "Use PiCamera as"; Blockly.Msg.CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE = "Change value:"; Blockly.Msg.CLEAN_UP = "Clean up Blocks"; Blockly.Msg.COLLAPSE_ALL = "Collapse Blocks"; Blockly.Msg.COLLAPSE_BLOCK = "Collapse Block"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR1 = "Colour 1"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR2 = "Colour 2"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_HELPURL = "http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/color-blend/"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_RATIO = "Ratio"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_TITLE = "Blend"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_TOOLTIP = "Blends two colours together with a given ratio (0.0 - 1.0)."; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_PICKER_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_PICKER_TOOLTIP = "Choose a colour from the palette."; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RANDOM_HELPURL = "http://randomcolour.com"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RANDOM_TITLE = "Random colour"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RANDOM_TOOLTIP = "Choose a colour at random."; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_BLUE = "Blue"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_GREEN = "Green"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_HELPURL = "http://www.december.com/html/spec/colorper.html"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_RED = "Red"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_TITLE = "Colour with"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_TOOLTIP = "Create a colour with the specified amount of red, green, and blue. All values must be between 0 and 100."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#loop-termination-blocks"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_OPERATOR_BREAK = "Break out of loop"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_OPERATOR_CONTINUE = "Continue with next iteration of loop"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_BREAK = "Break out of the containing loop."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_CONTINUE = "Skip the rest of this loop, and continue with the next iteration."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_WARNING = "Warning: This block may only be used within a loop."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOREACH_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#for-each"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOREACH_TITLE = "For each item %1 in list %2"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOREACH_TOOLTIP = "For each item in a list, set the variable '%1' to the item, and then do some statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#count-with"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_TITLE = "count with %1 from %2 to %3 by %4"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_TOOLTIP = "Have the variable '%1' take on the values from the start number to the end number, counting by the specified interval, and do the specified blocks."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_ELSEIF_TOOLTIP = "Add a condition to the if block."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_ELSE_TOOLTIP = "Add a final, catch-all condition to the if block."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/IfElse"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_IF_TOOLTIP = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this if block."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSE = "Else"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSEIF = "Else if"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_IF = "If"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_1 = "If a value is true, then do some statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_2 = "If a value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, do the second block of statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_3 = "If the first value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, if the second value is true, do the second block of statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_4 = "If the first value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, if the second value is true, do the second block of statements. If none of the values are true, do the last block of statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_loop"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_TITLE = "Repeat %1 times"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP = "Do some statements several times."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Loops#repeat"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_UNTIL = "Repeat until"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_WHILE = "While"; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_UNTIL = "While a value is false, then do some statements."; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_WHILE = "While a value is true, then do some statements."; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Delete Block"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_VARIABLE = "Delete the '%1' property"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_VARIABLE_CONFIRMATION = "Delete %1 uses of the '%2' property?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_X_BLOCKS = "Delete %1 Blocks"; Blockly.Msg.DICTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TITLE = "Empty dictionary"; Blockly.Msg.DICTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD = "Create Dictionary"; Blockly.Msg.DICTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TOOLTIP = ""; Blockly.Msg.DICTS_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH = "Create dict with"; Blockly.Msg.DICTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_KEY = "Key"; Blockly.Msg.DICTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_MAPPING = ":"; Blockly.Msg.DICTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TITLE = "Key/value"; Blockly.Msg.DICTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TOOLTIP = ""; Blockly.Msg.DICTS_CREATE_WITH_TOOLTIP = ""; Blockly.Msg.DICT_GET = "Get key"; Blockly.Msg.DICT_GET_TO = "of"; // Blockly.Msg.DICT_KEYS = "Get all keys from"; Blockly.Msg.DISABLE_BLOCK = "Disable Block"; Blockly.Msg.DUPLICATE_BLOCK = "Duplicate"; Blockly.Msg.ENABLE_BLOCK = "Enable Block"; Blockly.Msg.EXPAND_ALL = "Expand Blocks"; Blockly.Msg.EXPAND_BLOCK = "Expand Block"; Blockly.Msg.EXTERNAL_INPUTS = "Change to External Inputs"; Blockly.Msg.HELP = "Help"; Blockly.Msg.INLINE_INPUTS = "Change to Inline Inputs"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_APPEND = "Append item"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_APPEND_HELPURL = "http://google.com"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_APPEND_TO = "To list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_APPEND_TOOLTIP = "Append an element to a list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-empty-list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TITLE = "Create empty list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Returns a list, of length 0, containing no data records"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD = "List"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TOOLTIP = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this list block."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH = "Use these values to create an array of Numbers"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TOOLTIP = "Add an item to the list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_TOOLTIP = "Create a list with any number of items."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_FIRST = "First"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_END = "# from end"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_START = "#"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET = "Get"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET_REMOVE = "Get and remove"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_LAST = "Last"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_RANDOM = "Random"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_REMOVE = "Remove"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FIRST = "Returns the first item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FROM = "Returns the item at the specified position in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_LAST = "Returns the last item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_RANDOM = "Returns a random item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FIRST = "Removes and returns the first item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FROM = "Removes and returns the item at the specified position in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_LAST = "Removes and returns the last item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_RANDOM = "Removes and returns a random item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FIRST = "Removes the first item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FROM = "Removes the item at the specified position in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_LAST = "Removes the last item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_RANDOM = "Removes a random item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_FROM_END = "To # from end"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_FROM_START = "To #"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_LAST = "To last"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-a-sublist"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FIRST = "Get sub-list from first"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_END = "Get sub-list from # from end"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_START = "Get sub-list from #"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TOOLTIP = "Creates a copy of the specified portion of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_FROM_END_TOOLTIP = "%1 is the last item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_FROM_START_TOOLTIP = "%1 is the first item."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_FIRST = "Find first occurrence of item"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#getting-items-from-a-list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_LAST = "Find last occurrence of item"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_TOOLTIP = "Returns the index of the first/last occurrence of the item in the list. Returns %1 if item is not found."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST = "In list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_ISEMPTY_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#is-empty"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_ISEMPTY_TITLE = "%1 is empty"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Returns true if the list is empty."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_LENGTH_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#length-of"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_LENGTH_TITLE = "Length of %1"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_LENGTH_TOOLTIP = "Returns the length of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_REPEAT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_REPEAT_TITLE = "Create list with item %1 repeated %2 times"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP = "Creates a list consisting of the given value repeated the specified number of times."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#in-list--set"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_INPUT_TO = "As"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_INSERT = "Insert at"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_SET = "Set"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FIRST = "Inserts the item at the start of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FROM = "Inserts the item at the specified position in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_LAST = "Append the item to the end of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_RANDOM = "Inserts the item randomly in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FIRST = "Sets the first item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FROM = "Sets the item at the specified position in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_LAST = "Sets the last item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_RANDOM = "Sets a random item in a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#sorting-a-list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING = "Ascending"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING = "Descending"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TITLE = "Sort %1 %2 %3"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TOOLTIP = "Sort a copy of a list."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TYPE_IGNORECASE = "Alphabetic, ignore case"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TYPE_NUMERIC = "Numeric"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SORT_TYPE_TEXT = "Alphabetic"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#splitting-strings-and-joining-lists"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_LIST_FROM_TEXT = "Make list from text"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_TEXT_FROM_LIST = "Make text from list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_JOIN = "Join a list of texts into one text, separated by a delimiter."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_SPLIT = "Split text into a list of texts, breaking at each delimiter."; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SPLIT_WITH_DELIMITER = "With delimiter"; Blockly.Msg.LOGGING_CONF = "Logging Basic config"; Blockly.Msg.LOGGING_CONFIG = "Logging config"; Blockly.Msg.LOGGING_CONFIG_LEVEL = "Level ="; Blockly.Msg.LOGGING_IMPORT = "Import logging"; Blockly.Msg.LOGGING_INFO = "Logging info"; Blockly.Msg.LOGGING_SETUP = "Logging Setup"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_BOOLEAN_FALSE = "False"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_BOOLEAN_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Logic#values"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TOOLTIP = "Returns either true or false."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TRUE = "True"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inequality_(mathematics)"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_EQ = "Return true if both inputs equal each other."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GT = "Return true if the first input is greater than the second input."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GTE = "Return true if the first input is greater than or equal to the second input."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LT = "Return true if the first input is smaller than the second input."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LTE = "Return true if the first input is smaller than or equal to the second input."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_NEQ = "Return true if both inputs are not equal to each other."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NEGATE_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Logic#not"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NEGATE_TITLE = "Not %1"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NEGATE_TOOLTIP = "Returns true if the input is false. Returns false if the input is true."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NULL = "None"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NULL_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullable_type"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_NULL_TOOLTIP = "Returns the special None object."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_AND = "and"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Logic#logical-operations"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_OR = "or"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_AND = "Return true if both inputs are true."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_OR = "Return true if at least one of the inputs is true."; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_CONDITION = "Test"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%3F:"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_FALSE = "If false"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_TRUE = "If true"; Blockly.Msg.LOGIC_TERNARY_TOOLTIP = "Check the condition in 'test'. If the condition is true, returns the 'if true' value; otherwise returns the 'if false' value."; Blockly.Msg.LOOP_FOREACH_ITEM = "For each item"; Blockly.Msg.LOOP_FOREACH_LIST = "In list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ADDITION_SYMBOL = "+"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_ADD = "Return the sum of the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_DIVIDE = "Return the quotient of the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MINUS = "Return the difference of the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MULTIPLY = "Return the product of the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_POWER = "Return the first number raised to the power of the second number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_idiom#Incrementing_a_counter"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE = "Change %1 by %2"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TOOLTIP = "Add a number to property '%1'."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTANT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_constant"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTANT_TOOLTIP = "Return one of the common constants: π (3.141…), e (2.718…), φ (1.618…), sqrt(2) (1.414…), sqrt(½) (0.707…), or ∞ (infinity)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTRAIN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clamping_%28graphics%29"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTRAIN_TITLE = "Constrain %1 low %2 high %3"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CONSTRAIN_TOOLTIP = "Constrain a number to be between the specified limits (inclusive)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_DIVISION_SYMBOL = "÷"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_DIVISIBLE_BY = "Is divisible by"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_EVEN = "Is even"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_NEGATIVE = "Is negative"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_ODD = "Is odd"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_POSITIVE = "Is positive"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_PRIME = "Is prime"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_TOOLTIP = "Check if a number is an even, odd, prime, whole, positive, negative, or if it is divisible by certain number. Returns true or false."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_IS_WHOLE = "Is whole"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_MODULO_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_MODULO_TITLE = "Remainder of %1 ÷ %2"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_MODULO_TOOLTIP = "Return the remainder from dividing the two numbers."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_MULTIPLICATION_SYMBOL = "×"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_NUMBER_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_NUMBER_TOOLTIP = "A number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_HELPURL = ""; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_AVERAGE = "Average of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MAX = "Max of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MEDIAN = "Median of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MIN = "Min of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MODE = "Modes of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_RANDOM = "Random item of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_STD_DEV = "Standard deviation of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_SUM = "Sum of list"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_AVERAGE = "Return the average (arithmetic mean) of the numeric values in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MAX = "Return the largest number in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MEDIAN = "Return the median number in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MIN = "Return the smallest number in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MODE = "Return a list of the most common item(s) in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_RANDOM = "Return a random element from the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_STD_DEV = "Return the standard deviation of the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_SUM = "Return the sum of all the numbers in the list."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_POWER_SYMBOL = "^"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_number_generation"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TITLE_RANDOM = "Random fraction"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TOOLTIP = "Return a random fraction between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_number_generation"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_TITLE = "Random integer from %1 to %2"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_TOOLTIP = "Return a random integer between the two specified limits, inclusive."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUND = "Round"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDDOWN = "Round down"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDUP = "Round up"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP = "Round a number up or down."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_root"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_OP_ABSOLUTE = "Absolute"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_OP_ROOT = "Square root"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ABS = "Return the absolute value of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_EXP = "Return e to the power of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LN = "Return the natural logarithm of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LOG10 = "Return the base 10 logarithm of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_NEG = "Return the negation of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10 = "Return 10 to the power of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ROOT = "Return the square root of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SUBTRACTION_SYMBOL = "-"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SUM = "Sum"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_ACOS = "Acos"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_ASIN = "Asin"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_ATAN = "Atan"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_COS = "Cos"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_SIN = "Sin"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TAN = "Tan"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ACOS = "Return the arccosine of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ASIN = "Return the arcsine of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ATAN = "Return the arctangent of a number."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_COS = "Return the cosine of a degree (not radian)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_SIN = "Return the sine of a degree (not radian)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_TAN = "Return the tangent of a degree (not radian)."; Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE = "Create property..."; Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE = "New property name:"; Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.PLATFORM_IMPORT = "Import platform"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_ALLOW_STATEMENTS = "Allow statements"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_BEFORE_PARAMS = "with:"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALLNORETURN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_%28computer_science%29"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALLNORETURN_TOOLTIP = "Run the user-defined function '%1'."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALLRETURN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_%28computer_science%29"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALLRETURN_TOOLTIP = "Run the user-defined function '%1' and use its output."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CALL_BEFORE_PARAMS = ""; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_CREATE_DO = "Create '%1'"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_COMMENT = "Describe this function..."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_DO = ""; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_%28computer_science%29"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_PROCEDURE = "Function_name"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TITLE = "Define"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TOOLTIP = "Creates a function with no output."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedure_%28computer_science%29"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_RETURN = "Return"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_TOOLTIP = "Creates a function with an output."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEF_DUPLICATE_WARNING = "Warning: This function has duplicate parameters."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_HIGHLIGHT_DEF = "Highlight function definition"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_HELPURL = "http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GuardClause"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_TOOLTIP = "If a value is true, then return a second value."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_WARNING = "Warning: This block may be used only within a function definition."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MAINFUNCTION = "Define Main function"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORARG_TITLE = "Parameter name:"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORARG_TOOLTIP = "Add a parameter to the function."; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TITLE = "Parameters"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TOOLTIP = "Add, remove, or reorder inputs to this function."; Blockly.Msg.REDO = "Redo"; Blockly.Msg.REMOVE_COMMENT = "Remove Comment"; Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE = "Rename property..."; Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE_TITLE = "Rename all '%1' properties to:"; Blockly.Msg.REQUEST_DATA = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.REQUEST_IMPORT = "Import requests"; Blockly.Msg.REQUEST_POST_DATATYPE = "Request Post Data: JSON"; Blockly.Msg.REQUEST_SET_URL = "Set URL:"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_EXIT = "Sys.exit"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_IMPORT = "Import sys"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_APPENDTEXT = "Append text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-modification"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_TO = "to"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_TOOLTIP = "Append some text to variable '%1'."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#adjusting-text-case"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_LOWERCASE = "To lower case"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_TITLECASE = "To Title Case"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_UPPERCASE = "To UPPER CASE"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHANGECASE_TOOLTIP = "Return a copy of the text in a different case."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_FIRST = "Get first letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_END = "Get letter # from end"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_START = "Get letter #"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_INPUT_INTEXT = "In text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_LAST = "Get last letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_RANDOM = "Get random letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CHARAT_TOOLTIP = "Returns the letter at the specified position."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_ITEM_TOOLTIP = "Add an item to the text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TITLE_JOIN = "Join"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TOOLTIP = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this text block."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_END = "To letter # from end"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_START = "To letter #"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_LAST = "To last letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#extracting-a-region-of-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_INPUT_IN_TEXT = "In text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FIRST = "Get substring from first letter"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_END = "Get substring from letter # from end"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_START = "Get substring from letter #"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TOOLTIP = "Returns a specified portion of the text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#finding-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_INPUT_INTEXT = "In text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_FIRST = "Find first occurrence of text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_LAST = "Find last occurrence of text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_TAIL = ""; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_INDEXOF_TOOLTIP = "Returns the index of the first/last occurrence of the first text in the second text. Returns %1 if text is not found."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#checking-for-empty-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_TITLE = "%1 is empty"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Returns true if the provided text is empty."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-creation"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_TITLE_CREATEWITH = "Join strings"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_TOOLTIP = "Create a piece of text by joining together any number of items."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#text-modification"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_TITLE = "Length of %1"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_TOOLTIP = "Returns the number of letters (including spaces) in the provided text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LOWER = "Set lower case"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PRINT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#printing-text"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PRINT_TITLE = "Print %1"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PRINT_TITLE_PRINT = "Print"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PRINT_TOOLTIP = ""; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#getting-input-from-the-user"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_NUMBER = "Prompt for user for a number."