123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571 |
- /**
- * @license Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"):
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- */
- /**
- * @fileoverview Implements the required data for functions for selecting
- * amongst different Arduino boards.
- */
- 'use strict';
- goog.provide('Blockly.Python.Boards');
- goog.require('Blockly.Python');
- /**
- * Helper function to generate an array of pins (each an array of length 2) for
- * the digital IO.
- * @param {!integer} pinStart Start number for the IOs pin list to generate.
- * @param {!integer} pinEnd Last inclusive number for the list to generate.
- * @return {!array} Two dimensional array with the name and value for the
- * digital IO pins.
- */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.generateDigitalIo = function(pinStart, pinEnd) {
- var digitalIo = [];
- for (var i = pinStart; i < (pinEnd + 1); i++) {
- digitalIo.push([i.toString(), i.toString()]);
- }
- return digitalIo;
- };
- /**
- * Helper function to generate an array of pins (each an array of length 2) for
- * the analogue IO.
- * @param {!integer} pinStart Start number for the IOs pin list to generate.
- * @param {!integer} pinEnd Last inclusive number for the list to generate.
- * @return {!array} Two dimensional array with the name and value for the
- * analogue IO pins.
- */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.generateAnalogIo = function(pinStart, pinEnd) {
- var analogIo = [];
- for (var i = pinStart; i < (pinEnd + 1); i++) {
- analogIo.push(['A' + i.toString(), 'A' + i.toString()]);
- }
- return analogIo;
- };
- /**
- * Creates a new Board Profile copying all the attributes from an existing
- * profile, with the exception of the name, and optionally the description and
- * compiler flag.
- * @param {!string} name_ Mandatory new name of the new board profile.
- * @param {string=} description Optional new description of the new profile.
- * @param {string=} compilerFlag Optional new description of the new profile.
- * @return {!Object} Duplicated object with the different argument data.
- */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.duplicateBoardProfile =
- function(originalBoard, name_, description, compilerFlag) {
- return {
- name: name_,
- description: description || originalBoard.description,
- compilerFlag: compilerFlag || originalBoard.compilerFlag,
- analogPins: originalBoard.analogPins,
- digitalPins: originalBoard.digitalPins,
- pwmPins: originalBoard.pwmPins,
- serial: originalBoard.serial,
- serialPins: originalBoard.serialPins,
- serialSpeed: originalBoard.serialSpeed,
- spi: originalBoard.spi,
- spiPins: originalBoard.spiPins,
- spiClockDivide: originalBoard.spiClockDivide,
- i2c: originalBoard.i2c,
- i2cPins: originalBoard.i2cPins,
- i2cSpeed: originalBoard.i2cSpeed,
- builtinLed: originalBoard.builtinLed,
- interrupt: originalBoard.interrupt
- }
- };
- /** Object to contain all Arduino board profiles. */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles = new Object();
- /** Arduino Uno board profile. */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno = {
- name: 'Arduino Uno',
- description: 'Arduino Uno standard compatible board',
- compilerFlag: 'arduino:avr:uno',
- analogPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.generateAnalogIo(0, 5),
- digitalPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.generateDigitalIo(0, 13).concat(
- Blockly.Python.Boards.generateAnalogIo(0, 5)),
- pwmPins: [
- ['3', '3'],
- ['5', '5'],
- ['6', '6'],
- ['9', '9'],
- ['10', '10'],
- ['11', '11'],
- ['13', '13']
- ],
- serial: [
- ['serial', 'Serial'],
- ],
- serialPins: {
- Serial: [
- ['RX', '0'],
- ['TX', '1']
- ]
- },
- serialSpeed: [
- ['300', '300'],
- ['600', '600'],
- ['1200', '1200'],
- ['2400', '2400'],
- ['4800', '4800'],
- ['9600', '9600'],
- ['14400', '14400'],
- ['19200', '19200'],
- ['28800', '28800'],
- ['31250', '31250'],
- ['38400', '38400'],
- ['57600', '57600'],
- ['115200', '115200']
- ],
- spi: [
- ['SPI', 'SPI']
- ],
- spiPins: {
- SPI: [
- ['MOSI', '11'],
- ['MISO', '12'],
- ['SCK', '13']
- ]
- },
- spiClockDivide: [
- ['2 (8MHz)', 'SPI_CLOCK_DIV2'],
- ['4 (4MHz)', 'SPI_CLOCK_DIV4'],
- ['8 (2MHz)', 'SPI_CLOCK_DIV8'],
- ['16 (1MHz)', 'SPI_CLOCK_DIV16'],
- ['32 (500KHz)', 'SPI_CLOCK_DIV32'],
- ['64 (250KHz)', 'SPI_CLOCK_DIV64'],
- ['128 (125KHz)', 'SPI_CLOCK_DIV128']
- ],
- i2c: [
- ['I2C', 'Wire']
- ],
- i2cPins: {
- Wire: [
- ['SDA', 'A4'],
- ['SCL', 'A5']
- ]
- },
- i2cSpeed: [
