/** * @license * Visual Blocks Editor * * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Methods for graphically rendering a block as SVG. * @author fraser@google.com (Neil Fraser) */ 'use strict'; goog.provide('Blockly.BlockSvg'); goog.require('Blockly.Block'); goog.require('Blockly.ContextMenu'); goog.require('Blockly.Touch'); goog.require('Blockly.RenderedConnection'); goog.require('goog.Timer'); goog.require('goog.asserts'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.math.Coordinate'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); /** * Class for a block's SVG representation. * Not normally called directly, workspace.newBlock() is preferred. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The block's workspace. * @param {?string} prototypeName Name of the language object containing * type-specific functions for this block. * @param {string=} opt_id Optional ID. Use this ID if provided, otherwise * create a new id. * @extends {Blockly.Block} * @constructor */ Blockly.BlockSvg = function(workspace, prototypeName, opt_id) { // Create core elements for the block. /** * @type {SVGElement} * @private */ this.svgGroup_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('g', {}, null); /** * @type {SVGElement} * @private */ this.svgPathDark_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('path', {'class': 'blocklyPathDark', 'transform': 'translate(1,1)'}, this.svgGroup_); /** * @type {SVGElement} * @private */ this.svgPath_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('path', {'class': 'blocklyPath'}, this.svgGroup_); /** * @type {SVGElement} * @private */ this.svgPathLight_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('path', {'class': 'blocklyPathLight'}, this.svgGroup_); this.svgPath_.tooltip = this; /** @type {boolean} */ this.rendered = false; Blockly.Tooltip.bindMouseEvents(this.svgPath_); Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.constructor.call(this, workspace, prototypeName, opt_id); }; goog.inherits(Blockly.BlockSvg, Blockly.Block); /** * Height of this block, not including any statement blocks above or below. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.height = 0; /** * Width of this block, including any connected value blocks. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.width = 0; /** * Original location of block being dragged. * @type {goog.math.Coordinate} * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.dragStartXY_ = null; /** * Constant for identifying rows that are to be rendered inline. * Don't collide with Blockly.INPUT_VALUE and friends. * @const */ Blockly.BlockSvg.INLINE = -1; /** * Create and initialize the SVG representation of the block. * May be called more than once. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.initSvg = function() { goog.asserts.assert(this.workspace.rendered, 'Workspace is headless.'); for (var i = 0, input; input = this.inputList[i]; i++) { input.init(); } var icons = this.getIcons(); for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { icons[i].createIcon(); } this.updateColour(); this.updateMovable(); if (!this.workspace.options.readOnly && !this.eventsInit_) { Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(this.getSvgRoot(), 'mousedown', this, this.onMouseDown_); var thisBlock = this; Blockly.bindEvent_(this.getSvgRoot(), 'touchstart', null, function(e) {Blockly.longStart_(e, thisBlock);}); } this.eventsInit_ = true; if (!this.getSvgRoot().parentNode) { this.workspace.getCanvas().appendChild(this.getSvgRoot()); } }; /** * Select this block. Highlight it visually. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.select = function() { if (this.isShadow() && this.getParent()) { // Shadow blocks should not be selected. this.getParent().select(); return; } if (Blockly.selected == this) { return; } var oldId = null; if (Blockly.selected) { oldId = Blockly.selected.id; // Unselect any previously selected block. Blockly.Events.disable(); try { Blockly.selected.unselect(); } finally { Blockly.Events.enable(); } } var event = new Blockly.Events.Ui(null, 'selected', oldId, this.id); event.workspaceId = this.workspace.id; Blockly.Events.fire(event); Blockly.selected = this; this.addSelect(); }; /** * Unselect this block. Remove its highlighting. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.unselect = function() { if (Blockly.selected != this) { return; } var event = new Blockly.Events.Ui(null, 'selected', this.id, null); event.workspaceId = this.workspace.id; Blockly.Events.fire(event); Blockly.selected = null; this.removeSelect(); }; /** * Block's mutator icon (if any). * @type {Blockly.Mutator} */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.mutator = null; /** * Block's comment icon (if any). * @type {Blockly.Comment} */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.comment = null; /** * Block's warning icon (if any). * @type {Blockly.Warning} */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.warning = null; /** * Returns a list of mutator, comment, and warning icons. * @return {!Array} List of icons. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.getIcons = function() { var icons = []; if (this.mutator) { icons.push(this.mutator); } if (this.comment) { icons.push(this.comment); } if (this.warning) { icons.push(this.warning); } return icons; }; /** * Wrapper function called when a mouseUp occurs during a drag operation. * @type {Array.} * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseUpWrapper_ = null; /** * Wrapper function called when a mouseMove occurs during a drag operation. * @type {Array.} * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseMoveWrapper_ = null; /** * Stop binding to the global mouseup and mousemove events. * @package */ Blockly.BlockSvg.terminateDrag = function() { Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_(); if (Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseUpWrapper_) { Blockly.unbindEvent_(Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseUpWrapper_); Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseUpWrapper_ = null; } if (Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseMoveWrapper_) { Blockly.unbindEvent_(Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseMoveWrapper_); Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseMoveWrapper_ = null; } var selected = Blockly.selected; if (Blockly.dragMode_ == Blockly.DRAG_FREE) { // Terminate a drag operation. if (selected) { // Update the connection locations. var xy = selected.