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_TEXT = "Prompt for user for some text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_NUMBER = "prompt for number with message"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_TEXT = "prompt for text with message"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TEXT_HELPURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_(computer_science)"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TEXT_TOOLTIP = "A letter, word, or line of text."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Text#trimming-removing-spaces"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_BOTH = "Trim spaces from both sides of"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_LEFT = "Trim spaces from left side of"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_RIGHT = "Trim spaces from right side of"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_TOOLTIP = "Return a copy of the text with spaces removed from one or both ends."; Blockly.Msg.THREAD_IMPORT = "Import threading"; Blockly.Msg.THREAD_SET_TARGET = "Threading set target"; Blockly.Msg.THREAD_START = "Start"; Blockly.Msg.THREAD_THREADING = "Threading"; Blockly.Msg.TODAY = "Today"; Blockly.Msg.TYPE_CHECK = "type of"; Blockly.Msg.UNDO = "Undo"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME = "Property_name"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_CREATE_SET = "Create 'set %1'"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#get"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_SELF = "Get self"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_TOOLTIP = "Returns the value of this variable."; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET = "Set %1 = %2"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_CREATE_GET = "Create 'get %1'"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_HELPURL = "https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Variables#set"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_SELF = "Set self"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_SELF_TO = "To"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_TAIL = "="; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_TITLE = "Set"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_TOOLTIP = "Sets this variable to be equal to the input."; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "A property named '%1' already exists."; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_AIY_VISION_INFERENCE = "AIY Vision Inference"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_ANNOTATOR = "Annotator"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_ANNOTATOR_BOUNDING = "Annotator Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_ANNOTATOR_FILL = "Fill="; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_ANNOTATOR_SETTING = "Set dimensions:"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_CAMERA_INFERENCE = "Camera Inference as"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_CLOUDEVENT_API = "Cloud Event API:"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_GETINFERENCE = "Get Inference"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_GETMODEL_MODEL = "model"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_GETMODEL_Of = "of"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_IMPORT = "from"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_IMPORT_ANNOTATOR = "Annotator import"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_IMPORT_INFERENCE = "Inference import"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_IMPORT_MODELS = "Models import"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_JOY_DETECT = "Detect Joy Score and stored it to Core Cloud"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_MODEL = "Model"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_RUN_INFERENCE = "Run inference"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_SETUP = "Google AIY Vision Kit Setup"; Blockly.Msg.VISIONKIT_USE_MODEL = "Use model"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_ASSISTANT = "Assistant"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_DEMO_1 = "Command Control Demo"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_DEMO_2 = "Via Google Assistant"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_EVENTTYPE_ASSISTANT = "Assistant Event Type:"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_EVENTTYPE_IMPORT = "Import EventType"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_EVENT_ARGS = "Event args"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_EVENT_OF = "of"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_EVENT_TYPE_OF = "Event type of"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_FROM = "From"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_GET_CREDENTIAL = "Get Assistant Credential"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_IMPORT_ASSISTANT = "Import Assistant"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_IMPORT_AUTH = "Import auth_helpers"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_IMPORT_TTS = "Import TTS"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_IMPORT_TTS_SAY = "Aiy.voice.tts.say"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_SETUP = "Google AIY Voice Kit Setup"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_SET_CREDENTIAL = "Set credential for Assistant"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_SET_DO = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.VOICEKIT_SET_FROM = "From"; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_TITLE = Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TITLE; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_IF_TITLE_IF = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_IF; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_THEN = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_ELSE_TITLE_ELSE = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSE; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_PROCEDURE = Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_PROCEDURE; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_INPUT_IN_LIST = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_INPUT_IN_LIST = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_SET_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_DO = Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_DO; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_ELSEIF_TITLE_ELSEIF = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSEIF; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_HELPURL = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_HELPURL; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOREACH_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_INPUT_IN_LIST = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TITLE = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_VARIABLE = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_ITEM_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_INPUT_IN_LIST = Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_COMMENT = Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_COMMENT; Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_FOREVER = "forever" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_REPEAT = "repeat %1" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_IF = "if %1 then" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_ELSE = "else" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_STOP = "stop" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_STOP_ALL = "all" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_STOP_THIS = "this script" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_STOP_OTHER = "other scripts in sprite" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_WAIT = "wait %1 seconds" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_WAITUNTIL = "wait until %1" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_REPEATUNTIL = "repeat until %1" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_WHILE = "while %1" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_FOREACH = "for each %1 in %2" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_STARTASCLONE = "when I start as a clone" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_CREATECLONEOF = "create clone of %1" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_CREATECLONEOF_MYSELF = "myself" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_DELETETHISCLONE = "delete this clone" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_COUNTER = "counter" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_INCRCOUNTER = "increment counter" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_CLEARCOUNTER = "clear counter" Blockly.Msg.CONTROL_ALLATONCE = "all at once" Blockly.Msg.DATA_SETVARIABLETO = "set %1 to %2" Blockly.Msg.DATA_CHANGEVARIABLEBY = "change %1 by %2" Blockly.Msg.DATA_SHOWVARIABLE = "show variable %1" Blockly.Msg.DATA_HIDEVARIABLE = "hide variable %1" Blockly.Msg.DATA_ADDTOLIST = "add %1 to %2" Blockly.Msg.DATA_DELETEOFLIST = "delete %1 of %2" Blockly.Msg.DATA_DELETEALLOFLIST = "delete all of %1" Blockly.Msg.DATA_INSERTATLIST = "insert %1 at %2 of %3" Blockly.Msg.DATA_REPLACEITEMOFLIST = "replace item %1 of %2 with %3" Blockly.Msg.DATA_ITEMOFLIST = "item %1 of %2" Blockly.Msg.DATA_ITEMNUMOFLIST = "item # of %1 in %2" Blockly.Msg.DATA_LENGTHOFLIST = "length of %1" Blockly.Msg.DATA_LISTCONTAINSITEM = "%1 contains %2?" Blockly.Msg.DATA_SHOWLIST = "show list %1" Blockly.Msg.DATA_HIDELIST = "hide list %1" Blockly.Msg.DATA_INDEX_ALL = "all" Blockly.Msg.DATA_INDEX_LAST = "last" Blockly.Msg.DATA_INDEX_RANDOM = "random" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENFLAGCLICKED = "when %1 clicked" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENTHISSPRITECLICKED = "when this sprite clicked" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENSTAGECLICKED = "when stage clicked" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENTOUCHINGOBJECT = "when this sprite touches %1" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENBROADCASTRECEIVED = "when I receive %1" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENBACKDROPSWITCHESTO = "when backdrop switches to %1" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENGREATERTHAN = "when %1 > %2" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENGREATERTHAN_TIMER = "timer" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENGREATERTHAN_LOUDNESS = "loudness" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_BROADCAST = "broadcast %1" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_BROADCASTANDWAIT = "broadcast %1 and wait" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENKEYPRESSED = "when %1 key pressed" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENKEYPRESSED_SPACE = "space" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENKEYPRESSED_LEFT = "left arrow" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENKEYPRESSED_RIGHT = "right arrow" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENKEYPRESSED_DOWN = "down arrow" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENKEYPRESSED_UP = "up arrow" Blockly.Msg.EVENT_WHENKEYPRESSED_ANY = "any" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SAYFORSECS = "say %1 for %2 seconds" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SAY = "say %1" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_HELLO = "Hello!" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_THINKFORSECS = "think %1 for %2 seconds" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_THINK = "think %1" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_HMM = "Hmm..." Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SHOW = "show" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_HIDE = "hide" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_HIDEALLSPRITES = "hide all sprites" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_EFFECT_COLOR = "color" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_EFFECT_FISHEYE = "fisheye" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_EFFECT_WHIRL = "whirl" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_EFFECT_PIXELATE = "pixelate" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_EFFECT_MOSAIC = "mosaic" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_EFFECT_BRIGHTNESS = "brightness" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_EFFECT_GHOST = "ghost" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_CHANGEEFFECTBY = "change %1 effect by %2" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SETEFFECTTO = "set %1 effect to %2" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_CLEARGRAPHICEFFECTS = "clear graphic effects" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_CHANGESIZEBY = "change size by %1" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SETSIZETO = "set size to %1 %" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SIZE = "size" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_CHANGESTRETCHBY = "change stretch by %1" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SETSTRETCHTO = "set stretch to %1 %" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SWITCHCOSTUMETO = "switch costume to %1" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_NEXTCOSTUME = "next costume" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SWITCHBACKDROPTO = "switch backdrop to %1" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_GOTOFRONTBACK = "go to %1 layer" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_GOTOFRONTBACK_FRONT = "front" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_GOTOFRONTBACK_BACK = "back" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_GOFORWARDBACKWARDLAYERS = "go %1 %2 layers" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_GOFORWARDBACKWARDLAYERS_FORWARD = "forward" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_GOFORWARDBACKWARDLAYERS_BACKWARD = "backward" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_BACKDROPNUMBERNAME = "backdrop %1" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_COSTUMENUMBERNAME = "costume %1" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_NUMBERNAME_NUMBER = "number" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_NUMBERNAME_NAME = "name" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_SWITCHBACKDROPTOANDWAIT = "switch backdrop to %1 and wait" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_NEXTBACKDROP_BLOCK = "next backdrop" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_NEXTBACKDROP = "next backdrop" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_PREVIOUSBACKDROP = "previous backdrop" Blockly.Msg.LOOKS_RANDOMBACKDROP = "random backdrop" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_MOVESTEPS = "move %1 steps" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_TURNLEFT = "turn %1 %2 degrees" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_TURNRIGHT = "turn %1 %2 degrees" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_POINTINDIRECTION = "point in direction %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_POINTTOWARDS = "point towards %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_POINTTOWARDS_POINTER = "mouse-pointer" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GOTO = "go to %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GOTO_POINTER = "mouse-pointer" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GOTO_RANDOM = "random position" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GOTOXY = "go to x: %1 y: %2" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GLIDESECSTOXY = "glide %1 secs to x: %2 y: %3" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GLIDETO = "glide %1 secs to %2" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GLIDETO_POINTER = "mouse-pointer" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_GLIDETO_RANDOM = "random position" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_CHANGEXBY = "change x by %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_SETX = "set x to %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_CHANGEYBY = "change y by %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_SETY = "set y to %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_IFONEDGEBOUNCE = "if on edge, bounce" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_SETROTATIONSTYLE = "set rotation style %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_SETROTATIONSTYLE_LEFTRIGHT = "left-right" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_SETROTATIONSTYLE_DONTROTATE = "don't rotate" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_SETROTATIONSTYLE_ALLAROUND = "all around" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_XPOSITION = "x position" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_YPOSITION = "y position" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_DIRECTION = "direction" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_SCROLLRIGHT = "scroll right %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_SCROLLUP = "scroll up %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ALIGNSCENE = "align scene %1" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_BOTTOMLEFT = "bottom-left" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_BOTTOMRIGHT = "bottom-right" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_MIDDLE = "middle" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_TOPLEFT = "top-left" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_TOPRIGHT = "top-right" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_XSCROLL = "x scroll" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_YSCROLL = "y scroll" Blockly.Msg.MOTION_STAGE_SELECTED = "Stage selected: no motion blocks" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_ADD = "%1 + %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_SUBTRACT = "%1 - %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MULTIPLY = "%1 * %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_DIVIDE = "%1 / %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_RANDOM = "pick random %1 to %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_GT = "%1 > %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_LT = "%1 < %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_EQUALS = "%1 = %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_AND = "%1 and %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_OR = "%1 or %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_NOT = "not %1" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_JOIN = "join %1 %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_JOIN_APPLE = "apple" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_JOIN_BANANA = "banana" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_LETTEROF = "letter %1 of %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_LETTEROF_APPLE = "a" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_LENGTH = "length of %1" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_CONTAINS = "%1 contains %2?" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MOD = "%1 mod %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_ROUND = "round %1" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP = "%1 of %2" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_ABS = "abs" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_FLOOR = "floor" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_CEILING = "ceiling" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_SQRT = "sqrt" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_SIN = "sin" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_COS = "cos" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_TAN = "tan" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_ASIN = "asin" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_ACOS = "acos" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_ATAN = "atan" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_LN = "ln" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_LOG = "log" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_EEXP = "e ^" Blockly.Msg.OPERATORS_MATHOP_10EXP = "10 ^" Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFINITION = "define %1" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT = "touching %1?" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT_POINTER = "mouse-pointer" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT_EDGE = "edge" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_TOUCHINGCOLOR = "touching color %1?" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_COLORISTOUCHINGCOLOR = "color %1 is touching %2?" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_DISTANCETO = "distance to %1" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_DISTANCETO_POINTER = "mouse-pointer" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_ASKANDWAIT = "ask %1 and wait" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_ASK_TEXT = "What's your name?" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_ANSWER = "answer" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_KEYPRESSED = "key %1 pressed?" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_MOUSEDOWN = "mouse down?" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_MOUSEX = "mouse x" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_MOUSEY = "mouse y" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_SETDRAGMODE = "set drag mode %1" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_SETDRAGMODE_DRAGGABLE = "draggable" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_SETDRAGMODE_NOTDRAGGABLE = "not draggable" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_LOUDNESS = "loudness" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_LOUD = "loud?" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_TIMER = "timer" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_RESETTIMER = "reset timer" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF = "%1 of %2" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_XPOSITION = "x position" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_YPOSITION = "y position" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_DIRECTION = "direction" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_COSTUMENUMBER = "costume #" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_COSTUMENAME = "costume name" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_SIZE = "size" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_VOLUME = "volume" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNUMBER = "backdrop #" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNAME = "backdrop name" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_OF_STAGE = "Stage" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_CURRENT = "current %1" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_CURRENT_YEAR = "year" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_CURRENT_MONTH = "month" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_CURRENT_DATE = "date" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_CURRENT_DAYOFWEEK = "day of week" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_CURRENT_HOUR = "hour" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_CURRENT_MINUTE = "minute" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_CURRENT_SECOND = "second" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_DAYSSINCE2000 = "days since 2000" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_USERNAME = "username" Blockly.Msg.SENSING_USERID = "user id" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_PLAY = "start sound %1" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_PLAYUNTILDONE = "play sound %1 until done" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_STOPALLSOUNDS = "stop all sounds" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_SETEFFECTO = "set %1 effect to %2" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_CHANGEEFFECTBY = "change %1 effect by %2" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_CLEAREFFECTS = "clear sound effects" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_EFFECTS_PITCH = "pitch" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_EFFECTS_PAN = "pan left/right" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_CHANGEVOLUMEBY = "change volume by %1" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_SETVOLUMETO = "set volume to %1%" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_VOLUME = "volume" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_RECORD = "record..." Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_MOTION = "Motion" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_LOOKS = "Looks" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_SOUND = "Sound" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_EVENTS = "Events" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_CONTROL = "Control" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_SENSING = "Sensing" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_OPERATORS = "Operators" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_VARIABLES = "Variables" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_MYBLOCKS = "My Blocks" Blockly.Msg.DUPLICATE = "Duplicate" Blockly.Msg.DUPLICATE_PASTE = "Duplicate And Paste" Blockly.Msg.DELETE = "Delete blocks" Blockly.Msg.ADD_COMMENT = "Add Comment" Blockly.Msg.REMOVE_COMMENT = "Delete Comment" Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Delete Block" Blockly.Msg.DELETE_X_BLOCKS = "Delete %1 Blocks" Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?" Blockly.Msg.CLEAN_UP = "Clean up Blocks" Blockly.Msg.HELP = "Help" Blockly.Msg.UNDO = "Undo" Blockly.Msg.REDO = "Redo" Blockly.Msg.EDIT_PROCEDURE = "Edit" Blockly.Msg.SHOW_PROCEDURE_DEFINITION = "Go to definition" Blockly.Msg.WORKSPACE_COMMENT_DEFAULT_TEXT = "Say something..." Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_HUE_LABEL = "Color" Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_SATURATION_LABEL = "Saturation" Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BRIGHTNESS_LABEL = "Brightness" Blockly.Msg.CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE = "Change value:" Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE = "Rename variable" Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE_TITLE = "Rename all \"%1\" variables to:" Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE_MODAL_TITLE = "Rename Variable" Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE = "Make a Variable" Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE = "New variable name:" Blockly.Msg.VARIABLE_MODAL_TITLE = "New Variable" Blockly.Msg.VARIABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "A variable named \"%1\" already exists." Blockly.Msg.VARIABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_ANOTHER_TYPE = "A variable named \"%1\" already exists for another variable of type \"%2\"." Blockly.Msg.DELETE_VARIABLE_CONFIRMATION = "Delete %1 uses of the \"%2\" variable?" Blockly.Msg.CANNOT_DELETE_VARIABLE_PROCEDURE = "Can't delete the variable \"%1\" because it's part of the definition of the function \"%2\"" Blockly.Msg.DELETE_VARIABLE = "Delete the \"%1\" variable" Blockly.Msg.NEW_PROCEDURE = "Make a Block" Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "A procedure named \"%1\" already exists." Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURE_DEFAULT_NAME = "block name" Blockly.Msg.NEW_LIST = "Make a List" Blockly.Msg.NEW_LIST_TITLE = "New list name:" Blockly.Msg.LIST_MODAL_TITLE = "New List" Blockly.Msg.LIST_ALREADY_EXISTS = "A list named \"%1\" already exists." Blockly.Msg.RENAME_LIST_TITLE = "Rename all \"%1\" lists to:" Blockly.Msg.RENAME_LIST_MODAL_TITLE = "Rename List" Blockly.Msg.DEFAULT_LIST_ITEM = "thing" Blockly.Msg.NEW_BROADCAST_MESSAGE = "New message" Blockly.Msg.NEW_BROADCAST_MESSAGE_TITLE = "New message name:" Blockly.Msg.BROADCAST_MODAL_TITLE = "New Message" Blockly.Msg.DEFAULT_BROADCAST_MESSAGE_NAME = "message1" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_SET_POWER = "%1 %2 Chassis left motor %3 %,right motor %4 %" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_STOP = "%1 %2 Chassis stop" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_RUN_VELOCITY_AZIMUTH = "%1 %2 Chassis go %4 at %3 speed" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_OPT1 = "low" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_OPT2 = "medium" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_OPT3 = "high" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_OPT4 = "forward" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_OPT5 = "backward" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_OPT6 = "left" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_OPT7 = "right" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_OPT8 = "clockwise" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MINIWHEEL_OPT9 = "counterclockwise" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MOTOR_STOP = "%1 %2 %3 DC Motor stop" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_DC_MOTOR_TRUN_POWER = "%1 %2 %3 DC Motor rotate at power %4 %" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_SERVO_TURN_ANGLE = "%1 %2 Servo move to %3 degree" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_TO_COLOR = "%1 %2 red %3 green %4 blue %5" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_HSL_TO_COLOR = "%1 %2 color %3 saturation %4 brightness %5" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_LED_MATRIX_XY_IS_ON = "%1 %2 LED Matrix x:%3 y:%4 is ON?" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_LED_MATRIX_SHOW_SHAPE = "%1 %2 LED Matrix show image %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_LED_MATRIX_SHOW_STRING = "%1 %2 LED Matrix show string %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_LED_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON = "%1 %2 LED Matrix turn on x: %3 y: %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_LED_MATRIX_XY_SET_OFF = "%1 %2 LED Matrix turn off x: %3 y: %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_LED_MATRIX_CLEAN = "%1 %2 LED Matrix clear screen" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_SHOW_STYLE_COLOR = "%1 %2 RGB LED always %3 %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_SHOW_STYLE = "%1 %2 RGB LED show %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_FADE_FROM_COLOR1_TO_COLOR2 = "%1 %2 RGB LED fade from %3 to %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_SET_BRIGHTNESS = "%1 %2 RGB LED set brightness to %3 %" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_LIGHT_OFF = "%1 %2 RGB LED light off" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_OPT1 = "show" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_OPT2 = "blink" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_OPT3 = "breath" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_OPT4 = "rainbow" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_LED_OPT5 = "random color" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_SHOW_SHAPE = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix show image %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_SHOW_STRING = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix show string %4 %5" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_SHOW_ANIMA = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix show animation %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_SHOW_HISTOGRAM = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix plot bar graph of %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix plot x:%4 y:%5 %6" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_OFF = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix unplot x:%4 y:%5" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OFF = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix toggle x:%4 y:%5 %6" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_IS_ON = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix x:%4 y:%5 is ON?" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_CLEAN = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix clear screen" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_GET_COLOR = "%1 %2 %3 RGB LED Matrix x:%4 y:%5 color" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_ARGS_ANIMA_OPT1 = "wave" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_ARGS_ANIMA_OPT2 = "draw big square CW" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_ARGS_ANIMA_OPT3 = "draw small square CW" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_ARGS_ANIMA_OPT4 = "draw big square CCW" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_ARGS_ANIMA_OPT5 = "draw small square CCW" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_ARGS_ANIMA_OPT6 = "pattern" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_ARGS_ANIMA_OPT7 = "fire" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_ARGS_ANIMA_OPT8 = "walking" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_ARGS_ANIMA_OPT9 = "heartbreak" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT1 = "red" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT2 = "orange" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT3 = "yellow" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT4 = "green" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT5 = "cyan" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT6 = "blue" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT7 = "purple" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT8 = "pink" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT9 = "white" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_RGB_MATRIX_XY_SET_ON_OPT10 = "black" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_FOUR_DIGIT_WHEN_COUNTDOWN_END = "%1 %2 When 4 Digit Display timer ends" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_FOUR_DIGIT_SHOW_NUMBER = "%1 %2 4 Digit Display show %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_FOUR_DIGIT_START_COUNTDOWN = "%1 %2 4 Digit Display set timer %3 seconds" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_FOUR_DIGIT_OFF = "%1 %2 4 Digit Display OFF" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_FOUR_DIGIT_SET_BRIGHTNESS = "%1 %2 4 Digit Display set brightness to %3 %" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_MELODY = "%1 %2 Buzzer play melody %3 once" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_MELODY_OPT0 = "ba ding" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_MELODY_OPT1 = "wawawawaa" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_MELODY_OPT2 = "jump up" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_MELODY_OPT3 = "jump down" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_MELODY_OPT4 = "power up" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_MELODY_OPT5 = "power down" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_MELODY_OPT6 = "magic wand" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_MELODY_OPT7 = "siren" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_MUTE_FOR_BEAT = "%1 %2 Buzzer rest for %3 beat" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_SET_BPM = "%1 %2 Buzzer set tempo (bpm) to %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_ADD_BPM = "%1 %2 Buzzer change tempo (bpm) by %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_GET_BPM = "%1 %2 Buzzer tempo (bpm)" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_STOP = "%1 %2 Buzzer stop" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_NOTE = "%1 %2 Buzzer ring tone %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_BUZZER_PLAY_NOTE_FOR_BEAT = "%1 %2 Buzzer play tone %3 for %4 beat" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT0 = "Low C" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT1 = "Low D" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT2 = "Low E" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT3 = "Low F" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT4 = "Low G" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT5 = "Low A" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT6 = "Low B" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT7 = "Middle C" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT8 = "Middle D" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT9 = "Middle E" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT10 = "Middle F" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT11 = "Middle G" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT12 = "Middle A" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT13 = "Middle B" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT14 = "High C" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT15 = "High D" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT16 = "High E" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT17 = "High F" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT18 = "High G" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT19 = "High A" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT20 = "High B" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT21 = "Low C#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT22 = "Low D#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT23 = "Low F#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT24 = "Low G#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT25 = "Low A#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT26 = "Middle C#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT27 = "Middle D#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT28 = "Middle F#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT29 = "Middle G#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT30 = "Middle A#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT31 = "High C#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT32 = "High D#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT33 = "High F#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT34 = "High G#" Blockly.Msg.SOUND_BUZZER_NOTES_OPT35 = "High A#" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_START_PLAY = "%1 %2 MP3 play soundtrack %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_PAUSE_OR_PLAY = "%1 %2 MP3 %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_SWITCH = "%1 %2 MP3 %3 soundtrack" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_ADD_VOLUME = "%1 %2 MP3 change volume by %3 %" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_SET_VOLUME = "%1 %2 MP3 set volume to %3 %" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_STOP_PLAY = "%1 %2 MP3 stop" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_PLAY_MODE = "%1 %2 MP3 set play mode %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_PAUSE_OR_PLAY_OPT0 = "pause" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_PAUSE_OR_PLAY_OPT1 = "resume" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_SWITCH_OPT0 = "next" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_SWITCH_OPT1 = "previous" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_PLAY_MODE_OPT0 = "normal" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_PLAY_MODE_OPT1 = "shuffle" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MP3_PLAY_MODE_OPT2 = "repeat" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MAINBOARD_START = "%1 %2 When start" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MAINBOARD_WHEN_ARRIVAL_TIME = "%1 %2 When timer > %3 seconds" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MAINBOARD_WHEN_RADIO_RECEIVE = "%1 %2 When radio receive %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MAINBOARD_BROADCAST = "%1 %2 broadcast %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MAINBOARD_STOP_BROADCAST = "%1 %2 stop broadcasting" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MAINBOARD_SET_BROADCAST_CHANNEL = "%1 %2 Set radio group to %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TWIN_BUTTON_WHEN_CLICK = "%1 %2 When %3 Twin Button %4 %5" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TWIN_BUTTON_IS_PRESSED = "%1 %2 %3 Twin Button %4 is pressed?" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TWIN_BUTTON_WHEN_CLICK_OPT3 = "clicked" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TWIN_BUTTON_WHEN_CLICK_OPT5 = "held" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_WHEN_CHANGE = "%1 %2 When 9-axis Motion Sensor %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_OPT0 = "straight down" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_OPT1 = "straight up" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_OPT2 = "tilt left" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_OPT3 = "tilt right" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_OPT4 = "face up" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_OPT5 = "face down" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_OPT6 = "shake" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_OPT7 = "free fall" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_STATUS_IS = "%1 %2 9-axis Motion Sensor %3 ?" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_IMU9_DOF_GET_VALUE = "%1 %2 9-axis Motion Sensor Acceleration(mg) of %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_PIR_MOTION_SENSOR_DETECT_SOMEONE = "%1 %2 When PIR Motion Sensor detect someone" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MECH_KEY_WHENCLICK = "%1 %2 When %3 Mech Key %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MECH_KEY_WHENCLICK_OPT0 = "clicked" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MECH_KEY_WHENCLICK_OPT1 = "held" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MECH_KEY_IS_PRESSED = "%1 %2 %3 Mech Key is pressed? " Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MECH_KEY_SET_RGB = "%1 %2 %3 Mech Key backlit show %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MECH_KEY_CLOSE_RGB = "%1 %2 %3 Mech Key backlit off" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_KNOB_WHEN_CHANGE = "%1 %2 When %3 Knob %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_KNOB_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT0 = "rotated clockwise" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_KNOB_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT1 = "rotated counter clockwise" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_KNOB_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT2 = "pressed" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE = "%1 %2 When Gesture Sensor detect %3 " Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT0 = "swipe left" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT1 = "swipe right" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT2 = "swipe up" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT3 = "swipe down" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT4 = "approaching object" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT5 = "departing object" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT6 = "circle-clockwise" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT7 = "circle-counter clockwise" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_GESTURE_SENSOR_WHEN_CHANGE_OPT8 = "finger waving" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TOUCHPAD_IS_PRESSED = "%1 %2 %3 Touchpad pin %4 is pressed?" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TOUCHPAD_WHEN_CLICK = "%1 %2 When %3 Touchpad pin %4 is pressed" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_LIGHT_SENSOR_GET_VALUE = "%1 %2 Light Sensor light level(lux)" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_SOUND_SENSOR_GET_VALUE = "%1 %2 Sound Sensor sound level" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TEMPERATURESENSOR_GET_VALUE = "%1 %2 Temperature Sensor temperature in %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TEMPERATURESENSOR_GET_VALUE_OPT0 = "℃" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TEMPERATURESENSOR_GET_VALUE_OPT1 = "℉" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_SLIDER_GET_VALUE = "%1 %2 %3 Slider value" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_ULTRASONIC_SENSOR_GET_VALUE = "%1 %2 Ultrasonic Sensor distance(cm)" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TEMHUM_SENSOR_GET_TEM_VALUE = "%1 %2 Temperature & Humidity Sensor temperature %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_TEMHUM_SENSOR_GET_HUM_VALUE = "%1 %2 Temperature & Humidity Sensor humidity(%)" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_GET_COLOR = "%1 %2 Color Line Follower color value" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_POSITION = "%1 %2 Color Line Follower line position %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_POSITiON_OPT0 = "middle" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_POSITiON_OPT1 = "right" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_POSITiON_OPT2 = "right-most" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_POSITiON_OPT3 = "left" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_POSITiON_OPT4 = "left-most" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_POSITiON_OPT5 = "lost" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_COLOR = "%1 %2 Color Line Follower is seeing %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_COLOR_OPT0 = "red" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_COLOR_OPT1 = "green" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_COLOR_OPT2 = "blue" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_COLOR_OPT3 = "black" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_IS_COLOR_OPT4 = "other" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_SERVO_MOVE = "%1 %2 Servo Pin %3 Degree(0-180) %4 Delay(ms) %5" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_SERVO_READ_DEGREES = "%1 %2 Servo Pin %3 Read Degrees" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LED = "%1 %2 LED Pin %3 stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_BUZZER = "%1 %2 Buzzer Pin %3 stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_RELAY = "%1 %2 Relay Pin %3 stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_BTN = "%1 %2 Button PIN# %3 is pressed" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_TILT = "%1 %2 Tilt Pin %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_TOUCH = "%1 %2 Touch Pin %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_ROTATION = "%1 %2 Rotation Pin %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_SOUND = "%1 %2 Sound Pin %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LIGHT = "%1 %2 Light Pin %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_TEMPERATURE = "%1 %2 Temperature Pin %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_PRINT = "%1 %2 LCD RGB Backlight print line1 %3 print line2 %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_PRINT2 = "%1 %2 LCD RGB Backlight row %3 column %4 print %5" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_POWER = "%1 %2 LCD RGB Backlight %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_POWER_OPT1 = "On" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_POWER_OPT2 = "Off" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_POWER_OPT3 = "Cursor" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_POWER_OPT4 = "No Cursor" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_POWER_OPT5 = "Blink" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_POWER_OPT6 = "No Blink" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_POWER_OPT7 = "Clear" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_LCD_SETRGB = "%1 %2 LCD RGB setColor R %3 G %4 B %5" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_TEMPERATURE_HUMIDITY = "%1 %2 Temperature&Humidity PIN %3 %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_TEMPERATURE_HUMIDITY_OPT1 = "temperature" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_TEMPERATURE_HUMIDITY_OPT2 = "humidity" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_THUMB_JOYSTICK = "%1 %2 Thumb Joystick PIN %3 %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_ULT = "%1 %2 Ultrasonic Ranger distance(cm) PIN# %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LINE_FINDER = "%1 %2 IR Distance Interrupter %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LINE_FINDER_R = "%1 %2 Line Finder PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_WATER = "%1 %2 Water PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_MAGNETIC_SWITCH = "%1 %2 Magnetic Switch PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_PIR_MOTION = "%1 %2 PIR Motion PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_FLAME = "%1 %2 Flame PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_COLLISION = "%1 %2 Collision PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_HALL = "%1 %2 Hall PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_SLIDE_POT = "%1 %2 Slide Potentionmeter PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_MOISTURE = "%1 %2 Moisture PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_4DIGIT_DISPLAY = "%1 %2 4 Digit Display PIN %3 show %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_RGB_LED = "%1 %2 Chainable RGB LED PIN %3 show %4 count %5" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_RGB_LED1 = "%1 %2 Chainable RGB LED PIN %3 show R %4 G %5 B %6 count %7" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_RGB_LED10 = "%1 %2 Chainable RGB LED PIN# %3 show %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_RGB_LED11 = "%1 %2 Chainable RGB LED PIN# %3 show R %4 G %5 B %6" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_SPEAKER = "%1 %2 Speaker PIN %3 play tone %4 for %5 beat" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_RECORDER = "%1 %2 Recorder PIN %3 Stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_EL_DRIVER = "%1 %2 EL Driver PIN %3 Stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_EL_VIBRATION_MOTOR = "%1 %2 Vibration PIN %3 Stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_ELECTROMAGNET = "%1 %2 Electromagnet PIN %3 Stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_MINI_FAN = "%1 %2 Mini Fan PIN %3 Stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_3ADA = "%1 %2 3 Axis Digital Accelerometer-16 %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_TOUCH = "%1 %2 I2C Touch CH %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_MINI_MOTOR_DRIVER = "%1 %2 Mini I2C Motor %3 speed(-255~255) %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_MINI_MOTOR_DRIVER_STOP = "%1 %2 Mini I2C Motor %3 stop" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LED_STRING_LIGHT = "%1 %2 WS2813 PIN %3 LED %4 show R %5 G %6 B %7" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LED_BAR = "%1 %2 LED Bar PIN %3 %4 %5" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LED_CIRCULAR_LED = "%1 %2 Circular LED PIN %3 show %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE = "%1 %2 Gesture detected %3?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_SPEECH_RECOGNIZER = "%1 %2 Speech Recognizer PIN %3 detected %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_FIGURE_OUTPUT = "DigitalWrite PIN# %1 Stat %2" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_FIGURE_INPUT = "DigitalRead PIN# %1" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_ANALOG_INPUT = "AnalogRead PIN# %1" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_ANALOG_OUTPUT = "AnalogWrite PIN# %1(PWM) value %2" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_PULSE_LEN = "PulseIn(μs) PIN %1 state %2" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_PULSE_LEN_US = "pulseIn(μs) PIN %1 state %2 timeout(μs) %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE = "Serial baud rate %1 bps" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SERIAL_PRINT = "Serial println %1" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SERIAL_IS_READABLE = "Serial isAvailable?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SERIAL_READ = "Serial readString" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_DELAY_MS = "Delay ms %1" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_DELAY_US = "Delay μs %1" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SYS_TIME = "System running time %1" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_KEEP_WAIT = "end program" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_FOR1 = "count with %1 from %2 to %3 step %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_FOR2 = "do %1" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT = "%1 %2 RGB LED Matrix plot x:%3 y:%4 %5" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_SHOW_TEXT = "%1 %2 RGB LED Matrix show string %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_SHOW_EMOJS = "%1 %2 RGB LED Matrix show image %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT1 = "%1 %2 Otto DIY Robot %3 Steps:%4 Time:%5" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2 = "%1 %2 Otto DIY Robot %3 Steps:%4 Time:%5 Direction:%6" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SETUP_LOOP0 = "setup" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SETUP_LOOP2 = "loop" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_REPEAT = "repeat while %1" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_BREAK = "break out of loop" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE_OPT0 = "Up" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE_OPT1 = "Down" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE_OPT2 = "Left" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE_OPT3 = "Right" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE_OPT4 = "Forward" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE_OPT5 = "Backward" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE_OPT6 = "Clockwise" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE_OPT7 = "Count Clockwise" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_GESTURE_OPT8 = "Wave" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT0 = "red" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT1 = "orange" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT2 = "yellow" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT3 = "green" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT4 = "cyan" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT5 = "blue" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT6 = "purple" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT7 = "pink" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT8 = "white" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_RGB_LED_MATRIX_ON_POINT_OPT9 = "off" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT1_OPT0 = "forward" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT1_OPT1 = "back" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT1_OPT2 = "left" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT1_OPT3 = "right" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT0 = "Rest" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT1 = "Jump" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT2 = "Bend" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT3 = "ShakeLeg" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT4 = "UpDown" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT5 = "Swing" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT6 = "TipToeSwing" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT7 = "Jitter" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT8 = "AscendingTurn" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT9 = "Moonwalker" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT10 = "Crusaito" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT11 = "Flapping" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT12 = "RIGHT/FOREWARD" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_OTTO_DIY_ROBOT2_OPT13 = "LEFT/BACKWARD" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT2 = "%1 %2 Shield Bot Motors position %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT2_OPT1 = "Middle" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT2_OPT2 = "Left" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT2_OPT3 = "Edge Left" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT2_OPT4 = "Right" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT2_OPT5 = "Edge Right" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT2_OPT6 = "Lost" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT1 = "%1 %2 Shield Bot Motors go %3 at %4 speed" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT1_OPT1 = "Forward" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT1_OPT2 = "Backward" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT1_OPT3 = "Left" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT1_OPT4 = "Right" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT1_OPT5 = "Stop" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT1_OPT6 = "Slow" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT1_OPT7 = "Medium" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SHIELD_BOT1_OPT8 = "Fast" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ARDUINO_INIT = "Start" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ARDUINO_INPUT = "Input" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ARDUINO_OUTPUT = "Output" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ARDUINO_SERIAL = "Serial Port" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ARDUINO_GROVE_IGURE = "Grove Digital" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ARDUINO_GROVE_ANALOG = "Grove Analog" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ARDUINO_GROVE_I2C = "Grove I2C" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ARDUINO_ROBOT_KIT = "M.A.R.K" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW = "%1 %2 Web Server Location %3 %4 Display text: %5 Value: %6" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT1 = "Water" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT2 = "Ultrasonic Ranger" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT3 = "PIR Motion" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT4 = "Temperature&Humidity" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT5 = "LED" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT6 = "Vibration" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT7 = "Voltage" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT8 = "Air" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT9 = "Flame" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_SHOW_OPT10 = "Vision Sensor" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_INIT = "%1 %2 Web Server Initialize %3 SSID %4 PWD %5" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_WEBSERVER_INIT_OPT1 = "Wisdom city" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_COLOR_SENSOR = "%1 %2 Color Sensor detected %3 ?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_COLOR_SENSOR_OPT1 = "Red" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_COLOR_SENSOR_OPT2 = "Green" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_COLOR_SENSOR_OPT3 = "Blue" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_COLOR_SENSOR_OPT4 = "Black" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_COLOR_SENSOR_OPT5 = "White" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_COLOR_SENSOR_OPT6 = "Other" Blockly.Msg.GROVEZERO_MATH_ITOA_VALUE_MESSAGE0 = "to String %1" Blockly.Msg.TOOLBOX_EXTENSION_CATEGORY_NAME = "Add Extension" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_VOLTAGE = "%1 %2 Voltage PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_QUALITY = "%1 %2 Air quality PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_WATER_ANALOG = "%1 %2 Water level PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_HUMIDIFIER = "%1 %2 Humidifier PIN %3 Stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_VIBRATION = "%1 %2 Vibration PIN %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LED_ANALOG = "%1 %2 LED PIN %3 Stat %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR1 = "%1 %2 Vision Sensor Ball %3 detected?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR1_OPT1 = "Orange ping-pong" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR1_OPT2 = "Orange Green tennis" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR2 = "%1 %2 Vision Sensor Traffic sign card %3 detected?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR3 = "%1 %2 Vision Sensor Number card %3 detected?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR4 = "%1 %2 Vision Sensor graphics card %3 detected?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR4_OPT1 = "correct" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR4_OPT2 = "cross" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR4_OPT3 = "circular" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR4_OPT4 = "square" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR4_OPT5 = "triangle" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR5 = "%1 %2 Vision Sensor human body detected?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6 = "%1 %2 Vision Sensor color %3 detected?