// Copyright 2012 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Plural rules. * * This file is autogenerated by script: * http://go/generate_pluralrules.py * File generated from CLDR ver. 31.0.1 * * Before check in, this file could have been manually edited. This is to * incorporate changes before we could fix CLDR. All manual modification must be * documented in this section, and should be removed after those changes land to * CLDR. */ // clang-format off goog.provide('goog.i18n.pluralRules'); /** * Plural pattern keyword * @enum {string} */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword = { ZERO: 'zero', ONE: 'one', TWO: 'two', FEW: 'few', MANY: 'many', OTHER: 'other' }; /** * Default Plural select rule. * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision optional, precision. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Default value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Returns the fractional part of a number (3.1416 => 1416) * @param {number} n The count of items. * @return {number} The fractional part. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.decimals_ = function(n) { var str = n + ''; var result = str.indexOf('.'); return (result == -1) ? 0 : str.length - result - 1; }; /** * Calculates v and f as per CLDR plural rules. * The short names for parameters / return match the CLDR syntax and UTS #35 * (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-numbers.html#Plural_rules_syntax) * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision optional, precision. * @return {!{v:number, f:number}} The v and f. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var DEFAULT_DIGITS = 3; if (undefined === opt_precision) { var v = Math.min(goog.i18n.pluralRules.decimals_(n), DEFAULT_DIGITS); } else { var v = opt_precision; } var base = Math.pow(10, v); var f = ((n * base) | 0) % base; return {v: v, f: f}; }; /** * Calculates w and t as per CLDR plural rules. * The short names for parameters / return match the CLDR syntax and UTS #35 * (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-numbers.html#Plural_rules_syntax) * @param {number} v Calculated previously. * @param {number} f Calculated previously. * @return {!{w:number, t:number}} The w and t. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_wt_ = function(v, f) { if (f === 0) { return {w: 0, t: 0}; } while ((f % 10) === 0) { f /= 10; v--; } return {w: v, t: f}; }; /** * Plural select rules for fil locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.filSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (vf.v == 0 && (i == 1 || i == 2 || i == 3) || vf.v == 0 && i % 10 != 4 && i % 10 != 6 && i % 10 != 9 || vf.v != 0 && vf.f % 10 != 4 && vf.f % 10 != 6 && vf.f % 10 != 9) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for br locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.brSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 && n % 100 != 71 && n % 100 != 91) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n % 10 == 2 && n % 100 != 12 && n % 100 != 72 && n % 100 != 92) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } if ((n % 10 >= 3 && n % 10 <= 4 || n % 10 == 9) && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 > 19) && (n % 100 < 70 || n % 100 > 79) && (n % 100 < 90 || n % 100 > 99)) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for sr locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.srSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (vf.v == 0 && i % 10 == 1 && i % 100 != 11 || vf.f % 10 == 1 && vf.f % 100 != 11) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (vf.v == 0 && i % 10 >= 2 && i % 10 <= 4 && (i % 100 < 12 || i % 100 > 14) || vf.f % 10 >= 2 && vf.f % 10 <= 4 && (vf.f % 100 < 12 || vf.f % 100 > 14)) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for ro locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.roSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (i == 1 && vf.v == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (vf.v != 0 || n == 0 || n != 1 && n % 100 >= 1 && n % 100 <= 19) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for hi locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.hiSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; if (i == 0 || n == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for fr locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.frSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; if (i == 0 || i == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for pt locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.ptSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; if (i >= 0 && i <= 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for cs locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.csSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (i == 1 && vf.v == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (i >= 2 && i <= 4 && vf.v == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (vf.v != 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for pl locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.plSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (i == 1 && vf.v == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (vf.v == 0 && i % 10 >= 2 && i % 10 <= 4 && (i % 100 < 12 || i % 100 > 14)) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (vf.v == 0 && i != 1 && i % 10 >= 0 && i % 10 <= 1 || vf.v == 0 && i % 10 >= 5 && i % 10 <= 9 || vf.v == 0 && i % 100 >= 12 && i % 100 <= 14) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for shi locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.shiSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; if (i == 0 || n == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n >= 2 && n <= 10) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for lv locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.lvSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (n % 10 == 0 || n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= 19 || vf.v == 2 && vf.f % 100 >= 11 && vf.f % 100 <= 19) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ZERO; } if (n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 || vf.v == 2 && vf.f % 10 == 1 && vf.f % 100 != 11 || vf.v != 2 && vf.f % 10 == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for iu locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.iuSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n == 2) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for he locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.heSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (i == 1 && vf.v == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (i == 2 && vf.v == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } if (vf.v == 0 && (n < 0 || n > 10) && n % 10 == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for mt locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.mtSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n == 0 || n % 100 >= 2 && n % 100 <= 10) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= 19) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for si locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.siSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if ((n == 0 || n == 1) || i == 0 && vf.f == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for cy locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.cySelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ZERO; } if (n == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n == 2) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } if (n == 3) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (n == 6) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for da locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.daSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); var wt = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_wt_(vf.v, vf.f); if (n == 1 || wt.t != 0 && (i == 0 || i == 1)) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for ru locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.ruSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (vf.v == 0 && i % 10 == 1 && i % 100 != 11) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (vf.v == 0 && i % 10 >= 2 && i % 10 <= 4 && (i % 100 < 12 || i % 100 > 14)) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (vf.v == 0 && i % 10 == 0 || vf.v == 0 && i % 10 >= 5 && i % 10 <= 9 || vf.v == 0 && i % 100 >= 11 && i % 100 <= 14) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for gv locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.gvSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (vf.v == 0 && i % 10 == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (vf.v == 0 && i % 10 == 2) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } if (vf.v == 0 && (i % 100 == 0 || i % 100 == 20 || i % 100 == 40 || i % 100 == 60 || i % 100 == 80)) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (vf.v != 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for be locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.beSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14)) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (n % 10 == 0 || n % 10 >= 5 && n % 10 <= 9 || n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= 14) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for mk locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.mkSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (vf.v == 0 && i % 10 == 1 || vf.f % 10 == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for ga locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.gaSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n == 2) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } if (n >= 3 && n <= 6) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (n >= 7 && n <= 10) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for es locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for dsb locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.dsbSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (vf.v == 0 && i % 100 == 1 || vf.f % 100 == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (vf.v == 0 && i % 100 == 2 || vf.f % 100 == 2) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } if (vf.v == 0 && i % 100 >= 3 && i % 100 <= 4 || vf.f % 100 >= 3 && vf.f % 100 <= 4) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for lag locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.lagSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; if (n == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ZERO; } if ((i == 0 || i == 1) && n != 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for is locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.isSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); var wt = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_wt_(vf.v, vf.f); if (wt.t == 0 && i % 10 == 1 && i % 100 != 11 || wt.t != 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for ksh locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.kshSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ZERO; } if (n == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for ar locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.arSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ZERO; } if (n == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n == 2) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } if (n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= 99) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for gd locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.gdSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n == 1 || n == 11) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n == 2 || n == 12) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } if (n >= 3 && n <= 10 || n >= 13 && n <= 19) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for sl locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.slSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (vf.v == 0 && i % 100 == 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (vf.v == 0 && i % 100 == 2) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.TWO; } if (vf.v == 0 && i % 100 >= 3 && i % 100 <= 4 || vf.v != 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for lt locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.ltSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 < 11 || n % 100 > 19)) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } if (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 9 && (n % 100 < 11 || n % 100 > 19)) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.FEW; } if (vf.f != 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.MANY; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for tzm locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.tzmSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n >= 0 && n <= 1 || n >= 11 && n <= 99) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for en locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = goog.i18n.pluralRules.get_vf_(n, opt_precision); if (i == 1 && vf.v == 0) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Plural select rules for ak locale * * @param {number} n The count of items. * @param {number=} opt_precision Precision for number formatting, if not default. * @return {goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword} Locale-specific plural value. * @private */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.akSelect_ = function(n, opt_precision) { if (n >= 0 && n <= 1) { return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.ONE; } return goog.i18n.pluralRules.Keyword.OTHER; }; /** * Selected Plural rules by locale. */ goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; if (goog.LOCALE == 'af') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'am') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.hiSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ar') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.arSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ar_DZ' || goog.LOCALE == 'ar-DZ') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.arSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'az') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'be') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.beSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'bg') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'bn') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.hiSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'br') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.brSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'bs') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.srSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ca') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'chr') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'cs') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.csSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'cy') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.cySelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'da') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.daSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'de') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'de_AT' || goog.LOCALE == 'de-AT') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'de_CH' || goog.LOCALE == 'de-CH') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'el') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'en') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'en_AU' || goog.LOCALE == 'en-AU') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'en_CA' || goog.LOCALE == 'en-CA') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'en_GB' || goog.LOCALE == 'en-GB') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'en_IE' || goog.LOCALE == 'en-IE') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'en_IN' || goog.LOCALE == 'en-IN') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'en_SG' || goog.LOCALE == 'en-SG') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'en_US' || goog.LOCALE == 'en-US') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'en_ZA' || goog.LOCALE == 'en-ZA') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'es') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'es_419' || goog.LOCALE == 'es-419') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'es_ES' || goog.LOCALE == 'es-ES') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'es_MX' || goog.LOCALE == 'es-MX') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'es_US' || goog.LOCALE == 'es-US') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'et') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'eu') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'fa') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.hiSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'fi') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'fil') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.filSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'fr') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.frSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'fr_CA' || goog.LOCALE == 'fr-CA') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.frSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ga') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.gaSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'gl') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'gsw') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'gu') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.hiSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'haw') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'he') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.heSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'hi') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.hiSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'hr') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.srSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'hu') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'hy') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.frSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'id') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'in') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'is') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.isSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'it') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'iw') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.heSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ja') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ka') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'kk') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'km') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'kn') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.hiSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ko') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ky') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ln') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.akSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'lo') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'lt') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.ltSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'lv') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.lvSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'mk') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.mkSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ml') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'mn') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'mo') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.roSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'mr') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.hiSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ms') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'mt') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.mtSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'my') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'nb') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ne') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'nl') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'no') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'no_NO' || goog.LOCALE == 'no-NO') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'or') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'pa') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.akSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'pl') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.plSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'pt') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.ptSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'pt_BR' || goog.LOCALE == 'pt-BR') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.ptSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'pt_PT' || goog.LOCALE == 'pt-PT') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.ptSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ro') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.roSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ru') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.ruSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'sh') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.srSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'si') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.siSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'sk') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.csSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'sl') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.slSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'sq') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'sr') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.srSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'sr_Latn' || goog.LOCALE == 'sr-Latn') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.srSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'sv') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'sw') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ta') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'te') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'th') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'tl') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.filSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'tr') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'uk') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.ruSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'ur') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.enSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'uz') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.esSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'vi') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'zh') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'zh_CN' || goog.LOCALE == 'zh-CN') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'zh_HK' || goog.LOCALE == 'zh-HK') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'zh_TW' || goog.LOCALE == 'zh-TW') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.defaultSelect_; } if (goog.LOCALE == 'zu') { goog.i18n.pluralRules.select = goog.i18n.pluralRules.hiSelect_; }