- ['100kHz', '100000L'],
- ['400kHz', '400000L']
- ],
- builtinLed: [
- ['BUILTIN_1', '13']
- ],
- interrupt: [
- ['interrupt0', '2'],
- ['interrupt1', '3']
- ]
- };
- /** Arduino Nano board profile (ATmega328p). */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.nano_328 = {
- name: 'Arduino Nano 328',
- description: 'Arduino Nano with ATmega328 board',
- compilerFlag: 'arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega328',
- analogPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.generateAnalogIo(0, 7),
- digitalPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.generateDigitalIo(0, 13).concat(
- Blockly.Python.Boards.generateAnalogIo(0, 7)),
- pwmPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.pwmPins,
- serial: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serial,
- serialPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialPins,
- serialSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialSpeed,
- spi: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spi,
- spiPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiPins,
- spiClockDivide: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiClockDivide,
- i2c: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2c,
- i2cPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2cPins,
- i2cSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2cSpeed,
- builtinLed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.builtinLed,
- interrupt: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.interrupt
- };
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.nano_168 =
- Blockly.Python.Boards.duplicateBoardProfile(
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.nano_328,
- 'Arduino Nano 168',
- 'Arduino Nano with ATmega168 compatible board',
- 'arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega168');
- /** Arduino Duemilanove boards profile (ATmega168p, ATmega328p). */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.duemilanove_168p = {
- name: 'Arduino Nano 168p',
- description: 'Arduino Duemilanove with ATmega168p compatible board',
- compilerFlag: 'arduino:avr:diecimila:cpu=atmega168',
- analogPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.analogPins,
- digitalPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.digitalPins,
- pwmPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.pwmPins,
- serial: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serial,
- serialPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialPins,
- serialSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialSpeed,
- spi: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spi,
- spiPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiPins,
- spiClockDivide: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiClockDivide,
- i2c: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2c,
- i2cPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2cPins,
- i2cSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2cSpeed,
- builtinLed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.builtinLed,
- interrupt: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.interrupt
- };
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.duemilanove_328p =
- Blockly.Python.Boards.duplicateBoardProfile(
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.duemilanove_168p,
- 'Arduino Duemilanove 328p',
- 'Arduino Duemilanove with ATmega328p compatible board',
- 'arduino:avr:diecimila');
- /** Arduino Mega board profile. */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.mega = {
- name: 'Arduino Mega',
- description: 'Arduino Mega-compatible board',
- compilerFlag: 'arduino:avr:mega',
- analogPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.generateAnalogIo(0, 15),
- //TODO: Check if the Mega can use analogue pins as digital, it would be
- // logical but it is not clear on the arduino.cc website
- digitalPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.generateDigitalIo(0, 53),
- pwmPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.generateDigitalIo(2, 13).concat(
- Blockly.Python.Boards.generateDigitalIo(44, 46)),
- serial: [
- ['serial', 'Serial'],
- ['serial_1', 'Serial1'],
- ['serial_2', 'Serial2'],
- ['serial_3', 'Serial3']
- ],
- serialPins: {
- Serial: [
- ['TX', '0'],
- ['RX', '1']
- ],
- Serial1: [
- ['TX', '18'],
- ['TX', '19']
- ],
- Serial2: [
- ['TX', '16'],
- ['TX', '17']
- ],
- Serial3: [
- ['TX', '14'],
- ['TX', '15']
- ]
- },
- serialSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialSpeed,
- spi: [
