/** * @license * Visual Blocks Language * * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Generating Pseudo for loop blocks. * @author q.neutron@gmail.com (Quynh Neutron) */ 'use strict'; goog.provide('Blockly.Pseudo.loops'); goog.require('Blockly.Pseudo'); Blockly.Pseudo['controls_repeat_ext'] = function(block) { // Repeat n times. if (block.getField('TIMES')) { // Internal number. var repeats = String(parseInt(block.getFieldValue('TIMES'), 10)); } else { // External number. var repeats = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'TIMES', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; } if (Blockly.isNumber(repeats)) { repeats = parseInt(repeats, 10); } else { repeats = 'int(' + repeats + ')'; } var branch = Blockly.Pseudo.statementToCode(block, 'DO'); branch = Blockly.Pseudo.addLoopTrap(branch, block.id) || Blockly.Pseudo.PASS; var loopVar = Blockly.Pseudo.variableDB_.getDistinctName( 'count', Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE); var code = 'for ' + loopVar + ' in range(' + repeats + '):\n' + branch; return code; }; Blockly.Pseudo['controls_repeat'] = Blockly.Pseudo['controls_repeat_ext']; Blockly.Pseudo['controls_whileUntil'] = function(block) { // Do while/until loop. var until = block.getFieldValue('MODE') == 'UNTIL'; var argument0 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'BOOL', until ? Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_LOGICAL_NOT : Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var branch = Blockly.Pseudo.statementToCode(block, 'DO'); branch = Blockly.Pseudo.addLoopTrap(branch, block.id) || Blockly.Pseudo.PASS; if (until) { argument0 = 'not ' + argument0; } return 'while ' + argument0 + ':\n' + branch; }; Blockly.Pseudo['controls_while'] = function(block) { // Do while/until loop. var argument0 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'BOOL', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var branch = Blockly.Pseudo.statementToCode(block, 'DO'); branch = Blockly.Pseudo.addLoopTrap(branch, block.id) || Blockly.Pseudo.PASS; return 'while ' + argument0 + ':\n' + branch; }; Blockly.Pseudo['controls_for'] = function(block) { // For loop. var variable0 = Blockly.Pseudo.variableDB_.getName( block.getFieldValue('VAR'), Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE); var argument0 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'FROM', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var argument1 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'TO', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var increment = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'BY', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_NONE) || '___'; var branch = Blockly.Pseudo.statementToCode(block, 'DO'); branch = Blockly.Pseudo.addLoopTrap(branch, block.id) || Blockly.Pseudo.PASS; var code = ''; var range; // Helper functions. var defineUpRange = function() { return Blockly.Pseudo.provideFunction_( 'upRange', ['def ' + Blockly.Pseudo.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(start, stop, step):', ' while start <= stop:', ' yield start', ' start += abs(step)']); }; var defineDownRange = function() { return Blockly.Pseudo.provideFunction_( 'downRange', ['def ' + Blockly.Pseudo.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(start, stop, step):', ' while start >= stop:', ' yield start', ' start -= abs(step)']); }; // Arguments are legal Pseudo code (numbers or strings returned by scrub()). var generateUpDownRange = function(start, end, inc) { return '(' + start + ' <= ' + end + ') and ' + defineUpRange() + '(' + start + ', ' + end + ', ' + inc + ') or ' + defineDownRange() + '(' + start + ', ' + end + ', ' + inc + ')'; }; if (Blockly.isNumber(argument0) && Blockly.isNumber(argument1) && Blockly.isNumber(increment)) { // All parameters are simple numbers. argument0 = parseFloat(argument0); argument1 = parseFloat(argument1); increment = Math.abs(parseFloat(increment)); if (argument0 % 1 === 0 && argument1 % 1 === 0 && increment % 1 === 0) { // All parameters are integers. if (argument0 <= argument1) { // Count up. argument1++; if (argument0 == 0 && increment == 1) { // If starting index is 0, omit it. range = argument1; } else { range = argument0 + ', ' + argument1; } // If increment isn't 1, it must be explicit. if (increment != 1) { range += ', ' + increment; } } else { // Count down. argument1--; range = argument0 + ', ' + argument1 + ', -' + increment; } range = 'range(' + range + ')'; } else { // At least one of the parameters is not an integer. if (argument0 < argument1) { range = defineUpRange(); } else { range = defineDownRange(); } range += '(' + argument0 + ', ' + argument1 + ', ' + increment + ')'; } } else { // Cache non-trivial values to variables to prevent repeated look-ups. var scrub = function(arg, suffix) { if (Blockly.isNumber(arg)) { // Simple number. arg = parseFloat(arg); } else if (arg.match(/^\w+$/)) { // Variable. arg = 'float(' + arg + ')'; } else { // It's complicated. var varName = Blockly.Pseudo.variableDB_.getDistinctName( variable0 + suffix, Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE); code += varName + ' = float(' + arg + ')\n'; arg = varName; } return arg; }; var startVar = scrub(argument0, '_start'); var endVar = scrub(argument1, '_end'); var incVar = scrub(increment, '_inc'); if (typeof startVar == 'number' && typeof endVar == 'number') { if (startVar < endVar) { range = defineUpRange(startVar, endVar, increment); } else { range = defineDownRange(startVar, endVar, increment); } } else { // We cannot determine direction statically. range = generateUpDownRange(startVar, endVar, increment); } } code += 'for ' + variable0 + ' in ' + range + ':\n' + branch; return code; }; Blockly.Pseudo['controls_forEach'] = function(block) { // For each loop. var variable0 = Blockly.Pseudo.variableDB_.getName( block.getFieldValue('VAR'), Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE); var argument0 = Blockly.Pseudo.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.Pseudo.ORDER_RELATIONAL) || '___'; var branch = Blockly.Pseudo.statementToCode(block, 'DO'); branch = Blockly.Pseudo.addLoopTrap(branch, block.id) || Blockly.Pseudo.PASS; var code = 'Create a new property named <u>' + variable0 + '</u>.\nFor every element inside of the list ' + argument0 + ', set ' + variable0 + ' to that element\'s value and execute the following indented commands:\n' + branch; return code+'\n'; }; Blockly.Pseudo['controls_flow_statements'] = function(block) { // Flow statements: continue, break. switch (block.getFieldValue('FLOW')) { case 'BREAK': return 'Stop this loop.\n'; case 'CONTINUE': return 'Continue this loop, using the next value.\n'; } throw 'Unknown flow statement.'; }; Blockly.Pseudo['controls_pass'] = function(block) { return 'Do nothing.\n'; };