123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793 |
- var Ardublockly = Ardublockly || {};
- Ardublockly.LOCALISED_TEXT = {
- translationLanguage: "English",
- title: "CocoBlockly X",
- blocks: "Blocks",
- hardware_mode: "Hardware Mode",
- mcu_module: "IoT Module",
- ai_module: "Hardware AI Mode",
- python_full_screen_mode: "Python Code Mode",
- cloud_mode: "Cloud Python Mode",
- javascript_mode: "JavaScript Mode",
- uploader_connect_status: "Please go to 'Connect' to download the installation program and connect the hardware.",
- pageLoading: "Loading...",
- home: "Home",
- open: "Open",
- save: "Save",
- deleteAll: "Delete All",
- settings: "Settings",
- documentation: "Documentation",
- help: "Help",
- reportBug: "Report Bug",
- tour: "Start Tour",
- changelog: "Change Log",
- feedback: "Feedback Form",
- devices: "Devices",
- language: "Language",
- editing: "Enable Editing",
- close_editing: "Whether to enable edit mode",
- AI_experience: "AI",
- AI_emotion: "Emotion Recognotion",
- AI_speech: "Speech Recognotion",
- storage: "Storage",
- cloud_storage: "Cloud",
- cloudFileTooltip: "Click「 + 」button to save your file as new one",
- cloudopen: "Cloud Open",
- cloudclose: "Cloud Close",
- local_storage: "Files",
- localimport: "Import",
- localexport: "Export",
- localStorageImport: "Import Project",
- ImportTooltip: "Select your project file(*.xml) and import it to the current workspace.Warning:will replace current blocks)",
- import: "Import",
- export: "Export",
- ImportContent: "Click to choose a file from your computer",
- localStorageExport: "Export Project",
- ExportTooltip: "Export current project blocks and save it your computer,so you can open it next time when you need it",
- exportFile: "Project File",
- exportSnap: "Snapshot",
- ExportFileContent: "Will export as an *xml file.<br>for you to continuing code nextime",
- ExportSnapContent: "Will export to a *png picture.<br>for your reference",
- cloudStorageTitle: "Save to cloud",
- localStorageTitle: "Save to local",
- project_name: "the title of works",
- cofirm_btn: "confirm",
- cancel_btn: "cancel",
- cloudFileOpen: "Open",
- cloudFileSave: "Save",
- cloudFileConfirm: "OK",
- cloudFileSaveAs: "Save as",
- saveNew: "Save New",
- deleteFile: "Delete file now ?",
- rename: "Rename",
- cloudFileDelete: "Delete",
- cloudFileUpdate: "Update",
- help_board: "Help",
- learn_board: "Files",
- files: "Files",
- button_text: "Download",
- ai_module_a: "AI module",
- iot_module_a: "IOT module",
- import_local_file: "Import Local Files",
- import_cloud_file: "Import Cloud Files",
- export_local_file: "Export Local Files",
- export_cloud_file: "Export Cloud Files",
- connect: "Connect",
- download_uploader: "Download the Installer",
- upgrade_firmware: "Upgrade Firmware",
- connect_method: "Connection Method",
- cocoedu: "Coco Edu",
- learn_principle: "Learn AI: Theory",
- learn_vision: "Learn AI: Vision",
- learn_speech: "Learn AI: Speech",
- learn_text: "Learn AI: Text",
- learn_art: "Learn AI: Art",
- tutorial: "Tutorial",
- login_title: "Login",
- username: "Username/Email",
- password: "Password",
- signup: "Sign up",
- signin: "Sign in",
- signout: "Sign out",
- cococloud: "Go to CocoCloud",
- user_email: "Your Email: ",
- user_school: "Your School: ",
- Event: "Cloud Event: ",
- login_wrongNOP: "Wrong Email or Password!",
- login_ForgetRecap: "Please verify reCaptcha !",
- port: "Port:",
- no_line_ending: "No line ending",
- newline: "Newline",
- CR: "Carriage return",
- NL_CR: "NL & CR",
- baud: "baud",
- main_mode: "Main mode",
- wifi_mode: "WiFi mode",
- loadNewBlocksTitle: "Load new blocks?",
- loadNewBlocksBody: "Loading a new XML file will replace the current blocks from the workspace.<br>" +
- "Are you sure you want to proceed?",
- loadBlockBody: "Loading the block code... Please wait.",
- discardBlocksTitle: "Delete blocks?",
- discardBlocksBody: "There are %1 blocks on the workspace.<br>" +
- "Are you sure you want to delete them?",
- invalidXmlTitle: "Invalid XML",
- invalidXmlBody: "The XML file was not successfully parsed into blocks. Please review the XML code and try again.",
- ErrorBlockTitle: "Wrong Block exists",
- ErrorBlockBody: "The XML file has some kinds of wrong blocks which were not used any more. We have deleted it automatically for you, please review your code carefully",