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR7 = "%1 %2 Vision Sensor get color value" Blockly.Msg.BUZZER_TONE_LOW = "Low" Blockly.Msg.BUZZER_TONE_MIDDLE = "Middle" Blockly.Msg.BUZZER_TONE_HIGH = "High" Blockly.Msg.BUZZER_SELECTED_PREFIX = "" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_LED_STRIP1 = "%1 %2 RGB LED Strip PIN %3 show R %4 G %5 B %6 Number %7" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_LED_STRIP2 = "%1 %2 RGB LED Strip PIN %3 show R %4 G %5 B %6" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR8 = "%1 %2 Vision Sensor ball get value %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_OLCD1 = "%1 %2 LCD screen show image %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_OLCD2 = "%1 %2 LCD screen show string %3 Line %4 Column %5" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_OLCD3 = "%1 %2 LCD screen clear display" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ENENT_WHENSTARTUP = "When start" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_STRING = "display %1 at row %2" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_SET_CIRCLE = "draw circle: at X %1 Y %2 R %3" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_SET_RECTANGLE = "draw rectangle: X1%1 Y1%2 X2%3 Y2%4" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_DRAW_CIRCLE = "%1 %2 Draw circle %3" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_DRAW_RECTANGLE = "%1 %2 Draw rectangle %3" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SET_THRESHOLD = "set machine vision sensitivity to %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_TAKE_PICTURE = "Take a photo: filename %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_TAKE_VIDEO = "Record video: last %1 seconds, filename %2" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_BALL = "circle detected" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_BALL_COORD = "detected circle %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_BALL_VALUE = "detected circle info" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_RECTANGLE = "rectangle detected" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_RECTANGLE_COORD = "detected rectangle %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_RECTANGLE_VALUE = "detected rectangle info" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_GET_BALL_AVERAGE_COLOR = "%1 %2 Circle region: X %3 Y %4 R %5 average RGB value" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_GET_RECTANGLE_AVERAGE_COLOR = "%1 %2 Rectangular region: Xmin %3 Xmax %4 Ymin %5 Ymax %6 average RGB value" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_INTEREST_AREA_COLOR = "%1 %2 Region of interest %3 detected color is %4" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_INTEREST_AREA_AVERAGE_COLOR = "%1 %2 Region of interest %3 average RGB value" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_HOME_ANIMAL_DETECTION = "recognized domestic animal result probability > %1 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_HOME_ANIMAL_SEL_DETECTION = "recognized domestic animal is %1 probability > %2 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ZOO_ANIMAL_DETECTION = "recognized zoo animal result probability > %1 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ZOO_ANIMAL_SEL_DETECTION = "recognized zoo animal is %1 probability > %2 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ORDINARY_OBJECT_DETECTION = "recognized common object result probability > %1 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ORDINARY_OBJECT_SEL_DETECTION = "recognized common object is %1 probability > %2 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_NUM_DETECTION = "detected number result probability > %1 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_NUM_SEL_DETECTION = "detected number is %1 probability > %2 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_NUM_CERTRE_DETECTION = "detected number %1 %2 probability > %3 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_DETECTION = "detected traffic sign probability > %1 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_SEL_DETECTION = "detected traffic sign is %1 probability > %2 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_CERTRE_DETECTION = "detected traffic sign %1 %2 probability > %3 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_INPUT_SYSTEMTIME = "System running time %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_R_MAX = "Rmax" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_R_MIN = "Rmin" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SIZE_MAX = "max" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SIZE_MIN = "min" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COORD_X = "位置:X坐标" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COORDP_Y = "Y coordinate" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COORDP_XMIN = "Position: Xmin coord" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COORDP_YMIN = "Position: Ymin coord" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COORDP_XMAX = "Position: Xmax coord" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COORDP_YMAX = "Position: Ymax coord" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_R_VALUE = "R" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SENSOR_OPT1 = "red" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SENSOR_OPT2 = "green" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SENSOR_OPT3 = "blue" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SENSOR_OPT4 = "yellow" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SENSOR_OPT5 = "cyan" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SENSOR_OPT6 = "purple" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SENSOR_OPT7 = "black" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_SENSOR_OPT8 = "white" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT1 = "cat" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT2 = "dog" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT3 = "bird" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT4 = "hedgehog" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT5 = "mouse" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT6 = "crocodile" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT7 = "bear" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT8 = "elephant" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT9 = "giraffe" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT10 = "tiger" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT11 = "butterfly" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT12 = "cockroach" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT13 = "fish" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT14 = "lizard" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_ANIMAL_OPT15 = "spider" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT0 = "turn left" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT1 = "turn right" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT2 = "go straight" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT3 = "u-turn" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT4 = "stop" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT5 = "max speed limit 5" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT6 = "max speed limit 80" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT7 = "no entry" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT8 = "yield" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_TRAFFIC_SIGNS_OPT9 = "pedestrian crossing" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT1 = "chair" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT2 = "book" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT3 = "cup" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT4 = "pen" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT5 = "pizza" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT6 = "smart phone" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT7 = "bomb" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT8 = "computer" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT9 = "human" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_OBJECT_OPT10 = "knapsack" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_COORD_X = "X coordinate" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SENSING_COORD_Y = "Y coordinate" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_LINEPAROL_ANGLE = "%1 %2 Line following set line recognition color %3 region weight red%4% blue%5% green%6%" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_BALL_AERA = "spherical" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_RECTANGLE_AERA = "rectangle" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MARK_RUN = "M.A.R.K go %2 at %1 speed" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MOTOR_RUN = "M.A.R.K. set %1 wheel rotation speed to %2 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SERVO_RUN = "M.A.R.K. Servo %1 move to %2 degree" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_STEPPER_SERVO_SETANGLE = "M.A.R.K. Stepper motor set step angle to %1 °" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_STEPPER_SERVO_SETROTATESPEED = "M.A.R.K. Stepper motor set speed to %1 RPM" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_STEPPER_SERVO_RUN = "M.A.R.K. Stepper motor move %1 steps" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_STEPPER_SERVO_TURN = "M.A.R.K visual line following: turning angle %1 speed %2 sensitivity %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_WHENSTARTUP = "%1 %2 when the board startup" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_WHENACTION = "%1 %2 when the button %3 is %4 do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_WHENPINVOLTAGE = "%1 %2 when pin %3 level is from %4 do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_WHENSHARK = "%1 %2 the board is shaked do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_TILT_DIRECTION = "%1 %2 when the board id %3 do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_WHENTOUCHKEY = "%1 %2 when the touchpad %3 is %4 do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_FOR1 = "%1 %2 set timer %3 %4 mode,cycle %5 millisecond(s)" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_FOR2 = "do %1" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_CLEAR_TIMER = "%1 %2 clear timer/event %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_ENENT_TIMER_COUNT = "%1 %2 timer %3 count value" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_WHEN_ACTION = "%1 %2 event %3 : when %4 do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_CHILD_THREAD = "%1 %2 thread %3 do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_BUTTON_PRESSED = "%1 %2 button %3 is pressed" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_BUTTON_TOUCH = "%1 %2 button %3 is touched" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TOUCH_VALUE = "%1 %2 button %3 touch value" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_VOLUME = "%1 %2 sound value" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_LIGHT = "%1 %2 light value" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_ACCELERATION = "%1 %2 %3 axis acceleration" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SLOPE = "%1 %2 %3 axis tilt angle" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SHARKED = "%1 %2 the board is shaked" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SLOPE_ANGLE = "%1 %2 the board is tilt %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SET_SINGLE_COLOR = "%1 %2 set %3 RGB light color to %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SET_SINGLE_RGB = "%1 %2 set %3 RGB light color to R %4 G %5 B %6" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SET_ALL_COLOR = "%1 %2 set all RGB lights color to %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SET_ALL_RGB = "%1 %2 set all RGB lights color to R %3 G %4 B %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_CLOSE_RGB = "%1 %2 turn off all RGB lights" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SET_BME280 = "%1 %2 BME280 %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_DRAW_CLOCK = "%1 %2 draw clock x %3 y %4 radius %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_CLOCK_OPERATE = "%1 %2 %3 clock" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SET_RUN_TIME = "%1 %2 run time %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SET_LOCAL_TIME = "%1 %2 local time %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_RESET = "%1 %2 reset" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_MAC_ADDRESS = "%1 %2 MAC Address" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_OLCD = "%1 %2 LCD display %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_OLCD_LINE_TEXT = "%1 %2 LCD line %3 shows %4 text mode %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_OLCD_CLEAR_LINE = "%1 %2 LCD clear line %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DISPLAY_TEXT = "%1 %2 at x %3 y %4 display text %5 text mode %6" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TRACE_POINT = "%1 %2 draw a point x %3 y %4 为 %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_PROGRESS = "%1 %2 progress x %3 y %4 width %5 height %6 progress %7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_COLUMN_STRIP = "%1 %2 column bar %3 x %4 y %5 width %6 height %7 progress %8" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_LINE = "%1 %2 %3 line x1 %4 y1 %5 to x2 %6 y2 %7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_FRAME = "%1 %2 %3 border x %4 y %5 width %6 height %7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_ARC_BORDER = "%1 %2 %3 arc border x %4 y %5 width %6 height %7 radius %8" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_RECT = "%1 %2 %3 rectangle x %4 y %5 width %6 height %7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_CIRCLE = "%1 %2 %3 %4 circle x %5 y %6 radius %7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_TRIANGLE = "%1 %2 %3 %4 triangle x %5 y %6 x2 %7 y2 %8 x3 %9 y3 %10" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_DISPLAY_PICTURE = "%1 %2 at x %3 y %4 display image %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_DISPLAY = "%1 %2 at x %3 y %4 display text %5 using %6 font with %7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_STOP_PLAY = "%1 %2 stop playing music at Pin %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_RESTORE_MUSIC_SET = "%1 %2 restore music settings" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_NOTE_BEAT = "%1 %2 note %3 beat %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_NOTE_BEAT_PIN = "%1 %2 play musical note %3 beat %4 at Pin %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_TONE = "%1 %2 tone %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_PLAY_TONE_PIN = "%1 %2 play tone %3 delay %4 millisecond(s) at Pin %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_PLAY_TONE_PIN_PARA = "%1 %2 play tone from %3 to %4 step %5 duration %6 Pin %7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_PLAY_MUSIC_PIN = "%1 %2 play music %3 wait %4 loop %5 Pin %6" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_SET_PLAY_SPEED = "%1 %2 set the playback speed to %3 times" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_SET_BEAT = "%1 %2 set each beat equal to %3 notes,the number of beats per minute is %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_SET_CURRENT_BEAT = "%1 %2 current beats" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_BUZZER_INIT = "%1 %2 init Audio" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_BUZZER_RELEASE_CACHE = "%1 %2 deinit Audio" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_BUZZER_SET_VOLUMN = "%1 %2 set Audio volume ad %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_BUZZER_SET_ACTION = "%1 %2 Audio %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_BUZZER_PLAY = "%1 %2 Audio play %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_BUZZER_VOICE_CONF = "%1 %2 TTS config APPID %3 APIKey %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_BUZZER_VOICE_PLAY = "%1 %2 TTS play text %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_GET_VALUE = "%1 %2 pin %3 digital value" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_SET_VALUE = "%1 %2 set pin %3 digital value to %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_GET_ANALOG_VALUE = "%1 %2 pin %3 analog value" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_SET_ANALOG_VALUE = "%1 %2 set pin %3 analog value(PWM) to %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_SET_SERVO_ANGLE = "%1 %2 set the servo %3 angle as %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_SET_SERVO_PWM_MAXANGLE = "%1 %2 set the servo %3 angle as %4 pulse width form %5 us to %6 us actuation range as %7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_SET_PIN_MODE = "%1 %2 set pin %3 as %4 mode %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_EXTERNAL_LEVEL_DURATION = "%1 %2 %3 external %4 pulse level duration(us)" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_DHT11_VALUE = "%1 %2 DHT11 %3 %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_DHT22_VALUE = "%1 %2 DHT22 %3 %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_INIT_I2C_BAUD_RATE = "%1 %2 initialize I2C with baudrate %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_INIT_I2C_SCL_SDA_BAUD = "%1 %2 initialize I2C SCL %3 SDA %4 baudrate %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_I2C_ADDRESS_WRITE = "%1 %2 I2C address %3 is written to %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_I2C_ADDRESS_GET_BYTES_NUM = "%1 %2 I2C address %3 read bytes number %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_HSCR04_ULTRASONIC_INIT = "%1 %2 hcsr04 untrasonic initialize name %3 trigger %4 echo %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_HSCR04_ULTRASONIC_DISTANCE_UNIT = "%1 %2 %3 hcsr04 untrasonic distance,uint %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_RADIO_ACTION = "%1 %2 turn %3 radio" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SET_RADIO_CHANNEL = "%1 %2 set radio channel %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SET_RADIO_SEND_MES = "%1 %2 radio sends %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_RADIO_GET_MES = "%1 %2 radio received" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_RADIO_GET_MES_FOR1 = "when receiving broadcast message %1 from Radio do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_RADIO_GET_SPECIAL_FOR1 = "when receiving specific broadcast message %1 from Radio do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_CONNECT = "%1 %2 connect to Wi-Fi with SSID %3 & Password %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_DISCONNECT = "%1 %2 disconnect Wi-Fi connection" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_CONNECTED = "%1 %2 Has connected to Wi-Fi" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ALL_CONF = "%1 %2 Wi-Fi configuration information" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_CONF_MES = "%1 %2 Wi-Fi configuration information %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_OPEN_AP_MODE = "%1 %2 open AP mode with SSID %3 & Channel %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_CLOSE_AP_MODE = "%1 %2 close AP mode" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_SYNC_NETWORK_TIME = "%1 %2 synchronize network time,timezone %3 & timing server %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_NEOPIXEL_INIT = "%1 %2 initialize light strip with Name %3 Pin %4 Quantity %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_NEOPIXEL_CHANNEL_COLOR = "%1 %2 light strip %3 # %4 color as %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_NEOPIXEL_CHANNEL_RGB = "%1 %2 light strip %3 # %4 R %5 G %6 B %7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_NEOPIXEL_FULL_LIGHT_COLOR = "%1 %2 light strip %3 full bright with color %4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_NEOPIXEL_FULL_LIGHT_RGB = "%1 %2 light strip %3 full bright R %4 G %5 B %6" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_NEOPIXEL_CLOSE = "%1 %2 light strip %3 off" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_NEOPIXEL_RAINBOW_LIGHT_EFFECT = "%1 %2 define rainbow effect of light strip with Name %3 Quantity %4 bright %5 offset %6" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_NEOPIXEL_SET_WRITE = "%1 %2 light strip %3 setting take effect" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_CONTROL_FOR1 = "for each item %1 in list do" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_GET_TYPE = "type %1" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_JUDGE_TYPE = "type %1 is %2" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_MOD_INT = "%1 ÷ %2 the integer part of the quotient" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_KEEP_TWO_DECIMALS = "%1 keep %2 decimal places" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_LIMIT_RANGE = "constrain %1 low %2 high %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_MAPPING_RANGE = "map %1 from %2 , %3 to %4 , %5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_G0_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_POSITION = "%1 %2 Color Line Follower line position %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_G0_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_SEEING = "%1 %2 Color Line Follower is seeing %3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_G0_COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWER_COLOR = "%1 %2 Color Line Follower color value" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_GROVE_SERIAL_3ADA15 = "%1 %2 3 Axis Digital Accelerometer-1.5 %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LED_BAR_OPT1 = "show" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_LED_BAR_OPT2 = "close" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SEEED_SPEECH_RECOGNIZER_GETVALUE = "%1 %2 Speech Recognizer PIN %3 Return Value" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SERIAL_STR_TONUMBER = "Serial String toFloat %1" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6_OPT1 = "red" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6_OPT2 = "yellow" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6_OPT3 = "green" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6_OPT4 = "cyan" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6_OPT5 = "blue" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6_OPT6 = "purple" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6_OPT7 = "black" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6_OPT8 = "white" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR6_OPT9 = "other" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR_OPT1 = "forward" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR_OPT2 = "left" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR_OPT3 = "right" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR_OPT4 = "turn round" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_VISION_SENSOR_OPT5 = "P" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_MARK_ROBOT_RUN = "%1 %2 M.A.R.K go %3 at %4 speed" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_MARK_ROBOT_MOTOR_RUN = "%1 %2 M.A.R.K run motor %3 at %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_MARK_ROBOT_SERVO_RUN = "%1 %2 M.A.R.K Servo %3 move to %4 degree" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_NETWORK_SETWIFI = "%1 %2 开始连接无线网络 %3 密码 %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_NETWORK_STATE = "%1 %2 网络已连接?" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_REC = "%1 %2 识别 %3 语音 %4 秒钟" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_OPT01 = "汉语" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_OPT02 = "英语" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_RECTEXT = "%1 %2 语音识别出的文字" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_TTS = "%1 %2 说 %3" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_RECORD = "%1 %2 录音 %3 %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_STORAGE_OPT01 = "文件" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_STORAGE_OPT02 = "Micro SD" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_STORAGE_OPT03 = "USB" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_STORAGE_OPT04 = "暂存" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_STOP_RECORD = "%1 %2 录音停止" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_PLAY = "%1 %2 播放音频 %3 %4" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_PLAY_SOMEONE = "%1 %2 播放第 %3 首曲目" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_PLAY_PREORNEXT = "%1 %2 播放 %3 曲目" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_PLAY_OPT1 = "上一首" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_PLAY_OPT2 = "下一首" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_PLAY_ATMODE = "%1 %2 %3 播放曲目" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_PLAY_MODE_OPT1 = "循环" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_PLAY_MODE_OPT2 = "暂停" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_PLAY_MODE_OPT3 = "停止" Blockly.Msg.ARDUINO_AUDIO_SETVOL = "%1 %2 设置扬声器音量 %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_MAINBOARD_START = "%1 %2 when Elfbot starts up" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_WHEN_BUTTON_S_PRESSED = "%1 %2 when button S is pressed" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_WHEN_LIGHTINTENSITY_LESSTHAN = "%1 %2 when light intensity %3 %4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_WHENGREATERTHAN_TIMER = "%1 %2 when timer > %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_WHENGREATERTHAN_LOUDNESS = "%1 %2 when loudness %3 %4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_BUTTONS_ISPRESSED = "%1 %2 Elfbot button S is pressed?" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_ULTRASONIC_DISTANCE_FROMOBJ = "%1 %2 Elfbot distance of obstacles ahead" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_ULTRASONIC_ISDETECTED_OBJECT = "%1 %2 Elfbot obstacles ahead?" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_ULTRASONIC_LED_SHOW_COLOR = "%1 %2 Elfbot set the ultrasonic LED with color %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_ULTRASONIC_LED_CRUSHOUT = "%1 %2 Elfbot ultrasonic LED lights off" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_ULTRASONIC_WHENDETECTEDOBJECT = "%1 %2 当检测到前方物体" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_PLOT = "%1 %2 Elfbot plot x: %3 y: %4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_UNPLOT = "%1 %2 Elfbot unplot x: %3 y: %4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_PLOT_OR_UNPLOT = "%1 %2 Elfbot switch between plot and unplot x: %3 y: %4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_ISPLOT = "%1 %2 Elfbot x: %3 y: %4 is ON?" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_SHOW_TEXT = "%1 %2 Elfbot show string %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_SHOW_TEXT_UNTILDONE = "%1 %2 Elfbot show string %3 until done" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_SHOW_EMOTICON = "%1 %2 Elfbot show emoji %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_SHOW_EMOTICON_FORDURATION = "%1 %2 Elfbot show emoji %3 for %4 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_SCREEN_CRUSHOUT = "%1 %2 Elfbot clear screen" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION1 = "smile" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION2 = "wink" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION3 = "happy" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION4 = "cute" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION5 = "lovely" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION6 = "expressionless" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION7 = "playful" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION8 = "like1" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION9 = "like2" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION10 = "sniker1" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION11 = "sniker2" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION12 = "bored" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION13 = "serious" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION14 = "sweat" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION15 = "frown" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION16 = "rage" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION17 = "pitiful" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION18 = "wail" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION19 = "cry" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION20 = "daze" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION21 = "caim" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION22 = "angry" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION23 = "thinking" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION24 = "dizziness" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION25 = "tired" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION26 = "sleepy" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION27 = "dream" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION28 = "shocked" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION29 = "strabismus" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION30 = "cool" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION31 = "query" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION32 = "pain" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION33 = "uncomfortable" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION34 = "right" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION35 = "left" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION36 = "forward" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION37 = "backward" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION38 = "hello" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION39 = "bye" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION40 = "oK" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION41 = "good" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION42 = "yes" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION43 = "no" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION44 = "low_energy" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION45 = "meow" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_EMOTICON_VALUE_OPTION46 = "panda" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_SHOW_IMAGE = "%1 %2 Elfbot show image %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LEDMATRIX_SHOW_IMAGE_DURATION = "%1 %2 Elfbot show image %3 for %4 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_SHOW_EFFECTS_COLOR = "%1 %2 Elfbot RGB LED always %3 show %4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_EFFECTS_VALUE_OPTION0 = "show" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_EFFECTS_VALUE_OPTION1 = "blink" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_EFFECTS_VALUE_OPTION2 = "breathing" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_SHOW_POSITION_COLOR = "%1 %2 Elfbot RGB LED %3 show %4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_POSITION_VALUE_OPTION0 = "all" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_POSITION_VALUE_OPTION1 = "left" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_POSITION_VALUE_OPTION2 = "right" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_SHOW_POSITION_COLOR_DURATION = "%1 %2 Elfbot RGB LED %3 show %4 ,for %5 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_SHOW_COLOR = "%1 %2 Elfbot set the RGB LED with color %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION0 = "red" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION1 = "green" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION2 = "blue" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION3 = "yellow" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION4 = "cyan" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION5 = "purple" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION6 = "black" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION7 = "white" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_RGBLED_CRUSHOUT = "%1 %2 Elfbot RGB LED lights off" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_INFRARED_WHENOVERHEAD = "%1 %2 当检测到前方悬空" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_INFRARED_LIGHTINTENSITY_VALUE = "%1 %2 Elfbot reflected infrared light intensity" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_INFRARED_DETECTED_ISHEAD = "%1 %2 Elfbot cliff ahead?" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_WHENDETECTEDCOLORD = "%1 %2 当检测到的颜色是 %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION0 = "red" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION1 = "green" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION2 = "blue" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION3 = "yellow" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION4 = "cyan" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION5 = "purple" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION6 = "black" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_COLOR_VALUE_OPTION7 = "white" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_GREYSCALE = "%1 %2 Elfbot grey-scale value" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_DETECTED_COLOR = "%1 %2 Elfbot the color is %3 ?" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_DETECTED_COLOR_VALUE = "%1 %2 Elfbot %3 color value detected" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_LIGHTINTENSITY_VALUE = "%1 %2 Elfbot reflected light intensity" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SERVO_HEAD_LOOKLEFT = "%1 %2 Elfbot look left %3 degrees" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SERVO_HEAD_LOOKRIGHT = "%1 %2 Elfbot look right %3 degrees" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SERVO_HEAD_LOOKUP = "%1 %2 Elfbot look up %3 degrees" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SERVO_HEAD_LOOKDOWN = "%1 %2 Elfbot look down %3 degrees" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SERVO_EAR_TURNFORWARD = "%1 %2 Elfbot ear turn forward %3 degrees" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SERVO_EAR_TURNBACKWARD = "%1 %2 Elfbot ear turn backward %3 degrees" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_RUN_DIRECTION_POWER = "%1 %2 Elfbot %3 at power %4 %" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_DIRECTION_VALUE_OPTION0 = "move forward" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_DIRECTION_VALUE_OPTION1 = "move backward" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_DIRECTION_VALUE_OPTION2 = "turn left" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_DIRECTION_VALUE_OPTION3 = "turn right" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_RUNFORWORD_POWER_DURATION = "%1 %2 Elfbot move forward at power %3 %, for %4 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_RUNBACKWORD_POWER_DURATION = "%1 %2 Elfbot move backward at power %3 %, for %4 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_RUNLEFT_POWER_DURATION = "%1 %2 Elfbot turn left at power %3 %, for %4 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_RUNRIGHT_POWER_DURATION = "%1 %2 Elfbot turn right at power %3 %, for %4 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_RUN_POWER = "%1 %2 Elfbot left wheel at power %3 % and right wheel at power %4 %" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_RUNFORWORD_DURATION = "%1 %2 Elfbot keep straight forward %3 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_RUNBACKWORD_DURATION = "%1 %2 Elfbot keep straight backward for %3 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_VEHICLEWHEEL_RUN_STOP = "%1 %2 Elfbot stop moving" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LIGHT_INTENSITY_VALUE = "%1 %2 Elfbot ambient light intensity" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_LOUDNESS_VALUE = "%1 %2 Elfbot loudness" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_PLAY = "%1 %2 Elfbot play sound %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION0 = "hello" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION1 = "miao" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION2 = "bye" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION3 = "hum" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION4 = "laugh" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION5 = "wrong" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION6 = "right" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION7 = "sad" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION8 = "vehicles" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION9 = "yeah" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VALUE_OPTION10 = "powerdown" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_PLAY_UNTILDONE = "%1 %2 Elfbot play sound %3 until done" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_STOP_PLAY = "%1 %2 Elfbot stop all sounds" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_REST_BEATS = "%1 %2 Elfbot rest for %3 beats" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_BEAT_VALUE_OPTION0 = "1" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_BEAT_VALUE_OPTION1 = "1/2" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_BEAT_VALUE_OPTION2 = "1/4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_BEAT_VALUE_OPTION3 = "1/8" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_BEAT_VALUE_OPTION4 = "1/16" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_BEAT_VALUE_OPTION5 = "2" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_BEAT_VALUE_OPTION6 = "4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_BEAT_VALUE_OPTION7 = "8" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_PLAY_FREQUENCYHZ = "%1 %2 Elfbot play sound at frequency %3 HZ for a %4 secs" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_CHANGE_VOLUME = "%1 %2 Elfbot change volume by %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_SET_VOLUME = "%1 %2 Elfbot set volume to %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_VOLUME = "%1 %2 Elfbot volume" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_SOUND_NOTE_BEATS = "%1 %2 Elfbot play note %3 for %4 beats" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT = "%1 %2 Color Line Follower is seeing %3" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT_POSITION = "%1 %2 Color Line Follower %3 position %4" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_OPT0 = "red" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_OPT1 = "green" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_OPT2 = "blue" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT_BLACK = "black line" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT_WRITE = "white line" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT_POSITION_OPT0 = "middle" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT_POSITION_OPT1 = "right" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT_POSITION_OPT2 = "right-most" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT_POSITION_OPT3 = "left" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT_POSITION_OPT4 = "left-most" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINECOLOR_DETECT_POSITION_OPT5 = "lost" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_WHEN_START = "%1 %2 when Elfbot starts up" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_WHEN_BUTTONPRESSED = "%1 %2 When %3 is pressed" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BUTTON_VALUE_OPTION0 = "A" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BUTTON_VALUE_OPTION1 = "B" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BUTTON_VALUE_OPTION2 = "A+B" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_WHEN_PINSTOUCHED = "%1 %2 when pin %3 connected" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PINS_VALUE_OPTION0 = "0" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PINS_VALUE_OPTION1 = "1" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PINS_VALUE_OPTION2 = "2" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_WHEN_GESTURESTRIKE = "%1 %2 when the gesture %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION0 = "shaken" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION1 = "tilted upward" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION2 = "tilted downwrad" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION3 = "tilted leftward" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION4 = "tilted rightward" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION5 = "face up" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION6 = "face down" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION7 = "free fall" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION8 = "3g" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION9 = "6g" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GESTURE_VALUE_OPTION10 = "5g" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_COMMUCATION_OPEN = "%1 %2 open wireless communication" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_COMMUCATION_CLOSED = "%1 %2 close wireless communication" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_COMMUCATION_RESET = "%1 %2 reest wireless communication" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_COMMUCATION_RECEIVE = "%1 %2 receive wireless message" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_COMMUCATION_SEND = "%1 %2 send wireless message %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_COMMUCATION_SETCHANNEL = "%1 %2 set wireless communication channel %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_CONNECTED = "%1 %2 pin %3 is connected?" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_ANALOGQUANTITY = "%1 %2 pin %3 analog quantity" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_SET_ANALOGQUANTITY = "%1 %2 set %3 analog quantity %4" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_NUMBER_INPUT = "%1 %2 pin %3 with number input?" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_ANALOG_MAP_TO = "%1 %2 map analog pin %3 to low %4 high %5" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_ANALOG_READ = "%1 %2 analog read pin %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_ANALOG_WRITE = "%1 %2 analog write pin %3 to %4" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_ANALOG_SET_PERIOD = "%1 %2 analog set period pin %3 (PWM) to %4 (us)" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_DIGITAL_READ = "%1 %2 digital read pin %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_DIGITAL_IS = "%1 %2 digital pin %3 is %4" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_DIGITAL_IS_OPT1 = "high" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_DIGITAL_IS_OPT2 = "low" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_DIGITAL_SET_TO = "%1 %2 set digital pin %3 to %4" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_I2C_READ = "%1 %2 i2c read number at address %3 of format %4 repeated %5" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_I2C_WRITE = "%1 %2 i2c write number at address %3 with value %4 of format %5 repeated %6" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_I2C_READ_OPT1 = "no" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_PIN_I2C_READ_OPT2 = "yes" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_BUTTON_PRESSED = "%1 %2 %3button is pressed?" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_GESTURE_STRIKE = "%1 %2 gesture is %3?" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_ACCELERATION = "%1 %2 %3 acceleration" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_ACCELERATION_VALUE_OPTION0 = "x-axis" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_ACCELERATION_VALUE_OPTION1 = "y-axis" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_ACCELERATION_VALUE_OPTION2 = "z-axis" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_COMPASSANGLE = "%1 %2 compass angle" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_COMPASS_MAGNETICDENSITY = "%1 %2 compasss magnetic density" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_CALIBRATE_COMPASS = "%1 %2 calibrate compass" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE = "%1 %2 temperature" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SENSOR_RUNNINGTIME = "%1 %2 running time" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_IMAGE = "%1 %2 show image %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_IMAGEFOR = "%1 %2 show image %3 for %4 secs" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_MIRRORING_IMAGE = "%1 %2 show mirroring image %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_SETIMAGE = "%1 %2 set image %3 %4 to move %5" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_POSITION_VALUE_OPTION0 = "left" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_POSITION_VALUE_OPTION1 = "right" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_POSITION_VALUE_OPTION2 = "up" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_POSITION_VALUE_OPTION3 = "down" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_TEXT = "%1 %2 show %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_TEXTUNTIL = "%1 %2 show %3 until scoll done" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_CLOSE = "%1 %2 hide all matrix" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_LIGHT = "%1 %2 light %3 at the x: %4axis, y: %5axis" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_LIGHT_ACTION_VALUE_OPTION0 = "up" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_LIGHT_ACTION_VALUE_OPTION1 = "off" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_LIGHTON = "%1 %2 show on the x: %3axis, y: %4axis with brightness %5" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_SHOW_BRIGHTNESS = "%1 %2 get brightness at x: %3, y: %4" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_MUSIC_PLAY = "%1 %2 pin %3 plays sound %4" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_MUSIC_PLAY_UNTILDONE = "%1 %2 pin %3 plays sound %4 until done" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_MUSIC_PLAY_NOTE = "%1 %2 pin %3 plays note %4 for %5" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_MUSIC_CHANGETEMPO = "%1 %2 change tempo by %3 (bpm)" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_MUSIC_SETTEMPO = "%1 %2 set tempo to %3 (bpm)" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_MUSIC_TEMPO = "%1 %2 tempo (bpm)" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_KEY_IS_PRESSED = "%1 %2 BitPlayer: key %3 is pressed" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK = "%1 %2 BitPlayer: joystick %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_VIBRATION = "%1 %2 BitPlayer: vibration %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_VIBRATION_OPT1 = "on" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_VIBRATION_OPT2 = "off" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK_OPT1 = "UpLeft" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK_OPT2 = "Up" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK_OPT3 = "UpRight" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK_OPT4 = "Left" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK_OPT5 = "Middle" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK_OPT6 = "Right" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK_OPT7 = "LowerLeft" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK_OPT8 = "Down" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITPLAYER_JOYSTICK_OPT9 = "LowerRight" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITWEAR_VIBRATION = "%1 %2 BitWear: vibration %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITWEAR_SET_LED_COLOR = "%1 %2 BitWear: set LED color %3" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITMAKER_SET_LED_COLOR = "%1 %2 BitMaker: set LED %3 color %4" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITCAR_MOVE = "%1 %2 BitCar: left motor %3 %,right motor %4 %" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITCAR_STOP = "%1 %2 BitCar: stop" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITCAR_STANDUP_STILL = "%1 %2 BitCar: stand up with speed %3 %, charge %4 (ms)" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITCAR_LINE_UNDER_SENSOR = "%1 %2 BitCar: line under %3 sensor" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITCAR_LINE_UNDER_SENSOR_OPT1 = "left" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITCAR_LINE_UNDER_SENSOR_OPT2 = "right" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_BITCAR_LINE_FOLLOW_AT_SPEED = "%1 %2 BitCar: follow line at speed %3 %" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GROVE_ONE_MINI_FAN_SET_SPEED = "%1 %2 Mini Fan %3 :set speed to %4 %" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GROVE_ONE_SERVO_SET_ANGLE = "%1 %2 Servo %3 :set angle to %4 °" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GROVE_ONE_ULTRASONIC_GET_DISTANCE = "%1 %2 Ultrasonic Sensor %3 :distance in %4" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GROVE_ONE_ULTRASONIC_GET_DISTANCE_OPT1 = "cm" Blockly.Msg.MICROBIT_GROVE_ONE_ULTRASONIC_GET_DISTANCE_OPT2 = "inch" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_COMMON = "Common" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_SYSTEM = "System" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_SHOW = "Show" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_MUSIC = "Music" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_AUDIO = "Audio" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_PIN = "Pin" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_RADIO = "Radio" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_DISPLAY = "Looks" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_LIGHTING = "Lighting" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ACTION = "Motion" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_SENSOR = "Sensor" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_WIRELESS = "Wireless" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_ADDONS = "Add-Ons" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_GROVE_ONE = "Grove One" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_DISPLAY1 = "Display" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_MACHINE_VISION = "Machine Vision" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_CNN_MODELS = "Model Recognition" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_MAXIDUINO_SYSTEM = "System" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_START = "Start" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_GROVE_INPUT = "Grove Input" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_GROVE_OUTPUT = "Grove Output" Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY_MAIXDUINO_GROVE = "Grove" Blockly.Msg.SNAPSHOOT = "Snapshoot" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ENENT_DELAY = "wait %1 %2" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ENENT_DELAY_UNIT_MS = "ms" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ENENT_DELAY_UNIT_US = "us" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ENENT_RUNTIME = "run time %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION = "set screen orientation as %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_NORMAL = "normal" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_ROTATE = "flipped" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_STRING_AT_POSITION = "display %1 at X%2 Y%3" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_DISPLAY_DRAW_RECTANGLE_WH = "draw rectangle: W%1 H%2 at X%3 Y%4" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_BALL_AT_SIZE_COLOR = "%1 circle detected" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_BALL_RGB = "detected circle RGB value" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_RECTANGLE_AT_SIZE_COLOR = "%1 rectangle detected" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_DETECTION_RECTANGLE_RGB = "detected rectangle RGB value" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COLORLINE_SETCOLOR = "set line idendification color to %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COLORLINE_SETWEIGHT = "set line idendification region weight: A %1% B %2% C %3%" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COLORLINE_TURNANGLE = "turn angle" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_SEEED_LINE_FINDER = "%1 %2 pin %3 Line Follower is seeing %4" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_FIGURE_OUTPUT = "digital write pin %1 to %2" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_FIGURE_INPUT = "digital read pin %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ANALOG_INPUT = "AnalogRead pin %1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ANALOG_OUTPUT = "analog write pin %1 to %2" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COORDP_X = "X coordinate" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COORDP_W = "W" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_CAMERA_COORDP_H = "H" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MARK_OPT1 = "forward" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MARK_OPT2 = "backward" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MARK_OPT3 = "left" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MARK_OPT4 = "right" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MARK_OPT6 = "low" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MARK_OPT7 = "medium" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MARK_OPT8 = "max" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MARK_STOP = "M.A.R.K stop" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MOTOR_RUN_0PT1 = "left" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_MOTOR_RUN_0PT2 = "right" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_GROVE_BUTTON_ISPRESSED = "%1 %2 pin %3 Button is pressed?" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_GROVE_ULT_DISTANCE = "%1 %2 pin %3 Ultrasonic Sensor distance(cm)" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_GROVE_RGBLED_STRIP_DISPALY = "%1 %2 pin %3 RGB LED strip set LED %4 to %5" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_GROVE_RGBLED_STRIP_DISPALY1 = "%1 %2 pin %3 RGB LED strip set LED %4 to R %5 G %6 B %7" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_GROVE_RGBLED_STRIP_CLOSED = "%1 %2 pin %3 RGB LED strip off" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_SETVOL = "M.A.R.K. Speaker set volume to %1 %" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_PLAYNOTE = "M.A.R.K. Speaker play tone %1 %2 beat" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_PAUSE = "M.A.R.K. Speaker rest %1 beat" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_BEAT_OPT0 = "1" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_BEAT_OPT1 = "1/2" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_BEAT_OPT2 = "1/4" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_BEAT_OPT3 = "1/8" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_BEAT_OPT4 = "1/16" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_BEAT_OPT5 = "2" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_BEAT_OPT6 = "4" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_SPEAKER_BEAT_OPT7 = "8" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_HEAD_LIGHTS_SHOW = "M.A.R.K %1 headlight show %2" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_TAIL_LIGHTS_SHOW = "M.A.R.K. rear light %1 show %2 %3 %4 " Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_LIGHTS_CRUSHOUT = "M.A.R.K. %1 headlight off" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_HEAD_LIGHTS_OPT01 = "left" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_HEAD_LIGHTS_OPT02 = "right" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_TAIL_LIGHTS_OPT01 = "top" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_TAIL_LIGHTS_OPT02 = "mid" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_TAIL_LIGHTS_OPT03 = "tail" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_LIGHTS_OPT01 = "all" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_LIGHTS_OPT02 = "head" Blockly.Msg.MAIXDUINO_ROBOT_LIGHTS_OPT03 = "rear" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SLOPE_OPT1 = "forward" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SLOPE_OPT2 = "back" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SLOPE_OPT3 = "left" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_SLOPE_OPT4 = "right" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_BME280_OPT1 = "temperature" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_BME280_OPT2 = "humidity" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_BME280_OPT3 = "air pressure" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_OPERATE_OPT1 = "refresh" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_OPERATE_OPT2 = "clear" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT0 = "clear" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT1 = "year" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT2 = "month" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT3 = "day" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT4 = "hour" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT5 = "minute" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT6 = "second" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT7 = "week number" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT8 = "days number" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT9 = "mullisecond" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_SYSRESOURES_TIME_OPT10 = "microsecond" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT = "default" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT0 = "P0" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT1 = "P1" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT2 = "P2" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT3 = "P3(EXT)" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT4 = "P4(light)" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT6 = "P6(buzzer)" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT7 = "P7(RGB)" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT8 = "P8" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT9 = "P9" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT10 = "P10(sound)" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT13 = "P13" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT14 = "P14" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT15 = "P15" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT16 = "P16" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT19 = "P19(LCD)" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_OPT20 = "P20(LCD)" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_VOLTAGE_OPT1 = "HIGH" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_VOLTAGE_OPT2 = "LOW" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_MODE_OPT1 = "no pull" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_MODE_OPT2 = "pull down" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_MODE_OPT3 = "pull up" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_STATYS_OPT1 = "input" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_STATYS_OPT2 = "Push-pull output" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_PIN_STATYS_OPT3 = "Leaky output" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_OLCD_OPT1 = "clear" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_OLCD_OPT2 = "full bright" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_OLCD_OPT3 = "black background" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_OLCD_OPT4 = "white background" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_ACTION_OPT1 = "pressed" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_ACTION_OPT2 = "released" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_ACTION_OPT3 = "pressed" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_ACTION_OPT4 = "unpressed" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_ACTION_OPT5 = "repeated" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_ACTION_OPT6 = "delayed" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_ACTION_OPT1 = "on" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_ACTION_OPT2 = "off" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_ACTION_OPT3 = "pause" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_ACTION_OPT4 = "go on" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_MUSIC_ACTION_OPT5 = "stop" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_VOLTAGE_OPT1 = "↗low to high" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_EVENT_VOLTAGE_OPT2 = "↘high to low" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_MODE_OPT1 = "normal" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_MODE_OPT2 = "rev" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_MODE_OPT3 = "trans" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_MODE_OPT4 = "XOR" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_LIGHT_OPT1 = "bright" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_LIGHT_OPT2 = "dark" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DIRECTION_OPT1 = "vertical" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DIRECTION_OPT2 = "horizontal" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_JUDGE_OPT1 = "even" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_JUDGE_OPT2 = "odd" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_JUDGE_OPT3 = "whole" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_JUDGE_OPT4 = "positive" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_JUDGE_OPT5 = "negative" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_OPERATORS_JUDGE_OPT6 = "divisible by" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_OPT1 = "draw" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_DRAW_OPT2 = "erase" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_CIRCLE_OPT1 = "hollow" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_CIRCLE_OPT2 = "solid" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_FONT_OPT1 = "no wrap" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_FONT_OPT2 = "auto wrap" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT1 = "Heart" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT2 = "Small heart" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT3 = "Happy" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT4 = "Smile" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT5 = "Sad" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT6 = "Confused" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT7 = "Angry" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT8 = "Sleep" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT9 = "Surprise" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT10 = "Silly" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT11 = "Wonderful" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT12 = "Bored" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT13 = "Rock" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT14 = "Small rock" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT15 = "Paper" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT16 = "Small Paper" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT17 = "Scissors" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT18 = "Small scissors" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT19 = "Expressions/Big smile.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT20 = "Expressions/Heart large.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT21 = "Expressions/Heart small.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT22 = "Expressions/Mouth 1 open.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT23 = "Expressions/Mouth 1 shut.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT24 = "Expressions/Mouth 2 open.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT25 = "Expressions/Mouth 2 shut.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT26 = "Expressions/Sad.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT27 = "Expressions/Sick.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT28 = "Expressions/Smile.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT29 = "Expressions/Swearing.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT30 = "Expressions/Talking.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT31 = "Expressions/Wink.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT32 = "Expressions/ZZZ.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT33 = "Eyes/Angry.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT34 = "Eyes/Awake.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT35 = "Eyes/Black eye.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT36 = "Eyes/Bottom left.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT37 = "Eyes/Bottom right.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT38 = "Eyes/Crazy 1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT39 = "Eyes/Crazy 2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT40 = "Eyes/Disappointed.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT41 = "Eyes/Dizzy.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT42 = "Eyes/Down.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT43 = "Eyes/Evil.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT44 = "Eyes/Hurt.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT45 = "Eyes/Knocked out.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT46 = "Eyes/Love.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT47 = "Eyes/Middle left.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT48 = "Eyes/Middle right.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT49 = "Eyes/Neutral.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT50 = "Eyes/Nuclear.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT51 = "Eyes/Pinch left.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT52 = "Eyes/Pinch middle.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT53 = "Eyes/Pinch right.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT54 = "Eyes/Tear.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT55 = "Eyes/Tired left.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT56 = "Eyes/Tired middle.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT57 = "Eyes/Tired right.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT58 = "Eyes/Toxic.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT59 = "Eyes/Up.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT60 = "Eyes/Winking.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT61 = "Information/Accept.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT62 = "Information/Backward.