- ['SPI', 'SPI']
- ],
- spiPins: {
- SPI: [
- ['MOSI', '51'],
- ['MISO', '50'],
- ['SCK', '52']
- ]
- },
- //TODO: confirm the clock divides are the same for the DUE and UNO
- spiClockDivide: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiClockDivide,
- i2c: [
- ['I2C', 'Wire']
- ],
- i2cPins: {
- Wire: [
- ['SDA', '20'],
- ['SCL', '21']
- ]
- },
- i2cSpeed: [
- ['100kHz', '100000L'],
- ['400kHz', '400000L']
- ],
- builtinLed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.builtinLed,
- interrupt: [
- ['interrupt0', '2'],
- ['interrupt1', '3'],
- ['interrupt2', '21'],
- ['interrupt3', '20'],
- ['interrupt4', '19'],
- ['interrupt5', '18']
- ]
- };
- /** Arduino Leonardo board profile. */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.leonardo = {
- name: 'Arduino Leonardo',
- description: 'Arduino Leonardo-compatible board',
- compilerFlag: 'arduino:avr:leonardo',
- analogPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.generateAnalogIo(0, 7),
- digitalPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.generateDigitalIo(0, 13),
- pwmPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.pwmPins,
- serial: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serial,
- serialPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialPins,
- serialSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialSpeed,
- spi: [
- ['SPI', 'SPI']
- ],
- spiPins: {
- SPI: [
- ['MOSI', 'ICSP-4'],
- ['MISO', 'ICSP-1'],
- ['SCK', 'ICSP-3']
- ]
- },
- //TODO: confirm the clock divides are the same for the Leonardo and UNO
- spiClockDivide: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiClockDivide,
- i2c: [
- ['I2C', 'Wire']
- ],
- i2cPins: {
- Wire: [
- ['SDA', '2'],
- ['SCL', '3']
- ]
- },
- i2cSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2cSpeed,
- builtinLed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.builtinLed,
- interrupt: [
- ['interrupt0', '3'],
- ['interrupt1', '2'],
- ['interrupt2', '0'],
- ['interrupt3', '1'],
- ['interrupt4', '17']
- ]
- };
- /** Arduino Yun board processor and profile is identical to Leonardo. */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.yun =
- Blockly.Python.Boards.duplicateBoardProfile(
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.leonardo,
- 'Arduino Yun',
- 'Arduino Yun compatible board');
- /** Atmel Xplained mini boards profile (atmega328p, atmega328pb, atmega168pb).*/
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.atmel_atmega328p_xplained_mini = {
- name: 'Atmel atmega328p Xplained mini',
- description: 'Atmel Xplained mini board with atmega328p (Uno compatible)',
- compilerFlag: 'atmel:avr:atmega328p_xplained_mini',
- analogPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.analogPins,
- digitalPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.digitalPins.concat(
- [
- ['20', '20']
- ]),
- pwmPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.pwmPins,
- serial: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serial,
- serialPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialPins,
- serialSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialSpeed,
- spi: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spi,
- spiPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiPins,
- spiClockDivide: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiClockDivide,
- i2c: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2c,
- i2cPins: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2cPins,
- i2cSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2cSpeed,
- builtinLed: [
- ['BUILTIN_LED', '13']
- ],
- interrupt: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.interrupt,
- builtinButton: [
- ['BUILTIN_BUTTON', '20']
- ]
- };
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.atmel_atmega328pb_xplained_mini =
- Blockly.Python.Boards.duplicateBoardProfile(
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.atmel_atmega328p_xplained_mini,
- 'Atmel atmega328pb Xplained mini',
- 'Atmel Xplained mini board with atmega328pb (Arduino Uno compatible)',
- 'atmel:avr:atmega328pb_xplained_mini');
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.atmel_atmega168pb_xplained_mini =
- Blockly.Python.Boards.duplicateBoardProfile(
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.atmel_atmega328p_xplained_mini,
- 'Atmel atmega168pb Xplained mini',
- 'Atmel Xplained mini board with atmega168pb (Arduino Uno compatible)',
- 'atmel:avr:atmega168pb_xplained_mini');
- /** ESP8266 for the Adafruit Huzzah. */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.esp8266_huzzah = {