- ErrorFileDragTitle: "Invalid File",
- ErrorFileDragBody: "The file you selected should be the format of XML。Please review the file your choose",
- invalidNameTitle: "Invalid Name",
- invalidFileName: "The illegal character exist,and Chinese character is not support now, please rename it! <br>Illegal character include ~!@#$%^&*()+<>?.:\"{},]",
- invalidFileName1: "The filename shouldn't be start with \"-\" or \"_\",please rename it.",
- invalidFileName2: "The filename shouldn't be empty,please name it!",
- invalidFileName3: "The filename's length shouldn't be over 20 ,please rename it!",
- invalidFileName4: "The illegal character exist: Emoji is not support, please rename it!",
- reptitiveFileName: "The filename has been named, please rename it!",
- unsupportWebcamTitle: "Unsupported Browsers",
- unsupportWebcamBody: "Teachable Machine is only supported with Chrome Browser now. Please visit it on the latest version of Chrome or Firefox!",
- requestWebcamTitle: "Webcam is not supported",
- requestWebcamBody: "Webcam is not supported in HTTP mode, please click here and go to our HTTPS version to use this app.",
- goHttps: "Visit via HTTPS",
- requestVoiceRecognitionTitle: "Voice input is not supported",
- requestVoiceRecognitionBody: "Voice input is not supported in HTTP mode, please click here and go to our HTTPS version to use this app.",
- ok: "OK",
- okay: "Okay",
- cancel: "Cancel",
- pythonSourceCode: "Python Code",
- blocksXml: "Upload Area",
- serialMonitor: "Serial Monitor",
- autoScroll: "Autoscroll",
- sendMsg: "Sending Messages",
- sendBtn: "SEND",
- serial_plotter: "The data to print",
- serial_visualization: "Visual display",
- send_module: "Send Module",
- send_cloud: "Send Cloud",
- connectBtn: "CONNECT",
- disconnectBtn: "DISCONNECT",
- update_file: "Update file",
- download_file: "Download",
- file_name: "File name",
- operation: "Operation",
- comms_clear: "CLEAR",
- comms_export: "EXPORT",
- modal_export_title: "choose the file type you want to save as",
- modal_export_comfirm: "comfirm",
- catLogic: "Logic",
- catLoops: "Loops",
- catMath: "Math",
- catText: "Text",
- catLists: "Lists",
- catDictionary: "Dictionary",
- catTuples: "Tuples",
- catSet: "Set",
- catMainBoard: "IoT Module",
- catExtensions: "Extensions",
- catDisplay: "Display",
- catSystem: "System",
- catWeb: "Internet",
- catDataComms: "Data",
- catSerialPort: "SerialPort",
- catMicrophone: "Microphone",
- catImageProcess: "Image Process",
- catTextProcess: "Text Process",
- catVision: "Image Process",
- catIV: "Video Process",
- catAudio: "Audio Process",
- catModels: "Models",
- catAI: "A.I. Module",
- catAIScreen: "Screen",
- catIOTScreen: "Screen",
- catFiles: "Files",
- catCamera: "Camera",
- catVariables: "Variables",
- catFunctions: "Functions",
- catOutput: "Input / Output",
- catTime: "Time",
- catComms: "Serial Comm.",
- catBasics: "Basics",
- catHardware: "Hardware",
- catAIWifi: "Wi-Fi",
- catAISpeaker: "Speaker",
- statusbar: "Upload the code directly to the electronic module.",
- statuscontect: "Connecting Module(You are connecting the module. If you do not respond for a long time, please reconnect to USB)",
- catCocoMod: "Modules",
- catBasic: "Sensor 101",
- catFASTLED: "Light",
- catMOTOR: "Motor",
- catServo: "Servo",
- catMusic: "Music",
- catTouch: "Touch",
- catHCI: "HCI",
- catScreen: "Screen",
- catENV: "Env Sensor",
- catTD: "Sensors",
- catColour: "Colour",
- catBluetooth: "Bluetooth",
- catMOTION: "Motion",
- catMainWifi: "Wi-Fi",
- catCocoWIFIMod: "WiFi Module",
- catNetwork: "Network",
- catWifiComms: "Data Transfer",
- catWifiServer: "Server Side",
- catWifiClient: "Client Side",
- catWifiWeb: "Internet",
- catWifiTP: "Third party",
- catWifiWebServices: "Web Services",
- catJsonTool: "JSON",
- catCloudData: "Cloud",
- catEasyMode: "EasyMode",
- catBlynk: "Blynk",
- ExtendedFunction: "Extension Modoule",
- Third_party_Sensor: "Third-party Module",
- Ultrasonic: "Ultrasonic Sensor",
- LEDstrip: "LED Strip",
- PS2_Gamepad: "PS2 Gamepad",
- EFLEDLS: "LED Matrix",
- EFMotor: "DC Motor",
- EFSG: "Servo",
- EFGH: "Game Pad",
- EFNI: "NB-IoT",
- EFBluetooth: "Bluetooth",
- Pedometer: "Pedometer",
- basis_button: "Button",