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); var dxy = goog.math.Coordinate.difference(xy, selected.dragStartXY_); var event = new Blockly.Events.Move(selected); event.oldCoordinate = selected.dragStartXY_; event.recordNew(); Blockly.Events.fire(event); selected.moveConnections_(dxy.x, dxy.y); delete selected.draggedBubbles_; selected.setDragging_(false); selected.render(); selected.workspace.setResizesEnabled(true); // Ensure that any snap and bump are part of this move's event group. var group = Blockly.Events.getGroup(); setTimeout(function() { Blockly.Events.setGroup(group); selected.snapToGrid(); Blockly.Events.setGroup(false); }, Blockly.BUMP_DELAY / 2); setTimeout(function() { Blockly.Events.setGroup(group); selected.bumpNeighbours_(); Blockly.Events.setGroup(false); }, Blockly.BUMP_DELAY); } } Blockly.dragMode_ = Blockly.DRAG_NONE; Blockly.Css.setCursor(Blockly.Css.Cursor.OPEN); }; /** * Set parent of this block to be a new block or null. * @param {Blockly.BlockSvg} newParent New parent block. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setParent = function(newParent) { if (newParent == this.parentBlock_) { return; } var svgRoot = this.getSvgRoot(); if (this.parentBlock_ && svgRoot) { // Move this block up the DOM. Keep track of x/y translations. var xy = this.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); this.workspace.getCanvas().appendChild(svgRoot); svgRoot.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + xy.x + ',' + xy.y + ')'); } Blockly.Field.startCache(); Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setParent.call(this, newParent); Blockly.Field.stopCache(); if (newParent) { var oldXY = this.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); newParent.getSvgRoot().appendChild(svgRoot); var newXY = this.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); // Move the connections to match the child's new position. this.moveConnections_(newXY.x - oldXY.x, newXY.y - oldXY.y); } }; /** * Return the coordinates of the top-left corner of this block relative to the * drawing surface's origin (0,0). * @return {!goog.math.Coordinate} Object with .x and .y properties. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.getRelativeToSurfaceXY = function() { var x = 0; var y = 0; var element = this.getSvgRoot(); if (element) { do { // Loop through this block and every parent. var xy = Blockly.getRelativeXY_(element); x += xy.x; y += xy.y; element = element.parentNode; } while (element && element != this.workspace.getCanvas()); } return new goog.math.Coordinate(x, y); }; /** * Move a block by a relative offset. * @param {number} dx Horizontal offset. * @param {number} dy Vertical offset. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.moveBy = function(dx, dy) { goog.asserts.assert(!this.parentBlock_, 'Block has parent.'); var event = new Blockly.Events.Move(this); var xy = this.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); this.getSvgRoot().setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + (xy.x + dx) + ',' + (xy.y + dy) + ')'); this.moveConnections_(dx, dy); event.recordNew(); this.workspace.resizeContents(); Blockly.Events.fire(event); }; /** * Snap this block to the nearest grid point. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.snapToGrid = function() { if (!this.workspace) { return; // Deleted block. } if (Blockly.dragMode_ != Blockly.DRAG_NONE) { return; // Don't bump blocks during a drag. } if (this.getParent()) { return; // Only snap top-level blocks. } if (this.isInFlyout) { return; // Don't move blocks around in a flyout. } if (!this.workspace.options.gridOptions || !this.workspace.options.gridOptions['snap']) { return; // Config says no snapping. } var spacing = this.workspace.options.gridOptions['spacing']; var half = spacing / 2; var xy = this.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); var dx = Math.round((xy.x - half) / spacing) * spacing + half - xy.x; var dy = Math.round((xy.y - half) / spacing) * spacing + half - xy.y; dx = Math.round(dx); dy = Math.round(dy); if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { this.moveBy(dx, dy); } }; /** * Returns a bounding box describing the dimensions of this block * and any blocks stacked below it. * @return {!{height: number, width: number}} Object with height and width * properties. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.getHeightWidth = function() { var height = this.height; var width = this.width; // Recursively add size of subsequent blocks. var nextBlock = this.getNextBlock(); if (nextBlock) { var nextHeightWidth = nextBlock.getHeightWidth(); height += nextHeightWidth.height - 4; // Height of tab. width = Math.max(width, nextHeightWidth.width); } else if (!this.nextConnection && !this.outputConnection) { // Add a bit of margin under blocks with no bottom tab. height += 2; } return {height: height, width: width}; }; /** * Returns the coordinates of a bounding box describing the dimensions of this * block and any blocks stacked below it. * @return {!{topLeft: goog.math.Coordinate, bottomRight: goog.math.Coordinate}} * Object with top left and bottom right coordinates of the bounding box. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.getBoundingRectangle = function() { var blockXY = this.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(this); var tab = this.outputConnection ? Blockly.BlockSvg.TAB_WIDTH : 0; var blockBounds = this.getHeightWidth(); var topLeft; var bottomRight; if (this.RTL) { // Width has the tab built into it already so subtract it here. topLeft = new goog.math.Coordinate(blockXY.x - (blockBounds.width - tab), blockXY.y); // Add the width of the tab/puzzle piece knob to the x coordinate // since X is the corner of the rectangle, not the whole puzzle piece. bottomRight = new goog.math.Coordinate(blockXY.x + tab, blockXY.y + blockBounds.height); } else { // Subtract the width of the tab/puzzle piece knob to the x coordinate // since X is the corner of the rectangle, not the whole puzzle piece. topLeft = new goog.math.Coordinate(blockXY.x - tab, blockXY.y); // Width has the tab built into it already so subtract it here. bottomRight = new goog.math.Coordinate(blockXY.x + blockBounds.width - tab, blockXY.y + blockBounds.height); } return {topLeft: topLeft, bottomRight: bottomRight}; }; /** * Set whether the block is collapsed or not. * @param {boolean} collapsed True if collapsed. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setCollapsed = function(collapsed) { if (this.collapsed_ == collapsed) { return; } var renderList = []; // Show/hide the inputs. for (var i = 0, input; input = this.inputList[i]; i++) { renderList.push.apply(renderList, input.setVisible(!collapsed)); } var COLLAPSED_INPUT_NAME = '_TEMP_COLLAPSED_INPUT'; if (collapsed) { var icons = this.getIcons(); for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { icons[i].setVisible(false); } var text = this.toString(Blockly.COLLAPSE_CHARS); this.appendDummyInput(COLLAPSED_INPUT_NAME).appendField(text).init(); } else { this.removeInput(COLLAPSED_INPUT_NAME); // Clear any warnings inherited from enclosed blocks. this.setWarningText(null); } Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setCollapsed.call(this, collapsed); if (!renderList.length) { // No child blocks, just render this block. renderList[0] = this; } if (this.rendered) { for (var i = 0, block; block = renderList[i]; i++) { block.render(); } // Don't bump neighbours. // Although bumping neighbours would make sense, users often collapse // all their functions and store them next to each other. Expanding and // bumping causes all their definitions to go out of alignment. } }; /** * Open the next (or previous) FieldTextInput. * @param {Blockly.Field|Blockly.Block} start Current location. * @param {boolean} forward If true go forward, otherwise backward. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.tab = function(start, forward) { // This function need not be efficient since it runs once on a keypress. // Create an ordered list of all text fields and connected inputs. var list = []; for (var i = 0, input; input = this.inputList[i]; i++) { for (var j = 0, field; field = input.fieldRow[j]; j++) { if (field instanceof Blockly.FieldTextInput) { // TODO: Also support dropdown fields. list.push(field); } } if (input.connection) { var block = input.connection.targetBlock(); if (block) { list.push(block); } } } var i = list.indexOf(start); if (i == -1) { // No start location, start at the beginning or end. i = forward ? -1 : list.length; } var target = list[forward ? i + 1 : i - 1]; if (!target) { // Ran off of list. var parent = this.getParent(); if (parent) { parent.tab(this, forward); } } else if (target instanceof Blockly.Field) { target.showEditor_(); } else { target.tab(null, forward); } }; /** * Handle a mouse-down on an SVG block. * @param {!Event} e Mouse down event or touch start event. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.onMouseDown_ = function(e) { if (this.workspace.options.readOnly) { return; } if (this.isInFlyout) { // longStart's simulation of right-clicks for longpresses on touch devices // calls the onMouseDown_ function defined on the prototype of the object // the was longpressed (in this case, a Blockly.BlockSvg). In this case // that behaviour is wrong, because Blockly.Flyout.prototype.blockMouseDown // should be called for a mousedown on a block in the flyout, which blocks // execution of the block's onMouseDown_ function. if (e.type == 'touchstart' && Blockly.isRightButton(e)) { Blockly.Flyout.blockRightClick_(e, this); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } return; } if (this.isInMutator) { // Mutator's coordinate system could be out of date because the bubble was // dragged, the block was moved, the parent workspace zoomed, etc. this.workspace.resize(); } this.workspace.updateScreenCalculationsIfScrolled(); this.workspace.markFocused(); Blockly.terminateDrag_(); this.select(); Blockly.hideChaff(); if (Blockly.isRightButton(e)) { // Right-click. this.showContextMenu_(e); // Click, not drag, so stop waiting for other touches from this identifier. Blockly.Touch.clearTouchIdentifier(); } else if (!this.isMovable()) { // Allow immovable blocks to be selected and context menued, but not // dragged. Let this event bubble up to document, so the workspace may be // dragged instead. return; } else { if (!Blockly.Events.getGroup()) { Blockly.Events.setGroup(true); } // Left-click (or middle click) Blockly.Css.setCursor(Blockly.Css.Cursor.CLOSED); this.dragStartXY_ = this.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); this.workspace.startDrag(e, this.dragStartXY_); Blockly.dragMode_ = Blockly.DRAG_STICKY; Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseUpWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(document, 'mouseup', this, this.onMouseUp_); Blockly.BlockSvg.onMouseMoveWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_( document, 'mousemove', this, this.onMouseMove_); // Build a list of bubbles that need to be moved and where they started. this.draggedBubbles_ = []; var descendants = this.getDescendants(); for (var i = 0, descendant; descendant = descendants[i]; i++) { var icons = descendant.getIcons(); for (var j = 0; j < icons.length; j++) { var data = icons[j].getIconLocation(); data.bubble = icons[j]; this.draggedBubbles_.push(data); } } } // This event has been handled. No need to bubble up to the document. e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; /** * Handle a mouse-up anywhere in the SVG pane. Is only registered when a * block is clicked. We can't use mouseUp on the block since a fast-moving * cursor can briefly escape the block before it catches up. * @param {!Event} e Mouse up event. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.onMouseUp_ = function(e) { Blockly.Touch.clearTouchIdentifier(); if (Blockly.dragMode_ != Blockly.DRAG_FREE && !Blockly.WidgetDiv.isVisible()) { Blockly.Events.fire( new Blockly.Events.Ui(this, 'click', undefined, undefined)); } Blockly.terminateDrag_(); if (Blockly.selected && Blockly.highlightedConnection_) { // Connect two blocks together. Blockly.localConnection_.connect(Blockly.highlightedConnection_); if (this.rendered) { // Trigger a connection animation. // Determine which connection is inferior (lower in the source stack). var inferiorConnection = Blockly.localConnection_.isSuperior() ? Blockly.highlightedConnection_ : Blockly.localConnection_; inferiorConnection.getSourceBlock().connectionUiEffect(); } if (this.workspace.trashcan) { // Don't throw an object in the trash can if it just got connected. this.workspace.trashcan.close(); } } else if (!this.getParent() && Blockly.selected.isDeletable() && this.workspace.isDeleteArea(e)) { var trashcan = this.workspace.trashcan; if (trashcan) { goog.Timer.callOnce(trashcan.close, 100, trashcan); } Blockly.selected.dispose(false, true); } if (Blockly.highlightedConnection_) { Blockly.highlightedConnection_.unhighlight(); Blockly.highlightedConnection_ = null; } Blockly.Css.setCursor(Blockly.Css.Cursor.OPEN); if (!Blockly.WidgetDiv.isVisible()) { Blockly.Events.setGroup(false); } }; /** * Load the block's help page in a new window. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.showHelp_ = function() { var url = goog.isFunction(this.helpUrl) ? this.helpUrl() : this.helpUrl; if (url) { window.open(url); } }; /** * Show the context menu for this block. * @param {!Event} e Mouse event. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.showContextMenu_ = function(e) { if (this.workspace.options.readOnly || !this.contextMenu) { return; } // Save the current block in a variable for use in closures. var block = this; var menuOptions = []; if (this.isDeletable() && this.isMovable() && !block.isInFlyout) { // Option to duplicate this block. var duplicateOption = { text: Blockly.Msg.DUPLICATE_BLOCK, enabled: true, callback: function() { Blockly.duplicate_(block); } }; if (this.getDescendants().length > this.workspace.remainingCapacity()) { duplicateOption.enabled = false; } menuOptions.push(duplicateOption); if (this.isEditable() && !this.collapsed_ && this.workspace.options.comments) { // Option to add/remove a comment. var commentOption = {enabled: !goog.userAgent.IE}; if (this.comment) { commentOption.text = Blockly.Msg.REMOVE_COMMENT; commentOption.callback = function() { block.setCommentText(null); }; } else { commentOption.text = Blockly.Msg.ADD_COMMENT; commentOption.callback = function() { block.setCommentText(''); }; } menuOptions.push(commentOption); } // Option to make block inline. if (!this.collapsed_) { for (var i = 1; i < this.inputList.length; i++) { if (this.inputList[i - 1].type != Blockly.NEXT_STATEMENT && this.inputList[i].type != Blockly.NEXT_STATEMENT) { // Only display this option if there are two value or dummy inputs // next to each other. var inlineOption = {enabled: true}; var isInline = this.getInputsInline(); inlineOption.text = isInline ? Blockly.Msg.EXTERNAL_INPUTS : Blockly.Msg.INLINE_INPUTS; inlineOption.callback = function() { block.setInputsInline(!isInline); }; menuOptions.push(inlineOption); break; } } } if (this.workspace.options.collapse) { // Option to collapse/expand block. if (this.collapsed_) { var expandOption = {enabled: true}; expandOption.text = Blockly.Msg.EXPAND_BLOCK; expandOption.callback = function() { block.setCollapsed(false); }; menuOptions.push(expandOption); } else { var collapseOption = {enabled: true}; collapseOption.text = Blockly.Msg.COLLAPSE_BLOCK; collapseOption.callback = function() { block.setCollapsed(true); }; menuOptions.push(collapseOption); } } if (this.workspace.options.disable) { // Option to disable/enable block. var disableOption = { text: this.disabled ? Blockly.Msg.ENABLE_BLOCK : Blockly.Msg.DISABLE_BLOCK, enabled: !this.getInheritedDisabled(), callback: function() { block.setDisabled(!block.disabled); } }; menuOptions.push(disableOption); } // Option to delete this block. // Count the number of blocks that are nested in this block. var descendantCount = this.getDescendants().length; var nextBlock = this.getNextBlock(); if (nextBlock) { // Blocks in the current stack would survive this block's deletion. descendantCount -= nextBlock.getDescendants().length; } var deleteOption = { text: descendantCount == 1 ? Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK : Blockly.Msg.DELETE_X_BLOCKS.replace('%1', String(descendantCount)), enabled: true, callback: function() { Blockly.Events.setGroup(true); block.dispose(true, true); Blockly.Events.setGroup(false); } }; menuOptions.push(deleteOption); } // Option to get help. var url = goog.isFunction(this.helpUrl) ? this.helpUrl() : this.helpUrl; var helpOption = {enabled: !!url}; helpOption.text = Blockly.Msg.HELP; helpOption.callback = function() { block.showHelp_(); }; menuOptions.push(helpOption); // Allow the block to add or modify menuOptions. if (this.customContextMenu && !block.isInFlyout) { this.customContextMenu(menuOptions); } Blockly.ContextMenu.show(e, menuOptions, this.RTL); Blockly.ContextMenu.currentBlock = this; }; /** * Move the connections for this block and all blocks attached under it. * Also update any attached bubbles. * @param {number} dx Horizontal offset from current location. * @param {number} dy Vertical offset from current location. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.moveConnections_ = function(dx, dy) { if (!this.rendered) { // Rendering is required to lay out the blocks. // This is probably an invisible block attached to a collapsed block. return; } var myConnections = this.getConnections_(false); for (var i = 0; i < myConnections.length; i++) { myConnections[i].moveBy(dx, dy); } var icons = this.getIcons(); for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { icons[i].computeIconLocation(); } // Recurse through all blocks attached under this one. for (var i = 0; i < this.childBlocks_.length; i++) { this.childBlocks_[i].moveConnections_(dx, dy); } }; /** * Recursively adds or removes the dragging class to this node and its children. * @param {boolean} adding True if adding, false if removing. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setDragging_ = function(adding) { if (adding) { var group = this.getSvgRoot(); group.translate_ = ''; group.skew_ = ''; Blockly.draggingConnections_ = Blockly.draggingConnections_.concat(this.getConnections_(true)); Blockly.addClass_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), 'blocklyDragging'); } else { Blockly.draggingConnections_ = []; Blockly.removeClass_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), 'blocklyDragging'); } // Recurse through all blocks attached under this one. for (var i = 0; i < this.childBlocks_.length; i++) { this.childBlocks_[i].setDragging_(adding); } }; /** * Drag this block to follow the mouse. * @param {!Event} e Mouse move event. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.onMouseMove_ = function(e) { if (e.type == 'mousemove' && e.clientX <= 1 && e.clientY == 0 && e.button == 0) { /* HACK: Safari Mobile 6.0 and Chrome for Android 18.0 fire rogue mousemove events on certain touch actions. Ignore events with these signatures. This may result in a one-pixel blind spot in other browsers, but this shouldn't be noticeable. */ e.stopPropagation(); return; } var oldXY = this.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); var newXY = this.workspace.moveDrag(e); if (Blockly.dragMode_ == Blockly.DRAG_STICKY) { // Still dragging within the sticky DRAG_RADIUS. var dr = goog.math.Coordinate.distance(oldXY, newXY) * this.workspace.scale; if (dr > Blockly.DRAG_RADIUS) { // Switch to unrestricted dragging. Blockly.dragMode_ = Blockly.DRAG_FREE; Blockly.longStop_(); this.workspace.setResizesEnabled(false); if (this.parentBlock_) { // Push this block to the very top of the stack. this.unplug(); var group = this.getSvgRoot(); group.translate_ = 'translate(' + newXY.x + ',' + newXY.y + ')'; this.disconnectUiEffect(); } this.setDragging_(true); } } if (Blockly.dragMode_ == Blockly.DRAG_FREE) { // Unrestricted dragging. var dxy = goog.math.Coordinate.difference(oldXY, this.dragStartXY_); var group = this.getSvgRoot(); group.translate_ = 'translate(' + newXY.x + ',' + newXY.y + ')'; group.setAttribute('transform', group.translate_ + group.skew_); // Drag all the nested bubbles. for (var i = 0; i < this.draggedBubbles_.length; i++) { var commentData = this.draggedBubbles_[i]; commentData.bubble.setIconLocation( goog.math.Coordinate.sum(commentData, dxy)); } // Check to see if any of this block's connections are within range of // another block's connection. var myConnections = this.getConnections_(false); // Also check the last connection on this stack var lastOnStack = this.lastConnectionInStack_(); if (lastOnStack && lastOnStack != this.nextConnection) { myConnections.push(lastOnStack); } var closestConnection = null; var localConnection = null; var radiusConnection = Blockly.SNAP_RADIUS; for (var i = 0; i < myConnections.length; i++) { var myConnection = myConnections[i]; var neighbour = myConnection.closest(radiusConnection, dxy); if (neighbour.connection) { closestConnection = neighbour.connection; localConnection = myConnection; radiusConnection = neighbour.radius; } } // Remove connection highlighting if needed. if (Blockly.highlightedConnection_ && Blockly.highlightedConnection_ != closestConnection) { Blockly.highlightedConnection_.unhighlight(); Blockly.highlightedConnection_ = null; Blockly.localConnection_ = null; } // Add connection highlighting if needed. if (closestConnection && closestConnection != Blockly.highlightedConnection_) { closestConnection.highlight(); Blockly.highlightedConnection_ = closestConnection; Blockly.localConnection_ = localConnection; } // Provide visual indication of whether the block will be deleted if // dropped here. if (this.isDeletable()) { this.workspace.isDeleteArea(e); } } // This event has been handled. No need to bubble up to the document. e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; /** * Add or remove the UI indicating if this block is movable or not. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.updateMovable = function() { if (this.isMovable()) { Blockly.addClass_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), 'blocklyDraggable'); } else { Blockly.removeClass_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), 'blocklyDraggable'); } }; /** * Set whether this block is movable or not. * @param {boolean} movable True if movable. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setMovable = function(movable) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setMovable.call(this, movable); this.updateMovable(); }; /** * Set whether this block is editable or not. * @param {boolean} editable True if editable. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setEditable = function(editable) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setEditable.call(this, editable); var icons = this.getIcons(); for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { icons[i].updateEditable(); } }; /** * Set whether this block is a shadow block or not. * @param {boolean} shadow True if a shadow. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setShadow = function(shadow) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setShadow.call(this, shadow); this.updateColour(); }; /** * Return the root node of the SVG or null if none exists. * @return {Element} The root SVG node (probably a group). */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.getSvgRoot = function() { return this.svgGroup_; }; /** * Dispose of this block. * @param {boolean} healStack If true, then try to heal any gap by connecting * the next statement with the previous statement. Otherwise, dispose of * all children of this block. * @param {boolean} animate If true, show a disposal animation and sound. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.dispose = function(healStack, animate) { if (!this.workspace) { // The block has already been deleted. return; } Blockly.Tooltip.hide(); Blockly.Field.startCache(); // Save the block's workspace temporarily so we can resize the // contents once the block is disposed. var blockWorkspace = this.workspace; // If this block is being dragged, unlink the mouse events. if (Blockly.selected == this) { this.unselect(); Blockly.terminateDrag_(); } // If this block has a context menu open, close it. if (Blockly.ContextMenu.currentBlock == this) { Blockly.ContextMenu.hide(); } if (animate && this.rendered) { this.unplug(healStack); this.disposeUiEffect(); } // Stop rerendering. this.rendered = false; Blockly.Events.disable(); try { var icons = this.getIcons(); for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { icons[i].dispose(); } } finally { Blockly.Events.enable(); } Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.dispose.call(this, healStack); goog.dom.removeNode(this.svgGroup_); blockWorkspace.resizeContents(); // Sever JavaScript to DOM connections. this.svgGroup_ = null; this.svgPath_ = null; this.svgPathLight_ = null; this.svgPathDark_ = null; Blockly.Field.stopCache(); }; /** * Play some UI effects (sound, animation) when disposing of a block. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.disposeUiEffect = function() { this.workspace.playAudio('delete'); var xy = Blockly.getSvgXY_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), this.workspace); // Deeply clone the current block. var clone = this.svgGroup_.cloneNode(true); clone.translateX_ = xy.x; clone.translateY_ = xy.y; clone.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + clone.translateX_ + ',' + clone.translateY_ + ')'); this.workspace.getParentSvg().appendChild(clone); clone.bBox_ = clone.getBBox(); // Start the animation. Blockly.BlockSvg.disposeUiStep_(clone, this.RTL, new Date, this.workspace.scale); }; /** * Animate a cloned block and eventually dispose of it. * This is a class method, not an instace method since the original block has * been destroyed and is no longer accessible. * @param {!Element} clone SVG element to animate and dispose of. * @param {boolean} rtl True if RTL, false if LTR. * @param {!Date} start Date of animation's start. * @param {number} workspaceScale Scale of workspace. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.disposeUiStep_ = function(clone, rtl, start, workspaceScale) { var ms = new Date - start; var percent = ms / 150; if (percent > 1) { goog.dom.removeNode(clone); } else { var x = clone.translateX_ + (rtl ? -1 : 1) * clone.bBox_.width * workspaceScale / 2 * percent; var y = clone.translateY_ + clone.bBox_.height * workspaceScale * percent; var scale = (1 - percent) * workspaceScale; clone.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')' + ' scale(' + scale + ')'); var closure = function() { Blockly.BlockSvg.disposeUiStep_(clone, rtl, start, workspaceScale); }; setTimeout(closure, 10); } }; /** * Play some UI effects (sound, ripple) after a connection has been established. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.connectionUiEffect = function() { this.workspace.playAudio('click'); if (this.workspace.scale < 1) { return; // Too small to care about visual effects. } // Determine the absolute coordinates of the inferior block. var xy = Blockly.getSvgXY_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), this.workspace); // Offset the coordinates based on the two connection types, fix scale. if (this.outputConnection) { xy.x += (this.RTL ? 3 : -3) * this.workspace.scale; xy.y += 13 * this.workspace.scale; } else if (this.previousConnection) { xy.x += (this.RTL ? -23 : 23) * this.workspace.scale; xy.y += 3 * this.workspace.scale; } var ripple = Blockly.createSvgElement('circle', {'cx': xy.x, 'cy': xy.y, 'r': 0, 'fill': 'none', 'stroke': '#888', 'stroke-width': 10}, this.workspace.getParentSvg()); // Start the animation. Blockly.BlockSvg.connectionUiStep_(ripple, new Date, this.workspace.scale); }; /** * Expand a ripple around a connection. * @param {!Element} ripple Element to animate. * @param {!Date} start Date of animation's start. * @param {number} workspaceScale Scale of workspace. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.connectionUiStep_ = function(ripple, start, workspaceScale) { var ms = new Date - start; var percent = ms / 150; if (percent > 1) { goog.dom.removeNode(ripple); } else { ripple.setAttribute('r', percent * 25 * workspaceScale); ripple.style.opacity = 1 - percent; var closure = function() { Blockly.BlockSvg.connectionUiStep_(ripple, start, workspaceScale); }; Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_.pid_ = setTimeout(closure, 10); } }; /** * Play some UI effects (sound, animation) when disconnecting a block. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.disconnectUiEffect = function() { this.workspace.playAudio('disconnect'); if (this.workspace.scale < 1) { return; // Too small to care about visual effects. } // Horizontal distance for bottom of block to wiggle. var DISPLACEMENT = 10; // Scale magnitude of skew to height of block. var height = this.getHeightWidth().height; var magnitude = Math.atan(DISPLACEMENT / height) / Math.PI * 180; if (!this.RTL) { magnitude *= -1; } // Start the animation. Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStep_(this.svgGroup_, magnitude, new Date); }; /** * Animate a brief wiggle of a disconnected block. * @param {!Element} group SVG element to animate. * @param {number} magnitude Maximum degrees skew (reversed for RTL). * @param {!Date} start Date of animation's start. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStep_ = function(group, magnitude, start) { var DURATION = 200; // Milliseconds. var WIGGLES = 3; // Half oscillations. var ms = new Date - start; var percent = ms / DURATION; if (percent > 1) { group.skew_ = ''; } else { var skew = Math.round(Math.sin(percent * Math.PI * WIGGLES) * (1 - percent) * magnitude); group.skew_ = 'skewX(' + skew + ')'; var closure = function() { Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStep_(group, magnitude, start); }; Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_.group = group; Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_.pid = setTimeout(closure, 10); } group.setAttribute('transform', group.translate_ + group.skew_); }; /** * Stop the disconnect UI animation immediately. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_ = function() { if (Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_.group) { clearTimeout(Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_.pid); var group = Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_.group; group.skew_ = ''; group.setAttribute('transform', group.translate_); Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_.group = null; } }; /** * PID of disconnect UI animation. There can only be one at a time. * @type {number} */ Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_.pid = 0; /** * SVG group of wobbling block. There can only be one at a time. * @type {Element} */ Blockly.BlockSvg.disconnectUiStop_.group = null; /** * Change the colour of a block. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.updateColour = function() { if (this.disabled) { // Disabled blocks don't have colour. return; } var hexColour = this.getColour(); var rgb = goog.color.hexToRgb(hexColour); if (this.isShadow()) { rgb = goog.color.lighten(rgb, 0.6); hexColour = goog.color.rgbArrayToHex(rgb); this.svgPathLight_.style.display = 'none'; this.svgPathDark_.setAttribute('fill', hexColour); } else { this.svgPathLight_.style.display = ''; var hexLight = goog.color.rgbArrayToHex(goog.color.lighten(rgb, 0.3)); var hexDark = goog.color.rgbArrayToHex(goog.color.darken(rgb, 0.2)); this.svgPathLight_.setAttribute('stroke', hexLight); this.svgPathDark_.setAttribute('fill', hexDark); } this.svgPath_.setAttribute('fill', hexColour); var icons = this.getIcons(); for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { icons[i].updateColour(); } // Bump every dropdown to change its colour. for (var x = 0, input; input = this.inputList[x]; x++) { for (var y = 0, field; field = input.fieldRow[y]; y++) { field.setText(null); } } }; /** * Enable or disable a block. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.updateDisabled = function() { var hasClass = Blockly.hasClass_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), 'blocklyDisabled'); if (this.disabled || this.getInheritedDisabled()) { if (!hasClass) { Blockly.addClass_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), 'blocklyDisabled'); this.svgPath_.setAttribute('fill', 'url(#' + this.workspace.options.disabledPatternId + ')'); } } else { if (hasClass) { Blockly.removeClass_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), 'blocklyDisabled'); this.updateColour(); } } var children = this.getChildren(); for (var i = 0, child; child = children[i]; i++) { child.updateDisabled(); } }; /** * Returns the comment on this block (or '' if none). * @return {string} Block's comment. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.getCommentText = function() { if (this.comment) { var comment = this.comment.getText(); // Trim off trailing whitespace. return comment.replace(/\s+$/, '').replace(/ +\n/g, '\n'); } return ''; }; /** * Set this block's comment text. * @param {?string} text The text, or null to delete. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setCommentText = function(text) { var changedState = false; if (goog.isString(text)) { if (!this.comment) { this.comment = new Blockly.Comment(this); changedState = true; } this.comment.setText(/** @type {string} */ (text)); } else { if (this.comment) { this.comment.dispose(); changedState = true; } } if (changedState && this.rendered) { this.render(); // Adding or removing a comment icon will cause the block to change shape. this.bumpNeighbours_(); } }; /** * Set this block's warning text. * @param {?string} text The text, or null to delete. * @param {string=} opt_id An optional ID for the warning text to be able to * maintain multiple warnings. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setWarningText = function(text, opt_id) { if (!this.setWarningText.pid_) { // Create a database of warning PIDs. // Only runs once per block (and only those with warnings). this.setWarningText.pid_ = Object.create(null); } var id = opt_id || ''; if (!id) { // Kill all previous pending processes, this edit supercedes them all. for (var n in this.setWarningText.pid_) { clearTimeout(this.setWarningText.pid_[n]); delete this.setWarningText.pid_[n]; } } else if (this.setWarningText.pid_[id]) { // Only queue up the latest change. Kill any earlier pending process. clearTimeout(this.setWarningText.pid_[id]); delete this.setWarningText.pid_[id]; } if (Blockly.dragMode_ == Blockly.DRAG_FREE) { // Don't change the warning text during a drag. // Wait until the drag finishes. var thisBlock = this; this.setWarningText.pid_[id] = setTimeout(function() { if (thisBlock.workspace) { // Check block wasn't deleted. delete thisBlock.setWarningText.pid_[id]; thisBlock.setWarningText(text, id); } }, 100); return; } if (this.isInFlyout) { text = null; } // Bubble up to add a warning on top-most collapsed block. var parent = this.getSurroundParent(); var collapsedParent = null; while (parent) { if (parent.isCollapsed()) { collapsedParent = parent; } parent = parent.getSurroundParent(); } if (collapsedParent) { collapsedParent.setWarningText(text, 'collapsed ' + this.id + ' ' + id); } var changedState = false; if (goog.isString(text)) { if (!this.warning) { this.warning = new Blockly.Warning(this); changedState = true; } this.warning.setText(/** @type {string} */ (text), id); } else { // Dispose all warnings if no id is given. if (this.warning && !id) { this.warning.dispose(); changedState = true; } else if (this.warning) { var oldText = this.warning.getText(); this.warning.setText('', id); var newText = this.warning.getText(); if (!newText) { this.warning.dispose(); } changedState = oldText == newText; } } if (changedState && this.rendered) { this.render(); // Adding or removing a warning icon will cause the block to change shape. this.bumpNeighbours_(); } }; /** * Give this block a mutator dialog. * @param {Blockly.Mutator} mutator A mutator dialog instance or null to remove. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setMutator = function(mutator) { if (this.mutator && this.mutator !== mutator) { this.mutator.dispose(); } if (mutator) { mutator.block_ = this; this.mutator = mutator; mutator.createIcon(); } }; /** * Set whether the block is disabled or not. * @param {boolean} disabled True if disabled. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setDisabled = function(disabled) { if (this.disabled != disabled) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setDisabled.call(this, disabled); if (this.rendered) { this.updateDisabled(); } } }; /** * Set whether the block is highlighted or not. * @param {boolean} highlighted True if highlighted. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setHighlighted = function(highlighted) { if (!this.rendered) { return; } if (highlighted) { this.svgPath_.setAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + this.workspace.options.embossFilterId + ')'); this.svgPathLight_.style.display = 'none'; } else { this.svgPath_.removeAttribute('filter'); this.svgPathLight_.style.display = 'block'; } }; /** * Select this block. Highlight it visually. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.addSelect = function() { Blockly.addClass_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), 'blocklySelected'); // Move the selected block to the top of the stack. var block = this; do { var root = block.getSvgRoot(); root.parentNode.appendChild(root); block = block.getParent(); } while (block); }; /** * Unselect this block. Remove its highlighting. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.removeSelect = function() { Blockly.removeClass_(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.svgGroup_), 'blocklySelected'); }; // Overrides of functions on Blockly.Block that take into account whether the // block has been rendered. /** * Change the colour of a block. * @param {number|string} colour HSV hue value, or #RRGGBB string. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setColour = function(colour) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setColour.call(this, colour); if (this.rendered) { this.updateColour(); } }; /** * Set whether this block can chain onto the bottom of another block. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if there can be a previous statement. * @param {string|Array.|null|undefined} opt_check Statement type or * list of statement types. Null/undefined if any type could be connected. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setPreviousStatement = function(newBoolean, opt_check) { /* eslint-disable indent */ Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setPreviousStatement.call(this, newBoolean, opt_check); if (this.rendered) { this.render(); this.bumpNeighbours_(); } }; /* eslint-enable indent */ /** * Set whether another block can chain onto the bottom of this block. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if there can be a next statement. * @param {string|Array.|null|undefined} opt_check Statement type or * list of statement types. Null/undefined if any type could be connected. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setNextStatement = function(newBoolean, opt_check) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setNextStatement.call(this, newBoolean, opt_check); if (this.rendered) { this.render(); this.bumpNeighbours_(); } }; /** * Set whether this block returns a value. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if there is an output. * @param {string|Array.|null|undefined} opt_check Returned type or list * of returned types. Null or undefined if any type could be returned * (e.g. variable get). */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setOutput = function(newBoolean, opt_check) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setOutput.call(this, newBoolean, opt_check); if (this.rendered) { this.render(); this.bumpNeighbours_(); } }; /** * Set whether value inputs are arranged horizontally or vertically. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if inputs are horizontal. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.setInputsInline = function(newBoolean) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.setInputsInline.call(this, newBoolean); if (this.rendered) { this.render(); this.bumpNeighbours_(); } }; /** * Remove an input from this block. * @param {string} name The name of the input. * @param {boolean=} opt_quiet True to prevent error if input is not present. * @throws {goog.asserts.AssertionError} if the input is not present and * opt_quiet is not true. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.removeInput = function(name, opt_quiet) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.removeInput.call(this, name, opt_quiet); if (this.rendered) { this.render(); // Removing an input will cause the block to change shape. this.bumpNeighbours_(); } }; /** * Move a numbered input to a different location on this block. * @param {number} inputIndex Index of the input to move. * @param {number} refIndex Index of input that should be after the moved input. */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.moveNumberedInputBefore = function( inputIndex, refIndex) { Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.moveNumberedInputBefore.call(this, inputIndex, refIndex); if (this.rendered) { this.render(); // Moving an input will cause the block to change shape. this.bumpNeighbours_(); } }; /** * Add a value input, statement input or local variable to this block. * @param {number} type Either Blockly.INPUT_VALUE or Blockly.NEXT_STATEMENT or * Blockly.DUMMY_INPUT. * @param {string} name Language-neutral identifier which may used to find this * input again. Should be unique to this block. * @return {!Blockly.Input} The input object created. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.appendInput_ = function(type, name) { var input = Blockly.BlockSvg.superClass_.appendInput_.call(this, type, name); if (this.rendered) { this.render(); // Adding an input will cause the block to change shape. this.bumpNeighbours_(); } return input; }; /** * Returns connections originating from this block. * @param {boolean} all If true, return all connections even hidden ones. * Otherwise, for a non-rendered block return an empty list, and for a * collapsed block don't return inputs connections. * @return {!Array.} Array of connections. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.getConnections_ = function(all) { var myConnections = []; if (all || this.rendered) { if (this.outputConnection) { myConnections.push(this.outputConnection); } if (this.previousConnection) { myConnections.push(this.previousConnection); } if (this.nextConnection) { myConnections.push(this.nextConnection); } if (all || !this.collapsed_) { for (var i = 0, input; input = this.inputList[i]; i++) { if (input.connection) { myConnections.push(input.connection); } } } } return myConnections; }; /** * Create a connection of the specified type. * @param {number} type The type of the connection to create. * @return {!Blockly.RenderedConnection} A new connection of the specified type. * @private */ Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.makeConnection_ = function(type) { return new Blockly.RenderedConnection(this, type); };