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT63 = "Information/Decline.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT64 = "Information/Forward.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT65 = "Information/Left.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT66 = "Information/No go.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT67 = "Information/Question mark.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT68 = "Information/Right.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT69 = "Information/Stop 1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT70 = "Information/Stop 2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT71 = "Information/Thumbs down.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT72 = "Information/Thumbs up.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT73 = "Information/Warning.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT74 = "Objects/Bomb.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT75 = "Objects/Boom.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT76 = "Objects/Fire.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT77 = "Objects/Flowers.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT78 = "Objects/Forest.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT79 = "Objects/Light off.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT80 = "Objects/Light on.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT81 = "Objects/Lightning.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT82 = "Objects/Night.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT83 = "Objects/Pirate.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT84 = "Objects/Snow.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT85 = "Objects/Target.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT86 = "Progress/Bar 0.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT87 = "Progress/Bar 1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT88 = "Progress/Bar 2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT89 = "Progress/Bar 3.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT90 = "Progress/Bar 4.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT91 = "Progress/Dial 0.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT92 = "Progress/Dial 1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT93 = "Progress/Dial 2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT94 = "Progress/Dial 3.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT95 = "Progress/Dial 4.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT96 = "Progress/Dots 0.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT97 = "Progress/Dots 1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT98 = "Progress/Dots 2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT99 = "Progress/Dots 3.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT100 = "Progress/Hourglass 0.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT101 = "Progress/Hourglass 1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT102 = "Progress/Hourglass 2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT103 = "Progress/Timer 0.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT104 = "Progress/Timer 1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT105 = "Progress/Timer 2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT106 = "Progress/Timer 3.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT107 = "Progress/Timer 4.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT108 = "Progress/Water level 0.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT109 = "Progress/Water level 1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT110 = "Progress/Water level 2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT111 = "Progress/Water level 3.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT112 = "System/Accept_1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT113 = "System/Accept_2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT114 = "System/Alert.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT115 = "System/Box.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT116 = "System/Busy_0.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT117 = "System/Busy_1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT118 = "System/Decline_1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT119 = "System/Decline_2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT120 = "System/Dot_empty.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT121 = "System/Dot_full.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT122 = "System/Play.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT123 = "System/Slider_0.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT124 = "System/Slider_1.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT125 = "System/Slider_2.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT126 = "System/Slider_3.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT127 = "System/Slider_4.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT128 = "System/Slider_5.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT129 = "System/Slider_6.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT130 = "System/Slider_7.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_EXPRESSION_OPT131 = "System/Slider_8.pbm" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT1 = "Digiface 11px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT2 = "Digiface 16px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT3 = "Digiface 21px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT4 = "Digiface 30px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT5 = "Digiface 44px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT6 = "Digiface Italic 30px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT7 = "Digiface Italic 42px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT8 = "DejaVu Sans Mono 12px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT9 = "DejaVu Sans Mono 16px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT10 = "DejaVu Sans Mono 21px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT11 = "DejaVu Sans Mono Bold 12px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT12 = "DejaVu Sans Mono Bold 16px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_LOOKS_TUBE_OPT13 = "DejaVu Sans Mono Bold 21px" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT1 = "UTC+1" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT2 = "UTC+2" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT3 = "UTC+3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT4 = "UTC+4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT5 = "UTC+5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT6 = "UTC+6" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT7 = "UTC+7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT8 = "UTC+8" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT9 = "UTC+9" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT10 = "UTC+10" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT11 = "UTC+11" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT12 = "UTC+12" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT13 = "UTC-1" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT14 = "UTC-2" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT15 = "UTC-3" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT16 = "UTC-4" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT17 = "UTC-5" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT18 = "UTC-6" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT19 = "UTC-7" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT20 = "UTC-8" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT21 = "UTC-9" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT22 = "UTC-10" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT23 = "UTC-11" Blockly.Msg.CocoRobo_WIFI_ZONE_OPT24 = "UTC-12" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_SETUP = "setup" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_SETUP_LOOP = "loop" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_HUMITURE = "%1 %2 Temperature&Humidity %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_INFRARED = "%1 %2 Line Finder" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_MAGNESWITCH = "%1 %2 Magnetic Switch" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_ULTRASONIC = "%1 %2 Ultrasonic Ranger" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_LIGHT = "%1 %2 Light Sensor" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_SLIDESWITCH = "%1 %2 Slide Potentionmeter" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_INCLINE = "%1 %2 Tilt Sensor" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_TOUCH = "%1 %2 Touch Sensor" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_NOISE = "%1 %2 Sound Sensor" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_SOILHUMIDITY = "%1 %2 Moisture" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_SHAFTSPEED = "%1 %2 3Axis Digital Accelerometer-16 %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_MULTICHANNEDL_TOUCH = "%1 %2 I2C Touch CH %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_OUTPUT_MINIMOTOR_RUN = "%1 %2 Mini I2C Motor %3 speed %4" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_OUTPUT_FOURDIGIT_TUBE_DISPLAY = "%1 %2 4 Digital Display show %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_OUTPUT_LEDBOARD_SHOW = "%1 %2 LED set to %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_OUTPUT_RGBLED_SHOW = "%1 %2 Chainable RGB LED show R %3 G %4 B %5" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_OUTPUT_SPEAKER_NOTEBEAT = "%1 %2 Speeker play tone %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_OUTPUT_SERVO_TRUNANGLE = "%1 %2 Sevo move to %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_OUTPUT_BUZZER_PLAY = "%1 %2 Buzzer set to %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_OUTPUT_MOTOR_RUN = "%1 %2 Vibration set to %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_OUTPUT_DCMOTOR_RUN = "%1 %2 DC Motor set to %3" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_HUMITURE_OPT01 = "temperature" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_HUMITURE_OPT02 = "humidity" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_LEVEL_HIGH = "ON" Blockly.Msg.GROVE_JOINT_INPUT_LEVEL_LOW = "OFF" Blockly.Msg.ELFBOT_LINEPATROL_WHENETECTEDCOLORD = "%1 %2 当检测到的颜色是 %3" Blockly.Categories = {}; Blockly.Categories.motion = "motion" Blockly.Categories.looks = "looks" Blockly.Categories.sound = "sounds" Blockly.Categories.pen = "pen" Blockly.Categories.data = "data" Blockly.Categories.dataLists = "data-lists" Blockly.Categories.event = "events" Blockly.Categories.control = "control" Blockly.Categories.sensing = "sensing" Blockly.Categories.operators = "operators" Blockly.Categories.more = "more" Blockly.Msg.ESP32BUTTON = "When Button"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32IS = "is"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32PRESSED = "Pressed"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32RELEASED = "Released"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32DIALER_LEFT = "Left"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32DIALER_MIDDLE = "Middle"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32DIALER_RIGHT = "Right"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32DIALSWITCH = "When Dialer"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32TURN = "Set "; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED = "Light "; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_MONO_TEXT_NO = "LED #"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_MONO_TEXT_AFTER = ""; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_BLUE = "Blue LED"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_RED = "Red LED"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_TURNON = "Up"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_TURNOFF = "Off"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_CORD_DRAWPIXEL_LIGHTUP = "Light Up the LED "; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_CORD_DRAWPIXEL_LIGHTOFF = "Light Off the LED "; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_CORD_DRAWPIXEL_LIGHT_INIT_TEXT = "Located in (Column"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_CORD_DRAWPIXEL_LIGHT_MIDDLE_TEXT = ", Row"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32LED_CORD_DRAWPIXEL_LIGHT_END_TEXT = ")"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32TURNOBAF = "Buzzer"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32TURNOB = "Turn off Buzzer"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32TA = "When Touch Area"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32_TOUCHED = "is Touched"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32_UNTOUCHED = "is Not Touched"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32_READ = "Get Touch Area"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32_READ_VALUE = "'s Capacitative Variable"; Blockly.Msg.ESP32_ENV_GET_TEXT = "Get"; Blockly.Msg.LCDINIT = "LCD Display Initalization" Blockly.Msg.LCDINIT_R = "Set Screen Rotation" Blockly.Msg.LCDINIT_M = "Set Mirror Flip" Blockly.Msg.LCDROTATION = "Set LCD Screen Rotation"; Blockly.Msg.LCDMF = "Set LCD Screen Mirror Flip"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDFSW = "Set LCD Display Fill Screen with"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDFSW = "Set LCD Display Fill Screen with"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDT = "Set LCD Display Text"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDT_C = "Text Color"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDT_BC = "Background Color"; Blockly.Msg.LED_COORDINATE = "Coordinate"; Blockly.Msg.WIFISERVER_SERVERSEND_CONTENT = "Content"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDLOC = "Draw Line"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDCC = "LCD Display Create Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDCC_F = "Fill Image: "; Blockly.Msg.LCDDCC_I = "Image Path: "; Blockly.Msg.LCDDSC = "LCD Display Show Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDSC_SC = "Set Coordinate"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDSC_X = "X:"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDSC_Y = "Y:"; Blockly.Msg.LCD_CANVAS = "Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDTOC = "Draw Text"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDTOC_SH = "Set Monospace"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDASOC = "Draw Arrow Sign"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDASOC_SC = "Start Coordinate"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDASOC_EC = "End Coordinate"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDASOC_LC = "Line Color"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDASOC_LT = "Line Thickness"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDASOC_T = "Thickness"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDFROC = "Draw"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDFROC_R = "Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDFROC_C = "Circle"; Blockly.Msg.LCDRADIUS = "Radius"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDCSOC = "Draw Cross Sign"; Blockly.Msg.LCDCEOC = "Clear Everything on Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.LCDSCIC = "Set Canvas:"; Blockly.Msg.LCDSCIC_I = "Inverted Color"; Blockly.Msg.LCDSCCRTW = "Set Canvas "; Blockly.Msg.LCDSCCRTW_R = "Resized to Width"; Blockly.Msg.LCDSCCRTW_TCANC = "Then Create a New Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.LCDDI = "Display in"; Blockly.Msg.LCDSCCCVTP = "Set Canvas:canvas Convert Vector to Pixel"; Blockly.Msg.LCDRQ = "QR Code"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT = "Camera Initialization"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SFS = "Set Frame Size: "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SFS_I = "in"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SWW = "Set Windowing"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SVFOSHMO = "Set Vertical Flip"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SVFOSHMO_O = "Set Horizontal Mirror" Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SABOSAGO = "Set Auto Balance: "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SABOSAGO_O = "Set Auto Gain: "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SCBS = "Set Contrast:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SCBS_B = "Brightness:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERAINIT_SCBS_S = "Saturation:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERASVFO = "Set Vertical Flip "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERASVFO_SHMO = "Set Horizontal Mirror "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERASVFO_SABO = "Set Auto-Balance "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERASVFO_SAGO = "Set Auto-Gain "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERASVFO_SCT = "Set Contrast to"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERASVFO_SBT = "Set Brightness to"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERASVFO_SST = "Set Saturation to"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERGICFC = "Get Image captured from Camera"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERGICFC_SCT = "Select Camera Type:"; Blockly.Msg.MODELLPM = "Load Preset Model: "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIT = "Initialize Preset Model:Single Digit Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIT_SISF = "Set Image Source From: "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIT_FPM = "From Preset Model:Single Digit Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIT_GCDN = "Get Current Detected Number(0-9)"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIT_CRC = "Current recognition confidence (%)"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_L = "Any common object is recognized"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_F = "from"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_G = "Get the"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_O = "Object name"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_X = "X-axis coordinate of detection box"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_Y = "Y coordinate of the detection box"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_W = "Width of detection box "; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_H = "Height of inspection frame"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_NO = "Number of objects"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_S = "Serial number"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_GET_C = "Confidence level"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_FACE = "Face recognition"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_XY_F = "Get the Face"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_XY_N = "Number"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_SDR = "Single Digit Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_COR = "Common Object Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_AR = "Animal Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.MODELS_HFR = "Human Face Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIT_GTCS = "Get the Confidence Score (%) of Detected Number"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM = "Initialize Preaset Model:Common Object Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM_SMSFIOR = "Set Image Source from "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM_ACOID = "Any Common Object is Detected"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM_IACOID = "If Any Common Object is Detected"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM_D = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM_E = "Else"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM_FPM = "From Preset Model: Common Object Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM_G = "Get"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM_GIOTCOD = " of the Common Object Detected"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPM_DCOIA = "Detected Common Object is "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMA = "Initialize Preset Model:Animal Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMA_AAOID = "Any Animal is Detected"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMA_IAAOID = "If Any Animal is Detected"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMA_FPMA = "From Preset Model: Animal Recongnition"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMA_GIOTCAD = " of the Animal Detected"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMA_DAOIA = "Detected Animal is "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF = "Initialize Preset Model:Face Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF_SISFIF = "Set Image Source from "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF_AFID = "Any Face is Detected"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF_IAFID = "If Any Face is Detected"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF_FPM = "From Preset Model: Face Recongnition"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF_GIOTFD = "of the Face Detected"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF_LCMLM = "Load Customized Machine Learning Model"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF_FSC = "From SD Card:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIINNYFNOT = "Initialize Neural Network YOLOv2" Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIINNYFNOT_F = " from Network Object"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIINNYFNOT_SPT = "Set Probability Threshold:" Blockly.Msg.CAMERINIINNYFNOT_SPT_S = " Set Box IoU Threshold:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF_SNOAA = "Set Number of Anchors Anchors " Blockly.Msg.CAMERINITPMF_SNOAA_S = " Set Anchor as:anchors"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERGRFRNNY = "Get Result from Running Neural Network YOLOv2"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERGRFRNNY_FNOT = "From Network Object "; Blockly.Msg.CAMERGRFRNNY_SNOLTCTTN = "Set Number of Layers to Calculate to the Network:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERGRFRNNY_SISA = "Set Image Source as :"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERGFMOFNOT = "Get Feature Map Object from Network Object"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERGFMOFNOT_SNOLTCTTN = "Set Number of Layers to Calculate to the Network:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERGFMOFNOT_SISAC = "Set Image Source as:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERDNOT = "Deinitialize Network Object "; Blockly.Msg.VISION_IF = "If Color "; Blockly.Msg.VISION_IF_R = "Region is Detected from Canvas:"; Blockly.Msg.VISION_IF_S = "Set Maximum Dertected Size:"; Blockly.Msg.VISION_IF_C = "Get Detected Region's"; Blockly.Msg.VISION_CIF = " Circle is Detected from Canvas: "; Blockly.Msg.VISION_CIF_D = "Get Detected Circle's"; Blockly.Msg.VISION_SIF = "Start Double Line Detection"; Blockly.Msg.VISION_SIF_D = "Dectect Line Color:"; Blockly.Msg.VISION_SIF_G = "Get Direction Offset Value"; Blockly.Msg.VISION_SIF_GF = "From Double Line Detection"; Blockly.Msg.MPHONE = "Microphone Initialization"; Blockly.Msg.MPHONE_A = "Read Avg.Loudness from Microphone"; Blockly.Msg.AUDIO_S = "Speaker Initialization"; Blockly.Msg.AUDIO_S_P = "Play audio file"; Blockly.Msg.AUDIO_S_PS = "Set volume"; Blockly.Msg.AUDIO_S_PF = "File Path:"; Blockly.Msg.AUDIO_SET = "Set audio playback volume"; Blockly.Msg.VIDEO_S = "Video recording initialization"; Blockly.Msg.VIDEO_S_S = "File save path"; Blockly.Msg.VIDEO_G = "Recording video from"; Blockly.Msg.VIDEO_G_I = "image source"; Blockly.Msg.VIDEO_S_R = "Stop Record Video"; Blockly.Msg.VIDEO_SET_F = "Play video file"; Blockly.Msg.VIDEO_SET_P = "File path:"; Blockly.Msg.VIDEO_NUM = "Set video playback volume "; Blockly.Msg.VIDEO_STATUS = "Get the status of video playback"; Blockly.Msg.SERIALPORT_PRINT_TITLE = "Serial Port Print %1"; Blockly.Msg.SERIALPORT_SPACER = "Spacer"; Blockly.Msg.SERIALPORT_TERMINATOR = "Terminator"; Blockly.Msg.SERIALPORT_DATA = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.SERIALPORT_COLOR = "Text color"; Blockly.Msg.SERIALPORT_TCOLOR = "Text background"; Blockly.Msg.SERIALPORT_SLDT = "Set LCD display text"; Blockly.Msg.LCD_CLEAR = "Clear screen"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_WINDOW = "Set camera windowing"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_SIZE = "Window size"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_WINDOW = "Set camera windowing"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_SIZE = "Window size"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_INIT = "Camera initialization"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_CIS = "Captured image size:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_COCI = "Color of captured image:"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_C = "Color"; Blockly.Msg.CAMERA_BW = "black and white"; /* __ __ _ _ | \/ | __ _| |_| |__ | |\/| |/ _` | __| '_ \ | | | | (_| | |_| | | | |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_| */ Blockly.Msg.math_degrad_rad = "Convert Degrees to Radians"; Blockly.Msg.math_degrad_deg = "Convert Radians to Degrees"; /* ___ _ _____ _ _ |_ _|_ __ _ __ _ _| |_ / / _ \ _ _| |_ _ __ _ _| |_ | || '_ \| '_ \| | | | __| / / | | | | | | __| '_ \| | | | __| | || | | | |_) | |_| | |_ / /| |_| | |_| | |_| |_) | |_| | |_ |___|_| |_| .__/ \__,_|\__/_/ \___/ \__,_|\__| .__/ \__,_|\__| |_| |_| */ Blockly.Msg.io_high = "HIGH"; Blockly.Msg.io_low = "LOW"; Blockly.Msg.digital_set = "Set GPIO"; Blockly.Msg.digital_set_as = "to"; Blockly.Msg.digital_get = "Get GPIO"; Blockly.Msg.digital_get_value = "Digital Read"; Blockly.Msg.analog_get = "IoT Module Get GPIO"; Blockly.Msg.analog_get_value = "Analog Value"; Blockly.Msg.analog_set = "IoT Module Set GPIO#"; Blockly.Msg.analog_set_ai = "A.I. Module Set GPIO#"; Blockly.Msg.analog_set_freq = "Set Frequency as:"; Blockly.Msg.analog_set_pwm = "Set PWM as:"; Blockly.Msg.set_pwm = "PWM Value to"; Blockly.Msg.led = "LED"; Blockly.Msg.control = "Control"; Blockly.Msg.analog_set_timer = "Set Timer:"; Blockly.Msg.analog_set_timer_channel = "Set Timer Channel:"; /* _____ _ |_ _(_)_ __ ___ ___ | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | | | | | | | | | __/ |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___| */ Blockly.Msg.time_iot_module = "IoT Module "; Blockly.Msg.time_ai_module = "A.I. Module"; Blockly.Msg.time_init_timer = "Initialize Timer"; Blockly.Msg.time_timer_get_time = "Get time elapsed from Timer (ms)"; Blockly.Msg.time_timer_clear = "Clear Timer"; Blockly.Msg.time_timer_periodically = "Enable Periodical Timer"; Blockly.Msg.time_timer_every = "Every"; Blockly.Msg.time_timer_ms = "Millisecond(s)"; Blockly.Msg.time_execution = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.time_timer_periodically_clear = "Clear Periodical Timer"; Blockly.Msg.time_get_current_date_title = "Get Current Time:"; Blockly.Msg.time_get_current_date_y = "Year"; Blockly.Msg.time_get_current_date_m = "Month"; Blockly.Msg.time_get_current_date_d = "Day"; Blockly.Msg.time_get_current_date_hour = "Hour"; Blockly.Msg.time_get_current_date_min = "Minute"; Blockly.Msg.time_get_current_date_sec = "Second"; /* ____ _ _ ____ / ___| ___ _ __(_) __ _| | / ___|___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ \___ \ / _ \ '__| |/ _` | | | | / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \ ___) | __/ | | | (_| | | | |__| (_) | | | | | | | | | | |_ |____/ \___|_| |_|\__,_|_| \____\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_(_) */ Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_print = "Serial print"; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_title_text = "Send Data to 1st-Gen Main Controller"; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_item_first = "Data "; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_item_last = ""; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_item = "Item"; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_data = "Data"; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_data_bps_title = "Set Baud Rate:"; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_data_bps_attrib = "bps"; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_on = "On"; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_on_ai = "AI Module "; Blockly.Msg.serialcomm_write_on_iot = "IoT Module"; Blockly.Msg.serial_send_data_on = "On"; Blockly.Msg.serial_send_data_on_send_data = "Module Send Data to Microbit" /* ____ _ | __ ) __ _ ___(_) ___ | _ \ / _` / __| |/ __| | |_) | (_| \__ \ | (__ |____/ \__,_|___/_|\___| */ Blockly.Msg.basic_button_read_value = "Read the Status of Button "; Blockly.Msg.basic_button_read_value_after = ""; Blockly.Msg.basic_buzzer_set = "Set Buzzer frequency (Hz)"; Blockly.Msg.basic_temperature = "Temperature"; Blockly.Msg.basic_humidity = "Humidity"; Blockly.Msg.basic_pressure = "Pressure"; Blockly.Msg.basic_env_value = "Value"; Blockly.Msg.basic_motion_use = "Initialize Motion Sensor"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_shaking_when_module = "When Module is"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_shaking_when_is_in = "Shaking"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_shaking_when_is_not_in = "Not Shaking"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_shaking_when_shaking = ""; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_shaking = "When module is shaking"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_shaking_not = "When module is not shaking"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_tilting_get = "When module is "; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_tilting_get_left = "tilt to the left"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_tilting_get_right = "tilt to the right"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_tilting_get_forward = "tilt to the forward"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_tilting_get_backward = "tilt to the backward"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_tilting_not_tilting = "not tilting"; Blockly.Msg.basic_when_tilting_get_when = ""; Blockly.Msg.basic_motion_get = "Get"; Blockly.Msg.basic_motion_accel = " axis acceleration"; Blockly.Msg.basic_motion_angle = " axis rotation angle"; Blockly.Msg.basic_light_get = "Get Light Sensitivity (Range: 0~1023)"; Blockly.Msg.basic_motion_statement_exec = "Do"; /* ____ _ _ | _ \(_)___ _ __ | | __ _ _ _ | | | | / __| '_ \| |/ _` | | | | | |_| | \__ \ |_) | | (_| | |_| | |____/|_|___/ .