- basis_led: "LED lamp",
- basis_system: "System",
- basis_audio: "Speaker",
- basis_speech_recognition: "Speech Recognition",
- basis_number_recognition: "Hand-written Digit Recognition",
- basis_object_recognition: "Object Recognition",
- basis_face_recognition: "Face Recognition",
- basis_model_recognition: "Custom Model Recognition",
- basis_touch: "Touch",
- basis_buzzer: "Buzzer",
- basis_environmental: "Temperature And Humidity Sensor",
- basis_motion: "Motion Sensor",
- basis_light: "Light Sensor",
- basis_wifi_connect: "WiFi",
- basis_wifi_hotspot: "WiFi Hotspot",
- basis_http: "HTTP Request",
- basis_ws: "WebSocket",
- basis_service_cococloud: "CocoCloud",
- basis_ifttt: "IFTTT",
- basis_service_thingspeak: "ThingSpeak",
- basis_screen_draw: "Screen Drawing",
- basis_led_draw: "LED Matrix Drawing",
- basis_oneNet: "OneNET",
- basis_carvas_draw: "Carvas Drawing",
- basis_function: "Basic Functions",
- advanced_function: "Advanced Functions",
- graphics_decoding: "Shape Recognition",
- looking_graphic: "Barcode Recognition",
- experimental_features: "Experimental Features",
- uploader_reminder_title: "Please upgrade your CocoBlockly X Uploader",
- uploader_reminder_text1: "Your uploader is out of date !",
- uploader_reminder_text2: "Please re-download it from CocoBlockly X if necessary.",
- uploader_reminder_text3: "To ensure a smooth user experience, we strongly recommend you to keep the software updated.<br>There are two ways to upgrade the CocoBlockly X Uploader:<br>    1) Right click the system tray icon in the system status bar, then click \"Update\";<br>    2) Download our latest release from our server: <a download href=\"http://api.cocorobo.cn/releases/pythonuploaderv0.1/download/windows\" target=\"_black\">Windows</a> /<a download href=\"http://api.cocorobo.cn/releases/pythonuploaderv0.1/download/mac\" target=\"_black\">macOS</a>",
- uploader_reminder_text4: "The version of uploader isn't support any more, we strongly recommend you to keep the software updated.<br>Download our latest release from our server: <a download href=\"http://api.cocorobo.cn/releases/pythonuploaderv0.1/download/windows\" target=\"_black\">Windows</a> /<a download href=\"http://api.cocorobo.cn/releases/pythonuploaderv0.1/download/mac\" target=\"_black\">macOS</a>",
- uploader_reminder_currentVersion: "Current version:",
- uploader_reminder_newVersion: "Latest version:",
- uploader_reminder_download: "Download",
- uploader_reminder_done: "Got it",
- statusbar: "Directly upload your code to the electronic modules.",
- statusDisconbar: "Please go to 'Connect' to download the installation program and connect the hardware",
- upload: "UPLOAD",
- compile: "COMPILE",
- lib: "LINRARY",
- errmsg: "Error Message",
- basicMarquee: "Marquee",
- basic8Bit: "8 Bit Music",
- baxicKnobSound: "Knob To Notes",
- ledHeart: "Heart",
- motorObstacleVoiding: "Obstacle Avoiding",
- motorTrackLine: "Line Tracking",
- fullRotate: "Full Rotation",
- paper_piano_cocoblockly: "Music Keyboard",
- music_play_melody: "Play Melody",
- music_play_mp3: "Play MP3",
- hci_basic: "HCI mouse",
- touch_light: "Touch Light",
- HCI_basic: "HCI basic",
- screenShowreel: "Showreel",
- robotRemoteControl: "Robot Car Remote Control",
- robotArmRemoteControl: "Robot Arm Remote Control",
- MotionShowLed: "Tilting LED Dot",
- EnvShowScreen: "Show Env Data",
- EnvLigtColor: "Env Light Color",
- MainEnvDataTransfer: "Main Env Data Transfer",
- GPSShowScreen: "GPS on Screen",
- wifiNetworkShowinfo: "WiFi Network Show Info",
- wifiDataTransfer: "WiFi Data Transfer",
- wifiEnvDataTransfer: "WiFi Env Data Transfer",
- wifiClientIfttt: "IFTTT WebHook",
- wifiClientPost: "Post Data to Cloud",
- webServiceIfttt: "IFTTT Example",
- webServiceThingspeak: "ThingSpeak Example",
- cloudDataShow: "Get Data from Cloud",
- cloudDataGenerate: "Generate Data",
- tour_start: "Follow this beginner-level instruction, you will learn how to use CocoBlockly X to code:",
- tour_editProject: "Edit Project Title: Click the input on the top left, type a desired name of your project",
- tour_menuBar: "Menu Bar: Here you will find 4 important functions: Help, Cloud Storage, <br>Local Import/Export and Language Switch (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese)",
