{ /*** Globals ***/ // To ignore any custom global variables, enable the `predef` option and list // your variables within it. "predef": [ "Sk", "goog", "COMPILED", "Promise" ], /*** Enforcing options ***/ // Set these to `true` to enforce, or `false` to relax. "bitwise": false, "immed": true, "indent": 4, "latedef": true, "nonew": true, "plusplus": false, "quotmark": "double", "undef": true, "strict": false, /*** Relaxing options ***/ // Set these to `true` to relax, or `false` to enforce. "boss": true, "eqnull": true, "evil": true, "expr": true, "smarttabs": true, "sub": true, "validthis": true, /*** Environments ***/ // Set each environment that you're using to `true`. "browser": true, "devel": false }