- name: 'Adafruit Feather HUZZAH',
- description: 'Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 compatible board',
- compilerFlag: 'esp8266:esp8266:generic',
- analogPins: [
- ['A0', 'A0']
- ],
- digitalPins: [
- ['0', '0'],
- ['2', '2'],
- ['4', '4'],
- ['5', '5'],
- ['12', '12'],
- ['13', '13'],
- ['14', '14'],
- ['15', '15'],
- ['16', '16']
- ],
- pwmPins: [
- ['2', '2']
- ],
- serial: [
- ['serial', 'Serial']
- ],
- serialPins: {
- Serial: [
- ['RX', 'RX'],
- ['TX', 'TX']
- ]
- },
- serialSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serial,
- spi: [
- ['SPI', 'SPI']
- ],
- spiPins: {
- SPI: [
- ['MOSI', '13'],
- ['MISO', '12'],
- ['SCK', '14']
- ]
- },
- spiClockDivide: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiClockDivide,
- i2c: [
- ['I2C', 'Wire']
- ],
- i2cPins: {
- Wire: [
- ['SDA', '4'],
- ['SCL', '5']
- ]
- },
- i2cSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2cSpeed,
- builtinLed: [
- ['BUILTIN_1', '0']
- ],
- interrupt: [
- ['interrupt0', '2'],
- ['interrupt1', '3']
- ]
- };
- /** ESP8266 for the Wemos D1 R2. */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.esp8266_wemos_d1 = {
- name: 'Wemos D1',
- description: 'Wemos D1 R2 compatible board',
- compilerFlag: 'esp8266:esp8266:generic',
- analogPins: [
- ['A0', 'A0']
- ],
- digitalPins: [
- ['D0', 'D0'],
- ['D1', 'D1'],
- ['D2', 'D2'],
- ['D3', 'D3'],
- ['D4', 'D4'],
- ['D5', 'D5'],
- ['D6', 'D7'],
- ['D8', 'D8']
- ],
- pwmPins: [
- ['D1', 'D1'],
- ['D2', 'D2'],
- ['D3', 'D3'],
- ['D4', 'D4'],
- ['D5', 'D5'],
- ['D6', 'D7'],
- ['D8', 'D8']
- ],
- serial: [
- ['serial', 'Serial']
- ],
- serialPins: {
- Serial: [
- ['RX', 'RX'],
- ['TX', 'TX']
- ]
- },
- serialSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.serialSpeed,
- spi: [
- ['SPI', 'SPI']
- ],
- spiPins: {
- SPI: [
- ['MOSI', 'D7'],
- ['MISO', 'D6'],
- ['SCK', 'D5']
- ]
- },
- spiClockDivide: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.spiClockDivide,
- i2c: [
- ['I2C', 'Wire']
- ],
- i2cPins: {
- Wire: [
- ['SDA', 'D2'],
- ['SCL', 'D1']
- ]
- },
- i2cSpeed: Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.uno.i2cSpeed,
- builtinLed: [
- ['BUILTIN_1', 'D4']
- ],
- interrupt: [
- ['D0', 'D0'],
- ['D1', 'D1'],
- ['D2', 'D2'],
- ['D3', 'D3'],
- ['D4', 'D4'],
- ['D5', 'D5'],
- ['D6', 'D7'],
- ['D8', 'D8']
- ]
- };
- /** Set default profile to Arduino standard-compatible board */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.selected = Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles.leonardo;
- /**
- * Changes the Arduino board profile selected, which trigger a refresh of the
- * blocks that use the profile.
- * @param {Blockly.Workspace} workspace Workspace to trigger the board change.
- * @param {string} newBoard Name of the new profile to set.
- */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.changeBoard = function(workspace, newBoard) {
- if (Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles[newBoard] === undefined) {
- console.log('Tried to set non-existing Arduino board: ' + newBoard);
- return;
- }
- Blockly.Python.Boards.selected = Blockly.Python.Boards.profiles[newBoard];
- // Update the pin out of all the blocks that uses them
- var blocks = workspace.getAllBlocks();
- for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
- var updateFields = blocks[i].updateFields;
- if (updateFields) {
- updateFields.call(blocks[i]);
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Refreshes the contents of a block Field Dropdown.
- * This is use to refresh the blocks after the board profile has been changed.
- * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Generated code.
- * @param {!string} fieldName Name of the block FieldDropdown to refresh.
- * @param {!string} boardKey Name of the board profile property to fetch.
- */
- Blockly.Python.Boards.refreshBlockFieldDropdown =
- function(block, fieldName, boardKey) {
- var field = block.getField(fieldName);
- var fieldValue = field.getValue();
- var dataArray = Blockly.Python.Boards.selected[boardKey];
- field.menuGenerator_ = dataArray;
- var currentValuePresent = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {
- if (fieldValue == dataArray[i][1]) {
- currentValuePresent = true;
- }
- }
- // If the old value is not present any more, add a warning to the block.
- if (!currentValuePresent) {
- block.setWarningText(
- 'The old pin value ' + fieldValue + ' is no longer available.', 'bPin');
- } else {
- block.setWarningText(null, 'bPin');
- }
- };