- tour_personAccount: "Personal Account: Click the avatar and login to your account, <br>experience features like the cloud storage and IoT applet via CocoCloud.",
- tour_blocklyToolbox: "Blockly Toolbox: Where all CocoBlockly X blocks exists, from Logic to blocks for CocoRobo Module,<br> we also provide examples in order to help users getting started",
- tour_codeWorkspace_1: "Coding Workspace (1): Drag the block;",
- tour_codeWorkspace_2: "Coding Workspace (2): Duplicate the block;",
- tour_codeWorkspace_3: "Coding Workspace (3): Delete the block;",
- tour_codeWorkspace_4: "Coding Workspace (4): Delete all blocks;",
- tour_sourceCodeArea: "Source Code Area: When you drag block to coding workspace, <br>this area will automatically generate Arduino source code for reference.",
- tour_uploadArea: "Upload Area: When you finished coding, click the Compile option to verify if your code is valid, make sure you have a good internet connection.<br>Click the Upload option to upload the code to your module (Note: Please do not disconnect the module from your computer while the code is uploading)",
- tour_serialMonitorArea: "Serial Monitor Area: Like Arduino IDE, in here you can debug your code, such as put the value to the monitor to check if it's right.",
- tour_switchtoFullScreen: "Switch to Full Screen: When you feel the coding space is narrow, you can always toggle the full screen option in the top-right toolbar",
- tour_mainMode: "(Main Mode) Upload Code: Under Main Mode, CocoBlockly X will only detect Main Controller Module, and you will be able to upload<br> the main mode code to the module. If you are using WiFi Module, the interface will automatically change to WiFi Mode.",
- tour_wifiMode: "(WiFi Mode) Upload Code: Under WiFi Mode, CocoBlockly X will only detect WiFi Module, and you will be able to upload the wifi mode<br> code to the module. If you are using Main Controller Module, the interface will automatically change to Main Mode.",
- tour_cloudStorage_update: "Cloud Storage: To add a new project to our cloud, click the Cloud Storage icon and a prompt will open, change the name <br>to a desired one if you needed, then click \"Update\" button.",
- tour_cloudStorge_open: "Cloud Storage: To open a new project from your cloud, single-click the project name, then click the \"Open\" button.",
- tour_cloudStorge_delete: "Cloud Storage: To delete a project from your cloud, single-click the project name, then click the \"Delete\" button.",
- tour_end: "Congratulations! You have sucessfully mastered the fundametals of CocoBlockly X, start coding yourself now!",
- labscenter: "Labs",
- labs_center_modal_title: "CocoBlockly X Labs",
- appcenter: "Apps",
- app_center_modal_title: "App Center",
- app_center_all_categories: "All Catefories:",
- app_center_ai: "Artificial Intelligence",
- app_center_iot: "Internet of Things",
- app_center_robot: "Robot Controller",
- app_center_science: "Science Experiements",
- app_center_games: "Games",
- app_center_arvr: "AR/VR",
- app_center_emotion_recognition: "Emotion Recognition",
- app_center_emotion_recognition: "Gesture Recognition",
- app_center_speech_recognition: "Speech Recognition",
- app_center_robot_demo1: "Robot Controller",
- app_center_science_demo1: "Science",
- app_center_game_flappy: "Floppy bird",
- app_center_game_space_lamb: "Space Lamb",
- app_center_arvr_demo1: "AR/VR",
- app_center_wait_to_come: "Coming soon",
- app_center_enter_button: "Enter",
- app_center_visit_button: "Visit",
- app_center_Teachabel_Machine: "Teachale Machine",
- app_center_Teachabel_Machine_posenet: "Teachable Machine (with Pose Recognition)",
- app_center_Computer_Vision_Demos: "Computer Vision Demos",
- app_center_Speech_AI_Demos: "Speech AI Demos",
- app_center_Text_Analysing_Demos: "Text Analysing Demos",
- app_center_tab_vision: "vision",
- app_center_tab_speech: "speech",
- app_center_tab_text: "text",
- Teachabel_Machin_content: "The trend of robot development is artificial intelligence. Deep learning is the frontier technology of intelligent robot and a new topic in the field of machine learning.Deep learning technology is widely used in agriculture, industry, military, aviation and other fields, and the organic combination with machines can design intelligent robots with high working efficiency, high real-time and high accuracy.",