__/|_|\__,_|\__, | |_| |___/ */ Blockly.Msg.display_clear_screen = "Clear Screen"; Blockly.Msg.display_fill_screen = "Set screen filled with color"; Blockly.Msg.display_draw_pixel = "Pixel"; Blockly.Msg.display_draw_vertical = "Vertical"; Blockly.Msg.display_draw_horizontal = "Horizontal"; Blockly.Msg.display_start_cord = "Start Coordinate"; Blockly.Msg.display_length = "Length"; Blockly.Msg.display_draw_rectangle = "Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.display_drawqr_text = " QR Code"; Blockly.Msg.display_drawqr_content = "Content"; Blockly.Msg.display_drawqr_padding = "Padding Width"; Blockly.Msg.display_draw_text = "Content"; Blockly.Msg.display_draw_text_content = "Content"; Blockly.Msg.display_draw_text_size = "Text Size"; Blockly.Msg.display_draw_text_return = "Auto Wrap"; Blockly.Msg.display_red = "Red"; Blockly.Msg.display_green = "Green"; Blockly.Msg.display_blue = "Blue"; /* __ ___ _____ _ \ \ / (_) | ___(_) \ \ /\ / /| |_____| |_ | | \ V V / | |_____| _| | | \_/\_/ |_| |_| |_| */ Blockly.Msg.wifi_setup_hotspot = "Create Wi-Fi Hotspot"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_hotspot_ssid = "SSID:"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_hotspot_pass = "Password:"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_connect_router = "Connect to Wi-Fi Network"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_router_ssid = "SSID:"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_router_pass = "Password:"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_router_disconnect = "Disconnect Wi-Fi Connection"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_hotspot_get_clients = "Get number of current connected device(s)"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_hotspot_get_list = "Get the list current connected device(s)"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_router_connection_status = "Get Wi-Fi Connection Status"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_close_hotspot = "Close Wi-Fi Hotspot"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_router_get_info = "Get Wi-Fi Configuration Info"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_router_device_ip = "IP"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_router_device_mask = "Netmask"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_router_device_gateway = "Gateway"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_router_device_dns = "DNS"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_title = "Synchronize Time From Internet"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_set_timezone = "Set Timezone:"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc8 = "UTC+8"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc9 = "UTC+9"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc10 = "UTC+10"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc11 = "UTC+11"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc12 = "UTC+12"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm12 = "UTC-12"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm11 = "UTC-11"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm10 = "UTC-10"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm9 = "UTC-9"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm8 = "UTC-8"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm7 = "UTC-7"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm6 = "UTC-6"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm5 = "UTC-5"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm4 = "UTC-4"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm3 = "UTC-3"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm2 = "UTC-2"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utcm1 = "UTC-1"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc0 = "UTC"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc1 = "UTC+1"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc2 = "UTC+2"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc3 = "UTC+3"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc4 = "UTC+4"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc5 = "UTC+5"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc6 = "UTC+6"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_utc7 = "UTC+7"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_ntptime_time_server = "Set Time Server:"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_setup = "HTTP Server Setup"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_route_setting_title = "HTTP Server Route Setting"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_route_setting_path = "When Path"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_route_setting_being_requested = "is Being Requested"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_route_setting_property = "Set Route Property:"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_route_setting_get = "GET"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_route_setting_post = "POST"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_route_setting_do = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_respond_title = "HTTP Server Send Response"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_respond_type = "Set Reponse Type:"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_respond_text = "Plain Text"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_respond_json = "JSON Data"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_respond_html = "Web Page (HTML Code)"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_respond_exec = "Respond:"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_get_title = "HTTP Server Get Request Content Data as"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_get_as_json = "JSON"; Blockly.Msg.wifi_web_http_server_get_as_text = "Text"; /* _ _ ____ ___ _____ | \ | | __ ) |_ _|__|_ _| | \| | _ \ _____| |/ _ \| | | |\ | |_) |_____| | (_) | | |_| \_|____/ |___\___/|_| */ Blockly.Msg.nbiot_module_which_module_iot = "On IoT Module "; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_module_which_module_ai = "On AI Module "; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_module_init = "NB-IoT Module Communication Setup"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_module_power = "Get NB-IoT Module Power Status"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_module_connectivity = "Get NB-IoT Internet Connection Status"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_module_ip = "Get NB-IoT Module's Internet IP Address"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_title = "NB-IoT Module to OneNET Configuration"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_connect_productid = "Product ID:"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_connect_deviceid = "Device ID:"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_connect_device_api = "Device API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_connectivity = "NB-IoT Module Get OneNET Connection Status"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_send_title = "NB-IoT Module Send Data to OneNET"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_send_property = "Property Name: "; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_when_incoming_msg = "When NB-IoT Module Got Message: "; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_when_incoming_msg_when = "from OneNET"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_when_incoming_msg_exec = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_onenet_receive_command = "Get Message received from OneNET"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_cococloud_get_event_title = "NB-IoT Module Get CocoCloud Event Data"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_cococloud_get_event_api = "Cloud Event API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_cococloud_get_property = "Get the data where property is"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_cococloud_get_data = "from CocoCloud"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_cococloud_send_title = "NB-IoT Module Send Data to CocoCloud"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_cococloud_send_api = "Event API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_cococloud_send_property = "Property Name: "; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_http_get_title = "Send HTTP GET Request"; Blockly.Msg.nbiot_http_get_url = "Set destination URL:"; /* ___ _ _ |_ _|_ __ | |_ ___ _ __ _ __ ___| |_ | || '_ \| __/ _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ __| | || | | | || __/ | | | | | __/ |_ |___|_| |_|\__\___|_| |_| |_|\___|\__| */ Blockly.Msg.internet_server_setup = "HTTP Server Initialize"; Blockly.Msg.internet_server_set_max = "Set maximum number of connection:"; Blockly.Msg.internet_server_set_source = "Get the IP Address of requested device"; Blockly.Msg.internet_response_http_content_title = "From HTTP Response get "; Blockly.Msg.internet_response_text = "Text"; Blockly.Msg.internet_response_content = "Content"; Blockly.Msg.internet_response_status = "Status Code"; Blockly.Msg.internet_response_json = "JSON Data"; Blockly.Msg.internet_response_encode = "Encoding"; Blockly.Msg.internet_response_reason = "Reason code"; Blockly.Msg.internet_http_get_title = "Send HTTP GET Request"; Blockly.Msg.internet_http_get_url = "Set destination URL:"; Blockly.Msg.internet_http_post_title = "Send HTTP POST Request"; Blockly.Msg.internet_http_post_url = "Set destination URL:"; Blockly.Msg.internet_http_post_json = "Submit JSON Data:"; Blockly.Msg.internet_http_get_server_data_title = "Get Data Requested from Local HTTP Server"; Blockly.Msg.internet_http_get_server_data_type = "Data Type is:"; Blockly.Msg.internet_http_get_server_data_json = "Plain Text"; Blockly.Msg.internet_http_get_server_data_text = "Dictionary Data (JSON)"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_setup_send_text = "Real-time Comm. (Websocket) Setup (Send)"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_setup_send_ip = "Set Host Device IP:"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_send_msg = "From Websocket Send Message:"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_setup_recv = "Real-time Comm. (Websocket) Setup (Receive)"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_setup_receiving = "When Websocket Received Message"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_setup_recv_exec = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_setup_get_msg = "Get Message Received from Websocket"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_setup_get_msg_type = "Set Message type as:"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_setup_get_msg_text = "Text"; Blockly.Msg.internet_ws_setup_get_msg_json = "Dictionary Data (JSON)"; /* ___ _____ ____ _ |_ _|__|_ _| / ___| ___ _ ____ _(_) ___ ___ | |/ _ \| | \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / |/ __/ _ \ | | (_) | | ___) | __/ | \ V /| | (_| __/ |___\___/|_| |____/ \___|_| \_/ |_|\___\___| */ Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_send_title = "Send Data to ThingSpeak Channel"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_send_api_set = "Set Channel API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_send_data_1 = "Data 1"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_setup = "OneNET IoT Platform (MQTTS) Connection Setup"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_server = "Set Connect Server:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_productid = "Set Product ID:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_productkey = "Set Product API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_deviceid = "Set Device ID:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_send = "Send Data to OneNET"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_send_item = "Property Name: "; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_receive = "When Received Message"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_receive_when = "from OneNET"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_receive_exec = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_onenet_mqtt_disconnect = "Disconnect OneNET Connection"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_ifttt_send_title = "Send Data to IFTTT Webhooks Event"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_ifttt_send_webhook = "Webhooks API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_ifttt_send_eventname = "Event Name:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_ifttt_send_1 = "Data 1:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_ifttt_send_2 = "Data 2:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_ifttt_send_3 = "Data 3:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_ifttt_trigger_title = "Trigger IFTTT Event"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_ifttt_trigger_webhook = "Webhook API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_ifttt_trigger_eventname = "Event Name:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_send_title = "Send Data to ThingSpeak Channel"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_send_api = "Set Channel API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_query_title = "Query Channel Data from ThingSpeak"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_query_api = "Set Channel API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_channel_id = "Channel ID:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_read_total = "Get the number of data in the ThingSpeak channel"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeak_get_title = "Get the"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeaK_get_field = "Data's "; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_thingspeaK_get_value = "field Value from ThingSpeak"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_cococloud_send_title = "Send Data to CocoCloud Event"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_cococloud_send_title_api = "Event API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_cococloud_send_property = "Property Name: "; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_cococloud_get_title = "Get Data from CocoCloud Event"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_cococloud_get_api = "Event API Key:"; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_cococloud_get_property = "Get the data where property name is "; Blockly.Msg.iotservice_cococloud_get_data = "from CocoCloud"; /* ____ _ / ___| _ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ \___ \| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ ___) | |_| \__ \ || __/ | | | | | |____/ \__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_| |___/ */ Blockly.Msg.system_code_path = "File Path:"; Blockly.Msg.system_get_size = "Get the Remaining Space from Module (in MegaBytes)"; Blockly.Msg.system_get_mac = "Get Module's MAC address"; Blockly.Msg.system_get_cocorobo_cid = "Get the Device ID of Current IoT Module"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM = "Restart System"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_GC = "Start memory reclaim"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_RUN = "Execute Python Code:"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_RUN_F = "Filename:"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_CREATE = "Create Text file"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_CREATE_F = "Filename:"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_WRITE = "Create Text file"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_WRITE_F = "Filename:"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_WRITE_W = "Write content:"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_WRITE_S = "The separator is:"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_WRITE_S_N = "newline"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_WRITE_S_C = "comma"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_WRITE_S_S = "space"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_WRITE_S_SE = "semicolon"; Blockly.Msg.SYSTEM_INPUT = "Read Text File as List"; /* _ _____ ____ ____ _ _ | | | ____| _ \ / ___|| |_ _ __(_)_ __ | | | _| | | | | \___ \| __| '__| | '_ \ | |___| |___| |_| | ___) | |_| | | | |_) | |_____|_____|____/ |____/ \__|_| |_| .__/ |_| */ Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_setup_text_iot = "On IoT Module " Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_setup_text_ai = "On AI Module"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_setup_text = "RGB LED Strip"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_setup = "Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_set_gpio = "Set GPIO in:"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_set_total_led = "Set Number of LEDs in the Strip:"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_set_brightness_setup = "Set the Brightness of LED Strip to:"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_set_light_up = "Set RGB LED Strip"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_set_no = "Light the LED Located In:"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_set_color = "Light up with Color in:"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_setup_text_show_above_set = "Set LED Strip"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_setup_text_show_above = "Display Above"; Blockly.Msg.Pedometer_Init = "Initialize Pedometer"; Blockly.Msg.Pedometer_Run = "Run Pedometer"; Blockly.Msg.Pedometer_Get = "Get Count"; Blockly.Msg.Pedometer_Init_time = "time interval"; Blockly.Msg.Pedometer_Init_sensitivity = "sensitivit"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_set_brightness_1 = "Set the Brightness of LED Strip to"; Blockly.Msg.ledstrip_set_brightness_after = "(Range: 0~255)"; /* ____ / ___| ___ _ ____ _____ \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ ___) | __/ | \ V / (_) | |____/ \___|_| \_/ \___/ */ Blockly.Msg.servo_setup = "IoT Module Servo Setup"; Blockly.Msg.servo_set_gpio = "IoT Module Set Servo on GPIO #"; Blockly.Msg.servo_rotate_to = "Rotate to"; Blockly.Msg.servo_degree = "Degree (0˚~180˚)"; Blockly.Msg.servo_setup_ai = "AI Module Servo Setup"; Blockly.Msg.servo_set_gpio_ai = "AI Module Set Servo on GPIO #"; Blockly.Msg.servo_rotate_to_ai = "Rotate to"; Blockly.Msg.servo_degree_ai = "Degree (0˚~180˚)"; /* __ __ _ | \/ | ___ | |_ ___ _ __ | |\/| |/ _ \| __/ _ \| '__| | | | | (_) | || (_) | | |_| |_|\___/ \__\___/|_| */ Blockly.Msg.x_motor_set_motor = "IoT Module Motor Driver Setup"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_set_motor_turn = "IoT Module Set Motor"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_set_motor_speed = "'s Speed to"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_exec = "(0~255) Rotating"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_cw = "Clockwise"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_acw = "Anti-Clockwise"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_set_motor_turns = ""; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_set_motor_ai = "AI Module Motor Driver Setup"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_set_motor_turn_ai = "AI Module Set Motor"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_set_motor_speed_ai = "'s Speed to"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_exec_ai = "(0~255) Rotating"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_cw_ai = "Clockwise"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_acw_ai = "Anti-Clockwise"; Blockly.Msg.x_motor_set_motor_turns_ai = ""; /* _ _____ ____ __ __ _ _ | | | ____| _ \ | \/ | __ _| |_ _ __(_)_ __ | | | _| | | | | | |\/| |/ _` | __| '__| \ \/ / | |___| |___| |_| | | | | | (_| | |_| | | |> < |_____|_____|____/ |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_/_/\_\ */ Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_setup_ai = "AI Module LED Matrix (6×6) Setup"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_setup_ai_set_bright_1 = "Set Brigntness:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_setup_ai_set_bright_range = "(Range: 0~255)"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_width_ai_set_brightness_1 = "Set Brightness to"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_width_ai_x = "Column:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_width_ai_y = "Row:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_width_ai = "Width:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_height_ai = "Height:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_color_ai = "Color"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_draw_title_ai = "AI Module LED Matrix"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_draw_pixel_ai = "Draw Pixel"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_draw_rect_ai = "Draw Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_parameter_color_ai = "Color:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_parameter_coord_ai = "Coordinate:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_parameter_size_ai = "Size:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_show_above_ai = "Show Above"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_clear_all_ai = "Clear Screen"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_setup_iot = "IoT Module LED Matrix (6×6) Setup"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_width_iot_x = "Column:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_width_iot_y = "Row:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_width_iot = "Width:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_height_iot = "Height:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_color_iot = "Color"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_draw_title_iot = "IoT Module LED Matrix"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_setup_iot_set_bright_1 = "Set Brigntness:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_setup_iot_set_bright_range = "(Range: 0~255)"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_width_iot_set_brightness_1 = "Set Brightness to"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_setup_iot_io = "Set LED Matrix's IO to:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_draw_pixel_iot = "Draw Pixel"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_parameter_color_iot = "Color:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_parameter_coord_iot = "Coordinate:"; Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_show_above_iot = "IoT Module LED Matrix Show Above"; // Blockly.Msg.x_led_matrix_ = ""; /* ____ ____ _ / ___| __ _ _ __ ___ ___| _ \ __ _ __| | | | _ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ |_) / _` |/ _` | | |_| | (_| | | | | | | __/ __/ (_| | (_| | \____|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| \__,_|\__,_| */ Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_first_text_iot = "When Game Pad Button"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_first_text_pressed_iot = " is Pressed"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_first_text_released_iot = " is Released"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_status_first_text_iot = "Read the status of Game Pad Button "; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_status_after_text_iot = ""; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_read_iot = "Read the "; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_read_iot_x = "X-axis"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_read_iot_y = "Y-axis"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_read_after_iot = " value from Game Pad Joystick (0~1023)"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_iot = "When Game Pad Joystick is "; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_top_iot = "Pushed to Top"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_bottom_iot = "Pushed to Bottom"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_left_iot = "Pushed to Left"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_right_iot = "Pushed to Right"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_not_iot = "Not Pushed to Anywhere"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_first_text_ai = "When Game Pad Button"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_first_text_pressed_ai = " is Pressed"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_first_text_released_ai = " is Released"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_status_first_text_ai = "Read the status of Game Pad Button "; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_button_status_after_text_ai = ""; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_read_ai = "Read the "; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_read_ai_x = "X-axis"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_read_ai_y = "Y-axis"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_read_after_ai = " value from Game Pad Joystick (0~1023)"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_ai = "When Game Pad Joystick is "; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_top_ai = "Pushed to Top"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_bottom_ai = "Pushed to Bottom"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_left_ai = "Pushed to Left"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_right_ai = "Pushed to Right"; Blockly.Msg.x_gamepad_read_joystick_when_not_ai = "Not Pushed to Anywhere"; /* _ ___ ____ _ / \ |_ _| | __ ) __ _ ___(_) ___ / _ \ | | | _ \ / _` / __| |/ __| / ___ \ | | | |_) | (_| \__ \ | (__ /_/ \_\___| |____/ \__,_|___/_|\___| */ Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_button_when = "When Button"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_pressed = "is Pressed"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_released = "is Released"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_set = "Set"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_blue = " LED1 (On the Left) "; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_red = "LED2 (On the Right)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_on = "Light Up"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_off = "Light Off"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_analog_set = "Set "; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_analog_led1 = "LED1"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_analog_led2 = "LED2"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_analog_brightness_text = "light up at brightness"; Blockly.Msg.ai_basic_led_analog_range_text = "(Range: 0~100)"; /* _ ___ ___ ____ / \ |_ _| |_ _|_ __ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ | _ \ _ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ / _ \ | | | || '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ | |_) | '__/ _ \ / __/ _ \/ __/ __| / ___ \ | | | || | | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ | __/| | | (_) | (_| __/\__ \__ \ /_/ \_\___| |___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___| |_| |_| \___/ \___\___||___/___/ |___/ */ Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_init = "LCD Screen Setup"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_let_canvas = "Set Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_let_canvas_filled_with_color = "Filled With Color"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_on_canvas = "On Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_on_draw = "Draw"; Blockly.Msg.image_text_on_draw = "Draw"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_set_canvas_setup = "Set Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_filled = "Filled"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_stroked = "Stroked"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_statistical_chart_bar = "Bar"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_statistical_chart_broken_line = "Broken Line"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_statistical_chart_sector = "Sector"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_sensor = "Sensor "; Blockly.Msg.image_process_temperature = "Temperature"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_humidity = "Humidity"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_Ray_value = "Ray Value"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_temperature_range = "Range "; Blockly.Msg.image_process_nothing = "No Scope Definition(Except Temperature)"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_interface = "Interface "; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_setup_set_english = "English"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_setup_set_simplified_chinese = "Simplified Chinese"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_setup_set_traditional_chinese = "Traditional Chinese"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_start_coord_as = "'s Starting Coordinate as:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_start_coord = "Set Start Coordinate:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_end_coord = "Set End Coordinate:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_size = "Size:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_color = "Color:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_background_color = "BackgroundColor:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_thick = "Thickness:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_radius = "Radius:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_text_content = "Content"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_statistical_chart_content = "Get the data to be drawn"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_statistical_chart_y_property = "Define the y-axis as"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_pixtovec_text_first = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_pixtovec_v2p = "Vector to Pixel"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_pixtovec_p2v = "Pixel to Vector"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_pixtovec_conversion = "Conversion"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_color_mode_gray = "Grayscale Mode"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_color_mode_rgb = "RGB Color Mode"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_imgcut_cutting = "Cut to:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_imgcut_start_coord = "Cutting Start Coordinate:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_imgcut_size = "Cutting Size:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_img_save = "Saved to Local Path:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_img_save_quality = "Set Image Compression Rate:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_color_invert = "Color Inverted"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_resize_to = "Resize to "; Blockly.Msg.image_process_color_scheme_convert = "Convert to"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_color_scheme_bw = "Black & White"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_color_scheme_rgb = "RGB Color"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_cross_title = " Cross Sign"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_cross_centerpos = "Center Position:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_cross_length = "Length:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_cross_thick = "Thickness:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_cross_color = "Color:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_arrow_title = " Arrow"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_image_title = "Draw Image"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_image_title_image_path = "Set Image Path:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_image_scale_x = "Set Length Scale by X Direction:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_image_scale_y = "Set Height Scale by Y Direction:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_arrow_start = "Start Coordinate:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_arrow_end = "End Coordinate:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_arrow_color = "Color:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_arrow_thick = "Thickness:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_rectangle_text = "Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_circle_text = "Circle"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_circle_text_start = "Center coordinates"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_text_font_size = "Text Size"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_text_if_monospace = "Set Monospace"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_text = " Text"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_statistical_chart = " Statistical chart"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_characters = " Hanzi Characters"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_draw_line = " Line"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_create_blank_canvas = "Create Blank Canvas:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_create_image_canvas = "Create Image Canvas:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_create_image_canvas_path = "Load Image from Path:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_show_canvas = "Show Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_clear_canvas_1 = "Clear Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_clear_canvas_2 = "All Content"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_lcd_rotation = "Set LCD Screen Rotation to "; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_lcd_mirror_flip = "Set LCD Screen Mirror Flip"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color = "Set LCD Filled with Color in "; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color_red = "Red"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color_green = "Green"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color_blue = "Blue"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color_purple = "Purple"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color_cyan = "Cyan"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color_orange = "Orange"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color_yellow = "Yellow"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color_black = "Black"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_set_filled_screen_color_white = "White"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_clear_lcd = "Clear LCD Screen"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_rgb_r = "Red"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_rgb_g = "Green"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_rgb_b = "Blue"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_xy_x = "X"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_xy_y = "Y"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_wh_width = "Width"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_wh_height = "Height"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text = "Display Text on LCD Screen"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color = "Text Color:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_bg_color = "Text Backgorund Color:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color_red = "Red"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color_green = "Green"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color_blue = "Blue"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color_purple = "Purple"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color_cyan = "Cyan"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color_orange = "Orange"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color_yellow = "Yellow"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color_black = "Black"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lcd_show_text_color_white = "White"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_get_statistics_to_canvas = "Get the Analyzed Result of Color Channel from Canvas:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_get_statistics_get_analysis = ""; Blockly.Msg.image_process_get_statistics_start_coord = "Set the Start Coordinate of Analyzing Region:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_get_statistics_size = "Set the Size of Analyzing Region:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_get_statistics_boxes = "Set the Bin Count of the Histogram Channel:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lab_rgb_conversion_exec = "Run Color Mode Conversion"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lab_rgb_conversion_torgb = "LAB to RGB"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lab_rgb_conversion_tolab = "RGB to LAB"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_lab_rgb_conversion_tuple = "Set the tuple source:"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_rgb_grayscale_conversion_exec = "Run Color Mode Conversion"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_rgb_grayscale_conversion_torgb = "Grayscale to RGB Color"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_rgb_grayscale_conversion_togray = "RGB Color to Grayscale"; Blockly.Msg.image_process_rgb_grayscale_conversion_set = "Set the tuple/value source:"; /* _ ___ ____ / \ |_ _| / ___|__ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ / _ \ | | | | / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | / ___ \ | | | |__| (_| | | | | | | __/ | | (_| | /_/ \_\___| \____\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| \__,_| */ Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_camera_init = "Camera Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_camera_set_size = "Set Image Capturing Size:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_camera_fit_set = "Set the Size of Captured Image"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_camera_fit_to = "to"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_camera_fit_1 = "Fit in Screen (240*240px)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_camera_fit_2 = " Fit for A.I. Model Inference (224*224px)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_camera_color_mode = "Set Image Capturing Color Mode:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_camera_color_mode_rgb = "Colorful"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_camera_color_mode_bw = "Black & White"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_windowing_resize = "Set Captured Image to a Windowing Size"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_windowing_w = "Width:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_windowing_h = "Height:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_windowing_unit = " (in px)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_snapshot = "Get the Image Captured from Camera"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_enable = "Enable"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_disable = "Disable"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_vflip = "Set Camera Source Image Vertically Flipped"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_hmirror = "Set Camera Source Image Horizontally Mirrored"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_auto_whitebal = "Set Camera Source Image Auto White Balanced"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_auto_gain = "Set Camera Source Image Auto Gained"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_auto_exposure = "Set Camera Source Image Auto Exposured"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_contrast_to_value = "Set Camera Source Image's Contrast to:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_brightness_to_value = "Set Camera Source Image's Brightness to:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_saturation_value = "Set Camera Source Image's Saturation to:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_range = " (value from -3 to 3))"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_set_lens_corr = "Set Lens Correction from"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_set_text = "Set Camera Source Image's "; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_contrast = "Contrast"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_brightness = "Brightness"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_saturation = "Saturation"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_as = "to:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_set_text_2 = "Set Camera Source Image "; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_vflip = "Vertically Flipped"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_hmirror = "Horizontally Mirrored"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_wb = "Auto White Balance Mode"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_g = "Auto Gain Mode"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_e = "Auto Exposure Mode"; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_as_2 = "to "; Blockly.Msg.ai_camera_bcs_status = "d"; /* _ ___ __ ___ _ / \ |_ _| \ \ / (_)___(_) ___ _ __ / _ \ | | \ \ / /| / __| |/ _ \| '_ \ / ___ \ | | \ V / | \__ \ | (_) | | | | /_/ \_\___| \_/ |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_| */ Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_canvas = "From Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_from_canvas = "From Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_from = "From"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_color_analyze_get_result = "Get the Color Analyze Result from Selected Region"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_color_analyze_start_coord = "Set the start coordinate of the analyze region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_color_analyze_size = "Set the size of the analyze region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_blobs_color_region = "Find Desginated Color Range"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_blobs_color_threshold = "Set the color threshold for tracking:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_blobs_start_coord = "Set the start coordinate of the analyze region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_blobs_size = "Set the size of the analyze region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_blobs_region_threshold = "Set the threshold for bounding box region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_blobs_pixel_threshold = "Set pixel threshold:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_blobs_filtered_region = "Merge all unfiltered color blobs"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_blobs_result = "Get the Color Tracking Result's"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_box_x = "X Coordinate of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_box_y = "Y Coordinate of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_box_width = "Width of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_box_height = "Height of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_box_pixels = "Total Pixel Counts from a part of the Color blob"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_box_cx = "X Coordinate of the Center Position of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_box_cy = "Y Coordinate of the Center Position of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_box_degree = "Rotation Degree"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_box_total = "Total Counts"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_blobs_margin = "Margin"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_color_threshold_set = "Get Default Color of"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_color_threshold_set_black = "Black"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_color_threshold_set_white = "White"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_color_threshold_set_red = "Light Red"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_color_threshold_set_green = "General Green"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_color_threshold_set_blue = "Light Blue"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_detection_color_threshold_set_orange = "Orange"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_qrcode_detected_result = "Get QR Code Detected Result"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_apriltag_detected_result = "Get AprilTag Detected Result"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_datamatrices_detected_result = "Get Data Matrices Detected Result"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_barcode_detected_result = "Get Barcode Detected Result"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_qrcode_get_result = "Get the detected QR Code's "; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_apriltag_get_result = "Get the detected AprilTag's "; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_data_matrices_get_result = "Get the detected Data Matrices' "; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_barcode_matrices_get_result = "Get the detected Barcode's "; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_content = "Decoded Text"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_type = "Data Type"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_x = "X Coordinate of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_y = "Y Coordinate of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_w = "Width of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_h = "Height of the Bounding Box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_type_id = "Numeric ID"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_type_family = "Numeric Family"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_rows = "Row Counts"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_cols = "Column Counts"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_can_tolerate_count = "Characters could fit in this data matrix"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_pattern_detection_can_not_tolerate_count = "Unused characters are in this data matrix"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle = "Find Circle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_start_coord = "Set start coordinate of the analyzing region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_region_size = "Set the size of the analyzing region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_hoffman_threshold = "Set the threshold of detected circle:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_merge_x = "Set the X margin of the detected circle:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_merge_y = "Set the Y margin of the detected circle:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_merge_r = "Set the T margin of the detected circle:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_min_radius = "Set the minimum radius to detect the Circle:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_max_radius = "Set the maximum radius to detect the Circle:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_step_radius = "Set step the radius detection by:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_detected_result = "Get the detected Circle's "; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_detected_x = "X Coordinate of the Detected Circle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_detected_y = "Y Coordinate of the Detected Circle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_circle_detected_radius = "Radius of the Detected Circle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line = "Find Line"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_start_coord = "Set start coordinate of the analyzing region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_size = "Set the size of the analyzing region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_hoffman_threshold = "Set the threshold of detected line:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_merge_theta = "Set merging of detected lines (theta):"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_merge_rho = "Set merging of detected lines (rho):"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_detected_result = "Get the detected Line's "; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_detected_start_x = "X Coordinate of the Start Position of the Detected Line"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_detected_start_y = "Y Coordinate of the Start Position of the Detected Line"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_detected_end_x = "X Coordinate of the End Position of the Detected Line"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_detected_end_y = "Y Coordinate of the End Position of the Detected Line"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_detected_length = "Length of the detected Line"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_line_detected_angle = "Rotation Degree of the detected Line"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect = "Find Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_start_coord = "Set start coordinate of the analyzing region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_region_size = "Set the size of the analyzing region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_bounding_threshold = "Set the threshold value of the rectangle's border:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_detected_result = "Get the detected Rectangle's "; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_detected_tuple = "Rectangle tuple (x, y, width, height) of detected Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_detected_corners = "X & Y Coordinate for Each Corner of the Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_detected_x = "X coordinate of detected Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_detected_y = "Y coordinate of detected Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_detected_w = "Width of detected Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_find_rect_detected_h = "Height of detected Rectangle"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_get = "Get Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_compute = "Compute the Normalized Histogram"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_region = "Set Color Tracking Region:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_region_xy = "Region Coordinate:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_region_wh = "Region Size:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_details_1 = "From Histogram"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_details_get = "Get Computed CDF of the histogram channels (%)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_percentile_1 = "From Percentile"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_percentile_2 = "Get"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_percentile_3 = "The grayscale percentile value"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_percentile_4 = "The RGB565 LAB L channel percentile value"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_percentile_5 = "The RGB565 LAB A channel percentile value"; Blockly.Msg.ai_vision_get_histogram_percentile_6 = "The RGB565 LAB B channel percentile value"; /* _ ___ __ __ _ _ / \ |_ _| | \/ (_) ___ _ __ ___ _ __ | |__ ___ _ __ ___ / _ \ | | | |\/| | |/ __| '__/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \ / ___ \ | | | | | | | (__| | | (_) | |_) | | | | (_) | | | | __/ /_/ \_\___| |_| |_|_|\___|_| \___/| .__/|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\___| |_| */ Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_init = "Microphone Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_start_spectrum_analyze = "Start Reading Spectrum Analyze Result"; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_get_spectrum_analyze_result = "Get the Spectrum Analyzing Result: "; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_get_spectrum_analyze_result_1 = "Low Pitch 1"; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_get_spectrum_analyze_result_2 = "Low Pitch 2"; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_get_spectrum_analyze_result_3 = "Middle-low Pitch 1"; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_get_spectrum_analyze_result_4 = "Middle-low Pitch 2"; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_get_spectrum_analyze_result_5 = "Middle-high Pitch 1"; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_get_spectrum_analyze_result_6 = "Middle-high Pitch 2"; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_get_spectrum_analyze_result_7 = "High Pitch 1"; Blockly.Msg.ai_microphone_get_spectrum_analyze_result_8 = "High Pitch 2"; /* _ ___ _ _ _ / \ |_ _| / \ _ _ __| (_) ___ / _ \ | | / _ \| | | |/ _` | |/ _ \ / ___ \ | | / ___ \ |_| | (_| | | (_) | /_/ \_\___| /_/ \_\__,_|\__,_|_|\___/ */ Blockly.Msg.ai_audio_play_music_file = "Play Audio File"; Blockly.Msg.ai_audio_play_music_file_set_vol = "Set Volume:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_audio_play_music_file_set_file_path = "Load audio File from path:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_audio_get_play_status = "Get the play state of playing file"; Blockly.Msg.ai_audio_end_play = "End audio playing"; Blockly.Msg.ai_audio_init = "Speaker Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ai_audio_set_music_vol = "Set Playing Volume:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_setup = "Speech Recognition Setup"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_setup_set_sensi = "Set Background Noise Sensitivity:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_setup_set_sensi_normal = "Normal"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_setup_set_sensi_high = "High"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_setup_set_sensi_ehigh = "Extra High"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_start_recording = "Speech Recognition: Start Recording Voice Samples"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_start_recording_clip_text = "Set the total number of voice clip(s):"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_start_recording_clip_note = "(No more than 6)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_start_recording_take_text = "Set the total count of sample(s) for each clip:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_start_recording_take_note = "(No more than 4)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_start_recognizing = "Speech Recognition: Start Recognition"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_any_result_text = "When Speech Recognition Has Any Result"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_any_result_text_do = "Do"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_get_result = "Speech Recognition Result is Clip #"; Blockly.Msg.ai_speech_recognition_get_result_after = ""; /* _ ___ __ ___ _ / \ |_ _| \ \ / (_) __| | ___ ___ / _ \ | | \ \ / /| |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \ / ___ \ | | \ V / | | (_| | __/ (_) | /_/ \_\___| \_/ |_|\__,_|\___|\___/ */ Blockly.Msg.ai_video_start_recording = "Start Video Record"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_start_recording_file_path = "Set video file saved path:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_start_recording_width = "Set Video Width (in px):"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_start_recording_height = "Set Video Height (in px):"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_to_canvas = "Start Recording on Canvas"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_record = ""; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_stop_recording = "Stop Video Recording"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_play_video = "Play Video File"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_play_video_2 = "Note: Only Support 320*240 Resolution"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_play_video_file_path = "Load Video file from path:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_stop_video_playing = "Stop Playing Video"; Blockly.Msg.ai_video_get_video_playing_status = "Get Current Playing Status"; /* _ ___ __ __ _ _ / \ |_ _| | \/ | ___ __| | ___| |___ / _ \ | | | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ / __| / ___ \ | | | | | | (_) | (_| | __/ \__ \ /_/ \_\___| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___|_|___/ */ Blockly.Msg.ai_models_from = "From"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_init_title = "Load and Initialize Preset A.I. Model:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_init_hand_written_model = "Hand-written Digit Model (MNIST)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_init_object_model = "Object Recognition Model"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_init_face_model = "Face Recognition Model"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_init_source = "Recognize from:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_hand_written_model_result = "Get the Hand-written Digit recognition result"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_hand_written_model_number = "Get the number recognized (from 0 to 9)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_hand_written_model_confidence = "Get the confidence rate of the number recognized (%)"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_if = "Recognized Any Common Object"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_get = "Get the recognized Common Object's"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_name = "Name"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_x = "X Coordinate of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_y = "Y Coordinate of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_w = "Width of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_h = "Height of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_count = "Total Number"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_index = "Index"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_confidence = "Confidence Rate"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_if = "Recognized Any Human Face"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_get = "Get the recognized Humand Face"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_x = "X Coordinate of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_y = "Y Coordinate of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_w = "Width of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_h = "Height of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_count = "Total Number"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_index = "Index"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_confidence = "Confidence Rate"; Blockly.Msg.ai_model_customized_init_setup_definition = "Setup for Loading Customized A.I. Model"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_init_setup_title = "Load and Initialize Customized A.I. Model"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_init_setup_path = "Load model file from path"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_init_setup_source = "Recognize from:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_init_setup_name = "Define class name by list:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_if_got = "Recognized any object from customized model"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_any = "Get the recognized Object's"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_name = "Name"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_x = "X Coordinate of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_y = "Y Coordinate of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_w = "Width of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_h = "Height of the bounding box"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_count = "Total Number"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_index = "Index"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_confidence = "Confidence Rate"; Blockly.Msg.ai_model_face = "Initializing face recognition model"; Blockly.Msg.ai_model_face_name = "Set the name of the model recognition object:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_model_class = "Custom Initializing class recognition model"; Blockly.Msg.ai_model_class_name = "Set the name of the model recognition object:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_model_getface = "Custom Recognized face from customized model"; Blockly.Msg.ai_model_getclass = "Recognized object from customized model"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_x_center = "X Coordinate of the center point"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_object_model_y_center = "Y Coordinate of the center point"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_x_center = "X Coordinate of the center point"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_face_model_y_center = "Y Coordinate of the center point"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_x_center = "X Coordinate of the center point"; Blockly.Msg.ai_models_customized_get_result_y_center = "Y Coordinate of the center point"; /* _ ___ ____ _ / \ |_ _| / ___| _ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ / _ \ | | \___ \| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ / ___ \ | | ___) | |_| \__ \ || __/ | | | | | /_/ \_\___| |____/ \__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_| |___/ */ Blockly.Msg.ai_system_restart = "Restart Module"; Blockly.Msg.ai_system_enable_gc = "Enable Memory Optimization"; Blockly.Msg.ai_system_run_python_code = "Run Python Code"; Blockly.Msg.ai_system_run_python_code_file_path = "Load file from path:"; /* _ ___ __ ___ _____ _ / \ |_ _| \ \ / (_) ___(_) / _ \ | | \ \ /\ / /| | |_ | | / ___ \ | | \ V V / | | _| | | /_/ \_\___| \_/\_/ |_|_| |_| */ Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_set_wifi = "Set Wi-Fi"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_enabled = "Enabled"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_disabled = "Disabled"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_start_wifi_scan = "Start Wi-Fi Scan"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_wifi_scan_result = "Get Wi-Fi Scan Result as List"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_connect_wifi = "Connect to Wi-Fi Network"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_connect_wifi_ssid = "SSID:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_connect_wifi_pass = "Password:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_get_connection_status = "Get Wi-Fi Connection Status"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_get_wifi_info = "Get Wi-Fi Info:"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_get_wifi_info_name = "Hotspot Name"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_get_wifi_info_ip = "IP"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_get_wifi_info_dns = "DNS"; Blockly.Msg.ai_wifi_get_wifi_info_mac = "MAC Address"; /* _ _ _ _ _ ____ | | | | | |_ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ (_) ___ / ___| ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | | | | | __| '__/ _` / __|/ _ \| '_ \| |/ __| \___ \ / _ \ '_ \/ __|/ _ \| '__| | |_| | | |_| | | (_| \__ \ (_) | | | | | (__ ___) | __/ | | \__ \ (_) | | \___/|_|\__|_| \__,_|___/\___/|_| |_|_|\___| |____/ \___|_| |_|___/\___/|_| */ Blockly.Msg.third_party_hcsr04_iot = "On IoT Module"; Blockly.Msg.third_party_hcsr04_ai = "On A.I. Module "; Blockly.Msg.third_party_hcsr04_setup_title = "Setup HCSR-04 Ultrasonic Sensor"; Blockly.Msg.third_party_hcsr04_trig_pin = "Set Trig Pin: GPIO"; Blockly.Msg.third_party_hcsr04_echo_pin = ", Set Echo Pin: GPIO"; Blockly.Msg.third_party_hcsr04_read_text = "Read Distance (Unit: CM) from Ultrasonic Sensor"; Blockly.Msg.third_party_hcsr04_read_text_after = ""; Blockly.Msg.Set_Auto_Wrap = "Set Auto Wrap"; /* ____ _ _____ | __ )| | | ____| | _ \| | | _| | |_) | |___| |___ |____/|_____|_____| */ Blockly.Msg.esp32_ble_setup_sender_msg = "BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)"; Blockly.Msg.esp32_ble_setup_sender = "Sender Setup"; Blockly.Msg.esp32_ble_send_data_msg = "BLE Send Data"; Blockly.Msg.esp32_ble_setup_receiver_msg = "BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)"; Blockly.Msg.esp32_ble_setup_receiver = "Receiver Setup"; Blockly.Msg.esp32_ble_get_data_msg = "From BLE Get Data Received"; Blockly.Msg.esp32_ble_sender_connected_msg = "Sender is Connected"; Blockly.Msg.esp32_ble_receiver_connected_msg = "Receiver is Connected"; /* additional text */ Blockly.Msg.text_additional_delimiter_string = "Split string to a list"; Blockly.Msg.text_additional_delimiter_deli = "by delimiter:"; Blockly.Msg.text_additional_delimiter_end = "";