- objectRecognition_content: "The development trend of object recognition is artificial intelligence. Object recognition is the frontier technology of intelligent recognition and a new subject in the field of recognition.Object recognition technology is widely used in agriculture, industry, military, aviation and other fields.",
- webcam_capture_content: "The development trend of emotion recognition is artificial intelligence. Emotion recognition is the frontier technology of intelligent recognition and a new subject in the field of recognition.Emotion recognition technology is widely used in agriculture, industry, military, aviation and other fields.",
- voice_input_content: "The development trend of speech recognition is artificial intelligence. Speech recognition is the frontier technology of intelligent recognition and a new subject in the field of recognition.Speech recognition technology is widely used in agriculture, industry, military, aviation and other fields.",
- gesture_recog_content: "The development trend of gesture recognition is artificial intelligence. Gesture recognition is the frontier technology of intelligent recognition and a new subject in the field of recognition.Gesture recognition technology is widely used in agriculture, industry, military, aviation and other fields.",
- real_time_voice_input_content: "The development trend of real-time speech recognition is artificial intelligence. Real-time speech recognition is the frontier technology of intelligent recognition and a new subject in the field of recognition.Real-time speech recognition technology is widely used in agriculture, industry, military, aviation and other fields.",
- posenetRecognition_content: "The development of attitude recognition is the general trend of the development of artificial intelligence. Attitude recognition technology is widely used in many fields",
- computer_configuration: "Minimum Hardware Requirementss",
- the_operating_system: "Minimum Opearting System version",
- resolution_of_the: "Suggested Resolution Supported",
- memory_capacity: "Memory Capacity",
- the_main_board: "The Main Board",
- the_hard_disk: "The Hard Disk",
- the_graphics_card: "The Graphics Card",
- display_size: "Display Size",
- is_need_camera: "Do you need a camera",
- is_need_microphone: "Do you need a microphone",
- need: "OK",
- no_need: "NO",
- webcamDemoTitle: "Emotion Recognition",
- face_webcam: "Webcam:",
- face_latest_snapshot: "Latest snapshot:",
- face_analyze: "Analyze",
- face_response: "Response:",
- face_emotion_res: "Make a smiley face or sad face please.",
- emotion_camera_on: "On",
- emotion_camera_off: "Camera Off",
- emotion_camera_turnon_text: "Turn on the Camera first",
- emotion_snapshot_text: "Your snapshot will be here",
- emotion_result_title: "Facial Analysis:",
- emotion_result_emotion_title: "Emotion:",
- emotion_result_age_title: "Age:",
- emotion_result_gender_title: "Gender:",
- emotion_result_glasses_title: "Glasses:",
- emotion_result_expression_title: "Expression:",
- emotion_result_default: "Nothing detected.",
- gesturesTitle: "Gesture Recognition",
- gesture_result: "No result yet.",
- gesture_webcam: "Webcam",
- gesture_recognition_result: "Recognition Result:",
- gesture_recognition: "Recognize",
- gesture_recognitioning: "Recognize...",
- objectRecognition: "Object Recognition",
- posenetRecognition: "Posenet Recognition",
- speech_recognition: "Start Recording",
- speechDemoTitle: "Speech Recognition",
- speechTip: "Voice recognition for English, Cantonese & Mandarin.",
- speech_language_select: "Select a language to recognize: ",
- speech_language_English: "English",
- speech_language_Cantonese: "Cantonese",
- speech_language_Mandarin: "Mandarin",
- speech_textarea_title: " Click on the mic button to start dictating...",
- speech_button: "Start Recording",
- selectEvent: "Choose a CocoCloud event here, the analyzed result will directly send to there",
- noEvent: "No Event here. Please login first",
- pre_version: "Switch to Old Version",
- copyright: "CocoRobo LTD © 2020 Copyright",
- drag_import: "Drag and drop your file here",
- env_detect: "Environment Detect",
- detect: "Detect",
- title_device: "Device",
- title_result: "Result",
- title_support: "Support",
- title_suggest: "Suggest",
- Adapter_connected: "Adapter is connected",
- Adapter_fill_connected: "Adapter is disconnected",
- os: "System",
- browser: "Browser",
- select_Example: "Example",
- select_Basics: "Basic case of IoT module",
- select_sbcb: "Side Button Control Buzzer",
- select_sbcsl: "side button control switch LED",
- select_tacl: "Touch Area Control LED",
- select_ba: "Buzzer Alarm",
- select_desl: "dark environment sensor light",
- select_tdsl: "Tilt Direction Sensor LED",
- select_ha: "Humidity Alarm",
- select_ssl: "shake sensor LED",
- select_ldliv: "LED display light intensity value",
- select_thwos: "Hello World on Screen",
- select_line: "button control screen linewise",
- select_LF: "LED Lamp flicker",
- select_DCLS: "Dial control LED switch",
- select_BCL: "Button-Controlled LED",
- select_LGD: "LCD graphic drawing animation",
- select_FTCLS: "Four Touch control LED switch",
- select_DOLD: "LCD wiggle detector",
- select_TCSOL: "Touch-controlled square on LCD",
- select_SER: "LCD display environment data",
- select_NW: "IoT module networking case",
- select_CTN: "Connect to the surrounding WiFi network",
- select_SA: "Set up WiFi hotspot",
- select_SDTC: "Send Data to CocoCloud",
- select_BS: "Basic case of AI module",
- select_CV: "AI module vision case",
- select_CAOSR: "LCD button control color switch",
- select_QCR: "QR Code Recogntion",
- line_tracking: "Line Tracking (Black Line)",
- select_LR: "Line Recogntion",
- select_AI: "AI module machine learning case",
- select_c: "Button control LCD display color",
- select_HWDR: "Hand-written Digit Recognition",
- select_FR: "Face Recognition",
- select_OR: "Object Recognition",
- select_CMHK: "Customized Model (Trash Classification)",
- ai_modules_teacher: "AI Teaching cases 1",
- ai_modules_thw: "1.Hello World",
- ai_modules_thwos: "2.Hello World on Screen",
- ai_modules_uoc: "3.Use of Canvas",
- ai_modules_mc: "4.Mini Camera",
- ai_modules_sor: "5.Simple Object Recognition",
- ai_modules_teacher2: "AI Teaching cases 2",
- select_SP: "Display motion sensor values",
- select_AAAV: "LCD display tilt direction",
- select_BBP1: "Balance ball program",
- select_BBP2: "Balance ball procedure 2",
- select_BT: "Button + timer",
- ai_modules_av: "AI Module audio case",
- paly_video: "Play the recorded video file",
- paly_music: "Play the music",
- recording_camera: "Record camera pictures and save them",
- microphone_sound_analysis: "Microphone spectrum analysis",
- select_AV: "AI module video case",
- ai_teachingcases: "AI Teaching Cases 3",
- ex1_servo: "Servo Motor",
- ex2_Ultrasound: "Ultrasonic Sensor",
- ex3_RangeFinder: "Rangefinder",
- ex4_LightStrip: "LightStrip",
- ex5_Microbit: "Microbit",
- ex6_MicrobitFace: "Microbit Face Microbit",
- ex7_Door: "Electric Door",
- ai_wc: "AI waste classification",
- ai_smaa: "Servo Motor Angle Adjustment",
- ai_gc: "Garbage Classifcation",
- ai_wsb: "Waste Separation Bins",
- ai_ad: "Automatic Driving",
- ai_trsr: "Task 1 Road Sign Recognition(Hong Kong Traffic Signage)",
- ai_tpll: "automatic transmission part Ⅱ (LineTrackingProcess-singlet line )",
- ai_tpl2: "automatic transmission part Ⅱ (LineTrackingProcess-double line )",
- ai_tph: "automatic transmission part Ⅲ(HK_trafficsigns)",
- artificial_intelligence_textbook_program: "AI textbook program",
- third_grade: "the third grade",
- recorded_voice_command: "Recorded voice command",
- voice_recognition_lamp_stand: "Voice recognition lamp stand",
- fifth_grade: "the fifth grade",
- intelligent_curtain: "Intelligent curtain",
- fruit_picking_robot: "Fruit picking robot",
- sixth_grade: "the sixth grade",
- intelligent_traffic_lights: "Intelligent traffic lights",
- seeing_eye_necklace: "Seeing-eye necklace",
- seventh_grade: "the seventh grade",
- face_recognition_electronic_police: "Face recognition electronic police",
- eighth_grade: "the eighth grade",
- payment_platform: "Payment platform",
- uploadFiles: "Upload",
- catSerialComm: "Serial Comm.",
- select_CSDAOD: "Connection hotspot and HTTP client",
- select_ISED: "IFTTT sending environment data",
- select_ITE: "IFTTT trigger event",
- select_MSD: "Thingspeak sends data and gets the latest data",
- select_SBS: "Area color analysis",
- select_LFGC: "Looking for green circles",
- select_MC: "Mini camera",
- select_ARATOOC: "LCD drawing graphic animation",
- select_FGAAT: "Find green areas and track",
- select_RCI: "Record camera image ",
- select_MAOSS: "Microphone analysis of sound spectrum",
- select_PAF: "Play audio file",
- select_PV: "Play movie files",
- select_TD: "Button controls LCD pin rotation",
- runCode: "Run",
- resetDevice: "Restart Device",
- select_dropdown: "Connection port cannot be detected",
- select_SPC: "Screen picture clipping",
- select_SPR: "Screen pattern rotation",
- select_PTKTCTPTRC: "Press the key to change the picture to reverse color",
- select_PTKTCCM: "Press the key to change the picture color mode",
- select_PTKTS: "Press the key to change the picture size",
- select_PTKTCTCCM: "Press the key to change the camera color mode",
- select_PTKTBOTCI: "Press the key to change the camera color mode",
- select_SEDTO: "NB IOT sends environment data to onenet",
- select_RTIFO: "NB IOT receives text instructions from onenet",
- select_connecteds: "USB Upload",
- no_select_connecteds: "Wi-Fi Upload",
- select_NIMSDTC: "NB IOT module sends data to cococloud",
- select_imefc: "IoT module extended function case",
- select_uls: "use LED screen",
- select_umdm: "use motor drive module",
- select_uoglls: "use of gamepad + LED light screen",
- select_ctsotem: "Controlling the Servo on the Extension Module",
- select_ionc: "IoT module networking case",
- select_btsldtc: "button to send lighting data to CocoCloud",
- select_ktsedti: "key to send environmental data to IFTTT",
- select_btoldalua: "button to obtain lighting data and light up according to conditions",
- select_tsedtc: "timely sending environmental data to CocoCloud",
- select_toedaluatc: "timely obtain environmental data and light up according to condition",
- select_ewhadtnocd: "establish WiFi hotspot and display the number of connected devices",
- select_ledss: "LAN environment data storage-server side",
- select_ledac: "LAN Environment Data Acquisition-Client",
- select_ctwn: "connection to WiFi network",
- select_bssbms: "button state storage between modules-server",
- select_bsrbmc: "button status reception between modules-client",
- select_wrcbms: "WebSocket real-time communication between modules-sender",
- select_wrcbmr: "WebSocket real-time communication between modules-receiver",
- select_snt: "synchronized network time",
- select_dwsdat: "Digital Watch Showing Date & Time",
- select_smmlc: "AI Module Machine Learning Case",
- select_gcaerhk: "Garbage Classification and Recognition (Hong Kong Version)",
- select_frs: "Face Recognition",
- select_ors: "object recognition",
- select_fr: "custom Face Recognition",
- select_or: "custom object recognition",
- select_srt: "custom speech recognition",
- select_srd: "custom speech recording",
- select_mhdr: "handwritten digit recognition",
- select_ambc: "AI module basic case",
- select_bcsc: "button control screen clockwise",
- select_kcpccs: "key control picture change color system",
- select_kcpficc: "key control picture for inverse color change",
- select_bccs: "Button Control Color Switching",
- select_stepCounter: "Pedometer",
- select_mc: "Mini Camera",
- select_sor: "screen orientation rotation",
- select_sdla: "screen drawing line animation",
- select_amefc: "AI module extended function case",
- select_auls: "use LED screen",
- select_aumdm: "use motor drive module",
- select_auogsm: "use of gamepad + screen module",
- select_actsotem: "Controlling the Servo on the Extension Module",
- select_greedy_snake: "Greedy snake",
- select_amvc: "AI module visual case",
- select_bctbotci: "button change the brightness of the camera image",
- select_aca: "Area Color Analysis",
- select_rqc: "recognition QR code",
- select_lhbl: "Line Hunting (Black Line)",
- select_fgr: "find green round",
- select_fgaat: "find green areas and track",
- select_prvf: "play recorded video file",
- select_pm: " play music",
- select_rcsas: "record camera screen and save",
- select_mssa: "Microphone Sound Spectrum Analysis",
- select_work_u: "IoT workshop 1",
- select_work_d: "IoT workshop 2",
- select_middle_led: "01 light up no.5 LED",
- select_all_led: "02 light up all LED",
- select_liu_led: "03 LED waterfall",
- select_warning: "04 use beeper to alarm",
- select_music: "05 8-bit music",
- select_button_open: "06 serial communicate: buttom",
- select_touch_open: "07 serial communicate: touch area",
- select_button_close: "08 button control beeper",
- select_control_LED: "09 touch area control LED",
- select_sensor_LED: "10 dark environment sensor LED",
- select_humidity_alarm: "11 humidity alarm",
- select_shaking_LED: "01 shaking LED",
- select_show_statement: "02 connect to Wi-Fi and show statement",
- select_establish_WiFi: "03 establish Wi-Fi hotspot and display the number of connected device",
- select_download_lighting: "04 button to send and download lighting data to CocoCloud",
- select_controlling_servo: "05 controlling the servo",
- select_move_servo: "06 regularly move of the servo",
- select_button_controlling_servo: "07 use button control the servo",
- select_face_recognition_door: "08 face recognition door",
- select_speech_recognition_car: "09 speech recognition car",
- select_gyro_control_robot: "10 gyro control robot",
- select_gesture_recognition_robot: "11 gesture recognition robot",
- select_speech_recogniton_lamp: "12 speech recogniton lamp",
- device: "Device",
- existing_device: "Existing Device",
- add_device: "Add Device",
- device_id: "Device ID",
- device_status: "Device Status",
- device_confirm: "Confirm",
- device_cancel: "Cancel",
- add_edevice_success: "Device added successfully",
- device_next: "Next",
- device_on: "On",
- select_aiaor: "Advanced Object recognition",
- select_aifr: "Face recognition",
- select_aica: "Color Analyzer",
- select_aisrc: "Shape recognition (circle)",
- select_aisrr: "Shape recognition(rectangle)",
- select_aiaa: "Audio Analyzer",
- select_Mandarin: "Voice recognition in the cloud(Mandarin)",
- select_English: "Voice recognition in the cloud(English)",
- select_Cantonese: "Voice recognition in the cloud(Cantonese)",
- ai_kit:"AI Kit",
- ai_kit_0: "Get to know the CocoBlockly X programming environment",
- ai_kit_1: "Get to know the screen module",
- ai_kit_2: "Know the camera lens module",
- ai_kit_3: "Recognize object recognition",
- extends: "Expansion adapter module",
- extends_0: "Basics",
- extends_1: "Application",
- extends_2: "Newsletter",
- error: "Common error handling",
- device_no_connect: "Hardware (Not Connected)",
- device_connect: "Hardware (Normal Connection)",
- sketch_name: "Untitled",
- sketch_save: "Save",
- iot_module: "Hardware IoT Mode",
- a_csm: "Change Startup Mode",
- a_butvmi: "Boot Up the Visual Menu InterFace",
- a_buartlp: "Boot Up and Run the Last Program",
- Serial_Interaction: "Serial Interaction",
- error_pv: "Problem: variable not defined, code error, please check the building block",
- error_pp: "Permission problem, please re open the software, or the third-party software occupies the port",
- error_tc: "The code is wrong or the third-party library is not introduced. There is a problem with the firmware version",
- error_tp: "The program has timed out. Please run it again",
- "EPERM": "Operation not permitted",
- "ENOEN": "No such file or directory",
- "ESRCH": "No such process",
- "EINTR": "Interrupted system call",
- "EIO ": "I/O error",
- "ENXIO": "No such device or address",
- "E2BIG": "Argument list too long",
- "ENOEX": "Exec format error",
- "EBADF": "Bad file number",
- "ECHIL": "No child processes",
- "EAGAI": "Try again",
- "ENOME": "Out of memory",
- "EACCE": "Permission denied",
- "EFAUL": "Bad address",
- "ENOTB": "Block device required",
- "EBUSY": "Device or resource busy",
- "EEXIS": "File exists",
- "EXDEV": "Cross-device link",
- "ENODE": "No such device",
- "ENOTD": "Not a directory",
- "EISDI": "Is a directory",
- "EINVA": "Invalid argument",
- "ENFIL": "File table overflow",
- "EMFIL": "Too many open files",
- "ENOTT": "Not a typewriter",
- "ETXTB": "Text file busy",
- "EFBIG": "File too large",
- "ENOSP": "No space left on device",
- "ESPIP": "Illegal seek",
- "EROFS": "Read-only file system",
- "EMLIN": "Too many links",
- "EPIPE": "Broken pipe",
- "EDOM ": "Math argument out of domain of func",
- "ERANG": "Math result not representable",
- "EAFNOSUPP": "Address family not supported by protocol",
- "ECONNRES": "Connection timed out",
- "ETIMEDO": "Connection timed out",
- "EINPROGRE": "Operation now in progress"
- }